Drawing lots - rules of the game. Physical education card index on the topic: Draws and counting rhymes of Chuvash outdoor games

B They pick up as many identical sticks as there are participants in the game. One is marked. All sticks are placed in a box or drawer and mixed. Then the players take turns taking one stick. Whoever draws lots with a conditional mark will be the leader.

ABOUT One of the players makes a mark on one of the fingers of his hand (with earth, chalk, etc.). Each player chooses one finger. Whoever gets the marked finger starts the game or leads.

ABOUT One of the players hides the lot behind his back and says: “Whoever guesses correctly gets to lead.” Two players approach him, the drawer asks: “Who chooses the right hand and who chooses the left?”

After the answers, the drawer unclenches his fingers and shows which hand the lot is in.

By The number of players takes sticks, straws or pieces of paper. One of them should be shorter or longer. Each player draws lots. Whoever pulls out the longest or shortest stick leads.

ABOUT One of the players takes one end of the stick or rope, followed by the second, third, etc. Whoever gets the opposite end of the stick or rope leads or starts the game.

AND The players line up facing the leader and extend their arms forward, palms down. The presenter walks in front of the players, recites a poem, suddenly stops and touches the players’ hands. Those who did not have time to hide their hands become the driver.

AND The players divide into pairs, step aside and conspire among themselves, come up with names: one, for example, calls himself “moon”, and the other calls himself “sun”. The players conspire quietly so that the presenters do not hear. Then they approach the presenters and ask who they choose: the Moon or the sun? ( Cold water or black bread? Did you get lost behind the stove or drown yourself in a trough? Strawberries or raspberries? Blue bellflower or yellow St. John's wort? Etc.)

The presenters agree in advance who will be the first to choose in which pair. One chooses in the first pair, the other in the second.

AND The players stand in a circle. The leader walks around the circle and touches the players one by one. Players cover their eyes with their hands. After all the players close their eyes, the leader enters the circle, approaches any of the players and touches his hands. The player opens his eyes and the presenter asks him: “Wolf or hare?” The player portrays a wolf or a hare. The leader takes the wolves in one direction and the hares in the other.

1. Father chopped our log house,

Somewhere the key was defended.

Whoever finds it will go and drive it!

2. Grandma heated the bathhouse,

She defended her keys there

Whoever finds it will go and drive it.

3. The chimes sound loudly:

Bim-bom! Bim-bom!

Get out quickly!

4. I can't find my bread

Look, children.

Whoever finds it, lead it.

5. Vasya went into the woods,

I found blackberries there.

The bear jumped out with a roar,

Vasya also began to roar.

6. I count to five

I can't until ten.

One two Three,

Four five,

I'm going to look.

7. Grandfather sowed oats on the mountain,

And wheat too.

Who will clean all this up?

All we have to do is name it.

8. Someone is in my room

Turned everything upside down.

One, two, three - it's you.

9. You are going,

And you - run

You stand,

And you drive.

10. The breeze blows

And shakes the birch tree,

The windmill rotates its wings,

Turns grain into flour,

Don't look, my friend,

Come out to us and drive us.

11. Bunny sits in a ravine,

His ears just stick out.

One two three four five,

We need to catch the bunny.

12. The bunnies hid behind a bush.

If you go out early, you will become a wolf.

13. Why don't you come out?

What are you waiting for? I can `t get it.

There's a pie in our oven

Keeping up. So I'm waiting.

14. The apple was rolling

Past the garden, past the hail.

Whoever picks it up will come out.

15. On the green on the bush,

I find nuts.

And the nuts are all empty,

Only the shells are golden.

Who will find me nuts?

He'll drive!

16. Felt boots, boots

They walk along the path.

We just need to find out

Which one of us will go looking?

17. A merchant was driving along the road,

Suddenly the wheel came off.

How many nails do you need?

Fix that wheel?

18. One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

They pulled the weights sharply,

And there was a terrible ringing sound,

The mice ran away.

19. Wind, wind, breeze,

Our Sarbi is like a flower!

Just take a look with one eye,

Dance in front of us.

