How to draw eyes for a doll step by step. Painting the face of a textile doll: the best workshops

Textile dolls self made look very creative and attractive. They are usually made to give as a gift to someone or to decorate the interior. These lovely hand-made young ladies with amazingly lively, heavenly beauty eyes, all dressed in lace, frills and finely crafted flounces, seem to be programmed to radiate magnetism, create comfort and add charm to every place where they find themselves.

Below we will talk about how to paint eyes on such a doll with acrylic paints. There is nothing difficult about this - even a beginner can cope with the task, but you will most likely have to practice.

About the “revival” of the doll

Don't worry if you've never done this. It is important to understand the principle of face painting, and then everything will go as usual. Everyone knows what is most important on the face. That's right, these are windows into the soul, that is, the eyes. Now it is clear that the beauty of the future doll depends entirely on how we draw the organs of vision. Now let's get to work.

Tools and materials

We will need the following available tools:

  • synthetic brushes;
  • acrylic paints;
  • primed doll carcass;
  • a sheet of paper for a sketch;
  • water;
  • a simple pencil and eraser;
  • PVA glue.

Eye imaging process

Everyone knows that our eye has the shape of a ball, covered on top by a movable eyelid with winged eyelashes. In the light, a glare appears near the eyes and at the same time a shadow from upper eyelid. All lines in the drawing must not be the same in intensity! The line of the upper eyelid is thicker and brighter, and the line of the lower eyelid is thinner and more muted.

The drawing order is as follows:

  • Draw a face on paper - this way you’ll quickly get used to it and get a cheat sheet that you can look at without spoiling the doll. After all, it’s much better to throw away the paper rather than the doll.
  • Prime the face with glue and dry. Now the paint should adhere better, and your face will look “porcelain.” Additionally, you can brush over the neck and legs - the neck will become stronger, and the legs will be more convenient to paint.
  • Do it on your face with a simple pencil eyes, height and nose. Fill the eye with paint white(the eyelid also needs to be painted over). Use the rest of the composition (at the end of the brush) to mark the eyebrows and nose (just make dots). Ready? Wash the brush, wait until the paint dries, and use a pencil to outline the contour of the eyelid and iris.
  • Now you can draw the iris. To do this, apply paint to the brush as carefully as possible. Dip the brush in water, run it over a sheet of paper to remove excess paint, and create shadows on the whites of the eyes (they will give a natural look). If the brush no longer leaves a mark, rinse it again and pass it over the sheet, pick up paint, smear it on the paper and draw on the eyelid.
  • Rinse the brush and remove it excess water and only after that dip it in paint - 1 mm will be enough. Press your elbow harder into the tabletop and begin to outline the contour of your eyelid using clear lines. Make a pupil, add shadows to the iris.
  • Run a washed brush over a sheet of paper - if a mark remains, shade the areas under the nose and at the top of the eyelid, outline the mouth. If the brush doesn't paint at all, dip it in water again.
  • Take some white paint, apply highlights and lighten the bottom of the iris a little.

Finishing touches

Basically, that's all. It remains to work on the rest of the facial features, if you have not done so before. It's up to you to decide whether to draw eyelashes or not. The main thing is that the result is harmonious. Acrylic paints do not promise difficulty in working, but to use them normally you will have to practice. When you learn how, the dolls' eyes will turn out without streaks or flaws, very beautiful and as natural as possible.

Drawing eyes textile doll. Master Class

Very often, many needlewomen who love to sew textile dolls have problems when painting the doll’s face, and especially the eye. I think that you might find a master class from Elena useful for your work (A_Lenushka)

For work we will need:
1 Acrylic paints
2 Synthetic brushes
3 The doll’s body is primed (I prime with a mixture of 0.5 water + 0.5 PVA + acrylic paint)
4 Water
5 Sheet of paper (instead of a palette)
6 A simple pencil and an eraser.
First you need to draw a doll's face on paper. This will allow you to get better and you will have a cheat sheet where you will periodically look. Believe me, it’s better to ruin a few sheets of paper than a finished doll carcass. You can use “mother’s” magazines (about babies) as a sample; they contain very high-quality photographs

Additionally, I prime my face with almost undiluted PVA glue and dry it. After this, the paint adheres perfectly and the face looks like porcelain. In addition, I pass the brush along the neck (the seams securing the head) and legs. The neck will become stronger, and the legs will also be painted

Draw eyes on the face with a pencil, outline a nose and mouth. Fill the eye with white acrylic paint(including eyelid). Using the remaining paint (on the tip of the brush) we outline the nose and eyebrows (just put dots). We wash the brush. We wait for it to dry and outline the contours of the eyelid and iris with a pencil.

We draw the iris by carefully picking up paint on the brush. Did you draw it? Now, we dipped the brush in water and ran it across the paper (removing excess paint). Is the trail slightly blue? make shadows on the white (or whatever it’s called?) of the eye. If the brush leaves almost no mark, then gurgle it again in water, draw it over a sheet of paper (remove excess paint), put 0.5 mm of paint on the brush, lightly smear it on the paper and paint the eyelid with the rest

Cleaned the brush. passed over the paper (removed excess moisture). dip the brush literally 1 mm into the paint. We rest our elbow firmly and trace the eyelid with a confident hand. Let's get more paint and draw the pupil. Use the remaining paint to add shadows on the squirrel and iris. The brush gurgled in the water. Swipe across the paper. Is there a trace left? Amazing! Now with this brush we add shadows above the eyelid, under the nose and lightly outline the mouth. Brush no longer paints? dip it in water and there will be enough paint on it again

