Card index of games on visual arts for preschool children. Card index of exciting games based on creative activities

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution city ​​of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 52 "Samolyotik"

Didactic games
by activity

Performed by Kerimova Zukhra Batrudinovna

Game "Bottom of the Sea"
Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, speech development, logical thinking, memory.
Progress of the game: The children are shown the seabed (empty), and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play “Hide and Seek” with us, and in order to find them we need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly puts the resident in the background. The result is a complete composition. The teacher motivates the children to visual arts. (Good to use with medium and older groups). You can study other topics with your children in the same way. plot compositions: "Summer meadow", " Forest Dwellers", "Autumn Harvest", "Still Life with Tea", etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to create different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, and compositional vision.
[Download the file to see the picture]
Game "Painted horses"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge of the main motifs of Russian folk paintings ("Gzhel", "Gorodets", "Filimonovo", "Dymka"), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color. Progress of the game: for the child, it is necessary to determine which clearing will each of the horses graze, and name the species applied creativity, based on which they are painted.

Game "Magic Landscape"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings (One of the most difficult topics this is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones larger.), develop the eye, memory, and compositional skills. Progress of the game: The child needs to place trees and houses in pockets according to their size, in accordance with their perspective distance. (preparatory group).
[Download the file to view the picture] [Download the file to view the picture]
Game "Collect the landscape"
Purpose of the game: to develop compositional thinking skills, consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape,” develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is offered from the set printed pictures to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter), the child must select objects that correspond specifically to this time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition.

[Download the file to view the picture] [Download the file to view the picture]

Game "Tangles"
Purpose of the game: To increase children's interest in the game, to intensify their activities. Form creative abilities.
Game task: 1) draw a ball and turn it into a tree; butterfly; 2) turn the ball into a flower and make a pattern (on the strip).

Game "Help me deliver the toys"
Purpose of the game: learn to draw straight, wavy, broken lines, circles, etc.
Game task: help bring toys home, a brush or pencil shows the way. (The game has many variations). A complication for kids can be not only a more complex shape, but also the use of narrower paths.
Game "Magic Pencils"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the rainbow, colors and their shades, color distribution from light to darker and vice versa, to develop perception, memory, and intelligence.
Equipment: colored pencils of different colors, 7 types.
Progress of the game: children are invited to consider beautiful pencils. Note that they can be used to make a rainbow (colors in order and back again).
A fairy tale about how a rainbow swam in water
In the summer, after rain, a bright rainbow appeared in the sky, she looked down at the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. Rainbow looked into it as if into a mirror and thought: “How beautiful I am!” Then she decided to swim in the warm lake. Like a huge multi-colored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake immediately turned red different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The kids came running with brushes and albums, dipped their brushes into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow had plenty of fun and flew away beyond the clouds. The water in the lake became clear, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.
Rainbows in water don't only happen in fairy tales. For example, you can color the water with paints, invite your child to dip his finger in the red paint, and then lower it into a glass of water. Do the same with the other colors one by one. You will get seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Game "Palette"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's understanding of color.
Progress of the game: each child is given a palette and chips - circles (yellow, red, green and blue colors). The child needs to correctly place the colored chip on the palette - a circle corresponding to the color. Before the start of the game, the psychologist reads a poem, accompanied by a display of the corresponding images on a picture mounted on an easel (whatman paper, on which everything that is said in the poem is painted with paints).
Valya had some paints on her shelf. They lay and lay and got bored. How long will everyone forget about us? We really, really want to draw! “I would,” said the blue paint, “I would paint the sky and the river.” “I would like grass, frogs and 2 Christmas trees,” Green sighed quietly on the sidelines. - How can there be no red flowers in the meadow? How could there be no ripe berries in the garden? The paint turned red. - If only there was a picture about a hot summer! The yellow one also did not remain silent: I can draw the hot sun! Sand, dandelions or chickens, Those who are in a hurry for the chicken - mother. But at this time the box was opened, each paint was washed with a brush, and look what Valya drew for her mother and put in the frame.
Game "Find paintings painted with warm and cold colors"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's ideas about warm and cold colors.
Material: reproductions of still lifes, painted in warm and cold colors. Game description: Find paintings painted only in warm colors (or cold ones) or sort paintings painted in warm and cold colors into groups.