20. Mom bakes pies

Delicious and sweet.

Whoever takes it will go to drive.

21. Beautiful fox in the forest

I lured the rooster.

Its owner is among us.

He will start driving now.

22. Stand in a circle

We have to look for a driver!

23. The Moscow chimes are striking:

Bim-bom! Bim-bom!

Can you tell me what time it is?

24. In our wonderful garden

The oriole seems to chirp.

I count: one, two, three,

This chick is definitely you.

25. In young nettles -

Oriole chick.

You are beautiful and he is beautiful

Handsome man, come out!

26. The bunny jumped across the field

And I was looking for grass for myself.

Who will find grass for him?

He'll drive now.

27. At - two in boots,

The commander is ours in bast shoes.

Prepared by instructor

according to FC Stepanova L.N.

Anyone who has seen broadcasts of the draws of previous tournaments can imagine how boring and drawn-out this procedure seems. Bleacherreport reporters came up with several ways to add some flavor to today's ceremony. "RG" brings to your attention the most interesting of them.

Play the lottery

To do this, you won’t have to change the drawing procedure at all, but it will become much more exciting for the audience. First, we need to issue special bingo cards that anyone can buy for a small amount. Proceeds will go to charity.

And then, if the sequence of the drawn balls matches the one indicated on your card, you are entitled to a cash prize. Of course, this is an unprofitable enterprise for FIFA, but, on the other hand, the 22 sponsors of the International Federation of Football Associations are quite capable of covering possible expenses.

Place in one of the spider balls

The Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most poisonous in the world. What if a ball with such a “comrade” appears in Pot X, which will be created in order to separate European teams into groups? Adrenaline is guaranteed for the spectators and participants of such a show. Of course, the matter can end in death, but there is also a positive aspect: it is believed that the venom of the wandering spider prolongs erection.

Arrange a draw for stripping

As is known, the procedure will be carried out by famous football players of the past: Alcides Giggia, Geoff Hurst, Cafu, Fabio Cannavaro, Mario Kempes, Fernando Hierro, Zinedine Zidane and Lothar Matthaus. Let the participants in the draw name the country before pulling out the ball: if they guess right, the procedure continues, if not, they need to take off some of their clothes. TV ratings for such a show will be guaranteed.

Conduct a competition for accuracy

Let the players choose their groups themselves. It is necessary to make a massive screen with eight holes according to the number of groups. Next, a football player from each of the 32 teams receives the right to strike. Which group a particular team will fall into depends on the accuracy of its player. If there are already four balls in the hole, it closes. The order of kicks can be set according to the FIFA rating.

Turn your broadcast into a celebration

It must be admitted that the above proposed methods to stir up the draw are quite radical for FIFA and are unlikely to be used in the near future. But no one can stop you from having a party during the draw. For example, you can play a drinking game.

every time Blatter speaks - 1 sip

bad joke from the presenters - 2 sips

balloon that doesn't open or problems reading the country - 2 sips

mention of the words "samba" and "carnival" - 1 sip

demonstration of videos from previous ceremonies - 3 sips

retrieving your team from the basket - a deep drink

Children's counting rhymes are a necessary part of children's outdoor games. After all, you almost always need to choose a driver. And this must be done honestly, without deception, fairly. Previously, rhymes for choosing a leader or establishing a turn in a game were popularly called “draws” or “fortune tellers.” The name “counting tables” was coined by folklore collectors. Although, in fact, counting is found only in counting tables. But this name has become so firmly established in everyday life that now it is even difficult to imagine that “counting tables” could be called something else.

Learn counting rhymes with your children! This will not only help them develop their memory and become familiar with Russian folk culture, but will also increase their “rating” among their peers.

Children's rhymes can be very different: long and short, easy and not very easy to remember, ancient and modern. But one property unites them - they are necessarily rhythmic.

