What materials are needed to repair clothes. How to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop

A business in an atelier for sewing and repairing clothes can recoup the initial investment in just six months, after which it will bring the owner about 100 thousand rubles. monthly income. Such a project can be a way out for those who know how to sew and want to open sewing studio, but it may turn out to be good family business.

  • Where to start opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop
  • How much can you earn from a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • Premises and equipment
  • What equipment should I choose for a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • What documents are needed to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • Optimal taxation system
  • Why can't you open a studio at home?

Where to start opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop

The first thing you need to determine before opening a tailoring and clothing repair shop is its location. There are several approaches, namely:

  • locate the studio in a public place, for example, shopping center;
  • provide tailoring and clothing repair services in a residential area of ​​the city.

Proponents of the first approach argue that if the studio is located in a shopping center, then the flow of customers is higher. When people make purchases, they immediately try to fit new clothes to fit themselves, which is why they turn to the seamstress, who is located in the same building.

This is true. To be convinced of this, just look at the workload of ateliers located in crowded places: in clothing markets, near (or inside) department stores and shopping centers.

Proponents of the second approach argue that not everyone has time to give the purchased items to the studio, which is located near the place of purchase. In addition, it is even more common to need to repair previously purchased clothing. It is extremely inconvenient to go specifically to the center for this. In such cases, studios located in residential areas are very helpful.

The advantage of the second approach is that the rental cost is lower than in the city center. If you have to pay 35-60 thousand rubles for a room of 12-18 m2 in a shopping center. per month or more, then in a residential area renting a similar premises will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.

Another approach to starting your own business is to buy a franchise. The positive thing about this approach is that you have to go through the steps proposed by the franchisor, which have previously led to the success of more than one enterprise. There is no need to figure out how to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop; you just need to follow all the recommendations, each of which has already been tested in practice.

Many people believe that buying a franchise only increases starting investments. But if you calculate how much an entrepreneur’s mistakes will cost when launching a project and bringing it to the estimated profit, then these costs can be several times higher than starting a franchise business.

Despite the fact that before opening his own studio, an entrepreneur can make a very detailed business plan, in reality, this document will have to be adjusted to one degree or another. And if the business owner is also new to this business or has little understanding of business processes, then the real numbers will differ greatly from the calculated ones.

This happens when a seamstress who does her job well, but has a very vague idea of ​​how to organize and promote a business, becomes an entrepreneur. As a result, she has to comprehend this order, making mistakes that result in loss of income.

How much can you earn from a clothing tailoring and repair shop?

The owner of the project must take responsibility for its promotion. It’s good when he knows all the production aspects. But he needs this not in order to fulfill orders himself, but so that, based on this knowledge, he can optimize his business.

Expect that 1 order will bring in an average of 300 rubles. If there are 10-15 orders per day, the company will receive 90-135 thousand rubles. IN best case scenario taking into account monthly costs, the profit of the enterprise will be 40 thousand rubles. Already with 20 orders per day, the enterprise’s income can range from 50 to 95 thousand rubles.

The task of a businessman is to ensure required quantity orders that will allow the company to make a profit of 100 thousand rubles. and more. Additional profit comes from sales of fabric and accessories, so the project can be organized as an atelier-shop.

Remember that before you open an atelier from scratch, it is recommended to consider this project as a business, and not as workplace at home.

This approach will require more investments, it incurs more regular costs, but the entrepreneur also has more room for maneuver.

One way to make a stable profit is clothing repair as a business. We’ll tell you step by step where to start, how to draw up a business plan, and reviews from owners of similar establishments in different regions of the country.

Such a project has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when organizing a business in order to achieve a better result. It is advisable to analyze the market in advance, identify the main competitors in the city and draw up turn-based strategy development.


Clothes repair shops are often opened by people who have quite a lot of experience in sewing products and “tailoring” them to the figure. Sewing technologists or cutters often become entrepreneurs of this kind. A person who is far from these professions is unlikely to be able to organize the right workshop and make money from it good profit.

The advantages of starting a clothing repair business are:

  1. Individual tailoring or product correction according to the characteristics of the figure is always in demand among the population. People have always wanted to stand out and dress original. And some of the clients of such workshops even suffer from a non-standard physique, for which it is difficult to find a ready-made dress or suit.
  2. To implement this idea, large financial investments will not be required. You can develop gradually.
  3. High profitability and short payback periods of the project are especially attractive for beginning entrepreneurs.

