Star kids group lee minho. Composition and biographies of Stray Kids band members, latest news and interesting facts. History of creation and composition

Stray Kids (Korean: 스트레이 키즈) is a South Korean boy band formed in 2017 by JYP Entertainment through a reality show of the same name.

The group consists of nine members: Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Lee Know, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Kim Seungmin and I.N.

They released their pre-debut mini-album Mixtape on January 8, 2018, and made their official debut on March 26 with the mini-album I Am Not.

Stage name: Chan / Chan / 찬

Real name: Christopher Bang

Korean name: Bang Chan / 방찬

Nickname: Kangaroo / Kangaroo / Koala / Koala

Position in the group: leader, rapper, vocalist, dancer

Height: 172 cm

Blood type: O (I)

Zodiac sign: Libra

Stray Kids sub-unit: 3RACHA

Motto: "Just Enjoy" (Father Chan's words);

Languages: English (native), Korean, Chinese;

Favorite season: spring and autumn;

Role model: father, rapper Drake, football player Cristiano Ronaldo;

Hobbies: playing sports;

Habit: Comb your hair to the right side;

Features: be very active during training;

Describe yourself: “Universal cheat key hee hee”;

Impressions of appearing in Stray Kids: “It was fun! I learned a lot and I liked it”;

DAY6's Dawn on Chan: “There was a guy I practiced with in the past. We lived together for some time. He always invited me to eat with him in a funny way. “Do you want ramen?” (with accent). - I was wondering what kind of speech this was. When I was a trainee, I received a lot of help from him. He was a trainee for a long time and was very good.”;

Was supposed to debut in GOT7, but BamBam was taken into the group instead;

Was an intern for seven years;

Chan said: "If I weren't a singer, I would like to be an athlete or an actor";

In the dormitory, Chan is assigned the role of cook.

Kim Woojin

Stage Name: Woojin/우진

Real name: Kim Woo Jin / 김우진

Nickname: Bear / Shrek / Shrek

Place of birth: Bucheon, South Korea

Position in the group: vocalist

Height: 178 cm

Blood type: B (III)

Zodiac sign: Aries

Education: School of Performing Arts Seoul (School of Performing Arts, Seoul);

Motto: “Let's not do things we'll regret”;

Attractive feature: dimples;

Habit: scratching the neck;

Describe yourself: “A real man Woojin”;

Role in the dorm: hyung who loves the younger ones;

Hobbies: listening to music, shopping, fencing;

Favorite season: autumn;

Favorite food: chicken with cheese;

Favorite song: Maroon 5 – “Payphone”;

Impressions of appearing on Stray Kids: “Fun since the first broadcast!”;

Was an intern for two years;

Can play guitar and piano;

Before joining JYP Entertainment, he was a trainee at Fantagio Entertainment; Woojin also trained with NCT members at SM Entertainment;

Friends with NCT's Jungwoo;

If Woojin wasn't part of Stray Kids, he would have become a music teacher;

Loves horror films;

Likes to play games;

The reason why Woojin decided to become a singer was because he loved singing since childhood;

I did kendo (Japanese) contemporary art fencing).

Stage name: Lee Know / 리노

Real name: Lee Min Ho / Lee Min Ho / 이민호

Nickname: Ya

Place of birth: Gimpo, South Korea

Position in the group: dancer, vocalist

Height: 172 cm

Blood type: O (I)

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Education: Gimpo Jeil Technical High School;

Motto: “Eat well, live well”;

Habit: snapping fingers;

Describe yourself: “Cute little glutton”;

Role model: Ok Taec Yeon from 2PM;

Role in the dormitory: cleanliness inspector, hyung-psychologist;

Favorite song: 2PM “10 out of 10”;

Favorite food: not picky and can eat anything;

Hobbies: walking, dancing and watching movies;

Favorite time of year: late autumn;

Favorite color: mint;

Impressions of joining Stray Kids: “There are many people here who support me and give me motivation for further development”;

Minho is left-handed;

Joined JYP Entertainment in 2017, Minho's trainee period is the shortest among Stray Kids members;

He independently choreographed the song of their group - “Hellevator”;

Was a backup dancer for BTS;

Suffers from acrophobia (acrophobia - fear of heights).

