Among the most interesting and mysterious natural phenomena, children's talent occupies one of the leading places

The secret of how and why Japan has taken one of the leading places in the world economy lies in the huge investments in modern technologies, in the incredible hard work of the Japanese and in several other factors. I wondered why private companies invest a significant portion of their income in scientific research and development? The fact is that the Japanese understand one thing simple thing– people will buy the best (including modern in all respects) products, created using high-tech equipment. Plus, there is also the “competitiveness factor”. According to him, buyers will prefer a product that fully satisfies their needs. And a lot of research helps companies find out what product is needed in at the moment to their consumers. You will be surprised, but Japanese manufacturers broke the world record by investing 800% of the same figure 25 years ago in research and new technologies.

Taxes, private business and resources.

Interestingly, the development of private business is another important reason why Japan has taken one of the leading places in the world economy. The state (represented by smart and pragmatic officials) understands that a developed person who is capable of doing business will be much more interested in the prosperity of his own business, compared to “working for an uncle.” Even if you have to pay large taxes. Still, 28-37% of current business taxes on a profit of $1 million is acceptable. Compared to 10% of $20 thousand “per owner.”

Surprisingly, Japan very successfully uses available resources: water, land, human. Moreover, they do not have enough land! She's all busy agriculture. With this approach, almost any country (if desired) could achieve similar success.

Alien technologies.

The Japanese embodied the saying “a smart person learns from other people’s mistakes” in at its best. Why? They actively use other people's inventions and technologies. But simply "copying" would be too easy for them. The Japanese take the "core" of an idea and then refine it until it produces a great result. We can say that they never tire of developing in this regard.

Technology has revolutionized the world as rationalization in decision making complex tasks quickly broke down barriers between developed and developing cities. Today we will talk about the most technologically advanced cities in the world based on the Pricewaterhouse Coopers Cities of Opportunity 6 Report ranking.

25. Jakarta

Indonesia's capital of 10 million is the most populous city in Southeast Asia. This city is as big as the whole of Singapore. Thanks to the cross-pollination of several cultures, including Arab, Indian, Malay, Javanese, Chinese and Dutch, Jakarta is a true high-tech oasis in Asia.

24. Johannesburg

The financial hub of sub-Saharan Africa, Johannesburg is now powered by technology. The "City Planning Committee" has placed a major emphasis on the development of high-tech industries, especially in the field of information and communication technologies. Johannesburg police have even installed CCTV cameras on every street corner in the city center to reduce crime.

23. Mumbai

On the list of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, the only Indian city, Bangalore (often called the "Silicon Valley of India") has supplanted Mumbai. This city specializes in information technology and health technology.

22. Shanghai

In the most populous city in China, Shanghai in lately Technologies are rapidly developing. Even several special industrial zones were created, which attracted large corporations such as ExxonMobil and Tesla Motors.

Today Buenos Aires is considered the best technology center in South America. Also, the capital of Argentina is one of best examples a city where technology is used for the benefit of citizens. For example, the maintenance of almost 1,500 km of drainage pipes was fully automated.

20. Beijing

Beijing's economy has largely become an industrial city in last decades. Its economy is currently 77% services (mainly finance, retail, and also information Technology). In the northwest of the city lies China's "Silicon Valley" of Zhongguancun, home to a number of startups and branches of tech giants such as Lenovo, Google and Microsoft's new China research headquarters.

19. Moscow

Since the collapse of the USSR, Moscow has succeeded in creating copies of Western companies such as Yandex and VKontakte, and the Russian equivalents of Google and Facebook. These days, the city is becoming a leader in new and less common types of technology, such as nanotechnology.

18. Dubai

Dubai is the de facto Middle East technology hub and is also home to global companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Oracle and IBM. The city is investing heavily in technology, even building solar-powered “smart palm trees” that distribute Wi-Fi and are used to charge phones.

17. Milan

The economic center of Italy, Milan is mainly known for its fashion and banking industries. But Milan is not only glamor and money. Numerous high-tech exhibitions are held here. The city is also a leader in biotechnology.

