The most powerful curse to your worst enemy. I've been cursed, what should I do? Question from Natalia


Help me, I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m hopeless. I'm tired of crying and want to die - it's true. I can't fight anymore.

After breaking up with my husband. He cursed me. He told me: “I should die under the fence, you won’t have anyone else, you’ll die alone and in poverty.”

When all this happened, a friend invited me to live with her. We are the same age. I lived with her. She secretly envied me that sometimes I had men, but she didn’t. That’s why my men started disappearing from the first date, like crazy. So things got worse after my ex’s wishes, but here it’s absolutely terrible.

When I lived in a civil marriage, men didn’t give me permission, but now everything was lost. On this basis, she and I quarreled, and one day, I couldn’t stand it and told her everything. She asked me to move out, giving me 10 thousand rubles supposedly to help. I took it. After a while, she told me that she had borrowed this money and if I did not return it on time, it would be very bad for me. Because the people who do bad things to her are supposedly punished for her. Don't expect any kind of happiness.

I found housing, I have a job, everything would be fine, but after about a month it started to feel like I’m still giving up, I really can’t and these are not words. This decision made not just one day. I've had enough.

One day I lose my job. I have no friends, no relatives, no acquaintances. My flatmate started a row, hit me a couple of times, he was sober. Everything from scratch.

After working in the store for a year, there were thanks for this time, and then suddenly there was a complaint that I was rude. The owner of the store caught her husband cheating, and I was the last one to know and remain silent. He was fired allegedly for rudeness. I have no money, I can’t find a job, and if I do, it’s a scandal. Before I had time to go to work, I was already fired and cheated out of money. Even if the money is small, it’s just terrible. There is no money, no work, I don’t get along with men at all. I don't even want to talk. Today I am almost starving. I’m alone and without work – this has been going on for a month now. I gave up.

What's wrong with me? What to do? How can I stop all this?*

I want to love and be loved. I’m 39, I want to find a job and for everything to return to normal. I have nowhere and nothing to go for. And there are charlatans everywhere.

Help with advice. I will do everything myself if possible. Thank you.

Hello, Natalya!

Perhaps you blame your husband for saying nasty things to you and cursing you - and that’s why your life has gone topsy-turvy. But don’t take sin to heart. Your husband is not to blame here. His words were very poisonous and unpleasant, but they did not leave an imprint on you, but passed by. But who should be considered the culprit of all the troubles is the woman you know with whom you lived.

You made a mistake by taking money from her, because... It is known that it is very easy to cause damage or even a curse through banknotes, because money easily absorbs energy and transmits it just as easily.

By allegedly accepting help from a neighbor, you thereby took upon yourself all the evil that was inherent in the money. From what you say, you seem to be under a curse. But fortunately, magic in this case will help you get rid of the curse and thereby improve your life!

Ritual “Remove the curse yourself”

You need to perform a powerful ritual, for which you will need:

  • three candles;
  • church water;
  • two large mirrors.

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, at 12 o'clock, place mirrors opposite each other, stand between the mirrors in a white shirt, light candles. Then say the words of the conspiracy, having previously learned it:

a sign from hell - I ask for the first time.

Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse,

a sign from hell - I ask for the second time.

Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse,

a sign from hell - I ask for the third time. Amen".

Read the plot while looking yourself in the eyes.

After this, stand for about 15 minutes between the mirrors. Wash yourself with holy water and go to bed. Let the candles burn out.

Four days later, on Sunday, go to church and light candles for Jesus Christ, St. Panteleimon, Nicholas the Pleasant, the Mother of God - three pieces each.

After the ritual, you will get rid of the curse and see that things will go uphill!

Don't despair! A happy and prosperous future awaits you!

What should I do if I am cursed?

Curses should not be taken lightly. Of course, if you are an educated person and don’t believe in all this, then you can simply spit over your left shoulder and forget about these curses forever.

But a psychological factor may play a role here. When you are told such words, you feel anxious and you have the feeling that something is about to happen to you. Of course, something will definitely happen to you someday. Because you think about what happened and lose concentration, losing sight of some points. The best way to get rid of the “curse” is to wait until the passions subside. In a fit of anger, people often say things that they later regret. Sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. Perhaps this is exactly what he expects from you. As soon as he forgives you, “The spell will break.”

Energy factor. In fact, thoughts are material, which has been scientifically proven and curses have their own power, especially if these curses came from a close relative. As I wrote above, the ideal option is to make peace with the person who cursed you. If it is impossible to make peace in the near future, then you can go to church, no matter how uncomfortable you feel. Upon entering the temple, you will intuitively feel what needs to be done so that the curse loses its power.