Without pretending to be ethnographically accurate, we divided the nursery rhymes into several groups:

Children's counting rhymes

Counting books are counting books with numbers. Sometimes, however, these numbers are difficult to find out. They are distorted, disguised. For example, instead of “One, two,” “Pervodan, friends” or “Pervodan, friend” appear. These distorted words were born in the adult language. After all, they once believed that a word, and especially a number, was a magical thing. And since it’s magical, it means it’s dangerous. Therefore, there was a ban on counting with the “correct” numbers. But somehow it was necessary to count - so they came up with such “substitutes”. Then the ban went away, and its echoes remained in children's rhymes.

Examples of children's number counters:

One two three four five -

The boys came out to play

Yes, choose a driver.

It became Rodivon,

Let him get out of here!

One two three four -

Just jump on the floor!

One-two - lace,

Three or four - the dress was sewn,

Five or six - eat porridge

Seven or eight - we ask for money.

In our little company

Someone stole the wand.

One two Three -

That's right it will be you!

Firstborns, friends -

The little pigeons were flying.

By God's dew,

In someone else's lane.

There are cones, nuts,

Honey, sugar,

Get out, little wren.

First given, drug given,

On the fourth please!

Basics, dvazys,

Treasures, vestments,

Heel, armor,

Tuni, muni.

Abstruse nursery rhymes

Scientists have no idea about the origin of abstruse rhymes consensus. Some believe that these are the most ancient rhymes, originating from ancient spells and conspiracies. Other researchers prove that they go back to Latin numerals. Some even believe that the abstruse rhymes are distorted prayer texts in Hebrew. But, in any case, this type of counting rhyme is very ancient. By the way, their texts are similar throughout multilingual Europe. Abstruse counting rhymes are frozen fragments of ancient cultures, formulas devoid of any meaning, but mesmerizing the child with their rhythm.

Examples of abstruse counting rhymes:

Eni, beni, ricky, faki,

Tur-ba-ba, scribbles, shmaki.

Daewoo, Daewoo, Cranodaewoo.


Bitken batken,






Oh bar bo bar

Beyond the Borzi,

Oh bar bo bar

Atki-p A you are sensitive e,

Abolish-abolish domain uh,


Anki-shingles I'm eating,

Cheber-feber fu erfu,

An dan, Dugestan,

Uda vida, uda kan.

Ancient and modern Russian children's story rhymes

Story rhymes are the main group of children's rhymes. It is very difficult to determine the time of creation of this or that text, to understand which ones came to us from hoary antiquity, and which ones appeared quite recently. After all, rhymes are constantly changing, absorbing new words and realities of the world around us. For example, this rather old rhyme, “Vanya was riding on a cart...” has found a new “protagonist”:

Luntik rode on a cart,

He distributed nuts to everyone,

Some are two, some are three,

Get out of the circle!

But, nevertheless, in some children's story rhymes one can trace traces different eras. Here, the late Russian Middle Ages:

They sat on the golden porch,

Tsar, prince,

King, prince,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be?

And here is the 17th-19th century:

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Aty-Bati, what did you buy?

Aty bata samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Atty baht, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, you and me.

The master was riding in a tarantass,

The cockroach was crushed.

And for this adventure

Paid three and a half

Dora-Dora, tomato,

We caught a thief in the garden.

They began to think and guess,

How can we punish a thief?

We tied our hands and feet,

And they let us go on our way.

The thief walked, walked, walked,

And I found a basket.

In this little basket

There is lipstick and perfume,

Ribbons, lace boots,

Anything for the soul.

These children's rhymes are quite modern - the beginning and middle of the 20th century:

The house is tall, three-story,

At the top there is a long whistle.

How he whistles, howls,

He invites everyone to the factory.

The car was walking through a dark forest,

For some interest


Exit with the letter "E"

The letter "E" didn't fit

Exit on the letter "A".

Although such counting rhymes are called plot rhymes, this plot is often surprisingly illogical and arbitrary. Children's imagination, not bound by adult experience, has no boundaries! In children's rhymes, not only an apple, a ball or a ring is rolled, but also objects that are not intended for “rolling” at all: a bag, an apple tree, a blue dress. Children's rhymes are very dynamic. Someone or something is constantly “rolling”, “riding”, “walking” in them. But “sitting” or “standing” is very rare.