Seo Changbin

Stage name: Changbin / Changbin / 창빈

Real name: Seo Chang Bin / Seo Chang Bin / 서창빈

Nickname: Mogi

Place of Birth: Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Height: 169 cm

Blood type: O (I)

Zodiac sign: Leo

Stray Kids sub-unit: 3RACHA;

Education: Borah High School ( High school Borah);

Motto: “Let's live with positive thoughts and enjoy life”;

Role Model: Mom and Dad, Big Bang's G-Dragon;

Hobbies: listening to music, shopping;

Favorite season: autumn;

Attractive trait: being lively, active, being serious;

Favorite song: “Hellevator”;

Habit: crossing your legs, putting your hands in your pockets;

Role in the dorm: “I clean the biggest room, which eventually gets dirty anyway, haha”;

Reason why I decided to become a singer: “I rapped and danced on school competition talents, and it was a pleasure to watch the reaction of the audience, which I will never forget. It made me think about a career as a performer";

Describe yourself: “Witty and moody”;

Impressions of appearing on Stray Kids: “It was fun to see myself on TV”;

Ideal type of girl: A girl who can laugh with him when they are together;

Writes lyrics and raps;

Loves things of a dark shade;

Loves horror films;

Changbin can't sleep without his Munchlax plush toy, which he calls Gyu;

Hwang Hyunjin

Stage name: Hyunjin / 현진

Real name: Hwang Hyun Jin / 황현진

Nickname: Jinnie / Prince / The Prince

Height: 177 cm

Blood type: B (III)

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Education: Seoul Seung Il Primary School,

Dongbuk High School,

School of Performing Arts Seoul;

Motto: “Let’s try first, and then we’ll regret it”;

Role Model: GOT7's Jinyoung "He's so elegant that I even fell for him";

Favorite season: autumn;

Habit: biting nails;

Role in the hostel: sleep quietly, eat everything at night;

The reason why you decided to become a singer: “I feel happy being on stage, music attracts me”;

Describe yourself: “Passion Boss”;

Attractive Feature: Lips;

Hobbies: dancing, reading, playing sports;

Impressions of appearing in Stray Kids: “Even though it was difficult to express myself in live, I will try to keep only good memories. I'm happy!";

Favorite food: raw fish, chicken, pizza, kimchi, black noodles;

Least favorite food: onions, carrots, eggplants;

Favorite song: Mad Clown & Kim Nayoung – “Once Again”;

Favorite color: black, white;

Lived in Las Vegas for a time when he was a child;

The only child in the family;

Hyunjin is allergic to cat hair;

If Hyunjin wasn't part of Stray Kids, he would have become an interior designer;

Talks in his sleep and has difficulty waking up;

I was an intern for two years.

Stage name: Han / 한

Real name: Han Ji Sung / Han Ji Sung / 한지성

Nickname: Squirrel

Place of birth: Incheon, South Korea

Position in group: rapper, vocalist

Height: 172 cm

Blood type: B (III)

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Stray Kids sub-unit: 3RACHA;

Family: parents and older brother;

Motto: “This too shall pass”;

Hobbies: eating cheesecake while watching movies;

Attractive Trait: Goofy behavior;

Favorite food: cheesecake, chocolate cake;

Favorite season: winter;

Favorite color: red;

Role model: Zico / Zico from Block B;

Favorite song: Yoon Jong Shin - “Like It”, Zico - “Artist”;

Habit: fall asleep wherever possible;

Role in the dormitory: clean up the mess;

Describe yourself: “A living version of a fictional character”;

Impressions of appearing in Stray Kids: “It was exciting. Thank you for the chance!”;

Suffers from trypophobia (fear of cluster holes);

Participates in the creation of songs;

Was an intern for three years;

Lived and studied in Malaysia.

