Fun competitions for elementary school children. Intellectual competitions for elementary schools. Melody on kitchen utensils

All-Russian competitions for schoolchildren became extremely popular in 2018 - 2019 academic year from talented students of Russian schools. Our students are eager to take part in remote activities that are offered to them by various directions. Where else than here, on the vast expanses of the Internet, can you tell your talent and receive that well-deserved award that you had only dreamed of before? And since the desire to participate in thematic competitions for schoolchildren is so great, then it’s time to learn more about them, and then choose one of them for yourself in order to successfully debut and receive a winner’s diploma.

All-Russian competitions for primary school students

In 2018 - 2019 on the portal for students primary school It is planned to hold new remote competitions. Considering that children of this age love to draw, crafts will be offered creative tasks precisely in these directions. Each child will be able to show their creativity if parents or teachers help them complete their work correctly, send necessary materials site administrators. The results of some competitions have already been held. Applications are now being accepted for new competitions in 2016. You can take part in them and become a lucky winner.

All-Russian competitions for students in grades 5 - 9 (secondary school)

Considering that the main thing in the middle management is educational activities, I would like to offer schoolchildren participation in subject competitions, where they can demonstrate their abilities and knowledge of individual disciplines. Participation in school events is interesting, but children want to go beyond this framework and tell about themselves far beyond hometown or a small village. All-Russian competitions for middle-level students help those who participate in them to prove themselves. It is these events that help to maintain schoolchildren’s interest in the subjects that are studied at school, and at the same time stimulate the independence of schoolchildren, their activity, and initiative. After all, in order to prove oneself worthily in All-Russian competition for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to be able to work with additional literature, search required material on the Internet, arrange finished work taking into account the requirements specified in the regulations. At the same time, there is close cooperation between students in groups, interaction between student and teacher, between children and parents. It was at this time that some schoolchildren discover their talents for creating projects, presentations at interesting topics, by writing creative works(poems, essays), creating collages, drawings, posters.

Not easy. But it’s even more difficult to choose games and competitions for children school age. After all, the interests and hobbies of children have changed. And entertainment should be age-appropriate. Games for schoolchildren not only perform an entertaining function, but also play a significant educational role in game form. Thus, with the help of games we develop children’s attention, imagination, thinking, and communication skills.


Memory development game. At the beginning of the game, players agree on which group they will name words from: trees, birds, furniture, transport, animals. The first player says the word and passes the ball to the other player: for example, hare. The next child repeats the first word and names his own: hare, fox. The next player must repeat the first two words and add his own word: hare, fox, bear. The one who could not reproduce the words is eliminated from the game. The last player's task is to reproduce the entire chain of words.

Chains of words

Children sit in a circle. The first child names any object (noun), the next player must come up with an adjective that will be combined with the noun, then he must again come up with a noun that must be combined with the adjective, etc.

House – tall – tree – green – crocodile – evil – wizard, etc.


This is a fun surprise game. You can play it with children of any age. For children younger age you can offer to look for treasure on behalf of some fairy tale character. In this case, the character can ask the children to solve riddles. For example, having guessed the riddle about the closet, children find a note in it with a new riddle or a new task. The game captivates the kids, and when they finally find the treasure, it will be a real surprise for them. As a treasure, you can offer refreshments for all guests or small souvenirs for everyone.

For children older game can be complicated. Offer the children a pre-drawn treasure hunt plan or map. In the diagram (map), indicate the direction of the search. For example, from a landmark you need to count five steps forward, turn left, walk another three steps, etc. This game is fun to play outdoors; you can hide treasure both on a tree and in the ground.


Children sit in a circle. Each person has a sheet of paper and markers or pencils. The game is best played with music. While the music is playing, the children draw. The music stops and during the pause the children pass the drawings to each other in a circle. Music plays and drawing continues. And so on until the drawings return to their owners. In conclusion, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Game-competition “Summer is”

The game promotes the development of imagination. The presenter names a concept, and the players take turns to name its signs, for example: summer is the sea; holidays, heat. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who is the last to name the attribute of the object.


The game will be interesting to children of middle and high school age. It perfectly develops the communication skills of schoolchildren.