Examples of children's story rhymes:

The apple was rolling

Around the garden.

Who raised him

That governor.

The bag was rolling

From a high hump;

In this bag there is bread, wheat,

It's rolling downhill

Blue dress.

There is a green bow on the side,

The musician loves you!

Glass, lemon,

Get out!

Glass of water,

Come out!

Vanya was traveling from Kazan,

One and a half hundred rubles sleigh,

Twenty-five rubles arc,

The boy is the girl's servant.

You servant, bring the carriage,

And I will sit down and go,

You servant, give me the broom,

I'll sweep the carriage.

Karl Ivanovich with a long nose

He came to me with a question:

“How to get rid of this nose,

So that it doesn’t grow any more?” -

"You take rosin

And anoint it lengthwise,

And then anointed

Pick with a chisel."

A trader walked past the market,

Tripped over a basket

And fell into the hole - Boom,

Squished forty flies.

A soldier was walking from the hospital,

I found white mittens

I thought and thought about what to do -

I decided to put it on my feet.

Under the mountain by the river

Old gnomes live.

They have a bell hanging

Gilded rings:

Digi-don, digi-don -

Get out of the circle!

A little boy

Sat down on a glass

plays the pipe,

The king is amused.

For the king's amusement,

He's in trouble.

A goat walked along the bridge

And she waved her tail.

Got caught on the railing

It landed right in the river!

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Get out of the circle!

I'll go find the pipe

I'll walk along the street.

Have fun, duda, dudi,

We're playing, you drive!

You can also count as “elimination”. True, this takes quite a lot of time, because “in O"doy" will be the one who remains last in the circle. Modern children, catching the ever-increasing rhythm of the world around them, are rarely considered this way - never. And before – about seventy years ago – this was the main method of counting. Any counting rhyme can be considered. Whoever gets the last syllable leaves the circle and does not participate further in the drawing. And so on until the last one remains. But the counting rhyme “The cuckoo walked past the net...” is a counting rhyme specifically for elimination. They are calculated like this:

Children stand in a circle, clench both hands into a fist and put them forward. The one assigned to count lightly taps his fists for each word of the counting count:

A cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

Everyone shouted "Ku-ku-mak"

Unclench one fist!

The one who had to last word counting rhymes, unclenches his fist and hides his hand behind his back. The counting is repeated. The driver can be either the one who is the first to unclench two fists, or the one whose fist remains the last.

There are children's story rhymes “with a continuation”. For example, like this:

A man was driving along the road,

Broke a wheel on the doorstep

How many nails do you need?

Don't hesitate, speak quickly!

The one who received the last syllable must quickly name the number. You can stipulate that the number should not exceed 10 (20, 30 - as agreed). For example, the number five is named. Then the counting begins again:

A man was driving along the road,

Broke a wheel on the way.

You need five nails: one, two, three, four, five!

The one who gets the count of five is “in O Yes".

The same counting rhyme “continued” is the well-known children’s rhyme “They sat on the golden porch...”. When the words “Who will you be?” are said, then the one who is pointed out by the presenter at the word “such” must quickly name one of the “heroes” sitting on the porch: “king”, “king”, “shoemaker”... After In this case, the counting starts from the beginning and is counted up to the selected character. Whoever this word hits is the one who comes out.

Author's nursery rhymes

The sources of the rhymes, of course, also included original, literary texts by children’s poets. Any poem can become a reading table, as long as it is not too long and rhythmic.

I am an animal

And you are an animal

I am a mouse

You are a ferret

You are cunning

Who is smart -

He came out!

(Samuel Marshak)

A squad was walking down the street -

Forty boys in a row:

For four,

And four times

And then four more.

(Daniil Kharms)

Listen guys

I want to tell you:

Our kittens were born -

There are exactly five of them.

Once - the kitten is the whitest,

Two - the kitten is the bravest,

Three is the smartest kitten,

And Four is the noisiest.

Five is similar to Three and Two -

The same tail and head

The same spot on the back,

He also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are good -

One two three four five!