Purpose of the game: To develop children's attention and interest in various colors and shades, a feeling of joy when perceiving the beauty of nature.
Material: pictures of landscapes, colored stripes.
Game description: each player receives a picture depicting a landscape. By applying colored stripes to the image, the child selects the colors that are in his picture.

Game "Define and find the genre of portrait (Still life, landscape)"
Purpose of the game: to clarify children’s ideas about different genres painting: landscape, portrait, still life.
Material: reproductions of paintings.
Game description: 1 option. The teacher suggests looking carefully at the paintings and putting paintings depicting only a still life (or only a portrait, landscape) in the center of the table, putting others aside.
Option 2. Each child has a reproduction of a painting, some of them depict a landscape, some have a portrait or a still life. The teacher asks riddles, and the children must show the answers using reproductions of paintings.
If you see a river painted in a painting, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The painting must be called (landscape)
If you see in the picture a cup of coffee on the table, Or fruit drink in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake,
· Or all objects at once, know what it is (still life)
If you see someone looking at us from a painting - Or a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, A pilot, or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor, The painting is sure to be called (portrait).

Game "Make a still life"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, to teach how to compose a composition according to your own plan, according to a given plot (festive, with fruits and flowers, with dishes and vegetables, etc.)
Material: various pictures depicting flowers, dishes, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms or real objects (dishes, fabrics, flowers, dummies of fruits, vegetables, decorative items)
Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to create a composition from the proposed pictures, or to create a composition on the table from real objects, using various fabrics for the background.

Game "Make a still life"
Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, to teach how to compose a composition according to your own plan, according to a given plot (festive still life, with fruits and flowers, with dishes and vegetables, with mushrooms, etc.)
Material: images of flowers, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, dishes.
Instructions: make a still life.

Game "What does a still life consist of"
Purpose of the game: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, image features, and constituent elements. Consolidate knowledge about objective world, its purpose and classification.
Material: various pictures depicting objects, flowers, berries, mushrooms, animals, nature, clothing, etc.
Description of the game: among a variety of pictures, children need to select only those that depict elements unique to the still life genre.

Game "Funny Palms"
Purpose of the game: to develop creative imagination.
Material: cardboard silhouettes of palms, paints of different colors.
Instructions: dress up each finger.

Game "Funny Colors"
Purpose of the game: to introduce children to primary and composite colors, the principles of color mixing.
Material: cards with pictures of girls-paints, signs “+”, “-”, “=”, paints, brushes, paper, palette.
Progress of the game: by mixing colors, solve examples like “red + yellow = orange”, “green – yellow = blue”.
Game "Warm and cold colors"
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors.
Option 1: the teacher gives the children cards with warm and cold colors, ask those with cards with warm colors and those with cold colors to unite.
Option 2: choose two guys - captains who are recruiting a team, one chooses the guys with cards of warm colors, and the second with cards of cold colors.

Game "Wizard Artists"
Goal: Acquiring skills in working with watercolors on wet paper, infusion
one paint to another and obtaining new colors and their shades.
Material: Paper. Watercolor.
- “We are all artists - wizards, we create miracles on paper. You have magic water in cups on your tables. Now I will show you how it’s done. I have two sheets of paper. One sheet is ordinary paper, the other sheet is moistened with magic water. I take paper moistened with magic water (the paper should be in the drying stage), with a brush I paint three petals with crimson paint (the flowers turn out blurry), then three petals purple paint. See how the colors float into one another. So we got magical flowers. Now let's make your paper magical too. Let's take a larger brush, dip it in water, and wet the paper. Let’s put the brushes down, hold our hands over the paper, close our eyes and slowly count: “One, two, three, the paper is magic – look!” This must be said three times. Now we can create magical flowers.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"
Goal: To consolidate knowledge of primary colors and their shades. Use the names of shades of color in speech.
Material: Picture with a pre-drawn Christmas tree. Gouache. Palettes.
Assignment: The teacher invites the child to decorate the Christmas tree with colorful toys (paint the balls red, beads blue, etc.). Then ask your child what color this or that toy is painted. Introduce your child to shades of colors (light red, dark blue, etc.).

