Russian critics about the story Scarlet Sails. Features of the plot and composition. Plot retelling of the play

Analysis of the work. A. Green Scarlet Sails

  1. htyjuj
  2. Alexander Stepanovich Green
    Main characters: Assol, Arthur Gray.
    A. Green's story “Scarlet Sails” is filled with dreams of a dazzling event and the joy of the little girl Assol.
    Longren, a former sailor, lived with his daughter Assol on funds from the sale of sailboats and boats he made. His fellow countrymen did not like him. They considered Longren guilty of the death of the innkeeper Menners. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money. E attempts to get closer ended in bitter crying, bruises and scratches. Finally, she stopped paying attention to slander and insults.
    One day, Assol’s father sent her to the city with goods. While playing, the girl launched a yacht with scarlet sails. The stream picked up the toy and carried it downstream. The little girl ran for a long time, not losing sight of the yacht, but she couldn’t catch up.
    A meeting on the seashore with a collector of legends, songs, fairy tales and tales miraculously changed Assol’s life. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it.

    Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. He put the ring on his finger.
    In the tavern of the deceased Menners, where his son was in charge of business, Gray heard a story about a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. The coal miner, kicked out of the tavern, told Gray that Assol was not crazy at all. This girl has a rich and interesting inner world. Amazed by the story, the young captain bought scarlet silk and hired musicians. The secret went around the cape off the coast of Kaperna. All the residents gathered on the shore to look at the wonderful ship with scarlet sails. Assol also ran there. Gray met her in a boat moored to the shore. He took the girl, shocked by the fulfillment of the prediction, to the Secret. The next day they were already far from Kaperna.

    What I liked most was the moment when Assol and Gray met.
    But the oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray bent down...
    After reading Scarlet Sails, I realized that a fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement, does not allow you to calm down and always shows new sparkling distances, a different life, it disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life. This captivating book by A. Green is shone through, like the morning sun, with love for life, for spiritual youth and the belief that a person, in a rush to happiness, is capable of performing miracles with his own hands. In this I see the value of this work and the charm that the main character Assol had on me, who managed to carry through a painful existence the gift of a powerful imagination, purity of feelings and a shy smile.

  3. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. The time was difficult then: the revolution, Civil war, devastation and hunger. But Scarlet Sails - romantic poem, after all, in hard times people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  4. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. It was a difficult time then: revolution, civil war, devastation and famine. But Scarlet Sails is a romantic poem, because even in difficult times, people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  5. Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money.

“Scarlet Sails Lesson” - Gray. The fairytale country of Greenland. Lessons from A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails". Who sewed the scarlet sails? A. Green “Scarlet Sails”. Feature film. Why did A. Grinevsky become A. Green? The roles were performed by: Assol - A. Vertinskaya Gray - V. Lanovoy. Scarlet sails. Assol. a story about the love of Assol and Gray. USSR, 1961

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"Arkady Gaidar" - Arkady Gaidar with his family. I don’t know - 61% Played - 16% Helped the elderly - 14% Did good things - 3% Worked -3% Had fun -3%. Writer – 76% Cosmonaut – 8% Teacher – 5% Don’t know – 5% Director – 3% Composer – 3%. "Gaidar is walking ahead." Place of death of Arkady Gaidar. Book cover.

“Vladimir Gilyarovsky” - Gilyarovsky died on October 1, 1935. Exhibition "Moscow Landmark". In old age, Vladimir Alekseevich was almost completely blind, but continued to write independently. Moscow landmark. In 1922 he published the poem “Stenka Razin”. Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky was born on November 26 (December 8), 1855.

“Green Scarlet Sails” - “...Arthur Gray was born with a living soul...”. What is the meaning of the title of the story? Egle. Why are the sails scarlet and the ship white? ASSOL (Spanish: al sol) – “towards the sun.” Guys, you have to believe in miracles! Illustrations by Dudin. K.G. Paustovsky. Assol. D. Granin. S.G. Brodsky. Coat of arms of love, grade 6A. “...the scarlet sail will sparkle. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring.

He created more than 400 works, invented a whole world inhabited by brave and noble heroes. His extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” enjoys special popular love and popularity.