To start, it is important to decide in what format you will work:

  • focus only on repairing and “adjusting” products to fit;
  • engage in custom tailoring;
  • or combine both directions.

If you want to start with small expenses and do not have a ready-made customer base, then the following course of events is considered optimal. First, a workshop is opened, where a specialist only fulfills orders for the repair and correction of clothing. Over time, people begin to trust you and increasingly seek help.

One day, perhaps, someone will find out whether it is possible to sew a product to order in and then it is worth purchasing additional special equipment, expanding the range of fabrics and accessories, and adding custom tailoring to the list of services. And then it is possible to carry out large wholesale orders for the production of uniforms, etc.

It is worth pointing out the difficulties that novice entrepreneurs will have to face. Today, most of the population cannot afford individual tailoring of things for every day. Such services are requested only in special cases. Almost no one expects repairs either, because it is much more profitable and pleasant to buy a new cheap thing from the Chinese market than to repair an old one for almost the same price.

Business registration

If you repair clothes at home on your own for your friends, you can do it without legal registration documents, then opening a workshop will definitely require at least minimal registration from you. To do this, just register with the tax service as individual entrepreneur by paying a small state fee and submitting an application.

The tax form is simplified or UTII. It’s better to read the calculations in advance to decide which one will be more profitable in your case. OKVED codes must correspond to the list of services offered by the workshop.

It is advisable to indicate all available options in order to have room for development and expansion in the future. Usually they indicate 95.29 - Repair of other personal and household goods. But you can add others - 18.21, 18.22, 18.24, 93.5 and 52.74.

In the process of preparing the premises, be sure to take into account the official requirements of the regulatory authorities - the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. Only after inspections by their representatives can you obtain permission to conduct entrepreneurial activity. You don’t need to open any special licenses for this, which is another advantage.

When hiring employees, you will additionally need to register as an employer with the social and pension funds. Even if at first the owner himself will carry out orders, he will still have to pay taxes and social contributions from wages.

Where to stay?

It is very important to choose the right location for your future studio. The income itself, the number of clients, the level of competition, etc. largely depend on this. Let’s consider various options:

  1. If you rent premises in a large shopping center, then the monthly payment will “eat up” almost all of your earnings. But there are also advantages here. When there are many clothing stores nearby, most of their customers will come to you because they want to customize the product to suit their body shape. But with such work, you will have to fulfill orders in express mode. No one will wait 2-3 days for a new thing.
  2. If you open a repair shop somewhere in the residential sector on the ground floor of a residential building, then you will have quite a lot of clients who have time to sort through old things. Women will be able to decide what they would like to alter, alter, correct, repair and fulfill orders for as long as possible; clients can wait several days. The rent for such premises will also be more profitable for a novice entrepreneur.
  3. By collaborating with clothing stores or outlets selling fabrics and sewing accessories, you can quickly promote your business. In this case, the interaction will be beneficial for both parties. The store’s customers will become yours, and thanks to the presence of a studio in their premises, sales of materials for sewing and repairing products will increase significantly.
  4. You can go another way. Place the order acceptance point somewhere in a high-traffic area, for example, in a shopping center, at a clothing market, or near the metro. And the work itself is carried out by home-based workers or in a workshop located on the outskirts of the city, where the rent is much lower.

When choosing a suitable location, it is advisable to take into account other factors - the presence of competing companies of a similar focus, the population’s need for clothing repair, the cost of ready-made dresses on the market and prices for services.

The room itself should also be prepared in a certain way. Thus, it is important to take into account all the requirements of the SES and fire inspection, carry out the necessary communications and provide comfortable workplaces for each seamstress separately. Take care of heating in winter, ventilation in summer and good lighting.

The total area is 10-15 square meters. m. enough for a small workshop. Make a simple cosmetic renovation, not particularly luxurious, but the inside should be cozy and clean. If the first impression scares off customers, then you will suffer losses. Provide the rooms with good lighting, install a fitting room with a large mirror, and separate the work area from the reception area.

We purchase equipment

The list of tools and machines needed will depend on the range of services you offer. Each type of work requires its own equipment. Typically, clothing repair shops purchase:

  • hemming machine;
  • furrier;
  • knitted for thicker fabrics;
  • straight stitch machine;
  • overlock;
  • steam generator or iron.

