Eye mandala circle. The mystical power of mandalas. Mandala “Treasured Dream”

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Mandala "Matrix of Life"

The “Matrix of Life” mandala harmonizes family relationships, brings good luck and happiness to the home.

The flower in the center of the picture is a symbol of tenderness and modesty, the heart means love, and the equilateral quadrangle, made in the form of an ornament, indicates the need to learn to understand each other and the world around us.

As you begin your meditation, mentally write down your goals for each area of ​​your life. Remember that they must be mentioned in the present tense, and in no case should the particle “not” be used. You will paint each goal, choosing the desired color depending on the importance of the goal - the more important this goal is to you, the closer it should be to the center of the drawing and the further from the periphery.

You can choose the place for this mandala intuitively; your inner state itself will tell you the right choice.

Mandala "Unicorn"

The Unicorn mandala helps promote business and personal relationships, promotes well-being and fulfillment of the purpose of business trips, improves relationships with vehicles, and gives clarity and purity to all intentions. The unicorn is a symbol of freedom and knowledge. It points the way and signifies the spiritual life of a person.

Unicorn energy is masculine. Contemplating, drawing and coloring a mandala tunes its owner to good luck through harmony and spirituality.

This mandala must be placed in a visible place at eye level (table, wall) and contemplated daily for 15 minutes, breathing evenly and avoiding tension. Such meditation brings good luck in business, luck in games, gives the ability to quickly navigate life, easily cope with obstacles and avoid difficulties.

Draw and paint from the center, expanding your paths of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Mandala “Harmony in the Family”

The empty center of the mandala is surrounded by stars - symbols of the planet Venus and, accordingly, the goddess Venus (Aphrodite). They are also used as a sign of physical protection, a sign of balancing energies, a symbol of attractiveness and fertility.

The light flow of this mandala fills the entire system of our body and thereby has a cleansing and harmonizing effect on the body, soul and mind, on relationships with loved ones.

Before starting meditation, choose a comfortable position so that the image is at eye level. Peer at the mandala with slightly defocused vision. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing the oxygen to fill you.

Fill the center of the mandala with what you saw in your imagination. Color the mandala with the colors that your imagination and intuition suggest to you, and using the same principle, find a place for this drawing in your space, and then its uniqueness will be clear and close only to you.

Mandala “Collecting stones”

The “Collecting Stones” mandala symbolizes the end of the period of tossing and searching in your life. Awareness of oneself as a mature, formed personality, a period of harvesting fruits, including spiritual and intellectual ones, a new level at which knowledge is transformed into understanding. Joy releases energy previously blocked by fate and karma. However, new clarity requires a new approach, rethinking. Complexes and ambitions go away, old plans collapse, because, as you know, without destroying and discarding the old, it is impossible to build a new one.

You will experience freedom, change, innovation, an inner need to free yourself from the aggravating problems of material reality, a new, renewed sense of the world.

There are no specific rules for coloring this mandala. You can move from the edge inward or start from the center towards the periphery, go clockwise or counterclockwise, randomly start in several places at once, or follow your internal system. It is also not necessary to fill all the white planes of the paper with color. Similar conditions can be used when placing a mandala - you choose its location yourself intuitively.

Mandala "Coin"

Comprehension of this mandala allows you to discover the ability to sense the current and future needs of people and direct your efforts to satisfy their needs. Thus, grateful clients will allow you to become a wealthy person who has not only money, but also good reputation successful person. The main purpose of the “Coin” mandala is to open the possibility of realizing the direction towards Success on which you need to concentrate all your energy and efforts today. The main difference and feature of this mandala is its ability to take on various forms and versatility.

Sit in a comfortable position with a mandala drawing in front of you, hands palms up, relax and calmly look at it for 3-5 minutes. Then close your eyes and feel the warmth flowing through you, filling your body with strength and energy.

While coloring this mandala, collect and concentrate all your energy from the periphery to the center and pay attention to what happens to your feelings and thoughts.

It is advisable to carry the “Coin” mandala with you in your wallet or bag.

Mandala "Magic Circle"

This mandala is a kind of catalyst that helps to significantly speed up the process of achieving success in various endeavors: in the financial sphere, in creativity, in study, entrepreneurship or in everyday affairs. It contains the power that destroys all unfavorable karmic reactions, that is, it neutralizes negative consequences our activities. This mandala is also considered powerful protection from all the dangers associated with our activities that we are not able to foresee intuitively, although their subconscious sensation instills fear in us and hinders our success. In addition, the “Magic Circle” mandala helps to calm the mind, strengthen concentration, expand perception, develop meditation abilities and reveal intuition, and also frees you from harmful, destructive addictions.

