Choice of driver (different types of draws). Material (senior group) on the topic: Card index of counting rhymes, collusion, drawing lots

Anyone who has seen broadcasts of the draws of previous tournaments can imagine how boring and drawn-out this procedure seems. Bleacherreport reporters came up with several ways to add some flavor to today's ceremony. "RG" brings to your attention the most interesting of them.

Play the lottery

To do this, you won’t have to change the drawing procedure at all, but it will become much more exciting for the audience. First, we need to issue special bingo cards that anyone can buy for a small amount. Proceeds will go to charity.

And then, if the sequence of the drawn balls matches the one indicated on your card, you are entitled to a cash prize. Of course, this is a loss-making enterprise for FIFA, but, on the other hand, the 22 sponsors of the International Federation of Football Associations are quite capable of covering possible expenses.

Place in one of the spider balls

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most poisonous in the world. What if a ball with such a “comrade” appears in Pot X, which will be created in order to separate European teams into groups? Adrenaline is guaranteed for the spectators and participants of such a show. Of course, the matter can end in death, but there is also a positive aspect: it is believed that the venom of the wandering spider prolongs erection.

Arrange a draw for stripping

As is known, the procedure will be carried out by famous football players of the past: Alcides Giggia, Geoff Hurst, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Mario Kempes, Fernando Hierro, Zinedine Zidane and Lothar Matthaus. Let the participants in the draw name the country before drawing the ball: if they guess right, the procedure continues, if not, they must take off some of their clothes. TV ratings for such a show will be guaranteed.

Conduct a competition for accuracy

Let the players choose their groups themselves. It is necessary to make a massive screen with eight holes according to the number of groups. Next, a football player from each of the 32 teams receives the right to strike. Which group a particular team will fall into depends on the accuracy of its player. If there are already four balls in the hole, it closes. The order of kicks can be set according to the FIFA rating.

Turn your broadcast into a celebration

It must be admitted that the above proposed methods to stir up the draw are quite radical for FIFA and are unlikely to be used in the near future. But no one can stop you from having a party during the draw. For example, you can play a drinking game.

every time Blatter speaks - 1 sip

bad joke from the presenters - 2 sips

balloon that doesn't open or problems reading the country - 2 sips

mention of the words "samba" and "carnival" - 1 sip

demonstration of videos from previous ceremonies - 3 sips

retrieving your team from the basket - a deep drink

I. Draws

If the counselor, at his own discretion, forms the composition of temporary teams, then many children will feel this as an imposition of someone else’s will. Working in such a company appointed “from above” may even be perceived negatively by some children.

To avoid this, it is best to use different options lots and counters. At events, it is useful to use the same types of draws that children use during their games in the yard. Some others can be added to them, designed by the counselor himself.

Label. An identical stick, match, or blade of grass is prepared for each player. One of them is made shorter than the others. Then they are all clamped on one side into a fist, aligning the outer ends. And they take turns drawing lots. Whoever pulls out the short one drives. Matches and sticks can be replaced with pieces of paper (cards). Then they put a cross on one and, rolling it up, mix it in a hat (or pocket). The one who draws the mark leads.

Measure on a stick. This method is convenient when you have to choose a presenter from a few candidates. For example, among the messengers from each team (or row) or among the captains.

Take a stick (from a meter or more). One of the players grabs the lower end of the stick with his right hand. Right next to him, the second, third, etc. grab the stick with his right hands. When all participants in the draw have grabbed the stick, the first one moves his right hand up, grabbing above the latter's hand. Everyone else grabs their hands behind him. And so on until someone's hand grabs the upper end of the stick. The lot falls to him.

Sometimes to the last participant such a small tip of the stick remains that disputes arise as to who will get the lot - him or the previous one. In this case, there is a rule: the last player grabs the remaining tip of the stick with part of his palm and circles it around his head and shoulders. If he succeeds, then the lot remains with him. If not, then follow the previous one.