Also, do not forget to provide the craftsmen with all the required tools (scissors, needles, meters, etc.) and consumables (fabrics, zippers, buttons, ribbons, threads, etc.). It is better to buy a little of everything at once and over time supplement the assortment with more popular materials.

Please note that equipment has different prices depending on the manufacturer, whether it is new or used, the quality and power of the machines. You should not purchase cheap machines and tools, as this risks frequent downtime due to their breakdowns, as well as damaged customer belongings and a bad reputation for the establishment. It is better to initially spend money on an expensive Japanese machine, but ensure a high level of quality for completed orders.

Don't forget about the furniture in the workshop. It can be simple and affordable. It is necessary to provide tables and chairs for all employees, as well as to comfortably arrange the reception area for clients. When paying in cash, it is advisable to have a registered cash register.

Search for masters

At the very beginning, with a small influx of people, the owner can also fulfill orders. But as the business develops and the client base expands, additional employees will have to be hired. It is important that they are experienced and have certain skills in sewing. When there are a lot of orders, it is advisable to hire an administrator who will only accept products from clients.

Think in advance what salary level you can set for craftsmen. It is necessary to adequately evaluate their work and not underestimate the cost, otherwise good specialists will go to competitors. It is considered optimal to pay the minimum wage regardless of the number of orders plus interest rate for the work done.

Check your skills and level of professionalism at the internship stage. To do this, give new employees simple and simple orders and monitor their implementation. It is better to immediately part with those who are frankly unsuitable for work. Although some novice masters can be taught on their own and enlist the help of a reliable person.

We are building a client base

All your profit will strictly depend on the number of orders. And for this you need to try to inform as many people as possible about your discovery, create good reputation atelier and don’t skimp on advertising. Be sure to include the costs for this item in your business plan in advance, because it’s unlikely to be possible without them.

But for most cases of opening a clothing repair shop from scratch, you need to attract the attention of the local population as much as possible. To do this, use a variety of methods:

  1. Install a prominent sign above the entrance.
  2. Distribute printed products with short information about the workshop's services - leaflets, business cards.
  3. Take advantage of advertisements on the Internet - on forums, social networks, special groups, etc.
  4. Don’t be shy about asking your friends to tell others about your studio; word of mouth still remains the main way to form a client base today.
  5. Place advertisements on public transport, in local media, in the subway, etc.
  6. Collaborate with clothing or fabric store owners, this will be beneficial for both them and you.

Today, marketing moves such as creating discount cards for regular customers, discounts and promotions for holidays, various bonus offers.

Let's calculate finances

So, how much money do you need to open a small clothing repair shop? Of course, this point is influenced by many factors - the list of services offered, the number of working professionals and the cost of the selected equipment. But the averages look like this.

In addition, you will have to spend money on the maintenance of the studio every month.

If there are more hired craftsmen, and you want to purchase various professional equipment, then the costs will be significantly higher. But for a minimal start, this is enough.

Another question that interests budding entrepreneurs most is how much can you earn from clothing repair? In the first months, most likely, there will be too few orders, and you will go into the red.

But over time, with the right approach to organizing a business, you will be able to achieve monthly income in the amount of 100,000 rubles. Therefore, within a few months you will fully recoup the initial investment and will be able to think about expanding and developing the project.

Video: business - clothing repair shop.

Opening this type of business is not so difficult. It does not require particularly complex inspection permits. A tailoring studio is not such a simple business; it requires special skill and an adequate pricing policy in order to win the love of the client, and so that he returns again and again. Before opening a tailoring shop, you need to consider the following steps, and then decide which business option is right for you.
Who should think about how to open a tailoring studio? It should mainly be opened to sewing professionals. Or have excellent organizational skills who can find and unite specialists in this field.

What will the tailoring studio specialize in?

This is the very first and most important question to answer. The mistake of novice masters is that they can grab any orders to earn money, but this does not always work positive role. Each area requires specific equipment and specific professional skills.

Not every tailor and fashion designer who specializes in sewing light women's clothing will be able to perfectly sew a coat or fur coat. What specializations can there be:
- production of special clothes and uniforms,
- engaged in sewing curtains, bed and table linen,
-covers for furniture and cars,
- fur and leather products,
- children's soft toys
— there is mass knitwear production
– individual tailoring for light and outerwear
- sewing men's suits.
-evening and theatrical costumes
- wedding dresses.
Also in the atelier there are often masters who work only with women or men.
There are many specializations, but if you plan to form a professional team, then you need to outline the main directions. Of course, in addition to sewing, repairs of products are also possible and this should not be neglected. The client’s love must be won, and high-quality repairs can encourage him to order more expensive items.