From among the players, three people are chosen - smugglers. Each smuggler will need a book and a marked piece of paper for everyone - this is smuggling. The smugglers retire and agree which of them will carry the contraband, then hide it in a book. The remaining group of children are customs officers. Their task is to find contraband. To do this, they ask the smugglers leading questions. Conclusions are drawn by analyzing the responses and behavior of smugglers. The suspected smuggler is examined - his book is checked. You can only check one of the three smugglers. If customs officers find contraband, they win, then they choose new smugglers from among the customs officers, but if they make a mistake, then the smugglers remain the same. You can prepare standard questions for customs officers in advance.

Where do you live?

Where are you going?

For what purpose?

For how long?

What are you carrying in your luggage?

Do you have any prohibited items?

What documents do you have?

Source of income?


The game is a release. One or two people are chosen from among the players - these are the drivers who will guess the invented phrase. After this, the remaining group of children comes up with a phrase. This could be a proverb, a saying, a line from a famous song, i.e. the phrase should be “well-known.” The phrase is then divided into words by players, each player will say only his own word, but all words will be said at the same time. The driver's task is to reproduce the phrase.


This exciting game analogue of the game “Damaged Telephones”. Only here the message is transmitted in the form of a drawing - a fax. The participants of the game sit in a circle. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each of them. The first participant, using a stick or a closed felt-tip pen, draws some simple object on his neighbor’s back: a Christmas tree, the sun, a house, a person, etc. By pressing the stick, the player must determine what is drawn and draw the same object on the back of the person sitting in front of him. At the end of the game, the children voice out what they drew.

Funny Guys

This game will be great entertainment for children's party while developing your imagination.

The presenter throws the ball to the player, naming an object, such as a pencil. The player must quickly come up with another name for this item - a draftsman, a draftsman, a writer, and throw the ball back. If the child finds it difficult, he drops out of the game.

Gender education Should I give my baby a pacifier? Didactic games for children 2-3 years old. Getting to know the ball. Didactic games for children 2-3 years old. Color and shape
Didactic games for children 2-3 years old. Color. Games for developing phonemic awareness How to develop speech in children early age How to raise responsibility in a child How to get your child to collect toys How to feed a child from 1 year to 3 years How to teach a child to handle money How to stop a child from sleeping with his parents How to prepare a child's hand for writing How to play with your child outside after the rain How to properly criticize a child How to calm a child's tantrum What reflexes should newborns have? Conflict situations on the playground Naughty child: how to deal with whims and hysterics Repeat. Online game for memory development
The benefits of drawing for children Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten? Psychological readiness child to school
We develop logical thinking in children

All-Russian presentation competition for schoolchildren

Every student in grades 1-11 can take part in the event by submitting a presentation or report with a presentation on

  • biology,
  • geography,
  • foreign language
  • computer science,
  • stories,
  • local history,
  • mathematics,
  • music,
  • social studies,
  • psychology,
  • technologies,
  • physics,
  • ecology,
  • economy.

All details about the event are on the competition page and in the regulations.

Light of knowledge - spring 2020

All-Russian competition research work for students in grades 1-11

Each student can take part in the event together with the teacher-supervisor or individually.

The competition accepts research papers and projects on:

    • astronomy and cosmonautics,
    • biology,
    • geography,
    • art history,
    • foreign languages,
    • computer science,
    • stories,
    • local history,
    • literature,
    • mathematics and cryptography,
    • music,
    • to the surrounding world,
    • political science,
    • psychology,
    • robotics;
    • Russian language,
    • sociology,
    • technologies,
    • physics,
    • physical culture,
    • chemistry,
    • ecology,
    • economy.

You can find out comprehensive information about the competition and the Olympiad on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Art and talent. Masters of Drama

All-Russian competition of reports, presentations and illustrations, essays and research works, as well as a reading competition for schoolchildren and students

The competition is timed to coincide with important anniversaries of winter-spring 2020: 160 years since the birth of A.P. Chekhov, 225 years since the birth of A.S. Griboedov and 275 years since the birth of D.I. Fonvizin.

Theme of the competition: Russian and foreign drama. The circle of authors is not limited only to the above-mentioned anniversaries, but is as wide as possible: Russians and foreign writers, classics and authors of the XX-early. XXI centuries

Each teacher, schoolchild or student can send a report and presentation to the competition for a literature lesson, a research paper dedicated to the life and work of the selected playwright. This could be a presentation for a lesson in studying “Little Tragedies” by A.S. Pushkin, an essay based on the play by A.P. Chekhov “ Cherry Orchard", study creative laboratory N.V. Gogol when creating the comedy “The Inspector General”, etc.

