Sample autobiography for a teacher's portfolio. Autobiography of a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Borisoglebsk comprehensive secondary school

When applying for a job, an applicant (or a new employee) is required to have an autobiography - a description of the main life stages in chronological order their following. The teaching profession is no exception. The document allows you to understand the environment in which you grew up and were brought up, learn about your hobbies, and obtain valuable information about your education and work experience.

Besides the source professional qualities, the autobiography is an assistant in filling out the employee’s personal card by the HR department. And since the document is usually drawn up with one’s own hand, it also allows one to assess the person’s literacy level.

How to write a teacher's autobiography

There are no uniform forms and rules for writing a teacher’s autobiography. However, when drawing up a document, you should still adhere to certain recommendations:

  • format the text correctly, with elements business style, legible handwriting, without punctuation, spelling and other errors;
  • Corrections and blots are not allowed, and the use of green, red and other colored paste, except blue or black, for writing is also prohibited;
  • The volume of the autobiography is no more than two A4 sheets;
  • the information provided must be complete and must contain your full name, date and place of birth, information about family members;
  • describe exceptionally significant events in your life concisely and at the same time in detail;
  • structure information about yourself, presenting it in chronological order, starting from your birthday and ending with the present time;
  • provide only truthful information, without distorting or exaggerating the facts, since lies can sooner or later become clear and ruin your reputation forever;
  • it is allowed to present an autobiography in free form, it is necessary to take into account the sequence of the narrative.

What to include in a teacher's autobiography

The document must begin with the word “AUTOBIOGRAPHY”, without a period at the end. In the main part of the teacher’s autobiography, it is recommended to set out the following main points:

  • last name, first name and patronymic (in full);
  • date and place of birth;
  • information about education (with a note about the name of each educational institution, entry and end date). If you have a certificate or diploma with honors, please indicate this;
  • work activity (names of enterprises, positions held and periods of work, you can also add reasons for dismissal);
  • information about marital status and immediate relatives (spouse, children, parents, siblings) indicating the full name, date of birth, position and place of work of each;
  • data on practical skills and achievements, advanced training courses completed, incentives and awards, indicating the level of your professionalism in the teaching field. Thus, for a physical education teacher, information about merits in sports and coaching is relevant, for a teacher in English An additional advantage will be the noted fact of visiting the UK and the availability of qualification certificates, and so on.

Additionally, you can also provide the following information:

  • data on military service (unit, unit number, years of service, final rank);
  • women can note information about maternity leave and child care;
  • personal qualities of character;
  • the presence or absence of a criminal record. If available, it is mandatory to indicate the article and the penalty;
  • information about bringing close relatives to criminal or administrative liability (full name, degree of relationship, date of birth, article, punishment);
  • information about interesting and useful hobbies;
  • information about minor bad habits.

The last line of your autobiography should include:

  • on the left - the date of composition;
  • on the right - the author's surname and initials;
  • in the center - personal signature.

Below is an indicative sample of writing a teacher's autobiography. If you wish, you can change or supplement it important information from life, and also remove items that you think are unnecessary. The main thing is to remember: a correctly compiled autobiography, like a mirror, reflects information about the environment in which a person grew up, how successful he was, what he achieved and whether he climbed the career ladder.

Teacher autobiography sample


Parents information:

father - Stepan Semenovich Mikhailov, born in 1963, teacher physical culture in gymnasium No. 117;

mother - Mikhailova Alla Vladimirovna, born in 1963, process engineer at Rostov Foundry LLC.

In 1990 I went to first grade in Rostov high school No. 11. In 1998 she entered the Don Pedagogical College.

In the fall of 2000, after graduating from college with honors, she became a student at the Southern Federal University, majoring in “Pedagogical Education.” Preschool education".

During my studies I was actively involved scientific activities. Report on the topic “Modern teenager: who is he?” took first place in the international scientific conference “Humanology”.

At the same time, in 2002, she took a year-long English language course, and there is a certificate to confirm this. In 2003, I went to the UK for two and a half months, which helped improve my spoken language level.

