“How did the drama in the personal life of one of the soloists affect his creative activity. Plazma: Russian romantics sing in English Alena Vodonaeva and Maxim Bedlenny

Most often in music groups there is a clear leader who represents the team in meetings and interviews. And there are those who prefer to remain behind the scenes. The second category, of course, includes Maxim Postelny, a modest musician, keyboardist, arranger and backing vocalist. The group had a bright highlight - they dared to sing on English for the Russian-speaking audience, and at a time when it was a novelty.


In 1972, a potential musician, Maxim Postelny, was born in the city of Volgograd. The beginnings of talent in the boy were immediately visible. He was enrolled early music school in piano class. After school, Maxim Postelny entered the School of Arts. Already during his studies, he was a keyboard player under the leadership of Andrei Tryasuchev, who was the author of the material. At that time, the band broke up, but cooperation with Tryasuchev opened up new prospects for the young keyboard player. At the age of 16, Maxim Postelny met Roman Chernitsyn, with whom he founded the group "Plasma" and recorded his first hit tune - Take My Love. The mastery of the arrangement was demonstrated, and then all the melodies to Chernitsyn’s texts were composed exclusively by Maxim. The members of the group immediately decided that all songs in the group’s repertoire would be only in English. According to the musicians themselves, this fact is evidence that they are fans of Western progressive music. In addition, the guys wanted to demonstrate the ability of Russians to make high-quality music.


Maxim Postelny turned out to be a creative person. His biography is very interesting, and its bright moments only confirm this opinion. For example, at the end of 2001, members of the group shot a video with the participation of cats of the breed. After the cute clips, stories followed with the plot of a real action movie, and with the participation of Dmitry Malikov, who, to put it mildly, is difficult to fit into such a genre. The group's second album - "607" - became more serious and demonstrated the growth of the guys. The album is distinguished by its lyricism, and the songs on it seem to be a serious step forward. Since 2003, the geography of the band's tours has expanded - the group visited Vietnam, Finland, France and the Baltic states. The clips became more philosophical. In the center there were now stories about salvation, life, choice. Western DJs showed interest in the tracks. In 2007 appeared joint track with Alena Vodonaeva - "Paper Sky". In 2009 there appeared quite real chance the group "Plasma" to go to the Eurovision Song Contest, but in last moment luck ran out.

Among other things

In parallel with the development of the group, Maxim Postelny felt growth. He starred in the short film “Cognac” by Alexander Gritsenko, where he played almost himself, that is, a successful, handsome and rather romantic guy. In 2010, together with Roman Chernitsyn, Maxim took part in the “Rich and Famous” program, where the guys talked about recording a new album and plans for the future. A year later, Maxim starred as a guitarist in Dominic Joker's video. Bed is a very versatile guy. He loves Western music, is interested in ceramics and martial arts, and thanks to the latter hobby he maintains excellent athletic shape. IN free time prefers to go to the climbing wall. Maxim sincerely loves his native Volgograd, admires Suzdal, and seeks inspiration in the beauties of London.

From personal experience

What can you find out about mysterious person, which, without a doubt, is Maxim Postelny? His personal life does not grace the front pages of the tabloids, although the guy actively uses the Internet, has many friends and has even been seen in some provocative relationships. Maxim himself admits that he is interested in smart girls, but at the same time he is not against holiday romances, and notes that a vacation without a couple of romances is wasted. Mentions of Maxim Postelny’s connection with Alena Vodonaeva often appear online. Maxim sincerely assures everyone of his friendly feelings, mentioning that Vodonaeva herself is in a relationship with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Maxim’s former relationship with Alena began in a work environment. WITH light hand boyfriend Vodonaeva became a member of the Plazma group. The girl admitted more than once that Bestelny was a real gentleman and that she was truly happy with him. Are such perfect relationships a thing of the past? Time will tell.

