Cat business: how I managed to create an automated pet hotel with affordable prices. Stages of opening a hotel for animals

Good idea for part-time work from home for people who love pets. There are minimum requirements that must be met:

  • love for animals;
  • having your own housing (apartment or house);
  • experience in keeping pets;
  • you shouldn't have children.

The main time for earning money is the summer months. Many pet owners go on vacation and during this period are forced to place their pets somewhere.

The most common animals are cats and dogs. Other “kept women” and “kept animals” include parrots, lizards, pigs, etc.

The cost of temporary pet boarding depends on the size of the pet.

For a day of private foster care for a cat, owners pay about 200 rubles. Food is not included in this price.

Prices for keeping a dog are higher – from 400 rubles/day.

When working with clients, it is very important to make a favorable impression, to make the pet owner believe that his pet will be in good hands during the owner’s departure.

Therefore, during the conversation, you need to inform the client that you have a positive experience of communicating with our smaller brothers, that you have all the necessary conditions for keeping a pet, that you will be able to find an approach to it, feed, water, wash and walk it on time, and will minimize the risks diseases and injuries.

If you have professional grooming or training skills, this can be an additional source of income.

Risks when working with animals

This business has its risks. One of the most common fears of a novice entrepreneur is that the animal may remain with him forever, and the previous owner will simply disappear after paying for a few days for the cat or dog to stay.

To insure yourself against dishonest people, it is recommended to draw up an agreement for the provision of temporary maintenance services (apartment foster care). In this case, you will have the passport details of the animal owner, based on which you can find the person. In addition, many pet hotels require a deposit, which is returned after the owner picks up the animal.

This agreement will be beneficial to both parties, since it stipulates the responsibilities of all parties to the transaction.

According to Russian law, a pet is considered the personal property of the owner, therefore, when transferring the pet and its subsequent return to the owner, a Transfer and Acceptance Certificate is signed.

Download standard contract for the provision of animal care services.

If you don't have an apartment, but own house, then you can provide aviary or kennel foster care services. In the first case, the puppy must already be 6 months old, and in the second - 1 year. In this case, the place where the animal is kept must be insulated and prevent the possibility of the animal leaving.

The contract must contain information about providing the animal with ammunition and feed, clauses on penalties and fines. When transferring an animal, the owner must inform about its properties and maintenance features.

In turn, under the contract, the entrepreneur is responsible for ensuring the safety of the health and life of the pet.

Activities for fostering dogs, cats and other animals are regulated by Chapters 47 and 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you are planning to open a pet hotel and work as legal entity, then a license for this activity is not required. In addition to the Civil Code, the activities of pet hotels are regulated by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

How to open a pet hotel for cats and dogs

Opening a pet hotel is not much different from providing other services as an entrepreneur. To obtain official status for work, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and select OKVED codes, corresponding to this activity.

For work, choose OKVED 01.42 - Provision of services in the field of animal husbandry, except veterinary services. This group includes the provision of services for keeping and caring for animals.

A pet hotel is, first of all, providing conditions for keeping and staff for care. It is advisable that you own a separate building with a plot of land away from schools and residential buildings.

To walk dogs and cats, feed them, wash them, etc., there must be a specially trained person who has similar work experience and loves animals.

In practice, either the entrepreneur himself and his relatives do this, or he attracts volunteers on a free basis.

Free channels for finding clients:

  • Notice boards (“Avito”, section “Services”).

Your first step may be to post an advertisement for dog or cat boarding services. This channel can bring you customers with some regularity (especially in the summer) if you constantly update the information. Both private individuals and pet hotels love to use it.

An example of placing an advertisement for the provision of temporary animal housing services.
  • Social media“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Facebook”, “Instagram”.

A very convenient channel, if you know how to use it, is capable of receiving many requests from clients. However, it requires constant promotion work: posting content and attracting the target audience.

An example of a post in a group dedicated to the temporary keeping of animals.

Feedback, speed of response to questions from group members or page subscribers, and publication of real photos are important. Social networks inspire more trust (and this fact is extremely important for animal owners) because they see the person who will keep their pet, photographs of the living conditions, and reviews from other clients.