Stage name: Felix / Felix / 펠릭스

Real name: Felix Lee / Lee Felix / 이펠릭스

Korean name: Lee Yong Bok / 이용복

Place of birth: Sydney, Australia

Position in group: rapper, dancer

Height: 178 cm

Blood type: AB (IV)

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Family: parents, two sisters - the eldest (Rachel Lee) and the younger (Olivia Lee);

Motto: “Be bold”;

Hobbies: listening to music, dancing, shopping, beatboxing, traveling;

Attractive Feature: Freckles;

Favorite food: not picky and can eat almost anything;

Favorite season: autumn and winter;

Favorite sport: football;

Role model: G-Dragon and American rapper Joey Bada$$;

Favorite song: A Little Braver - “New Empire”;

Habit: biting lips;

Role in the hostel: massage therapist;

The reason you decided to become a singer: “I love music!”;

Describe yourself: “Shining Lix!”;

Least favorite food: very spicy food;

Impressions of appearing in Stray Kids: “It was awkward, but everything new gives me motivation”;

Can play the piano;

Can imitate the sounds of a mosquito;

I practiced taekwondo. Felix has medals earned in taekwondo competitions;

Felix is ​​Catholic;

Doesn't like being called Lee Young Bok;

Was an intern for one year;

If Felix wasn't part of Stray Kids, he would have become a composer.

Kim Seungmin

Stage name: Seungmin / 승민

Real name: Kim Seung Min / Kim Seung Min / 김승민

Nickname: Snail

Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

Position in the group: vocalist

Height: 175 cm

Blood type: A (II)

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Family: parents and older sister;

Education: Chungdam High School (Chungdam High School);

Motto: “If I wasted today, then yesterday I was useless, I hope tomorrow everything will be different.;

Hobbies: listening to music, keeping a diary, walking, eating;

Attractive feature: chubby cheeks;

Favorite food: eggs, meat;

Favorite season: autumn;

Role Model: DAY6, Kim Dong Ryul, B1A4's Sandeul;

Favorite song: DAY6 – “You were beautiful”, “I would”, “I need somebody”;

Habit: limp;

Role in the hostel: get up early, fry eggs;

The reason you decided to become a singer: “That feeling when you go on stage and sing. That’s why I will sing until the end”;

Describe yourself: “Four Leaf”;

Impression of appearing in Stray Kids: “This is the beginning of our fun!”;

If Seungmin wasn't part of Stray Kids, he would have become a photographer or a prosecutor;

Seungmin is a lark;

When I was little I dreamed of becoming a baseball player;

The cleanest in Stray Kids;

Joined JYP Entertainment in 2016 after finishing second in the audition;

He is the new host of the show “After School Club”.

Stage name: I.En / I.N / 아이엔

Real name: Yang Jeong In / 양정인

Nickname: Worm Yang

Place of birth: Busan, South Korea

Position in group: Vocalist, Maknae

Height: 170 cm

Blood type: A (II)

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Family: parents and two brothers – older and younger;

Motto: “Let's have fun!”;

Hobbies: listening to music and watching ARMS broadcast;

Attractive Feature: Braces;

Favorite food: the one without beans;

Favorite season: winter;

Role model: Bruno Mars;

Favorite song: Yoon Jongshin – “Horse Tail”;

Habit: touching your ears, avoiding contact, fooling around;

Role in the hostel: cleaner;

The reason why you decided to become a singer: “When I was little, my elders showed me a performance where they sang trot and I liked it!”;

Describe yourself: “Bright Jeongin!”;

Impressions of appearing in Stray Kids: “It was so exciting, but I loved it!”;

Least favorite food: any kind of beans;

Worked as a model at the age of seven;

Can play the piano;

I.N is clumsy;

If I.N wasn't part of Stray Kids, he would have become a singer or a primary school teacher since he likes children;

He wakes up first among his classmates;

I wore braces for more than five years;

I was an intern for two years.

The team is about two years old, but during this time Stray Kids, whose members are bright and talented, have managed to achieve a lot. They have gained popularity not only in South Korea, but also in Asia, Europe and America. Recognition at home is confirmed by Stray Kids members being appointed by the Korean Culture and Information Service as the first honorary ambassadors to promote Korean culture to the world. And successful tours in Los Angeles, Bangkok, London and Moscow speak of success abroad.