II. According to the counting

The implementation of many game training techniques is designed for the choice of either the presenter, the captain, or the judge (or judges). It is easier and faster for the counselor to assign them at his own discretion. But this often leads to the appearance of some disputes, discontent, and refusals to work at the event. Helping children free themselves from such reactions is the task of the counselor. And he can successfully complete this task using the wisdom of folk pedagogy contained in children's drawings, fortune tellers, and counting rhymes. ___ So, everyone stands in a tight circle. Someone alone (who has volunteered) slowly recites a counting rhyme, pointing his finger in a circle, starting with himself, and then “along the sun” (an old rule of many folk games and rituals: if at any hour of the day you turn to the sun, then the beginning of his path is the east will be somewhere on the left, and the end - the west - will be on the right. Hence the counting, and many ritual movements, such as round dances, are conducted from left to right). ___ Those who receive the last emphasis in the counting are considered to have left (exempt from the lot) or to be included in one or another team (by agreement). They leave the circle and wait on the sidelines. ___ The last one left usually leads (option: the one who first left the circle leads). ___ On your fists. Everyone, together with the counting person, puts their clenched fists forward. On the first stressed syllable of the counting count, the person counting lightly hits his right fist from above with his left fist. On the second stress it is the other way around. On the third, with your right fist, hit your neighbor’s right fist, then hit his left fist. In a circle, he touches each exposed fist.

A cuckoo walked past the net, And behind it were small children, Everyone shouted “cuckoo poppy!” Push up one fist.

On whose fist the counting ends, he unclenches it and lowers his hand. The calculation is repeated. So the cams gradually lower. Whoever lowers both leaves (or drives). Examples of children's folklore rhymes:

Glass, lemon - Get out! Thread, needle, ti-ti - Fly away! The month came out of the fog, He took a knife out of his pocket: I will cut, I will beat - You still have to drive! On the road to the Caucasus An old tarantass is traveling. There is a cat sitting in the tarantass, his tummy hurts! The gentleman was traveling in a tarantass. He crushed a cockroach - And paid three and a half for this adventure! Ainu, maiden, Ricky, faki, Torba, erba. He is Desmaki, Deus, Deus, Kasmateus, Bucks!

Specialists in children's folklore Among the counting rhymes, the counting rhymes “with choice” stand out. The most famous of them is the following:

On the golden porch sat the Tsar, the prince, the King, the prince, the Shoemaker, and the tailor. Who will you be?

The one who had the last word does not immediately leave the circle, but names one of those listed. Suppose he said the word prince. Then the counting begins again, but this time with the one who chose. Now the end of the calculation will be the word prince. Whoever it falls on is the one who gets it. ___ Thus, in the “choice” counting games, in order for one player to leave, you have to count twice. The first time completely, the second - up to the word that was chosen. Such counting rhymes are good for training the ability to meaningfully perceive texts by ear.

A man was driving along the road, Broke a wheel on the threshold, How many nails does he need, Speak quickly, Don’t delay the Good and honest people! Dora, dora, tomatoes, We caught a thief in the garden. They began to think and wonder how to punish the thief? We tied our hands and feet and let them go along the road. The thief walked, walked, walked and found the basket. In this little basket there are lipstick and perfume, ribbons, lace, shoes, anything for the soul. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Floats out white month, And behind the month is the moon, The boy is the girl’s servant. You, servant, give me the carriage, and I will sit down and go. I'll go to Leningrad to buy myself an outfit. Red, blue, blue, choose any one for yourself.

Let's reverse Special attention that you can use a variant of drawing lots, which encourages children to expand the volume of various and frequently used counting rhymes retained in their memory. ___ All the children stand in a circle. One of them is the leader. To the rhythm of the counting rhyme he recites, he moves his finger one by one over the participants. On last word counting, the finger freezes. ___ The child to whom the leader’s finger points takes the baton and becomes the leader. The former leader leaves the circle, and the new leader starts a new one, his own counting rhyme, and finds out who it will stop at, that is, he determines who to pass the baton to next in order to leave the circle himself. ___ The calculation continues until there is only one person left - he will lead in the upcoming task. This option has a much better effect on the development of many children than memorizing routine “nursery” rhymes for the next holiday event.