Paid (or conditionally paid) channels for finding clients:

  • Contextual advertising leading to your website or group on social networks.
  • Advertising publications on thematic websites or forums. Great value has territorial proximity (one city, district).
  • Placing information in the premises of veterinary hospitals.
  • Agreements with the veterinarian to advertise your services.

As mentioned above, love for animals and experience working with them are important in this type of business. This must be a calling, otherwise there is no point in doing this business.

Among the country's population there are many people who keep four-legged friends at home. Over time, a pet becomes not just an animal that needs to be taken care of, fed, educated, but also a member of the family. They sew clothes for dogs and cats and take them to beauty salons. In short, the animal lives a full life, similar to the life of Homo sapiens. However, there are times when people have to leave home for a while. Whether it’s a work trip or a vacation, you can’t take your pet with you. Then the owners come to the aid of a hotel for dogs and other animals, which can be opened by anyone who is not indifferent to four-legged friends. New trends in animal services are still rare.

  • Where to start opening a hotel for animals?
  • Where to set up a hotel
  • Additional services at the hotel
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED code must be specified for a pet hotel?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for a pet hotel
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

Without exaggeration we can say that this promising business, which developed successfully in the previous year. It still does not have high competition in the market for such services. Similar hostels for animals can only be found in major cities, and even then in small quantities. An entrepreneur can confidently move in the direction of developing the service sector related to pets in 2017. But let's get back to the reasons why this business is positioned as quite promising.

Animal owners often leave them with relatives or friends. This is a good option, but there are not always people who want to burden their lives with caring for a four-legged friend. In addition, you need to be able to feed, walk, and care for dogs and cats. For example, improper feeding can lead to diseases of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. To avoid these troubles, it is better to entrust your dog or cat to professional dog handlers, veterinarians or breeders.

Any entrepreneur can open a hotel for animals as a new business direction. If he doesn't have special education and experience communicating with animals, you will have to turn to specialists for help. In any case, without service personnel can't get by.

Where to start opening a hotel for animals?

Where to set up a hotel

Let’s say right away that starting a business to organize a hotel for animals in a city apartment will not work. Neither the law nor the neighbors will allow this. The specific smell, no matter how hard the cleaners try, will still spread outside the apartment. The optimal place to organize a business is your own home. It is possible for a plot of land to be located even outside the city limits. This location will provide an opportunity to develop new territories and develop over time.

Promising business areas in 2019

Experts say that you can start with a small hostel with 10 beds. To begin with, you can even limit yourself to keeping small breeds of dogs (up to 10 kg) and cats. This will help the entrepreneur gain the necessary experience, decide on the number of personnel, schedule, etc. organizational issues. The optimal hotel is one that can accommodate 20 animals at a time. It does not require large expenses for maintaining the territory or staff salaries and is rarely empty. We must not forget that in the previous year there was some seasonality in business due to vacations and public holidays. The same trend will occur in 2017 and subsequent years.

Ten to twelve places for animals can be located on an area of ​​40 sq.m. The premises must be built in accordance with all engineering and architectural rules. Therefore, despite the fact that it will be considered non-residential, it is worth ordering a construction project. It must have new communications: heating, water, electricity.

Inside, the room is divided into enclosures measuring 2x1.5 m. The floors in the rooms must be laid with ceramic tiles. This is done in order to comply with sanitary standards and better surface treatment after each animal. Enclosures must have dog kennels, drinking bowls and feeding bowls. All these accessories must be made of material that can be easily disinfected. In enclosures for cats there are soft mats and claw pads.

The hotel must have a veterinary first aid kit. It needs to be filled with vitamins, preparations with microelements, anti-flea drops and anthelmintics. Separately, you need to purchase hygiene products, combs for different types wool and other accessories.

Additional services at the hotel

The position of a veterinarian in such institutions can be considered mandatory. Another thing is that a specialist does not necessarily have to be there around the clock. The doctor can be called as needed, for example, when adopting an animal. If a pet gets sick, the hotel owner usually provides assistance to him at his own expense, and then includes the amount in total price stay of the animal in the hotel. Naturally, it is better to carry out all these actions in agreement with the owners or write them down in the contract.