16. Madrid

Although Barcelona is Spain's main industrial center, Madrid has recently seen a boom in high-tech manufacturing and advanced technology. The combination of a highly educated workforce and the headquarters of many Spanish transnational corporations has made Madrid one of the leading technology hubs in Europe.

15. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is every programmer's dream city. It ranks 9th in the world in development software and multimedia design. The city also has blazing fast Wi-Fi and has become a favorite haven for freelance programmers.

14. Sydney

Most big city throughout Oceania is known for its biotech and high-tech manufacturing, which accounts for 11% of the city's total output. Sydney also ranks 5th worldwide for internet access in education.

13. Toronto

Although Canada is already known for its high-tech industry, Toronto leads the way in this regard - one of the best technology cities in North America, which ranks fifth behind Washington, Seattle, Silicon Valley and Boston. Globally, the city ranks eighth in terms of digital technology.

12. Berlin

For decades (if not centuries), Berlin has been a major center for medical technology, partly due to Germany's creation of the oldest universal healthcare system in the world. Berlin is particularly focused on clean technology.

11. Paris

Paris has been a world leader in technological progress for decades. Initial innovations such as the use of glass in architecture and gas lighting throughout the city brought the city fame a century ago. The modern achievements of Paris are high-tech manufacturing industries, primarily the optical and aerospace industries.

10. Tokyo

Tokyo is widely recognized as one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world - and not just because of its bullet trains. The city hosts numerous technology executive meetings and is one of the world's leading software development cities.

9. Chicago

Chicago has been running a program for years to teach students at city universities the skills needed to succeed in the high-tech field. In October 2015, the city received a federal grant to equip every classroom with high-speed broadband and Wi-Fi.

8. Singapore

Singapore has long wanted to become the eco-friendly capital of the world. In addition, the city is home to the research centers of many global companies such as Microsoft and Google. Among other things, Singapore provides its citizens with free high-speed Internet access.

7. Los Angeles

"City of Angels" - second in the US in digital economy and third in environmental development. In terms of technological development, it is growing almost 30% faster than Silicon Valley.

6. San Francisco

The Bay Area is a huge tech district in the city that is home to companies such as Apple, eBay and Tesla Motors. This area grew up during the dot-com boom of the 1990s, when thousands of startups were launched in the city. Despite the proximity of Silicon Valley, many companies have moved from it to San Francisco.

5. New York

Most people associate New York with banking and Broadway rather than with high technology. However, the local “Silicon Valley” is one of the most developed in the world; more than $7.3 billion of venture investments are pouring into high-tech here. The city is currently undergoing a global modernization of fiber-optic telecommunications.

With some of the fastest internet speeds in Asia, Hong Kong is one of the easiest places in the world to open a business. The government regularly funds innovation, investing more than $1.8 billion in science and technology development.

3. Stockholm

The fastest growing technology hub in Europe, Stockholm is the start-up capital of Europe. While much of the rest of Europe has been in financial decline since 2008, Sweden has seen growth steadily accelerate, thanks in large part to its stable economy and highly educated workforce.

2. London

The English capital ranks first in the world for multimedia design and technological innovation. London's Silicon Roundabout is the third largest start-up platform in the world. The area attracts some of the world's largest technology companies, many of whom are establishing innovation centers and research laboratories in the Central/East London cluster.

1. Seoul

Seoul is an economic center South Korea, producing 21% of the national GDP, occupying less than 1% of the country's territory. Home to tech giants such as Samsung and LG, Seoul has begun to gradually transform into a "smart city" (a similar initiative was previously launched in Dubai). To start, the city is distributing free used smart devices to low-income families, with the goal of connecting everyone to the city's high-speed wireless networks.

Also, smart CCTV cameras are installed everywhere in the city, which can detect illegal entry and high-tech street lights, which broadcast audio and distribute wireless Internet access.

One more especially for our readers most interesting rating- GO=https://site/blogs/060216/34920/] 15 countries with the highest life expectancy in the world.