Paint it in bright and cheerful colors so it radiates light, warmth and energy and hang it on the wall in your room.

Magic key

By meditating with this mandala, you can gain faith in yourself and your future. It is considered a sign of the unity of the internal and external worlds. The center of the mandala is the source of internal energy as a symbol of the unification of strength and spirit.

Mandala “My Dream”

When working with this mandala, trust yourself, your imagination, your fantasies - this is a projection of your subconscious. Relax, cast aside all fears and your dreams will come true. So that nothing stops you from enjoying life, start realizing your dreams through creativity.

Mandala "My path"

This mandala promotes fruitful, protected and harmonious cooperation in the multilateral life of a person. The drawing is the center of power, human spirit V physical environment, and also symbolizes various forms of physical and spiritual energies.

Mandala "Dream"

This mandala symbolizes the movement of life, associating this process with the movement of a person’s internal energy and the eternal flow of time. The sounds calm and change the perception of life, helping to forget all the bad things and move forward - towards your dreams and desires.

Mandala “Getting rid of fears”

By meditating with this mandala, you can close your entire past in a circle and begin to observe your fears from the outside. When you are inside your fear, it controls you. When you watch it from the outside, it will disappear forever - it will simply be washed away by the flow of life.

Mandala "Potential"

Meditation with this mandala will help you identify all your hidden capabilities, abilities and resources - what is hidden or disguised. After all, we are often unaware of the potential that we possess, and restraint in this process is absolutely inappropriate.

Mandala “Through Thorns...”

Any progressive, positive processes are always preceded by internal cleansing. After cleansing, strengthening the will and hardening, peace comes, and life opens up new opportunities. Further, the path becomes less thorny and everything gradually becomes harmonized.

Mandala “Treasured Dream”

The main point of meditation with this mandala is that in order to get what you want, you need to clearly imagine it and hold it in your thoughts for a certain time. Once you learn to use this technique, you will definitely find what you really want.

Mandala "Intuition"

By meditating and coloring this mandala as you wish, you awaken your intuition. The released creative energy frees us from worries and problems and brings us into a balanced state of mind. The Universe will certainly respond to our desires and turn them into reality.

Mandala "Open Path"

When working with this mandala, the main thing is not how big or small it is, beautiful or not, but what energy and desire you put into the meditation process. The mandala pattern is the pattern of your destiny and your well-being. By coloring the pattern in your own way, you can change your life.

Mandala "My secret"

This mandala acts to fulfill a desire, investing its energy into it. But immediately after creation and coloring, this little miracle must be destroyed. After all, by creating a mandala, you inform the Higher Powers of your desire. By destroying it, you confirm your faith in a Higher Power.

Mandala is the great mystery of the world.

X. Johari

Mandalas in sacred geometry belong to the group of figures most effectively used in meditation. The mandala consists of complex patterns and various iconographic images. It reflects the entirety of the Cosmos, combining in itself the opposite principles: earth and ether, statics and dynamics. Its use leads to mystical delight, so it must be created with the greatest attention and utmost concentration. It symbolizes the different levels of consciousness within a person, as well as the energy that unites him with God and heals. The ritual of creating a mandala is psychologically and spiritually similar to walking through a labyrinth.

The universe is not a disorderly collection of heterogeneous things, but a harmonious set of relationships. We are part of this set. The universe is ordered, and this concept is best illustrated by a mandala. The word mandala translated from Sanskrit means “sacred circle”. The circle is the primary symbol of unity and infinity, a sign of absolute and perfection. In a circle there is no beginning and no end, everything goes on as usual and can only change in a spiral. The circle symbolizes the womb of creation, the state of undifferentiated potential from which primary forms arise.

Only when coloring is it recommended to use pencils or thin pastels more often, so that you can feel the shapes that you fill with color as fully as possible. If during the coloring process strong feelings and emotions arise, then give them a pass through intensifying the color and re-coloring the same mandala. The result of such work is usually a change in state to a more harmonious, calm, holistic one. If this state is not achieved, then put this mandala aside, but after some time (a day or two) return to it and repaint it or paint it again.

Color theory

+ Sun, light, glow, calm, flourishing, thirst for freedom, thirst for action, imagination, intelligence, wisdom, intuition, inspiration.
– Fear of closed spaces, envy, overestimation of one’s strengths, superficiality.

+ Optimism, vital energy, contact, ambition, strength, courage, activity, self-confidence, health, openness, cordiality, decency.
- Vanity, carelessness, absent-mindedness.