During their stay at the hotel, the animal, in agreement with the owners, can be provided with haircutting, bathing and other hygiene procedures. By the way, this is another one promising directions businesses that developed successfully last year and may also be in demand in 2017. We will talk about how to open a beauty salon for animals in our next publications.

Organizing pet hotels is a fairly new idea for modern business, the prospects of which are currently underestimated. Due to the increasing growth of pets and the ability of owners to spend money on their maintenance, the demand for services is growing similar establishments.

Therefore, if you correctly analyze the pet hotel market and properly organize your activities, taking into account all the features of its operation, then in the future it can become quite a profitable business.

Market analysis and relevance

Today, almost every third Russian is the owner pet. According to statistics, more than 60 million different animals live at home. Moreover, there is currently a trend towards an increase in the number of pets.

One of the new areas of business related to pets is the organization of specialized pet hotels. The need for their services arises among owners at a time when it becomes necessary to leave the pet under supervision while away: during a business trip, vacation, when moving, etc.

Previously, the development of such a field of activity was spontaneous. Today, the market for pet hotel services has become more civilized, as it has received stricter control from veterinary supervision. Today there are about 200 such establishments in the country, most of which are located in large cities.

Registration and organization of business

To organize a pet hotel as a source entrepreneurial activity First you need to register it with established by law ok.

To do this, submit a special application form to the local Federal Tax Service inspectorate.

For your future business, you can choose one of the following forms of ownership:

  1. IP. It is considered the best option for such activities. Its opening does not require the preparation of a large list of documents. An entrepreneur is a full-fledged manager of profits from a business, but at the same time is liable for obligations with all his property. In addition, he does not need to hire a highly qualified accountant, since a simplified reporting system is provided for this form of ownership.
  2. OOO. To open such an organization, a large package will be required. constituent documents. The company's financial reporting involves a complex system of calculations and documentation, which will require a specialist to maintain. But at the same time, the company risks only its authorized capital.

Required Documentation

To engage in such activities you will need a minimum set of documentation:

  • constituent documents for LLC registration;
  • certificates of OGRN and registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the premises and living conditions with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • conclusion of fire authorities on the compliance of the premises with fire safety standards.

To conduct such a business, no special licenses or permits are required.

Room and walking area

When choosing and equipping a suitable room, it is worth considering the following nuances:

The minimum area of ​​a hotel with 10 rooms must be at least 40 square meters. m.

If we talk about the warm season, then some animals (dogs and cats) can be housed outside in special enclosures. In addition, animals, especially dogs, need regular walks, for which it is necessary to provide a special area. If the adjacent territory does not allow organizing a walking area, then the nearest park will have to be used for this purpose.

Equipment and equipment

In addition to selecting and renovating a suitable room, in the process of organizing a hotel for animals, it is necessary to take care of the acquisition and installation of special equipment.

So, you will have to equip your establishment:

  • enclosures;
  • freezer for food storage;
  • cleaning equipment;
  • heaters;
  • ventilation system;
  • room equipment: soft houses, scratching posts, horizontal bars, rugs, bowls and various toys.

You also need to purchase consumables.

First of all, you will need medications and animal care products: vitamins, anthelmintic and flea medications, shampoos and combs. Besides, special attention worth paying attention to pet nutrition.

Here it is better to use two options at the discretion of the owner:

  1. Prepare food on the hotel premises and include the cost of it in the cost of your stay.
  2. Feed guests food provided by the owner.


When recruiting employees, it is important to pay attention to two nuances:

It would be good if the staff included a veterinarian, who in an emergency would always be able to provide all possible assistance. An administrator may be required to work with hosts regarding information about the establishment's services, reservations (recordings), and control of the residence schedule.

The business can be managed by its owner, but financial accounting may require the services of a professional accountant.

Organization of hotel work

The main goal of a pet hotel should be to ensure that the pet stays daily in a special room or enclosure. At the same time, the rooms provided can be organized in accordance with different levels of comfort, and the choice of living conditions is best left to the client. For example, you can offer light, standard, luxury and VIP packages.

The activities of such establishments consist of providing the following services:

  1. Providing premises for the temporary stay of cats, dogs and possibly other animals.
  2. Additional services: washing, combing, ear cleaning, eye washing, nail cutting, etc.