In 2006, she graduated from the university with honors.

From 2006 to 2009 she worked as a teacher primary classes at school No. 15 in Rostov-on-Don.

2009-2012: teacher of Russian language and literature at gymnasium No. 117.

From 2012 to the present, I have been a senior lecturer in psychological sciences at the Southern Federal University.

Marital status: married, no children.

Husband: Ivan Viktorovich Sokolov, born in 1987, sales consultant at the CoralMicro computer equipment store.

Together with my husband I live at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Proletarskaya, 86, apt. 107.

I am interested in translating from/to English, conducting psychological trainings and seminars on various topics.

Personal qualities: patience, perseverance, sociability. Bad habits I do not have.

Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation, we have no criminal record.

Of course, the above autobiography is only an approximate sample. You can supplement it with your own data (for example, that you have a minor brother or sister, close disabled relatives, or you are the only breadwinner in the family). The main thing is to take responsibility when writing a teacher’s autobiography. After all, even dry lines can say a lot about you as a person!" align="left" width="371" height="278">


I was born in 1963 in the village of Cheki-Aul, Kyshtovsky district, NSO.

Parents worked on a collective farm. Father is a manager, mother is a milkmaid.

They raised three children.

Elementary education received it in my village. From grades 5-8 I studied in the village. Varaksino. Lived in a boarding school. 9-10 grades in the village. Kyshtovka.

In 1980, she graduated from school and entered the NSPI Faculty of Philology.

In 1984, she graduated from college and got married. At her husband’s place of residence she left for the Ubinsky district.

Before maternity leave, she worked at the Aleksandronevskaya school.

Since 1985 I have been working at the Borisoglebsk school as a teacher of Russian language and literature. 11 years as Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Activation of work on the textbook. M. O.uch. Russian language and literature.

Purpose: to summarize the most effective techniques for working in the textbook.

How to teach children to work on the title:

- are all the words in it clear?

- what do you already know about this topic?

- what will we talk about

2.Reading a paragraph

- memorization by chain of questions (questions are prepared in advance)

This guides students towards full reading paragraph

For example: 5th grade. Steam. 31. "Speech Sounds"

- work on the title:

Sounds? There are different sounds: the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, the rumble of thunder...

Speeches? Speech is what we say and understand. How do speech sounds differ from all others? This will probably be discussed in our paragraph.

- I read the questions

What sounds do we hear in the forest, at home?

How do speech sounds differ from others?

What sounds are called speech sounds?

What units of language are speech sounds?

What can you do with sounds?

How many sounds can words consist of?

What is the name of the branch of language science?

- children, when reading a paragraph along a chain of questions, more carefully trace the semantic connections between sentences.

2.Independent work of students on new material.

- first techniques independent work similar to collective experience

Drawing up a chain of questions.


Oral retelling.

Dividing into paragraphs and retelling

Comparison with another paragraph.

3. Activation of work on the textbook while consolidating what has been learned.

Comparing text with a table.

Using "why" questions

Drawing up graphic diagrams.

Drawing up summary tables.

Comparison of paragraphs related to the topic.

January 2009.

HF based on N. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”

Goal: to continue getting acquainted with Gogol's works,

show how Gogol reveals the theme " little man"and human suffering.

Equipment: portrait of Gogol, illustrations for the work, book exhibition, text of the story “The Overcoat”

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment

2. Introduction to the topic:

Remember the most “bright”, most memorable works of Gogol?

3. Uch. The main theme of the story:

- human suffering

-“little man”

4.Working with text

- birth

- “out of this world”

- appearance

- spiritual appearance

- speech features

- Bashmachkin’s attitude to service

- A.A. and department officials

-“inhumanity of significant persons

5. Theory:

Satirical techniques in the depiction of officials

6. Conversation:

- student statements about the main character

7. Ideological and artistic originality of the story “The Overcoat”

(the reader should see him as a living person - this is the “Gogolian tradition”)

8. _______2 sides ch. hero:__________

spiritual and physical squalor

arbitrariness and heartlessness of others


9. Conclusion. Humanistic pathos (even such a person has the right to exist, fair treatment to yourself)


What is your attitude to the image of the avenger at the end of the work?

