Nikolai Rastorguev does not take care of his health: the musician was convicted of an unhealthy lifestyle. Nikolai Rastorguev is seriously ill What illness did Rastorguev have?

In February, the leader of the Lyube group, Nikolai Rastorguev, celebrates his 50th anniversary. On the eve of the holiday the musician is full creative plans, which even a serious illness cannot disrupt. We already wrote that last year Nikolai Rastorguev ended up in a hospital bed. The musician had pneumonia, which caused complications on his kidneys. A year has passed since then, but my health problems have not disappeared.

“I have a rather serious story, and it continues,” Nikolai admitted in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. “We are fighting, as they say.”

“The council of very serious representatives of medicine, which met about me, was unable to determine exactly what could have caused the disease,” said the musician. “One of the versions: many years ago I suffered from a sore throat, which gave complications to the kidneys, and this process developed imperceptibly for several years, and then suddenly manifested itself. In our country, all medical examinations have been screwed up, and now, if you feel more or less tolerable, you will never go to the doctor. But you should donate blood at least once every six months. take care of yourself."

Previously, Nikolai was practically not sick at all, and had not consulted a doctor since 1983. However, even after the news of the illness, almost nothing changed in the life of the Lyube leader. At least he has no desire to go to church or turn to a psychic.

“No, this doesn’t occur in my mind,” says the artist. “But I give myself an account of what happened to me and am psychologically preparing for the next serious procedure. Apparently, a kidney transplant is coming.” Nikolai does not yet know where exactly the operation will take place, in Russia or abroad.

In general, Rastorguev has already gotten used to his new state. “The difficulty is that three times a week you need to go to certain procedures,” the musician complains. “And this takes a lot of time. But otherwise, I live exactly the same as before.”

The illness of its leader also does not affect the creativity of the group in any way. On February 23 the Kremlin will host a big solo concert groups, and “Lube” regularly goes on tours in Russian cities.

This is what Nikolai himself says about this: “As soon as I left the hospital, we immediately continued to perform closely. Now we have agreed on our tour schedule with my procedures and everything is fine. Moreover, today there are qualified doctors not only in Moscow, but also in other cities."
The band's immediate plans are to release a new disc. Work on the material is already underway. “We have now prepared three new songs, I hope that we will soon add a few more compositions to them and, without rushing, not by any dates, we will release another record,” Rastorguev shared. “I believe it will turn out to be light, not busy...”

As is known, the songs of “Lube” often display patriotic themes. Nikolai himself says about his attitude to the current situation in Russia: “Not everything, of course, is to my liking, but development, it seems to me, is going in the right direction. And there is no need to repeat all the time that everything is bad here, to drive people into a corner. We need to be optimistic about the future."

From time to time, information appears in the press about the state of health of the People's Artist and public favorite. Fans are worried about the well-being of the leader of the Lyube group, as they know what trials he had to go through.

The other day, the Lyube group and Nikolai Rastorguev will give concerts in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day at the capital's Crocus City Hall. The team will perform an anniversary program dedicated to its 30th anniversary.

Nikolai tries to suppress conversations about health problems. He admits that he is sometimes driven to white heat by the publications he sees about himself in the media. Recently, a musician read that the lead singer of the group “Lube” allegedly once again I went to Germany to undergo hemodialysis. He took this information with hostility, as well as the message that he had recently had a heart attack. “I feel great!” he reassured the fans.

The main thing that worries the musician’s loved ones is that he still hasn’t quit smoking and hasn’t refused to have a drink or two in the company of friends.

“Kolya never really took care of his health, either before or after the operation,” worries his close friend, poet Mikhail Andreev. - His wife either drinks him with infusions or feeds him with porridge. And he will eat so as not to upset her, and then he will go and drink wine or moonshine. He drinks and can get carried away. We ask him to stop, to take care, but he doesn’t listen, he lives for today. Lives like a gentleman. Others do everything for him, he himself won’t move once again. I constantly tell him: he needs to move, walk, but Kolya just shrugs it off. And personally, this attitude worries me very much.
Most of all, friends are afraid that the kidney transplanted to Nikolai will simply refuse to work.

– The death of a transplanted organ does not mean the death of the patient. If this happens, then the person returns to us for dialysis and waits for the next transplant,” Alexey Yuryevich Denisov, head of the hemodialysis department of the Central Clinical Hospital, explained to StarHit. – But, of course, there is nothing good in a repeat transplant - the patient can die both during the operation and after it...


The singer's health problems began in 2006. After a holiday in a Finnish ski resort, Rastorguev returned to Moscow with double pneumonia. The examination showed advanced chronic renal failure; only a kidney transplant could save Rastorguev’s life. Fans, having learned about their idol’s illness, offered to give him the necessary organ free of charge, but Nikolai refused. I didn’t go abroad for surgery and stood in line for a transplant in Russia. In our country, this operation is free, however, the wait for a suitable organ can range from a week to several years.

After the final diagnosis was made, Rastorguev lived only thanks to an “artificial kidney.” He was forced to go to the Central Clinical Hospital for hemodialysis (blood purification) as if he were going to work - 2-3 times a week.
“He looked like a seriously ill man, but he behaved like a man and did not become limp,” recalls Alexey Yuryevich Denisov. “He tolerated the procedures well, the medical staff loved him very much.

Despite the serious diagnosis and poor health, the singer did not stop touring, but tried to choose cities where local hospitals had special equipment.

“In 2006, when Kolya was already on hemodialysis, we flew to Bulgaria,” Pavel Usanov, bass guitarist of the Lyube group, told reporters. - By medical indications he was not allowed to perform. Local doctors recommended that Kolya return to Moscow, explaining that they did not have enough experience, and they might not be able to cope if he became really ill. But Kolya went and performed the concert. We were amazed by his willingness to take risks for the sake of the audience who bought tickets, and his concern for the team, who otherwise would have been left without income.