You can also submit to the competition a video recording of a theatrical performance created by schoolchildren or students together with a teacher-supervisor based on a dramatic work.

For those wishing to demonstrate their recitation skills, the nomination “ Fiction reading" Schoolchildren and students can read a monologue or fragment from a play of their choice.

In total, the competition provides 9 nominations for students and 14 nominations for teachers.

The competition is divided into two streams so that participants can receive award documents faster. Competition diplomas are issued at the end of each stream. Participate in the first stream and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on March 3, 2020.

Spring streams - 2020

We bring to your attention several thematic blitz competitions dedicated to spring holidays: “We’re celebrating Maslenitsa,” “Dad can do anything,” “There’s only one like that in the world.” This is a great opportunity to please parents not only a good gift, made with your own hands, but also a diploma of a winner or prize-winner creative competition!

Also, as part of the marathon, an artistic recitation competition has been opened, where every student can read his favorite poem about mom or dad, about spring or about your four-legged friend.

The list of available blitz competitions will be updated. Stay tuned.

All details are on the competition page and in the regulations.

Thirst for new discoveries

Theme of the competition: the geography of our planet in all its diversity.

Each student can submit a report, presentation, research paper on geography to the competition, as well as take part in an artistic recitation competition by reading a poem or fragment prose work adventure genre.

The competition is also open to teachers of geography, literature, primary school teachers, additional education and librarians, college and university teachers.

The competition is divided into 3 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Take part in the first stream of the competition and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on November 26, 2019.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Heroes of History 2019 / 2020

All-Russian competition-marathon for students in grades 1-11, as well as for teachers and professors.

Theme of the competition: history of Russia and world history from ancient times to the present day.

Each student can submit a report, presentation, research paper, or essay to the competition. historical topic, and also take part in an artistic recitation competition by reading a poem, an excerpt from a poem or a fragment of a prose work on a historical topic.

The competition is also open to history and literature teachers, primary school teachers, additional education teachers and librarians, college and university teachers.

The competition is divided into 4 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Take part in the third stream of the competition and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on March 11, 2020.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Also, every student can take part in our project’s distance competitions. You can always find a list of available events in the new section. We have prepared tasks for different age groups, both first-graders and graduates will be able to find something for themselves. On at the moment There are six Olympiad tests available in Russian language, literature and art. The section is regularly updated, stay tuned.

To answer this question, let us turn to one of the main legislative acts regulating work in the field of education in general and the procedure for certifying teaching staff.

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended on July 26, 2019

Article 77. Organization of education for persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities

"2. In order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, federal government agencies, organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, public and other organizations are organized and carried out Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sports events (hereinafter referred to as competitions), aimed at identifying and developing students’ intellectual and creative abilities, ability to study physical culture and sports, interest in scientific (research) activities, creative activity, physical education and sports activities, for propaganda scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements.

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and incentives

“22) development of one’s creative abilities and interests, including participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sporting events, including in official sports competitions, and other public events.

The activities of the Open Palms project are carried out in accordance with the above law and are aimed at supporting and developing gifted children.

How can the active participation of children in Olympiads help a teacher when passing certification?

Consider a document entitled “Methodology for analyzing information about results professional activities applicants of qualification category (first or highest), carrying out educational activities by the position of “teacher”, which guides the experts of the certification commission of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Student achievements

Criterion: individual educational achievements of students (results of participation in competitions, olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, intellectual marathons, projects in the subject(s) of study).
Each academic achievement is taken into account, subject to participation:
  • several students in one event ;
  • the same student in events of different levels;
  • the same student in several events.
When participating in face-to-face events held by organizations engaged in educational activities and educational authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level Level educational organization
Winner = 6 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 5 points

Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points Winner = 3 points Winner, runner-up, laureate, nominee:

1 person or more = 1 point

When participating in face-to-face events held by third parties
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level
Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 3 points

Winner = 3 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 2 points

Winner = 2 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 1 point

When participating in correspondence and distance events conducted by organizations engaged in educational activities and educational authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level