It is very important to pay attention to the conditions for accepting animals.

In order to ensure the safety of workers and other guests, the main one is the presentation of certain documentation:

  • owner's passport;
  • pet's veterinary passport with vaccination records.

In addition, when developing rules for reception and residence, you can establish a minimum period for keeping an animal and a calculation procedure.


To convey information about the opening and operation of a hotel for animals to potential clients, you will need a competent advertising campaign, which should include the following activities:

You can also place a colorful sign on the facade of the building, come up with various promotions and provide for the possibility of using discount cards.

Financial component of business

The financial component of a business depends on many factors. Therefore, even at the stage of designing a business activity, it is very important not only to provide for everything organizational issues, but also to carry out necessary calculations, determining its economic feasibility.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Suppose it is planned to organize a hotel for animals, providing for the presence of dogs, cats, rodents and birds. The establishment will be located on a rented territory with an area of ​​60 square meters. m., which will be divided into 10 rooms of varying comfort levels.

The cost of opening such a pet hotel will be about 500 thousand rubles. This amount includes the cost of paying the first month of rent, repairs, purchase of equipment and consumables, as well as advertising expenses.

Subsequently, about 250 thousand rubles per month will be spent on maintaining the establishment. This amount will include the cost of rent, utility bills, labor costs and deductions from it, the purchase of materials and taxes.

Amount of future income

The size of a hotel's future income is largely determined by its occupancy rate, which at the first stage of operation will not exceed 60%.

The average bill for such establishments is 350 rubles per day of stay.

The hotel allows you to accommodate up to 50 animals at the same time; you can determine that the amount of its monthly revenue will be approximately 300 thousand rubles.

Payback period

With such indicators of income and expenses, the amount of net profit of the business is equal to 50 thousand rubles per month or 600 thousand rubles per year.

This amount will allow you to fully recoup the investments made in the project within 10-11 months of stable operation.

When opening a hotel for animals, it is worth considering that similar business characterized by seasonality. Therefore, the main influx of clients should be observed in the period from May to October, when it is vacation time. As a result, the pet hotel brings in almost 50-60% of its total income in the summer.

  • Resume
  • Basic data on the object
  • Recruitment and list of services
  • Costs and estimated profit
  • Marketing plan and risks
  • Conclusions

Pet hotels, hair salons and pet clothing stores are an elite type of business that provides services to wealthy individuals. In order to set up your own business in the field of hotel services for animals, it is worth studying the features and risks of the activity and assessing possible financial investments. After this, it will be possible to draw up a business plan for a hotel for animals with plans for 2019. Below is an example of a business plan for this industry.


The business plan for a pet hotel is drawn up as a model for adaptation to specific goals and objectives in the field of pet care. Exemplary starting capital– 1,975,000 rubles. Financing: own funds plus borrowed funds. The return on investment is two and a half years. Validity period is unlimited.

Goal: making a profit, meeting consumer demand in the field of animal care. Registration of an organization in the form of LLC. If the small enterprise is from 10 to 30 numbers and minimum set services, you can be an individual entrepreneur.

You can download business plan for a pet hotel from our partners. We guarantee high-quality calculations!

Basic data on the object

The calculations in the business plan for a hotel for animals are conditional. The recommended area of ​​the facility is from 150 m2 to 250 m2. A separate building (one to two floors) or the first floor is suitable for a hotel. The main requirement is good sound insulation in the building and in the hotel itself. Premises located outside the city are suitable for the facility. A place for walking or additional space for installing enclosures is also desirable.

Additional requirements for the hotel:

  • good room ventilation to ventilate rooms;
  • daily cleaning of occupied rooms, keeping spare rooms clean;
  • sufficient lighting.

The standard room size for a pet is 1m*1m. Room furnishings:

  • sunbeds;
  • climbing complex;
  • scratching posts;
  • toys;
  • bowls for water and food (water always available).

Rent of 250 m2 – 210,000 rubles per month, per year – 2,520,000. This area will accommodate 60 rooms (10 junior suites, 5 luxury rooms) plus space for staff.