+ Love, passion, vitality, sensuality, independence, perseverance, energy, sexuality, enthusiasm.
– Anger, rage, aggressiveness, unconscious aspirations, tendency to destruction.

+ Romanticism, devotion, gentleness, restraint, femininity, altruism, love of comfort, innocence, aversion to violence.
– The need for care, sentimentality, loss of sense of reality, touchiness, timidity.

+ Super-ego, spirituality, a penchant for mysticism and magic, inspiration, independence, intuition, the ability to unite opposites, a predominance of feelings, a penchant for creative thinking.
– Suffering, self-denial, repentance, melancholy, self-isolation (refusal to perceive people and things).

+ Security, tranquility, peace, balance, loyalty, silence, burning desire, idealism, altruism, reason, rest, freedom.
– Emptiness, boredom, paralysis, naivety, chaos, sadness.

+ Sociability, flexibility, sociability, self-understanding, kindness, self-healing, charm, humor, ingenuity.
– Egocentrism, vanity.

+ Life, nature, hope, willpower, consistency, balance, growth, perseverance, healing, well-being, integrity, respect, purpose.
– Dishonesty, excessive ambition, thirst for power.

+ Attachment to land, wealth, search for security, new stage of life.
– Pain, poverty, misery, low self-esteem.

+ The ability to combine opposites, the process of enlightenment, analytical thinking, calmness, clarity.
– Indifference, lack of emotions, depression, secrecy, vague thinking.

+ Return, dignity, invincibility, renewal.
– Death, destruction, mourning, conservatism, gloom, threat, despair, loss, fear, disappointment, pessimism, protection, dependence.

+ Purity, innocence, perfection, health, spirituality, truthfulness, authenticity, initiative, honesty, freedom, harmony.
– Colorlessness, gloominess, excessive desire for perfection, coldness, isolation, emptiness.

Theory of forms and symbols

Aspects of the unexpected, impulsive, irrational: signs of your behavior in relation to the unconscious, that is, in relation to our unconscious “it”, through the forms of animals, ready to help or threatening; Each animal has different characteristics; integration through consent.

Life, growth, rooting, heaven-earth connection, development, death and return to earth (leaves), “it”, protection, immortality (coniferous evergreen trees); on the other hand: the inability to change one’s position.

Bridge between heaven and earth, rebirth, wealth, return of the sun, wholeness, recovery, find treasure.

Reliability, stability, matter, sense of reality, balance between the four elements, cardinal directions, ideal in the material.

Leads to oneself; unity, absolute, perfection, infinity, illumination, soul; harmony of spiritual forces; “it”, movement, infinity.

Love, intuition, bliss, courage, the center of emotions, knowledge and desire; curbing feelings, sadness, suffering, separation.

The interpenetration of two opposing spheres, such as heaven and earth, spirit and matter, space and time; the intersection of roads, the union of opposites, the inner balance of a perfect person; X-shaped cross: a special designation of a place; also based on the context: loss, renunciation.

Destructive or creative divine power, insight, light, healing with soul energy, a new phase of growth.

Inspiration, heavenly providence, ingenuity, enthusiasm; shooting star: hope, favor of the stars; four-pointed star: “it”, the integrity of the soul; five-pointed star: high self-esteem, standing firmly on your feet, the ability to put inspiration into practice; many stars: many opportunities, variety of goals; big star: individual characteristics(for an unambiguous interpretation, refer to the symbolic meaning of the number corresponding to the number of rays of the star).

Rapidity; movement beyond the edge; I, facing the absolute, consciousness, the arrow of love: sensuality and pleasure.

Symbol of existence, eternal renewal, spring, beauty, humility, self-sacrifice, love - fading: unreliability, transience, impermanence.

Fertility, purity, cleansing, tears, disappointment, sadness, anger, grief, rage, grief, hurt, but also joy, consolation, forgiveness.

Six-pointed star (Two interlocking triangles)
Interpenetration of the visible and invisible worlds: balance, union of opposites; completion of important work; fulfillment, harmony.

Self-isolation, inaccessibility; a place where we hope there are no worries, where we strive; escape from the world.

Initiation, ascension from darkness to light; human life with all its difficulties, trials and turns; pilgrimage: finding your own center.

Spirit, deity, life, happiness, inspiration, spiritual contemplation, illumination, warmth, fire, cosmic mind, food, rebirth, renewal, reason, insightful thought.

Femininity, fertility, formation and decline, receptivity, unconscious forces, the need for support (on forces, ideas).