III. Cut postcard

Take four or five postcards (the same or different; preferably large format). Each of them is cut into six (four, five) parts. All parts are mixed.

Each of the children pulls out a fragment and looks for their team, teaming up with those who got the fragments necessary to compose the whole picture.

Having collected the postcard, the company chooses a command place for itself. If necessary, he equips it (moves or moves apart tables and chairs; prepares the “tools” necessary for the task).

Before handing in the collected postcard, the team agrees on its name and the messenger displays it on the board. After all the companies have written their team names in chalk (option: draw emblems), the counselor can begin to talk about what the teams have to do (find, remember, compose, do).

It is more useful to give instructions about the upcoming work through the replacement messengers that each team sends to the counselor.

Thanks to this form of uniting those present into microgroups (game teams), children perceive the association itself as completely independent. Therefore, the number of didactic hares caught by the teacher is increasing. And when repeating the task on different activities the set of these captured hares will be different.

IV. In patches

All children disperse in pairs around the room. Then each pair offers the host a choice: sun-rain, train-plane, cabbage-onion, etc. Moreover, these words must not only be said, but also played. The presenter, guessing the word played, takes one of the pair to team No. 1, the other to team No. 2. And so on until the whole group is divided, and the partners have the opportunity to remember each other well. During lessons in primary school You can agree to wish only for an animate or inanimate noun, or if one wishes for an animate noun, then the other must wish for an inanimate one. There can be a lot of options: adjectives, flowers, events, writers, etc.

This method of division gives everyone the opportunity to play something without fear, since this game transformation is not needed in itself (which may seem scary to some children), but only as an auxiliary task for combining into teams.

V. Rings

Condition: how many times the leader (who stands aside so that everyone can see him) claps his hands, so many people holding hands and saying in unison: “We are ready!” - the children will form a “tight” ring. For example, after three claps, everyone breaks into rings in threes - who is faster!

After the first split into rings, the presenter is reminded required condition: in each new ring the neighbor on the right and left must be different. This leads to more fuss. But this is precisely what is needed to properly mix the entire squad.

After a series of claps: then four, then eight, then two times three or two claps (at a fairly fast pace!) - the leader claps so that the number of children in the rings corresponds group work scheduled for the event.

For example, having united the entire squad into rings of six, the counselor announces: “STOP! Each ring - working group. Prepare yourself a common workplace(you can move desks and chairs) and occupy him (with notebooks and pens). Agree on a name and have your team messenger write it on the board.”

This method of uniting into work teams takes very little time and allows children to shake themselves up, warm up and (or) renew their business spirit to perceive harmonies with peers.

VI. Gates

You can play “Gate” anywhere, as long as there are at least twelve participants. First, choose two stronger and taller guys who will pretend to be the “gate.” They step aside and secretly agree from everyone who will be called what. We most often took names of flowers or trees, for example “cornflower” and “daisy” or “pine” and “Christmas tree”. And sometimes they came up with something else - “day” or “night”, “apple” or “pear”, “sun” or “moon” (and for some reason they often took “moon” and “month” as if they were not same!). But the main thing is that the names are beautiful and pleasant to hear. I don’t recommend calling yourself “nettle”, “burdock” or some kind of “radish” - you will probably lose.

Then they must agree which of them will have “heaven” and which will have “hell”. While the reservation is being made, the rest of the guys stand behind each other in single file and each puts his hands on the shoulders of the person standing in front of him. At the same time, try to stand approximately in height so that the little one does not have to put his hands on the shoulders of the big one. The youngest one will be first in the chain. He is called the “womb” because he will lead everyone else. And if all the guys are approximately the same height, then the girls stand in front and the boys behind. Then you need to make a “gate”. The two stand face to face at a distance of a step and join hands. The queen leads the chain to the gate, stops and says:

We ask you to let us through the gate!

