What to call a women's clothing showroom. What it is? Name for a clothing showroom

The opportunity to purchase clothes and other goods on the Internet has appealed to many people. However, even today there are buyers for whom it is important to look at products and try on clothes. You can buy branded stylish items - a dress or shoes, a suit or trousers - in popular showrooms, where the manufacturer shows the product and talks about the collections, the history of the brand, and his ideas. A special pleasure is the fitting ritual and treating each client as a valued guest.

What is a showroom

Such premises are not just a retail space and differ from ordinary boutiques in that they have a zest that attracts customers - a homely atmosphere and comfort. A fashionista who happens to drop by leaves the showroom with great pleasure and a couple of bags in her hands. Essentially this is shopping room without counters or bright display cases, but you can look at products and catalogs there, sitting comfortably in an armchair, with a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. There are also fitting rooms, and the highlight is the consultants who thoroughly know the assortment, suggest and show products based on the wishes of the buyer.

origin of name

The showroom resembles a closed club for a select few who are ready to touch the beautiful. The concept of showroom appeared in Europe: it was a showroom where an exhibition of fabric samples was held. Wholesale buyers came to showrooms to assess the quality of the goods and made a purchasing decision. After a while, the direction went a little in the other direction - an exhibition with parallel sales. Every self-respecting brand considered it necessary to open a showroom - a kind of branded clothing club, fashion accessories for the chosen ones.

In Russia, this works according to different concepts: for example, there are studios where they sell goods based on the principle of territorial affiliation - clothes from China, Italian clothes, imported and domestic equipment, and other goods. The European approach has not disappeared, but has acquired new features. For example, a dress showroom is a great way for a little-known fashion designer to make themselves known, show their advantages, and talk about new collections. You can start getting acquainted with inexpensive or luxury clothing and shoes in a pleasant environment - the showroom store facilitates this.

How to open a showroom

Before opening a store, you need to think through a strategy: a well-drafted business plan will protect you from unexpected mistakes and provide a foundation at the beginning of your journey. It is necessary to decide on the assortment - maybe it will be a studio exclusively for men's clothing, or maybe goods for the whole family. It is also important what kind of wallet the assortment will be designed for. You should analyze potential competitors and, based on this information, think about what off-the-beaten-path ideas to use for opening.

What is needed to open

To successfully open a showroom from scratch you need:

  1. Room. Must be spacious to accommodate everything necessary equipment. Without it, the business will fail. The idea of ​​creating it in an apartment in one of the rooms is suitable for selling to loved ones, and a stylish showroom of branded clothing will immediately attract attention.
  2. Selecting a supplier or manufacturer. This must be approached with great responsibility, because everything will depend on the quality of the product. If crumpled rags hang on hangers with threads sticking out, then even buyers who came to buy goods at affordable prices.
  3. Start-up capital. Without financial investments it is impossible to organize quality services. From the initial capital funds, premises are rented, goods and furniture are purchased for the showroom women's clothing or other. If there is not enough money, then it is better to look at another, less expensive type of activity, or find sponsors. This option is not easy to implement; you need to have the gift of persuasion and interest the investor, to prove that the project should exist.
  4. Interior. To create the atmosphere of a true showroom, finishing is a crucial stage. The studios are distinguished by their sophistication of design; it attracts fashionistas who are ready to buy all the fashionable clothes.
  5. Employees. Passionate about their work and knowledgeable about the products being sold, they make no less of a contribution to the prosperity of the salon. You need to choose your assistants carefully.

How to register

Your own style is selected based on the concept of work:

  • If it is assumed that the studio is open exclusively to wealthy buyers, then the interior should be appropriate, because the furniture and accessories will be assessed by an experienced eye.
  • When working for more high level with large clients, tables are installed in the room on which magazines with photos of products are placed, and space is allocated for models demonstrating clothes.

How to register

The registration strategy is no different from standard business registration. At the initial stages, when there is no access to third-party buyers in a closed club, official registration not required, because In fact, trading does not take place on the premises; this is exempt from paying taxes. As you develop, you should transfer to an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on your plans for the future.

  • 3. How to design a show room
  • The idea of ​​creating a showroom - video

Showroom– one of the most popular trends of our time. And that's not only profitable business, it is also prestige, the opportunity to demonstrate the most high-tech innovations, luxury goods, to rotate in upper strata society. If you are active, sociable, and want to rise to the very top of the social pyramid, you should try yourself in this field.

