Why can't I learn English for many years? There is no clear understanding of the goal. “Everyone teaches and I must

Many adults, like Lena, have studied English all their lives. But not everyone managed, after years of trying, to overcome difficulties and feel free enough to communicate in English every day. Elena Khavina, a graduate student at MIPT, shared with CTD her experience of successful self-education.

Starting from the age of three, I was taught the language a lot and in different ways. The result was zero: I did not speak English. As a result, I solved the language problem myself, already in adulthood, without teachers or group classes. For several years I have been thinking about a short instruction on how to finally master this “damned English”. I hope I was able to briefly and succinctly present my observations and experience.

1. Language is a skill

May all those who teach foreign languages ​​forgive me. There is no need to learn the language, it is pointless. Language must be mastered as a skill. Just as a skill. Remove the word “learn” and cognates from any sentences related to language acquisition. Once and for all. Removed? Exactly? Now to the point.

Since language is a skill, it can only be learned through practice. Practice is guaranteed to be accompanied by errors and inaccuracies. This is fine. If you want to master a language, start using it. Read individual words, make up simple sentences, listen to recordings of conversations, read (out loud!) and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

It is useful to replace words of your native language in speech with words of a second language and, for example, once a week arrange a day when the whole family speaks a foreign language at home.

This will benefit all participants: someone will not forget the language, someone will stop being afraid, someone will understand how to use the language.

It is very important not to scold anyone for mistakes, ignorance of words or basic grammar. Let me remind you: language is not knowledge, language is a skill! This is a communication skill. Just like, for example, the skill of riding a bicycle. You can't learn to ride a bike without falling. Similarly, you cannot master a language without making mistakes. Just accept it. Don't blame yourself for mistakes; you don't blame yourself for being stupid when you stumble.

2. How to choose a textbook

No matter how much one would like a language to be remembered naturally, sooner or later everyone comes to textbooks. Psychologically, since school, the textbook has been a source of suffering. Something boring, uninteresting, something that belongs to the “need” category and not to the “want” category.

This is fundamentally wrong. If you want to master foreign language, a suitable textbook will serve as a handy tool. To get a good textbook:

    Go to where these textbooks are sold.

    Get textbooks written by native speakers.

    Find a quiet corner in a bookstore and look through everything you've picked up.

    Choose a book that you would be interested in reading - like a magazine or newspaper. Take a textbook at a level at which it won’t be too easy for you, but it won’t be too difficult either. On the first page there should be words unfamiliar to you. There should be enough of them, but not too many so that you feel uncomfortable or scared.

    Buy this book and use it.

The point of any textbook is to facilitate and speed up the process of language acquisition. Each native (created by native speakers) textbook is designed in such a way that the student gradually expands his lexicon, listened to English speech, read texts in the language that did not contain errors, and also wrote at least something. By studying regularly and doing all the exercises, you will gradually master the language in all its manifestations.

The differences between authors and publishers are in the topics and sequence of grammar presentation. But these differences are insignificant. Therefore, it does not matter which specific series of textbooks you choose. It is important that the textbook is native and interesting. I am convinced that a person for whom a language is not native, for whom it does not serve as a natural means of communication, cannot convey it to anyone, so I advise you to choose a textbook written by native speakers. And interesting - so that it wouldn’t be a burden to use it every day.

3. How to use the tutorial?

Language is a skill. You can master it a little at a time, but you won’t be able to swallow it after working out for a couple of days at the end of the month. The same principle applies here as with gym. The Phystech proverb: “If you want to be OK, botay English every day” is exactly about this.

If you purchased a native textbook, it is most likely broken down into topics and lessons. Each topic (unit) consists of several lessons (lessons) or simply numbered sections. Your task is to exercise regularly, little by little. Every day or every couple of days, devote 20-30 minutes to the language: before bed, at breakfast, over coffee, during a lunch break, in transport or somewhere else. The main thing is to practice every day, or at least every other day. You can, of course, do it less often, but then it’s better to admit right away that you are deceiving yourself and don’t want to master the language. And don’t waste money on a book, you’ll save forests at the same time.

