Presentation “Dymkovo toy. Presentation "Dymkovo toy"

Presentation “Dymkovo Toys” for children 4 – 5 years old Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master” Author: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Motkova, teacher of combined-type MBDOU “ Kindergarten 76 Yoshkar-Ola “Sun”, Republic of Mari El

Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

On the banks of the Vyatka River there is a village - Dymkovskaya Sloboda. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

For a long time, skilled craftsmen have been making bright, elegant toys in this village. Yes, toys are not simple! They are made of clay. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The master takes a piece of clay and begins to sculpt a figurine from it. And the clay is soft! Softer than plasticine. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

He molds the toy and goes straight into the oven! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

From the fire and heat the figurine dries out and becomes hard as a pebble. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

When the toy cools down after the oven, the master paints it all in White color. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

When dry White paint- the real magic begins!.. The master takes bright colors and begins to paint the toy with multi-colored patterns. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The patterns are very simple. These are straight and wavy lines, circles and ovals, peas and dots. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

And the toys come out - just a sight for sore eyes! “Presentation Master” Portal “About Childhood” Deer - golden horns! There are stripes and polka dots on the chest.

Dymkovo turkey is good! You won't find anything better in the world! Red, blue, gold - that’s how painted everything is! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The horse will run to the carousel. Emelya jumped onto the horse. He smiled, whistled, whistled and galloped! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

Dymkovo toy is one of the most ancient crafts of Rus', which exists on Vyatka land more than four hundred years. The appearance of the toy is associated with spring holiday Whistling, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also gained further development.



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GBDOU No. 64 of Primorsky district Educator: Kuznetsova.T.Yu.

The technique for making a Dymkovo toy is very simple. The toys are made from red clay mixed with river sand. The shape is sculpted in parts. The individual elements are connected to each other with liquid clay. The seams are wiped with a damp cloth.

After sculpting, the toy is dried and fired.

The next stage of work is bleaching. The toy was immersed in a solution of ground chalk diluted in milk. The toy turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting.

Then applied traditional patterns: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.

The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. On the head there are certainly curls, hats, kokoshniks. There is a cape on the shoulders and puffy sleeves. There are frills at the bottom of the skirt or apron. In hands - a handbag, an umbrella, a dog, a rocker, etc. white background the craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas. Look how beautiful this soul girl is, her scarlet cheeks are glowing, her outfit is amazing.

Dymkovo cavaliers, dignified generals, with a sense of self-esteem. More often they are depicted on horseback or paired with a lady. With ribbons and bows, Arm in arm with dandies, We walk in pairs, We swim by as peahens.

Clay horses race on stands as hard as they can. And you can’t hold on to the tail if you lose the mane.

An unknown bird has appeared - everyone marvels at it. It doesn’t sing or fly, Everything is on fire and blazing... This bird is not simple, Painted, golden. It’s just a miracle - a trinket, Her name is - folk toy!

To this day, the Dymkovo toy continues to delight us with its brightness, colorfulness, and festivity. The Dymkovo toy craft is preserved thanks to Dymkovo craftswomen from the city of Kirov. We are famous toys, Foldable and ok, We are famous everywhere, You will like us too!

What is Dymkovo famous for? With his toy. There is no smoky color in it, But there is the love of people. There is something in it from the rainbow, from drops of dew. There is something of joy in her, thundering like bass.

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Once upon a time there lived a girl who was an expert in sculpting. The mother will knead the dough for dumplings, spin around next to you, and will never leave you behind. He asks for a piece of dough to make a toy. The girl's fingers are long and flexible. The dough is twisted and kneaded, the toy appears in five minutes.

The girl's father was a pottery master. And the Vyatka men are quick-witted, perceptive and quick-witted. I saw what my daughter was doing, brought home a piece of clay, let her have fun. He won't run around or wear shoes. Don't buy shoes again.

Indeed, the girl rarely went out for a walk - she sculpted unprecedented animals, ladies and us - nannies with children.

The neighbors went to marvel: “Oh, yes, a craftswoman!” The toys need to be burned, painted and sold at the fair.”

The rumor about the craftswoman spread throughout the settlement and reached the merchants - well done. They came and wondered if it would be suitable for the fair?

To the fair in Nizhny Novgorod People from all over the Volga gathered and showed off their goods. The merchants put the toys on display - let people please their eyes. The toys quickly sold out and they asked for more.

Since then, people in different cities have learned about the craftswoman.

We haven’t yet told you why the toy was named Dymkovo. A girl named Anya lived in Sloboda Dymkovo on the banks of the Vyatka River.

And her name was Anna Afanasyevna Mezrina.

Each toy is unique.

It is made from red clay with sand.

The toy is painted brightly and elegantly.

Circles, zigzags, stripes and checks are used for decoration.

Most often painting is done in: blue, red, cyan, yellow, crimson and green flowers, complementing with diamonds made of copper paint.

Many people liked the Dymkovo toys. They wanted to adopt the skills of the girl Anya.

She taught them how to make a haze. So now we rejoice at the new creations of the masters.

To this day, the shapes and painting of ladies, turkeys, deer, whistles and other toys are being improved.

In Vyatka, the “Vyatka Toy” artel was even organized.

The Dymkovo toy is the most famous clay craft in Russia.

She visited exhibitions in all corners of the world.

Thank you for your attention.

Elena Dmitrieva
Presentation “Dymkovo toy”

Dymkovo toy- one of the oldest crafts in Russia, it has existed on Vyatka land for more than four hundred years.