An inexhaustible force of life, but also an all-consuming abyss; giving and receiving, unconsciousness, symbol of hidden treasures.

Connection, unity, tying - unraveling, solution, difficulties, obstacle, energy, problem solving.

“Mirror” of the soul, insight, omniscience, omnipresence of God, symbol of the Self.

Human soul, reincarnation, imagination, intuition, spirituality; eagle: power, pride, messenger of God; owl: misfortune, wisdom, gaze piercing the darkness; dove: peace, purity, holy spirit; flock of birds: danger; concentration of forces, search for self-awareness at the highest level.

Death and resurrection, self-renewal of the soul, reincarnation.

You can listen to the “Mandala” meditation .

There are several ways to understand what is in a person’s soul. One of them is to decipher secret signs, enclosed in a mandala. Color preferences tell what is happening in the psyche: what problems are bothering you and how to get out of the crisis.

In this article

Pattern meanings in psychology

The Eastern teaching about the sacred circle - the mandala - has become widespread in European system psychoanalysis at the beginning of the last century. Carl Jung said that a mandala is not just ancient symbol and a tool for self-discovery. She is a protective circle that a person activates in difficult life situations. The subconscious seems to protect the wearer from problems by drawing a saving sign. It appears in dreams in the form of a labyrinth at a moment of highest mental tension; we unconsciously sketch spirals, circles and other similar shapes on paper.

In classical magic, a circle is a shield. It is not for nothing that the hero of Gogol’s “Viy”, reading the psalter over the body of the lady, outlined a space around him with chalk into which evil spirits did not penetrate. To go beyond the lines of salvation means to give your soul to be torn to pieces by dark forces.

A mandala drawing collects scattered fragments of consciousness, organizes thoughts and helps to concentrate on the main thing.

The color and shape of the sacred symbol have a beneficial effect on the psyche - Eastern sages knew about this and used the mandala in esoteric practices and meditations.

Mandala is a portal to the inner “I” of a person

The video contains instructions for creating a personal mandala

Mandala heals not only the soul, through the subconscious it penetrates to the bodily level. Color therapy as a way to get rid of psychosomatic diseases is used in modern medicine.

Mandalotherapy is about opening secret channels. The bright disk is created in a state of altered consciousness when control is completely released. Doesn't dominate a person public opinion, and the personal censor is resting.

You can decipher the mandala yourself, but a psychoanalyst will tell you more. When interpreting the pattern, the following is taken into account:

  • the color scheme in which the drawing is made;
  • geometric shapes inscribed in a circle or square;
  • the force of hand pressure on the paper;
  • directions of shading of the mandala.

Pay attention to the center of the circle

Fine arts classes help you relax, take your mind off problems and throw out accumulated emotions. You don't have to have talent to draw a mandala.

In this video about sacred geometry and the principles of constructing a mandala:

Geometric shape of the center

Lots of winding lines. This is a symbol of internal contradictions, fear, uncertainty. Chaotic weaving indicates a weak character, inability to defend the chosen position, and reluctance to make independent decisions.

Square. A symbol of stability, on the one hand, on the other, indicates the presence of a secret that a person is hiding. In the classical interpretation - the personification of the house. If the scheme is open and assumes the presence of doors, a person is open to communication, his psyche is healthy. A closed perimeter is a warning sign. Indicates internal fatigue, stress, inability to find a place in life. Such people experience communication difficulties at home and at work.

Mandala with a square in the center

The triangle means perpetual motion. If the acute angle looks down, the person is prone to self-destruction. Subject to vicious addictions: alcoholism, drug addiction. The point upward is a symbol of aspiration to the Mountain Heights, enlightenment, powerful creative potential. A person is not afraid to take responsibility for actions and thoughts. Knows how and loves to make decisions. Takes care of others.

Mandala with a triangle in the center

When deciphering the center of the mandala, pay attention to the original symbols.

Other geometric shapes of the mandala center

The color with which a person paints the center of the mandala speaks about the state at the current moment.

The point located in the center of the picture is interpreted in two ways. Small and barely noticeable: complexes, shyness and uncertainty. Clear and bold - a person knows how to stand up for himself, is active and courageous.

Target (the center consists of several circles). Strong attachment to the material side of the world. Confidence in the hostility of the surrounding world. Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. The larger the target, the more fears and concerns.

Mandala target

The labyrinth is a disturbing symbol of the center of the mandala. Indicates the presence of internal problems that are difficult to correct. The subconscious signals the impossibility of escaping the impasse. The mind searches in vain for ways to solve the problem, but does not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Mandala labyrinth

A spiraling center indicates a lack of stability. The desire to feel a hard surface under your feet is the sacred meaning of the symbol.