“The Gate” asks in unison:

What will you give?

The uterus offers:

Do you want the latter?

“Gate” graciously agrees:

Well, go...

And they raise their hands, opening the gate. You need to raise your arms higher, without releasing them, of course.

The queen passes through the gate first and carries the whole line with her. The gate honestly lets everyone through, but when the last one passes, they lower their hands so that he is between their hands. The line goes forward, and the one caught at the gate is slowly asked: “To the maple or to the birch?” You also need to answer quietly so that they won’t be heard in the chain.

After the choice is made, the caught one is released from the ring of hands, and he stands behind the “maple” or “birch”. It’s very nice when you guess right and end up with the person you wanted! And at this time the chain, without stopping, makes a circle, and the queen, seeing that the caught one is already in place, again leads everyone to the gate. The same words are said, and the last one in the line disappears.

So the chain goes through the gate, each time becoming shorter and shorter. But on one side and the other side of the guys’ goal everything is increasing. Finally, the queen alone approaches the gate and, after choosing, goes to the right or left... This is where the “gate” announces which of them was heaven and which was hell. Well, and, accordingly, which of the players became angels and who became devils! Since devils and angels cannot tolerate each other, there must be a struggle between them.”

Of course, this option is somewhat cumbersome and some of the readers have probably already given up on it, having decided that they would never agree to spend so much study time on such a task. But even in this case, pay attention to the special scrupulousness of the author’s description and try not to confuse it with the duration of the game action. Experience shows that in units with normal strength, such a procedure takes no more than four and a half minutes. And in small detachments - almost instantly.

Four and a half minutes is a bit much (although at first it seemed that if you started a “gate” at an event, it would take no less than half the event), but if you consider that such a form can also be a warm-up-switch , and a kind of recharging the squad with a single business tempo, then it becomes obvious that the time of the event, supposedly lost on the game, will pay off handsomely: a surge in children's performance and curiosity, multiplied by their gaming passion. So somehow, gather your courage and take the risk of trying, maybe it will not only suit your taste, but also your heart.

Counting books for children: history of counting rhymes, types of counting rhymes, counting lots, abstruse counting rhymes, counting rhymes - numbers, counting rhymes - replacements. Collection of counting rhymes for children.

Counting books for children

At all times, children played. And in games it was often necessary to choose a driver and divide into two teams. How to do this without offending anyone? Counting rhymes always came to the aid of children.

Children already at 5-6 years old can distinguish the counting rhyme from other genres of folklore, they can answer the question: “What did I read to you - a lullaby or a counting rhyme? Riddle or counting rhyme? A fairy tale or a counting rhyme? Why do you say that? Prove that it is...” Learn rhymes with your children (it is enough for a child to know 5 different rhymes that your child will like) and use them in your daily routine. family life so that no one is offended when distributing work or choosing the first driver in the game or when choosing who will make the first move in the game. Children always have great respect for peers who know how to play and know a lot of games and rhymes.

Types of rhymes

The first type of counting rhymes. Counting tables - drawing lots

Counting tables - drawing lots - these are counting rhymes for dividing into pairs or teams in the game.

The couple steps aside and negotiates with each other. For example, like this: “I will be an oak, and you will be a birch.” Among all the guys, two “queens” are selected. One mother will be the leader of one team, and the other will be the leader of another. This role is played by the oldest or most authoritative guys.

The players in pairs who have agreed on the sidelines with each other go to all the guys and approach the two queens: “Mother, mother, what should I give you: oak or birch?” Depending on what the mother chose in the game, the players from the pair go into teams. The next pair is already offering other objects or phenomena to choose from, for example: “Mother, mother, what should I give you? Should I break the chains or break the bell?

Counting tables - drawing lots: 14 more options:

-“A black horse or a winding drum?

— A barrel of lard or a Cossack with a dagger?

— Shape a ball or dance on water?

— Should I roll the ball or pour water?

— Should I feed the horses or light the stoves?

