P.Platonov. A.I. Kuprin. Brief information about the writer

Technological map of a literature lesson.
Author of the development: Kulmukhametova E.B., teacher
MOBU Secondary School No. 2, Baymak, Republic of Bashkortostan
Class: 6
Academic subject: Literature. Author: Merkin G.S.
Lesson topic: V.K. Zheleznikov. Brief information about the writer. “Trop”: the world of animals and humans as depicted by the writer. Images of Trope, Petya and Masha. The theme of kindness, feelings of gratitude, loyalty.
Lesson type: Initial presentation of new knowledge.
Forms of organization: frontal, group, individual.
The purpose of the teacher’s activity: to create conditions for getting acquainted with
by the work of V.K. Zheleznikov, using the example of artistic images
works show that a dog is a man’s friend, you have to pay for good
Lesson objectives: 1).Give an idea about the writer and the themes of his work.
2).Help students feel compassion and mercy towards
to all living things, to induce in them a feeling of kindness and to promote their
moral education.
3).Develop skills creative work during the analysis
a work of art.
Planned results:
Subject: _ improve executive skills,
educate attentive attitude to the artistic word,
recreate a holistic impression of what they read and heard,
reveal inner potential, develop a creative worldview,
independence, activate cognitive interest to the subject
learning something new. Understanding small genres of folklore, students
imbued with the understanding that proverbs and sayings are a repository of native
language, become convinced how great their role is in moral
improvement of the people, perceive the accuracy of assessments and judgments on
all occasions.
Personal - provide adequate self-assessment of educational activities,
realize the boundaries of their own knowledge and “ignorance”, strive for them
Cognitive - structure knowledge on the subject, consciously and
freely construct a statement in oral and written form, read,
listen, extract the necessary information, make generalizations and conclusions.
Regulatory - understand and maintain the learning task, plan their
action in accordance with the task, make the necessary
adjustments to action after completion based on evaluation and accounting
the nature of the mistakes made, are able to evaluate the correctness of execution
actions at the level of objective retrospective assessment, adequate
perceive the teacher's assessment.
Lesson equipment: portrait of V.K. Zheleznikov, filmstrip based on the story.
Methodological techniques: analytical conversation, commented reading,
working with text.
The lesson lasts two hours.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Activation of students, mood for the lesson: -Good afternoon, friends! I
I am glad to welcome you on such a beautiful spring day!
Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute always.
And if it helps anyone
Your kindness and your smile,
Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?
That you have not lived for years in vain!
-Look at the illustrations about who and what we will talk about
in class today? (I show photos, illustrations on the topic “Dog and
Human"). (students' answers).
2. Message from the teacher and students about the personality of the writer L.N. Andreev.
Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov - famous children's writer And
screenwriter. Born in 1925. The first part of my life, the most
short - meaning childhood - traveled a lot. His father was
a career military man, and therefore the family often changed their place of residence.
The cities of Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States flashed by... How did it turn out?
creative fate of the writer? How did he understand that he wanted to be childish?
a writer? He started writing very early. At the age of nine he was already driving some
diaries, “Just before the war, when I was fifteen, I wrote
a little story. I did not choose the professional writing field
straightaway. During the war years I studied at a special school for the Air Force and at
artillery school. After the war he came to Moscow and graduated here
Law Institute. My studies developed in parallel
writing." One day, an aspiring writer came to " New world". Having become acquainted with the work, they began to talk about it
shortcomings. And Vladimir Karpovich, as a beginner, was worried about the question: “Will I be able to write at all?” “When I asked it to the consultant, he said: “Well, you know, young man, you can teach a cow to write.” I was
I was so taken aback that I didn’t write for some time afterwards.” However, after law school, Vladimir Karpovich enters the Literary Institute.
Education new profession he combines it with work in the magazine “Murzilka”, in
which was the first publication. Thus, what Vladimir