How much do you need to do in half an hour? As much as possible. Half a page, a page, a spread or five - it doesn’t matter. It's important to do. The more new words you have, the slower you move.

Make sure you are really good at what you do. As soon as you get tired and “float”, stop. It’s normal that at the beginning of your journey you have difficulty mastering half a page in half an hour. The longer you study, the faster you read, write, and do exercises. It will be easier when you know more words.

    Exercise regularly. Why - see above.

    Read everything out loud. This way you will remember the correct grammatical structures and stop being afraid to pronounce words. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you make. It is important that you pronounce words and correctly constructed sentences in the language. Each language is a unique combination of sounds, and one must learn to reproduce them using the tongue, lips, and teeth.

    Do all the exercises. Don't skip exercises like "talk to your partner about the topic of the lesson." If you have no one to talk to, imagine that a reporter stopped you on the street and you have to tell him 1-2 sentences in response to asked question. A monologue is more convenient than a dialogue - no one will point out your mistake or shame you. Similarly, complete written assignments even if there is no one to check them.

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. In no case. Remember that language is a skill, and when learning a skill, it is normal to make mistakes.

5. About group classes and teachers

In my opinion, independent studies language is more useful than group ones. Perhaps I was unlucky or an introvert. Obviously, everything is individual here.

Why do I think that studying in a group is worse? It's simple. When you are not sure about something, when you don’t know how to do something well, you are embarrassed to make a mistake in public. Not everyone is able to overcome this uncertainty. In addition, group classes mean that you hear not only your mistakes, but also the mistakes of the whole group. It’s stupid to remember other people’s mistakes, but this happens.

The second point: people are different, they have different interests. You are not the one who chooses the textbook for group lessons, which means you may simply be bored in class.

As for working with a teacher, I will say that a good teacher is rare. It’s great if he acts as a consultant, and you remain the “leader”. This doesn't happen often. Usually, when mastering a language, the teacher decides which topic to cover when, which tasks to complete when, which textbook to use.

Finally, any interaction with people (whether in a group or one-on-one with a teacher) requires prior agreements. This is convenient when you are a child living on a schedule, but inconvenient when you are an adult with your own desires and a constantly updated schedule.

Many people will now say: how will I understand that what I say is correct? The answer is very simple. Now there is a lot of audio and video on the Internet with good, real, live English. Listen to songs or books, watch movies and TV series in the language, read news and books in it, and everything will work out. If you don’t know the pronunciation of a particular word, type it into Google Translate and the robot will “pronounce” it. If you're not sure you're pronouncing words correctly, use English voice input. If Siri understands you, everything is fine.

The most important thing is not to be afraid to make mistakes. We have all mastered or are mastering languages ​​(including the one we speak from birth). And everyone made mistakes and makes mistakes every day. Without mistakes there is no result. There is no need to be afraid when completing tasks, in conversation or in e-mail. To have fewer mistakes, you need to practice. Good luck!

There are students who can learn English in just a couple of years and communicate easily in it. However, there are others for whom foreign language is difficult. And they, of course, have a logical question: “Why can’t I learn English?” Obviously there must be some reason. Let's try to find her.

By the way, the most obvious one will be that you did not take English courses using the Dragunkin method. Try it - all questions will disappear. But let's look at other problems too.

Why do I want to learn English, but I can’t?