— From the sky, an archer, or from the earth, a young man?

— Should I be at home or sail on the sea?

- Solvia or sparrow?

— Hats or caps?

— A pouring apple or a golden apple?

— A chest of money or a golden coast?

- Weeds - ants or golden pins?

— A fox in flowers or a bear in pants?

“A golden cup or a silver saucer?”

When reading counting rhymes - drawings of lots, you probably noticed that most of the drawings of lots are pronounced in rhyme. This is no accident. Composing such drawings is a very fun activity, which is interesting to do on the river bank or on the road on a train or bus. Take a piece of paper with you and write down counting rhymes different words. You can specially compose abracadabra and phrases with humor. Then you will always happily use your own counting rhymes - drawing lots, when you need to choose someone :). An activity such as composing a rhyme—drawing lots—develops a child’s sense of rhythm and rhyme and a poetic ear.

A child’s ability to come up with his own interesting and beautiful counting rhyme - drawing lots indicates the level of his intellectual and aesthetic development. After all, a child’s abilities do not manifest themselves in remembering and repeating after an adult the information he has memorized (as is often suggested in modern manuals on the “development” of the child), but in order for the child to create something new from the known. Create it yourself, taking into account patterns and rules, identifying them yourself (in in this case the child needs to choose a word to rhyme, come up with combinations with humor, or a logical comparison of two objects from the same row in one draw).

The second type of counting rhymes. Abstruse counting rhymes.

In abstruse counting rhymes Meaningless sound combinations are repeated. When I read and listen to these texts, I always smile. Do you know why? Some people say that kids are not able to consciously learn complex text and that speech is not interesting to them at all!!! But they teach such an abstruse text!!! And it’s easy, because it happens effortlessly! Moreover, they come up with such texts themselves with great pleasure! And no one forces you. This means that if a child has no interest in language, then the reason is not in the child, but in the fact that adults were unable to cultivate such an interest in the child and did not understand in time how much he needed games with words.

Here is one example of abstruse counting rhymes - children's games with words:

“Ena deu riki faki,
Torba, orba, onba, smaki,
Deu-deu, cosmeteu,
Savor the bakas!”

Well, how did you like it? Very often now I hear on the street in response to such muttering of a child: “Stop talking nonsense!” But for a child this is not nonsense, but a lot of linguistic work, which is very necessary for his intellectual development! And after all, children themselves compose such rhymes and pass them on to each other, no one forces them. Why? Because in childhood, any child has a period of linguistic giftedness; he calmly and happily plays with sounds, syllables and words like a great linguist. Plays without rules and without our adult restrictions, with gusto and free imagination! And in such games he develops his linguistic abilities, which are necessary for mastering both native and foreign languages. Try, too, to feel like children and compose such an abstruse rhyme yourself or together with the kids (the kids will do it even better than you - I know from my own experience, and I’m always very happy for the kids). If you write something, share it in the comments, I will be very glad to read your work.

8 clever rhyming rhymes for children.

“Eny don trynka neli,
Misli masli kumpa teli,
Kumpa a
Kumpa be
Misli oil
Kumpa te!”

"Egede pegade
Tsugede me.
Aben faben
Ike pike
Don zone,
The hare is out!”

“Eniki - beniks,
Ate dumplings
Eniki, beniki,

“Lens, lenses,
Trinzes, lanzas,
Heel, armor,
Puff, puff,
Nine, bayonet."

"Yanza, Dwanza,
Three calanzes,
Heel, honeycomb,
You are beautiful
stem, oak tree,
Poppy cross."

“Ene-bene-riki, after all,
Tulle - gul-bul - kaliki - shvaki,

“Ene-bene - res,
Finter-finter zhes,
Eni-beni - slave,
Finter-finter toad!”

I remembered this rhyme; we used it in our childhood games in the yard.

"Azi, dvazi,
Trizi, risi,
Heel, armor,
Shooby, chop,
Dubi, cross.”