Karpovich began working and publishing in a children's magazine - an accident, as he himself says. “But this accident determined the fact that I became a children's writer.” His love for children helped him become a children's writer. And curiosity. “Whenever I saw two or three teenagers talking, I always tried to sit next to them and listen to what they were talking about. I heard snatches of conversations, but that was enough for me.” His first book, a collection of short stories “A Colorful Story,” was published in 1957, at the same time that Zheleznikov had just graduated from the Gorky Literary Institute. Then the writer was already 32 years old, and he, having experienced a difficult fate in life, scorched by the flames of war, freshly and soulfully reproduced in his stories what he had experienced and learned personally, led the reader to a bold and frank conversation about the ideological and moral development of a child’s personality, about the ability to do anything. conditions to defend honor and justice, to feel not only one’s own, but also other people’s pain. In 1961, his second collection of stories “ To good people - Good morning" The writer's call - to live according to conscience, to stand up for the weak and undeservedly offended - became the leitmotif of all the works of Vladimir Zheleznikov. What is noteworthy in this collection is the author’s ability to pose and artistically solve complex problems that arouse the interest of not only children, but also adults. The problems of the spiritual development of a growing personality, which are at the center of the works of Vladimir Zheleznikov, are solved, as a rule, in an unconventional, bold and masterful manner. Even in the most ordinary, ordinary events, he finds and shows the diversity of a person’s spiritual life, rich in thoughts and experiences. He writes about human feelings with genuine sincerity, forcing us to take to heart everything that happens to his heroes. The writer is having a serious conversation with the reader not only about how children should grow up,
but how adults should act in this or that case is also posed
the theme of human relations in the family, school,
everyday life. Masterpieces of children's literature created by him - stories
“The Eccentric from the Sixth “B” (1962) and “Scarecrow” (1975) found a second life as
classic films “The Freak from 5th B” and “Scarecrow”. At the same time, Zheleznikov’s “fault” in the success of both timeless films is considerable: he is the author not only of the literary basis, but also of the scripts for these films. In general, the writer very often “changed” the field of fine literature, again and again
once again helping to create a talented work for children (and not only
children's cinema. The first time this happened was in the early 60s, when his script based on his own story “Tanya and Yustik”
"materialized" on a small television screen. Further - more. IN
In 1965, his new script, again based on his own story, became
already in the film for the big screen "Traveler with Luggage". But
Vladimir Karpovich is not only “his own screenwriter.” Created and are being created by him and original scripts. This is, for example, the script of the film “Silver Trumpets”, which was a great success at one time, telling the story of life path Arkady Gaidar. There were also many cinematic adaptations of the works of literary colleagues. Since 1989, he has been creating films not only as a screenwriter, but also as a producer, director of the Globus film company, which produces primarily films for children and youth. Died in Moscow at the age of 90.
3. Watching a filmstrip based on the story “Trop” by V.K. Zheleznikova.
4. Conversation based on the story:
1) What is this story about, what topic is it dedicated to?
2). What is the composition of the story, how is it built? Is it possible to parts
3). What kind of dog is depicted at the beginning of the story?
4) How did Petya and Trop meet?
5) What can you say about their friendship?
6). Why is Trop bored?
7). How did the dog react to Masha's appearance?
8). What is jealousy? Do you think dogs are capable of jealousy?
9). What action did Trope commit? What expression do you remember in
in this case?
Sample answers:
-A dog is man's best friend
-A good dog will not be left without an owner.
-As the owner is, so are his dogs.
-Not every dog ​​that barks bites.
-A dog can only bite because it lives as a dog.
-It’s not the scary dog ​​that barks, but the one that bites on the sly. (Saying)
“If dogs learned to talk, we would lose our last friend.”
Danil Rudy
3. Work in groups:
Group 1: describe the dog. -
Group 2: describe Petya.
Group 3: describe Masha.
Group 4: remember proverbs and sayings about friendship between a dog and a person.
Explain their meaning.
Group 5: discussion on the topic “2017 - the Year of Ecology.”
Conclusions, evaluation of student work in groups.
5. Reflection:
- What new did we learn in the lesson?
-Did you like the work?
-What life lesson did you learn, what did the author want to tell us?
-Have we achieved the goals and objectives of the lesson?
-Your mood?
1.I put question mark at the end of the lesson topic: “You are forever in
answer for everyone you tamed? (These are also the words of Exupery). Write your
the answer to this question.
2. Read the story “Horse with pink mane» V.P. Astafieva.
List of used literature:
Websites1. https://www.livelib.ru/author/27189-vladimir-zheleznikov 2. http://diafilmy.su/3070-trop.html

