Mysterious person. The most mysterious people of the twentieth century

Russian history is rich mysterious personalities. Their life gave rise to rumors; popular rumor supplemented the images with unique features. After death, their names became surrounded by new myths and legends, eliminating any hope of a solution.

False Dmitry I (?-1606)

The prerequisites for the appearance of False Dmitry I in Russia are associated with mysterious death under unclear circumstances, the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry. The impostor, who pretended to be the heir who miraculously escaped death, chose a good time: taking advantage of the unrest in the country, False Dmitry took possession of the Moscow throne for almost a year.

The most popular version of the origin of False Dmitry I, which is still supported by many historians, was put forward by the government of Boris Godunov. In correspondence with the Polish king Sigismund, Godunov identified the impostor with the fugitive monk of the Chudov Monastery, Grigory Otrepyev.

However, historian Nikolai Kostomarov suggested that False Dmitry could have come from Western Rus', being the son of a nobleman or boyar. Some researchers put forward the version that the impostor’s courage can be explained by a sincere belief in his royal origin. He turned out to be a blind tool in the hands of the boyars, who, having overthrown Godunov, destroyed him.

Jacob Bruce (1669-1735)

One of the associates of Peter I, a native of a noble Scottish family, Jacob Bruce, was a very extraordinary person. A statesman, diplomat, military man, scientist and engineer - he left behind a bright mark. But he also gained a reputation as a warlock, “the sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower” and the first Russian Freemason.

The creation of the magical image of Jacob Bruce was greatly facilitated by the Russian romantic literature. Candidate philological sciences Irina Gracheva writes that “judging by some data, Yakov Vilimovich had a skeptical rather than a mystical mindset.”

Contemporaries noted that Bruce did not believe in anything supernatural. When Tsar Peter showed the relics of the holy saints to the Scotsman, he “attributed this to the climate, to the properties of the land in which they were previously buried, to the embalming of bodies and to abstinent life.”
Yakov Bruce should go down in the history of Russia primarily as a talented military engineer who was involved in improving artillery guns and a scientist who contributed to the development of Russian science.

Monk Abel (1757-1841)

No official documents about the life of monk Abel (in the world of Vasily Vasiliev) have survived. The only exception is the case of the Ministry of Justice Russian Empire 1796, in which a monk was accused of distributing a book of his prophecies.

Historians do not question the identity of Abel, but the authenticity of the prophecies attributed to him is not recognized by most of them. In particular, the Orthodox interpreter Nikolai Kaverin notes that many of Abel’s predictions were constantly updated, and this indicates the formation of the “heresy of Tsardom”, the main sin of which is the equation of Nicholas II and Christ.

Abel's prophecies, in the form in which they exist now, predict destinies with amazing accuracy Russian emperors from Paul I to Nicholas II. In addition, the prophecies predict the end of the monarchy in Russia, the civil war and two world wars, the appearance of aircraft and underwater vehicles, as well as the use of asphyxiating gases.

Princess Tarakanova (1745?-1775)

Princess Tarakanova is one of the most famous adventurers in Europe. According to Vice-Chancellor Alexander Golitsyn, “her resourceful soul is capable of great lies and deception.” She changed lovers, names, places of residence like gloves, each time inventing new story of its origin.

The princess claimed the Russian throne under the name of Elizaveta Vladimirskaya, posing as the daughter of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna and Alexei Razumovsky.

According to historians, the decision to impersonate a grand ducal person is largely connected with the sensational story in Europe of the impostor of Emelyan Pugachev.

Princess Tarakanova refused to recognize herself as an “ordinary woman” until the very end. According to one version, the impostor died of tuberculosis in the Peter and Paul Fortress, according to another, she died there during the flood of 1777.

Count Palen (1745-1826)

Count Peter Palen entered Russian history primarily not as an excellent officer who advanced highly in military service, but as a cunning diplomat and intriguer who played main role in the overthrow of Paul I.

For some, he is a hero who saved the Fatherland from a tyrant tsar, for others he is Judas, who betrayed the sovereign who trusted him infinitely. But for most historians, Palen is nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the Russian nobility, who wanted to quickly get rid of the unpopular courtier.

Some researchers are convinced that Masonic roots should be sought in the conspiracy against the Tsar, organized by Palen. However, in Lately In the motives of Palen’s actions, they increasingly see an “English trace”: perhaps this is how British diplomacy, through the count, took revenge on Paul for his alliance with Napoleon and for colonial interests in India.