And our site will help you. We'll tell youwhat is a show room, what starting capital is needed, how and where to choose a premises, what kind of decoration is needed, what goods and products are best presented, and most importantly, how to attract customers.

We will also introduce you to a promising showroom option for. You can’t touch the product online, but thanks to your showroom, people will have this opportunity. And if everything is done correctly, high income will be guaranteed.

Learn the rules and subtleties of organizing a successful show room, and very soon the most influential people in the city will be shaking hands with you.

1. Where does the name show room come from and what is it?

Literally, this English translation our term "showroom". Accordingly, initially such halls were intended to demonstrate clothing models, or were a place for business meetings between designers and manufacturers with wholesale buyers and customers, or buyers from large trading companies or stores. Did not occur directly in such show rooms retail sales, however, this is where the big deals were made. They were used not only to display clothes, but also to present cars, accessories, furniture and so on.

IN modern conditions the idea of ​​what a showroom is has changed a little. Most often, they order goods from catalogs of well-known companies, which are then delivered to the customer. Sometimes a collection of a famous brand is delivered to the showroom for trying on and selling goods to selected customers. Therefore, it is almost impossible for an ordinary “person on the street” to get into the show room; this establishment has turned into a kind of “closed club” for a select few.

The owner’s profit in this case directly depends on his methods of reaching the target group in which this particular type of product is in demand - trendy, exclusive and expensive.

2. What is needed to open a show room

To open a showroom, you need a minimum of material investments:

  • Premises;
  • Start-up capital;
  • Social connections.

Example of a showroom in an apartment

You can start a business even in own apartment. Capital requirements can also vary widely depending on the job structure. You can travel abroad on your own and purchase goods, and then offer them to clients, or you can enter into an agreement with several “shuttle traders” who will leave their goods for sale. You can also go the traditional Western route - enter into an agreement with a specific manufacturer and rely on buyers from large shopping centers or groups.

As for social connections, that is, meeting “party people” or “elite”, for whom buying exclusive things is not only a hobby, but also an obligation, this is one of the main conditions for this type of entrepreneurship.

IN Lately another definition of show room has appeared. With the development of online commerce, show rooms began to open at online stores. This is a place where the client can inspect the selected product (clothing, appliances, electronics, etc.) before purchasing.

3. How to design a show room

Decoration of the premises for certain type business can be very diverse and depends on the strategy of work. In general, it is necessary to focus on the expected volume of work, the status of the company and its clients, the quantity of the expected product and its variety.

In the simplest case, this is just a room in your own or rented apartment. But this design method is only suitable if you expect to work with a very narrow circle of acquaintances who easily come to you for a cup of tea. Or, for example, with those clients who only inspect and pick up pre-made orders.

If it is assumed that people will come to the show room on recommendation and select a product, then it is necessary to allocate space for storage and display of the product, to equip a place for fitting or inspection (in the case of equipment - connection and performance testing). In this case, you need to choose a design style, draperies, mirrors, and furnish the room with stylish accessories.

4. How to register a business - taxation of showrooms

Registration methods are also very diverse. The main advantage that a show room provides to a novice entrepreneur is that it is a place where (officially) no trading occurs .

Thanks to the fact that he not considered a store (which means entry for ordinary buyers and outsiders is limited), often it is simply an unregistered boutique or small shop. And work in it is carried out without registration and payment of taxes. ()

Now you know what a show room is, we have given the most detailed answer to the question “What is a show room”, and also given examples of how you can make money from it.

5. How to effectively develop a business

Undoubtedly, a show room, like any other type of business, requires a lot of effort and knowledge to effective development. According to statistics, most aspiring entrepreneurs who start their own business fail, and only a portion of businessmen achieve success the first time. Perhaps you should be prepared for serious challenges and obstacles at the first stage, or maybe you will be able to grow your business without any problems the first time. Be that as it may, success from the start is only possible if you are well prepared for the task. Read several books from successful entrepreneurs - publications with the secrets of success will definitely help you.

Download this free PDF book

10 secrets that rich people are silent about

For your business to flourish, you will need to learn how to effectively attract clients and launch your own website. Nowadays, the Internet allows you to effectively bring customers not only to online platforms, but also to offline businesses. Watch the video of specialist Andrey Merkulov on how to do this effectively.