How to write a supporting summary.

Speech by Gizitdinova RG. School MO

If theoretical material is grouped into large blocks, then it becomes possible to significantly increase the volume of material studied in a lesson without overloading students.

Development and preparation of supporting notes.

Selection of factual material. Generalization of material. Coding of material.

Principles for creating supporting notes.

Conciseness. Structurality. Autonomy of blocks. (From 3 to 5 blocks) Ease of perception and playback. The dissimilarity of supporting notes from each other. The principle of emphasis on the main semantic elements. (Various configurations of blocks, fonts, colors). The principle of habitual stereotypes and associations. (Comprehension and memorization). The principle of entertainment and paradox. (Introduce entertaining material). Unification of notations (makes it easier to understand). Color design (to attract, attract, focus attention on the main thing, i.e. influence the student). Font. (Clarity, brightness, simplicity). Variety of reference signals. – semantic, - verbal, - associative, - abbreviation, - graphic, - orthographic, - punctuation, - stylistic, - combined. Variability of speech formations. The principle of collapsing and expanding information.

Supporting notes require meaningful oral responses. The more options for speech formations, the richer the students’ speech.

The supporting summary is a knowledge diagram coiled into a spring, ready to unfold into voluminous knowledge.

Reference signals make it easier to understand new information and consolidating it in long-term memory.

Increasing the effectiveness of training in modernization conditions.

The topic of self-education. RGGizitdinova

If we analyze global trends in the field school education, then we will see that today such forms of education are becoming a priority in which the methods of acquiring knowledge are at the forefront.

Where to look for resources to update school methods?

The success of the learning process is determined by the development in schoolchildren of the ability to transform received information into knowledge. Graduate modern school seems to us to be a full-fledged linguistic personality, observing normative speech behavior, since every specialist must have an idea of ​​the communicative intention of the participant in the speech situation. Communication has three important components:


An IDEA is born in thinking, thinking occurs in internal speech, which turns into external speech and a text is born.

During the lesson, students take on a certain role: “speaker”, “writer”, “scribe”.

The student must formulate his goal - without this, work in the mind does not occur.

After communication or during its process, students need to pause to comprehend the information. These pauses are “reflective stops.”


Analysis of oral or written text allows you to practice the skills of independent work to identify the author, expressive means, used by him in the work, which ultimately forms the skill that will be required when passing the Unified State Exam.

A communication lesson on the study of language concepts is structured as a lesson - research.

It is easy for students to use not only the rhetorical model of the speaker, but also the scheme of logical-speech proof, which reflects the specifics of the activity of cognition:


THE MODERN PROCESS OF TEACHING is to familiarize the student with concepts unknown to him, already established in the culture of mankind, with the goal of developing in the student the ability to independently translate in consciousness based on the experience gained.

Please note that your autobiography will also help you during an oral interview, since it will be a kind of summary prepared in advance, which will significantly help you cope with both the anxiety during the interview and will give you a certain charm as a person who means something in this life. In the main part of the teacher’s autobiography, it is recommended to set out the following main points of information about education (with a note about the name of each educational institution, date of admission and graduation). Sometimes the position at the time of the child’s birth is indicated, sometimes at the time the autobiography was compiled.

Value yourself because no greater value on earth than you yourself! You will be valued to the extent that you value yourself. I regularly take advanced training courses, attend additional courses in history and psychology. Elena Igorevna Belikova, born in 1965, biology teacher at secondary school 2 in the city of Svatovo. An autobiography has two forms: the first is a story with descriptive elements and characteristics of the people mentioned in it, and the second is a document with an accurate statement of facts.