The year was 1916. A lanky man with a heavy gaze wandered through the streets of St. Petersburg. He stopped at one of the display cases and spent a long time looking at a toy boat with white silk sails. The ship was beautiful, light and swift, but something was missing from it. If only the sails were a different color. Which one? Perhaps scarlet, the color of love and hope! This is how “Scarlet Sails” first appeared in the imagination of the writer Alexander Green.

This extravaganza was finally created in the harsh and hungry December of 1920. An excerpt from the work was published in the Evening Telegraph newspaper six months later, and the entire “Scarlet Sails” was published as a separate publication in 1923. The writer dedicated fairy tale second wife Nina, who is considered the prototype of Assol.

“Scarlet Sails” is a story about a dream come true. Since childhood, Assol believed that a prince would come for her on a white ship with scarlet sails. Arthur Gray dreamed of the sea and wanted to become a captain. Their wishes came true, life gave the heroes meeting and love. But how many beautiful pages, how many movements of the soul fit into this romantic story!

Green deliberately creates a contrast between the gray ordinariness of a small fishing village and the rich inner world young heroine. Assol's dreams, her pure and beautiful soul arouse suspicion among ordinary people. They consider the girl weak-minded and mock her belief in miracles. These people are mired in everyday affairs, do not sing songs and do not tell tales. Their courtship of women is crude and primitive. The residents of Kaperna reject everything that does not fit into the usual framework, so the brave and fair Longren and his dreamer daughter become outcasts in the village.

The heroine’s childhood cannot be called cloudless. Having lost his mother at five months, Assol grows up in poverty. She has to manage the housework and help her father make toys. This is the only source of income for a small family. Assol has no friends, and her peers reward her with insults and ridicule. A wonderful dream of a ship with scarlet sails, given by an old storyteller, becomes a support for a lonely girl for many years.

The writer creates a portrait of Assol upon meeting Egle large strokes: “print dress washed many times”, "dark thick hair» , "skinny, tanned legs". The description of the heroine when meeting Gray, when Assol was already seventeen years old, is not much different: a dress made of cheap muslin, an old headscarf, an expressive face, eyes too serious for her age. Green doesn't consider Assol a beauty, he calls her "living poem".

In the image of Longren, the writer embodied his ideas about ideal father. He, in fact, devotes his entire life to his daughter. In order not to be separated from the baby, the sailor remains on shore and finds a way to earn money when he can often be at home. Longren teaches Assol to read and write, tells her about his travels, and takes care of her.

Arthur Gray is a dreamer and romantic. That’s why he understands Assol so well. The young man is not attracted to the wealthy life of an aristocrat. He does not want, like his parents, to become “an arrogant slave of his position.” Gray is inspired by the sea, freedom and the wind of travel. Arthur is not short of firmness and perseverance in achieving his goals; he is not afraid of difficulties. Nobility, generosity, sense of justice and leadership qualities attract people to him.

Arthur's mother allowed him a lot, but the boy did not grow up spoiled. Even as a child, Gray demonstrated kindness and empathy. Let us remember how he tested the pain from a burn on himself, covered the nails on a crucifix with paint and helped a poor dowry-less maid. Overcoming the elements and oneself became Arthur Gray's way of life. “He was born a captain, he wanted to be one and became one”.

The sail has always been considered a symbol of freedom, courage and hope, and Greene’s white ship under scarlet sails turned into the embodiment of love, happiness and joy. It is no coincidence that the name of the galliot is “Secret”. Not a secret, not a riddle, but a secret for two.

The language of the work is amazing. Green manages to find phrases that literally bloom on the pages of the story in a bright, incredibly fresh and imaginative pattern: "happy morning shine", "flaming blue distance", "golden star coal", "fiery needle of a distant planet", "a sea surrounded by a golden thread", "throwing away the fun", “happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten”. The whole story is permeated with images that create a unique atmosphere from a mixture of imagination and reality. Here the old trees speak in a deep voice and “they creak kindred”, flowers have "special persons", and the day "full of inevitability".