Among the numerous business ideas that, with sufficient investment of time and effort, can bring good income, it is worth highlighting the opening of a clothing showroom. In our country, the definition of a show room is not always correctly understood, what it is and how it can be used to create a profitable commercial enterprise. However, there is already a tendency to increase interest in this type activities, especially among entrepreneurs interested in fashion and who want to stay on the wave of modern trends.

What is a show room

This name can mean several variations, at least for the Russian average person. But in Europe and America, show room has a very specific concept. This is a place where new collections are showcased by the manufacturer or distributor to wholesalers. There are no retail sales of goods directly in this premises. Buyers are often asked to look fashion show, and then get acquainted with the models in the showroom in detail. This is how the world's largest brands work, and getting into their showroom is not so easy. People come there either by special invitation or by agreement; there is often a pre-registration. If you are a small trader, then there is little chance of getting into the show room.

In Russia, the place of the showroom and what it is has both the meaning accepted in the West and a slightly different one. When it comes to preliminary wholesale orders, there is usually major manufacturer fashionable clothes, which places in exhibition hall both models from the latest collections and sale models from old ones. The queue for the “tidbit” is not so long; even a novice businessman can easily visit here and pick up the necessary goods to sell through his stores.

What is a clothing showroom in Russian understanding:

  • Showroom of a manufacturer or large supplier, where wholesale orders are placed;
  • Representation of a young designer, where the tailoring of the models you like most often takes place right on the spot, within the walls of the show room;
  • It’s like a boutique that sells exclusive products from little-known designers or brands.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the answer to the question “How to open a clothing showroom” lies in the plane of the presented classification. Speaking of statistics: the overwhelming number of existing Russian shows rooms belong to the second and third categories.

How to open a show room: first steps

Before you start creating a business plan for a clothing showroom, it is important to understand whether this business is suitable and in what format it will develop. In most cases, it is undertaken by women who are familiar first-hand with the world of fashionable clothing. First of all, these are fashion designers who are able to independently create models, sew them and put them up for sale. Opening a show room does not require large investments. Having a unique offer in the form of designer clothes, a person with a subtle design taste will be able to decorate the interior as needed and present the products to friends and acquaintances using the word of mouth method. If the proposed idea is liked and begins to be in demand, new clients will not be slow to arrive. To understand how to open a show room, you need to calculate in detail the expected demand, costs, revenue, profitability and payback of the business.

If everything is clear with a designer opening his own atelier, then with a boutique it’s worth understanding. Being a professional in the fashion industry and having cutting, sewing and design skills, you can easily achieve success. But these conditions are not required. All you need is an ardent desire and help from a specialist, who is usually a designer, and things will go uphill. It is necessary to ask yourself the question of how to open a clothing show room from scratch from the very beginning, almost from the appearance of the idea, and then you can protect yourself from many mistakes of novice entrepreneurs.

Stages of opening a show room:

  • Decide on the format: designer goods made in-house or a boutique offering collections from several fashion designers;
  • Specify what product will be sold and to whom, conduct an analysis consumer preferences, competition, advertising and promotion opportunities;
  • Write a business plan for a clothing showroom;
  • Form your business officially: register an individual entrepreneur (which is preferable) or a legal entity;
  • Come up with a name for the clothing showroom;
  • Find the necessary premises and carry out repairs in it;
  • Purchase commercial equipment and furniture;
  • Decorate the interior in such a way that the atmosphere is tasteful and the clients feel comfortable;
  • Find suppliers and conclude agreements with them (if necessary);
  • Hire staff;
  • Launch advertising campaigns.

It seems that opening a clothing showroom requires a lot, but in fact, it’s quite possible to resolve the issues in a couple of months, and gain profit in a year. This is evidenced by the experience of businessmen who wondered how to open a clothing showroom, and received not only a good income, but also maximum pleasure from their work. And it is this combination that will allow the company to develop, making it more attractive to buyers.

Let's move on to specifics.

Business plan for a clothing showroom

If you start a business without clear understanding no matter what steps you take and what results you get, in 90% of cases the idea will be a failure.

First you need to estimate the costs of opening a show room, they include:

  • Legal registration of business - about 5,000 rubles;
  • Acquisition cash register(if planning to sell at retail) - about 20,000 rubles;
  • Repair of the premises (the simplest) – 80,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture (tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas) and other interior items, as well as commercial equipment (racks, display cases, shelves, brackets, hangers, mannequins, mirrors, accessories for fitting rooms) - at least 70,000 rubles;
  • Rent – ​​from 50,000 rubles;
  • Wage, if there is only one assistant, and you do all the main work yourself - at least 20,000 rubles per month;
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods (at the opening of a show room - boutique) - from 150,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of sewing accessories (if you plan to open a show room like an atelier) – 50,000 rubles (including fabrics).