Brief information about the writer's work. Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in Irkutsk region, in the village of Ust-Uda. Nature, which became close in childhood, will come to life and speak in books. In a large autobiographical sketch of one trip Down and Upstream, published in 1972, Rasputin describes his childhood, paying great attention to nature, communication with fellow villagers - what he considers decisive in the formation of a child’s soul and his character.

It was no coincidence that the first publications of Valentin Rasputin’s materials in newspapers coincided with the years of study at the university, although the occupation of journalism itself, which then turned into an independent literary creativity, the writer himself did not consider predetermined. When one day he found himself without money, he was offered to work, without interrupting his studies, in the newspaper Soviet Youth. On March 30, 1957, Rasputin’s first material appeared on its pages.

Journalism fascinated him. His essays began to appear in Angara's almanac. In 1966, the East Siberian Book Publishing House published the book The Land Near the Sky. In the same year, a book of essays on Kostrovye of new cities was published in Krasnoyarsk. Collaborated in the newspaper Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets, wrote articles about construction railway Abakan - Taishet, about the Bratsk and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations. The first story written by Valentin Rasputin was called I forgot to ask Leshka. It was published in 1961 in Angara's almanac. In the spring of 1967, Rasputin received a membership card of the USSR Writers' Union. One of the wonderful works of Valentin Rasputin, Vasily and Vasilisa. This story first appeared in the weekly Literary Russia at the very beginning of 1967. With this story, a new period begins in the work of Valentin Rasputin.

He became an independent writer, a prose writer - with his own style, his own view of the world. In the summer of the same year, the story Money for Maria appears. It was published in the Angara almanac, a month later in the Siberian Lights magazine, and the following year it was published a separate book in the capital's publishing house Young Guard. Then, when the Last Term, Live and Pony, Farewell to Matera, and the Fire appear, the first story seems to dissolve in the light of the glory of the younger sisters and in the controversy that arose around them. The story The Last Deadline, on which Valentin Rasputin began working in 1969, was first published in the magazine Our Contemporary, in issues 7, 8 for 1970. She not only continued and developed the best traditions of Russian literature - primarily the traditions of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but also gave a new powerful impetus to the development modern literature. The play Last Term was staged at the Moscow Art Theater and Bulgaria.

The story Live and Remember was first published in issues 10 and 11 of Our Contemporary magazine in 1974. In 1977, Valentin Rasputin was awarded the USSR State Prize for it. Exactly two years later, in October - November 1976, along with the truly triumphant march of the story Live and Remember, Rasputin’s new work, the story Farewell to Matera, began to become widely known. 3

End of work -

This topic belongs to the section:

Moral problems in works of modern poetry

Now at every step we encounter the loss of human qualities of conscience, duty, mercy, and kindness. And in the works of Rasputin we find situations.. In modern literature there are undoubted names, without which it is impossible to imagine it.. And he grew up in these same places, in a village with a beautiful, melodious estate Atalanka.

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6th grade

G.S. Merkin program

Lesson No. 13.

Subject. V.A. Zhukovsky. Brief information about the writer. V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin.

Target :

    introduce the children to the main facts of the biography of V.A. Zhukovsky, identify the most striking qualities of his personality, which manifested themselves in his relationship with A.S. Pushkin;

    develop students’ monologue speech, develop expressive reading skills;

    to cultivate interest in the personality and work of V.A. Zhukovsky.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Expressive reading by heart of a poem by M.V. Lomonosov "Poems composed on the road to Peterhof...".

III. Learning new material.

    Communicate the topic, purpose, lesson plan.

2. Reading the introductory article of the textbook “From Russian literature of the 19th century century." Conversation according to plan:

    The main object of image in the works of Russian writers.

    The main theme of the work of Russian writers.

    Development of the connection between literature and folklore.

    Appeal to mythological motifs and plots.

    Interest in Russian history.

    Formation of a new literary language.

3.Biography of V.A. Zhukovsky.

3.1. Teacher's word.

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was born on January 29, 1783 in the village of Mishenskoye, Tula province. His father was the landowner of this village, Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin, and his mother was the captive Turkish girl Salha. The child received his surname from the poor nobleman Andrei Ivanovich Zhukovsky who lived on the estate, who, at Bunin’s request, became godfather child and then adopted him. Adoption did not give the right to transfer the nobility; in addition, according to the will of the father, the son did not receive anything.

To obtain nobility, the child was fictitiously enlisted in the Astrakhan Hussar Regiment; Having received the rank of ensign, which gave the right to personal nobility, in 1789 six-year-old Zhukovsky was included in the noble genealogy book of the Tula province and received a letter of noble dignity, which allowed him to subsequently receive an education in a private boarding school, then at the Tula Public School.