Come visit us guys

(Sergey Mikhalkov)

Mu-ra-vey runs along the path,

There are studs on his pants

And there are two holes in the pockets -

You're getting out of the game!

(Mikhail Yasnov)

Chicken - KUROCHKIN.

Duckling - UTOCCHKIN.

The puppy is a DOG.




(Mikhail Yasnov)

A hedgehog came out of the fog

He took the knife out of his pocket.

He took out the pebbles and chalk,

He smiled as best he could.

He gave me everything he took out,

And again he disappeared in the fog.

(Veronica Dolina)

And now that everything has been counted, you can play , or!

Children's meetings and drawing lots for dividing into teams.

In order to “fairly” divide into teams, children in Rus' used verbal drawings - conspiracies. This was done using a question containing a choice. The questions could be very different. The following questions were usually born on the basis of fairy tales, riddles, and proverbs:

  • “Is the sun red or the month clear?”
  • “A black horse or a daring Cossack?”
  • “A pouring apple or a golden saucer?”
  • Often such collusion questions were of a humorous nature:
  • “Did you get lost on the stove or drown in a plate?”
  • “A bump in the forehead or a bang in the ear?”

They carried out the collusion-draw like this. Two "uteruses" or, speaking modern language, captains of future teams - stepped aside and agreed on what question they would ask. It was also determined which of the “queens” the player who chose one or another answer to the question would join. When they have agreed on this, they shout to the others “It’s possible!” After which the children come up to them one by one in pairs. One of the children in the pair is quietly asked (so that the others don’t hear) a question, for example: “A fairy tale or a bunch of bagels?” The child (also quietly) reports what he chose. For example, he chose “fairy tale”. Then they show him with words or gestures which of the “queens” he should join. The second child from the couple goes to another team. After this, the next pair comes up and everything repeats all over again. In the end, all the children will be divided into two teams. Such draws are suitable for forming teams in many Russian folk games, for example, in or less known, but very dynamic.

A modern simple and well-known way to divide children into teams is to pay in numerical order. But to make it more fun, you can pay not with numbers but, for example, with trees, flowers - or anything else! For example, an adult driver walks along the children’s line and, touching the children in turn, says: “bunny, squirrel, hedgehog, bunny, squirrel, hedgehog...”. After this, those who were called a bunny are asked to take a step forward - here is the team of bunnies. They will stand to the right of the leader. Then the foxes come forward. Their team is asked to stand to the left of the leader. Well, the hedgehogs remain in place. Here we have three teams, but you can have as many as you like. If you share teenagers, you can come up with something more intricate, for example: hummocks, stumps, marsh flowers.

Counting books are part of children's gaming culture and folk culture in general, they have not lost their popularity to this day. Many other elements of Russian gaming folklore, unfortunately, have become almost exotic today. For example, the traditional way of folk pedagogy to prepare girls for her future maternal destiny. Rituals and winter folk amusements were a little more fortunate - Lately interest in them has grown significantly.

Drawing lots is included as an integral element in almost every game, but she herself is a game. Fascinating, gambling and... kind!

The drawing of lots was born as a certain ritual based on practical activities a person in whose life situations of choice often arose, situations of testing fate. His very life sometimes depended on it. For example, ancient pagan people cast lots - and someone went to the fire as a sacrifice to the idol god. The medieval knights abandoned them - and one of them became the slave of a beautiful lady forever. Who should go on overtime reconnaissance? Who should stand guard after a long, grueling march? Who would go into the water without knowing the ford? Who will be the first to descend into a crevice in the earth or to the bottom of a deep and long-abandoned mine? How many such and similar questions were decided by lot!

It is not surprising that everyone who plays, even children, takes the ritual of drawing lots seriously.

Intercepting the stick. To determine the driver (or walker), those wishing to play They take a long stick in their hand (the size is arbitrary), one of them grabs it from below to the full width of the palm, another grabs the stick next to it, the third joins them and grabs the stick higher, the fourth even higher - and so on until the very end. Whoever makes the roof, that is, whose hand is on the top cut of the stick, gets to bare it. If players a little and at one time they all together cannot reach the top of the stick, they are forced to use their second hand.