In “Scarlet Sails” a miracle is quite real. To create it, Arthur Gray needed white paint, an orchestra of traveling musicians, a barrel of hundred-year-old wine and two thousand square meters scarlet silk. But the crew of the Secret, the crew of the military cruiser, and the musicians of the orchestra all feel a sense of involvement in the fairy tale. A real miracle makes their eyes light up, their hearts open, and awakens the desire to do something equally unusual, kind, and bright. And then the cruiser salutes with all her guns, and the stern assistant captain Panten goes to make peace with the sailor.

The author called his work an extravaganza. This theatrical term indicate productions with fairy tale plot in lush scenery. Arthur Gray created an extravaganza for Assol, and Alexander Green for all grateful readers.

There are not many works in our literature that have such a strong influence on society and can compete in popularity with Scarlet Sails. A bright attitude, a surge of energy, pure impulses of the heart arise not only among young people, but also among mature people who meet for the first time or re-read Green’s extravaganza with pleasure.

Municipal state educational institution

"Lyuksyugunskaya main secondary school»

Kobyaisky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

“And I thought about happiness...”

Lesson-workshop on teaching graphical-symbolic analysis

A. Green's story “Scarlet Sails”

Completed by teacher

Russian language and literature

MKOU "Lyuksyugunskaya secondary school"

Pakhomova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Luxugun, 2017.

“And I thought about happiness...”

“...I understood one simple truth. It’s about doing so-called miracles with your own hands.”

Goals and objectives :

Introduce students to the system of images of the story;

Develop a culture of thinking that promotes understanding of the characteristics of the era and its heroes;

To create conditions for developing among adolescents an interest in reading Green’s works, for awakening the “gift of imagination”, for generating questions about the meaning of life and the role of dreams in the development of a person;

Teach graphic-symbolic analysis of text;

Help identify the feeling that arises after reading; show personal perception of the text;

Develop students' creative abilities; develop the ability to think and draw independent conclusions;

To cultivate moral aspects: love of neighbor, goodness and beauty, determination, will, courage, fortitude, nobility, mutual understanding, faith in dreams, love.

While viewing the illustrations (using graphic-symbolic analysis developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor S.M. Petrova) and retelling, introduce students to the system of images of the story by A.S. Green's "Scarlet Sails";

To teach how to characterize images and identify their role and meaning in a work (Longren, Assol, Menners, Gray);

Distinguish between the fabulous and the real in a work;

Introduce concepts from literary theory: extravaganza, enchanting story;

Develop skills in graphic-symbolic analysis of the story;

During the analysis and work on the text, promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards friendship and love, reveal the importance of these concepts in a person’s life.

Lesson Plan :

1. Revenge.

2. Dream.

3. Fulfillment of desires.

Vocabulary work : extravaganza, enchanting story, fabulous, real, cellarer, Aigle, wandering life.

Equipment : extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green, portrait of A.S. Green, illustrations for the work (scarlet sail, meeting with Egle, Egle’s story, Assol’s dream, excitement, wish fulfillment), leaves with tables for text analysis (for independent work students).

Lesson progress:

1. Teacher's word : In the previous lesson you became acquainted with the biography of A. Green. We talked about life and creative path oh him unusual genre- extravaganzas.

1. Extravaganza – franc word fairy. A magical fairy-tale spectacle.

2. Extravaganza is a theatrical play with fairy-tale content.

Teacher's word : At home you should have re-read A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails”. I would like you to share your impressions. Since in your book there is no full version story, I want to show you illustrations and tell you what happened at the end of the story. We look carefully at the illustrations and listen to my short story.

The teacher shows illustrations:

1. Writer Alexander Green.

2. Scarlet sail.

3. Meeting with Egle.

4. Egle's story.

5. Dream Assol.

6. Excitement.

7. Wish fulfillment .

2. Graphic-symbolic analysis of the story “Scarlet Sails”.

Teacher's word : Today we will learn graphical-symbolic analysis work of art. In order to do a graphical-symbolic analysis, we must understand that the need to switch, when solving some problems specified in alphanumeric form, to the language of graphic constructions is often associated with an insufficient level of mastery of the alphanumeric language, as such, which requires treatment to another language. Without the concept of “context” it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to comprehend the text itself. The starting point for logical constructions is a symbolic image that helps to formulate the problem. To solve the problem we need to find from the textsupporting And key words, and using these words to findiconic word . First I will explain to you what support words are - these are the words that reflect general meaning works. Keywords give deeper meaning. And thirdly, the iconic word is main idea stories.