Welding equipment and technology occupy one of the leading places in modern production. The hulls of giant supertankers and the retina are welded together human eye, miniature parts of semiconductor devices and human bones during surgical operations. Many designs of modern machines and structures, for example space rockets, submarines, gas and oil pipelines cannot be manufactured without welding. The development of technology places new demands on production methods and, in particular, on welding technology. Today, materials are welded that until relatively recently were considered exotic. These are titanium, niobium and beryllium alloys, molybdenum, tungsten, high-strength composite materials, ceramics, as well as all kinds of combinations of dissimilar materials. Electronic parts several microns thick and heavy equipment parts several meters thick are welded. The conditions in which welding work is carried out are constantly becoming more complicated: welding has to be done under water, at high temperatures, in a deep vacuum, with increased radiation, in zero gravity.

All this places increased demands on the qualifications of specialists in the field of welding, especially welding workers, since they are the ones who directly master new methods and techniques of welding, new welding machines. Today, it is not enough for a working welder to be able to perform several, even complex, operations of the welding method he has mastered. He must understand the physical essence of the main processes occurring during welding, know the features of welding of various structural materials, as well as the meaning and technological capabilities of other, both traditional and new, promising welding methods.

  1. Product Description

The intended product is intended for use as a support for the installation and installation of load-bearing columns in the construction of industrial buildings.

The support is a welded box-type structure.






Fig.1. Product design
All parts of this design are made of steel grade 09G2S.

Steel 09G2S belongs to low-carbon, low-alloy steels.

Steels of this class have good weldability with all types of arc welding and are widely used for the manufacture of welded structures used in the construction industry.
Table 1

Chemical composition of steel 09G2S

Table 2

Mechanical properties of steel 09G2S

Rolled thickness, mm

Tensile strength σ V, MPa

Yield strength σ T, MPa

Relative elongation δ5,%

Impact strength KSU, J/cm², at temperature,










Welded structures used as load-bearing elements during the construction of buildings and structures belong to group II of responsibility, since their destruction during operation can lead to large material costs.

Responsibility group II requires increased attention to the quality of work performed in total production cycle(from material procurement to the scope of final product control).

Taking into account the design features of the product, the material of the incoming parts, as well as the annual production program (2000 pieces), the most optimal manufacturing method will be semi-automatic welding in a carbon dioxide environment.

  1. Welding method

Gas shielded welding is one of the arc welding methods. With this method, shielding gas is supplied to the arc zone, the stream of which, flowing around the electric arc and the weld pool, protects the molten metal from exposure atmospheric air, oxidation and nitriding. Welding in shielding gases has the following advantages: high productivity (2...3 times higher than conventional arc welding), the ability to weld in any spatial position, good protection of the welding zone from oxygen and nitrogen of the atmosphere, no need to clean the seam from slag and strip the seam for multilayer welding; small heat affected zone; relatively small deformations of products; the ability to monitor the seam formation process; availability of mechanization and automation. The disadvantages of this welding method are the need to take measures to prevent the blowing off of the shielding gas jet during the welding process, the use of gas equipment, and in some cases the use of relatively expensive shielding gases.

The following types of welding in shielding gas are known: in inert monoatomic gases (argon, helium), in neutral diatomic gases (nitrogen, hydrogen), in carbon dioxide. In practice, argon arc welding and carbon dioxide welding are most widely used. The inert gas helium is used very rarely due to its high cost. For welding critical structures, welding in a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide gases in a ratio of 85% argon and 15% CO 2 is widely used. The quality of this steel welding is very high. The arc is powered by direct current sources with a rigid characteristic. In recent years, welded rectifiers of the VDU series with universal external characteristic, i.e. hard, or steeply falling by simply switching the packet.