You can understand whether these costs are high or not by comparing them with the expected revenue. Please note that the cost calculation is given at a minimum. The numbers will vary depending on the city (large, medium, small), the type of premises (in the city center or on the outskirts, in an elite mall or in an ordinary apartment), variations of furniture and equipment (you can purchase expensive ones to match the format, or buy used ones, but in excellent condition), the number of employees, the cost of purchased products and other nuances.

To calculate revenue, you need to know at what average price things will be sold. If you decide to sell clothes from an unknown designer, then you will sell them inexpensively. If these are clothes of a designer well-known in fashion circles, then the selling price of such products will be significant. If the markup for each product is correctly made, then at the initial stage you only need to sell two products a day for your business to be profitable.

What do you need to open a clothing showroom?

Let's move on to consider each stage separately.

Legalization of business

By offering hand-sewn clothes, at first you don’t have to register a business at all. This business you can start at home, as many aspiring fashion designers did. But only temporarily. When a base of regular customers is formed, you can rent premises in the city center. If you decide to sell designer clothes, then the option of opening a business at home may not be suitable for you. As soon as demand begins to increase, you will definitely encounter difficulties in purchasing equipment and other items for the functioning of the show room from suppliers. Either they will not ship products at all, or they will sell at retail price, which means your cost will increase, which will affect the final price.

If you don’t know how to legally open your own show room from scratch, you can always seek legal advice or read up on the procedure on the Internet. The design features are no different from other types of business.

Premises and equipment

This step is of fundamental importance for the entire future business. It is not necessary to furnish a room with expensive furniture and accessories; any designer who understands the features of the interior can decorate it beautifully and tastefully. Without feeling the necessary knowledge and skills, it is recommended to seek advice from such a specialist.

Exactly according to appearance show room clients will create the first impression of you as a seller, and whether or not they want to return here. In addition to spacious shelves and display cases, there must be soft armchairs, coffee tables, and at least two fitting rooms. An important point is light, there should be a lot of it. Also draw a plan and decide how all the furnishings will stand and how harmonious it will look. It is better to paint the walls in light neutral colors, as an option - pastel.

We explained what is included in the concept of a showroom, what it is in the Russian sense, therefore its location in an area with high traffic at the beginning of the life of the enterprise is not mandatory, but desirable. Rent in the center is always expensive, but the concentration of potential buyers in the city center is greater. If you decide to open your own business in residential area, then it’s better to open next to some large grocery store or supermarket. And when will you see positive dynamics in the sales of your goods, then move to the center, since the issue of development in this case will become relevant.

Of course, when deciding to sell luxury clothing from world brands, the price of which is affordable to a limited circle of people, you will have to invest in the appropriate interior and premises. In addition, it is important:

Name for a clothing showroom

Beginning entrepreneurs often face the problem of how to name a fashion showroom. It should be sonorous and memorable. It is more common to name it either by clothing category or by the name of the designer or predominant brand, but if you can come up with something unique, this will be an additional “plus”.

Product for show room

Recently it has become important to buy designer clothes, and of different types, among the Chinese. This is because the purchase price is significantly lower than other offers. But here it is important not to make a mistake with quality. Therefore, it is better to communicate with representatives from China in person, after touching the offered product with your own hands and making a trial order.

How to open a showroom for clothes from China? Just like anyone else, only with special scrupulousness when approaching the selection of product items and models. China's multi-member factories produce a lot of cheap, low-quality clothes, as well as really interesting ones. By spending time choosing a supplier and a specific product, you have the opportunity to make good money selling designer items through a boutique.

In addition to Chinese sellers, you can pay attention to American stores, especially outlets. There, clothes from past collections are sold at a good discount.


The last but not least necessary item is what is needed to open a clothing showroom. All consultants must have an excellent understanding of the product being sold, understand the intricacies of cutting and sewing, and also be able to recommend a suitable style. In addition, the employee must understand the principle of selecting clothes and accessories as a set, so that the buyer leaves dressed “from head to toe” - from shoes to gloves and headdress.

This can only be done by people who are well versed in clothing design, fashion trends, and preferably with the qualities of an image maker. The requirements are, of course, high, but without this the boutique will turn into an ordinary, unremarkable store.