Additional costs for facility development (in rubles):

  1. Repair and adaptation of the building into a hotel – 75,000.
  2. Utility bills – 7,500.
  3. Arrangement of the reception area - 15,000.

Recruitment and list of services

A sample pet hotel business plan contains information about the staff of the animal hotel and their salaries:

  1. Veterinarian – 3 people – 35,000 rubles per month (105,000).
  2. Counselor – 4 people – 40,000 per month (160,000). His responsibilities include walking dogs and feeding animals.
  3. Cleaner – 3 people – 20,000 (60,000).
  4. Manager - 1 person - 70,000 per month.
  5. Accountant – 1 person – 45,000 per month.

List of services provided with cost in rubles:

    • providing the pet with a standard room during the absence of the owners - 400 per day.
    • luxury room – 600 per day.
    • junior suite room – 500 per day.
    • feeding is included in the room price.
    • pet care (cleaning eyes, ears, nose, combing) – 200 at a time.
    • walking – 200 per walk.
    • pet hygiene – 500 per wash.
    • veterinarian service included in the price difficult cases- 1,000 per appointment.
    • dog training – from 3,000.

The list of services can be expanded. Also, a pet hotel can be combined with opening of a veterinary clinic. Veterinary clinic services:

To identify a pet to the hotel, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Pet owner's passport.
  2. Animal passport (veterinary).
  3. Owner's contact details - for communication.

Costs and estimated profit

A business plan for a hotel for animals with calculations contains the items “Expenses” and “Profits”. In our example, the opening and maintenance costs are as follows (amounts in rubles):

  1. Feed – 200,000.
  2. Toys – 10,000.
  3. Room furnishings – 9,500 (60 units = 570,000).
  4. Medications – 70,000.
  5. Hygiene products – 25,000.
  • One-time costs: 1,317,500.
  • Monthly costs: 657,500.
  • Total costs: 1,975,000.

In order to adapt the data of a hotel business plan to real conditions, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the prices of online stores and clarify the location of the search for a building for rent.

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As for profit, if the facility considered in the business plan is fully loaded, in one day the amount of income will be: 24,000 (60 rooms for 400 rubles each). Let’s assume that there are 30 dogs and cats each. Walking 30 dogs costs 200 rubles per walk, but you need to walk them twice a day, therefore 400 rubles per day. The total amount is 12,000. Cats need brushing for 200 rubles (once a day) - 30 cats = 6,000. Wash a pet - 500 rubles (let's say 20 pets need washing) = 10,000.

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The total income for one day will be 52,000. Income per month at full capacity is 1,560,000 rubles. If the facility is fully loaded, the payback on invested costs and funds taken on credit can occur within six months. Also in the business plan you can calculate the average and minimum profit at medium and low load of the facility.

Pay attention! An important calculation in a business plan is the search for the break-even point.

Marketing plan and risks

In order to conduct a market analysis, it is enough to study the area for the presence of competitors, as well as identify potential customers. The pet hotel is aimed at a target audience with above-average, elite income. A veterinary clinic at a hotel may have a loyal pricing policy, since it is not the main activity.

  • advertisements on the Internet;
  • creating your own website;
  • business cards;
  • advertising on radio or television.

It is also necessary to assess the risks. There may be problems entering the market. New companies are less trusted. There is also a possibility big problems with searching for clients. The focus of activities should be on regular customers.


A pet hotel is a profitable activity if it operates at full or average occupancy. Additional services (including a veterinary clinic) will help recoup the investment and support the functioning of the organization. A ready-made business plan for a pet hotel with calculations shows how to open your own business in 2019, focused on the field of animal care.

What else can you make money on today? Try investing, especially since it will allow you to receive passive income for a long time. Find out aboutthe secrets of creating cash flow from scratch and take action.

Also read:

  • Business plan for a veterinary clinic - sample with calculations
  • How to open a hotel for animals
  • Opening a veterinary pharmacy

Despite the crisis, the opening of a pet hotel may become profitable business. Residents of cities with a population of over a million are especially in dire need of them. An example is the successful projects of domestic entrepreneurs.