You may want to not only sew according to customer orders, but also invent something yourself, sew it and sell it. There are a lot of options, you need to choose which one is more professional.

How to open a studio: which premises to choose?

When choosing a room, you need to take into account its location. If you plan to do individual tailoring, then you need to choose a place with a lot of people, for example, near bus stops, shopping centers, markets.
The central areas will be the most convenient, because... it will be convenient for the client to reach from any area. Although in residential areas there are also people who need to sew something, and rent will be cheaper than in the center.
Having decided on the area, we choose the premises itself.
Mini repair studios can be located in shopping centers with literally 10 sq. m. For a larger studio, 60 sq. m will be enough.
The most important thing is to have good lighting: natural daylight or artificial.

What equipment is best to buy?

1. When opening, a lot of money is required at once, so some people decide to save on equipment by purchasing a household-type sewing machine from the studio. Is this bad?
Not bad, but a household machine cannot work with all types of fabrics, unlike a professional one. If the specificity of the tailoring studio is not aimed at working with dense thick fabrics, then this option is quite suitable initial stage acceptable.
Also, household machines are equipped with additional decorative stitches, sometimes completely unnecessary, which over long-term use can reduce the quality of the stitches. Remember! The fewer lines, the more reliable the machine and better quality lines.
Therefore, in a professional production machine there is only one straight stitch. Experts recommend buying a professional machine right away, even if it’s not a new one.

2. The second important machine is the edge overlocker. Here the simplest 3-4 thread is sufficient.

3. If you plan to sew knitwear, then there must be a separate machine for knitwear.
Nowadays, a hybrid is being produced on the market to save money, the so-called carpet machine, which contains the functions of an overlocker and a knitting machine. This option is convenient for sewing at home, it saves space, and when there is a small flow of products, there is time to reconfigure the machine from one function to another.
Time is valuable in the atelier and constant reconfiguration is not appropriate. Therefore, buy separate machines, each for its own functions.

4. Ironing table and steam generator, and if funds do not yet allow, then a good iron with steaming.

5. It is very important to have wide cutting tables.

This is perhaps the most expensive capital equipment.
But the list of necessities does not end there; you also need smaller tools such as patterns, drawing paper, tracing paper, tailor's scissors, paper scissors, needles, pins and other consumables and accessories.

Personnel team: how many employees to hire?

If you know the sewing craft, then at the initial stage, most likely you will actively sew or cut yourself, but assistants will be needed. The team must have at least:

2-3 seamstresses
- cutter - tailor
- fashion designer
— managing administrator

When choosing professionals, be prepared to pay a decent salary. Clients need quality, which depends on the well-coordinated professional work of the team.

When will the profit come?

How to open a studio so that you can immediately make a profit? Is this possible?
This business is seasonal and this should be taken into account when opening so as not to fall into the dark months.
An atelier specializing in custom tailoring should be prepared that January and February may not be profitable months when the wave of clients subsides. Therefore, we need to prepare for them in advance, collect orders for casting “extras”.
From March, clients begin to prepare for the spring-summer period and update their wardrobe for the season. In the summer, ateliers take orders for school uniforms.
In September, the second wave of seasonal tailoring begins, now they are already preparing to update their wardrobe for the autumn-winter period, and then outfits for the New Year.
December is considered the busiest and most profitable month.

The payback time is from 1-1.5 years. To manage risks, calculate the daily minimum income that will lead to the break-even point of the enterprise. From this we can build the rest of the planned indicators to obtain excess profits.

Why is a business offering tailoring and clothing repair services becoming so popular? It's all about the prices that have prevailed in the market for such services. Their high marks put both professional and home workshops on the list of profitable activities.

How to open a studio? First, you need to decide on its specialization: repair, sewing women's, men's or children's clothing (of course, you can create several departments at once, specializing in the most different directions). You should also think about what audience your workshop will target: wealthy clientele or middle class?

Services provided

There are three areas of services that your workshop can offer.

