How to write an essay about a person who is important to you? Victor Krotov - Personalities. Essays about interesting people Love for my native village

A few words about myself. Outwardly, I am not too different from the other six and a half billion human beings inhabiting our planet and the one hundred and forty-two million fellow citizens living in our country.

I dare to hope that internally too. In any case, I have traveled about the same path in the social sense as almost everyone else.

He completed eight years of school in his native village, after which he mastered the tenth and eleventh grade curriculum at a special boarding school for blind and visually impaired children in the city of Polysayevo. Skills independent life being away from home brought benefits - the boarding school helped to adapt and undergo socialization, and in addition, it allowed me to acquire primary skills for living in society.

Next - Faculty of Law of the Novokuznetsk Branch-Institute of Kemerovo state university, who graduated with a blue diploma. However, I did not find a job in my specialty or to my liking. But, nevertheless, it was precisely this humanitarian specialty that played the final role in the formation of my personality and the development of my sphere of interests, although I was interested in poetry and literature before. Poetry - from the age of 12, and literature - as long as I can remember.

Even as a child, he was interested in nature and loved animals. However, as he grew older, the emphasis of interests and inclinations shifted towards socio-political and socio-philosophical problems and issues. Not last role I dare to hope that my date of birth also played a role in this. More precisely, her star sign. The fact is that Capricorn is an earth sign, which greatly influences the character of those born under this sign. These people pay great attention“earthly” issues – that is, the material world.

That is why most of my poems are devoted to some topical topics; there is little in them that is sublime and, in fact, poetry as such, in the classical sense of the word. This is, rather, not even poetry, but rhymed journalism, which, according to people like B. Burmistrov, A. Ruleva and S. Kadyrov, are different things and, as a rule, not very compatible.

However, I still occasionally rhyme, although I have a much greater desire for prose and, as noted above, for journalism. Although this did not stop me from taking part in the first regional festival of amateur poets “I Write with My Heart”, which took place on May 26, 2010 in the city of Kemerovo and was held under the auspices of All-Russian Society Blind, which at that time I was still a member of.

At the same time, it was never published anywhere - it didn’t happen. Although, for the mass of all the graphomaniac garbage I have written, you can find a couple of poems that I personally certainly like.

First of all, this is haiku. Because writing them takes a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. Because haiku is a harmony of form and content, laconic presentation and at the same time a complete expression of thought. Because it is beautiful and discreet.

In addition to haiku, such poems include modern interpretations and interpretations of classics and classics - Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” and stories written by Tolstoy for peasant children. This interest is quite understandable - I began to be interested in the classics from my school days.

In addition, my favorite poems include “Black”, “What? Where? When?" and “Kremlin Christmas tree”, as well as some others.

In addition to writing “for the soul,” that is, for myself, I occasionally compose “to order.” So, sometimes I had to compose out of necessity - for example, in the process of participating in the tourist event “Siberian Robinsonade”, where it was necessary to perform all sorts of creative tasks. Well, as a congratulations to someone, which also happens extremely rarely.

