Prepare a presentation of the autumn season through the eyes of an artist. Presentation on the topic “Autumn through the eyes of a poet and scientist. Vasily Polenov and his works dedicated to autumn

Areas of application – science and technology, education, popularization scientific achievements, reference and encyclopedic literature. Goals – communication about scientific and technical discoveries, their explanation, i.e. description of patterns, theories, etc. Genres - speeches, reports, lectures, debates, articles and books (on scientific topics), textbooks, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, reviews. Characteristic stylistic features are objectivity, monologue, semantic precision (terminology), emphasized logic, evidence in the presentation of material, abstractness (abstractness, generality), some dryness of speech. Language means used: lexical - special vocabulary, including scientific terms, careful selection of unambiguous words or polysemantic words in the literal sense, the use of words in an extremely abstract meaning; morphological – the predominance of abstract and material nouns, 3rd person pronouns, short adjectives, participles and gerunds, non-nonsense verbs. V. in the present vr., demonstrative and attributive places.; syntactic - direct word order, introductory structures, complex sentences with isolated members, expressed participial phrases, passive and impersonal constructions, absence of author’s interrogative and exclamatory sentences; textual - consistent structure of reasoning, standard figures of speech.

Autumn in the poems of Russian poets is the most refined, tender and at the same time,

full of wisdom it's time...

Ivan Bunin "Falling Leaves"

The forest is like a painted tower, Lilac, gold, crimson, A cheerful, motley wall Standing above a bright clearing. Birch trees with yellow carving Glisten in the blue azure, Like towers, the fir trees are darkening, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there through the foliage Clearances in the sky, like a window. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it dried out from the sun, And Autumn is a quiet widow Enters his motley mansion...

Afanasy Fet "In Autumn"

When the end-to-end web Spreads threads of clear days And under the villager's window The distant gospel is heard more clearly, We're not sad, scared again The breath of near winter, And the voice of the summer We understand more clearly.

K.D.Balmont “Autumn”

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often

There is no incense in the flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon

And he will cry sleepily.

The swallows have disappeared


A.S. Pushkin

  • It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats.
  • It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats.
  • It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats.
  • It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in scarlet and gold, In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy darkness, And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often.

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she stripped herself,

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

In the world around us, in 3rd grade, after studying the topic about autumn, the task was to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist...” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. We looked at many paintings on this topic, and she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program, a slide show was created and Chopin’s “Autumn Waltz” music was put on. This is how the presentation turned out.

Presentation of autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and wonderful time of year. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her magnificence, and many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest to pick mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I suggest enjoying creativity talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is thoughtful

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the paintings is far from gloomy

McNeil Richard Triumphal Arch(Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below you can watch the presentation itself, which included 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.

Autumn is a colorful time; various artists have tried to convey its nature through their paintings. The attractiveness of autumn nature is in the romantic mood and in a sort of airy “sadness” of reflection. This season stands out in particular contrast during the golden autumn, when you especially want to highlight its landscape sophistication and display your impressions on canvas.

The famous artist I. Levitan painted famous painting“Golden Autumn” back in 1895. I. Levitan’s desire was to convey in his painting the bright autumn mood that this season brings every year. Amazing golden colors delight the eyes of many artists who try to convey their impressions to other people by expressing them in paintings.
Depicting the mood of autumn that I. Levitan himself imagined was not a difficult task. But how to convey this mood to people who will subsequently admire his work? The painter worked painfully long on his own landscape and was not always happy with what he did. Probably thanks to such personal perseverance and self-criticism, the painter managed to display his impressions on canvas in such a way that people, even after a good hundred years, continue to admire his wonderful work.
The painting shows natural landscape Central Russian region is painfully familiar to all our compatriots: small Birch Grove, stretching along the bank of a winding river, sparkles with its golden-crimson tints.
The painter I. Levitan endowed all the simplicity of his colorful landscape with a special lyrical mood. It is not surprising that “Golden Autumn” visibly stands out among his other paintings due to its unsurpassed individualism autumn nature. Subsequently, with the work of I. Levitan in pictorial art The country introduced such a concept as “mood landscape”.
Autumn conveys a positive mood, but at the same time, there is also a small piece of sadness in it, a little sadness for the past summer. Autumn rushes and hurries, it reveals ever new tones to the thoughtful gaze of the painter. Covers me with dim clouds firmament. The mixed decoration of leaves is blown away by frosty rain. Autumn through the eyes of the artist can be seen in his works. It impresses with a swirl of colorful leaves that dance with the cool seasonal breezes.
Not all the details of the landscape can be seen by the average person who, as always, is in a hurry somewhere about his business. The smallest shades will not escape the attentive gaze creative personality. The artist, inspired by the landscape he saw, conveys his impressions through his paintings.
Painting by I. Levitan in 1896, along with others of his good famous works successfully exhibited at historical exhibitions of Peredvizhniki artists in St. Petersburg. Subsequently " Golden autumn"Acquired by P. Tretyakov for his own collection.

In the world around us, in 3rd grade, after studying the topic about autumn, the task was to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist...” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. We looked at many paintings on this topic, and she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program, a slide show was created and Chopin’s “Autumn Waltz” music was put on. This is how the presentation turned out.

Presentation of autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and wonderful time of year. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her magnificence, and many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest to pick mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I suggest enjoying the creativity of talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is thoughtful

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the paintings is far from gloomy

MacNeil Richard Arc de Triomphe (Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below you can watch the presentation itself, which included 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.