Conclusion. So, we analyzed the definition of a show room, what it is and what features it has, and also described in detail the steps to open a show room and gave an example of calculations. We hope this knowledge will help you in your project, and you will be able to bring your existing idea to life. Good luck!

How to open your own show room - detailed planning: selection of suppliers, 3 competitive advantages, how to advertise correctly, basic financial calculations.

Capital investments in a show room: from 500,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 3-4 months.

The answer to the question is how to open a clothing showroom, it’s worth starting by explaining what this name even means?

And how do show rooms differ from regular stores?

It is worth noting that this term has different meanings in world practice and in Russia.

IN Western countries Show rooms are rooms that are organized during fashion shows.

In them, designers arrange a mini-presentation of the collection, and future purchasing partners can see the assortment and even touch it.

Direct sales do not take place in such rooms, but cooperation agreements are concluded.

In Russia and Ukraine, show rooms are radically different from their European “colleagues”.

Only the atmosphere of a certain closeness, elitism, belonging to special circles of society, connoisseurs, is preserved.

The rest is still the same.

However, they differ from the ones we are used to in their products (usually unique goods, in small quantities), design, and presentation of the trading process itself.

Let's take a closer look at whether the show room will bring profit and how to open it.

We conduct marketing analysis before opening your clothing showroom

Trade is an area of ​​entrepreneurship in which competition always reigns.

Therefore, the success of the enterprise will greatly depend on how profitable a niche you can choose.

You cannot sell “for everyone” even the most varied goods.

It is necessary to identify your target audience, draw up a portrait of it, and determine its wishes.

Show rooms are a specific type of store that is visited by a special audience.

If you are interested in how to open your own showroom of clothing from exclusive brands in a metropolis, the target audience may look like this:

Competitive advantages of the show room

So that competition does not become fatal for the show room, first of all, there should not be more than 3-4 organizations competitors (for small town or area in a metropolis).

If there are more firms, it will be too difficult for a newcomer to take his place.

Calculations may even indicate that investing effort in moving towards such a situation will not be advisable.

But even if there are quite a few competitors, you cannot discount them.

You must highlight your competitive advantages.

These factors will make people go to your showroom.

Exclusive rangeThe showroom format itself presupposes the presence of exclusive goods. But those who move in the fashion world know that some brands are more elite and less affordable than others. Analyze what your customers need and do not lose that very atmosphere of secrecy and exclusivity.
Delivery serviceOften in show rooms you can dress from head to toe, because the assortment includes shoes, clothes, and accessories. But not every buyer wants to carry shopping bags in their hands. So the delivery service will definitely be in demand. This is also useful when customers buy an item as a gift or choose it in your online store without visiting the show room itself. Usually the volume of such sales is not large enough to enter into an agreement with a separate courier service. Delivery can be carried out by the store owner himself or by sellers for an additional fee.
Individual approachIt is worth emphasizing once again that show rooms (if we consider the term in the classical sense) are the backstage of fashion, a gathering place for people “on trend.” Although the format has been modified in Russian-speaking countries, customers still expect a special approach. Select qualified salespeople who will work individually with each visitor. Regardless of how he is dressed, what he plans to buy, and even if it is obvious that the person is not your target audience. Often these are the visitors who leave the largest sums in the store.

What documents are needed to open a show room?

In order to engage in entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to go through the procedure of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Many showroom owners don’t see the point in this and work underground.

It is worth noting that this may be justified for small online stores and private closed shows rooms

If you want to open a showroom alone, it’s enough.

But remember that in this case you are responsible to the extent of your personal property.

And if you register an LLC, the risk remains within the authorized capital.

However, you will face much more hassle with registration and accounting.

The choice between these two options is yours.

It remains to remind you what disadvantages await you if you open a show room without documents:

  • not all suppliers agree to enter into transactions with those entrepreneurs who do not have registration;
  • even if the supplier agrees to conclude an agreement, he does not have the right to sell the goods at wholesale prices;
  • you will not be able to officially register staff for work, which is not welcomed by professionals;
  • in addition, dissatisfied partners, clients or employees can “report” tax office information about your illegal activities, and this is fraught with big problems.

The money that you will save on registering an individual entrepreneur is absolutely not commensurate with the consequences that await unregistered entrepreneurs.

What advertising should you use before and after opening?

“You can have everything you can think about all the time.”
Brian Tracy

Although show rooms have a certain “patina” of secrecy, they can be advertised like regular stores.

Is it worth making a greater bias towards the fashionable representatives of the city.