Stray Kids: how the participants were selected

Stray Kids was formed based on a Korean reality show. The production company JYP Entertainment, after a tough casting, selected several talented guys with beautiful appearance, excellent plasticity, voice and a high level of intelligence. All of them have a good education (some are still studying), know several foreign languages, play sports and are committed to a healthy lifestyle.

The reality show started in October 2017. Over the course of several seasons, participants were eliminated. So, in episode 4, Lee Min Ho (Lee Know) dropped out of the band, and in episode 8, Felix left Stray Kids. But in the final, thanks to the support of the audience and organizers, the guys returned to the show and became part of the main cast of the group.

Stray Kids: members, biography

Currently there are 8 guys in Stray Kids from 18 to 22 years old. There were originally 9 of them, but Woojin left the group in October 2019. They say that the reason for the termination of the contract was personal circumstances, but there is no specificity in press reports from Woojin himself, the company or other members.

Here are Stray Kids members with names:

  • Bang Chan;
  • Lee Know;
  • Changbin;
  • Hyunjin;
  • Jisung;
  • Felix;
  • Seungmin;
  • Yang Chongin.

Stray Kids members have unique talents, and together they complement each other seamlessly. This makes the children’s creativity memorable. A large share autonomy in making decisions, including musical ones, distinguishes each group member from general series popular idols.

Stray Kids' Bang Chan

Christopher Ban is the group's lead vocalist, dancer and rapper, as well as its recognized leader. Bang Chan was born on October 03, 1997. IN childhood moved with his family to Australia.

His height, according to various sources, is 171–172 cm. In one of his interviews, he evaded the exact number of his height centimeters and described it with the words: “I’m a fun size.” Thus, as in the lyrics of his songs, he urges fans to be happy and not to worry about what they cannot fix. Love your “fun size” and be happy.

He has naturally curly hair and very cute dimples, and they only become noticeable when he smiles. Since childhood, Christopher has been studying ballet and vocals. Speaks fluently English, as well as Korean, Japanese and a little worse in Chinese.

Despite the fact that of all the seasons of the year, autumn is closest to Bang Chan, sunny days Stray Kids member likes them better than rainy ones. Christopher is actively involved not only in creativity. Exercise helps him stay in great shape. He loves to run and swim. When it comes to food, he will always prefer chicken, and when it comes to perfume, he prefers Versace Eros.

Lee Know

While still in school, Lee Min Ho showed himself to be a good dancer, the life of the party and just great guy. Classmates admit that Lee is good at making fun of others, but his pranks are never malicious. Their goal is fun, not humiliation. Lee characterizes himself cheerful guy who loves to eat delicious food.

Lee Know is one year younger than Bang Chan. He was born in South Korea, in the town of Gimpo. He has no brothers and sisters, but he has two favorite cats - Sonya and Doni. And although he is early childhood dreamed of working as a policeman, this did not stop him from becoming interested in dancing (he took private lessons) and graduating from a higher technical school. Ultimately, a year of internship at JYP Entertainment determined his future - he connected his life with creativity, becoming the lead dancer and vocalist of Stray Kids.

He knows how to move his eyebrows cutely and expressively, is afraid of heights, is left-handed, and out of all the colors stands out the mint shade of green.

Photo:, JYP Entertainment


Seo Chang Bin is a Leo zodiac sign. Born in the South Korean town of Yongin.

Controversial and interesting personality. Active, serious, responsible. He emphasizes these features with dark colors of clothing and a certain gloominess of the image. He also has a habit of isolating himself from the rest of Stray Kids. He stands out for his habit of crossing his legs and hiding his hands in his pocket. Of the film genres, he will prefer a good horror film to a cute comedy or drama.

At the same time, he still cannot sleep without his Gyu - a soft toy. Can't stand loneliness. He plays sports, enjoys collecting, and when he has some free time, he enjoys spending it on shopping and music.

He charges those around him with positivity, and in his lyrics he encourages fans to rejoice and enjoy life.

Hwang Hyunjin

Hyunjin was born in Seoul, but spent most of his life in Los Angeles. Being the only child in the family, he received a good education - he seriously studied dancing at SOPA (school of the arts). Speaks fluent English and Japanese.