Alexander I (1777-1825)

The Emperorship of Alexander I can be called one of the most mysterious in history. national history: he scandalously ascended to the Russian throne and mysteriously left it. Publicly declaring his reluctance to reign, Alexander I was the Russian autocrat for a quarter of a century.

In 1825, when the health of the wife of Alexander I worsened, the imperial couple left for the south. After visiting Crimea, the tsar himself fell ill, which led to his sudden death. That's what the official version says.

But there are also legends, one of which says that the emperor did not die, but faked his death in order to retire from worldly affairs. According to the most common version, he went to Siberia, where, under the name of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich, he spent the rest of his days.

Of course, this version has no documentary evidence. A story appeared in the Russian emigrant press that after the autopsy empty coffin Alexander I, in the presence of Alexander II, placed the body of a long-bearded old man there. However, the mystery of the victorious tsar could be clarified by genetic examination, which specialists from the Russian Forensic Science Center do not exclude.

Grigory Rasputin (1869-1916)

The personality of Grigory Rasputin is shrouded in so many myths and legends that it is not easy to discern the real one in him. historical character. In revolutionary and Soviet propaganda, the image of the “old man” was so demonized that it acquired caricature features.
Many of the accusations brought against Rasputin - of sectarianism, debauchery, behind-the-scenes influence on politics - were never brought to completion due to the fact that they did not receive proper confirmation. For example, the alleged closeness of Rasputin to royal family was refuted by many courtiers.

In the 1990s, the time came for another extreme. Religious veneration of Grigory Rasputin gave rise to the idea of ​​canonizing the “elder” as a holy martyr. Such an initiative was categorically rejected by Alexy II, drawing attention to the “dubious morality” of Rasputin, who cast a shadow on the August Family.

Incredible facts

They came without a name, left unforgettable mark in world history and left.

Below we propose to study a list of 10 people, which amazed those around them and ultimately disappeared to no one knows where.

Their identities were never identified, which made them the most mysterious people on Earth.

Mysterious terrorist

November 24 1971 the man who was called Dan Cooper, hijacked a Boeing 727 plane, threatening him with a bomb that was allegedly in his briefcase. The mysterious man demanded $200,000 and four parachutes. His demands were fulfilled.

In the middle of the night he jumped out from an airplane with a parachute. It's never again not found and never again did not see. Its origin and further fate after 43 years remains a mystery. And the name Dan Cooper was given to him by mistake in the media.

Mysterious woman

IN 1963 on the day of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, unknown woman was present when the escort of the US leader passed. According to witnesses, and also given the filmed footage of the mysterious woman in a headscarf, she filmed the murder on her camera.

After the shooting, the woman merged with the crowd and disappeared. No one ever found out the identity of this lady. She also did not respond to public requests from the FBI to respond.

In all photographs and filming, the woman either turned away from the cameras or covered her face with her camera. Who it was, and why she never came forward remains a mystery. big question.

Mysterious Passenger

IN 1954 A mysterious passenger has arrived at Tokyo International Airport. His passport was quite ordinary, but only the country from which he came was indicated as Taurus(Taurus). When a security officer asked him to point out his country on a map, he pointed to Andorra.

He claimed that he Mother country it is called Taurus, and the state has existed for 1,000 years, but he had never heard of Andorra before. Airport employees, in turn, have never heard of mysterious country Taurus.

His passport driver license and checkbooks confirmed passenger's words.

Then strange man They sent him to a hotel nearby, leaving two representatives of the migration service to keep an eye on him. The next morning this man disappeared mysteriously without a trace, and no one saw him again.

Jack the Ripper

IN 1888 five women people of easy virtue were brutally murdered by a serial killer. The criminal first cut the throats of the victims, and then cut the abdominal cavity and took out internal organs unfortunate victims.

From the way the victims were killed, it can be assumed that the killer had anatomical or surgical knowledge.

During the investigation, the police and the media received numerous letters, supposedly from the murderer himself, named Jack the Ripper. But who is he and why were those women targeted? These questions have never been answered.

Green children

IN 12th century two children - a brother and a sister - suddenly appeared in the village Wulpt, Suffolk County. They had an unusual green skin. The children spoke unknown language and ate nothing but beans. After a while, they began to understand English language, and also began to eat other foods. Green color their skin has also faded over time.