Throwing fingers. All those present play By team throw one hand forward, leaving several fingers clenched and several straightened (from one to five). The number of open fingers is, of course, different for everyone. Their total amount is calculated, and a count is made for each to the player(from whom to count - agree in advance). Whoever ends up with the score gets to score.

The shortest match. They choose one who, unnoticed by everyone, breaks off the ends of the matches (or maybe even sticks) to different lengths, then collects them in one row and clamps them with his hand so that only the upper ends of the matches, aligned along the same line, are visible. The number of matches is taken according to the number of players. Whoever pulls out the shortest match gets to bare.

A cap. Depending on the number of players, take pieces of paper identical in color and shape. On one of them they make the inscription: “Leader.” The leaves are rolled into a tube and placed in a hat. There they are mixed without looking. Then they let everyone draw a tube to the player; whoever comes across a piece of paper with an inscription should take it. When to choose games several characters, for example a wolf and a hare, a grandmother and a little rabbit, then write all these names on different pieces of paper - and who gets what.

Throwing rounders. When playing with the ball, they play, that is, they set the order of hitting the ball and thus reach one position sequentially. Everyone throws their stick (bat) as far as possible and in one direction. The one with the stick that flies the farthest hits first, the one with the closest hits last.

Throwing a bat. The principle of drawing lots is the same as in ball games, only the sticks (bats) are thrown not with the hand, but with the foot. To do this, place the bat with one end on the toe of the boot and support it with the other with your hand. Then they take the leg with the bat back and sharply push it forward. Whoever's bat flies the furthest starts game(to towns, villages, etc.).

winnowing grain. This a game was held before the autumn cabbage gatherings. The girls cast lots: which of them would start the cabbage evenings, who would continue, who would finish. To do this, they went to the drain where there were heaps of unwinnowed grain. They cleared the area, over which they had to winnow their grain in turn - each with a sieve. They took turns standing in the same place and tapping on the sieve, letting the chaff float in the wind. Whoever has the chaff closest to him should be the first to invite his girlfriends to chop cabbage. Noticed the consistency of the chaff mounds in others; This sequence was observed when carrying out the cabbages.

Counting books. Games with them are very popular among children. The presenter counts out loud (more recently, professional poets have begun to compose counting rhymes), usually in sequences, each time touching one of the participants games. Whoever “hits” the last syllable will either be eliminated or go naked. (For more information on counting rhymes, see the “Games with words” section.)

The invention relates to mass collective events and can be used when drawing lots of a large number of participants, when it is necessary to randomly select a participant for his subsequent participation in the next stage of the event.

There are known methods of drawing lots in games, for example, based on the choice of an object in the judge’s hand. These methods are applicable only for the purpose of selecting 1 out of 2. In case of multiple draw, when it is necessary to assign certain numbers to teams, pre-prepared numbers according to the number of participating teams are lowered into the ballot box. Then the names of the teams are called one by one and for each of them a number is drawn from the ballot box. A draw with seeding is used when holding competitions with the division of teams into subgroups. When teams are dispersed, subgroups of approximately equal strength can be formed. Two methods of scattering are used: scattering by lot and scattering using the “snake” method.

The dispersal by lot is carried out as follows. After determining the principle of dispersion, the number of teams corresponding to the number of subgroups is taken, and lots are cast between them for distribution into subgroups. Then the next group of teams is distributed in the same way, etc. Either all teams or part of the teams may be subject to dispersion. This is provided for by the competition regulations. If some of the teams are dissipated, then the remaining teams are distributed into subgroups by a pure draw.

Scattering using the “snake” method is carried out as follows. Teams are assigned numbers in accordance with their place in previous competitions, and the teams are distributed “snake” into subgroups. When teams are scattered into two subgroups, the “snake” configuration is one, and when teams are scattered into three groups or more, it is different. When dispersing using the “snake” method, conditional equality is created in subgroups.