When you have a moment to rest

Incredible workaholic interesting character- this is exactly how Maxim Postelny positions himself. His height, weight, and even his train of thought have changed over the years, but his main goal has remained the same. Max always wanted to be close to music. It is his drug and his greatest pleasure. Bed's lifestyle is close to completely healthy; He is actively involved in sports, which is why he has gained a little weight in his muscles. Now he is credited with about 80 kg of weight and 177 cm of height. Max fell in love classic style, but with some concessions. He wears suits with original ties and does not consider himself a clothes maker. He is not enthusiastic about vegetarianism, but tries to eat a balanced diet. In his free time, Maxim communicates with friends, among whom he confidently includes his bandmate Chernitsyna.

What's next?

"Plasma" remains on the horse, and one of the reasons is following its star. Maxim Postelny writes excellent music, and the guys recently released new clip Tame Your Ghosts and promise it's coming soon new album. In Bedelny’s personal life, everything is quiet and changing. I have a daughter. He got divorced more than ten years ago and since then has been in no hurry to go to the registry office again. Now he is a successful young man, ready for promising relationships and fruitful work.

The Plazma group is unique in the domestic show business. Its participants dared to sing in English for a Russian-speaking audience and at the same time gained all-Russian fame. The group's first two albums sold more than a million copies, and their songs regularly topped the charts. Since the release of her debut album in 2000, “Plasma” has won almost all possible national music awards and was even awarded a prize for greatest number radio broadcasts. The Cleo correspondent discussed the news with group members Maxim Postelny and Roman Chernitsyn about their work and personal life.

We haven’t heard anything about the Plazma group for a long time, and even your official website has not been updated since spring. What is this connected with?

Blitz survey “Cleo”

Are you friends with the Internet?
Maxim: I have not been friends for long, but quite actively. For example, I am a big supporter of the so-called “ social networks».
Novel: I'm friends.

Do you have a talisman?
Maxim: There is, and more than one, but I don’t like to say which ones.
Novel: No.

Did you have a nickname as a child?
Maxim: Yes, Chekist. I received it because at school I could easily solve the “ciphers” of secret notes that my classmates passed on in class.
Novel: By and large, there was no nickname.

What turns you on?
Maxim: Women. Especially smart women.
Novel: Love, creativity. Child.

Maxim Postelny: Well, our official website is a separate issue; it’s just undergoing a protracted rework. Well, as it happens: they paid people, but they only promise “Now, now, we’ll do everything...” - and do nothing. So the site will soon be new, active... And in fact, we have a lot of events going on. Due to the fact that we travel a lot, we rarely visit Moscow. And in order to “shine”, you need to be here, in the capital, so that you are constantly shown, invited to filming, interviews. And if you go to the studio to work, then you wear what is comfortable for you. And if you are going to some kind of party after this, then you need to go home and dress “secularly”. Oh come on.

Novel: Now we have a couple of days break, and we can get to some filming. If we regularly get up at eight in the morning, of course... But in general, we travel a lot, and we simply don’t have time to shine on the screen.

It's clear. In that case, tell us about the Plazma news.

Maxim: We're working! We are writing songs, planning to shoot videos. We have new project Telegram, which consists of all the members of Plazma plus two people - a bassist and a drummer. And even the Plazma songs that we perform in this project sound completely different.

Maxim: I go to a resort in Volgograd. And if you go to Volgograd and don’t start a romance, or even two, or even three, it means losing your trip.

Novel: As for me, I didn’t start it.

Maxim: Well, Roman leads a family lifestyle with us.

By the way, Roman, how is your relationship with Diana Younis developing?

Novel: They are developing well. By the way, she and I met in this cafe (“De Marco” - author’s note), where we are sitting now. Diana was then the lead singer of the VIP group, and it so happened that with this group we had a common PR director, and she very often pulled me and Diana to all sorts of social events. That's how we got along with her.

Do you live together?

Novel: Yes.

Are you thinking about having a child together?

Novel: They arise, but we are not making any concrete plans yet.

