What episodes when reading the story seemed to you the most important for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov? In the creative laboratory of M. A. Sholokhov

On the tale form of M. A. Sholokhov’s narration (end)

The words of the driver’s profession also penetrated into his speech: “The last stage was at first speed, that is, on all fours, but I got there,” “My heart swayed, the pistons need to be changed.”

Many times he will say a friendly “brother” to his interlocutor. In all this one can see a man of severe hard work, responsive, direct.

Fairy tale speech presents to us, as if in rays of light, the character of the hero and the soul, and the drama of experiences.

Based on materials from F. G. Biryukov

    Questions and tasks

1. Which episodes when reading the story seemed to you the most important for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov?

2. What place does the episode of Sokolov’s psychological duel with Commandant Muller occupy in the story and why?

3. Confirm with examples the validity of the words of M. A. Sholokhov: “Monya is interested in the fate ordinary people in the last war."

4. How does Andrei Sokolov overcome his loneliness? What new does the story of Vanyushka’s adoption add to the understanding of Sokolov’s character? In connection with what does the hero of the story say: “It’s impossible for us to disappear separately!”? What is the significance of Andrei’s portrait in the story? Why was it difficult for the author to look into his eyes, “as if sprinkled with ashes”?

5. The story “The Fate of a Man” differs from other works by M. A. Sholokhov. Its content is mainly tragic. Why doesn't the story give rise to a feeling of hopelessness?

6. Who narrates at the beginning and end of the story, and who narrates the main part of it? How does the narrator's character manifest itself in the manner of the story?

7. How do you explain the generalized nature of the title of the story?

When reading the story, the most important for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov seem to be the following episodes and facts of his life: when he became a driver, ten years flew by completely unnoticed for him, and the past was shrouded in a haze through which it was difficult to discern anything. Also, the ideal of happiness for him was “a roof over his head,” normal nutrition, good-quality clothing and a peaceful, measured life in the family. When he lost this, then life seemed devoid of any meaning to him. He did not find enough support in himself to start living again. Now the only meaning of his life was constant grief for the dead. He believed that his life was ruined because he believed that the center of his life was not in himself, but in the people and objects around him. For ordinary people of that time, this was a typical situation; it determined national identity and many cultural elements.

An important episode for understanding the character of Andrei Sokolov is the moment missed in the textbook, when he, having been captured, strangled at night a traitor who was preparing to betray his commander. This shows him as a decisive and irreconcilable person towards his enemies, who cares not only about his own skin.

It is very significant that he was not afraid when the camp commander threatened to kill him; on the contrary, he behaved with dignity. The thirst for life and fight was constantly seething in him, this is clear from the fact that at the first possible opportunity he fled. Yes, he didn’t just run away, but also grabbed an important German commander - that is, he had great practical intelligence, and he fought wisely, without losing his head.
His sick soul needed someone to take care of him, so he took in a homeless boy. Beneath his rough, unpretentious appearance there lived a sensitive and responsive soul.

Andrei Sokolov was a hard-working and thorough person. His character can be defined as judicious, courageous and honest. He was a monogamous man, which speaks of a deep spiritual life.

    In M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” the reader is presented with not just a story, but truly the fate of a person who embodies the typical features of the national Russian character. Andrei Sokolov, a modest worker, father of a family, lived and...

    About the beauty of the soul Soviet man says in M. Sholokhov's story "SCh", in which the hero managed to rise above his personal tragic fate and with life, in the name of life, to overcome death. Andrey Sokolov talks about his life, which was full...

    In this story, Sholokhov depicted the fate of an ordinary Soviet person who went through the war, captivity, who experienced a lot of pain, hardships, losses, deprivations, but was not broken by them and managed to maintain the warmth of his soul. For the first time we meet the main character Andrei Sokolov...

    The story was written in 1956 during Khrushchev’s “thaw”. Sholokhov was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. There he heard the life story of one soldier. She really touched him. Sholokhov harbored the idea of ​​writing this story for a long time. And here in...

    Where could I find that one? living water, capable of melting a soul frozen from torment and suffering, one’s own and the nation’s, and making a heart, petrified from the tragedies experienced, beat with renewed vigor? Such a fabulous living water turned out to be a boy “with bright,...