Game "Palette"
Goal: To develop a sense of color in children, to continue to introduce the basic
colors and their shades, learn to obtain new colors and their shades by mixing paints on the palette.
Material: Gouache in four colors (white, yellow, red and blue).
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to play with colors and create new colors from the ones proposed. In the process of free experimentation, children mix paints on the palette and get new colors and their shades. You can complete the game by drawing on free topic, using the colors you just received.

Game "Artist's Palette"
Goal: To develop a sense of color in children, to teach how to select colors and shades,
corresponding to the proposed illustration.
Material: Gouache white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Book
Assignment: The teacher invites children to look at books with illustrations, choose the one they like and select from their palette the colors and shades that the artist used. The child who picks up wins
colors and shades that best match the artist’s palette.

Game "Rainbow"
Goal: To introduce children to the arrangement of colors in the spectrum, to consolidate the ability
obtain new colors and shades by mixing paints on the palette.
Material: Gouache in white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Sheets
paper with a half-drawn rainbow.
Assignment: Children mix paints on palettes, get new colors and shades,
and then draw a rainbow. To remember the location sequence
flowers, you can use the rhyme "Every hunter wants to know where he sits
pheasant", in which the initial letters of each word correspond to a specific
the color of the rainbow (everyone is red, the hunter is orange, etc.).

Game "Find paintings painted with warm and cold colors"
Goal: To consolidate children's ideas about warm and cold colors.
Material: Reproductions of paintings: A.V. Shevchenko "Still life with a jug and
apples", P. Cezanne "Still life with peaches and pears", I.T. Khrutsky
"Still Life with a Candle", F.L. Tolstoy "Red and white currant berries"
G. Courbet "Still Life".
1st option: Find paintings painted only in warm colors (or
2nd option: Sort into groups the paintings painted in warm and cold

Game "Remove the extra one"
Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about still life.
Material: Reproductions of paintings: three still lifes, one or two landscapes.
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look carefully at the paintings and put the landscape aside. The results are discussed with the children.

Game "Select the colors that the artist used in his painting"
Goal: To develop color perception in children, to train them in selecting the colors that the artist used in his painting.
Material: Reproduction of one painting (each child has his own).
Gouache paints, water, brush, paper palette.
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look at the reproductions of paintings that lie in front of them, paying attention to the paints used; then take a brush and gouache and apply the colors that are in the picture to the palette. Then everyone together looks at the children’s work and the paintings for which they selected colors, and discusses the work.

Game "Curious Snake"

Material: Paper. Plain graphite pencils, green pencils.
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to draw a road (two
parallel lines) along its edges are trees (green dots). And here comes a curious snake: it seems to her that behind every tree something interesting is waiting for her (she crawls a tree on one side of the road, then a tree on the other side, etc., without missing a single one)

Game "Snake"
Goal: To develop imagination, creativity, and the ability to take turns.
Material: Painted big snake. Paints.
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to paint the snake skin, alternately using multi-colored felt-tip pens to apply a pattern of stars, dots, wavy and
zigzag lines, etc.

Game "Meadow with Flowers"
Goal: Develop imagination and creativity.
Material: Finger painting paints. Markers.
Assignment: The teacher invites the children to draw a summer meadow with their fingers: flowers,
trees, butterflies. Finish the blades of grass with a brush.

Game" Magic pictures"

Material: Paint the surface of the paper with colored wax crayons,
on top - black gouache paint (it is better to mix it with talcum powder so that the paint does not
rolled down).
Task: Some sharp object (for example: an empty ballpoint pen)
we scratch different squiggles and lines so that through the black background
the color base appeared.

Game "Railroad"
Goal: To develop visual skills, fantasy, imagination.
Material: Draw a train with a felt-tip pen.
Assignment: The teacher invites the child to draw animals in the train carriages.

Game "Pencil Knitting"
Goal: To develop graphic drawing skills.
Material: Paper. Plain graphite pencils, colored pencils.
Assignment: The teacher shows the children new look hatching - loops (the loops of each next row seem to come out of the loops of the previous one). Children
“knit” a scarf from black threads (a simple pencil), a hat from colored threads (colored pencils). First, draw large loops, then, as you master the shading, smaller and smaller ones.