Spiral center

We can paint the same template in different ways. Color preferences are influenced by physical and mental health.

Popular science film “The Way of the Mandala: The Wheel of Life.”

Color symbolism of the center of the mandala and its interpretation

Interpretation of tones is an important stage of psychoanalysis.

  1. The dark brown color in the center of the mandala is deciphered as a depressive state. Indicates deep melancholy, apathy and a persistent reluctance to live.
  2. The presence of purple and dark blue tones speaks about fears, uncertainty and the inability to take a step forward. A center painted yellow or white indicates psychological trauma. The presence of these shades is an alarming signal.
  3. Blue and pink are a sign of infantility. A man hides from reality behind colorful glasses.
  4. The center of the mandala, painted in a purple tone, without any admixtures of others, speaks of selfishness and spiritual deafness. Such people are not capable of compassion; first of all, they satisfy their own needs, but love to receive praise from others.
  5. The red and blue center of the mandala indicates hidden or overt aggression towards the world. Depending on the level of culture and upbringing, a person shows hostility to the world in different ways.

Color the mandala and find out your mood

General meanings of the figures that make up the mandala

When deciphering the mandala, pay attention to the overall geometry.

  1. The more triangles, the more contradictory the author’s nature. On the one hand, he is active and purposeful, on the other, passive and driven. It all depends on where the acute angle is directed: up or down.
  2. Squares speak of seeking protection and stability. The more of these geometric shapes, the higher the need to streamline life.
  3. A complex, intricate pattern without clear boundaries means the inability to collect your thoughts and pull yourself together.
  4. Clockwise spirals enclosed in a circle symbolize creative energy. Counterclockwise – inertia, reluctance to develop, regression.
  5. A lot of wavy lines speak of difficult emotional experiences.
  6. Lightning and zigzags are symbols of creativity, a creative approach to life, and divine energy.

Interpretation of mandala figures is a creative and exciting process, similar to deciphering the lines on the palm in palmistry. Esotericists compare it with Tarot cards: each person perceives it in his own way classic images, passing through the subconscious.

The mandala pattern should be interpreted based on general rules and subconscious associations.

In this video you will see how 3 beautiful mandalas are drawn, filled with energy and come to life:

Meanings of symbols in the mandala

The symbolism of the picture is directly related to gender, age, social status and the level of spiritual development of the person being tested. The higher the intellect and the wider the boundaries of consciousness, the more bizarre the pattern. The most difficult mandalas to decipher are those created by subtle and sensitive people.

If a woman enters a flower into a mandala, this speaks of her sensuality, desire to realize her potential and please men. The same symbol in a male drawing indicates infantility, immaturity, and a tendency to shift responsibility to others.

The flower in the center is a sign of femininity

A star in a diagram drawn by a man is a sign of intelligence, stamina, ability to concentrate and inner strength. Women who choose this sign know how to attract the opposite sex, but prefer freedom and independence.

Star mandala - a symbol of a strong man

The cross is a symbol of reflection. It means that a person is at a crossroads. It's hard for him to accept the right decision. The second version of interpretation is harsher: helplessness and depression. Best transcript: new stage in life. Completing things started and making changes for the better.

The cross inside the mandala is interpreted in different ways

Mandala color schemes and how to work with them

Life is filled with colors. Depending on our mood and well-being, we choose one or another shade of clothing or accessories. Likewise, a mandala can be chosen for all occasions. Color or draw yourself sacred symbol, and then decipher the messages from the subconscious yourself.

Mandala can be made in various artistic techniques

The most common colors used in mandala designs and their explanation.

  1. Red. Symbolizes life, internal energy, the desire to create. Large fragments of the mandala, painted in red, speak of a person’s aggression and self-confidence. In the classification, male - female is a symbol of sexuality and passion.
  2. Orange. Inflated self-esteem and exorbitant ambitions. The appearance of color in female drawing- evidence of difficulties in finding a life partner.
  3. Yellow. Creativity. Artists, writers and musicians use this shade more often than others.
  4. Green. Nature and harmony. The color of spring renewal of life. This color is chosen by people whose activities are related to helping their neighbors: doctors and teachers.
  5. Blue. A sign of fortitude, intuition, endurance. Talks about the ability to withstand life's difficulties.
  6. Blue. Symbolizes friendliness, openness, tolerance. The turquoise hue helps heal mental and physical ailments.
  7. Violet. The color of harmony, inspiration and purification.
  8. Brown. Earth shade. Stability. Stable psyche. Controlling emotions.
  9. Black. The presence of this color in the drawing indicates depression and unresolved problems. In a broader sense: darkness, mystery and enigma.
  10. White. Color-amulet. A symbol of highest spirituality and purity.