An automated draw is known, in which numbers are computer generated using a pseudo algorithm random numbers. Its disadvantage is also the limitation of the number of participants who are entered manually into machine calculations. With thousands and millions of participants, a random number generator can handle and select one, but entering such a number into the database manually quickly takes a lot of time. short term is not possible or requires large expenditures of human resources and computer equipment.

The disadvantage of this draw is the technical complexity of its implementation, when the task is to draw lots among a large number of participants in the event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions, in order to select only one from this set.

No known method solves the problem of drawing lots among a large number of participants in an event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions, in order to select only one from this set.

The purpose of the invention is to solve this problem.

The technical result of the invention is to simplify the drawing of lots when large number participants of the event, eliminating the need for participants to memorize information, no limit on the number of participants in the event. Also, the technical result is the elimination of restrictions on the rights of participants, by excluding participation in the drawing process of persons who are not actually participating in the event, for example, if there is free seats for participants in the absence of the people themselves at the event.

The specified technical result is achieved through the method of drawing lots, in which the organizer ensures that each participant in the event receives and registers an application, as well as informing participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic drawing ticket, then the drawing is carried out in such a way that the process of determining winning numbers drawing tickets are carried out in at least one round, an application for participation in the drawing is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the drawing, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the drawing and the number assigned to the participant; numbers are assigned to the participant in the draw in the order in which applications are received in real time; the draw is carried out for one of the tickets using a lottery machine, which is configured to limit the possible combinations of dropped numbered lotto balls, taking into account the conditions: the total number of dropped lotto balls is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of drawn tickets; The first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number are limited by possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the dropped number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets.

Brief description of drawings

In FIG. Figure 1 shows the principle of generating lottery ticket numbers when registering tickets by users.

In FIG. Figure 2 shows the principle of forming balls with numbers that can be played in a lottery machine.

In FIG. Figure 3 shows an example of the design and operating principle of a lottery machine.

In FIG. Figure 4 shows an example of the structure of a lottery ball and a chute (sectional end view).

Carrying out the invention

The method of drawing lots is carried out by the fact that its participants become the owners of certain drawing tickets, which are simply serial numbers that are assigned to each newly registered drawing ticket. When organizing a draw, users wishing to participate in it register identification data about their identity on the website of the server of the organizer of the draw. Data about users is correlated with numbers that are assigned to the application of the participant in the draw, and which becomes the number of the electronic draw ticket. The draw is carried out only among numbers for which applications have been registered. The user submits and registers an application for participation in the draw by depositing a set amount during the circulation cycle.

If there is a need to form a draw among tickets, and not among participants, the number of tickets purchased by one participant in the draw may in this case be unlimited.

Registration of a participant and issuance of an electronic draw ticket or its number serves as the basis for the emergence of civil legal relations, according to which the participant has the right to participate in the draw and, if the draw is drawn, to apply for further participation in the event, for example, as a host or main player , main character, etc.

Similarly, you can draw lots when selling travel documents, for example, railway transport or air transport using ticket serial numbers. In this case, when selling a ticket, the passenger declares his desire to participate in the draw, and the cashier registers his participation and, using a ticket printing machine, indicates on the ticket the attributes necessary for the draw, including the serial number of the ticket. In this case, the travel ticket, after being used for its intended purpose, remains with the user as a draw card and, if the ticket is drawn, can be presented for participation in a certain promotion or event.

The advantage of the proposed method of conducting a draw is the ease of participation, which does not require the participant to memorize any information, and even the absence of the need to carry out any actions other than confirming the will to participate, on the one hand, and on the other hand, conducting such a draw allows you to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the main service provided to the user in a particular service area.

The method is carried out as follows.