  • Students often lament that learning a foreign language is impossible and difficult. Often they think about studying or imagine coming home and starting to study. Or in an hour. Or later, I’ll just watch the series. In general, they do everything to avoid doing something. Concentrate on the task and try to determine for yourself exactly what you want: after all, this is not a school where you are forced to learn everything. And realize what exactly you are doing to improve your level of knowledge;
  • Another reason, which is the opposite of the previous one: a person can study really hard. Spend hours learning rules, words, expressions, going to a tutor, learning more and more. However, where does it all end? Too much new material does not have time to be absorbed; instead of having a good rest and then learning more, a person simply overloads himself. One needs to maintain a balance in this regard too;
  • The reason for slow learning may also be your timidity. Maybe you deliberately ignore some tasks, fearing that you will not be able to cope with them. Do you know that you could speak English with a native speaker, but you are ashamed of your own? possible errors and didn't even try. All these concessions move you away from your intended goal. These are all the reasons why studying is sluggish and does not bring any pleasure. Get over yourself, and then English will become easier and easier for you;
  • Another mistake is fussiness and haste. It is better to always strive for high-quality study of new material and its elaboration. You should not try to attack without mastering the handling of a pistol. You can’t climb the mountain without preparation, and, of course, without a guide;
  • Often students begin to learn a language on their own, without really delving into the process itself. They just do something, make up lessons, norms, rules according to which the training takes place. But often this leads to sad consequences - hours of training are simply destroyed, a person without strength and desire gives up and forgets his work, and this, perhaps, destroys his dream. Isn't it better to turn to a professional teacher? Often the tutor serves as a support not so much with his presentation of material and methodology, but with psychological support. The same process occurs in group classes: being in an environment of like-minded people, you will have a greater desire to learn and gain new knowledge. And competent support from the teacher will ensure the best outcome from all the actions that you take to learn English.

As you can see, there can be many reasons why learning English can be difficult. It’s hard to learn and remember words and take smart steps if you haven’t found the cause of your troubles. But always try to reach your goal to the end - don’t let temporary difficulties be a problem for you.

A good option is to look at the prices for English courses and choose the appropriate option for yourself. The main thing is to know why you need this course. And then you will be able to speak foreign without any problems. Good luck in gaining knowledge!

Rating of English language courses "Dragunkin" 4.8 based on reviews from 120 customers.

We have noticed a scary trend: on various forums and blogs, people are complaining that they have been learning English for many years, but cannot master it. We have a variety of online resources, the opportunity to communicate with foreigners, language courses and online English schools. What is happening to us, why is nothing working out? Let's try to find a way out of the situation together!

Let's try to figure out why your training was unsuccessful for several years and how to make it effective. We'll look at the most common mistakes made by English learners and give you some tips to help you overcome the challenges.

Your mistakes

1. Word or deed?

: Try not only to talk about your desire to learn, but alsomove from words to action, listen to the recommendations of experienced English teachers, attend webinars, courses, classes, speaking clubs. No one will get things moving for you. Many people say: “I really want to learn English, but nothing works, what should I do?” Let's focus on the word "do". How often do you DO something to master a language? Sometimes we don't want or are afraid to work with our problem. The fear of failure lives in everyone, but don’t let it blind you or lead you astray from the right path. We don’t want to make empty promises: yes, it will take time to master the language, the language will not be given “here and now.” Don’t be afraid to act, learning English is work, including working on yourself, fighting your fears and shortcomings.

2. Maybe I don't do enough?

The other extreme. We are so eager to understand English as quickly as possible that we burden ourselves beyond measure. We study around the clock, listen to audio lessons, watch videos, and on weekends we lock ourselves at home and cram, cram, cram. It's completely natural that due to overstrain, the brain does not absorb information. You and I are not robots and cannot work without interruptions. Exercising daily is useful and effective, but don’t forget to take breaks. Focusing on English will lead to overwork, and you will become worse at learning. Everything is good in moderation (everything is good in moderation).

Conclusion: Select reasonable combination of activities and relaxation, allow yourself to be distracted from studying, arrange an “English free day” once a week. He who rests well works well!

3. How important is someone else's opinion?

Some people ask for help on forums on the Internet: “Help, I’ve been learning English for 10/20/30 years and I can’t learn it.” This causes a storm of emotions, “armchair soldiers” immediately write hundreds of comments. IN best case scenario 1-2 of them are valuable advice, the rest are meaningless phrases about how at your age there is no point in studying, nothing will work out. But should their opinion be an authority for you? The point of view of the public is interesting to every person, but do not take the words of non-professionals to heart who understand nothing about the subject under discussion.

Conclusion: If you really want to get valuable advice, contact professional teachers(they have their own professional forums and blogs). They can truly give good advice, because teachers often have to deal with such questions. It is better to spend time solving your problem than complaining and discussing.