IN free time loves reading books, fan tweets or going to the water park. He has a dog, Kami, but his relationship with cats does not work out - he has a severe allergy to cat fur. Loves sushi and watermelon. He hates finding onions, eggplants, and carrots in his food. Can't stand persimmons.


Han Ji Sung is the rapper and vocalist of the group. He was born in the Korean town of Incheon. In one of the interviews, the guy said that despite the success that makes their head spin, they try not to break away from reality and remain positive, carry good example people, don’t forget about what really worries the fans.

Han Jisung expresses deep feelings in his work. IN everyday life he resembles an ordinary guy his age - he likes sweets for dessert (cheesecakes, chocolate brownies and cakes), watching comedies and horror films, playing the guitar for himself or friends. He also loves to sleep - wherever he has to, some even highlight this feature as a separate quality.

He specially moved from Malaysia, where he lived for a long time with his parents and older brother, to work at JYP.


Lee Felix was born in Sydney on September 15, 2000. He is a vocalist and dancer in Stray Kids. Studied at Christian school, is a Catholic by religion. He has two sisters.

Has music education(piano) and black belt in taekwondo. In his free time he enjoys shopping, swimming or traveling. A year and a half ago I was included in the ranking of the most beautiful faces Korea (43rd place).


Kim Seung Min, lead vocalist of Stray Kids, was born on September 22, 2000 in Seoul. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a prosecutor, photographer or singer; so far I have realized myself only in the latter.

In addition to music, he loves baseball, the work of Shawn Mendes and delicious food. Particularly highlights strawberries and citrus fruits.


Yang Jeongin is the most young participant Stray Kids. Born in Busan. Has a musical education (piano). As fans recognize, Ian is a mixture of laughter and fun. He is ready to fool around anytime and anywhere.

She loves puppies, Charlie Puth's art, and still dreams of one day becoming a school teacher and working with children. Was a model (children's modeling agency).

Stray Kids: Scream

In Stray Kids, the chants are also unusual and different from the chants of other idol fandoms. The fact is that the word Stay from the name of the fandom in the context of the phrase Where Stray Kids STAY means that the place of the group members is always next to their fans. And this word is the main motto and chant, which denotes a peaceful and friendly community, as well as mutual support for the guys and their fans.

The members of Stray Kids are all different, but the guys gathered there not only because of their attractive appearance and musical talents. Each team member is talented and has such personal qualities like kindness, humanity. And what’s captivating is that Stray Kids have not become stars and still communicate with their fans. They develop other aspects of their talent: they act in films, host talk shows, and do charity work. Nothing human is alien to them. Stray Kids are great role models.

This is one band you definitely don't want to miss. And these 11 facts are sure to pique your interest in these incredible newcomers!

SEE ALSO: 11 Facts About Stray Kids You'll Be Fascinated By

1. They are creative

Have you already seen dance battle JYP trainees vs YG? Even the guys from the second agency found the choreography incredibly creative and interesting.

2. They love Coca-Cola

When will they be able to get global sponsorship from Coca-Cola? Although perhaps they already have it, because they always drink it, always, always! Maybe this is the secret of their success?

3. They know the bitterness of defeat

8. They can speak multiple languages

This is exactly what can attract fans from all over the world! Definitely, Korean artists are not required to speak foreign languages, but it's impossible to resist the Australian-accented English of these guys.

9. They can cook

Being a trainee is hard, and many of the guys have been living in the dorms for quite a long time. And one of the important skills that you cannot do without in independent life is, of course, cooking!

10. They can work without sleep

They may doze off from time to time, but it still seems that they are actually robots, capable of existing without sleep (especially). Maybe by doing research we can learn a lot more about them!

11. They wear hoodies that suit them best

The guys have been striving for a very long time to finally be able to bear the name, and it is not surprising that they are proud of it. They wear hoodies with the name of the group that were given to them, and it's very cute! You can spot them in the dance video above.