Emergence toys associated with the spring holiday Svistunya, to which the female population of the settlement Dymkovo sculpted clay whistles in the shape of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the craft not only survived, but also received further development. Dymkovo toy is a decorative clay sculpture up to 25 centimeters high. Craftswomen sculpt red clay toy, they whiten it with chalk diluted in milk and paint it with paints. Heroes Dymkovo toys: Ladies, nurses, gentlemen, men, townswomen, merchant women, officers, buffoons, animals, birds. For painting use contrasting combinations of bright colors: red, crimson, yellow, orange, blue, green, indigo and black,

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The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest artistic crafts in Russia. It has existed for more than 400 years and has still not lost its popularity. On the contrary, it enjoys constant success both in our country and far beyond its borders. The birthplace of the fishery is the city of Kirov (formerly Vyatka and Khlynov), or rather Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is now part of the city.
History of the fishery

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Modern Kirov

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IN XV-XVI centuries When the Dymkovo folk toy appeared, the pagan ideas of the Slavs lost much of their meaning. Toys more early period were extremely simple in form, because their defining factor was considered sacred meaning. With the abandonment of pre-Christian rites and rituals, the shapes of toys began to change, acquiring sophistication and beauty.

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The Dymkovo toy that is known today reflects Russian life in the 19th century. Images of ladies and gentlemen flaunting luxurious outfits appeared at a later time. Nevertheless, the masters carefully preserve the traditions and techniques that developed during the birth of this art.

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Women's images
Ladies, nurses, fashionistas, water bearers, nannies with babies in their arms. The figures are static, with large heads decorated with kokoshniks or fashionable hats. The entire appearance expresses dignity and majesty.

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Men's images
Cavaliers. They are smaller in size and more modest in appearance appearance, how female characters. As a rule, they are depicted riding animals.

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Initially, toys had the shape of totem animals: bear, ram, deer, goat. But over time, pets also appeared in the assortment. All animals have raised heads and short, widely spaced, stable legs. They are often depicted in an ironic form: in bright costumes and with musical instruments.

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Ducks, turkeys, roosters. Turkeys and roosters are depicted with curly, brightly painted tails, ducks are depicted in frilly, lush capes.

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Groups of several figures, including both people and animals. The multi-figure compositions are very diverse; they depict the life of Russian cities and villages. There are boat rides, holiday celebrations, feasts, and much more.

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Manufacturing technology
Modeling of Dymkovo toys Dymkovo toys are sculpted in parts. First, balls are rolled from washed fatty clay diluted with sand. different sizes. Then they are flattened to obtain flat cakes, from which the body of the toy is made. Smaller parts (arms, heads, tails) are attached to the body. The places where the parts are fastened are moistened generously with water, then the joints are smoothed with a damp cloth. Level the figure with wet fingers.

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Drying and firing Each Dymkovo toy must undergo a drying stage before firing, the duration of which depends on the size of the figurine, as well as on the characteristics of the room (humidity, air temperature, etc.). On average, this stage takes from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks.
After this, it is time for firing. Previously, it was produced in a Russian oven on an iron baking sheet placed directly above the firewood. The toys were heated red-hot and then left to cool in the oven. Now special electrical equipment is used for firing, which has made the process less labor-intensive and dangerous.

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Whitewashing After firing in the oven, the toy becomes red-brown, so it is whitened before applying the patterns. For this, a special solution is prepared from chalk powder and milk. When milk sours, this solution hardens, forming a uniform casein layer on the surface of the toy. Numerous attempts to change the composition and method of applying whitewash did not produce positive results. The tint turned out to be yellowish, and the texture was uneven, so whitewashing is still done in the same way as it was used several centuries ago.

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Painting After the whitewash dries, the painting stage begins - applying simple patterns with bright colors. The choice of colors is small: blue, orange, green, brown, yellow, crimson. Additional colors can be obtained by diluting the main ones with chalk. So, highlighted blue and raspberry give blue and pink, respectively.

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By the way, they add to the paint a raw egg. This makes the colors more saturated and gives the figure shine. Lastly, the toy is decorated with gold leaf. Geometric shapes cut out of it are glued onto the hats and collars of ladies, ears or horns of animals.

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Elements of painting
All toys are decorated with strict ornaments made of geometric shapes: circles, stripes, cells, diamonds and zigzags. Craftswomen do not think through the pattern in advance. It is born during the painting process, depending on the shape and size of the figure.

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Despite the deliberate simplicity of the ornament, it is very symbolic and depicts concepts that are important for the Russian people. So, wavy line associated with river or water in in a broad sense, the cells formed by intersecting lines resemble the frame of a house or a well, and a circle with a dot in the center is a symbol of the sun and other celestial bodies.

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Find Dymkovo toys

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Find Dymkovo toys

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Find Dymkovo toys

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Find Dymkovo toys

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Find Dymkovo toys

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Technical support for the excursion: Personal computer (PC). Projector and screen or TV with the ability to connect a PC. Structure of the excursion Title slide (1) Excursion route (2) History of the fishery (3-6) Gallery (7-11) Manufacturing technology (12-16) Elements of painting (17-18) D/I “Toy Store” (19-27 ) Explanatory note (28-29) Recommendations for using the resource. On the “Excursion route” slide (2), you can select the section of interest by clicking on the corresponding picture. Slides within each section of the tour are switched by clicking, which gives the user the opportunity to independently regulate the viewing speed. On the final slide of each section of the excursion there is a “Route” control button, with which you can return to the route slide. This virtual tour can be used in working with children of middle and older preschool age.