The boy was weak, fell ill and died. And the girl claimed that they came from a place called Land of Saint Martin which was supposedly underground. They had never seen the Sun, and everything was green. No one could explain their origin. This case still remains an unsolved mystery.

The story of the foundling

26 of May 1828 unusual boy appeared on the street in Nuremberg. He carried a letter addressed to the captain of the 4th company of the 6th cavalry regiment. The boy said his name was Kaspar and he grew up in a dark little isolated chamber.

The boy didn't know much about his past, except that his father was a cavalry soldier. The boy ate only black bread and drank only water. He was very surprised by all the shiny objects, as if he had never seen them. There are several theories about the real identity of Kaspar Hauser, but no one has ever known the truth.

Woman spy

Nickname "agent 355" received by a female spy who lived during the reign of George Washington and such events as the American Revolution. She was intelligent agent. The spy was arrested by the British and imprisoned on a ship, where she later died. Her real identity was never identified.

Iron mask

The man who was nicknamed "Iron Mask" was arrested and imprisoned in 1669. He was subsequently held in a number of prisons for almost 34 years old. Nobody didn't see his face because it was always hidden by a cloth of black velvet. On November 19, 1703, the masked man died.

Today you need to try hard to make data about yourself inaccessible to the public. After all, you just need to type a few words in a search engine - and secrets are revealed, and secrets come out...

Today you need to try hard to make data about yourself inaccessible to the public. After all, you just need to type a few words in a search engine - and secrets are revealed, and mysteries come to the surface. With the development of science and the improvement of technology, the game of hide and seek becomes more and more difficult. It was, of course, easier before. And there are many examples in history when it was impossible to find out what kind of person he was and where he came from. Here are a few such mysterious cases.

Kaspar Hauser

May 26, Nuremberg, Germany. 1828 A teenager of about seventeen wanders aimlessly through the streets, clutching a letter addressed to Commander von Wessenig. The letter states that the boy was taken in for training in 1812, taught to read and write, but was never allowed to "take one step out of the door." It was also said that the boy should become a "cavalryman like his father" and the commander could either accept him or hang him.
After meticulous questioning, we were able to find out that his name was Kaspar Hauser and he spent his entire life in a “darkened cage” 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters high, in which there were only an armful of straw and three toys carved from wood (two horses and dog). A hole was made in the floor of the cell so he could relieve himself. The foundling hardly spoke, could not eat anything except water and black bread, called all people boys, and all animals horses. The police tried to find out where he came from and who the criminal was that made a savage out of the boy, but they could not find out. Over the next few years, he was cared for by one person or another, taking him into their homes and caring for him. Until December 14, 1833, Kaspar was found with stabbed breasts A purple silk wallet was found nearby, and inside it was a note made in such a way that it could only be read in mirror image. It read:
“Hauser will be able to describe to you exactly what I look like and where I came from. In order not to bother Hauser, I want to tell you myself where I come from _ _ I came from _ _ the Bavarian border _ _ on the river _ _ I’ll even tell you my name: M. L. O.”

Green Children of Woolpit

Imagine that you live in the 12th century in the small village of Woolpit in the English county of Suffolk. While harvesting in a field, you find two children huddled in an empty wolf's hole. The children speak an incomprehensible language, are dressed in indescribable clothes, but the most interesting thing is that their skin is green. You take them to your home where they refuse to eat anything other than green beans.
After a while, these children - brother and sister - begin to speak a little English, eat more than just beans, and their skin gradually loses its green tint. The boy gets sick and dies. The surviving girl explains that they came from the "Land of St. Martin", an underground "world of darkness" where they looked after their father's cattle, and then heard a noise and found themselves in wolf's den. Residents underworld are green and dark there all the time. There were two versions: either it was a fairy tale, or the children escaped from the copper mines.

The Man from Somerton

On December 1, 1948, police discovered the body of a man on Somerton Beach in Glenelg (a suburb of Adelaide) in Australia. All the labels on his clothes were cut off, he had no documents or wallet on him, and his face was clean shaven. Even the teeth could not be identified. That is, there was not a single clue at all.
After the autopsy, the pathologist concluded that “death could not have occurred from natural causes” and assumed poisoning, although no traces of toxic substances were found in the body. Apart from this hypothesis, the doctor could not guess anything more about the cause of death. Perhaps the most mysterious thing in this whole story was that a piece of paper was found with the deceased, torn from a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). These words are translated from Persian as “finished” or “completed”. The victim remained unidentified.