4. What are we thinking about?

Think about what associations the phrase “ English language" If you're starting to think about how hard and unsuccessful you are studying it, it's time to change negative to positive. It’s hard to learn a language with the thoughts: “I won’t succeed, I don’t have the ability...”

Conclusion: Let's think differently: “There are so many interesting things ahead! I will find my approach and learn English!“Thoughts like these inspire and give strength for learning. Understand yourself. Think about how much time you spend thinking about how you can't do anything? Wouldn't it be better to spend precious minutes creating rather than criticizing?

5. What if there is a mistake?

Conclusion: Overcome your fear and don’t strive for absolute perfection; you don’t always have to be a perfectionist.Every person's path is littered with mistakes, don't be afraid to learn from them. Some people are so afraid of making a mistake, of appearing illiterate, that they are embarrassed to speak English even alone with a teacher, and therefore refuse to take classes. In vain, every student needs an experienced teacher who will detect errors and help get rid of them. There is nothing wrong with imperfect pronunciation or errors in grammar. The teacher corrects you not out of harm, not out of a desire to seem smart, but so that you understand what the problem is and correct your mistakes.

Review your lesson plan. Haphazard attacks on the textbook are of no use. Determine how many hours can you spend studying without compromising other activities, sleep and rest?. You need to allocate at least 4-5 hours a week, and there is no point in studying for two days for 2-3 hours, it is better to study daily for 30-50 minutes.

Think about what learning methods you use. Perhaps you should reconsider your approach to learning English.

2. Decide where to learn English

If you have problems learning a language, we recommend studying with a personal teacher. Individual lessons are very effective and convenient, matching your level of knowledge and needs. You will study at a pace that suits you in a comfortable environment.

3. Don't forget to repeat

A common mistake most English learners make: people believe that once they memorize new words, they will never forget them again. However human memory It’s a tricky and unpredictable thing: if we don’t periodically repeat this vocabulary and use it in practice, after 20-30 days the words will disappear from our heads and we’ll have to learn everything again. How can you repeat what you have learned? See next point.

4. Think in English

We often have our heads in the clouds, think about this or that situation, dream or yearn for something. Let's use these moments well. Try to translate all your thoughts into English. This is very useful exercise, which not only improves language knowledge, but also develops creativity and imagination. While you're picking the right words, Bad mood will leave you, your soul will become calm.

5. Read, it's fashionable!

Reading English literature - simple and affordable way“immerse” yourself in the language, expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation(if you say the words out loud). Foreigners who come for permanent residence or study in Russia read Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov in order to quickly master the language. People who learn English spend a lot of time developing their speaking skills, neglecting books, but reading allows you to get tremendous results. Start with children's books or adapted literature. The first pages are usually difficult, you will stumble, constantly check the dictionary, but after a week you will be able to read English quite fluently, and you will learn to enjoy this process.

6. Be patient

There's nothing wrong with not knowing something; it's worse if you don't want to know. It’s great that you didn’t give up on your desire to learn English, despite your first failures. Motivation is an essential foundation for successful learning. Take your time, learn to enjoy gaining new knowledge, it’s so exciting! What comes quickly is rarely valuable, so do not pay attention to the speed of learning, the main thing is quality. Go towards your goal, albeit slowly, but confidently, and you will succeed!

7. Praise yourself and believe in your own strengths

We hope our article will help you believe in yourself and encourage you to take decisive action.

Don't give up! If you were unable to learn English before, this does not mean that you are hopeless. Perhaps you simply chose the wrong path to knowledge. Each of us has our own path in life, in love, in career, in learning English. We wish you a safe journey!

We have noticed a scary trend: on various forums and blogs, people are complaining that they have been learning English for many years, but cannot master it. We have a variety of online resources, the opportunity to communicate with foreigners, language courses and online English schools. What is happening to us, why is nothing working out? Let's try to find a way out of the situation together!

Let's try to figure out why your training was unsuccessful for several years and how to make it effective. We'll look at the most common mistakes made by English learners and give you some tips to help you overcome the challenges.