3.2. Message from a prepared student (retelling of the textbook article “In the homeland of V.A. Zhukovsky”).

3.3. Teacher's word.

When the future poet was 7 years old, he was brought to Tula, to the famous boarding house of H.F. Rode. There he was recognized as having little ability to learn. He was also expelled from the Tula Public School for his inability to do mathematics.

After this, the boy lives in Tula in the family of his godmother V.A. Yushkova, one of Bunin’s daughters.

At the age of 12, he composed the tragedy “From Roman Life” and took part in the production of the play on his home stage.

In 1797, 14-year-old Zhukovsky entered the Moscow Noble University Boarding School and studied there for four years. Its director was A.A. Prokopovich-Antonsky, an extraordinary man, the first chairman of the Society of Amateurs Russian literature. The boarding school did not provide extensive knowledge, but students, under the guidance of teachers, often gathered to read their literary experiments. Best works published in modern periodicals. In 1797, Zhukovsky received a silver medal for successful studies, and a year later - a gold medal and was recognized as the “best student.”

A special literary society with an officially approved charter arose in the boarding house. Its first chairman was V.A. Zhukovsky.

The year he entered the boarding school, his godmother Varvara Afanasyevna Yushkova-Bunina died, and the 14-year-old poet wrote a prose text “Thoughts at the Tomb” on her death. In continuation of his four-year boarding life, Zhukovsky published the poems “May Morning”, “Virtue”, “Peace”, “To Man”. The poet is amazed at the transience of everything earthly; life seems sad to him. Such sentiments were reflected in Zhukovsky’s poetry in the future.

3.4. Expressive recitation of the poem “May Morning”.


The dawn is rising

And accelerates

With its brilliance

gloomy darkness

Black nights.

Phoebus the golden-brown,

Having revealed your face,

He brought everything back to life.

All nature

Dressed in light

And it flourished.

The dream awoke

And flies away

To your kingdom.

Daydreams, daydreams,

Swarm like a bee

They rush after him.

Mortals, rise up!

With reverence,

With a pure soul,

Fall before the Almighty,

Flame of the heart

We will pour out.

Rainbow wings

Spreading out

Variegated butterfly

It twists and turns

And kisses

Delicate flowers.


Golden bee

It rushes and buzzes.

Everything that is fruitless

That leaves -

He hurries to the rose.

The turtledove is tender

The forest fills

With your moan.

Oh! please know,

To the heart of Dragov,

No longer with her!

Faithful girlfriend!

Why in vain?

In sadness, longing

Are you spending time?

You tear and torment

Your heart?

Is it possible to talk about good

Cry for someone else?..

He fell asleep after all

And not afraid

Luke and malice

Cunning arrow.

Life, my friend, is an abyss

Tears and suffering...

Happy a hundred times

The one who, having achieved

Peaceful coast,

Sleeps forever.

3.5. Teacher's word.

After completing the course at the boarding school, Zhukovsky began to serve, but soon quit his service and settled in Mishenskoye. He has a good library in his house: he studies Russian history. This hobby is reflected in the story “Vadim Novgorodsky”.

In 1805, Zhukovsky's teaching studies began with his nieces, the daughters of E.A. Protasova (the youngest daughter of A.I. Bunin). The poet passionately fell in love with his eldest student, Maria Protasova. From 1802 to 1808 he wrote “The Rural Cemetery”, the story “Maryina Roshcha”, and the ballad “Lyudmila”.

3.6. Expressive memorization of an excerpt from the elegy “Rural Cemetery.”

The day is already turning pale, hiding behind the mountain;

Noisy herds crowd over the river;

Tired villager with slow feet

He goes, lost in thought, to his quiet hut,

The surroundings disappear in the foggy twilight...

There is silence everywhere; everywhere dead dream;

Only occasionally, buzzing, the evening beetle flickers,

Only the dull ringing of horns can be heard in the distance.

Only a wild owl, hiding under the ancient vault

That tower, laments, listened to by the moon,

On the one who outraged the midnight arrival

Her silent dominion is peace.

Under the roof of black pines and leaning elms,

Which stand around, hanging,

Here are the forefathers of the village, in secluded graves

Shutting themselves away forever, they sleep in an undisturbed sleep.