In addition to being a source of professional properties, an autobiography is an assistant in filling out an employee’s personal card by the HR department. Krivoy Rog, got a job in a personal company as a customer service manager, where he worked until now. There are no uniform forms and rules for writing a teacher’s autobiography.

At times, each of us is faced with the need to write an autobiography. In 1986, I went to the 1st grade of high school in 1975. My wife, Marina Anatolyevna Vasilyeva, born in 1982, Belarusian, has a higher legal education, is currently on maternity leave, and lives with me. In 1990 I went to the 1st grade of Rostov secondary school 11.

Sample autobiography of a biology and geography teacher - Svatovo

Awarded an international environmental prize and a commemorative diploma from the Russian Environmental Technologies Foundation for awards in the protection of environment rf. occupied more than once top places in various competitions athletics. We bring to your attention the standard of a teacher's autobiography. Autobiography standard (writing example). When writing an autobiography they use speech means different styles speech. In practice, compiling an internal inventory of case documents is often transformed into. Autobiography standard for writing autobiography standard. The most beautiful vacation on vacation and not only traveling around the Russian Federation. The standard of a teacher's autobiography has been checked for relevance. Respect yourself because you deserve it! Moscow 1981 - 1986 studied at the Moscow Municipal Institute named after.

Often, when applying for a job, it is necessary to compile an autobiography - a description of the main stages of your life in chronological sequence. There are no strict rules for writing this document. compiled in any form. It usually indicates the author’s full name, date and place of birth, information about education and labor activity, family composition, date and signature.

Here is an example of a teacher's autobiography that can be used as a template.

Sample autobiography of a teacher


In 1986 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 75 in Moscow, from which I graduated in 1996 with a medal.

Since 1996 she studied at the Moscow Pedagogical state university at the Faculty foreign languages, which she graduated in 2001 and received a complete higher pedagogical education.

Since September 2001 I have been working as an English teacher at secondary school No. 123 in Moscow.

Married. Family composition:
husband - Sergeev Anton Pavlovich, born in 1978, financial analyst at Sky LLC -
son - Sergeev Alexander Antonovich, born in 2008.

We live at the address: Moscow, st. Shinnaya, 125, apt. 265.

Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record.

March 24, 2013 Sergeeva L.I. Sergeeva

Attention, TODAY only!

Everything interesting

An autobiography is a description of your life. This document is characterized by an insignificant level of standardization. The main requirements during its writing are comprehensive data in summary. Autobiographies must include:

1. Title of the document.

2. Last name, first name, patronymic.

3. Date of birth.

4. Place of birth (city, village, district, region, country).

5. Information about your studies (full name of all educational institutions in which you had to study).

6. Information about work activity (briefly, in chronological order, names of places of work and positions).

7. Information about social work (all its types).

8. Brief information about family composition (father, mother, husband, wife, children).

The title (“Autobiography”) is written in the middle of the line, just below the top margin. Each new message must begin with a paragraph. The date of writing is placed on the left under the text, the author’s signature is on the right. An autobiography has two forms: the first is a story with descriptive elements and characteristics of the people mentioned in it, and the second is a document with an accurate statement of facts.

An autobiography is a mandatory personal document.

In 1976 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 27 in Lutsk. After finishing 9th grade in 1984, he entered the trade college in Lutsk, which he graduated with a gold medal.

In 1986 he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. While studying at the university, he was the head of the group.

In 1991, he completed a full course at the mentioned university with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. After graduation, he was awarded the qualification of a teacher of mathematics and computer science. Since October 1991 I have been working as a teacher at secondary school No. 19 in Kyiv.

wife - Olga Nikolaevna Kozlova, teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school No. 107 in Kyiv

daughter - Kozlova Margarita Vasilievna, born in 1991.

Married. Family composition:

husband - Sergeev Anton Pavlovich, born in 1978, financial analyst at Sky LLC

Lesson 152 How to write an autobiography sample

When applying for a job, entering an educational institution or serving in the army or police, you are required to write an autobiography - a short and informative story about yourself. Why is it needed? This way, a potential employer, educational institution management, or other people will learn accurate information about you first-hand.