Your mistakes

1. Word or deed?

You won't be able to master English while you sit on your hands. Many people say: “I really want to learn English, but nothing works, what should I do?” Let's focus on the word "do". How often do you DO something to master a language? Sometimes we don't want or are afraid to work with our problem. The fear of failure lives in everyone, but don’t let it blind you or lead you astray from the right path. We don’t want to make empty promises: yes, it will take time to master the language, the language will not be given “here and now.” Don’t be afraid to act, learning English is work, including working on yourself, fighting your fears and shortcomings.

Conclusion: Try not only to talk about your desire to learn, but also move from words to action, listen to the recommendations of experienced English teachers, attend webinars, courses, classes, speaking clubs. No one will get things moving for you.

2. Maybe I don't do enough?

The other extreme. We are so eager to understand English as quickly as possible that we burden ourselves beyond measure. We study around the clock, listen to audio lessons, watch videos, and on weekends we lock ourselves at home and cram, cram, cram. It's completely natural that due to overstrain, the brain does not absorb information. You and I are not robots and cannot work without interruptions. Exercising daily is useful and effective, but don’t forget to take breaks. Focusing on English will lead to overwork, and you will become worse at learning. Everything is good in moderation (everything is good in moderation).

Conclusion: Select reasonable combination of activities and relaxation, allow yourself to be distracted from studying, arrange an “English free day” once a week. He who rests well works well!

3. How important is someone else's opinion?

Some people ask for help on forums on the Internet: “Help, I’ve been learning English for 10/20/30 years and I can’t learn it.” This causes a storm of emotions, “armchair soldiers” immediately write hundreds of comments. At best, 1-2 of them are valuable advice, the rest are meaningless phrases about how at your age there is no point in studying, nothing will work out. But should their opinion be an authority for you? The point of view of the public is interesting to every person, but do not take the words of non-professionals to heart who understand nothing about the subject under discussion.

Conclusion: If you want to get really valuable advice, contact professional teachers(they have their own professional forums and blogs). They will be able to give really good advice, because teachers often have to deal with similar questions. It is better to spend time solving your problem than complaining and discussing.

4. What are we thinking about?

Think about what associations the phrase “English” evokes in you. If you're starting to think about how hard and unsuccessful you are studying it, it's time to change negative to positive. It’s hard to learn a language with the thoughts: “I won’t succeed, I don’t have the ability...”

Conclusion: Let's think differently: “There are so many interesting things ahead! I will find my approach and learn English!“Thoughts like these inspire and give strength for learning. Understand yourself. Think about how much time you spend thinking about how you can't do anything? Wouldn't it be better to spend precious minutes creating rather than criticizing?

5. What if there is a mistake?

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. - He who does nothing makes no mistakes. - Edward Phelps Some people are so afraid of making a mistake, of appearing illiterate, that they are embarrassed to speak English, even alone with a teacher, and therefore refuse to take classes. In vain, every student needs an experienced teacher who will detect errors and help get rid of them. There is nothing wrong with imperfect pronunciation or errors in grammar. The teacher corrects you not out of harm, not out of a desire to seem smart, but so that you understand what the problem is and correct your mistakes.

Conclusion: Overcome your fear and don’t strive for absolute perfection; you don’t always have to be a perfectionist. Every person's path is littered with mistakes, don't be afraid to learn from them.

Review your lesson plan. Haphazard attacks on the textbook are of no use. Determine how many hours can you spend studying without compromising other activities, sleep and rest?. You need to allocate at least 4-5 hours a week, and there is no point in studying for two days for 2-3 hours, it is better to study daily for 30-50 minutes.

Think about what learning methods you use. Perhaps you should reconsider your approach to learning English. Our article “” will help you. Determine your type of perception of information and use tips for learning English. We hope they help you.

2. Decide where to learn English

If you have problems learning a language, we recommend studying with a personal teacher. Individual lessons are very effective and convenient, matching your level of knowledge and needs. You will study at a pace that suits you in a comfortable environment.

3. Don't forget to repeat

A common mistake most English learners make: people believe that once they memorize new words, they will never forget them again. However, human memory is a tricky and unpredictable thing: if we do not periodically repeat this vocabulary and use it in practice, after 20-30 days the words will disappear from our heads and we will have to learn everything again. How can you repeat what you have learned? See next point.