  • The first is repairs. Today this is the most popular option. Very often, clients ask to fix minor problems: change a zipper, alter buttons, adjust the length or size. It is this range of services that is in greatest demand. The downside is that it all costs a little.
  • The second is tailoring. Many people cannot find clothes in stores that suit their taste and figure. This is a fairly common problem, for which they turn to professionals. If your workshop offers tailoring of dresses, coats, and trousers in non-standard sizes, then it will earn great popularity among that part of the population that is accustomed to the fact that finding anything in a store is unrealistic.
  • Third – modeling and design. This niche has not yet been fully occupied, so you have every opportunity to make money from it. This, of course, is the most difficult task, requiring special skills, talent and imagination, which is why you need to hire specialists who will create a unique wardrobe.

Room standards

A high-traffic area is an ideal option for opening a tailoring studio. As a rule, these are shopping centers, consumer service complexes, the first floors of multi-storey buildings, etc.

Start with a small area - only 50 m2. But, if successful, do not give up the prospect of expansion. To do this, you can rent a neighboring room or an apartment in a neighboring house, for example, so as not to lose your regular customers.

Any workshop should have three types of premises:

  1. Reception: fitting booths, samples of accessories and fabrics;
  2. cutting and sewing shop: compartments for pre-cutting fabric and ironing;
  3. Rooms for sanitary purposes: storage rooms for room care products, toilets, staff room.

Required Equipment

In order to open a clothing repair shop, you need to purchase special equipment. If you care about the image of your future enterprise, we advise you to buy new tools and machines rather than skimp on old ones.

So, you will need:

  • Several overlockers;
  • cutting equipment;
  • installation with steam iron;
  • loop semi-automatic;
  • ordinary mannequins;
  • steam mannequin;
  • improvised tools (needles, scissors, patterns, meter, etc.);
  • consumables (zippers, glue, threads, etc.).

In addition to technical equipment, take care of the availability of furniture for visitors, cash register, fire extinguisher, lamps.

Frankly, industrial equipment for sewing is more expensive than conventional machines for home use, but the quality of sewing and speed are several times higher. All equipment will cost about $5,000, but if we are talking about serial tailoring, then you, of course, will need to use several more units, so the cost will be about $25,000.

When purchasing machines, pay attention to the number of operations it performs. The minimum requirement is 20 operations. Such equipment will cost you from $600 to $3,500.

To open a clothing tailoring or repair shop, you need to hire specialists in this field, because they are the key to your success. As many experts advise, you need to hire those employees who are interested in high-quality performance of their obligations.

A seamstress may not have any education, because the main thing is a certificate of completion of special courses. But having practical experience is the most important requirement, because a person must not only be able to work with a machine, but also know the intricacies of the work, and be able to calculate various nuances.

To begin with, you can hire 4-5 seamstresses for a trial period of half a month. If potential employees do a good job during this period, you can hire them permanently.

Additional staff – cleaner and accountant. As a rule, such employees do not enter into contracts employment contract, but only a contract or hire agreement for periodic services.

The monthly payment of each seamstress is approximately 12,000 - 18,000 rubles, the cleaner receives approximately 5,000 rubles, the accountant - 8,000 rubles. The salaries of cleaners and accountants are low due to their underemployment.

Your expenses

Let's look at everything point by point:

  1. Renting premises: from 10,000 to 15,000 rudders per month. The higher the status of the building in which you are going to rent space, the higher the rental amount. For example, the highest fees will be in shopping centers;
  2. purchase of equipment: sewing machines from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles per unit, mannequins, lighting fixtures, furniture for visitors, mirrors, overlock, steam generator - within 100,000 rubles;
  3. consumables: tools, threads, scissors, fabrics, repair of equipment in case of breakdown - within 10,000 rubles;
  4. wages: seamstress - 12,000 - 18,000 rubles (you will have 4-5 of them), cleaner - 5,000 rubles, accountant - 8,000 rubles.

Total amount: about 500,000 rubles.

What documents and permits do you need to obtain? First you go to tax service and register your workshop as an individual entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur, or LLC. We advise you to choose an individual entrepreneur, because in this case it will be several times easier for you to maintain accounting and tax records.

After that you choose OKVED codes:

  1. Main code: provision of personal services to the public;
  2. additional codes: tailoring - basic, special, other; production of accessories and repair of damaged wardrobe items.

You must also register with pension fund, obtain permission to start activities (Rospotrebnadzor), and permission from the state fire inspection.