Alternating current is not used due to the low stability of the arc burning process, poor formation and poor quality of the weld. The arc voltage when welding in CO2 should be no more than 30 V, since spatter and oxidation increase with increasing voltage and arc length. Typically, the arc voltage is 22-28 V, welding speed is 20-80 m/h, gas consumption is 7-20 l/min. Welding in CO2 with wire gives deeper penetration than electrodes, therefore, when switching from manual welding, it is considered justified to reduce the legs by about 10%. This is explained by the increased current density per 1 mm 2 of electrode wire. The main elements of the welding mode in CO 2 are in Table 1.
Table 3

Typical parameters of welding mode in C0 2

Wire diameter, m

Welding current, A


wire feeding

Arc voltage, V



Wire extension, mm



installed selection for the mode



















Welding in carbon dioxide is carried out in almost all spatial positions, which is very important during construction and installation work. Welding is carried out by feeding the arc with direct current of reverse polarity. When welding with direct current of straight polarity, the stability of the arc decreases, the formation of the seam worsens and losses increase electrode metal for fumes and splashing. However, the deposition rate is 1.6...1.8 times higher than with reverse polarity. This quality is used in surfacing operations. Sheet material from carbon and low-alloy steels is successfully welded in carbon dioxide; sheets with a thickness of 0.6... 1.0 mm are welded with flanged edges. Welding without flanging is also allowed, but with a gap between the edges of no more than 0.3...0.5 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 1.0...8.0 mm are welded without cutting edges; in this case, the gap between the welded edges should be no more than 1 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 8... 12 mm are welded with a V-shaped seam, and for larger thicknesses - with an X-shaped seam. Before welding, the edges of the product must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, paint, oxides and scale. Welding current and welding speed largely depend on the size of the groove being welded, i.e., on the amount of deposited metal. The voltage is set so as to obtain a stable welding process with the shortest possible arc (1.5...4.0 mm). With a longer arc length, the welding process is unstable, metal spatter increases, and the possibility of oxidation and nitriding of the deposited metal increases.

Rice. 2. Movement of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when performing a multi-layer weld
The figure shows the movements of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when making a multi-layer weld. To reduce the risk of cracking, it is recommended to weld the first layer at low welding current. The seam should be completed by filling the crater with metal. Then the supply of the electrode wire stops and the current is turned off. The supply of gas to the welded crater continues until the metal has completely solidified.

  1. Equipment composition

The composition of the technological equipment necessary to perform welding work during mechanized arc welding in shielding gases includes:

  • power supply;

  • assembly and welding devices;

  • gas equipment;

  • gas main devices;

  • welding machine (semi-automatic).

3.1 Power supply
Power supply (IP) of a welding arc is a device that provides the necessary type and strength of the arc current.

The power source and the welding arc form an interconnected energy system in which the power supply performs the following main functions: it provides the conditions for the initial excitation (ignition) of the arc, its stable combustion during the welding process and the ability to configure (regulate) the mode parameters.

An important technical characteristic of the IP, which determines the possibility of its operation with one or another type of arc, is the dependence of the voltage at the “welding” clamps (terminals) of the IP on the welding current. This dependence is called the external current-voltage characteristic (volt-ampere characteristic) of the IP. The most characteristic current-voltage characteristics for known IPs: steeply dipping, gently dipping and rigid .

Based on the type of current in the welding circuit, there are:

  1. alternating current sources - single-phase and three-phase welding transformers, specialized installations for welding aluminum alloys;

  2. DC sources - welding rectifiers and generators with drives of various types.
Depending on the number of stations served, there can be single-post and multi-post, and by application - general industrial and specialized power supplies.

IN in this case We use a modern, powerful 400-amp inverter power supply for semi-automatic welding and surfacing in shielding or active gases of the DC 400.33 brand.

This IP has:

  • Remote control of welding voltage.

  • Digital indicator of welding current and voltage.

  • Function >.

  • Power supply from both a stationary network and a diesel generator.

Table 4

Specifications inverter DC 400.33

Supply voltage, V

3 80,+10% -15 %


Source voltage (pressure-regulated), V


Welding current (infinitely adjustable), A


Nominal operating mode PN, % (at +40 C)


Maximum current at PN = 100%, A


Operating temperature range, C

From - 40 to + 40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


For IP brand DC 400.33, we selected a feed mechanism of brand PM-4.33. It is designed for solid steel, aluminum and flux-cored wire from 0.6 to 2.4 mm when working with the device DS400.33, DS400.33UKP or any other source with a current-voltage characteristic.