1-5 people = 4 points

More than 5 people = 5 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When participating in correspondence, remote events held by third parties
International level Federal level Regional level
Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When assessing the results of correspondence and distance events, it is necessary to study the regulations on holding an correspondence competition, Olympiad, etc., located on the electronic resource of the event organizer. To do this, you must follow the direct electronic link specified by the applicant in the “Name of events” column. In the absence of this information, the AC specialist has the right not to take into account the results of students’ participation in correspondence and distance learning activities.
  • The points of each participant are not summed up if the student team wins.
  • The total number of points when assessing the results of intramural events at any level should be no more than 15 points
  • When assessing the results of intramural events at the level of an educational organization, a single mark (1 point) is given for any number of achievements (not a multiple of the number of achievements).
  • The total number of points when assessing the results of correspondence and distance competitions of any level should be no more than 10 points

Of course, a teacher can receive the highest score during certification for participating in a face-to-face competition international level conducted by educational authorities. Successes at such events at the federal level, etc. are slightly less valued. Unfortunately, there are not many professional competitions and olympiads for schoolchildren of this level, and not every teacher or student can take part in them for many reasons: harsh conditions selection, limitation on the number of participants, inability to personally come to the competition site, etc.

At the same time, having trained a student winner of a distance competition at the federal level, during certification, a teacher can receive the same number of points as his colleague with the student winner of a city-level competition conducted by the education department, or a colleague with a student winner of an in-person federal competition. Student victories school competitions and the Olympics, alas, are not highly valued at all.

  • The results of the activities are stored on the project website in the “Results” section for no less than 5 years after their completion (five years is the inter-certification period). Indicate a link to the final table in the report when passing the certification, as well as on your personal or school website.
  • The status of a completed event is always posted on the results page. Any member of the certification commission will be able to familiarize himself with it.
  • Each teacher can apply for an unlimited number of students participating in the competition.
  • The same student can participate in different competitions.
  • Five or more students participating in competitions and olympiads should bring you 3 additional points during certification.

Since 2016, regular competitions for schoolchildren have been opened on our website. These are the research work competition “Light of Knowledge” and the report and presentation competition “Open Palms”. Lovers of Russian and world history can always take part in the “Heroes of History” marathon. Also held regularly literary competitions, reading competitions, and other creative events dedicated to significant dates. For example, in the 2018/2019 academic year, the competition “Beauty and life emanates from everywhere...”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, and the competition “Poet and Sage”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, were successfully held . In the fall, we remembered our favorite childhood authors as part of the creative competition “Learn Good,” and in the spring we held a recitation competition for Victory Day, “Holiday of Peace and Spring.”

Having analyzed the document that guides the certification commissions, we can conclude that distance (correspondence) competitions at the all-Russian level, conducted by the portal, are an appropriate addition or an optimal alternative to the few events held by educational authorities in your city or region.


  1. Competitions and olympiads of the “Open Palms” project are remote and are held third party, therefore, according to the instructions of the experts of the certification commissions, they must be taken into account when calculating points when certifying teachers.
  2. All ongoing events have federal status, which is confirmed by a Media Certificate with the territory of distribution Russian Federation and other countries, issued by Roskomnadzor on February 16, 2016.
  3. We invite teachers and students to take part in competitions and olympiads of our project to expand their portfolio and more confidently pass certification.

© 2015-2018 Online publication for teachers, educators, schoolchildren and preschoolers “Open Palms” (IP Anisimov P.V.) All rights reserved.

1. Drawing lesson blindfolded.

3. Puss in Boots.

Props: boots are very large size, skittles (3 per team), hat (1 per team).

Get dressed, run around the pins, curtsy, come back.

4. Baba Yaga.

Props: 3 stupas (3 buckets), 3 brooms.

One foot in the bucket, the other on the ground, one hand supporting the bucket, the other supporting the broom, go the distance.

5. Kolobok.

Props: 3 buckets, skittles (3 per team), 3 balls - Koloboks. Skittles: Hare, Wolf, Bear; bucket - Fox, roll your Kolobok past the pins, throw it into the bucket.

6. Fisherman.

Props: 3 fishing rods with magnets, a lot of fish with paper clips, as well as a can, a frog, a shoe, etc.

“What is it with Galochka?

A thread on a stick

Stick in hand

And a thread in the river...”

(We fish).

7. "Snake"- we cling in turn to each other so as not to break the snake.

The letter got lost

1. They say there is one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

The house was hooked.