When reading the story, the most important for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov seem to be the following episodes and facts of his life: when he became a driver, ten years flew by completely unnoticed for him, and the past was shrouded in a haze through which it was difficult to discern anything. Also, the ideal of happiness for him was “a roof over his head,” normal nutrition, good-quality clothing and a peaceful, measured life in the family. When he lost this, then life seemed devoid of any meaning to him. He did not find enough support in himself to start living again. Now the only meaning of his life was constant grief for the dead. He believed that his life was ruined because he believed the center of his life was not in himself, but in the people and objects around him. For ordinary people of that time, this was a typical situation; it determined national identity and many elements of culture.
An important episode for understanding the character of Andrei Sokolov is the moment missed in the textbook, when he, having been captured, strangled at night a traitor who was preparing to betray his commander. This shows him as a decisive and irreconcilable person towards his enemies, who cares not only about his own skin.
It is very significant that he was not afraid when the camp commander threatened to kill him; on the contrary, he behaved with dignity. The thirst for life and fight was constantly seething in him, this is clear from the fact that at the first possible opportunity he fled. Yes, he didn’t just run away, but also grabbed an important German commander - that is, he had great practical intelligence, and he fought wisely, without losing his head.




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Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region,

How the endless, angry rains fell,
How tired women carried krinkas to us,

Holding them to my chest like children from the rain,

How they wiped away tears furtively,

As they whispered after us: “Lord save you!”
And again they called themselves soldiers,
As was the custom in great Rus' of old.
Measured by tears more often than by miles,
There was a road, hiding from view on the hills:
Villages, villages, villages with graveyards,
It’s as if all of Russia has come to see them,
As if behind every Russian outskirts,

Protecting the living with the cross of your hands,

Having gathered with the whole world, our great-grandfathers pray
For their grandchildren who don’t believe in God.
You know, probably, after all, the Motherland
Not the city house where I lived on holiday,
And these country roads that our grandfathers passed through,
With simple crosses from their Russian graves.
I don’t know about you, but I and the village girl

Road melancholy from village to village,
With a widow's tear and a woman's song
For the first time, the war came together on the country roads.
Do you remember, Alyosha: a hut near Borisov,
For the dead, a girl's crying cry,
A gray-haired old woman in a corduroy cloak,
All in white, as if dressed to death, an old man.
Well, what could we tell them, how could we console them?

But, understanding grief with my woman’s instincts,
Do you remember the old woman said: - Dear ones,

While you go, we will wait for you.

“We will wait for you!” the pastures told us.

“We will wait for you!” said the forests.
You know, Alyosha, at night it seems to me
That their voices are following me.
According to Russian customs, only fires
On Russian soil, scattered behind,

Comrades died before our eyes,
In Russian, he tore his shirt on his chest.
The bullets still have mercy on you and me.

But, having believed three times that life is all over,

I was still proud of the sweetest one,

For the bitter land where I was born,

Because I was bequeathed to die on it,

That a Russian mother gave birth to us,

What, accompanying us into battle, is a Russian woman

She hugged me three times in Russian.

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When reading the story, the most important for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov seem to be the following episodes and facts of his life: when he became a driver, ten years flew by completely unnoticed for him, and the past was shrouded in a haze through which it was difficult to discern anything. Also, the ideal of happiness for him was “a roof over his head,” normal nutrition, good-quality clothing and a peaceful, measured life in the family. When he lost this, then life seemed devoid of any meaning to him. He did not find enough support in himself to start living again. Now the only meaning of his life was constant grief for the dead. He believed that his life was ruined because he believed the center of his life was not in himself, but in the people and objects around him. For ordinary people of that time, this was a typical situation; it determined national identity and many elements of culture.

An important episode for understanding the character of Andrei Sokolov is the moment missed in the textbook, when he, having been captured, strangled at night a traitor who was preparing to betray his commander.

This shows him as a decisive and irreconcilable person towards his enemies, who cares not only about his own skin.

It is very significant that he was not afraid when the camp commander threatened to kill him; on the contrary, he behaved with dignity. The thirst for life and fight was constantly seething in him, this is clear from the fact that at the first possible opportunity he fled. Yes, he didn’t just run away, but also grabbed an important German commander - that is, he had great practical intelligence, and he fought wisely, without losing his head.

His sick soul needed someone to take care of him, so he took in a homeless boy. Beneath his rough, unpretentious appearance there lived a sensitive and responsive soul.

Andrei Sokolov was a hard-working and thorough person. His character can be defined as judicious, courageous and honest. He was a monogamous man, which speaks of a deep spiritual life.


  • Which episodes when reading the story seemed most important to you for revealing the fate and character of Andrei Sokolov
  • What episodes did you find most important when reading the story?
  • What episodes in reading the story seemed most important to you?
  • what are the episodes when reading the story
  • what episodes seemed to you when reading the story

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