This PM has:

  • Version with “open” and “closed coil”

  • Digital display of wire feed speed, welding current and voltage

  • Smooth adjustment of welding wire feed speed and arc voltage

  • Digital setting of all welding parameters

  • smooth ignition of the arc, thanks to the setting of the wire retardation at the beginning of welding

  • setting the blowing time at the beginning of welding and gas blowing after its completion

  • smooth extinguishing of the arc, thanks to the setting of the wire slowdown at the end of welding

  • Four-roller wire feeder from COOPTIM Ltd. (roller profile depends on the diameter and type of welding wire)

  • Gearing of feed and pressure rollers

  • Adjustable clamping force

  • Operation possible at a distance of up to 50m from the welding source

  • Shielding gas cut-off device

  • "Gas test" and "wire test" on the front panel

  • Remote control of wire feed speed

Table 5

Technical characteristics of PM-4.33

Supply voltage, V


Power consumption, kVA, no more


Wire feed speed, m/sec


Wire diameter, mm



- Aluminum


- Powder


Operating temperature range, °C

-40 to +40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


Natalia Onipko
Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena nature, children's talent occupies one of the leading places.

Additional education provides every child with the opportunity free choice educational field, profile of programs, time for their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. Personal-activity character educational process allows you to solve one of the main problems additional educationidentification, development and support gifted children.

Gifted a child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one form or another."

Since the life of such children passes not only at a school desk or in additional education institutions, working with gifted children directly affects their parents. They are the ones who support the child in his endeavors from an early age and shape him giftedness.

Parents should accept children as they are, and not consider them as carriers of talents, and strive to develop personal quality: confidence, which is based on the consciousness of self-worth, understanding the strengths and weaknesses in oneself, intellectual curiosity and willingness to take research risks, respect for kindness, the habit of relying on one’s own strengths….

Education begins in family: all generations educate each other, so the clan and family must preserve traditions and collectively work on the development of a talented child.

As the great Russian teacher V. writes. Sukhomlinsky: “Roots are laid in a family, from which branches, flowers, and fruits then grow.”

Usually identified by parents as signs of mental giftedness high speech development, memorization large quantity poems and fairy tales, in themselves about such giftedness cannot testify. A large amount of knowledge is also often based on a child's good memory, and good memory, although typical for many mentally gifted children, however, is not decisive in their development.

A distinction should be made between imparting skills and assistance in developing abilities. I often come across the fact that some parents, having taught to read and write, believe that they are contributing to the development of the child. In fact, it's just about imparting skills.

Most often in children it manifests itself giftedness in the field of mathematics, visual arts, music, etc. In activities related to giftedness, children remember much better, can be attentive longer, focused, remain functional longer, and absorb the material more easily.

Often parents create around gifted child"halo effect", expecting high results from him in literally everything. However, it is quite possible that the child's abilities are high only in certain areas.

Planning joint activities of parents and teachers of group associations early development preschoolers is underway in four directions:

Psychological support for the family of a capable child;

Information environment for parents;

joint practical activities capable child and his parents;

Support and encouragement of parents at the institution level.

The system deserves attention childish-parental relationships, in which the following are fulfilled conditions:

Recognition of the unconditional value of the child;

Creating an environment for its unconditional acceptance, that is, situations in which there is no external assessment;

Providing the child with freedom of expression;

Development and implementation of creative creativity through manifestation the child's individuality;

Supporting the child’s mental efforts, a friendly attitude towards his cognitive energy.

Basic form joint work are parent meetings.

Especially for parents of students of MBU DO "Station for young naturalists" in early childhood development associations preschool age a cycle of parenting has been developed meetings: “My child is the eighth wonder of the world”, "We create miracles together» .