2. There is fear in Mashenka’s eyes:

A large green onion is creeping.

3. We collected cornflowers.

We have puppies on our heads.

4. On yellowed grass

The lion drops its leaves.

5. There are no roads in the swamp,

I'm into cats - jump and jump!

6. There is sour cream on the wolf,

Cottage cheese, milk.

And I would be glad to eat

Yes, it's not easy to get.

7. The teacher says to Paraska:

What fairy tales have you read?

Paraska thinks: “Oh-oh!

I haven’t read a single one!”

And from behind someone whispers: “Turnip!”

Paraska screamed: “Cap!”

Game "Prize"

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

A seasoned schoolboy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: 1-2, march!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, but better... five!

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

So why didn’t you take the prize, friends?

When was the opportunity to take it?

Funny competitions

1. Help your friend.

Props: apron, headscarf. The boy dresses the girl.

2. Ap-chi! We shout: boxes, cartilage, matches.

4. Varvara-krasa - long braid.

5. Who has more buttons?

6. Who will drink juice faster through a pacifier (straw)

7. Turtle - get on all fours, basin on your back, walk the distance.


I order you to destroy the mess!

An angry boar sat on a branch

The steamboat was languishing in a cage

The nightingale sharpened its fangs

Porcupine honked

The cat taught physics

Masha caught her tail

Pinocchio sewed his own pants

The tailor ate all the pancakes

The hedgehog was set for dinner

Siskin moved his whiskers

Cancer flew above the clouds

The table was chasing mice

The kettle was jumping in the yard

The boy gurgled on the fire

Find out the fairy-tale hero

1. Who is the unfortunate person who is assassinated three times? (Kolobok)

2. Sing Kolobok’s song.

3. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

4. Get into the habit of going into the poultry house - expect trouble,

Covers his tracks with his red tail. (Lisa Patrikeevna)

5. Someone grabbed onto someone tightly:

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out,

Oh, it's stuck tight.

But more helpers will come running soon.

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Maybe it's... (Turnip)

6. The Fox carries me beyond the dark forests,

For fast rivers, for high mountains...

Cat! Thrush! Save me! (Golden comb cockerel)

7. There is a green house in a sunny meadow,

And in that green house lives a cheerful one... (Dwarf).

8. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

The girl was sleeping in the nutshell.

What a girl, how small she is!

Who read this book

Does he know the little girl? (Thumbelina)

9. Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The Onion Boy is familiar.

It is called very simply and briefly... (Cipollino)

10. Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,

Bowlegged and lame,

The sink runs out and shakes his head! (Moidodyr)

11. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp.

Everyone knows, famous,

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

12. He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in the whole world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog...

But it was filmed for cinema and has been known to everyone for a long time

This cute little face that is called... (Cheburashka)

13. He always loves everyone,

No matter who came to him.

Did you guess it? This is Gena... This is Gena... (Crocodile)

14. He is both cheerful and not angry

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special nose for honey.

This plush prankster is a bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

15. On the ground and underground

He will be your comrade! (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

16. Baby goats!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk.

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch - up to the hoof,

From the hoof - into the dirt! (Wolf and seven kids)

Game "Echo"

Get ready, kids! - ra-ra

The game begins! - ra-ra

Don't spare your palms! - ley-ley

Hit your hands more fun! - ley-ley

What time is it now! - hour-hour

How much will it be in an hour? - hour-hour

And it’s not true, there will be two! - two-two

Think, think, head! - two-two

How the rooster crows in the village! - uh-uh

Are you sure that's true? - yes, yes

But in reality, how? - how-how

What is two and two? - two-two

My head is spinning! - wa-wa

Is it an ear or a nose? (holds ear) - nose-nose

Or maybe a load of hay? - cart-cart

Is it an elbow or an eye? - eye-eye

Well, what do we have? - us-us

Are you always good? - yes, yes

Or only sometimes? - yes, yes

Are you tired of answering? - chat-chat

I allow you to remain silent.

Fun Challenge Competition- several educational review games, turning into one another and making up a kind of game suite. The participants of this suite, united in small teams (no more than 10-15 people each), perform creative tasks and take turns presenting their impromptu solutions. The suite may include: playing in an orchestra, a relay race of fun tasks, and a ring of songs.

Fun Challenge Competition- this is a show of ingenuity, creative imagination, the ability to quickly navigate the environment, engage in teamwork and the joy of others.