You can make good money from your love for pets even in a crisis, because 76% of Russians have pets (VTsIOM statistics). This is a huge target audience with a wide range of needs. Some niches are highly competitive (vet clinics, pet supplies), others are relatively free ( designer clothes, beauty treatments, fitness, hotels). It is the latter that those who want to start a pet business most often turn to. However, when thinking about how to open a hotel for animals, a studio of exclusive outfits for small dogs, or a beauty salon for cats, it is important to understand in advance the intricacies of this business and take into account the experience of successful entrepreneurs.

Will there be guests?

The first thing that worries beginners is the demand for such a service. Is this type of business seasonal? How quickly does it pay for itself? What nuances should be taken into account when choosing a room, etc.?

The experience of pet hoteliers shows that hotels for animals in large cities are most profitable. Here, the income of the population is higher, the rhythm of life is more intense, the owners have more opportunities to travel, therefore, there is a need to find a home for their pet during vacations, apartment renovations, moving, etc. also high.

According to statistics from VTsIOM, the most popular pets in Russia are cats and dogs (see Fig. 1)

They form the basis of all hotel guests for animals, and their owners are the main customers and consumers of pet hotel services. But how satisfied are their needs today?

In 2014, the 2GIS service analyzed the provision of different Russian cities with organizations for pets. One of the lowest indicators is the presence of pet hotels in them: from 1 to 6% (see Fig. 2)

In 2015, according to the NAFI Analytical Center, Russians spent about 1 trillion rubles on their pets, often saving on themselves rather than on animals. At the same time monthly expenses distributed as follows (see Fig. 3):

As you can see, pet hotels are a popular service. This is evidenced by successful development website, which contains information about 200 pet hotels available for booking:

"IN new year holidays We didn’t notice a drop in demand, all the good hotels were occupied, and it was already difficult to find something suitable a week before the holidays.” (A. Litvinov, one of the founders of

Considering that today more than 90% of the market is occupied by private “overexposure” at home, which does not differ in the quality of services, all more people they want to leave their pets during their departure in decent institutions for animals, where they will be provided with care, protection, and peace. So, with proper organization, a pet hotel will never be left without guests.

Hotel for four-legged animals: which format to choose?

There are no clear requirements for such enterprises, because in Soviet era not a single pet hotel has been opened, and even today those who consider a hotel for animals as a business often do not build a special room for it, but refurbish it “more or less suitable.” Here possible options(see Table 1)

Table 1. Formats of pet hotels: pros and cons

Private apartment in apartment building

  • no rent
  • you can combine care with household chores
  • the price for overexposure is lower than that of competitors
  • limited space (difficult to develop a business)
  • possible resistance from neighbors, their complaints to the SES and other authorities
  • Difficulties with walking animals
  • “informal” nature of agreements with owners

Country house

  • no rent
  • no neighbors unhappy with your business
  • You can expand the range of services by opening the intake of dogs accustomed to street living, providing assistance in training, etc.
  • if the house is located far from the city, difficulties may arise with the delivery of animals

Separate building, premises in an office center

  • there is a prospect for hotel development (starting with 7-10 enclosures, you can increase the volume gradually)
  • convenient transport interchange
  • it is difficult to find premises suitable for this business without reconstruction: additional investments are likely
  • rent for an office, building, plot.

A good option for a pet hotel is a country premises with separate “rooms” for animals, as well as the presence of enclosures for dogs accustomed to outdoor living, with space for walking and exercising with pets. Example: “Cynological Center “Horse” (Moscow region).

In the city, a hotel for animals can be located in a room adjacent to a veterinary clinic: such a proximity instills in the owners confidence that in the event of illness, their pet will be provided with the necessary help.

Some entrepreneurs focus on multi-format and offer services for keeping different types of pets: turtles, guinea pigs, rabbits, chinchillas, birds and even reptiles. It can get weighty competitive advantage. But before providing such a service, you need to study the features of keeping these animals.

Experience of pet hoteliers: what should you think about when opening a hotel for animals?

The first hotels for animals appeared in America in the 20s of the last century. Today it is a powerful industry with colossal incomes, a huge list of services, special stores, etc. In our country, according to the owner of the animal hotel “Moon Cat” E. Podorozhkina, there is still a lag of at least 20 years behind Western standards. This is despite the fact that opening a pet hotel is an interesting type of business that does not require significant investments at first.