How often do you see your son Artem? Do you consider yourself a good father?

Novel: As often as possible. Just half an hour ago I broke up with him. I try to take part in his upbringing as much as I can, and in this sense there are no obstacles or problems. As for whether I am a good father, I would like to refuse to comment here. I believe that a child should ideally live with two parents, including his father. I don’t have the opportunity to be with him as long as I would like, so there will certainly be some gaps in my father’s upbringing, as well as in my mother’s. The child lives here and there...

Maxim Postelny, what’s going on on your personal front? I remember that there were many reports in the press about your affair with Alena Vodonaeva, what is your relationship now?

Maxim: I loved, love and will love Alena, unconditionally. Well, what kind of relationship can we have after she got married... Friendly. Like with a person who got married.

Do you have any permanent relationships?

Maxim: Eat. Some. And all are permanent. Place a remark somewhere that says “he’s joking,” otherwise not all of my regular relationships know about each other, and I might get “cuffed in the horns.” (Laughs).

Maxim, once in an interview you said that the institution of marriage has long outlived its usefulness. So you're not going to get married again? Never, never?

Maxim: So let's say this can happen only if everything happens very quickly and I lose control of the situation. Like: we met today, and tomorrow we’ll go to the registry office. If I have time to think for at least two days, then never!

How do you take care of yourself? Do you go, say, to fitness?

Maxim Postelny: I believe that sex can keep anyone in great shape. Many hours. This requires much more effort and energy than any exercise machine. For example, I haven’t been going to fitness for six months now...

Novel: I want to state that I strongly condemn this position. Otherwise it will turn out that he is carrying all this, and I kind of agree. It is clear that a sane person cannot take this seriously.

Maxim: And now the remark is more traditional, because what I said before is unlikely to work in an interview. You need to lose weight not in the gym, but at the table. People, learn to eat properly. Avoid mayonnaise, ketchup, Coca-Cola, all fast food...

Has your group been affected by the economic crisis?

Maxim: No, I didn't touch it. The work schedule just changed a little: we started performing less at corporate events, and we perform more in clubs. The type of activity has just changed a little.

Novel: For example, this makes me happy. Because people come to clubs who came to listen to us, unlike corporate events, where someone ordered us, and everyone else is forced to endure. These changes are nice. In addition, we are pleased with the number of people who come to listen to us.

Who in your group writes the lyrics and who writes the music? Or is it collective creativity?

Maxim: The lyrics are written by Roman, and the music is a collective creation. True, I am more involved in producing in the future - mixing and so on. Although we also do this together.

Not long ago there were reports in the press that when you were in Kyiv, you sang a duet with Andrei Yushchenko, the son of the Ukrainian president, and in general became very good friends. Tell us about it.

Maxim Postelny: Yeah, I read that crazy article too. In fact, we were just sitting in the same club where there was karaoke. There Roman performed his songs, and Andrey performed his. There is something duet in this, of course, but we didn’t sing together. And then, leaving the club, we said goodbye to him. This can probably be considered “making friends.”

Novel: By the way, congratulations to him on his marriage to a beautiful girl who will certainly be a kind, good wife to him.

Members of the Plazma group Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny had a terrible accident on the highway in the Ostrogozhsky district Voronezh region. The musicians were heading to the city of Alekseevka on tour, but on the way, a snowstorm began on the highway. In conditions of poor visibility, another car flew towards the artists’ car at a turn, which is why the singers abruptly turned to the side of the road and flew off into a deep ditch. Postelny’s car, a Toyota Land Cruiser 100, cannot be restored after falling from a two-meter height, but the group members escaped with minor bruises.

We were on our way to a concert in the city of Alekseevka when we got into this accident,” Maxim Postelny told Life. “We didn’t receive any injuries because we were wearing seat belts; if it hadn’t been for this, everything would have ended much worse.” However, the car was badly damaged.

