I dreamed that I killed a big black snake to a girl. Why do you dream of killed snakes - the meaning and interpretation of the dream

A snake, especially if it is poisonous, is an unpleasant and dangerous reptile. Meeting her at real life is remembered by a person for a long time, and if it was seen in a dream, then the dreamer begins to think about how to interpret this dream, and whether the snake he saw can be regarded as a certain sign.

If we talk about a snake seen in a dream, in general, without going into details and nuances, then this reptile symbolizes wisdom, so the one who dreamed about it should wait for very important information.

If you turn to all sorts of dream books, then the viper you see portends different things. However, many interpreters agree on one thing: to see a snake in a dream means conflict with others, and opponents in reality will be angry and quarrelsome people. It’s worth taking a closer look at the guests, some of them are very dangerous. You will have to face troubles at work, including salary reductions, gossip and intrigue.

People are afraid of dangerous and unpredictable vipers not only in reality; instinctive fear can persist in a dream, which is why people often dream about how they kill a snake.

Freud does not see anything bad in a “snake” dream; on the contrary, a person who dreams of a snake expects pleasant changes in life. But here it is important to listen to everything that people say: some message should turn a person’s small everyday world upside down.

If you trust the information modern dream book, then killing a snake in a dream means improving relationships with loved ones if they were damaged, as you thought, forever.

The modern dream book promises the victorious viper in a dream victory over his competitors at work and profit in monetary terms. However, you can completely get rid of quarrels and enemies if you sacrifice something.

By universal dream book killing a snake is a search for oneself. In reality, such a person must find a guru, a sage, a teacher who will help to penetrate the depths of the subconscious and extract from there the necessary information with which to work and resolve all difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

If we are guided by Miller's predictions, then killing a snake means filling your life with new energy.

According to the fortuneteller, a living viper brings only misfortune to a person, inciting him to bad deeds. The dream promises a cure for illness both to the person who dreamed of the snake and to the dreamer’s close relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, a killed snake in a dream is killed evil in reality. A stinging viper is associated with deceit and betrayal, which means swatting a viper in a dream means saying goodbye to such unpleasant phenomena in real life.

According to Vanga, such a dream predicts an influx of considerable financial resources. But if, in the process of dealing with the scaly one, the snake still bites, then such a dream threatens an unpleasant illness.

Islamic dream book

The Eastern dream book promises the dreamer long years life, new job and even promotion. The dream book recommends that the dreamer who killed a snake in a dream should remain silent and not talk too much, otherwise the snake tongues of the enemies will turn your words against you.

IN Islamic dream book a dream with a killed snake means that God will protect the dreamer from failure.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dream book of Nostradamus predicts changes in the fate of a person who imagined fighting a snake in a dream and killing it. Moreover, changes should be expected not only in the outside world, but also in the inner world. These changes will help a person find new comrades and even take up a new business that will bring good results.

Loff's Dream Book

If we are guided by Loff's dream book, then a person who dreamed that he was killing a snake must interpret his dream based on his attitude towards this reptile. How do you feel about the viper? Horror, fear, panic or, conversely, delight, admiration. As soon as you understand your emotions, you will understand the signs indicated by the dream.

IN general meaning, fight with a snake and kill it in a dream - defeat external circumstances, establish relationships with people in all areas of your activity, but you have to take risks. After all, she is cunning and insidious, she will not let you down, so in reality you will have to listen to your inner voice and rely on your sixth sense.

In order to more accurately decipher a dream related to the killing of a snake, it is necessary to take into account other circumstances of your dream.

How was the snake killed?

Why does a woman dream of killing a snake?

Married a woman who has a dream in which he kills a snake can rejoice. In real life, she will be able to outshine her rival, the homewrecker snake, who wanted to destroy the dreamer’s marriage.

If you had a dream unmarried girl, then in real life the young man she dreamed about in her dreams and in reality will finally pay attention to her. According to another interpretation, the girl may end up being part of a love triangle.

If you dreamed about killing a snake pregnant woman, then she shouldn’t panic. A similar dream - good sign. After all, in reality a woman expecting a baby is tormented by constant fears associated with many things. In a dream, by killing a snake, a woman copes with her fears and defeats them. The dream predicts that a pregnant woman needs care and affection from a man.