Users 2 register on server 1 and enter their registration data. At the time of purchasing a ticket, server 1 assigns a number to ticket 3 in accordance with the time of submitting an application for such a purchase. The number is assigned according to the order in which the application was submitted (see Fig. 1). The number of applications submitted for the purchase of tickets corresponds to the total number of combination options played. Those. If N tickets are purchased, then all numbers with N combinations participate in the drawing. The drawing of lots is carried out using a lottery machine 12 (see Fig. 2), which can be implemented, for example, on the basis of the following device (see Fig. 2). A processor or microcontroller 5 is placed inside the housing of the lottery machine 12. An information storage device 4 can also be placed, to which a record of the numbers database is received from the server 1, or information about the numbers being drawn is sent directly to the processor or microcontroller 5.

The start of operation of the lottery machine 12 depends on the combination of the number that needs to be played in all possible combinations. For example, if total number combinations N=ABCDEF, where A, B, C, D, E, F are certain numbers from 0 to 9, this means that the lottery machine must spin six reels with balls.

The processor or microcontroller 5 issues a command to first load the leftmost reel with 6 balls with numbers from 0 to 3.

This loading can be performed, for example, by means of a loading module 14 moving along the drums, loaded with balls 17 (see Fig. 3). Module 14 is divided into 10 sections, each of which contains balls with corresponding numbers from 0 to 9. When it is necessary to load ball 17 into one of the drums 6, 7, 8, 9, module 14 rides up, for example, on the guides of the corresponding section 15, the section rotates along its axis and through hole 18 unloads one of the balls when hole 18 coincides with the loading hole 16 into the drum. When the balls with all the required numbers are loaded into the drum in this way, the drum is rocked, shuffling the balls. After which, for example, as shown in FIG. 3, drum 6 is turned over with hole 16 down and only one ball 17 is unloaded through it. Ball 17, having fallen out of the drum, falls onto a special inclined chute 13, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader 19. RFID tags 20 are installed inside each ball 17 (see Fig. 4), corresponding to the numbers of the balls. When the reader 19 initiates the tag 20, the data is transmitted to the processor 5 or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers with which balls can be loaded into the next reel. After which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the second ball is repeated in a similar way for the next reel 7, then for reels 8, 9, etc., if drawing numbers of a higher order is required. After the end of the drawing, the balls 17 can be loaded back into the module 14 manually or by an automatic feeder.

The described example of a lottery machine is one of the possible variations of its technical implementation. The lottery machine can be made in the form of an electronic scoreboard, where the numbers are randomly generated. It is also possible to implement a simple lottery machine, where balls are loaded and distributed manually. Each of these implementation options makes it possible to implement the claimed method.

For example, you need to play 347853 combinations for any number from 000001 to 347853. Balls with numbers from 0 to 3 are loaded into the left drum. If the numbers 0, 1, 2 are dropped, then all balls with numbers from 0 to 9 are loaded into the next drum If the number 3 is rolled, then only balls with numbers from 0 to 4 are loaded into the next drum. The loading of balls into all other drums is distributed in the same way from left to right. This is how each next ball is drawn for the entire row of a six-digit number. As a result, one single number of any number from 000001 to 347853 is drawn, which will be the number of the drawn lot.

Information sources

1. http://medicalplanet.su/reabilitatia/106.html

2. http://ru.convdocs.org/docs/index-110939.html?page=3#1281686

3. http://support.ystok.ru/doc/tournament/ug/help.html?cont


A method of drawing lots, in which the organizer ensures that each participant in the event receives and registers an application, as well as informing the participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic drawing ticket, then the drawing is carried out in such a way that the process of determining the winning numbers of the drawing tickets is carried out at least in one round, an application for participation in the draw is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the draw, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; numbers are assigned to the participant in the draw in the order in which applications are received in real time; the draw is carried out for one of the tickets using a lottery machine, which is configured to limit the possible combinations of dropped numbered lotto balls, taking into account the conditions: the total number of dropped lotto balls is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of draw tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number are limited by possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the dropped number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of tickets; a lottery ball falling out of the drum falls onto a special inclined chute, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader, and inside each ball there are RFID tags corresponding to the numbers of the balls; when the reader initiates a tag, the data is transmitted to the processor or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers with which balls can be loaded into the next reel; after which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the next ball is repeated similarly for the next drum, if drawing numbers of a higher order is required.

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