3.7. Teacher's word.

In 1809-1810 Zhukovsky moves to Moscow and becomes editor of the Vestnik Evropy magazine.

With special zeal he is now engaged in the study of history, general and Russian.

In 1812, Zhukovsky decided to ask E.A. Protasova for her hand in marriage eldest daughter, but was refused, despite the fact that Maria Protasova shared his feelings (family ties made this marriage impossible). Soon after this, Zhukovsky left for Moscow and joined the militia.

In a letter Grand Duchess To Maria Nikolaevna, sent a quarter of a century later, Zhukovsky described his participation in the Battle of Borodino and his stay “in the camp of Russian soldiers.”

In the camp near Tarutino, Zhukovsky wrote his famous poem"A singer in the camp of Russian warriors." It was distributed in thousands of lists throughout Russia.

3.8. Expressive reading by heart of an excerpt from the poem “The Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors.”

This cup is a gift to the pure muses!

Friends, they are the hero

They pour in vigor and glory,

And revenge, and thirst for battle.

Their lyres thunder - young and old

Dressed in brann armor:

The whistling hail of arrows is nothing to them,

Nothing strongholds peals.

Singers are employees of the leaders;

Their songs are life to victories,

And grandchildren, listening to their strings,

They marvel at the grandfathers in tears.

3.9. Teacher's word.

The famous ballad “Svetlana” also dates back to 1812.

In January 1813, Zhukovsky retired.

“Message to Emperor Alexander,” written in 1814, forever decided his fate.

3.10. Expressive reading by heart of an excerpt from the “Message to Emperor Alexander.”

Look at your people prostrate before you,

Bless him with your sovereign hand;

We are led by you, passing with glory

The path of experience and troubles indicated by the creator,

Transformed, fulfilled new life,

According to the king's mania, ready for anything -

Power of attorney, love and gratitude

With hope before yours brings the royal throne.

3.11. Teacher's word.

Empress Maria Feodorovna expressed a desire for the poet to come to St. Petersburg. In 1815, Zhukovsky wrote the poem “The Prayer of the Russians,” which became the national anthem Russian Empire:

God save the Tsar!

The glorious one has long days

Give on the ground!

Proud to the humbler,

Guardian of the weak,

Comforter of all

All have descended!

3.12. Watch a video .

3.13. Teacher's word.

From 1817 to 1841 Zhukovsky's court life continued, first as a teacher of the Russian language to the Grand Duchesses Alexandra Feodorovna and Elena Pavlovna, and from 1825 - as a teacher of the heir to the throne, Alexander Nikolaevich. This period included frequent trips abroad - partly due to his official duties, partly for treatment.

In 1837-1839 Zhukovsky traveled with the heir, the Tsarevich, to Russia and part of Siberia, and traveled throughout Western Europe.

In Rome he became especially close to Gogol. This meeting influenced Zhukovsky's mystical sentiments.

In Düsseldorf on April 21, 1841, the marriage of the 58-year-old poet with the 18-year-old daughter of his longtime friend, the painter Reitern, took place. Zhukovsky spent the last 12 years of his life in Germany.

His fairy tales date back to this time: “About Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Puss in Boots” and “Tulip Tree”. In 1848-1849 The first and second volumes of Homer's Odyssey, which he translated, were published.

He died in Baden-Baden on April 7, 1852. He was buried in St. Petersburg with great honors in the Alexander Nevsky necropolis.

3.14. Excursion to the gallery of portraits of V.A. Zhukovsky.

The poet's lifetime iconography includes dozens of portraits.

Among the most famous images of Zhukovsky are portraits by O. Kiprensky, K. Bryullov, P. Sokolov, N. Chernetsov, O. Esterreich, T. Hildebrandt, F. Kruger, T. Wright.

In 1818, A.S. Pushkin saw a new portrait of V.A. Zhukovsky by O. Kiprensky from the Turgenevs. The poet is depicted against the background of romantic ruins, his face is thoughtful and inspired. Pushkin looked at it for a long time, and then wrote the poem “To the Portrait of Zhukovsky” and in five lines presciently predicted the fate of his creative heritage:

His poems are captivatingly sweet

Centuries will pass the envious distance,

And, listening to them, youth will sigh for glory,

Silent sadness will be consoled

And playful joy will reflect.