Man from Taured

In 1954, in Japan, at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, thousands of passengers were rushing about their business. However, one passenger seemed to be taking no part in it. For some reason, this outwardly completely normal man in a business suit attracted the attention of airport security, they stopped him and started asking questions. The man answered in French, but was also fluent in several other languages. His passport contained stamps from many countries, including Japan. But this man claimed that he came from a country called Taured, located between France and Spain. The problem was that none of the maps offered to him showed any Taured in this place - Andorra was located there. This fact greatly saddened the man. He said that his country had existed for centuries and that he even had its stamps in his passport.
Discouraged airport staff left the man in hotel room with two armed guards outside the door, while they tried to find more information about this man. They didn't find anything. When they returned to the hotel for him, it turned out that the man had disappeared without a trace. The door did not open, the guards did not hear any noise or movement in the room, and he could not leave through the window - it was too high. Moreover, all of this passenger’s belongings disappeared from the airport security premises.
The man, simply put, dived into the abyss and did not return.

Lady Grandmother

The 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy has given rise to many conspiracy theories, and one of the most mystical details of this event is the presence in photographs of a certain woman who was dubbed Lady Granny. This woman in a coat and sunglasses was in a bunch of photographs, moreover, they show that she had a camera and was filming what was happening.
The FBI tried to find her and establish her identity, but to no avail. The FBI later called on her to turn over her videotape as evidence, but no one ever came. Just think: this woman, in daylight, in full view of at least 32 witnesses (photographed and videoed by her), witnessed and videotaped a murder, and yet no one, not even the FBI, could identify her. It remained a secret.

D. B. Cooper

This happened on November 24, 1971 in international airport Portland, where a man who had bought a ticket using documents in the name of Dan Cooper boarded a plane bound for Seattle, clutching a black briefcase in his hands. After takeoff, Cooper gave the flight attendant a note saying that he had a bomb in his briefcase and his demands were $200,000 and four parachutes. The flight attendant notified the pilot, who contacted authorities.
After landing at Seattle Airport, all passengers were released, Cooper's demands were met and the exchange was made, after which the plane took off again. As he flew over Reno, Nevada, the calm Cooper ordered all personnel on board to remain seated as he opened the passenger door and jumped into the night sky. Despite big number“Cooper” was never found to have any witnesses who could identify him. Only a small portion of the money was found in a river in Vancouver, Washington.

21-faced monster

In May 1984, a Japanese food corporation called Ezaki Glico faced a problem. Its president, Katsuhiza Yezaki, was kidnapped for ransom from his home and held for some time in an abandoned warehouse, but then managed to escape. A little later, the company received a letter stating that the products were poisoned with potassium cyanide and there would be casualties if all products were not immediately recalled from food warehouses and stores. The company's losses amounted to $21 million, 450 people lost their jobs. The Unknowns - a group of people who took the name "21-faced monster" - sent mocking letters to the police, who could not find them, and even gave hints. The next message said that they “forgave” Glico, and the persecution stopped.
Not content with playing with one large corporation, the Monster organization has its eyes on others: Morinaga and several other food companies. They acted according to the same scenario - they threatened to poison the food, but this time they demanded money. During a botched money exchange operation, a police officer almost managed to capture one of the criminals, but still let him go. Superintendent Yamamoto, who was responsible for investigating this case, could not bear the shame and committed suicide by self-immolation.
Soon after this, "Monster" sent his last message in the media, mocking the death of a police officer and ending with the words: “We are the bad guys. This means we have other things to do than harass companies. Being bad is fun. Monster with 21 faces." And nothing more was heard about them.