Please note: if the center of the mandala is completely painted in purple, this indicates that the person is highly dependent on his mother. In the worst case scenario, a young man or girl is unable to make an independent decision. Missing or white areas in the drawing represent insecurity and resentment.

Diagnostic webinar about the meaning of colors and mandala diagnostics:

When deciphering a mandala pattern, tones, shades and color combinations are taken into account.

  1. Mixing red and black is a sign of illness. The author of the mandala should undergo tests to determine the state of the body’s hematopoietic system.
  2. Pink is not a bad color. But in combination with gothic black it is a sign of depression and suicidal tendencies.
  3. Many lilac areas are a signal of respiratory tract disease.
  4. Gray and graphite - despondency, loss of meaning and joy in life.
  5. Pink and black color scheme is the calling card of fans youth subculture emo. Its adherents view life as a series of sufferings, and tearfulness and Bad mood elevated to absolute.

Mandala - a symbol of the eternal cycle of life

The video contains positive energetic mandala music 2018:

Use mandala therapy for practical and everyday purposes. It will help you get to know your friends and relatives better. Of course, a non-specialist cannot claim a complete interpretation, but general idea you will make up about people . Deciphering a color chart is akin to a universal key. With its help you will learn to find common language with peace and achieve harmony.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation is directly up to you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

I think we need to start with WHAT IS A MANDALA in general...

Mandala (Sanskrit: मण्डल, “circle”, “disc”) is a sacred symbol used in meditation, a ritual object.
The mandala symbolizes the realm of deities, the pure lands of the Buddhas. In principle, a mandala is a geometric symbol of a complex structure, which is interpreted as a model of the universe, a “map of the cosmos.” The typical form is an outer circle with an inscribed square within it, within which is inscribed an inner circle, which is often segmented or lotus-shaped. The outer circle is the Universe, the inner circle is the dimension of deities, bodhisattvas, buddhas. The square between them is oriented to the cardinal points.

Images of mandalas are found already in the earliest primitive cultures. The circle symbolizes a sacred territory, a place of power, so the mandala is able to protect from hostile forces. In addition, the mandala personifies the connection with the Absolute, with higher powers. Its center is the image of the Sun, the Heavenly Door. Many Hindu temples are built in the shape of mandalas - they are a combination of circles and squares and symbolize different levels of the cosmos. Includes mandalas and images human personality, who has to go through the PATH FROM HER EGO TO THE ABSOLUTE, gradually moving from one level of the universe to another. Images of demons are reminiscent of base passions, those parts of the psyche that hinder the path to enlightenment. In esoteric terms, the mandala symbolizes integrity, the unity of spirit and matter, masculine and feminine, etc.

The mandala is also an auxiliary tool in meditation, the purpose of which is to overcome disunity and achieve unity with God, as well as integrity with all conscious aspects of oneself. Meditation on the mandala opens dormant areas of consciousness.

Indian MANDALA Ojo de Dios

The Ojo de Dios (read as “Ojo de Dios”), or Eye of God, charm was given to us by the Huichol Indian tribe who lived in the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico. The Huichols had a deep respect for nature. Weaving the ojo de dios mandala begins from the center - the square “eye”. The four corners of the amulet symbolize 4 natural elements: earth, fire, air and water.
Ojo de Dios is the most famous of their symbols. Indians believe that the “eye” pattern can heal and protect. Ojo de Dios hangs on the wall and
used in rituals and prayer. The colors used when weaving the amulet also have their own meanings.

Weaving any mandala is a mystical process; the weaving itself brings incredible joy and fills the mandala itself and the one who creates it with energy. Often you don’t even know what kind of mandala will turn out at the very end; it seems to weave itself and gradually reveals itself in the process.

In general, Ojo de Dios amulets are destined to bring good luck.


Images of mandalas are used by modern psychotherapists when working with altered states of consciousness, to immerse themselves in trance states and to symbolically depict their feelings and internal images. Drawing mandalas is widely used in holotropic therapy: after returning from his “inner journey” and becoming familiar with the deep images of the unconscious, a person is asked to create several drawings in the form of mandalas that could serve as a symbolic expression of his experience.