Among the activities to work with parents, significant take up space not only consultations on problems of development, training and education gifted children, but also round tables, "family living room" next character:

Concept giftedness. Species giftedness.

Psychological aspects giftedness.

Social adaptation gifted child.

One of the brightest manifestations of talent in preschool age - a wealth of imagination. Gifted children As a rule, more often than others, they come up with something, compose something. To develop children's creative abilities and creative thinking together Master classes are held with parents. Most unusual and unforgettable "Collage of Desires" on which, using colorful compositions, all cherished dreams were expressed on a sheet of paper.

Experience modern education shows that there are differences between children. Children with more developed intelligence than their peers, with creativity, with the ability to classify, generalize, and find relationships. They are constantly looking for an answer to questions that interest them, inquisitive, independent, active. Teachers of early development group associations attract such children to participate in All-Russian Olympiads and quizzes where children take prizes.

During classes according to the programs "Educational games" And "The world around us" in working with gifted children use interactive games with educational and educational tasks different levels complexity.

The child and his parents can select the necessary tasks according to different directions on the next websites:


Let's play

Miracle Yudo portal, etc.

Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lies, and gifted This applies to children to a greater extent.

Assess the child's developmental level.

Avoid long explanations or conversations.

Try to catch changes in the child in time. They can be expressed in unusual questions or behavior and are a sign giftedness.

Respect your child's individuality. Don't try to project your own onto him. interests and hobbies.

Develop in your children the following quality:

confidence based on one’s own sense of self-worth;

understanding the strengths and weaknesses in oneself and in others;

intellectual curiosity and willingness to take research risks;

respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, spiritual courage;

the habit of relying on one’s own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;

ability to help find common language and joy in communicating with people of all ages.

The association of early development groups for preschool children provides support and encouragement to children and parents in the form of letters of thanks and letters.

World experience shows that often faith in a child’s capabilities, coupled with the skill of teachers and parents, can work miracles. In life, it often turns out that what is important is not even what you give to a person nature, but what he was able to do with the gift that he has.

Literature used:

"Psychology giftedness: from theory to practice"/ed. D. V. Ushakova - M; 2000

"Additional education", No. 10, 2001; No. 11, 2001 G.

Publications on the topic:

What is giftedness To clarify the essence of the concept of “giftedness,” let us briefly look at the history of its research. For a long time the idea of ​​the divine prevailed.

“Butterfly” (for children 6-7 months old) Equipment: colored paper and thread Purpose of the game: to develop speech breathing and thinking in the child Description of the game.

Are games as children's activities and games as educational forms the same thing? Consultation for educators 1. Game as a children's activity and game as an educational form - are they the same thing? A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at...

Goal and objectives. Teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate nature. Clarify children's ideas about the properties of water and air and their role in life.

There are a lot of cooking recipes. Each method is original and unique. From the same products, an experienced cook can prepare several different dishes that have a unique taste and aroma.

For culinary recipes different countries had a great influence religious beliefs. For example, in Eastern countries it is prohibited to eat pork and alcoholic beverages. These products successfully replace other types of meat and various sauces, juices, soft drinks, which are used in the preparation of a particular dish instead of wine.

In European countries, many recipes include small amounts of alcoholic beverages, which give dishes an unusual taste.

In addition, in Europe, wine and other alcoholic beverages are not only used in cooking, but are also traditionally served with any dish. Gourmets are of the opinion that wine enhances the taste of food, giving it piquancy and sophistication.

Depending on geographical location In one country or another, changes were made to the same recipes over a long period of time. Cooks replaced the products used, added seasonings and spices that changed the taste of the finished dish.

The taste and aroma of food plays a significant role kitchen utensils in which it is prepared. For example, in eastern countries A cauldron is used to prepare pilaf. In another container, this dish will not be as aromatic and tasty.

This book contains the most popular recipes from Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Armenia, England, France, Mexico, the United States of America and Australia.

The cuisine of each of these countries is interesting and unique. The dishes whose recipes are given in the book can be prepared at home.

Some of the dishes presented here are quite simple and do not require much time to create. Other recipes are original.