Announced the release of a new show, which features a competition between a group of interns and employees JYP Entertainment. More detailed information and teasers were released over the next two months, including the show's title itself - "Stray Kids". As planned, the group must carry out various missions, and the opportunity to debut is at stake. They test both their abilities and their teamwork. Even before the release of the show, the public was presented with a teaser for the video for the song "Hellevator", and on October 6 the video and single were released.
The first episode was launched on October 17 Stray Children". During the program Minho And Felix were excluded from Stray children, but the boys were given a second chance to debut with the condition that they do well during the live broadcast. In the end Minho And Felix were able to reach the finals.
December 28, 2017 on the official account Stray Kids It was announced on Twitter that the guys will make a preliminary debut with the mini-album "Mixtape". IN " Mixtape"includes all songs released during ten episodes of the show" Stray Children": "Hellevator", "Grrr", "Young Wings", "YAYAYA", "GLOW", "School Life" and "". The mini-album was released on January 8, 2018. The very next day, January 9, " Mixtape"became number one on the iTunes album lists in Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Philippines. It also reached number two on the Gaon chart in South Korea and on Billboard's World Albums.
January 15, 2018 Stray Kids released a video for their track "Young Wings". The song expresses the emotions of young people who are trying to be like adults, but in reality this is just a stage of growing up.
Before Stray Kids debuted, their group was chosen to represent Jambangee Jeans' spring collection, announced on February 13.


On March 5, 2018, a video trailer was presented - " I am NOT", after viewing it, it turns out that the group will debut on March 25. The group's debut performance under the name "Stray Kids UNVEIL" took place at the Jang Chung Sports Arena, with a new mini-album " I am NOT". On March 26, a video for the song "District 9" was released, which already received more than 4 million views on YouTube the very next day after its release. March 27 Stray Kids took first place in the ranking iTunes in 10 countries: Argentina, Canada, Chile, Finland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. Also, mini-album " I am NOT" reached number four on the chart Gaon and sold out among fans in March Stray Kids in an amount of more than 54 thousand copies.
The first foreign performance took place on April 14 Stray Kids at KCON Japan 2018.
IN JYP Entertainment fans didn't have to wait long for their return Stray Kids. On July 12 at midnight, teaser images for the new album, “I Am Who,” were published. The return was scheduled for August 5, 2018. July 24 Stray Kids were chosen by CJ CGV as models for the Youth Brand Festival from July 24 to August 31.
August 1 Stray Kids delighted fans by announcing official name fandom - "STAY". On August 5, the group held a performance called "Stray Kids UNVEIL" at Kyung Hee University Grand Peace Palace. On August 6, the mini-album " I Am Who"and the video for the song "My Pace". Just a day after the release" My Pace" reached over 7.2 million views on YouTube.
October 4 JYP Entertainment announced the release of the group's new mini-album. On October 21, the "Stray Kids UNVEIL" performance was held, and the very next day the mini-album "I Am You" was officially released.

music project

Date of foundation

Founding history

StrayK ids is a South Korean group consisting of 9 members. The team was created based on the results of the show in descending order. On August 4, 2017, the South Korean company JYP Entertainment decided to launch a television project to select members for a new boy group. Similar show called "Sixteen" was held in 2015. Based on the results of the qualifying rounds, a new girl group, TWICE, was formed. .

This time, one of the largest talent agencies in South Korea called JYP Entertainment has set a goal: to create a male pop group consisting of attractive guys. The intended audience is teenage girls. New project called "Stray Kids".

The show started on October 17. Participants competed among themselves, and the jury assessed their abilities. Two contestants dropped out of the show, but audience voting and the support of the project's director, Park Jin Young, returned the dropouts to the final lineup. A team of 9 participants was formed.

On January 8, 2018, the new group released their pre-debut mini-album “Mixtape”. Only on March 25, 2018, the South Korean group presented their debut mini album entitled “I am not”.

Biography of participants

Stray Kids consists of 9 members. All the guys are about the same age, they are 18-22 years old. Members of the popular South Korean boy band have been trained in music, singing or dancing since childhood.


Bang Chan (Christopher Chan) - band leader, lead vocalist, rapper, dancer. Born October 3, 1997. Lived in Sydney (Australia). The guy's height is 172 cm.