The Man in the Iron Mask

The “man in the iron mask” had the number 64389000, as follows from prison archives. In 1669 the minister Louis XIV sent a letter to the head of the prison in the French city of Pignerol, in which he announced the imminent arrival of a special prisoner. The minister ordered the construction of a cell with several doors to prevent eavesdropping, to provide for this prisoner's every basic need, and finally, if the prisoner ever spoke of anything other than this, to kill him without hesitation.
This prison was known for incarcerating "black sheep" from noble families and the government. It is noteworthy that the "mask" received special treatment: his cell was well furnished, unlike the rest of the prison cells, and two soldiers were on duty at the door of his cell, who were ordered to kill the prisoner if he removed his iron mask. The imprisonment lasted until the prisoner's death in 1703. The same fate befell the things he used: the furniture and clothes were destroyed, the walls of the cell were scraped and washed, and the iron mask was melted down.
Many historians have since fiercely debated the identity of the prisoner in an attempt to find out whether he was a relative of Louis XIV and for what reasons he was destined for such an unenviable fate.

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Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

In 1922, the mysterious murder of six people committed in the small village of Hinterkaifeck shocked the whole of Germany. And not only because the murders were committed with horrifying cruelty.

All the circumstances surrounding this crime were very strange, even mystical, and to this day it remains unsolved.

More than 100 people were questioned during the investigation, but no one was ever arrested. Not a single motive that could somehow explain what happened was identified either.

The maid who worked in the house ran away six months ago, claiming that there were ghosts there. New girl arrived just a few hours before the murder.

Apparently, the intruder had been on the farm for at least several days - someone was feeding the cows and eating in the kitchen. In addition, neighbors saw smoke coming from the chimney over the weekend. The photo shows the body of one of the dead, found in a barn.

Phoenix Lights

The so-called “Phoenix Lights” are several flying objects that were observed by more than 1,000 people on the night of Thursday, March 13, 1997: in the skies over the states of Arizona and Nevada in the United States and over the state of Sonora in Mexico.

Actually, two strange events happened that night: a triangular formation of luminous objects that moved across the sky, and several motionless lights hovering over the city of Phoenix. However, the latest US Air Force recognized the lights from the A-10 Warthog aircraft - it turned out that at that time military exercises were taking place in southwest Arizona.

Astronaut from Solway Firth

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

Falling body

The Cooper family just moved into their new house in Texas. In honor of the housewarming it was laid out festive table, at the same time we decided to take some family photos. And when the photographs were developed, a strange figure was revealed on them - it seemed that someone’s body was either hanging or falling from the ceiling. Of course, the Coopers didn’t see anything like this during filming.

Too many hands

Four guys were fooling around, taking pictures in the yard. When the film was developed, it turned out that out of nowhere one extra hand appeared on it (peeking out from behind the back of a guy in a black T-shirt).

"Battle of Los Angeles"

This photograph was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 26, 1942. To this day, conspiracy theorists and ufologists refer to it as evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. They claim that the photo clearly shows that the beams of the searchlights are falling on the alien flying ship. However, as it turned out, the photo for publication was heavily retouched - this is a standard procedure that almost all published black and white photographs were subjected to for greater effect.

The incident itself, captured in the photo, was called a “misunderstanding” by authorities. The Americans had just survived the Japanese attack, and in general the tension was incredible. Therefore, the military got excited and opened fire on the object, which, most likely, was a harmless weather balloon.

Lights of Hessdalen

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study mysterious phenomenon, called "The Lights of Hessdalen".

Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Time Traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 during the opening ceremony of the South Forks Bridge. The public's attention was attracted by a young man whom many considered a "time traveler" - due to his modern hairstyle, zip-up sweater, printed T-shirt, fashionable glasses and point-and-shoot camera. The whole outfit is clearly not from the 40s. On the left, highlighted in red is a camera that was actually in use at that time.

9/11 attack - South Tower woman

In these two photographs, a woman can be seen standing on the edge of the hole left in the South Tower after a plane crashed into the building. Her name is Edna Clinton and, not surprisingly, she ended up on the list of survivors. How she managed this is beyond comprehension, considering everything that happened in that part of the building.

Skunk monkey

In 2000, a woman who wished to remain anonymous took two photographs of a mysterious creature and sent it to the Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff. The photographs were accompanied by a letter in which the woman claimed that she had photographed a strange creature in the backyard of her house. The creature came to her house three nights in a row and stole the apples left on the terrace.

UFO in the painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino”

The painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino” belongs to the brush of Domenico Ghirlandai (1449-1494) and is currently in the collection of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. A mysterious flying object and a man watching it are clearly visible above Mary's right shoulder.

Incident at Lake Falcon

Another meeting with a supposed extraterrestrial civilization occurred at Lake Falcon on May 20, 1967.