Potential Risks

  • Risk 1: there are no good specialists. This is the most common type of risk. Many owners today complain about what to find good craftsmen almost impossible, because representatives of the so-called “ Soviet school“There’s not much left anymore. And the new “Russian school” as such does not exist in principle.
  • Risk 2: low seasons. This is how summer and January are most often called in the field of sewing and repairing wardrobe items. New Year holidays end in the second half of January. Since many church holidays fall at this time, potential clients travel around the country (to visit relatives and friends, on vacation, etc.) and remember that they need to sew or repair something only at the end of the second month of winter. But the so-called “passive” summer begins almost immediately after the May holidays and revives closer to the beginning of the new one academic year– second half of August.
  • Risk 3: You cannot find out the reason for clients leaving. A reduction in the number of clients indicates low quality of services. But the problem is that you can't know for sure why a regular customer left.
  • Risk 4: being held hostage by the format during a crisis. This is the name given to workers and owners of studios offering tailoring. designer clothes. If you choose a clientele with high incomes, you are a priori programming yourself to work with people with incomes much above average, so during a crisis you will not be able to quickly switch to sewing cheap items. This means that you will only lose income from this.

Your income

Is it profitable to open a studio? Let's do the math. If the average number of orders per day varies between 8-15 pieces, and average cost will be equal to 300 - 400 rubles, then per day you can earn from 2,400 to 6,000 rubles. It should be taken into account that the cost of services directly depends on the fabric, type of clothing, as well as its size.

In principle, studios that have been operating for several years and have acquired a stable client base, but are accepting new clients, earn from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles per day. At first, your amount will be significantly less. But, the skill of your seamstresses and the quality of work can soon enough bring you to the level of 10,000 - 13,000 rubles per day.

Build a good reputation and people will come to you!

Check out bank offers

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration salary cards- for free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile bank.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application for free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 405,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 157,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 310,300 rubles.
  • Payback – from 2 months.

Note: This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a tailoring and clothing repair shop with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This article will discuss the business plan of a small atelier engaged in sewing and repairing ready-made clothing according to the orders of its clients. The possibility of restoration of textile products is also assumed. Implementation finished products will be produced through the studio itself, where professional employees will work.

We will consider legal aspects of this business, existing risks and difficulties, we will calculate planned income and expenses, and draw conclusions about the level of profit and payback.

Market analysis

Before moving on to developing his own project, any competent businessman must analyze the market of the industry in which he plans to open his own business.

At the present time, the domestic light industry is in a serious and already quite protracted crisis.

If you look at the graph, you can immediately see that the dynamics are disappointing. Compared to 2005, they began to produce significantly less goods. And all this despite the fact that the demand for textile products is constantly increasing. In addition, clothes may not be a product that is bought every day, but everyone needs them.

Fashion has a huge influence on consumers. Today, many people hesitate between expensive goods from Italy and cheap ones from China. The first ones have high quality and exclusivity, which cannot be said about the second category. People with low incomes prefer comfortable and inexpensive clothes. They are ready to buy Belarusian knitwear and Turkish goods.

IN separate category you can select products self made. These products are in particular demand among those Russian consumers who cannot afford Italian items, but want to dress stylishly, fashionably and are willing to pay for quality.

But not everything is so rosy. There are a number of reasons why pressure on small workshops is increasing. These include:

  1. A large number of shopping centers with a huge selection of clothes (including high-quality European ones).
  2. The departure of some Russians abroad to make clothing purchases. Today, many people dress in foreign stores and boutiques when traveling.
  3. Significant amount Russian designers, whose boutiques are located in big cities. And the number of fashion designers is constantly growing, increasing competition in the clothing segment.

To understand in which direction to act, a businessman must decide on the specifics of his studio, correlating it with potential buyers. The situation is as follows:

  • Representatives with a high level of income prefer fur and leather products. They often buy handmade knitted goods from the studio.
  • The middle class turns to private ateliers for dresses and suits for various celebrations (weddings, anniversaries). They buy fur coats and sheepskin coats here.
  • Low-income citizens usually turn to the atelier to repair their existing clothes.
  • Organizations come to such salons to order workwear, school uniforms, corporate clothing, and dance costumes.

Our atelier will be aimed mainly at the middle and low-income class. The main competitors will be:

  1. large, medium and small clothing stores of famous brands (but not boutiques);
  2. other studios;
  3. wedding salons;
  4. home-based dressmakers;
  5. online clothing stores.