  • Since childhood he loves to sing and have a good time;
  • has a younger sister, Hannah, and a brother, Lucas;
  • studied in Sydney High school arts;
  • as a child he studied ballet and modern dance;
  • plays guitar and piano;
  • he has nicknames - Koala and Kangaroo;
  • his family moved 5 times while living in Australia;
  • submitted an application to the agency JYP Entertainment back in 2010;
  • has a driver's license;
  • loves to play sports: running, swimming;
  • speaks Korean, English, Japanese and some Chinese;
  • loves autumn and sunny weather;
  • listens to Drake songs;
  • has dimples and naturally curly hair;
  • participates in the creation of music and choreographic numbers of the group;
  • was a member of the group “3RACHA”;
  • starred in the films “Only You” and “Like Ooh Ahh”;
  • dreams of bungee jumping;
  • doesn't like watching movies alone.


Woojin (Kim Woojin) - main vocalist boy band. The guy was born on April 8, 1997 in South Korea. His height is 174 cm.

Interesting facts from the biography:

  • has an older brother;
  • graduated from art school;
  • plays guitar and piano;
  • nicknames - Bear and Shrek;
  • masters the Japanese martial art of Kendo;
  • speaks Korean and English;
  • loves computer games and shopping;
  • idol - Bruno Mars.

Lee Know

Lee Know (Di Know), real name: Lee Minho (Minho) is the main dancer and vocalist of the band, rapper. The guy was born on October 25, 1998 in the city of Gimpo, South Korea. The young man's height is 172 cm.

Interesting facts from the life of a group member:

  • only child in the family;
  • graduated from a higher technical school;
  • while studying at school, he took dance lessons;
  • worked as a backup dancer for BTS (was a backup dancer);
  • besides Korean, speaks English and Japanese;
  • afraid of heights, often cracks his fingers;
  • loves to eat well;
  • good at hip-hop dancing;
  • loves to travel, read and watch movies, anime;
  • knows how to move his eyebrows;
  • has two cats - Sonya and Doni;
  • as a child he dreamed of becoming a policeman;
  • I trained at JYP Entertainment for a whole year.


Changbin (Seo Changbin) - main rapper and boy band vocalist. The guy was born on August 11, 1999 in the city of Yongin (South Korea). The young man's height is 167 cm.

Interesting biography facts:

  • has an older sister;
  • nicknames - Mosquito, Crybaby;
  • graduated from Bora High School;
  • was a member of the group "3RACHA";
  • Trained with JYP since 2015;
  • writes song lyrics;
  • decided to become a singer after participating in a school festival, where he danced and rapped;
  • goes in for sports (running);
  • loves listening to music, shopping;
  • prefers to watch horror films;
  • enjoys collecting;
  • does not like loneliness;
  • dreamed of becoming a producer, writer and tattoo artist.


Hyunjin (Hwang Hyunjin) is a rapper and boy band dancer. The guy was born on March 20, 2000 in Seoul. His height is 179 cm.

Interesting biography details:

  • only child in the family;
  • lived with his parents in Las Vegas as a child;
  • in the USA his name was Sam;
  • has two nicknames - Ginny, Prince;
  • studies choreography at SOPA School of the Arts;
  • has been collaborating with JYP since 2015;
  • has a dog named Kami;
  • loves to dance, read books, play sports;
  • the guy is allergic to cat fur;
  • favorite food - sushi;
  • hates onions, eggplants, carrots, persimmons;
  • loves watermelon;
  • as a child he took part in many school music competitions;
  • before going to bed he often reads fan comments;
  • as a child I wanted to become an interior designer;
  • During vacation he likes to visit a water park.


Felix (Lee Felix) is a vocalist and dancer. The guy was born on September 15, 2000 in Sydney (Australia). His height is 171 cm.

Interesting biography details:

  • has two sisters;
  • in Sydney he went to the private Catholic school St. Patrick's;
  • by religion - Catholic;
  • Trained at JYP since 2016;
  • there are freckles on the face;
  • has a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo;
  • I was fond of swimming as a child;
  • in his free time he likes to listen to music, go shopping, travel;
  • in 2018 took 43rd place in the ranking of the 100 most beautiful people South Korea.