2. Tips for writing an autobiography

There are no strict rules on how to write an autobiography; thoughts are presented in free form. but it is necessary to adhere to a certain structure.

  1. The first sentence must contain the full last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and place.
  2. The following is information about the parents, their full last name, name and patronymic, profession.
  3. This is followed by information about studying at the school, indicating its number, years of admission and graduation.
  4. When describing your studies in secondary specialized or higher educational institutions, indicate their name, faculty and years of study. If you received additional education, indicate this.
  5. For men, it is necessary to indicate the fact of passing military service, the period when it lasted, the type of military service, the place of service. If they were assigned military ranks, indicate them and the date of assignment; you do not need to write the number of the supporting document, but be prepared to provide it. If you received an additional specialty in the army, mention this.
  6. The following is a description of your work history. List all the places where you worked in chronological order, starting with the very first, indicate positions or departments. If you have special merits, for example, assignment of a rank, participation in a significant project, mention them.
  7. Tell us about your additional skills, for example, knowledge of foreign languages, completion of advanced training courses, professional trainings.
  8. For women with children, it is advisable to indicate the period of maternity leave.
  9. In the final sentences of the story about yourself, indicate your present Family status, presence of children, place of residence.

There are a number of things to keep in mind when writing your autobiography.

  • Autobiography is not artistic essay. Her language should be restrained and formal. Avoid florid phrases and overly colorful epithets.
  • Before writing, take some time to prepare, sit down and think about what information and moments of your life you want to cover in your autobiography. Compose rough plan.
  • Be sure to indicate the period of living abroad, if any, in your life, and the reasons why you ended up there. This mandatory requirement when entering work or service in a number of organizations.
  • If there have been periods of imprisonment in your life, this will have to be mentioned, since this information will still become known to the employer or management.
  • If you have special skills. confirmed by a certificate or identification, for example, you operate construction equipment, this is worth mentioning in the text, in the section dedicated to work or hobbies, depending on what they are closely related to.
  • Some organizations or structures have a number of strict requirements for writing an autobiography. Check them out and be sure to follow them.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning that the autobiography must be written (sometimes there is a requirement to write the text by hand in order to have a sample of your handwriting) or printed on a white A4 sheet, and not contain any erasures or corrections. The sheet should look neat, do not bend it. It is advisable that the autobiography take no more than 1 page.
  • The text must be checked for spelling errors. as well as punctuation and stylistic. They can ruin a good image of you.

When writing an autobiography, you can use the following example as a guide.

« I, Savelyev Artem Petrovich, was born on March 27, 1989 in Belgorod. My father is Petr Mikhailovich Savelyev, an engineer, my mother is Nina Aleksandrovna Savelyeva, a primary school teacher. In 1996 he entered secondary school No. 20, from which he graduated in 2007. While studying at school I attended sport sections in freestyle wrestling and received the title of Candidate of Masters in this species sports. After graduating from school, he entered BSTU. V.G. Shukhov to the Faculty of Energy, from which he graduated in 2011 and received a degree in energy engineering. While studying at the University, he received an additional specialty in Software Development.

In August 2011, he moved to Moscow and got a job at Cable-Trust LLC; for the position of junior engineer. In December 2011, he was promoted to engineer, and in June 2012, he was appointed shift supervisor. In December 2014, he went to work at Energosystem9raquo LLC; to the position of manager of the design department, where I have worked to this day.

He did not serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to his health condition (flat feet). I have category B and C licenses. I am interested in cycling. Married to Maria Viktorovna Smirnova, no children. I live at the address: Moscow, st. Stroiteley, 117, apt. 56 »

How do you write an autobiography?

Do you want to be smarter than others? Earn more? Read also:

From time to time, each of us is faced with the need to write an autobiography. To make the task of writing an autobiography easier, we have provided below a sample teacher autobiography that each of you can use as a template to create your own document telling about your life's journey.