Curses and unkind words haunt us constantly and there is no escape from them. Therefore, periodically a person needs to cleanse his energy field. This can be done in many ways:

1. Visiting temples and praying.

2. When taking a shower, imagine that streams of water wash away all the negativity accumulated during the day. Then imagine that streams of water fill you with energy.

3. There are also various psychological techniques. Close your eyes. imagine that you are on the seashore. Listen to the waves roar, feel how warm it is sea ​​sand, look at the water. The more clearly you feel everything, the better. Then look up at the sky. If everything is fine with you, there won’t be a single cloud on it. If there are any problems, there will be clouds in the sky. How more problems, the more clouds and the darker they are. Try to remove these clouds with your imagination. You can simply pass your hand and throw them into the water, you can imagine that they rained, you can imagine that the clouds turned into butterflies. Use your imagination. If you can clear the clouds, psychological problems They will leave you.

4. There is a fairly simple and effective exercise from qigong techniques. Imagine that through your skin you inhale light, and exhale all the negativity of black color. The exercise is quite strong and effective if performed regularly.

By the way, now spring is coming and many people behave inappropriately not because they have mental problems, but because that’s how we are designed. Treat people with understanding and patience, then they will answer you in kind.

Damn - there is a very strong energy structure of negative content, saturated with an emotional component.

When a person is in the stage of active emotions, his energy is very strong, maximally strong. If there are negative, angry, envious emotions, then they are capable of breaking through a person’s energy structure (aura), including programs of destruction. Such an impact damages the programs of the “Higher Self”, blocking all control systems.

The curse has the ability to be passed on from generation to generation, up to the seventh generation.

If it is not recognized, not worked out, not neutralized, then being in the aura of one person, it, like a hologram, will be transmitted to children, wives/husbands.

If a person is cursed, his internal strength will rapidly leave him. Next we will tell you how to understand that you have been cursed.

Signs or ghosts in me

But how do you know if you've been cursed? If you have a curse, you will experience the following symptoms:

  • chronic depression, fatigue;
  • panic, horror, fear, nightmares;
  • everything falls out of hand;
  • lack of desires, aspirations, apathy, indifference;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • constant delays;
  • wandering pains, accumulation of diagnoses;
  • discord in personal relationships, discord, divorce, loneliness, infertility;
  • underdeveloped children, suicides in the family;
  • alcoholism;
  • financial problems.

In order not to become a victim of a curse imposed on yourself, it is important to determine:

  • The cause of depression may be accumulated fatigue - maybe it’s just time to go on vacation?
  • if everything falls out of hand, maybe it’s time to stop analyzing, plan your time, and only then blame magic?
  • Apathy, irritability, quarrels, painful conditions - maybe all this is just general fatigue? After all, if you diagnose a curse for yourself by believing in it, then you will trigger the mechanisms of self-destruction within yourself, breaking the lines of fate?

If everything is much more serious...

If you were able to identify the above listed signs in yourself, or if you have particularly serious illnesses, repeated accidents in the family, loneliness, infertility, and also have children with severe pathologies, then you should think about a curse.

Perform the ritual to find out for sure.

In specialized literature it is called “Egg Rolling”:

Place an icon. Read 3 times "Our Father". Take raw egg. Place it on the crown of your head and hold it for a few minutes while reading the prayer. Apply it to the cervical spine and lower back, move along your left and right arms.

Take a pre-prepared glass of clean water. Break the egg by pouring it into a glass. Be sure to burn the shell later. Consider the contents of the glass. You should be wary if:

  • the yolk is broken or covered with pimples, or black;
  • worms appeared;
  • The protein threads intersecting form crosses.

All this will let you know that you are really facing a curse.

Throw away the egg along with the glass and take it out of the house. Repeat the rolling out procedure three times.

How to get rid of...

One should not curse either the living or the dead, “...bless those who curse you...” advises the Holy Scriptures. And this must be followed.

Bless this divine world, as well as the people living in it, also blessing the offenders. A person who sends a curse, damage, etc. is filled with anger and hatred, do not curse him, but ask them to help him, fill him with love. Happy man will not radiate anger. A person who is pure in heart will not attract a curse - it will be powerless over him. If a person is cursed, then this is only a reflection of his own malice. Love yourself, love people - then the curse cannot overcome you.

And if someone tries to curse, then this curse will return to him.

A curse always has a negative effect on the one who curses; it always returns like a boomerang.

If you accidentally, in your hearts, without restraining yourself, said: “And so that you...” or cursed someone, try to imagine this thought in any form. It could be energy, color, shape - anything! Imagine this thought by asking higher powers, unconditional love to transform this energy for good. Ask for forgiveness for this negative thought. Even if you cursed someone 20 years ago, it will still work, cleansing your aura and theirs.