Carl Gustav Jung identified the mandala as an archetypal symbol of human perfection - it is now used in psychotherapy as a means of achieving a complete understanding of one's own self.
Carl Jung was the first to introduce the idea of ​​the mandala to Western dream researchers. In his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung talks about how in 1916. he drew his first mandala, and two years later he was sketching new mandalas in his notebook every day. He discovered that every drawing reflected him inner life at the moment, and began to use these drawings to record his “psychic transformation.” Ultimately, Jung came to the conclusion that the mandala method is the path to our center, to the discovery of our unique individuality.


I am the center

I am the point from which birth comes

I am the family from which time originates, which sends me adrift in endless days, and a thousand suns surround me

I am the sun shining in the center

I am the rays shining in the night thanks to the light

I am millions of priceless treasures shining in the light of my rays

I am past and future united into eternity

I am morning and evening in continuous luminosity

And yet there is a secret within me that keeps silence, that only one shines - but it is not me.

And I am in wordless prayer in front of this silent witness who is inside me, who always leads, always shines, always shows the way.

Each person in his essence is a Mandala, which reveals itself and constantly creates itself anew, again and again. To be one means to be whole and capable of transformation. Rapid changes in us are the best defense; you are no longer who you were before and you will never be who you were now. Only this eternal source of energy in us exists forever and is not changed.

One of the types of mandalas are YANTRAS. They are used in Buddhism for meditation.


The external world, body, feelings and ego are illusory, they are unreal, but they are not false. These states are constantly changing. Everything that appears, changes, moves and disappears has no essence and is unreal.

In actual contemplation of the mandala, the consciousness of “I” disappears. This is a state where there is neither subjectivity nor objectivity. If duality arises, it is no longer the existence of union with God. Here it is better to conduct light meditation, which creates a feeling of unity. I am in the light, the light is in me, everything is one light.

One should not allow one's thoughts to be confused by different imaginations. Let them focus on the inner light.

The world is like an illusory castle in the air. All the world's dramas are invented by the mind, take place in it and disintegrate in it. The mind is both a jailer and a liberator. He is like a dream for the sleeper; he exists as long as the dream lasts.

When we concentrate on our inner light, our suffering disappears.

The mind is a bundle of thoughts. Dissolve thoughts and only pure consciousness remains.

The mind is a limitless consciousness associated with a limited body. The gaze must be transferred from the objects of the material world to the absolute, i.e. reality.

The only language in which one can speak with the inner light is the language of silence.

In the existence of light there are no activities or thoughts about anything, only being in pure peace.

Actual reality is a permanent state, unchanging and imperishable.

The moon shines thanks to the sun. Likewise, the mind, higher consciousness and body shine due to the inner light.

The mind tends to constantly disturb inner peace. Therefore, one must constantly focus the mind on the inner light. A restless mind cannot recognize inner grace. Meditations that involve visions and experiences come only from the level of the mind.

The concept of “seeing God” means feeling Him, i.e. inner light in the depths of its essence.

The meaning of the colors used to create mandalas:

Let me make a reservation right away that the same color can have many meanings, and you shouldn’t take everything unambiguously. Moreover, in combination with other colors, the underlying meaning can be adjusted.

RED(main chakra) - gives strength, courage, warmth, ability to act. It adds self-confidence and activates sexual energy.

PINK(heart chakra) - radiates responsiveness, warmth and affection. The universal color of love.

ORANGE(sacral center) - color reflecting vitality, creation, movement and liberation.

YELLOW(solar plexus) - expresses optimism, joy, creative thinking and opening. Light, radiant energy. The color of creative visualization and all kinds of learning. Against overwork and poor health. The color of those engaged in spiritual work.

GOLD- a color that radiates wisdom and joy of life.

GREEN(heart chakra) - radiates naturalness, harmony of feelings and the possibility of development. A universal healing color that has a balancing effect on both the body and the senses. The color of balance.

BLUE- a calming, spiritual, reverent and serious color. The dark blue tone exudes willpower and endurance. Light blue is a relieving color, radiates reverence and peace and promotes wellness nervous system. The color of service, unpretentiousness, motherhood. Turquoise exudes friendliness, compassion and a spirituality free from religious restrictions.

VIOLET(frontal chakra) - radiates inspiration, depth, change and transformation. Cleanses the energy field, physical body and blood. Used to remove obstacles.

WHITE(crown chakra) - healing and cleansing color. Its vibrations contain all the colors of the rainbow. A protective color that helps thoughts and feelings remain clear of negativity.