Shahriza Bogatyreva 2017-04-18
The fate of a person is unpredictable, and no one knows in what place and where it will turn. But you listen, you look at someone’s life, especially a prosperous one that has taken place - and it becomes clear that it could not have been otherwise, everything is natural. There is something in the human genetic program that does not allow him to go astray under any deprivation or adversity. true path.
Today we will talk about one of these people.
Ibragim Magomedovich Bidzhiev was born in the Zelenchuk district, in the village of Krasny Karachay. After the forced resettlement of the Karachais, this village disappeared from the face of the earth - now on the site of the village there are several sheds for summer grazing. And then, before the war, it was a large village of almost three hundred houses. The residents of Aul lived in labor and simple peasant joys. Like all Karachais, centuries-old pastoralists, they were mainly engaged in livestock farming. We lived peacefully and amicably with our neighbors.
- My father used to go to the market in the village of Zelenchukskaya and stay for a night or two in the village of Khasaut-Grechesky with his Greek friend named Saulov. And not only my father - almost all the residents of our village had Greek friends,” says Ibragim Magomedovich.
And then the war broke out. All the men went to the front, and so did his father. There were old people, women and children left, who, like the whole country, lived on news from the front. And the news was mostly tragic: Ibragim Bidzhiev’s father, like many other village residents, died a brave death, leaving five children orphans.
But trouble does not come alone.
That autumn night remained forever in the memory of Ibrahim, then a 6-year-old boy. He and his mother lived in a shed in the mountains. The days were fine, but at night it got sharply cold. One morning there was a rude knock on their door. The soldiers came in and unceremoniously kicked everyone out into the cold darkness of the autumn night. Perplexed and frightened people were already stumbling down from the upper sheds, soldiers were driving cattle.
- From time immemorial, among our people it has not been customary to herd cows, sheep and goats into one herd, each the herd is coming separately, but here all the cattle were herded into one heap,” recalls Ibragim Magomedovich. “One of my brothers rushed to divide the cattle, as he was used to helping his elders and neighbors, and the officer immediately pulled out his pistol to shoot his brother. My mother rushed to the officer like lightning and hung on his arm.
We went down to the village at dawn. In the middle of the village, people who did not understand anything were gathered - from infants to very old people. Someone said quietly that this was a wartime exercise - now everyone will be sent home, we need to wait a little, be patient.
Meanwhile, the remaining men in the village - disabled people, cripples who had come from the war - were loaded into covered trucks. Ibrahim still cannot forget their cries: “Farewell, people!” And then it became clear that these were not teachings, that something terrible and inevitable awaited everyone.
His mother was given ten minutes to collect something. I don’t know what a widow with five small children in her arms could have collected during this time.
People spent the first night right on the street while the military searched through the sheds for the rest of the village residents. The second night - in the back of covered trucks. And only on the third day the people were taken to the Batalpashinskaya station and loaded into cattle cars. Tears, lamentations, crying children, groans of the sick, shouts of the military, barking dogs - this is how they evicted native land a people whose men died at the front.
For two weeks, people traveled in complete darkness in drafty plank carriages, suffering from cold, thirst, hunger, darkness, uncertainty, despair... The further they drove from the Caucasus, the colder it became. Half-naked people began to get sick, especially the elderly and children, and death began to withdraw its bountiful harvest. The dead people who were your closest people just yesterday were thrown out of the train into the icy steppe today by soldiers. Ibragim Magomedovich remembers everything - as if it were yesterday.
Finally, we arrived in Kazakhstan. At the station they were met by Kazakhs in camel carts and began to be transported to the surrounding villages. On the eve of winter, people were housed in sheds, stables, where there was no wooden flooring, and rarely in adobe houses. Literally the next day, the commandant’s office registered everyone, and immediately the entire working population: women, teenagers, were sent to the fields to harvest beets and cotton.
From time immemorial, the people, accustomed to working, worked, but did not receive food. At first, people fed by selling what they managed to take with them - gold, jewelry. Then it was all over, and little Ibrahim often saw how mothers, withered from hunger, buried their children, who looked like skeletons.
“Hunger is unbearably painful, I don’t even know what can compare with it,” says Ibragim Magomedovich. - But humiliation and insults are even worse. We could not understand why we were suddenly kicked out of our homes, transported in dark, cold carriages, unloaded in an unknown place, we die every day in a foreign land from hunger and cold, while our fathers and brothers are fighting, and we are also called bandits . Us children dying of hunger!
True, the insults became less frequent over the years. And these years in a foreign land were as many as fourteen. Over the years, Ibragim Bidzhiev graduated from school, then took a driver's course in Chimkent, and probably would have stayed in his village of Algabas, Pakhta-Aral region. But good news spread - the Karachais are being returned to the Caucasus! People couldn't believe their luck and counted the days.
And such a day has come! I can’t convey the happiness of my great-grandfathers returning to the earth, to their father’s home!
At home, the people faced new difficulties: settling down, buying out their own houses from strangers living there. But compared to what the Karachays experienced...
Soon after his return, Ibragim Bidzhiev was drafted into the army. He ended up in the Moscow Military District. Unit commander Konstantin Akimovich Mineev, having heard non-Russian surname, asked: “What is your nationality?” - and then said: “Your fellow countryman Mukhadzhir Laipanov shielded me with his chest. He himself died, but he saved my life. I know you as brave and faithful people. Will you come and serve me?”
Needless to say, how inspired these words were for the young man, who had heard only insults against his people all his life. There, at the division, there was an evening school of Marxism-Leninism, which Ibragim Magomedovich successfully graduated from. And by the end of his service he was accepted into the party. At the meeting, one of the generals incredulously asked how Ibrahim, a representative of a repressed people, related to the policies of the party and the state. Bidzhiev replied:
- I took the oath of allegiance to my country and will be faithful to this oath all my life!
Here another general addressed the questioner:
- Do you know Lidiya Ruslanova? So, she was also repressed, and I am her husband.
In Karachay-Cherkessia, the young communist Bidzhiev was sent to the Urupsky district as secretary of the party organization of a mining and processing plant under construction.
Ibragim Magomedovich himself worked as a driver.
“Since childhood, I’ve been accustomed to taking on any job - no one died from labor,” says Bidzhiev. “That’s why I value hard work and decency in other people.
After graduating from the Rostov Motor Transport College, Ibragim Magomedovich began to gradually rise to the ranks - senior mechanic, head of the auto squad. In 1974, the Urup ATP was created, where he worked for 20 years as chief engineer and deputy director. Today Ibragim Magomedovich - CEO this ATP.
Personally, I really like this step-by-step “ascent” up the career ladder. These are times now that “backbone” boys and girls magically find themselves in power and ranks, having no idea how an enterprise or organization is built from the inside.
Ibragim Magomedovich always worked conscientiously, and his work was highly valued. He was awarded dozens of certificates of honor: “For high production indicators", "Behind achievements achieved in production activities”, “For active work in ensuring the implementation of the state plan”, “For many years of conscientious work and great contribution to the development road transport", "Behind high professionalism»...
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1986, Ibragim Bijiev awarded a medal“For labor valor”, as well as the “Honorary Motor Transport Worker” badge. For many years of conscientious work, he was awarded the title “Honorary Veteran of Labor.”
This year Ibragim Magomedovich turned 80 years old, and he is still in the working ranks. He has an excellent memory, he knows his business very well, the work of public transport, which operates flights to all settlements of the Urup region, the republic and interregional ones.
“Today there is no 80-year-old leader in the transport sector in our republic,” Bidzhiev smiles.
Ibragim Magomedovich went through a harsh life school during the deportation of the people and experienced great grief - the loss of his only son - in peaceful life. But he was and remains a persistent, integral, modest person. For young people who did not know what hunger was, when a person eats grass and sawdust, he wants to appreciate his current well-being, restrain himself from vices, and protect his honor and good name.
“He is an exceptionally decent, honest and fair person by nature,” Azret Akbaev, a member of the Writers’ Union and the Union of Journalists of Russia, speaks of him. - Very hospitable, will always share the latest, will always support a friend in difficult times. In addition, he is a true patriot of his people and his country.
You know, I realized one thing a long time ago: in order to remain a Human, you have to be one from birth. And I am happy when life gives me such meetings with real people.
Shahriza Bogatyreva.
Photo by the author.