The main competitive advantages will be: exclusivity, high quality, tailoring. Price will not be the main tool of struggle, but it will be aimed at the middle class of consumers.

It is also very important to choose the right location for your studio. As a rule, such salons are opened on the first floors of buildings or in shopping centers. It is important to have high traffic, especially if you focus on clothing repair. You need to start selecting a room by studying the following questions:

  1. Citizens with what income level live in this area of ​​the city?
  2. What suitable premises are available in the area?
  3. What is the level of competition in the place where you plan to open a studio?

Separately, I would like to dwell on online studios, which are becoming increasingly popular today. This industry is also very promising at the present time. The idea is to produce clothes with individual prints and attributes. But this is almost always not hand sewing.

Here are data from just a few companies. You can see that the greatest return comes from women's clothing. Shoes came in second place, and sweatshirts came in third. These niches are actively developing today, attracting an increasing number of clients.

SWOT analysis

For evaluation own capabilities it is necessary to conduct a thorough SWOT analysis, which will help identify a number of factors that influence or may influence the work of the future studio. They are usually divided into external and internal circumstances. TO external factors can be attributed:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Attracting customers by offering very high quality and attractive clothing.
  • Low level of competition among studios.
  • Attracting new labor resources.
  • Using a huge range of models to make the client's dreams come true.
  • A large number of technological innovations, their constant use in work (we are talking not only about devices, but also about technologies).
  1. Threats:
  • Serious tax burden.
  • The current economic situation in the country is unsatisfactory.
  • Inflation understating actual size profit.
  • Increase in prices for consumables, accessories, rent.
  • Seasonality of the enterprise.

Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Experienced and qualified staff.
  • Opportunity to expand and increase production volume.
  • Excellent quality of manufactured clothing, as a result, competitiveness.
  • Flexible range.
  • Use and continuous improvement of technologies used in work.
  • Carrying out a full production cycle (sewing the finished product from scratch).
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Lack of work experience as an entrepreneur.
  • The need to purchase materials that may become in demand and purchased after a long period of time.
  • Unknown in the city and on the goods market.

Opening a studio is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because you will need good employees, comprehensive advertising, suitable premises, equipment and, of course, business acumen.

Opportunity Assessment

The first step is to decide on the premises. There are two possible options:

  1. Opening in a shopping center. In this case, the main emphasis will be on the fit of things, because customers will buy clothes in local stores. In this case, you will have to work not only efficiently, but also quickly. A significant disadvantage will be the high cost of rent.
  2. Place your studio on the ground floor multi-storey building or a small pavilion with a high level of traffic. Here the rent will be much lower. The main areas of work will be repair and tailoring.

You can combine these two options by placing a receiving point in a shopping center, and production directly in a residential area. But this is suitable for larger entrepreneurs.

In addition, the room must be at least 7–10 m2 for comfortable work of employees. Subsequently, additional space can be removed.

We will consider the option when the studio is located in premises rented for a small price. This option is the most suitable for beginner businessmen.

After choosing a premises, it is important to hire qualified personnel. It is better if they are not only qualified, but also experienced specialists. The following workers will be required for the job:

  • seamstresses (3 people);
  • cleaning lady (1 person);
  • administrator (1 person).

At first, the role of administrator can be performed by the entrepreneur himself.

The studio's operating hours will be as follows:

Total: 66 hours per week, 282 hours per month.

It is very important to take into account seasonal variations. As a rule, demand decreases noticeably in the winter season, unless, of course, the studio is engaged in sewing sheepskin coats, fur coats and other fur products. Ateliers that sew school uniforms and wedding dresses are especially susceptible to seasonality. It is advisable to provide a wide range of services so that the client comes to the salon at any time of the year.