There are several options for how to promote a show room from the moment it opens:

If you do everything correctly, hire qualified people, create a comfortable atmosphere in the store, the main advertising will be word of mouth.

It will bring at least 70% of new clients to you.

Necessary equipment

Unlike a regular clothing store, a show room can be located almost anywhere.

It does not necessarily have to have high traffic, because casual visitors similar establishments practically never happens.

People will come to you purposefully.

This means that even getting to the other end of the city will not be a problem for them.

However, the presence of public transport stops nearby and a place to park a car will be a definite plus.

Much more attention should be paid to the interior design of the outlet.

Total:120,000 rubles
Clothes hangers (racks) – 2 pcs.
2 000
Mirrors: floor – 1 pc. and wall - 2 pcs.
An additional mirror should be installed near the counter with hats, if they are in stock.
1 000
Fitting booth – 1 pc.
1 000
Mannequin – 1-2 pcs. (depending on the capacity of the sales area)
1 200
Showcases or open shelves – 5 pcs.
15 000
Cash register and card payment terminal
45 000
Seller's table or stand – 1 pc.
10 000
Safe – 1 pc.
45 000

How to find suppliers to open a clothing showroom?

One of the features of showrooms is that in such a store the buyer can dress from head to toe.

Therefore, entrepreneurs need to think through their assortment especially carefully.

There are several options for product suppliers:

    In simple words - leftovers fashion collections, which were presented some time ago.

    You can purchase unsold items with discounts of up to 70%!

    The downside of this option is that often unsold models and sizes remain unsold.

    Factory production ( finished products and pre-order).

    To cooperate with factories, you must have some documents permitting such activities.

    You should also be prepared for the fact that cooperation with manufacturers involves small and large wholesale.

    Wholesale warehouses.

    As the name suggests, these places sell things exclusively in bulk.

    At the same time, they offer an impressive 60-70% discount on products.

    Chinese suppliers.

    If you are interested in how to open a showroom, consider the well-known pitfall of this option.

    Yes, the prices for products from “famous brands” from Chinese manufacturers are really tempting.

    However, you will have to answer to your customers for its quality.

Which personnel to choose?

Usually the amount of work in a showroom is small enough that you can get by with a very modest staff.

Often, at the start, only the organizer himself is involved in all matters.

But in the future it will be difficult to do without helpers.

A salesperson in a showroom must have an understanding of fashion, be able to select suitable items for the client, and carry on a conversation about brands and trends.

In addition, like an employee of any other store, a salesperson in a show room must speak politely and competently, treat all visitors with respect, and have excellent knowledge of the assortment of the outlet.

The main task of the staff is to create a comfortable environment to which everyone will want to return.

Hire employees yourself, set a probationary period.

Every mistake by the seller will be a serious minus to the store’s reputation.

And this must not be allowed!

For a showroom, include in financial calculations not only the salary amount, but also future bonuses, bonuses, and work schedule.

How much does it cost to open your own clothing showroom?

How much it will cost you to open a show room depends on many factors: will you rent an office, where will it be located, what product will you sell and where will it be delivered from?

These are only some of the factors that can affect the final amount.

Let's consider what capital and regular investments will be required to open a clothing showroom in a city with a large population.

Capital investments

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:500,000 rub.
Registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC1 000
Purchase of equipment, furniture120 000
Website creationfrom 3,000 to 60,000
Domain and hosting15 000 – 20 000
Website promotion on the Internet15 000 – 20 000
Creation of a corporate logo1 500
Formation of inventory300 000

Regular investments

In addition to investing in opening a show room, you also need to invest a certain amount monthly.

It’s worth keeping this in mind and putting the necessary reserves into your “financial airbag.”

Otherwise, you may encounter a common problem: a company opens, operates successfully for six months or a year, and closes because it runs out of money for financing, and full payback has not yet occurred.

In the video, a successful designer shares his experience of opening a clothing showroom:

Payback and profitability of a clothing showroom

The average markup in trade is 20-200%.

For such unique products as goods in a show room, the markup can be 100-150%.

This will create competitive advantage before other retail outlets and recoup the show room in a short time.

With the investments calculated above, the store can be repaid in less than six months.

In the future, it is worth investing in expanding the range and opening new outlets.

How to open a clothing showroom and accessories?

As you already understand, everything is not as difficult as you might imagine.

The basis of such a specific outlet is an original assortment, qualified employees and the creation of a customer base.

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