Game "Magic Lines"
Goal: To develop graphic drawing skills.
Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils. Stencils
geometric shapes.
Assignment: The teacher suggests using stencils to draw a house, car, etc. Then each part of the contour ( geometric figure) shade with a simple pencil in different directions(vertical, horizontal strokes, left to right, right to left).

Game "Volume shading"
Goal: To develop graphic drawing skills.
Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils.
Assignment: A dot is placed in the center of a sheet of paper and three rays are drawn from it:
vertical, horizontal, diagonal. The spaces between the rays are hatched in the direction of the main ray. Children are convinced that with the help of shading you can get a three-dimensional image.

Literature used:
E.A. Yanushko Drawing with children early age(1-3 years). Methodical manual for educators and parents. - M.: Mosaic synthesis, 2006 - 64 pp.
Visual activities in kindergarten./N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova, M.: Education, 1982.
Krokha: A manual for the upbringing, training and development of children up to three years./ G.G. Grigorieva, N.P. Kochetova, D.V. Sergeeva and others - M: Education, 2001.
Baby in the land of Watercolors: method. manual for educators and parents / G.G. Grigorieva. – M.: Education, 2006.
Margrethe Rettich Drawing lessons in verse. Publisher: Potpourri, 2006. Paperback, 128 pp.
G.S. Shvaiko "Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten." – M., 2001.
2. T.S. Komarova, A.V. Razmyslov "Color in children's fine arts preschoolers." - M., 2005.
Resources:; (Sergeenko Elena); (Ledeneva Natalya).
www. kinderok. ru.
In my program I used poems, pictures, photos from the Internet

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1 Card index of didactic games on artistic and aesthetic development Prepared by: Yulia Vladimirovna Filinova Educator, MBDOU “Kindergarten 15 “Kolobok” 2016

2 Card index of didactic games on artistic and aesthetic development, through decorative and applied arts (preparatory group). “Cut pictures” Didactic task. Consolidate knowledge about expressive means, used in Dymkovo painting, exercise in composing a whole picture, develop attention, concentration, desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, arouse interest in objects decorative arts. Material. Two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces (you can prepare versions of cut products by dividing them into four to eight parts of different geometric shapes). Game rules. Quickly compose from individual parts product in accordance with the sample. Progress of the game. One child or a group can take part in the game. The teacher shows samples and gives the opportunity to look at them carefully. At a signal from an adult, the players assemble an image of a product from parts. The one who completes the task first wins. “Color drops” Purpose: to teach children to identify and name the colors included in the color scheme of folk painting. Material: Khokhloma dishes, Gzhel dishes, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets boards. Progress of the game: Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma products are displayed in front of the children, then the teacher names the crafts and asks the children to carefully examine the products. The teacher names different colors one by one. Children must determine which colors are included in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma painting. The one who gets the most chips wins (a chip is given for the correct answer). “The third odd one” Purpose: to teach children to identify from three toys one extra one that belongs to a different craft. Progress of the game: children are offered one by one several options for combining toys: two Dymkovo toys and one Khokhloma spoon; two Gorodets boards and one Dymkovo toy; two Dymkovo toys and one Gzhel plate. The child must say which two objects belong to the same craft, and which object is superfluous. Ask your child to comment on his answer. Ask what these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher calls folk toys Dymkovskaya. Gzhel and Gorodets. "Art Salon"