Here are examples of successful businesses.

“Moon Cat”: cats and more...

  • Owner: E. Podorozhkina
  • Opening year: 2013
  • Premises: in St. Petersburg, in a three-story building on the 1st floor with a separate entrance.
  • Initial investment: 200 thousand rubles (of which 120 thousand are borrowed funds)
  • Payback period: 1 year
  • Permanent staff: 1 person
  • Net profit: 40 thousand rubles per month


  • convenient booking (has its own website, VK group)
  • clear requirements for guests: only clinically healthy animals are accepted after a veterinary examination
  • individual approach: pet hotel specialists are ready to provide pets with the care they are used to at home
  • Other animals are accepted: ferrets, rodents, parrots. Condition - provision of cage, food and care instructions
  • pet taxi services

Elena gives the following advice to aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. You shouldn’t immediately plan large expenses: in the pet business, a lot is determined by attitude, the ability to build contact with people, and sincere love for animals. For example, expensive video footage of pets staying at a hotel can initially be replaced with photos, enclosures can be constructed by yourself, etc.
  2. The room must be spacious enough, warm, well ventilated and ventilated, and also disinfected using ultraviolet lamps
  3. Before buying ready-made enclosures, Elena and her husband turned to veterinarians and found out what size is most comfortable for cats, what is best to make it from, what design features should be different, etc. As a result, the owners of the zoo hotel made the first 7 enclosures themselves. Now there are 19 of them.
  4. The business is seasonal: the peaks are the New Year holidays and summer holidays. However, regular customers help out all year round, reserving places during repairs, illness of loved ones, high employment, business trips, etc. It is important to attract such customers and provide them with additional discounts.
  5. You need to think in advance about promoting your business. Elena considers the most successful distribution channels to be a website and advertising on asphalt.

"Sir Cat" - a new type of hotel for animals

  • Owner: A. Pushkin
  • Opening year: 2014
  • Premises: the first hotel was opened in Moscow, in office building, with an area of ​​72 m², 4 are currently operating, 2 more are preparing to open.
  • Initial investment: 2 million rubles own funds
  • Permanent staff: 2 employees (kotonyans) in each hotel
  • Net profit for 2015: 1 million rubles.


  • location within walking distance from the metro
  • enclosures made of tempered glass, which allows cats to watch each other, play, and have enough space to rest
  • 24-hour video surveillance, thanks to which owners can constantly be aware of the lives of their pets
  • the ability for hosts to communicate with the cat owner and the hotel owner through a convenient mobile application.

Secrets of success:

  1. The right choice premises: office rent in the business center.
  2. The 14 glass enclosures in the first hotel cost 80% of the initial capital, but this made it possible to create a unique “transparent” habitat that was immediately appreciated by both cats and their owners.
  3. Focusing on close contact with animal owners allows you to maintain the establishment’s impeccable reputation, and providing photos and videos about keeping cats inspires trust and helps to gain regular customers.
  4. Most hotels do not accept unsterilized animals, and Sir Cat makes no exceptions for them: glass boxes are very convenient for disinfection and odor elimination. Additional payment for maintenance - 100 rubles.
  5. Flexible pricing policy: a night in a standard box costs 490 rubles, and with a video camera - 650.
  6. No fee for additional services: trimming nails, cleaning eyes, walking around the hotel, etc.
  7. A. Pushkin launched the project with advertising support from the media: he ordered a press release from the editors of The Village. This brought him to the attention of other publishers and television. Today "Sir Cat" is one of the most popular hotels for animals.

5 Steps to Opening a Pet Hotel

So, you have decided to open a hotel for animals. Here are the steps ahead of you on the way to successful business:

Step-1 Assess the demand for the service and the level of competition in your region

Step-2 Select hotel format

Step-3 Draw up a business plan, determine the amount of investment and payback period, determine promotion channels

Step-4 Find a room, reconstruct it in accordance with the format, purchase equipment

Important! Successful pet hoteliers note that this business is suitable only for those who sincerely love animals, because many came to it, feeling own experience how difficult it is to find a reliable place to keep your pet.