History of abstruse rhymes

Let's look at the last abstruse counting rhyme in more detail - it is fraught with a riddle - a secret. You'll find out which one now.

Despite the fact that it seems to us that there is no meaning in these rhymes, the meaning in them is very, very ancient.

Where did the abstruse counting rhymes come from? In the book “From epics to counting rhymes,” Vladimir Bakhtin suggests that these very ancient rhymes reflect the beliefs of ancient people. Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to count—you couldn’t count guests, loot, or objects. Why can't you count out loud? So that the spirits of the forest and lakes do not get angry with the hunter. There was a direct ban on recalculating production. And it was necessary to count. So they considered these encrypted words: “azi” or “odiny” is one, “dvazi” is two. And so on until ten. Ten in an abstruse counting rhyme is a “cross”. The cross is not accidental. In ancient times, when counting, after each ten, a notch was made on a special tablet. You've probably heard the expression “get on your nerves”, that's where it came from. Therefore, abstruse counting rhymes are an ancient code that, thanks to children's games, has come down to us.

That's how many interesting things the seemingly incomprehensible rhymes told us!

The third type of counting rhymes: counting rhymes - numbers

The third type of counting rhymes - counting rhymes - numbers, or counting rhymes with numbers . Number counters exist for children in different countries peace. I will give examples of several such rhymes.

“One, two - head,
Three, four - they sewed a dress,
Five, six - there is bread and salt,
Seven, eight - we mow hay,
Nine, ten—weigh flour.”

"One two three four five,
We're going to play.
A magpie flew to us
And I told you to drive.”

"One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang! Pow! Missed!
The gray bunny has galloped away!”

Interesting story behind this rhyme: story of a rhyme about a bunny. The history of this counting rhyme is very unusual. Its author is F. Miller, a teacher of literature and a poet of the 19th century. The famous lines “One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk” were written by him in the caption to the picture. But these lines have taken root so much that children are still considered that way. Only the continuation of the counting rhymes is very different! In some versions the bunny survived, in others they “took him to the hospital”, everything depended on the words the children came up with at the beginning of the counting. The children came up with all sorts of versions of the rhyme: “They took him to the hospital - he stole a mitten there,” “They brought him to the hospital - he refused to be treated,” and many others.

"One two three four five,
The mice went out for a walk.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard.
The mice ran away"

And this is also not quite a counting rhyme. This is S. Marshak's translation of one of the English songs. But children loved the words of the poems so much that now these lines are used among children as a counting rhyme or as words for an outdoor game.

"One two three four,
Five, six, seven,
Eight nine ten.
The white moon floats out.
Who will reach the month?
He’ll go and hide.”

“One, two – head.
Three, four - hooked up.
Five, six - to transport hay,
Seven, eight - we mow hay.
Nine, ten - weigh money.
Eleven twelve -
They fight in the street, they quarrel in the hut.”

The fourth type of counting rhymes is replacement counting rhymes.

In counting rhymes - substitutions, the last line is the player’s exit from the circle (“Shishel - out, out!”). These are the most common counting rhymes known to all of us.

"Glass, lemon-
Get out!"

"Under the mountain by the river
There lived gnomes - old people.
They have a bell hanging
Gold plated rings:
Get out quickly!”

“Aty-baty, the soldiers were coming.
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty - baht, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it’s me.”

"The horse is zealous
With a long mane
Jumping and jumping across the fields,
Here and there,
Here and there.
Where will he ride?
Get out of the circle!”

“The apple rolled around the garden.
Whoever caught him became the governor.
I heard it, came out, went up there.”

“The turtle put his tail between his legs
And she ran after the hare.
Got ahead -
If you don’t believe it, come out.”

"The car was walking dark forest
For some interest.
Exit on the letter S.
The letter C did not fit -
Exit on the letter A.
The letter A went to the cinema,
Exit on the letter O.
The letter O ends -
The games begin."

Often in rhyming rhymes you are asked to choose a word or number from the given text. And then the counting is said until the selected word. For example, a rhyme from my childhood:

“They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don’t detain good and honest people.”