3 Didactic task. Learn to verbally describe a chosen subject, develop concentration, speech-description. Material. Various folk crafts or their images, photographs. Game rules. Precisely describe the item the player wants to “buy.” “Continue the pattern” Didactic task. Strengthen children's ability to draw a Dymkovo pattern based on Dymkovo painting.. Material. Elements of Dymkovo paper painting. Game rules. Players choose cards with a picture. Continue drawing, using the started painting elements, selecting the color scheme and the given element. “Decorate the apron” Didactic task. Learn to compose decorative compositions - arrange elements, selecting them by color, on the silhouettes of an apron in the Dymkovo craft style, develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity. Material. Planar images of aprons; elements of painting, cut along the contour; samples of patterned silhouettes. Game rules. Make a pattern on the selected silhouette from individual elements in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting (the principle of movable appliqué). Progress of the game. One child or a group can take part in the game. The players choose the silhouettes of objects to decorate at will. Having selected the required number of elements, a pattern is made. The player can perform the work by copying the pattern of samples or inventing his own composition. “Dymkovo mosaic” Didactic task: To clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the elements of Dymkovo painting, to develop memory and compositional skills. Foster a desire to create original Dymkovo toys. Material: planar images of various Dymkovo toys, a set of small planar elements of Dymkovo patterns. How to play: Invite children to create their own Dymkovo toy. “Restorer” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the elements of Dymkovo painting. Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to restore the “broken” toy. The task of each restorer is to determine which fragment of the painting is lost and draw it.

4 “Guess it” Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the features of folk crafts. Progress of the game: the teacher offers to play “guess the game”. Children must choose from the proposed items, among which there are many products from various crafts or modern dishes, works of Gzhel (or Khokhloma) masters. And they will answer why they chose this product. Didactic games for visual arts. D/I “Castle” Purpose: To develop a sense of form. Material: Pictures depicting different castles. Paper. Markers. Assignment: The teacher asks the child to look at the picture and name what shapes the castle shown in the picture consists of. Color the picture. D/I “Colors around us” Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about colors and their shades. Practice finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects. Assignment: The teacher names a color, and the child finds an object of that color in the surrounding interior. D/I “Select a color and shade” Objectives: To consolidate the idea of ​​the color and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits. Exercise the ability to use the names of shades of colors in speech: dark red, light green, etc. Assignment: The teacher shows a picture of a vegetable or fruit and asks to name its color or shade. D/I “Warm and cold colors” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors. Assignment: Option 1: the teacher gives the children cards with warm and cold colors, ask those with cards with warm colors and those with cold colors to unite. 2nd option: choose two captains who are recruiting a team, one chooses the guys with cards of warm colors, and the second with cards of cold colors. D/I “Magic Artists”

5 Goal: Acquiring skills in working with watercolors on wet paper, pouring one paint into another and obtaining new colors and their shades. Material: Paper. Watercolor. Assignment: The teacher says: “We are all magical artists, we create miracles on paper. Now I'll show you how it's done. I have two sheets of paper. One is ordinary paper, the other is moistened with magic water. There is magic water in glasses on your tables. I take paper moistened with magic water (the paper should be in the drying stage), with a brush I paint three petals with crimson paint (the flowers turn out blurry), then three petals with purple paint. See how the colors float into one another. So we got magical flowers. Now let's make your paper magical too. Let's take a larger brush, dip it in water, and wet the paper. Let’s put the brushes down, hold our hands over the paper, close our eyes and slowly count: “One, two, three, look at the magic paper!” This must be said three times. Now we can create magical flowers. D/I “Palette” Goal: To develop a sense of color in children, to continue to introduce primary colors and their shades, to teach how to obtain new colors and their shades by mixing paints on a palette. Material: Gouache in four colors (white, yellow, red and blue). Palettes. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to play with colors and create new colors from the ones proposed. In the process of free experimentation, children mix paints on the palette and get new colors and their shades. You can finish the game by drawing on a free theme, using the colors you just received. D/I “Artist’s Palette” Purpose: To develop a sense of color in children, to teach them to select colors and shades that correspond to the proposed illustration. Material: Gouache in white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Book illustrations. Assignment: The teacher invites children to look at books with illustrations, choose the one they like and select from their palette the colors and shades that the artist used. The child who selects the colors and shades that best match the artist’s palette wins. D/I "Rainbow"