Two years later, Zhukovsky gave young Pushkin another portrait of himself - a lithograph by E. Oesterreich, making his famous inscription on it: “To the winner-student from the defeated teacher on that highly solemn day on which he finished his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” 1820. March 26 "

The portrait of Zhukovsky by K. Bryullov is considered one of the most successful images of the poet. There is every reason to believe that Vasily Andreevich himself liked him. After all, he even dedicated a poem to him, which he called “To my portrait”:

Memories and I are one and the same:

I am an image, I am a dream;

The older I get, the more I

I seem younger.

The most famous image of Zhukovsky from this period was a portrait executed in 1843 in Düsseldorf by the German artist T. Hildebrandt.

At the same time, the artist executed another portrait of Zhukovsky by order of the Prussian king Frederick William IV, with whom the Russian poet was friendly and carried on extensive correspondence. This painting was kept in the royal castle for many years.

V.A. Zhukovsky said: “Painting and poetry are sisters.” He painted in oils and watercolors, was an excellent draftsman, and was an engraver. When going abroad, Zhukovsky always took a sketchbook with him on the road. He loved to write romantic landscapes: gloomy castle vaults, ruins, tombstones.

3.15. Message from a prepared student “V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin.”

Pushkin and Zhukovsky are closest friends: the truth is so familiar that we no longer notice anything unusual in these relations. Meanwhile, fate tried very hard to separate them. The childhood and early youth of the two poets have almost nothing in common.

Pushkin, born in 1799, is the scion of a noble Moscow family, although not rich; Zhukovsky, who was born in 1783, 16 years earlier, is, strictly speaking, not even Zhukovsky.

In the year when Pushkin was born, Zhukovsky, thanks to the efforts of his father, is in one of the best noble institutions, the Noble boarding school at Moscow University, and soon makes acquaintance with Karamzin, the Turgenev brothers, brothers Sergei Lvovich and Vasily Lvovich Pushkin. The future poet Alexander Sergeevich was only 4 years old at this time.

In 1816, 33-year-old Zhukovsky appears in Tsarskoye Selo and re-acquaints himself with 17-year-old Pushkin.

Are there many common themes? Hardly.

Zhukovsky is twice as old; formally, he could even be Pushkin’s father; he is a famous poet, the author of “The Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors,” which has traveled all over the country; then and later, Zhukovsky’s poems and translations were so well known to the reading public as if they had always existed.

And yet, literally from the first meetings, the elder and the younger became friends: the relationship is close, cheerful, creative and, most importantly, completely equal.

Soon, with like-minded people, they are already sitting in the famous literary society“Arzamas”, where there was no problem of fathers and children, where all were children and 17-year-old Pushkin, and twice as old Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Denis Davydov, and even 50-year-old guest Karamzin: jokes on equal terms, exchange of poems, no one teaches.

Pushkin is in some respects a student of Zhukovsky. One way or another, the living, creative relationship of the two poets is preserved forever, although they are subject to constant, difficult tests. Pushkin has to regularly listen to everyday moral teachings and instructions from Zhukovsky (albeit in a humorous form); Zhukovsky needs to reckon with the very fact of the existence of Pushkin’s poetry. The idea that from this time onwards the elder increasingly went into translations, as if “not daring” to compose under Pushkin, was expressed more than once - and in this, of course, there is some truth. Pushkin often read Zhukovsky’s poems by heart, and if he suddenly made a mistake in a word, Zhukovsky immediately replaced that word...

Karamzin assigns Zhukovsky to the court - first to teach Russian to Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas I, and then to raise the heir, the future Alexander II.

In 1820, A.S. Pushkin was threatened with Solovki or Siberia for his free poetry. It is known that the young poet even lost heart: he did not want to go into exile, he felt that he could not stand it and would die. The main intercessor was Karamzin, but it was Zhukovsky who became the “mediator” between them... Karamzin took Pushkin’s word “not to write anything against the government for two years.” And instead of the northern or eastern exile, which was mortally dangerous for the nervous, impressionable Pushkin, the tsar transferred him “for service” to the south.

The recommendation that accompanied Pushkin to Chisinau included the names of two guarantors - Karamzin and Zhukovsky... In May 1820, Pushkin and Zhukovsky separated for seven years. However, in those slow times, such separations are not a hindrance to friendship.

Pushkin more than once found support and help from Zhukovsky.