If the studio becomes quite popular, you can create your own collections and put them up for sale without first receiving an order. You can also set up work on the production of various accessories and accessories for clothing or collaborate with specialists in this field. We are talking about different colors and bows.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you will have to go through the procedure of registering your own enterprise. In this case, you can choose or, but the latter will be easier to prepare documents and more profitable from a tax point of view. When registering, the entrepreneur must also indicate OKVED codes. In this case, the following may be useful:
  • 93.5 – Providing other personal services to the public (this will act as the main code);
  • 18.2 – Sewing clothes from textile materials and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 – Sewing workwear;
  • 18.22 – Sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 – Sewing other clothes and accessories;
  • 52.74 – repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.
  1. The following tax system can be chosen: UTII, or.
  2. Conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and SES will be required.
  3. If the studio (not necessary for UTII payers), then it must be registered before starting activities with the tax service.
  4. All documents must be formalized, including:
  • lease agreement;
  • agreement for the removal of solid household waste and fluorescent lamps;
  • agreement on carrying out activities of a sanitary and epidemiological nature.
  1. The studio should also have internal documentation, including logs of disinfectants and emerging waste and garbage.
  2. Having a production control program (PCP) will reduce the number of inspections carried out by supervisory authorities.
  3. Employees must have health certificates. They must undergo a medical examination on time.

Marketing plan

Quite unique approaches to advertising when opening a studio. Many of the usual tools will be ineffective and unlikely to be worth the cost. The following methods can be considered the most suitable:

  1. Advertising in glossy magazines. Here it is important to look for more popular local publications with an emphasis on beauty, clothing, and fashion.
  2. Advertising in newspapers. But there is no need to be zealous here, since the ad will not bring a huge number of responses.
  3. Conducting your own PR events and participating in others. These could be, for example, fashion shows, buffets for a certain circle of people.
  4. If one of the atelier’s specializations is sewing wedding dresses, then information about its services should be placed in the appropriate catalogs.
  5. Various forms of direct marketing.
  6. Placing advertisements in various institutions (offers for sewing school uniforms at a discount for large quantity person, for example).
  7. Advertising on the Internet. This could be communication on local thematic forums, sending messages to local residents.
  8. Souvenir products can also attract potential customers. It should be something unusual and interesting.

You need to immediately understand that the largest number of clients will come based on the recommendations of people who have already received high-quality service. Someone will come to the studio as an acquaintance. And the smallest part will go after seeing an advertisement somewhere. That's why huge amount It's not worth spending money on this.

We must not forget about word of mouth. This will be a powerful engine of development. Recommendations from satisfied clients are the strongest and most effective advertising. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of services provided. This will increase the number of visitors who come to the studio based on the recommendations of their friends.

Calculation of projected income

Averages are presented here. Much will depend on prices in the city. When calculating, you can separate two areas of the atelier - tailoring and clothing repair. Then the first one will have smaller volumes, but a high check, and the second one will have the opposite.

Production plan

Here we will dwell in detail on necessary equipment. Naturally, after searching for premises, you will have to make some minor repairs.

To work as seamstresses you will need the following equipment:

  • sewing machines (3 pieces);
  • overlock (2 pieces);
  • iron (1 piece);
  • ironing board (1 piece).

In addition, you will need consumables in the form of scissors, patterns, needles and other things.

Furniture you will need:

  • chairs (5 pieces);
  • chairs (2 pieces);
  • tables (4 pieces);
  • fitting room (1 piece);
  • lamps (4 pieces);
  • mannequin (1–2 pieces);
  • mirrors

To operate as an administrator, you will need office equipment, namely:

  • telephone;
  • computer;

Some equipment can be purchased used to save money at first.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profitability: 157,000/405,000 = 38.77%. This is a very high figure.
  • Payback: 310,300/157,000 = 1.97. Consequently, a businessman will be able to return his investment after 2 months of fruitful work.


Any studio owner sooner or later faces the following obstacles:

  1. Working with non-standard figures. For people, there is basically no need to go to the studio with the usual parameters; they can pick up things for themselves in the store. Here you need to understand that clients with tall stature, large volumes and other features will come to the studio.
  2. Lack of a large number of professionals who can sew quickly and efficiently. You need to immediately understand that you will have to look among people who are already adults, with Soviet training. The new fashion school in Russia is seriously inferior to its predecessors. Experienced craftsmen are even more difficult to find.
  3. Understatement. Sometimes clients suddenly stop coming to the studio. It is very difficult to determine what the reasons were. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the number of regular customers. Even the nicest thing, if a button comes off at the most inopportune moment, can cause you to refuse the services of the atelier.
  4. Lack of demand for a number of formats. Today this applies more to elite studios. Salons that cater to middle-income people are more variable. They can quickly adapt and change their approach to work.
  5. Seasonality of business. Low seasons in the clothing business are considered to be summer and January. There may be exceptions depending on the focus of the studio. At this time, it is very important to find an alternative - perhaps sewing leather and fur products, bed linen, curtains.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!