6 Goal: To introduce children to the arrangement of colors in the spectrum, to consolidate the ability to obtain new colors and shades by mixing paints on the palette. Material: Gouache in white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Sheets of paper with a half-drawn rainbow. Assignment: Children mix paints on palettes, get new colors and shades, and then draw a rainbow. To remember the sequence of colors, you can use the rhyme “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” in which the initial letters of each word correspond to a specific color of the rainbow (everyone is red, the hunter is orange, etc.). D/I “Remove the extra” Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about still life. Material: Reproductions of paintings: three still lifes, one or two landscapes. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look carefully at the paintings and put the landscape aside. The results are discussed with the children. D/I “Select the colors that the artist used in his painting” Purpose: To develop color perception in children, to train them in selecting the colors that the artist used in his painting. Material: Reproduction of one painting (each child has his own). Gouache paints, water, brush, paper palette. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look at the reproductions of paintings that lie in front of them, paying attention to the paints used; then take a brush and gouache and apply the colors that are in the picture to the palette. Then everyone together looks at the children’s work and the paintings for which they selected colors, and discusses the work. D/I “Curious Snake” Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Plain graphite pencils, green pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to draw a road (two parallel lines) on a piece of paper with trees along its edges (green dots). And here comes a curious snake: it seems to her that behind every tree something interesting is waiting for her (she crawls a tree on one side of the road, then a tree on the other side, etc., without missing a single one) D/I “Meadow” with flowers" Purpose: To develop imagination and creativity. Material: Finger painting paints. Markers. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to draw a summer meadow with their fingers: flowers, trees, butterflies. Finish the blades of grass with a brush. D/I "Railway"

7 Goal: To develop visual skills, fantasy, imagination. Material: Draw a train with a felt-tip pen. Assignment: The teacher invites the child to draw animals in the train carriages. D/I “Magic Lines” Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils. Stencils of geometric shapes. Assignment: The teacher suggests using stencils to draw a house, car, etc. Then shade each part of the outline (geometric figure) with a simple pencil in different directions (vertical, horizontal strokes, left to right, right to left). D/I “Volume shading” Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils. Assignment: A dot is placed in the center of a sheet of paper and three rays are drawn from it: vertical, horizontal, and diagonally. The spaces between the rays are hatched in the direction of the main ray. Children are convinced that with the help of shading you can get a three-dimensional image. D/I “Guess what happens?” Goal: To develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: Sheet of paper, pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites one of the children to begin to depict an object (line), but not completely. The next one says that this may be and draws another line. The next one must come up with something else and finish it in accordance with his plan. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the drawing in his own way. The one who deposited wins last change. D/I “Magic Palette” Goal: Develop a sense of color. Material: Gouache. Palette. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to play with the palette and paints. By mixing paints you can get different shades of colors. You can suggest depicting how the sky brightens at dawn using blue and white paints. Whiten blue paint you need to use it on the palette, gradually adding white and successively applying strokes to a sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as evenly as possible. Invite the children to draw how the sun sets (from orange to red), how the leaves turn yellow in the fall (from green to yellow). D/I “What doesn’t happen in the world?”

8 Goal: Develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Assignment: The teacher asks the child to draw something that does not exist in the world. Then he asks to tell what he drew and discuss the drawing: whether what is depicted on it really does not occur in life. D/I “What could this be?” Goal: Develop imagination. Material: Gouache. Palettes. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to draw sweet, round, fragrant, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated several times, using new material each time. D/I “Tell about their mood” Purpose: To develop perception, attention, imagination. Material: Illustrations depicting people's faces expressing various emotional states. Paper. Colored pencils. Assignment: The teacher offers to look at a picture depicting a person’s face and talk about his mood. Invite the children to draw a mystery face. The game can be repeated with different materials. D/I “Let's help the artist” Goal: Develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Goal: The teacher invites the children to draw an unusual car that can be used to get into magical land. Draw and tell about your car. D/I “Invent it yourself” Purpose: To develop imagination and fantasy. Material: Paper. Paints. Palettes. Markers. Assignment: The teacher asks the child to imagine that he has flown to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can invite the child to come up with a story. D/I “Magic Pictures” Purpose: To teach children to create images based on a schematic representation of an object. Material: A sheet of paper with an unfinished image. Colored pencils. Assignment: Complete the picture. Mark the most interesting pictures when the guys come up with something of their own, unlike other pictures. D/I “Symmetrical objects”