The music sounds and the presenters take the stage.

Presenters. Hello guys!

Participants: Hello!

Presenter 1st: Why are you answering unfriendly? Let's say hello to each other again in a friendly and cheerful manner.

Presenter 2: Now, guys, let's get acquainted. My name is...

Presenter 1: And me...

Presenter 2: What's your name, boy? And you, girl?

Presenter 1: There are a lot of guys in our gym today, but I want to get to know everyone.

Presenter 2nd: We will do this: let everyone say their name, and we will all get to know each other. Are you ready, guys?

Presenter 1st: Well, now we all know each other and are very glad that today the nicest, most cheerful guys have gathered in our hall.

Presenter 2nd: Guys! Have you ever had to travel? Very good! And now we will go on a journey to the kingdom-state of fun tasks, where difficulties and all kinds of trials await us. And we will go there by train, but not on an ordinary one, but on a magical one. So, sit back and get comfortable! Let's go!

The music "Blue Car" is playing.

Presenter 1st: What will we take with us on the road?

Participants answer: Dexterity, courage, good mood, intelligence.

Presenter 2nd: And now the teams get ready for the draw.

The teams are being drawn. They inflate balloons and put notes with team numbers in them.

Competition 1st

Music. Presentation of the jury, the principle of evaluation of the competition.

Presenter 1st: So, the 1st competition is the “Riddle” crossword puzzle.

1. There is a portrait in the room

Similar to you in everything,

Laugh - and in response

He will laugh too. (Mirror)

2. Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders,

He tells everyone to keep pace. (Drum)

3. The maple leaves have turned yellow,

Flew to the countries of the south

Swift-winged swifts.

What month is it, tell me. (August)

4. A piece of paper in the morning

They bring us to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news. (Newspaper)

5. What a wonderful beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way!

You can't drive into them or enter them. (Rainbow)

6. They don’t feed them oats.

They don't drive with a whip,

And how it plows -

Dragging seven plows. (Tractor)

7. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky. (Parachute)

Competition 2nd

You remember, of course, Charlie Chaplin in the old silent films? What wonderful stories he told without any words, only with gestures and facial expressions. So you are invited to do pantomime. This will help you develop creativity and self-confidence.

1. Whose work am I doing:

- painter,

- teachers,

- postman,

- shoemaker,

- carpenter,

- bus driver.

2. Show how you feel:

- when I came to visit and unexpectedly ended up at a birthday party;

- when someone takes your ice cream;

- when you went shopping with your mom and got lost;

- when your stomach hurts;

- when the dog's paw was crushed;

- when the sun is shining;

- when on the street it's raining, and you don’t have an umbrella;

- when you are late for school and there is no transport.

3. Show your gait:

- soldier,

- ballerinas,

- Very old man,

- a person in a hurry

- troublemakers,

- shovel.

4. Tips competition.

Two representatives each take the exam. One knows the poem (it was given by the presenter on a piece of paper), the other does not. A person who knows needs to use pantomime to suggest the text to a friend so that he can read the poem (“The bull is walking, swinging,” “They dropped the bear on the floor,” etc.).

Competition 3rd

Come up with 10 words starting with one letter and write a story in such a way that sentences begin with these words.

Competition 4th

Invent and depict a sculptural group on a given theme: “We Lost”, “Holiday on a Ship”, “Winner of Space”, “Forest Carnival”, “New Year’s Eve”, “Deuce Again”, “On a Hiking Trip”, “Three Heroes”.

Competition 5th

Say the same word or phrase in different scenes with different intonation:

- mysteriously,

- angrily,

- joyfully,

- with a threat,

- sadly.

(“Not bad”, “Come in”, “Think again”, “There will be more”, “Come to me”, “Close the door”, “Give me the diary”, “Come with me.”)

Music is playing.

Presenter 1st: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Of course you do! Everyone loves fairy tales, even adults. That is why we will spend the final part of our journey to the kingdom-state of fun tasks in the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Presenter 2nd. You guys probably really want to go there? Come on, we will help you.

Presenter 1st: Of course, we’ll help the kids get to the Glade of Fairy Tales! But to do this they need to remember which fairy tale the words are from:

Fly, fly petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be in my opinion led.