A certain Stefan Michalak was relaxing in these places and at some point noticed two descending cigar-shaped objects, one of which landed very close. Michalak claims he saw the door open and heard voices coming from inside.

He tried to speak to the aliens in English, but there was no response. Then he tried to get closer, but came across “invisible glass,” which apparently served as protection for the object.

Suddenly, Michalak was surrounded by a cloud of air so hot that his clothes caught fire. The man received serious burns.


This story happened on the evening of February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. There was a light knock on the window of the house where a woman who was fond of spiritualism lived with her teenage daughter. Looking out, the woman saw no one. I went out onto the porch - no one. And there were no footprints in the snow under the window either.

The woman was surprised, but of great importance didn't give it. And half an hour later there was a bang and part of the glass in the window where the invisible guest was knocking collapsed, forming an almost perfectly round hole.

The next day, at the woman’s request, her Leningrad acquaintance, candidate of technical sciences S.P. Kuzionov, arrived. He examined everything carefully and took several photographs.

When the photograph was developed, the face of a woman appeared on it, peering into the lens. This face seemed unfamiliar to both the owner of the house and Kuzionov himself.

Riddles are by definition difficult to solve. If you want to bring a little mystery into your life, but still maintain magnetism and charm, you can learn to hide some aspects of your personality and emphasize others to create an image mysterious person in your performances, in your behavior and in your personality.


Part 1

Speak in riddles

    Speak only when you have something to say. If you want to emphasize your mystical and mysterious presence, you should leave some things unsaid. Learn not to speak your mind all the time - not because you are shy and meek, but because you are quite self-confident. Speak up when you know it's important, but don't feel obligated to speak up at every opportunity.

    • We often mistake fast talkers for smart ones, but pauses in conversation are especially powerful. In dialogue, provide space for reflection and silence, allowing what is said to be understood. This will give weight to your words and emphasize the importance of your presence. Often people remember not what you say, but how you say it.
  1. Play devil's advocate. Mysterious people are often unpredictable, suddenly expressing opinions that go against the opinions of others. Don't follow the crowd. Instead, look for new ways of seeing and try to think creatively. Ask questions instead of agreeing to avoid conflict.

    • If three people in a meeting have already agreed on one way to solve a problem, play devil's advocate, even if you think they are probably right, or remain silent. There is no point in becoming another voice in the crowd repeating the same thing.
    • Ask a lot of questions to ensure the best decisions are made. Clarify, label, and solicit all ideas to get to the heart of the matter.
  2. Keep conversations serious. Small talk is essentially banal. We talk about the weather, troubles at work, child care, traffic, the cost of living. Mysterious people will likely prefer a more meaningful conversation face to face. Learn to use creative language in your speech and stay on track for meaningful discussion.

    • If at a party you encounter a lot of empty talk about yourself, try to find someone who will support a different kind of conversation. Start with an unusual question or testing the waters. If someone casually comments that they like a movie, instead of agreeing, ask why?
  3. Use unusual expressions. Be creative and say things that will make people sit up and think, not things that will fade into the background of conversations. If someone asks: “How are you?” and you answer, “Slowly!”, they will immediately forget about it. Or you could say, "I feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs." If someone asks how baseball ended, they might say that the game was terrible, or they might say that it was "Like a mouthful of hot lead." People will pay attention.

    Build a powerful vocabulary. Learn a few new words every day and use them in your conversations. Clear and correct diction in your everyday conversations will help you stand out from the crowd of speakers.

    Part 2

    Keep some distance
    1. Tell less about yourself. Social networks have changed the way we communicate with each other, destroying the aura of mystery around us. Sometimes it's hard to change people's perceptions of you because they've heard too much about who you currently are. Don't limit yourself when talking online or one-on-one. Instead, for that matter, be prudent about disclosing information about yourself to strangers and strangers. strangers and be more open with those who are closer to you.

      • There is no need to constantly inform those around you about your whereabouts or describe interests and tastes at the slightest provocation. If someone asks where you are going, simply avoid answering. "I'll come later."
      • Remove location information and updates from your accounts in in social networks, like Twitter and Facebook. Stop calling yourself a citizen of a certain nation online. Remove personal information from accounts as much as possible.
    2. Choose your friends wisely. Some people are open and trusting, endearing themselves to others almost instantly. Mysterious people, on the other hand, act very carefully before trusting anyone. Trust and respect come with time and experience. People have to make an effort to be close to you.