In March 2007, the Lyube group and its frontman came to Tomsk with a concert. Rastorguev felt bad, an ambulance was called. At the regional clinical hospital, the star was placed in a general ward, where, in addition to him, nine other people were undergoing hemodialysis.

“He endured all the manipulations steadfastly, and even supported other patients,” recalls the medical staff. “For four hours during the procedure, Rastorguev watched films on his laptop. Then I slept a little, thanked him and left.

– And as soon as I left, I went straight to the concert. And then, instead of resting, I went to the sauna,” says Mikhail Andreev. “Then we had a good time with him and drank.” After the steam room, Kolya dived into the pool and jumped into the snow. Just covered the marks from hemodialysis with an adhesive plaster - and off you go! He’s all like that – go for a walk, show off!

After such a rest, Nikolai usually ended up in the hospital again. Doctors were ready to help People's Artist without a queue.
“Doctors in all cities always met him halfway and did everything necessary,” says Pavel Usanov. “We often received calls from doctors who were offended that Kolya did not turn to them for help. They offered procedures, unique techniques, and said that they would do everything for him for free, as long as he lived. This is true people's love.


Rastorguev waited almost three years for the operation. On April 21, 2009, a kidney was successfully transplanted into him at the Research Institute of Transplantation of Artificial Organs. In the first months, patients are advised to have a quiet lifestyle - there is a high probability of donor organ rejection. But Rastorguev already sang at a concert on Red Square in June 2009.

“And in July we performed at the Zielona Gora festival in Poland,” recalls Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. – Kolya and I talked a lot about life, about health, about work. It was not a surprise to me that Nikolai did not think for a minute about stopping singing. In this we are similar, we will die on stage.

But the doctors who once saved Nikolai’s life hope that this will not happen.
– On his birthday, I want to wish Nikolai that he never meets us at professional basis, says Alexey Yurievich Denisov. - May he live happily ever after.

Professor Yan Gennadievich Moysyuk from the Research Institute of Transplantology of Artificial Organs, who operated on Nikolai Rastorguev, spoke about his star patient and friend:
– Due to the singer’s illness, I was invited to a consultation at the Central Clinical Hospital. Rastorguev had been ill for a long time, but did not pay attention to it. Nikolai hoped that the kidneys would still work. But it was immediately clear to us that this would not happen. He was a very seriously ill patient, lived on dialysis, but came to the realization of the need for a kidney transplant only two years later.
- They say that the doors of all hospitals were opened for him - doctors saw him without waiting in line, hemodialysis was done outside the schedule...

– This is absolutely accurate! It's not even that he famous person, but the fact that he immediately evokes warm feelings towards himself, and you want to help him. Maybe even somewhere exceeding their limits job responsibilities.
– Were you against him returning to the stage after the operation?
– I believe that we transplant organs not to give a person a few more years, but then so that he can return to his usual full life. I'm glad it works. And he also rides a bike! I like that he lives a full life.
- Even too much - friends say that he drinks sometimes and smokes constantly...
“When I performed the first minor operation on him six years ago and went into his room, the first thing he did was treat me to a cigarette. And he smokes a soldier's Camel, which has no filter. Well, what was to be done? He and I lit a pipe of peace. Of course, smoking and drinking are harmful, but we all understand that the decision is made by the person himself.

– Now all Nikolai’s health troubles are behind him?
– The estimated life expectancy of a donor kidney is 7–10 years. But we never give guarantees. Anything can happen. Patients often lose a transplanted kidney through their own fault: they stop taking medications, don’t take tests on time, or forget to see a doctor. When the decision was made whether to give Kolya a transplant, I was probably the only one who believed in him. Many eminent scientists were sure that he would immediately lose his kidney, since he was a creative person and would not be able to live with restrictions; he would violate all regimes.

- And what kind of patient did Rastorguev turn out to be - obedient?
- Well, not always. Sometimes you have to give him a hard time. But less and less. Fortunately, Nikolai’s control indicators were perfect all the time - ugh, ugh, ugh.

Nikolai Rastorguev admitted that every time he boards a plane, he asks for a yellow newspaper. According to him, the artist is instantly understood. The singer spoke about the rumors that hover around his name. In particular, Rastorguev commented on the information that he allegedly went to Germany for treatment, where he will undergo a hemodialysis procedure. "Spit in this journalist's face! What kind of nonsense is this?" – the artist was indignant.


Rastorguev said that he feels great now. “And I always felt like that,” the singer noted. And yet, information about hemodialysis and indiscreet questions from journalists drove the artist crazy. “What kind of ***? Who can write such a ***? First of all, I haven’t done anything like this for ten years. Just a minute to remember. It’s called hemodialysis. A person can’t live without it. But when he had surgery, transplantation, no hemodialysis is needed here. Why do a transplantation to get away from hemodialysis,” quotes the indignant Nikolai Rastorguev, “You won’t believe it!”

The artist was not reassured by clarifying questions about whether he had actually been hospitalized some time ago, almost from the stage. Then Nikolai allegedly developed heart problems. Rastorguev denied everything. “Well, complete crap! This really infuriates me!” – admitted the upset performer.

The permanent leader of the Lyube group also said that he had purchased real estate in Baden-Baden, Germany, next door to producer Igor Matvienko. Allegedly, the apartment cost the artist 30 million rubles. “I don’t live in Baden-Baden. Who told you that? It’s some kind of nonsense,” Rastorguev said. He noted what happens in this resort town, but lives in a prestigious village in the Moscow region.