Teacher's word : Now open the books on page 6 and take out the pieces of paper that I gave you. Let's try to divide the story into two chapters. What is the first part about? First, we will find the supporting words, then the key words, and only then the symbolic word. After that we will draw a symbol. You must listen and work carefully, as at the end of the lesson we will once again test your visual memory and attention. What words do you think will help you tell the content of the text?

I Chapter – Curse.

Key words : return, neighbor, history, daughter, debt, condition, wedding ring, storm, son, boat, whirlwind, request.

Keywords : disastrous space, threat, silence, curse.

Sign word : revenge.

Teacher's word : Try to analyze the second chapter yourself. First, find supporting words and, with their help, try to tell the content of the second chapter. Then find words with a deeper meaning and, based on them, formulate a symbolic word. A symbolic word usually reflects a feeling or state of mind of a person.

3.Independent work of students.

II Chapter – Dream.

Key words : fear, isolation, gossip, story, clerk, resentment, sadness, danger, toys, Egle.

Keywords : loneliness, hatred, wizard, fairy tale.

Sign word : faith.

III Chapter – Fulfillment of desires

Key words : huge house, castle, captain, cellarer Poldishok, inscription, understanding, friends, mother, father, low society, clarinet, musician, people, confusion, ship, Gray.

Keywords : religion, family mark, living soul, excitement, vanity, miracles

Sign word : happiness

Teacher's word : Guys, let's now try to come up with symbols for each chapter. What symbol would you give to the first chapter, which we call “Curse”?

The guys take turns coming to the board and drawing their options:

Pak Volodya : (cross) -

Kirillin Dyulus : (arrow) -

Gagarin Yasha : (evil eyes) –

Teacher's word : What symbol will you draw in the second chapter – “Dream”?

Efremov Misha : (cloud) -

Savvin Kolya : (arrow up) –

Andreeva Aiyina : (sail) –

Alya Timofeeva : (Sun) -

Osipova Aiyina : (watch) -

Teacher's word : And our third chapter is “Happiness”. Let's come up with a symbol.

Sivtseva Diana : (star) –

Boekorova Diana : (Sun) -

Myreev Ayal : (sail) –

Teacher's word : Now we take out notebooks and draw the symbols we invented:

For us, lightning means a curse, since lightning is so terrible and sudden.

Sail – faith and dream. Assol dreams and waits for the sail and the prince.

And thirdly, an arrow directed diagonally means the fulfillment of desires. Assol's dream comes true - the scarlet sail, she met Gray and the fact that Gray agreed to take her father with him.







Look carefully at the names and symbols, at the end of the lesson we will test your visual memory, attentiveness, knowledge, skills and abilities.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.

Teacher's word : Is everyone finished? Now put the leaves and pencils aside. We repeat once again the iconic words and symbols. I erase everything from the board. This is how we test students’ visual memory and attention. Who wants to go to the board and draw a symbol for chapter 1? Who's 2? And 3? Does everyone understand what graphical-symbolic analysis is? Does it help you understand the meaning and content of the text?

Teacher's word : So, what did the writer teach us?

Osipova Aiyina : In my opinion, the graphic-symbolic analysis of “Scarlet Sails” taught us to correctly understand and comprehend the content of the story, and the story itself taught us something very important - to believe in your dream, no matter what.

Gagarin Yasha : Be kind, courageous, fight injustice. It does not extinguish the light of hope, faith in people, miracles, dreams, and love in the hearts of readers.


Compose small message"We must believe in miracles."

“Scarlet Sails” by A. Green should be read by those who are true to their dreams and by those who believe that dreams do not come true and that dreaming is useless. The work captivates with unusual images and magical plot. They study it in the 6th grade, but many readers return to it as adults to once again find themselves in the world of kindness and fairy tales. We offer an analysis of the work that will help during preparation for the lesson. The analysis presents the most important points literary analysis according to plan.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing - 1916 - 1920.

History of creation- The idea for the work appeared in 1916. While walking along the streets of St. Petersburg, A. Green noticed a toy ship with white sails in the window of one of the stores. Thus, images of the future work began to be created in his imagination. The writer completed work on it in 1920, and published it as a separate book in 1923.