The player chooses who he is (For example: “Tailor”), and then the counting is said before his word.

Very historical - from childhood: “There are cars in the garage - Volga, Lada, Zhiguli. Which one are you taking the keys from? 🙂

“A man was driving along the road,
Broke a wheel on the threshold,
How many nails do you need?
Don’t hesitate, speak quickly.”

Another counting rhyme, also from my childhood:

“The seagull warmed up the kettle,
She invited eight seagulls:
Come everyone for tea!
How many seagulls, answer.”

The player quickly names a number up to 10, for example, 8. Then we all count together from 1 to this number. For each count, we show with our hand on 1 player. Who will this affect? number - number 8 – he leaves the circle.

And at the end of the article there is a well-known modern song - the rhyme “We shared an orange.” Enjoy watching!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

If the teacher, at his discretion, will forIf you decide to create temporary teams, many students will feel this as an imposition of someone else’s will. Working in such a company appointed “from above” may even be perceived negatively by some students.

____ To avoid this, it is best to use different options for lots and counters. In the classroom, it is useful to use the same types of draws that students use during their games in the yard. Some others can be added to them, designed by the teacher himself.

____ When children play in their yard, they often use various drawings that allow, without disputes, “fairly”» choose who will lead, or determine the order in which its participants (or teams) enter the game.« The children are comforted by the expectation of a decision not from reasonable calculation, but from chance, from the will of fate,” the outstanding folklorist G.S. rightly noted back in 1930. Vinogradov. In resolving difficulties by chance, he saw a brilliant psychotherapeutic technique of folk pedagogy.

____ The famous folklorist V.P. attaches particular importance to children's drawings. Anikin, believing that folk games are a kind of school for the child. It is they, in the conditions of the play space, that force children to equally obey the general will, being the main means of socialization of the child, a means of introducing him to the observance of ethical standards and community rules.

____ Label. For each player they prepare the same label: stick, match, blade of grass. One of them is made shorter than the others. Then they are all clamped on one side into a fist, aligning the outer ends. And they take turns pulling lot. Whoever pulls out the short one drives.

Matches and sticks can be replaced with pieces of paper (cards). Then they put a cross on one and, rolling it up, mix it in a hat (or pocket). The one who pulls out leads mark.

____ Measure on a stick. This method is convenient when you have to choose a presenter from a few candidates. For example, among messengers from each team (or row) or among captains.

____ Take a stick (from a meter or more). One of the players grabs the lower end of the stick with his right hand. Right next to him, the second, third, etc. grab the stick with his right hands. When all participants in the draw have grabbed the stick, the first one moves his right hand up, grasping higher than the last one’s hand. Everyone else grabs their hands behind him. And so on until someone's hand won't capture the upper end of the stick. It falls to him lot.

____ Sometimes the last participant is left with such a small tip of the stick that problems arise. disputes, who will get the lot - him or the previous one. For this case there is game rule : The last player grabs the remaining tip of the stick with part of his palm and moves it around his head and shoulders. If he succeeds, then the lot remains with him. If not, then follow the previous one.

Based on materials from the book V.M. Bukatova and A.P. Ershova "I'm going to class: Reader on game teaching techniques"(M., 2000)

B They pick up as many identical sticks as there are participants in the game. One is marked. All sticks are placed in a box or drawer and mixed. Then the players take turns taking one stick. Whoever draws lots with a conditional mark will be the leader.

ABOUT One of the players makes a mark on one of the fingers of his hand (with earth, chalk, etc.). Each player chooses one finger. Whoever gets the marked finger starts the game or leads.

ABOUT One of the players hides the lot behind his back and says: “Whoever guesses correctly gets to lead.” Two players approach him, the drawer asks: “Who chooses the right hand and who chooses the left?”

After the answers, the drawer unclenches his fingers and shows which hand the lot is in.

By The number of players takes sticks, straws or pieces of paper. One of them should be shorter or longer. Each player draws lots. Whoever draws the longest or shortest stick is the one who drives.