      • Spend time with people alone rather than in large groups. It is difficult to be mysterious in large groups. Get to know people for who they are, not who they pretend to be in public places.
      • If you want to be mysterious, you also have to know when to let people get close enough to you. Mysterious people are not hermits. Even with mysterious people, there are people you can trust and lean on. This may just be less of what we consider the cultural ideal.
    3. Remain calm under pressure. Mysterious people can control their emotions and passions so that before outside world they appear collected, calm and unperturbed. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have passion or emotion, but you should be able to manage those emotions. Be calm when you feel good or bad.

      • Mysterious people don't have to be martyrs. If you feel persistent pain, whether physical or emotional, see your doctor. Stay healthy, then you won't have to worry about masking. Take care of your body and health to stay strong in any situation.
    4. Live in the moment. Where did you come from? mysterious man? Unknown. Where is the mysterious man going? Anywhere. Don't dwell on the past or dreams of the future. Focus on getting by instead at this moment and be here and now. Be spontaneous, be willing to adapt to the situation, and you will be as mysterious as the world around you.

      • If you're upset about a divorce, a loss in your family, or some kind of failure, talk privately with a close friend, then move on. This is not something you should talk about at work.

    Part 3

    Be a strong person
    1. Train your brain. By challenging yourself intellectually, you will stay engaged in life and be interesting and mysterious to others. Don't waste your time playing video games for hours, spend time reading books. Don't sit in the chat, write poetry. Dedicate yourself to intellectual discovery and amaze the world with your intelligence.

    2. Be kind and life-affirming. Mysterious people may appear mystical, but not passive or mindless. In fact, your presence should be reassuring when people know you're not gossiping or abandoning your friends in a difficult situation.

      • Listen when people talk. Learn to listen by focusing on someone when they speak. Too often we wait our turn to say something. Instead, fully participate in conversations. You'd be surprised how unusual this can be for some people.
      • Remember people's names and try to remember what other people say. Mysterious people can seem aloof, so you may surprise others by remembering your friend's birthday or a certain story, told once.
    3. Get involved in something unusual. Show off your inner weirdness in the form of an unconventional interest or unusual hobby, which will definitely arouse the curiosity of others. Find something that you truly enjoy for its own unique qualities, not because it's popular.

      • Start collecting rare coins or go out into the forest to pick mushrooms every weekend. Take photos. Learn Latin. Find a passion and follow it.
    4. Be savvy. WikiHow is the right place to uncover mysteries. The more esoteric knowledge you have, the more erudite and interesting you are to others. Surprise people with your capabilities.

      • Learn the card trick and don't do it for just anyone, only do it if you're at a party and someone brings it up. You will surprise everyone if you suddenly perform a mind-blowing card trick.
      • If you are young, try to get a part-time job. Work will help you acquire serious skills and real experience, which can help you stand out among your peers.
    5. Gain authority. Mysterious people are intelligent thinkers and are known for their level-headed personalities and carefully calculated ideas. This sometimes conflicts with dominant ways of thinking. Mystery people are Rosa Parks and Batman. They don't ask permission to do what they want, they rely on their own own capabilities and find their own way. Think of characters such as Sherlock Holmes, Clint Eastwood and Julia Child.

      • Look for mysteries around you. Bob Dylan and Miles Davis may be enigmas on Wikipedia, but so are the librarians, gravediggers, baristas and buskers in your town. Look at the quiet leaders around you, not just what comes from television and newspapers. Find other types of role models.
    • If one of the reasons you want to be mysterious is for dating, you need to be a little more than a mystery. Work on your charm, caring for others and being in shape.
    • The exception would be Russell Brand, who manages to act excited and enthusiastic while still being intelligent and mysterious.
    • Don't confuse being mysterious to others with being mysterious to yourself. Self-knowledge is vital to a good life and is something you need to work on throughout your life. Don't neglect this part of self-care - read a lot, write down your thoughts, be open to new experiences, confront your fears and misunderstandings and always strive for knowledge.


    • Don't be something you are not. Never forget who you really are.
    • Always communicate and act without aggression. Violence is a sign of loss of control, which mysterious people never allow.
    • Don't break the law. You know the consequences. This is not recommended in principle.