The musicians had to hitch a ride to their destination and leave the car at the scene of the accident. Postelny and Chernitsyn were able to evacuate the car only after returning back to Moscow.

Facts: The PLAZMA group is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Maxim Postelny (backing vocals, keys, music, arrangements). The style the band plays varies from soft

The PLAZMA group is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Maxim Postelny (backing vocals, keys, music, arrangements). The band's style ranges from soft synth-pop to full-on pop-rock, but for the most part it's melodic dance music for incorrigible romantics. PLAZMA is the first Russian pop group that dared to sing in English for a Russian-speaking audience and won the recognition and love of listeners throughout the country. The group's first 2 albums sold more than 1 million copies, and the songs regularly occupied the top lines of various charts. Since the release of her debut album in 2000, PLAZMA has won almost all possible national music awards and was awarded the Popov Prize for the largest number of radio broadcasts.

Roman and Maxim were born and raised in the hero city of Volgograd, where they created the duet Slow Motion right after school, which over the years of its existence received the status of the most popular group cities. Even then, the guys decided that all songs would be performed exclusively in English, and this is their principled position. Firstly, Roma and Max are big fans of progressive Western music, the lion's share of which is performed in English. Secondly, they believe that Russian-language music is virtually unknown abroad, leaving Western listeners with the impression that there are no bands making quality music in Russia.

Pretty soon it became clear that the group's potential was not limited to walls hometown. Moscow record companies began to show interest in Slow Motion, and in 1999 Roman and Maxim moved to the Mother See and signed a contract with Dmitry Malikov, who became the group’s producer for the next 5 years. First of all, it was decided to abandon the old name, which translates as “Slow Movement”. The new name had to be bright, memorable and sound the same in all languages. This is how the PLAZMA group appeared.

The group’s first single “Take My Love” (for which the first video clip was soon shot) quickly burst into all the radio charts. This song was written by Roman and Max right after school and managed to become a hit in their native Volgograd. Later, at Malikov’s studio, it was re-recorded, acquired a brighter arrangement and received its final form, to which the whole country danced in 2000.

In May 2004, the hearts of many PLAZMA fans were broken - Roman Chernitsyn proposed to the winner of “Star Factory - 4” Irina Dubtsova. The newlyweds' feelings were confirmed by the addition to their family. The son of Roman and Ira was born on March 3, 2006. The boy was named Artem - in honor of Roman's brother. But, after almost 4 years family life, the marriage of Irina and Roman broke up. Their separation is still widely discussed. Meanwhile, the PLAZMA group continues to exist.

What are the members of the PLAZMA group working on now? How did the drama in the personal life of one of the soloists affect his creative activity? How is their collaboration going? former member reality show “Dom-2” by Alena Vodonaeva?

Roman and Maxim, members of the PLAZMA group, answered these and other questions in live KM TV September 4.

Published: May 14, 2012

Maxim Postelny: “Eight people can sleep in my bed”

Exclusive photo report by KM.RU special correspondent Kiril Zykov

"Plasma" is the first Russian pop group that decided to perform its songs exclusively in English. The success turned out to be simply phenomenal; the group’s first album already sold more than 1 million copies. Today the backing vocalist of this group, Max, decided to invite us to his place.

Max: Hello! Come in. Welcome to visit.

Max invited us to his recently purchased apartment, which he only started renovating three weeks ago. The singer warned our film crew in advance that he had nothing to show except bare walls. But that didn't stop us.

Max: Let's go to the back room, let's start from the back room because I like to start from the tail.

Max began his tour of the apartment from the place where new musical creations are born.

Max: In this room we will have a rehearsal space, there are drums somewhere in the corner. Roman will probably sit here, I will sit here, the bass player will be here, the guitarist will be here. In general, we will all rehearse here.

I would like to note that this studio is very well located. Max need not be afraid that his neighbors will complain to the police about him, demanding that he stop rehearsing.