ABOUT One of the players takes one end of the stick or rope, followed by the second, third, etc. Whoever gets the opposite end of the stick or rope leads or starts the game.

AND The players line up facing the leader and extend their arms forward, palms down. The presenter walks in front of the players, recites a poem, suddenly stops and touches the players’ hands. Those who did not have time to hide their hands become the driver.

AND The players divide into pairs, step aside and conspire among themselves, come up with names: one, for example, calls himself “moon”, and the other calls himself “sun”. The players conspire quietly so that the presenters do not hear. Then they approach the presenters and ask who they choose: the Moon or the sun? ( Cold water or black bread? Did you get lost behind the stove or drown yourself in a trough? Strawberries or raspberries? Blue bellflower or yellow St. John's wort? Etc.)

The presenters agree in advance who will be the first to choose in which pair. One chooses in the first pair, the other in the second.

AND The players stand in a circle. The leader walks around the circle and touches the players one by one. Players cover their eyes with their hands. After all the players close their eyes, the leader enters the circle, approaches any of the players and touches his hands. The player opens his eyes and the presenter asks him: “Wolf or hare?” The player portrays a wolf or a hare. The leader takes the wolves in one direction and the hares in the other.

1. Father chopped our log house,

Somewhere the key was defended.

Whoever finds it will go and drive it!

2. Grandma heated the bathhouse,

She defended her keys there

Whoever finds it will go and drive it.

3. The chimes sound loudly:

Bim-bom! Bim-bom!

Get out quickly!

4. I can't find my bread

Look, children.

Whoever finds it, lead it.

5. Vasya went into the woods,

I found blackberries there.

The bear jumped out with a roar,

Vasya also began to roar.

6. I count to five

I can't until ten.

One two Three,

Four five,

I'm going to look.

7. Grandfather sowed oats on the mountain,

And wheat too.

Who will clean all this up?

All we have to do is name it.

8. Someone is in my room

Turned everything upside down.

One, two, three - it's you.

9. You are going,

And you - run

You stand,

And you drive.

10. The breeze blows

And shakes the birch tree,

The windmill rotates its wings,

Turns grain into flour,

Don't look, my friend,

Come out to us and drive us.

11. Bunny sits in a ravine,

His ears just stick out.

One two three four five,

We need to catch the bunny.

12. The bunnies hid behind a bush.

If you go out early, you will become a wolf.

13. Why don't you come out?

What are you waiting for? I can `t get it.

There's a pie in our oven

Keeping up. So I'm waiting.

14. The apple was rolling

Past the garden, past the hail.

Whoever picks it up will come out.

15. On the green on the bush,

I find nuts.

And the nuts are all empty,

Only the shells are golden.

Who will find me nuts?

He'll drive!

16. Felt boots, boots

They walk along the path.

We just need to find out

Which one of us will go looking?

17. A merchant was driving along the road,

Suddenly the wheel came off.

How many nails do you need?

Fix that wheel?

18. One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

They pulled the weights sharply,

And there was a terrible ringing sound,

The mice ran away.

19. Wind, wind, breeze,

Our Sarbi is like a flower!

Just take a look with one eye,

Dance in front of us.

20. Mom bakes pies

Delicious and sweet.

Whoever takes it will go to drive.

21. Beautiful fox in the forest

I lured the rooster.

Its owner is among us.

He will start driving now.

22. Stand in a circle

We have to look for a driver!

23. The Moscow chimes are striking:

Bim-bom! Bim-bom!

Can you tell me what time it is?

24. In our wonderful garden

The oriole seems to chirp.

I count: one, two, three,

This chick is definitely you.

25. In young nettles -

Oriole chick.

You are beautiful and he is beautiful

Handsome man, come out!

26. The bunny jumped across the field

And I was looking for grass for myself.

Who will find grass for him?

He'll drive now.

27. At - two in boots,

The commander is ours in bast shoes.

Prepared by instructor

according to FC Stepanova L.N.