Seungmin (Kim Seungmin) is the vocalist of a boy band. The young man was born on September 22, 2000 in Seoul. The guy's height is 175 cm.

Interesting facts from life:

  • has an older sister;
  • has been collaborating with JYP since 2017;
  • studies at Chongdam High School;
  • has two nicknames - Snail, Sunlight;
  • in 4th grade he lived in Los Angeles with his family;
  • likes to keep a diary, listen to music, eat well;
  • loves oranges and strawberries;
  • played baseball as a child;
  • loves Shawn Mendes' music;
  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming a singer, photographer, prosecutor.


Ay. N (Young Jong-in) - vocalist and maknae. The guy was born on February 8, 2001 in Busan (South Korea). His height is 172 cm.

Interesting biography facts:

  • has two brothers;
  • Trained at JYP since 2015;
  • studies music at SOPA;
  • at age 7 he was a model;
  • has nicknames - Worm Yang, Fox in the desert;
  • wore braces for two years;
  • loves small puppies;
  • smiles often;
  • loves Charlie Puth songs;
  • idol - Bruno Mars;
  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming a singer and teacher.


Han (Han Ji Sung) is a vocalist and rapper of a boy band. The guy was born on September 14, 2000 in the city of Incheon (South Korea). His height is 169 cm.

Interesting facts from life:

  • as a child, he lived and studied in Malaysia with his family;
  • has an older brother;
  • his friends gave him the nickname Belka;
  • completed an internship at D.E.F Academy;
  • was a member of "3RACHA";
  • specially flew from Malaysia to collaborate with JYP;
  • loves cheesecake and chocolate cake;
  • prefers to watch horror and comedy films;
  • knows how to play the guitar;
  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming a singer or producer.

Musical style

The popular South Korean group "Stray Kids" performs songs in the style of K-pop (K-pop). This musical genre originated in South Korea. K-pop incorporates elements of American hip-hop, Western electro-pop, and modern rhythm and blues. This genre has a multimillion-dollar audience and fans among young people all over the world.

K-pop combines singing and rapping, and song lyrics can consist of frequently repeated, easy-to-remember phrases. All members of the group StrayK ids" sing and dance during the performance. Each of their concerts resembles a spectacular show, during which the audience cannot resist dancing to the rhythmic music sounding from the stage.

Immediately after the group was formed in 2018, the pre-debut album “Mixtape” appeared. The collection consisted of 7 compositions. The album is posted on the band's YouTube page. This collection includes a video for the song "Hellevator", which was released before the start of the show. This YouTube video has received more than 51 million views and 1.3 million likes. The second single from this album, entitled "Performance Video", has 11 million views. The album ranked second on the South Korean Gaon Album Chart.

The next collection, “I am not”, appeared on March 25, 2018. The album included 7 singles. Track "NOT!" received 220 thousand plays on YouTube. The "District 9" video has 39 million views. The "Mirror" video received 5.9 million viewers. The “ROCK” video has 2.5 million views.

In the same year, another album entitled “I am who” appeared. This collection also contains 7 singles. The “My Pace” video has 69 million views. The “Voices” video was viewed by 16 million viewers. The “Question” video has 4.6 million views.

In the fall of 2018, another collection of songs was released - “I am you”. It included 7 new singles. The video “I am YOU” has received more than 30 million views on YouTube. The song "My Side" received over 2 million streams. The "Get Cool" video has 26 million views.

Awards and achievements

The group "Stray Kids" was nominated for many music awards. In 2018, the team was included in the list of Teen Choice Awards nominees. In the same year, the group was nominated for the Korea First Brand Awards, although they won only in 2019 in the “Male Rookie Idol Award” category.

The group “Stray Kids” earned another victory at the Soribada Best K-Music Awards in 2018. In the same year, the boy band deservedly won the “Male Rookie Award” at the MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards. In 2018, the team managed to win the Asia Artist Awards in the “Rookie of the Year” category. Once again the group won at the Mnet Asian Music Awards and Golden Disc Awards.

2019 brought the boy band victory at the V Live Awards. The group members are currently awaiting nominations for the Seoul Music Awards in 3 categories.