But here is the last conversation between two friends described by Zhukovsky, on Zhukovsky’s birthday, on the day of Pushkin’s death, January 29, 1837: “Life is over!” - he repeated clearly and positively, “It’s hard to breathe, it’s pressing!” - were last words his.

At that moment I did not take my eyes off him and noticed that the movement of my chest, hitherto quiet, became intermittent. It soon stopped. I watched carefully, waited for the last breath; but I didn't notice him. The silence that greeted him seemed like reassurance to me. Everyone was silent over him.

About two minutes later I asked: “What is he? “It’s over,” Dahl answered me. So quietly, so mysteriously his soul departed. We stood over him for a long time in silence, without moving, not daring to disturb the great mystery of death, which took place before us in all its touching sacredness.

When everyone had left, I sat down in front of him and looked into his face alone for a long time. Never on this face have I seen anything like what was on it in that first minute of death. His head tilted slightly; the hands, in which there had been some kind of convulsive movement for several minutes, were calmly extended, as if they had fallen to rest after hard work.

But I can’t say in words what was expressed on his face. It was so new to me and at the same time so familiar! It was not sleep or peace! This was not the expression of mind so previously characteristic of this face; it was not a poetic expression either! No! some kind of deep, amazing thought developed on him, something similar to a vision, some kind of complete, deep, contented knowledge.

Peering at him, I kept wanting to ask him: “What do you see, friend?”

This is how Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky said goodbye to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin...

Then they began to live without Pushkin.

Zhukovsky immediately received the royal order to sort out the papers of the deceased; Soon the gendarmerie Major General Dubelt was assigned to him for supervision.

Soon Zhukovsky finishes raising the heir, receives the appropriate awards, the rank of Privy Councilor, and leaves for Germany.

Occasionally, on short term, returns to his homeland, managing to help one or the other young talent; himself completes a remarkable translation of the Odyssey; in his old age he suddenly got married and had children.

And again to Germany. Zhukovsky could not live where Pushkin died; he considered himself guilty of not being able to save Pushkin.

Zhukovsky could no longer celebrate his birthday - as cheerfully, easily, thoughtlessly as before. Every January 29th echoed 1837...

15 years after the death of Pushkin, in 1852, Zhukovsky died in Germany, bequeathing the body to be transported to Russia.

3.16. Message from a prepared student " Musical works based on poems by V.A. Zhukovsky.”

Composers A.A. Alyabyev and A.G. Varlamov, A.S. Arensky and A.G. Rubinstein, M.I. Glinka and P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.N. composed music to the words of V.A. Zhukovsky. Verstovsky.

The plot of Glinka's opera “Ivan Susanin” was proposed by Zhukovsky, the libretto by Rosen. Vasily Andreevich owns the text last scene and Vanya’s aria “Oh, not for me, the poor orphan...”

3.17. Listening to an aria. Exchange of impressions.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

1.The teacher's word.

Critic V.G. Belinsky said very precise and succinct words about V.A. Zhukovsky: “Zhukovsky’s feat is incomparable and his significance in Russian literature is great!.. A feat for which the reward is not just a mention in the history of Russian literature, but an eternal glorious name from generation to generation."

Zhukovsky expressed as much a necessary as a great moment in the development of the spirit of an entire people.

A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev, D.V. Davydov, K.N. Batyushkov dedicated poems to V.A. Zhukovsky.

2.Reciting poems by A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutcheva, D.V. Davydova, K.N. Batyushkov, dedicated to V.A. Zhukovsky.

V. Homework.

Soviet era Nikolai Nosov, who invented famous hero Dunno, in life he was an unsociable and silent person with a complex and unyielding character, but this did not stop him from creating very funny and funny works. The biography of Nikolai Nosov was not particularly different from the biographies of millions of his other compatriots, who were born in the turbulent years of wars and revolutions, but who nevertheless found the strength to live and create. Nosov was awarded many awards and medals, among them the Order of the Red Star (1943), the Stalin Prize of the 3rd degree (1952), the State Prize of the RSFSR. Krupskaya N.K. (1969).

Nikolai Nosov: biography

The writer was born in Kyiv on November 23, 1908. His father was an artist, and at the same time worked as a railway worker. Nikolai spent his entire childhood in the small town of Irpen near Kiev, where he went to study at the gymnasium.