Chapter 2 provides recipes from eastern countries such as China, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

They are characterized by spicy seasonings and sauces served with meat (mainly lamb). Popular among the peoples of the East fish dishes.

These states are characterized by light food. These are primarily salads, sandwiches, sandwiches. The dishes are traditionally served various wines, sauces.

Chapter 4 contains recipes from Mexico and the United States.

Cold appetizers, poultry, vegetable dishes and seafood are widely used in the cuisine of these countries. Dishes are also popular instant cooking, which do not require much time and effort.

Chapter 5 features Australian recipes. The population of this state prefers vegetable and fruit salads and meat dishes.

Chapter 1. Russian cuisine

One of the leading places among the most popular culinary recipes all over the world is occupied by recipes for Russian cuisine. This is due to the fact that since ancient times, various peoples have lived on the territory of our country, whose traditions have influenced the methods of cooking. Due to the fact that Russia is located in two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, the cuisine of our country successfully combines recipes that are popular among European and Asian peoples.

Russian cuisine contains flour and fish dishes characteristic only of Russia, pickles, jams, pickled vegetables, as well as salads common in Europe, and hot sauces that are an integral part of Asian cuisine.

Despite the close proximity of other countries, Russian cuisine has not lost its national character. Many dishes traditional for Russia are widely known outside our country.

It is hardly possible to meet a tourist who came from another country who would not try traditional Russian cabbage soup, pancakes, kulebyaki and pies.

Cold appetizers

Royal salad


Beef – 80 g, pickled champignons – 50 g, pickled cucumber – 1 pc., onion – 1 pc., mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons, cucumber marinade - 2 tbsp. spoons, green onions, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, the films are removed, placed in a saucepan and cooked over medium heat until cooked. The beef is cooled and cut into strips.

The onion is peeled and cut into half rings. Some of the green onions and dill are chopped, and a few sprigs are left to decorate the dish.

Beef onions and dill are placed in a deep container.

Separately mix the cucumber marinade and mayonnaise, add to the beef and leave for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator.

Shredded pickled mushrooms are mixed with chopped cucumber, beef, onion and dill. The salad is salted, peppered and mixed thoroughly.

The finished dish is placed in a salad bowl and decorated with sprigs of dill and green onions.

Salad "City"


Pork ham – 60–80 g, cucumbers – 2 pcs., potatoes – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., egg – 1 pc., mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. spoon, tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, and cut into cubes. The hard-boiled egg is peeled and finely chopped. One peeled cucumber is cut into cubes.

Another cucumber, without peeling, is cut into thin slices and left to decorate the salad. The ham is cut into strips. 2-3 lettuce leaves are left to decorate the dish, and the rest are chopped.

Mix mayonnaise in a shallow container tomato sauce, pepper. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then add vegetables, ham, egg, salt, pepper, shredded lettuce and mix again.

The finished salad is placed in a deep salad bowl, decorated with herbs and cucumber slices.

Beef salad


Canned red beans – 150 g, beef – 100 g, eggs – 2 pcs., carrots – 1 pc., potatoes – 1 pc., green apple – 1 pc., mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, green onion, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, and cut into cubes. green apple cut into cubes without peeling, but removing the core. The eggs are hard-boiled, one of them is finely chopped, the other is left to decorate the salad.

The beef is thoroughly washed, cut into pieces, placed in a frying pan, fried in butter, cooled, cut into strips and placed in a deep container. Chopped vegetables, apple, chopped egg, canned red beans, mayonnaise and salt are added to the meat. The salad is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dish on lettuce leaves.

Decorate with onion, egg and serve.

Salad "Autumn"


Beef – 100–120 g, champignons – 100 g, eggs – 2 pcs., vegetable oil – 1–2 tbsp. spoons, spinach leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

The beef is cut into strips, placed in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly. The meat is cooled and placed in a deep container.

The eggs are hard-boiled, peeled, one of them is crushed and mixed with fried meat. The second egg is cut into 3-4 parts and left to decorate the finished salad.