Why does a man dream of killing a snake?

If a man saw in a dream how he fought with a snake and killed a mammal, then in life many people will begin to listen to his opinion, his friends and colleagues will respect and appreciate him. At the same time, the dreamer must feel responsible when giving advice. Being an authority is not easy.

According to another interpretation, a dream with a killed viper warns a man about his beloved’s betrayal; most likely, she will cheat on him or has already cheated on him. Take a closer look at your soulmate, have you warmed up a snake on your chest?

A man who dreamed of killing a snake should think about what emotions he experienced. If he didn’t like killing the snake, it was scary, disgusting, unpleasant, or he felt other negative emotions, it means that in real life he may have misunderstandings with women, both psychologically and romantically. If murder gives a man pleasure, it means that he will soon find true love, which will not be overshadowed by quarrels and conflicts.

If the viper is killed in front of others, this means that the man can count on a casual relationship.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the color of the snake

Interpretation of sleep depending on the size of the killed snake

If you kill in your sleep a huge snake, then you will have to face great grief, which will happen not only to the dreamer, but also to relatives. It will be possible to overcome grief, but it will not be possible without losses.

If you killed big, but not a giant viper, then in real life the dreamer will have good luck in disputes and resolving any problems.

If you dreamed that you were killing small viper, which means the problems that you will encounter in the near future will be so insignificant that you will cope with them easily and quickly. The same thing is foreshadowed by a dream in which you kill a snake.

If you dreamed of a snake and you are afraid of facing problems or enemies, do not panic. After all, the time has come to show the positive qualities of a snake: wisdom, ingenuity, strength, endurance, intelligence and dexterity. These are the qualities that will help you cope with all problems!

Anchor points:

Dreaming of killing a snake with a knife

If you killed a snake in a dream with a knife, this means that very soon you will encounter an enemy. Outsiders may be involved in the problem. This may also mean that you will be able to repel someone’s attacks in reality. This could be a complex conflict situation or the resolution of a minor dispute. Kill a reptile with a knife– during the resolution of the conflict, innocent people will suffer. A snake killed with a knife is a readiness to defend one’s interests to the end. This good sign your future victories.

Kill a snake in your house

I dreamed that I killed a snake in my house - in reality this could mean the following: you will be able to protect your home from scandals and squabbles, and their relatives from troubles and rash actions. This dream suggests that you will be able to get out of any current situation. difficult situation and strength of spirit and determination will help you in this. Another interpretation of this dream is that you may soon turn to God for help, you will become a believer looking for answers to your questions in the temple. If you killed a snake in the house with your own hands- everything in your life will be wonderful.

Kill a snake with a shovel

You dreamed about killing a snake with a shovel - in your life will have to defend their interests by force. Such a murder is interpreted in different ways. What happened may indicate that you will have to fight fate. Sometimes this requires using different methods, even the most unconventional and unambiguous. You will emerge victorious from any situation. The confrontation between you and your enemies will be weakened and conflict will be avoided.

Kill a snake with your own hands

Killing a snake with your own hands in a dream means cope with all life's troubles and fears yourself. This dream guarantees your victory over all enemies and ill-wishers. You will be able to triumph over cunning and wise enemies. After such a dream, you can safely hope that your determination will force others to take your decisions and actions into account.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about this?

Killing a snake in a dream for a pregnant woman means cope with your fears and worries associated with the upcoming birth. A woman can take control negative emotions and experiences. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, perhaps she needs male affection, which she so lacks in her position. killing a snake is a sign of imminent trouble.

There are many pictures in the world of dreams, and some of them leave a lasting impression. Killing a snake in a dream is considered not only one of the most vivid, memorable visions, but is also a significant dream.

There are many pictures in the world of dreams, and some of them leave a lasting impression.

A snake, like everything that poses a certain threat in real life, with the help of the emotional state of the sleeper can influence the development and continuation of sleep.

It depends on the perception of the person himself, namely:

  • Assessing danger and responding to it.

The degree of threat experienced by the sleeper leaves a clear trace in his conscious memory, i.e. The more clearly a person remembers the action itself (fear, panic, concentration, excitement, etc.) - the stronger the dream carries the program.