9 Goal: To strengthen with children the idea of ​​symmetrical objects, familiarization with the profession of a potter. Materials: Templates for jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis of symmetry. Assignment: The potter broke all the pots and vases that he made for sale at the fair. All the fragments were mixed up. We need to help the potter collect and “glue” all his products. D/I “Make a portrait” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the portrait genre. Develop a sense of proportion. Material: Various modifications of face parts. Paper. Colored pencils. Assignment: The teacher offers children from different parts make a portrait of a person. Determine the mood and draw a portrait. D/I “Underwater World” Purpose of the game: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the inhabitants underwater world. Teach children to carefully examine the shape, color, and structural features of underwater inhabitants. Learn to create a multifaceted composition using underpainting. Develop fine motor skills. Activate children's vocabulary. Material: Illustrations depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world. Paper. Watercolor. Assignment: Together with the teacher, children remember who lives in the seas and oceans, clarify the body structure and coloring. Then, in the underpaintings, children create a picture of the underwater world, arranging objects in a multifaceted manner. The chip goes to the child who gets more interesting picture, someone who used a lot of detail to create a picture of the underwater world.

DIDACTIC GAMES IN ART D/I “Guess what happens?” Goal: To develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: Sheet of paper, pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites one of the children to begin to portray

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Didactic games for fine art activities Didactic games and exercises for color science. Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “color,” possible combinations of colors and their emotional impact on a person.

Exercise “Autumn Palette”

Tasks: develop visual memory, color vigilance, develop knowledge of color science; improve your paint and brush skills.

Equipment: task cards indicating which colors need to be mixed to get the third, desired color and vice versa: given a color, you need to determine which two colors should be mixed to get this color.

Description. Each student receives a card on which he must complete the task:

a) two rectangles are painted, for example, one yellow and the other brown, a “+” sign is placed between them, and the third rectangle remains uncolored. Students mix the two indicated colors on a palette, get a third and paint a rectangle with it;

b) the rectangle is painted in the color of early autumn, for example, greenish-yellow, next to it are two uncolored rectangles connected by a “+”. Students should color them green and yellow, since by mixing these particular colors, you can get greenish-yellow.

Note. To make the exercise more entertaining, you can create a game situation: the rain accidentally washed out the colors from some autumn leaves(instead of rectangles, images of leaves are given). Invite students to restore their color.

Game “What color is autumn?”

This game is played at the beginning of self-preparation before working with color on an autumn composition.

Tasks: develop students’ color vision, visual memory; learn to mix colors on a palette to get what you want.

Equipment: reproductions of autumn landscapes for each student or for one desk; a set of chips of six different colors.

Description. At the command of the teacher (educator), students take out reproductions of landscapes and a set of chips from the bags. Looking carefully at reproductions of paintings, compare the colors in the reproduction with the color of the chips. If they find a similarity, they place a chip in a place of a similar color. When the set of chips is exhausted, students must get on the palette the colors that they examined in the reproduction.

Test move. A reproduction of an autumn landscape is hung on the board. Students do similar work to find colors characteristic of a given picture.

Rule. The work should be done using the hourglass (3-5 minutes). The winner is the one who identifies the most color analogies and gets these colors on the palette.

Lotto game “Which tree has lost a leaf?”

The game is played in 2nd grade, when students again turn to the image of autumn leaves.

Task: improve students' visual memory.

Equipment: lotto cards with images of various trees (you can use lotto cards for grade 1); a set of cards with the image of leaves for each student.

Description. The teacher distributes lotto cards and a set of cards with the image of leaves. The game action is as follows: the teacher demonstrates one of the leaves lying on his table and asks the question: “Which tree lost this leaf?” Children compare the real leaf with the pictures of leaves on their cards, find the right image and show it to the teacher. An incorrectly raised card is eliminated from the game. Then the teacher counts “one, two, three,” and the children cover the image of the corresponding tree with the image of a leaf.

The rules follow from the content of the game itself: be very attentive, pick up the right card while the teacher is counting, quickly identify the image of the right tree. The winner is the one who correctly fulfilled all the conditions of the game.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites each student to draw the leaf they like in the album.

Note. The winners can be rewarded with an autumn song, during which all the cards can be collected and a physical education session can be held.

Relay race “Spring pattern”.

The game is carried out by the teacher before self-preparation, before working on creating a pattern of berries (poking technique) and leaves (dipping technique) in the strip.

Task: consolidate work skills using poking and dipping (application).