BROWN- the color of closeness to the earth, practicality and security. MORE: The RED color in the mandala indicates the presence of a healing, life-giving potential that comes to the surface from the depths of the psyche. It is responsible for the strength of emotional and spiritual quests, for the desire to survive, for the will to transform. The red crown of fire around most traditional maldalas signifies the burning of everything dark and ignorant, false ideas and erroneous self-images. The conspicuous absence of red in the mandala, on the contrary, may indicate passivity or a lack of will and strength for self-realization.

ORANGE the color is a softened form of the primordial energy of red, in other words, it symbolizes the “border of fire.” Orange responsible for a sense of identity and positive self-affirmation.

YELLOW color symbolizes our spirit's ability to see, perceive and understand. In the image of the Indian medicine wheel, the color yellow is oriented towards the east and symbolizes the light of insight. In the mandala, the color yellow is associated with the active masculine principle. Its appearance in the mandala indicates the development of individuality and independence and is considered a sign of the beginning of a new life, full of joyful expectations and hopes. The noticeable absence of yellow in the mandala indicates the polarization of light and dark and may indicate the repression of the "shadow".

GREEN color is responsible for the creative and healing forces in a person, for his desire to renew himself. In the already mentioned medicine wheel, green is oriented to the south and symbolizes the wise ability to perceive other people, protect them and help them.

In this regard, the color green very often appears in the mandala of people whose profession is related to helping people or treating them. In addition, green color is a symbol of integrity, as it combines yellow and blue colors, i.e. masculine and feminine principles.

One of the varieties of blue color is TURQUOISE, which takes its name from turquoise, a gemstone believed to have healing properties and protect its owner. Combination of green and blue flowers gives rise to a sense of responsibility, the desire to solve one’s own problems, as well as the ability of the spirit to self-heal. Turquoise quite common in traditional mandalas.

BLUE the color is a symbol of infinity, the depth of the ocean and the height of the cloudless sky. It occupies an important place in religious symbolism and correlates with the place of residence of the gods. In Christianity, the color blue is considered a symbol of femininity and a prototype of motherhood. In the mandala, the blue color respectively symbolizes the feeling of motherhood, selfless love and compassion.

Dark shades of blue may indicate the presence of elements of tyranny in maternal feelings, as, for example, symbolically reflected in the black and blue attire of the Indian goddess Kali. The primordial chaos that arises in associations contains the beginning and end of consciousness.

BLUE the color is associated with the color of the dark night sky, the stormy sea, and with the display of the phases of inner darkness. In mandalas blue corresponds to intuition and wisdom, the ability to look at infinite reality through visible forms, through a cycle that includes beginning and end, death and rebirth.

VIOLET the color (as well as its dark lilac shades) is considered a royal color, combining the masculine and feminine principles and symbolizing the mystical fusion of object and subject.

In the symbolism of the mandala, the color violet means energy (red) manifesting on a spiritual level (blue).

The color violet signifies the desire to establish “magical” connections with oneself and with the world around us. If you are prone to extreme situations, the color purple can mean excessive individualism, egocentric behavior and actions, and exaggerated imagery can disrupt the connection with real world. BLACK color, i.e. in principle, the absence of color is associated with darkness, mystery, everything negative, death and emptiness. Black color means the darkness from which life and consciousness emerge and to which they return over time - the living chaos of any beginning, a symbol of the unconscious and loss of consciousness.

The color black can also mean “psychological death,” which is partly manifested in the dark blue color, the dark night of the spirit that precedes the grace of new knowledge. In alchemical processes, the color black corresponds to the phase of profound changes, when important transformations occur unnoticed.

The color black in a mandala can indicate feelings of depression, loss or sadness. It may also be evidence of the integration of our "dark" side into self-awareness.

In contrast to black WHITE the color symbolizes light, human consciousness, purity, something immaterial and spiritual. If there is too much in the mandala white, then this may indicate, on the one hand, spiritual clarity, readiness for change, for transpersonal changes in the psyche, and on the other hand, a lack of energy, distance from the perception and needs of the body, the threat of inflated self-esteem, strong but hidden emotions .

GREY the color is a neutral color consisting of black and white. It can be seen as an expression of the equilibrium state of opposites.

If in general color is an expression of emotions, then gray color, so to speak, a state of non-color, can be a sign of a lack of feelings, and sometimes a depressive state.

The colors corresponding to the seven chakras correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow. If all of them spontaneously appear in the mandala, then this indicates the presence of a “rainbow sensation”. Rain, as a fertilizing element, and an arc, as the personification of the connection between individual parts, are a symbol of magical spiritual rebirth.