  • The critical barrier of experienced feelings.

If a person is lucky enough to suddenly wake up from his own feelings (fright, extreme tension or stress), then there is a high probability that the future event will radically affect his life, in the literal sense - will take him to a new stage in the development of relationships, career, etc.

The snake in most cases is not something negative character, rather, is present in a dream as a kind of pointer to the development of subconscious fears, closely related to something important in the dreamer’s life. It is also a kind of symbol of wisdom, and, therefore, is interpreted as an indicator of a future important lesson for the dreamer, from which he will be able to learn something new.

  • Among professional psychologists, as well as people who know parapsychology, a snake is more associated as a creature that produces poison, from which a healing agent can be obtained.
  • If we consider the Old Testament, then the snake (the personification of the devil) tempted Adam and Eve to commit sin, after which they tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, ultimately realizing their sin.
  • In lesser-known interpretations, the snake means the natural cycle of things (Ouroboros of the times Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica), and in some cases she was revered as a kind of sacred being - a harbinger of wisdom.

For modern man a snake is a sign of danger or threat, which the dreamer in most cases tries to get rid of or simply avoid the reptile.

Snake in the dream book (video)

Killing a snake in a dream: what does it mean in dream books

The key point in decoding is not even the snake itself, but rather the factors that motivate it to be killed. Today, there are not many situations where a person, acting in a dream as in reality, is able to override the instinct of self-preservation and kill a snake, because subconsciously a single snake bite in a dream is equal to death.

For a more accurate interpretation of the picture of the killing of a snake, it is important to correctly understand your dream: what exactly contributes to the feeling that guided the dreamer?

  • The snake is interpreted as a means of comprehending wisdom, which is given through awareness, acceptance of major mistakes of the past, search for strength in overcoming the present, etc. Those. the snake itself can be associated with trouble, enemy, misfortune, collapse.
  • The interpretation according to Miller’s dream book says that killing a snake in a dream means the emergence of a difficult situation, which courage and determination will help to overcome, and the solution to the problem itself will increase the dreamer’s authority in the eyes of others.
  • For people already experiencing some kind of misfortune, illness, etc. snakes in a dream are a harbinger of victory over illness, overcoming difficulties, the end of trials.
  • Killing a snake is also interpreted as overcoming all sorts of temptations, victory over one’s animal desires.

Killing a snake in a dream means a difficult situation will arise.

But if a girl or woman dreamed that they killed a snake, then in reality they will face victory over a rival, envious people, gossip or a competitor.

Seeing a snake killed in a dream

Seeing the killing of a snake in a dream is deciphered as follows:

  • What impeded (threatened) the achievement of the dreamer’s goal will be eliminated by a stronger ally, friend, patron.
  • Or impulsively with the help of feelings that far exceed the fear of the snake (danger), for example, the desire to protect one’s family or a huge desire to survive.
  • For a sick person, this dream is a harbinger of recovery.

In some cases, there is a possibility of solving a problem with a certain risk.

Why do you dream about murder in a dream with a knife or shovel?

The details of the dream can be not only the emotional background, but also improvised things, such as a shovel or knife. If a person remains with a keen sense of the experienced feelings after a vision, then its interpretation will be the most clear.

  • Killing a snake with a knife is a close, risky contact with the problem that has arisen, from which the dreamer will emerge victorious.

A knife from a dream has the meaning of a tool that is the most painful for both the dreamer himself and those around him: for example, for some it is money, for others it is help, for others it is something else. The sharper the instrument is for a person, the more clearly he will remember it.

  • Killing a snake with a shovel means avoiding danger without making any effort. special effort.

It will not be too significant for the dreamer, but still quite serious. More likely, the dreamer will solve the problem with the help of connections or some kind of power.

Killing a snake with a shovel means avoiding danger without making much effort

The emotional background of a dream will accurately assess the degree of threat aimed at what the dreamer really values.

Strangle a snake in a dream with your own hands

This type of dream speaks of the despair that the dreamer experiences. In this case, it is worth determining what can cause such a feeling in reality and protecting yourself as much as possible.

  • A dream where a person tries to strangle a snake with his hands speaks of a huge expenditure of strength and energy in achieving victory, but the dreamer will overcome all difficulties.
  • The person may have an uphill battle to uphold their values ​​against strong enemies, competitors, enemies.