4. Think in English

We often have our heads in the clouds, think about this or that situation, dream or yearn for something. Let's use these moments well. Try to translate all your thoughts into English. This is a very useful exercise that not only improves language knowledge, but also develops creativity and imagination. As long as you find the right words, your bad mood will leave you and your soul will become calm.

5. Read, it's fashionable!

Reading English literature - a simple and accessible way to “immerse” yourself in the language, expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation(if you say the words out loud). Foreigners who come for permanent residence or study in Russia read Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov in order to quickly master the language. People who learn English spend a lot of time developing their speaking skills, neglecting books, but reading allows you to get tremendous results. Start with children's books or adapted literature. The first pages are usually difficult, you will stumble, constantly check the dictionary, but after a week you will be able to read English quite fluently, and you will learn to enjoy this process.

6. Be patient

There's nothing wrong with not knowing something; it's worse if you don't want to know. It’s great that you didn’t give up on your desire to learn English, despite your first failures. Motivation is an essential foundation for successful learning. Take your time, learn to enjoy gaining new knowledge, it’s so exciting! What comes quickly is rarely valuable, so do not pay attention to the speed of learning, the main thing is quality. Go towards your goal, albeit slowly, but confidently, and you will succeed!

7. Praise yourself and believe in your own strengths

If you lose faith in yourself, your efforts will be in vain. As long as you want to achieve something, you can overcome any obstacles and cope with all difficulties. Use all the materials available to you, do not shy away from classes with your teacher, attend webinars, listen to audio lessons. Success comes to those who achieve it.

We hope our article will help you believe in yourself and encourage you to take decisive action. We also recommend that you read our other articles on this topic: “” and “”, they will help solve some psychological problems, if you have them.

Don't give up! If you were unable to learn English before, this does not mean that you are hopeless. Perhaps you simply chose the wrong path to knowledge. Each of us has our own path in life, in love, in career, in learning English. We wish you a safe journey!

It's no secret that probably everyone who started learning English asked themselves the question: Why can't I learn English? The answer to this question is not complicated, main reason The reason why you cannot learn English is your laziness and you need to fight it. Anyone can learn English; the main thing is motivation, desire, and regularity of classes.

Now let's talk about the reasons that prevent us from learning our favorite English language. Firstly, if you do not live in a country with an English-speaking population, then you simply do not have enough of an environment where you could speak and speak.

Therefore, the best way to learn English is to live and communicate with people in the country where this language is the official language. The second reason why you cannot learn English is the lack of regularity of classes.

Often, beginners start learning a language, diligently learn grammar, cram words, listen to audio lessons, and after a month they give up everything, as you understand, the result from such study of the English language will not be high. It is advisable to practice at least 40 minutes every day.

You should develop a habit of learning English, like brushing your teeth in the morning without thinking about it.

We have found out the most important reasons why you cannot learn English:

No immersion in the environment
Not doing exercises regularly

Of course, we do not have to live in a country where the English-speaking population lives; in order to learn English, we can study with a tutor, or attend English courses and in the end we will also be able to learn English, but we will spend more time and money on learning. If finances are tight or there is no time to attend courses, then you can study English on your own.

The advantages of learning English on your own are that you plan your time, when and how many hours to study, and you also save a large number of Money, which can later be spent on a trip to an English-speaking country. This trip will be an excellent practice for you in communicating with foreigners, and you will be able to greatly improve your English skills.

So, let's sum it up if you have enough money and time then the best way to learn English is to hire a good tutor and when you have basic knowledge or the opportunity to go abroad, then, having gone to an English-speaking country, the most important thing is to talk with people as much as possible on any topic.

For example, if you go to London and sit in your room all day and talk to almost no one, then this trip will not be of much use. Therefore, always and in any suitable situation, try to speak English and you will succeed. Practice with your friends or colleagues and organize an English language day.

Of course, these are not all the answers to the question: Why can’t I learn English? But nevertheless, this is the main thing that you need to understand for yourself. Good luck to everyone in learning English and remember you will succeed.