Equipment: a pattern consisting of berries and leaves, a row of three berries, a row of leaves, a row of berries, a row of leaves, etc.

Description. On the chalkboard in front of each team, a blank strip of paper (half a sheet of album) is attached for collective work on creating a pattern. At the teacher’s command, the first representatives from each team-row approach their stripes and perform the first half of the pattern with a poke technique, which all other participants in the relay will have to adhere to. Then the second representatives of the teams come out and perform the second row of the pattern, consisting of three leaves, using the technique of applying, setting the distance between the rows of the pattern. The next participants in the game perform a row of a pattern of three berries, etc. The number of students sitting in a row, the number of rows there will be in the pattern.

Rule. The relay participant comes out to perform his row of the pattern only when the previous teammate sits down in his place.

The winner is the team that does the job correctly, beautifully and quickly without breaking the rules.

Note. In order for the game to be organized, you should prepare pokes, brushes, jars of gouache for berries and leaves for each team in advance. Invite students to practice the technique of decorative painting on a sheet of paper before they go out to make the pattern.

Such relay games are also a kind of physical education Pauses, since children have the opportunity to move purposefully while performing a pattern.

Game “What Happens in Autumn?”

Task: develop observation and visual memory.

Equipment: cards with images of various signs of the seasons.

Description. The teacher shows cards with signs of different seasons, among which students must identify the signs of autumn (leaf fall, tree in autumn dress, bird migration, etc.)

Rule. Students should sit with their elbows bent and placed on the desk (table). When shown a card with a sign of autumn, they clap their hands. If the player incorrectly identifies the sign of autumn, he drops out of the game and puts his hands on the table. The rest continue the game.

A trial run is possible. The teacher shows 2-3 cards, among which there is a card depicting a sign of autumn. Children should clap their hands when showing this card.

The results of the game are summed up both individually and collectively - in rows.

Didactic games for preschoolers

Didactic games for art classes in kindergarten"

Matveeva Evgenia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the preschool educational institution – kindergarten No. 16 “Malyshok”, Serpukhov, M.O.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to explain some material to a child. And of course it’s even more difficult to explain it so that he remembers it. And here didactic games come to the aid of the teacher. They are used in the educational process from the very beginning of a child’s learning to draw. I bring to your attention examples of such games that I use in my work.

1. Game “Colored baskets”

The first game is used with very young children and is called "Colored Baskets".
Purpose of the game: the game is aimed at learning colors by children 2.5-3.5 years old, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation and memory.
Progress of the game: children are asked to collect mixed up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he chose.

2. Game “Bottom of the Sea”

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

A very common game that can be used not only in art activities, but also in other educational areas. The children are shown the seabed (empty), and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play “Hide and Seek” with us, and in order to find them we need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly puts the resident in the background. The result is a complete composition. The teacher motivates children to perform visual activities. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, you can study with children other themes of plot compositions: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest Dwellers”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, and compositional vision.

3. Game “Painted Horses”

When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when conducting monitoring in senior and preparatory groups You can use this simple game.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the main motifs of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
Progress of the game: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art based on which they are painted.

4. Game “Magic Landscape”

One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones larger. It is also more convenient to use the game for this.
Purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, to develop the eye, memory, and compositional skills.
Progress of the game: The child needs to place trees and houses in pockets according to their size, in accordance with their prospective distance. (preparatory group).


Game "Collect a landscape"

Using the example of a landscape, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition and knowledge of natural phenomena. To do this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: to develop compositional thinking skills, consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape,” develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is asked to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures; the child must select objects corresponding to this particular time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition.

6.Game “Arrange and count the nesting dolls”

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the Russian nesting doll, develop the ability to distinguish this type of creativity from others, develop ordinal counting skills, eye, and reaction speed.
Progress of the game: There are pieces of paper with drawn silhouettes of nesting dolls hanging on the board, three children are called and they must quickly sort the nesting dolls into cells and count them.

7. Game “Matryoshkin’s sundress”

Purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, consolidate children’s knowledge about the basic elements of painting a Russian nesting doll, and consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothing.
Progress of the game: Silhouettes of three nesting dolls are drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to put on their own doll.

Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.