Subject- Several main themes can be identified in the work - a dream come true; the fate of people “not like everyone else”; choice of life path.

Composition- Formally, the work consists of seven chapters, each of which talks about some important event. Plot elements are located in correct sequence. Non-story elements - landscapes, portraits - play an important role.

Genre- The story is an extravaganza.

Direction- Neo-romanticism, symbolism.

History of creation

The story of the creation of the story is unusual. A. Green wrote down how her idea came about in the drafts for the novel “Running on the Waves” (1925). Once, during one of his walks around St. Petersburg, the writer stopped at a store window. There he saw a toy boat with white sails. Images and events began to appear in his imagination. The writer thought it would be nice to turn the white sails into scarlet ones. “...Because in scarlet there is a bright glee. Rejoicing means knowing why you rejoice.”

The work lasted for 4 years. However, researchers claim that the year the story was written is 1920. Then the author completed the preliminary work, but still made changes to the work for some time.

In May 1922, the chapter “Gray” was published on the pages of the Evening Telegraph newspaper. A separate book"Scarlet Sails" was published in 1923.


The analyzed story is an unusual phenomenon for Russian literature of the first half of the twentieth century, because at that time revolutionary themes were actively developing. Topics"Scarlet Sails" - cherished dream; the fate of people “not like everyone else”; choice of life path.

The work begins with a story about the father of the main character, Longren. The man is disliked in the village because he calmly watched as his fellow villager Menners was carried away into the open sea. It turned out that Menners' greed caused the death of Longren's wife. The widower was forced to raise his daughter himself. The villagers did not remember Longren’s grief, but they pitied Menners.

Longren was hated in the village, and his daughter Assol was also disliked. The girl was considered crazy, so she believed in her fantasies and waited for the prince who would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. Assol silently endured insults and never responded to them with anger, but the main thing is that she did not give up her dream.

In the following chapters, other heroes appear, among whom Arthur Gray attracts attention. This is a guy from a noble, rich family. He is very purposeful and courageous. He and Assol are brought together by their belief in miracles. Once Gray saw a painting by a marine painter and became eager to become a sailor. Thanks to his perseverance, intelligence and lively soul, the guy became a captain at the age of 20.

His ship drifted to the shores of the village where Assol lived. Gray accidentally noticed the sleeping girl. After asking about her, I learned about her eccentricities. Gray decided to make Assol's dream come true. He ordered scarlet sails for his ship and sailed to the village. The girl’s dream became a reality, and at the same time, the prediction about the extraordinary wine that Gray was supposed to find came true.

The plot centers not only on the images of Gray and Assol, but also on the symbolic image of scarlet sails. IN symbolic meaning them hidden meaning of the story's title. Sails are a symbol of dreams, hope, and the scarlet color in this work is interpreted as joy, jubilation, the victory of good over evil.

The plot helps determine idea. A. Green shows that dreams come true, the main thing is to believe in them.

Main idea: the opinions of others are often wrong, you need to live as your heart tells you. Keeping a bright dream despite the circumstances is what the writer teaches.


In “Scarlet Sails” the analysis should be continued by characterizing the composition. Formally, the work consists of seven chapters, each of which tells about an important event that helps to understand the essence main problem. Plot elements are arranged in the correct sequence.

Exposition of the story - meeting Assol's father and herself the main character. The plot is a stranger's prediction about a meeting with a prince. The development of events is a story about Assol's dreams, Gray's story. Climax - Gray listens to stories about the “crazy” Assol. Denouement - Gray takes Assol on his ship. Non-story elements - landscapes, portraits - play an important role.

The peculiarity of the composition is that each chapter of the work is relatively complete, pushing to certain conclusions.

Main characters


The genre of the work is an extravaganza story. The fact that this story is evidenced by the following features: several storylines, the system of images is quite branched, quite large in volume. Signs of an extravaganza: magical events, unusual, several fairy tale images, victory of good over evil.

In A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" there are signs of two directions - neo-romanticism (the main characters feel different from everyone else), symbolism (images-symbols play an important role in realizing the ideological sound). Genre originality, the system of images and plot determined the character artistic means. Paths help bring the work closer to fairy tales.

Work test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 1220.