Presenter 2: That's right, guys! The fairy tale is called "The Seven-Flower Flower", and we have magic flower. We will now tear off a petal, and you will all say together very unanimously magic words, and you and I will find ourselves in the Glade of Fairy Tales. Get ready.

The guys repeat the words.

Presenter 1st: So you and I found ourselves in the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Presenter 2nd: How many fairy-tale heroes are there!

Presenter 1: How, don't you guys see them? You probably forgot that a fairy tale teaches us to dream and requires one thing from us - to believe in it.

Presenter 2nd: And now, guys, if you really want, some fairy tale heroes can come to life in our magical Glade. But you just have to really want it. And also take an active part in the literary tu-vi (quiz tournament).

Presenter 1: Each team will be given an excerpt from work of art. You need to guess who or what we are talking about and name the author.

1. Oh, my poor orphans,

The irons and pans are mine!

Go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with spring water,

I'll clean you with sand

I'll douse you with boiling water,

And you will again

Like the sun shining!

(Fedora from “Fedorino Mountain” by K.I. Chukovsky)

2. The whole night before the celebration they sat sewing and burned more than sixteen candles. Everyone could see that they were trying very hard to meet the deadline. They pretended to remove fabric from machines, they cut the air with large scissors, they sewed with a needle without thread.

(Tailors from the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen)

3. Suddenly from the gates of a burnt house

A stranger came out.

Red with rust, covered in bruises,

He held the girl tightly in his arms.

(Unknown hero from the poem of the same name by S. Ya. Marshak)

4. After two minutes, his beard was quite usable. He pulled out two hairs, and before the accompanying crystal music had even melted into the air, our friends’ clothes began to look as if they had just been thoroughly ironed, and the shoes not only sparkled, but even smelled of the most expensive shoe polish.

(Old Man Hottabych from the fairy tale of the same name by L. Lagina)

5. How he went for the ring,

Like an ambassador in heaven,

How cunningly he caught the Firebird,

How he kidnapped the Tsar Maiden,

As among other ventures

He saved thirty ships

How was it not cooked in the cauldrons?

How he became a handsome man -

In a word, our speech is about

How he became king.

(Ivan from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov)

6. He appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of lime and a long brush in his hands. Sighing, he dipped his brush into the bucket and ran it along the top board of the fence, then repeated this operation, did it again, compared the insignificant whitewashed strip with the vast continent of the unpainted fence and sat down under the tree in complete despondency.

(Tom Sawyer from M. Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”)

Presenter 2nd. So, our literary quiz tournament is over. And now we move on to, perhaps, the most interesting competitionhomework“Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!”

Presenter 1st: Each team was offered a fairy tale. The task of the participants is the following: to approximate the content of one folk tale to the chosen topic, reveal the problem, reflecting the positive and negative aspects, through actions between positive and negative heroes solve the problem.

"A Tale on the Problems of Children's Organizations"

Approximate fairy tale themes:

1. Formalism in a children's organization - “The Ryaba Hen”.

2. Creation of a children's organization - “Teremok”.

3. Methodists - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

4. Economic education - “At the command of the pike.”

5. Planning work - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

6. Junior schoolchildren - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

7. Curators - “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”

Presenter 2nd: (dressed up as a grandmother): Grandma Arina walked through the raspberries, couldn’t find any raspberries, but what she picked, she brought you as a gift: the letter “C” - mushrooms, the letter “K” - flowers, the letter “A” - cherries, the letter "3" - strawberries.

Yes, while I was on my way to you, I lost all the gifts from the basket... In return, tell me an old fairy tale, not very short, but not very long, like from me to you.

At this time, the 1st presenter lays out the word



1st: Oh guys!

There is a mountain in the meadow,

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak tree there is a crater

In red boots

In gilded earrings,

Black raven on an oak tree,

He plays the trumpet.

Chiseled pipe, gilded.

The trumpet is fine, the song is good.

In the morning the trumpet blows,

By nightfall he tells a fairy tale.

The animals gather to listen to the raven,

Eat gingerbread.

The fairy tale show begins.

Presenter 2: That's the end of the fairy tales. And whoever listened - well done!

Presenter 1: Our competition “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come” has ended. And now it’s time to take stock.

The results are being summed up.

Presenter 2: Our journey has come to an end. You showed your resourcefulness, ingenuity, managed to overcome all obstacles with honor, but... the team won. She gets the prize.