In 1967 I went to the 1st grade of secondary school No. 2.

After graduating from 9 classes in 1975, Svatovskaya Secondary School No. 2 studied at the Lisichansk Pedagogical School in the labor department.

After graduating in 1979, he received the specialty “Teacher of labor and drawing for grades 5-11”

From September 1979 to April 1980 he worked as a labor and drawing teacher at secondary school No. 1 in Svatovo.

From April 1980 to May 1982 he served in the Armed Forces.

Since 1982 - student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkov State University. He graduated from KhSU in 1987 as a mathematics teacher.

Since 1987 I have been working as a mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 1 in the city of Svatovo.

Since 1988 I have been acting as a manager sports club“Olympian9raquo; (on a voluntary basis).

Married. Family composition:

Wife - Belikova Elena Igorevna - born in 1965, biology teacher at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Svatovo.

Son - Belikov Oleg Vasilievich, born in 1989, 2nd year student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Lugansk State University.

Daughter - Belikova Karina Vasilievna, born in 1991, 10th grade student at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Svatovo.

Autobiography. Sample and writing rules

An autobiography is a personal document that contains basic facts from the life of a specific person.

On this page you can learn how to write an autobiography, download an autobiography form, or view a sample autobiography.

  1. Title of the document (Autobiography).
  2. Author's full name.
  3. Date, place of birth.
  4. Information about education (name of educational institution, period of study, specialty).
  5. Information about work activity (places of work and positions held in chronological order).
  6. Family status.
  7. Brief information about family composition: parents and immediate relatives (full name, date of birth, place of work/study, residential address).
  8. Date of writing the autobiography.
  9. Author's signature.

You can also add information about professional achievements and awards to your autobiography, enter passport information, registration address, and telephone number of the author of the document.

There are no specific rules and requirements for the design of an autobiography; it is drawn up in any form. The presentation is in narrative form, in the first person singular, in chronological order. It is advisable to write your autobiography by hand on a sheet of A4 paper.

An autobiography can also be useful when applying for a job. Below you can download a sample autobiography for a job or look at samples and resume templates.

An example of an autobiography. Autobiography writing sample

In 1992, he was enrolled in the 1st grade of secondary school No. 25 in Moscow. In 2002, he entered the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Economics. In 2007 he graduated from the university and received a specialist diploma.

Since 2007 I have been working as an economist at Zarya LLC.

Marital status: Not maried.

Father, Dymkin Anatoly Valerievich, was born on July 12, 1959 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. Works as Marketing Director at FTD "Indigo Group" LLC in Moscow.

Mother, Yulia Petrovna Dymkina, was born on October 23, 1962 in Liski Voronezh region. Works as chief accountant at Imperial9 LLC in Moscow.

Sister, Dymkina Inna Anatolyevna, was born on November 23, 1989 in Moscow. On this moment is a 5th year student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under trial or investigation. There are no relatives outside the CIS.

Autobiography of a teacher

Often, when applying for a job, it is necessary to compile an autobiography - a description of the main stages of your life in chronological order. There are no strict rules for writing this document. The autobiography is compiled in any form. As a rule, it contains the author’s full name, date and place of birth, information about education and work activity, family composition, and a date and signature.

Here is an example of a teacher's autobiography that can be used as a template.

Sample autobiography of a teacher

In 1986 I went to the first grade of secondary school No. 75 in Moscow, from which I graduated in 1996 with a medal.

Since 1996, she studied at the Moscow Pedagogical State University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, from which she graduated in 2001 and received a full higher pedagogical education.

Since September 2001 I have been working as an English teacher at secondary school No. 123 in Moscow.

Married. Family composition:

husband - Sergeev Anton Pavlovich, born in 1978, financial analyst at Sky9raquo; LLC;

son - Sergeev Alexander Antonovich, born in 2008.

We live at the address: Moscow, st. Shinnaya, 125, apt. 265.

Neither I nor my immediate relatives were under investigation and have no criminal record.