The biography of Nikolai Nosov tells that the future writer was not the only child of his parents; he had two more brothers and a sister. Little Kolya I loved going to my father’s concerts and performances. And the parents began to seriously think about the fact that perhaps their boy would become an artist. Kolya wanted to play the violin, but it turned out to be beyond his strength, and he abandoned this activity.


The biography of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov further tells that the writer’s childhood and youth fell on difficult years The First World War and the Civil War. Hunger and cold were the companions of his family. As a result, all its members suffered from typhus, but God was merciful and none of them died. Nikolai himself later recalled that he was sick longer and more severely than anyone, and there was almost no hope for recovery. But, against all odds, he survived, and his mother simply cried with joy when he recovered. So he realized that tears come not only from grief.

In addition to music and theater, Nosov was attracted to photography, chess, and electrical engineering. Times were hard, so from the age of 14 he had to earn extra money selling newspapers, as a mower, and as a digger. After the revolution, their gymnasium became a seven-year school. After graduating in 1924, Nosov first went to work as a laborer at the Irpin concrete plant, and then to a brick factory in Bucha.

Search for a profession

Expanding further on the topic “Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov: biography,” I would like to note that from his youth the future writer became very interested in chemistry, he even had his own laboratory in the attic, where he and his friends conducted their experiments. It was then that he began to dream of becoming a chemist and wanted to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. To do this, he went to study at an evening vocational school, after which his plans changed dramatically. At the age of 19, he decided that he would study at the Kiev Art Institute.

Then, after two years of study, in 1929 Nikolai Nosov was transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. The biography contains information that in 1932 he successfully completed it and went to work as a director and producer of animated, educational and scientific films.

Nikolai Nikolaevich partially reflected his autobiography in the book “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well.” During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a director of educational military-technical films for the country's armed forces.


Then Nikolai Nosov tried himself as a children's writer in 1938. His first story was published under the title “Entertainers”, then “Living Hat”, “Wonderful Trousers”, “Dreamers”, “Mishkina Porridge” and others appeared. All these stories were published in the magazine “Murzilka”. In 1945, the first collection of stories, “Knock-Knock-Knock,” was published, and a year later another collection of his, “Steps,” was published.

Nikolai Nosov himself admitted that he became a children's writer completely by accident. It all started when he began to invent and tell funny stories to his little son, and then he realized that this was for him. best activity which he could do. Nosov began to thoroughly study not only children's literature, but also child psychology. The writer believed that children should be treated with love, warmth and great respect, which is why his books became popular among children's audiences.

Other works for children

In 1947, another adventure collection by Nikolai Nosov, “Funny Stories,” was published. And his most famous stories were “The Cheerful Family” and “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.”

In 1952, Nikolai Nosov was awarded the Stalin Prize, III degree, for the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” A little later, in 1954, the children's film “Two Friends” was made based on it.

Using the examples of his heroes, he showed children what friendship, responsiveness, mutual assistance are, and how difficult it is to live without all this. Such bad qualities as envy, vanity and lies were very much condemned by Nikolai Nosov. The biography (it is also accessible and understandable for children) indicates that a moral educational theme can be traced in all his works.


The most famous works Nosov began adventure stories about Dunno. It all started with his first work, “Vintik, Shpuntik and the Vacuum Cleaner,” followed by the trilogy “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends,” “Dunno in the Sunny City,” and “Dunno on the Moon.”

The very first illustrator of his works about Dunno was A.M. Laptev, who gave the children’s viewer the image of a restless boy in a hat. Then G.O. took up illustrations of Nosov’s books. Valk, and then the artists I. Semenov, A. Kanevsky, E. Afanasyeva and others.

Ironic humoresques

Nikolai Nosov is not only a children's writer, in 1969 he published a collection of satires called “Ironic Humoresques,” which touched on issues of modern literature. He also wrote about teacher-student relationships, parent-child relationships, bad habits etc.

The topic “Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich: biography” is revealed very well by him autobiographical work“The Tale of My Friend Igor”, consisting of three parts, which was written in 1972. The third part of this work, “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well,” was published in 1977, when the writer was no longer alive.

Nosov had two wives. The first wife died and left a son, fifteen-year-old Peter. The second wife had no children. The writer's son Pyotr Nosov was a photojournalist.

On July 26, 1976, the beloved writer Nikolai Nosov died in Moscow at the age of 68. His biography mentions that he is buried in the capital’s Kuntsevo cemetery.