Rinse the brush thoroughly. We dried it. We collected some white paint. Add highlights and lighten the lower part of the iris slightly. Use the remaining paint to add brightness to the nose

I draw the nose and mouth with a bronze outline. I also add shadows near the eyes. You can draw eyelashes. Or you can leave it like that

I remind you once again:
We paint with a synthetic brush (it is more elastic).
We wash the brush thoroughly, the acrylic paint dries very quickly, a lump forms at the tip of the brush, and it makes it very difficult to paint.
We paint with an almost dry brush. Before picking up paint, dry the brush by running it over the paper several times. Otherwise the colors will be faded and blurry. If the brush does not glide, it means there is still not enough water.
If you waved your brush in a different direction than you intended, don’t cry! Fresh paint is washed off with water and cotton swab. Dried with nail polish remover and the same cotton swab


Professional craftsmen, it seems that such a face is very difficult and unrealistic to make yourself. However step-by-step master class Below describes the process from start to finish and shows that even if you can't do it the first time, anyone can create a doll face!

Are used:

  • synthetic brushes different sizes, starting from the smallest for drawing small details;
  • two types of pastels - dry and oil;
  • acrylic paint.

First of all, sketches of the doll’s face are made on paper, where the sizes of the nose, mouth, eyes, facial expression of the toy, etc. are pretended.

The resulting contours need to be outlined with pastels (the most convenient is in the form of pencils). Shades - flesh, in in this case pink-brown. The applied pastel is shaded with a brush. This is how the first shadows appear on the face.

Next, the contours of the eye, nose, and mouth are lightly outlined with a brown pastel pencil, and the chin, corners of the mouth, etc. are again drawn in with a lighter (brick-colored) pencil. The lines are constantly shaded so that there are no sharp color transitions.

In this tutorial the toy has blue eyes, so the next step is to outline the overall eye color by tracing in the right color iris.

The middle is painted with a lighter blue shade, the paint is slightly shaded to create a soft transition between tones.

The center of the iris is made lighter by adding white acrylic.

A small amount of black is added to the blue color. This shade outlines the pupil and shadow under the eyelashes. Using a brush with virtually no water, a shadow is drawn in the corners of the eyes. The streaks on the iris are outlined in a very light blue color.

For the pupil, use black; you don’t need to draw a perfectly round or oval shape for it; a slight “jitter” of the outline looks more natural. Thin black stripes from the pupil are drawn on the iris. Highlights are applied with white paint.

Lips can be drawn with dry peach pastels. For blush on the cheeks, use a large brush. It is permissible to use for them not only pastel pencils, but also real cosmetic blush.

Using one of the smallest brushes with brown acrylic, you need to re-outline the contours. She also needs to paint eyelashes and eyebrows. To fix the paint, the eyes can be covered with a special acrylic varnish, but in the absence of it, ordinary transparent nail polish will do.

White pastels highlight highlights on the eyelids, nose, and lips. Using varnish in the form of a spray, the result is fixed.

Today I will try to tell you how to draw eyes on a doll. I will tell you more, so follow the text. People who received special education, please don’t be sarcastic!
We will need:
1 Acrylic paints
2 Synthetic brushes
3 The doll’s body is primed (I prime with a mixture of 0.5 water + 0.5 PVA + acrylic paint)
4 Water
5 Sheet of paper (instead of a palette)
6 A simple pencil and an eraser.

First you need to draw a doll's face on paper. This will allow you to get better and you will have a cheat sheet where you will periodically look. Believe me, it’s better to ruin a few sheets of paper than a finished doll carcass. You can use “mother’s” magazines (about babies) as a sample; they contain very high-quality photographs.

Additionally, I prime my face with almost undiluted PVA glue and dry it. After this, the paint adheres perfectly and the face looks like porcelain. In addition, I pass the brush along the neck (the seams securing the head) and legs. The neck will become stronger, and the legs will also be painted.

Draw eyes on the face with a pencil, outline a nose and mouth. Fill the eye with white acrylic paint (including the eyelid). Using the remaining paint (on the tip of the brush) we outline the nose and eyebrows (just put dots). We wash the brush. We wait for it to dry and outline the contours of the eyelid and iris with a pencil.

We draw the iris by carefully picking up paint on the brush. Did you draw it? Now, we dipped the brush in water and ran it across the paper (removing excess paint). Is the trail slightly blue? make shadows on the white (or whatever it’s called?) of the eye. If the brush leaves almost no mark, then gurgle it again in water, drag it over a sheet of paper (remove excess paint), put 0.5 mm of paint on the brush, lightly smear it on the paper and paint the eyelid with the rest.

Cleaned the brush. passed over the paper (removed excess moisture). dip the brush literally 1 mm into the paint. We rest our elbow firmly and trace the eyelid with a confident hand. Let's get more paint and draw the pupil. Use the remaining paint to add shadows on the squirrel and iris. The brush gurgled in the water. Swipe across the paper. Is there a trace left? Amazing! Now with this brush we add shadows above the eyelid, under the nose and lightly outline the mouth. Brush no longer paints? dip it in water and there will be enough paint on it again.

Rinse the brush thoroughly. We dried it. We collected some white paint. Add highlights and lighten the lower part of the iris slightly. Use the remaining paint to add brightness to the nose.

I draw the nose and mouth with a bronze outline. I also add shadows near the eyes. You can draw eyelashes. Or you can leave it like that.

I really liked the Techno yarn for hair quality. I knitted a rug to fit my head.

We tried it on to the head, all that remained was to sew it on.