Max: There are no neighbors below, there are always no neighbors above, there is a wall, and there is a hall. Therefore, we can play as much as we want, for as long as we want and as noisily as we like.

By the way, the ideological inspirer of this renovation is the lead singer of the group Roman. He literally gushes with ideas. The rest of the group helps make his dreams come true. Plazma guitarist Nikolai is especially fascinated by this process.

Max: He has so fully embraced the role of the person who (I’ll show you later) brings everything here to life, all of Roman’s wildest plans, and it turns out absolutely amazing.

The guys are trying so actively not only out of friendly motives, there are other reasons for this.

Max: We will all live here together as soon as we repair it.

From the studio we smoothly moved to the bedroom, in which Max plans to install an incredible size bed.

Max: It will be here dormitory, the bed will stand. She will be somewhere around here, we measure about 190 in height, and that’s all, right down to the battery. We’ll make some kind of trestle bed, and I think 8 people in stacks will fit here.

The owner plans to hang a large plasma TV on the opposite wall.

Max: Naturally, we’ll hang a plasma here, that is, we’ll hang a plasma panel, it will be large. From now to now, 1m 80cm wide plasma panel. We’ll hang speakers here, some kind of VCR will stand here, I have a wonderful rare VCR, a whole collection, I love collecting them. I will arrange them all here in a row, and before going to bed we will compare which one shows better. So we had a great time in the 90s.

Now the main discussion in the group is the color of the walls. The musicians can't decide which color scheme suits them best, but it seems they are already close to a compromise.

Max: And since we argue all the time about color, I suggested to everyone that the number of people in our team is approximately equal to the number of walls in the rooms. Well, a little more, we will give Roman two walls, let him paint them in his favorite color. I’m for red, just like Ferrari, radically red, Roman, naturally, will have something blue, we have people who want to paint it black. I won’t give the ceiling, the ceiling will be white.

Despite the fact that the guys have not yet decided on the color of the walls, Max already knows exactly what kind of border tape they will glue.

Max: I’ll go to Volgograd, bring my favorite collection of match labels, and, I think, a row or two will go like this.

It is quite possible that soon the answer to the old Russian riddle “without windows, without doors, a room full of people” will not be a cucumber, but Max’s bedroom. At least the idea of ​​making a windowless bedroom is now in Roman's mind.

Max: Roman is a very bright person, but he suggests covering up the windows, just putting plasterboard on them so that there are no windows, because he really loves darkness.

If Max still manages to defend the windows, then he will not hang blinds or curtains on them.

Max: As for me, I would leave it like that, I wouldn’t even rip off these stickers, I love it extremely.

By the way, Max inherited good parquet from his previous owners, which only needs a little restoration.

Max: Roman called these masters, I showed them everything here. They said that this is a wonderful parquet, despite the fact that it is 40 years old. In general, the master’s work is feared, we believed them.

This is also where Max plans to place a lot of household appliances.

Max: This will be the kitchen. Since it is very strangely shaped, we will not live here like we live in large kitchens. No, we will arrange everything we have here, everyone will install an electric stove, everyone will install a small refrigerator. I’m lying, of course, there will be one big one and, of course, there will be one stove, and here we will cook, the girls will cook something, and we will consume it. Naturally, we will not consume here.

The process of eating food will take place in a room that will combine a dining room and a cinema, in which everything will be done in the spirit of minimalism.

Max: There will be a TV here, I have a wonderful TV, I’ll bring it from home. Here we’ll put a sofa, in the corners there will be speakers, and here the entire wall will be occupied by a film library, cabinets, shelves will just be lying on the floor, I think, because I probably already have about 1000 DVDs and about 500 cassettes.

At the end of the tour of the apartment, Max admitted that he was going to live here alone, and not set up a commune, but at the same time the doors of his house would always be open to friends.

Max: In principle, I will live here for the most part, and everyone who is in some kind of crisis will come here and live too. Thank you very much for coming, goodbye.

Roza   January 10, 2013

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