This type of dream speaks of the despair that the dreamer is experiencing.

In some cases, the hopelessness of the situation will force one to accept radical methods as the only true option and the snake will be defeated.

Why do you dream about killing a black snake?

Black color or the color of darkness is a symbol mortal danger, serious illness, misfortune, unexpected trouble, the emergence of a dangerous enemy, fears.

The emotional background will again help the dreamer determine the direction of the black snake’s strike.

  • Self-defense - maintaining positions at work, in business.
  • The feeling of hunger is a huge risky income.
  • Panic - the dreamer simply must overcome his fear, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.
  • A feeling of protection, love - the dreamer will have to repel attacks towards those he loves and for whom he is responsible.

Kill a big black snake - overcome a huge danger that has serious consequences or complications, defeat a complex disease, get a huge life lesson, end your fears.

Kill a big black snake - overcome a huge danger

Why does a woman have such a dream?

If a woman dreams of killing a snake, then in reality the dreamer will have a long-awaited victory over a rival who is poisoning her life. The dream can relate to both a woman’s private and public life.

In some cases, the meaning of sleep indicates a speedy recovery.

Why do you dream about a snake (video)

Before falling asleep, it is better to let go of all daytime worries and fears: only in this case will the body have a good rest and restore its strength. And the meaning of any dream can be deciphered in the dream book.

Attention, TODAY only!

A snake is a dangerous reptile, its very appearance instills terror. But in dreams this image is not so clear: it can both warn of danger and predict quick profit and success. To understand why you dream of killing a snake, you need to take into account the details of the dream, the gender of the dreamer, as well as the time when the night vision occurred.

Interpretation in different dream books

All the most offer their interpretation of dreams about snakes. famous dream books peace.
According to Miller, the image points the dreamer to ill-wishers in his close circle, who may intensify their actions in the near future. At the same time, if you dream of a killed snake, then in reality a person will have to show strength of character in order to cope with the difficulties that arise.

The dream books of Freud and Nostradamus correlate the symbol with the reproductive organ in men and the Fall. Killing a snake, according to Freud, symbolizes the ability not to succumb to sexual temptations on the side. Nostradamus also interprets such a dream as fidelity, but not to the other half, but to the sleeping person himself, his values, beliefs, and principles.

Vanga's dream book gives a more extensive interpretation, linking the killing of a snake in a dream with global changes in society and the political system. With rare exceptions, such changes are favorable.

Kill a big, small snake

Often, a reptile in a dream symbolizes wisdom. Therefore, a long and large asp is sometimes “associated” with the older generation or superiors. Therefore, harming them in a dream is considered bad sign. Killing a large snake in a dream foreshadows mistakes in real life made due to inexperience and unjustified arrogance.

At the same time, a small hissing sign foreshadows a number of minor mistakes due to insufficient knowledge or unreliable information. Such a dream tells the dreamer about the need for self-education and attentive attitude for advice from more experienced people.

In mythologies, the image embodies trickery, cunning, weather phenomena or immortality. A special snake cult existed in Ancient India, where it was believed that the supports of the entire Universe were the heads of the Shesha snake. Modern Hindus believe that hissing ones act as guardians of the hearth and are the link between the souls of ancestors and their living descendants.

Many reptiles in a dream

Killing a lot of snakes in a dream foreshadows in real life the identification of a person who is playing a double game and plotting behind the sleeper’s back. It is noteworthy that the separation process will go smoothly, but recovery peace of mind may require a lot of effort and time.

With your own hands, with the help of weapons

The method of killing the snake and the weapon with which it was carried out will help to correctly interpret the dream.

  1. Killing a snake with your hands by strangling it foreshadows a long and unpleasant period of confrontation with a person who wants to take your place at work. You cannot underestimate the enemy: behind the mask of friendliness lies an experienced and strong opponent who will use any methods to achieve his goal.
  2. For a sick person, a shot reptile indicates a speedy recovery.
  3. A black adder stabbed with a knife warns that the dreamer will be made a “scapegoat.” The situation is twofold: on the one hand, during clashes with ill-wishers, innocent people may actually suffer, on the other hand, unfounded accusations of one’s own mistakes may follow.
  4. A severed snake head in a dream is the brightest symbol. She points to the skillful suppression of one’s fears, doubts, and base desires, which will be followed by prosperity in business.
  5. A creeping reptile beaten with a stick symbolizes future trials of fate, which the dreamer’s intelligence and cunning will help him cope with.

How skillfully the dreamer will withstand the coming trials of fate will indicate his state of mind, preceding the killing of the asp.

In a dream, the situation in which a person wins a victory over a reptile is “responsible” for the state of internal harmony.

  1. A snake crawling over a person symbolizes internal contradictions and multiple problems, the solution of which has been postponed by the sleeping person for a long time. The closer the asp creeps to your head, the more seriously you need to take current affairs. You may have to choose between partners or reconsider priorities.
  2. An alarming symbol is a snake swimming in the water. Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s spiritual emptiness, depression, and deep disappointment.
  3. An asp that has crept into a cave or mountain gorge is also associated with the mental disharmony of the sleeper. But, unlike the previous option, the dreamer will be able to suppress depression without outside help.

If a snake bites the dreamer before death, in reality you should prepare for active defense. The dream tells you from which side the enemy’s attack is possible. Thus, the lower part of the torso and legs indicate moral state, family, goals in life, and the upper part indicates material values, career.

Dream books ambiguously interpret killings of snakes in dreams unmarried girls. On the one hand, they also indicate the constancy of the partner, but warn about the need to postpone the wedding ceremony. On the other hand, they may indicate that the girl will act dishonestly by taking away married man from the family, or she herself will face betrayal from her friend.

Most people reflexively perceive the dreamed image of a creeping reptile with caution. In fact, dreams of killing snakes warn of impending changes and possible difficulties, suggesting what needs to be done to safely survive a troubled period.

A dream is a non-standard reality for everyone, which is beyond the power of a person to understand. However, dreams are the most important messengers about what awaits a person in the future. It’s great when a person sees in a dream something that will bring him good news, but there are also dreams that put you in a state of some kind of fear, in which case there is no need to be upset. Often, all the terrible events that appear in a dream can signal some kind of trouble. Here is one of scary topics- why dream of killing a snake - so as not to worry, .

The main interpretation of a dream with a killed snake

The snake is a sacred creature in a number of world religions. As a rule, the snake is characterized by wisdom, strength and knowledge. If a snake appears in a dream, then a person is wary of this vision when he wakes up in the morning. However, all fears are in vain; there is no need to worry at all.

If you dreamed that a person killed a snake, then in this case it is necessary to clearly examine the entire plot of the dream and understand under what conditions the snake was sacrificed. It is also necessary to focus on how the snake was killed, because the interpretation of the dream depends on this. There are several types of interpretations:

  • If a person stabbed a snake with a knife, then this indicates an approaching showdown with enemies, and in this situation completely innocent people will suffer. It is also possible that gossip and other negative phenomena may arise from close friends. It is such a dream that will become a signal that you need to prepare for a period in which losses will be noticeable.
  • If a person shot a snake, this means that in the near future it will be possible to solve all problems with enemies, and the reputation will be ideal.
  • If a person sees how someone else kills a snake, then this can mean one thing - all victories will be done by another person. In this case, you should think about your own actions and their correctness, otherwise you can lose a lot.
  • If several bullets are fired at the snake, but it is still alive, then an unequal battle awaits ahead with a sworn enemy who poses a great danger.

Interpretation of dreams with the killing of a snake according to Freud

Why do you dream of killing a snake? There are detailed answers to this question in S. Freud’s dream book. The snake is the personification of sexuality. If a man sees in a dream how he kills a snake, then most likely he will be consumed by a thirst for betrayal, but still he will not go astray.

If similar dream sees a woman, then she should still take the necessary measures, since this indicates that her other half already has an affair, but it is still possible to neutralize her rival.

If an unmarried woman kills a snake in a dream, then she will soon destroy someone’s marriage, not always even wanting it.

If a man dreamed that his other half was holding a snake in his arms and at the same time talking to it, then this is a signal of impending betrayal.

To understand why you dream of killing a snake, you need to clearly remember how it was done and choose the necessary interpretation.