portrait sketch example. portrait sketch of a friend

First impression

Katerina is one of those people whose communication always causes a storm positive emotions. By nature, he is a very open, optimistic and cheerful person. But at the same time, she is a little childishly naive and emotional. Brown mischievous eyes, light brown hair styled in a simple hairstyle, melodious voice, soft and friendly disposition, allow her to find mutual language with absolutely strangers. She is very interesting companion and can easily start a conversation with any person on a variety of topics. She always has a ready answer to all questions, and she answers with a pleasant and open smile. People are attracted to her by her naturalness, easy character, ability to look straight into her eyes in a relaxed, friendly way, and high tact in her manner of communication. Katya made the first impression on me as a pretty, very charming and pleasant girl to talk to.

Sketch of appearance

At first glance, Katya is a typical girl who does not stand out from the crowd. Short stature, pleasant facial features, light, slightly golden hair with a soft oatmeal tint and brown eyes, as if painted in watercolors. Add to all this a minimum of makeup, worn jeans and a sports jacket, and you get a portrait of an ordinary girl, no different from others. And yet, there is something unusually attractive about her, something that makes you look at her, as if through the prism of mirrors, reflected in which, she no longer seems so ordinary and a simple person. A charming, interesting nature is revealed, capable of inspiring, encouraging, and, if necessary, comforting with one inspired word. You can trust her, knowing that she will always listen, support, inspire, and if such a need arises, she will console you in any way. life situation.

First meeting

Our first meeting, as prosaic as it may sound, took place at work at the kitchen table. That day at lunch, I sat alone and was completely absorbed in my thoughts. Katya entered the room and, wishing me a bon appetit, sat down opposite me. When I looked up, the image of a fair-haired, sweet girl with a mysterious and charming look appeared in front of me. That day she was wearing a sports robe, which looked very funny on her, but at the same time brought something simple and open to her image. Perhaps it was this openness and simplicity that prompted me to start a conversation with her. From the conversation, I learned that she and I have a lot in common. So we got a job at Techhome almost at the same time, and I was also struck by the fact that our previous place of work was also almost the same. I was even more surprised when I learned that she collects rare rocks. I was so surprised because, before entering college, I was obsessed with collecting stones. Even during the first conversation, I came into boyish delight at how colorfully and vividly she could describe events, as if merging into the image she was describing.

Further communication

As it turned out later, Katya is interested not only in archeology, but also participates in shows of evening dresses. After looking through the archive of her photographs, I was even more impressed by her nature. I could never even imagine that one person in different situations could look so different. She is like a theater actor who easily and naturally changes “faces” and images. In some photographs, her style is exquisitely elegant, reminiscent of the fine work of a sculptor made of rock crystal, while in others she looks so simple and realistic that sometimes it seems that there are two completely different things. different people. But no matter how her appearance changed in the photographs, her eyes always remained the same - always open, shiny, radiant, clear, attentive and kind.

Instead of an epilogue

Katerina had a great influence on my life, filling it with new colors and impressions. She does not skimp on praise, she always gives it to the point, and if the situation requires it, she can support, encourage and inspire new endeavors. After communicating with her, faith in yourself and your strength appears. She supports and approves all my plans, ideas and new beginnings, and at the same time never doubts my strengths and abilities. And this faith of hers makes me more confident, I stop doubting the correctness of my actions. As strange as it may sound, her faith in my abilities allows me to truly achieve success in whatever I undertake. She has such priceless human qualities like kindness, reliability, self-confidence, intelligence and responsiveness. Communication with this person always inspires, inspires, lifts your spirit and mood. Katya gave me a lot life lessons and gave a lot of unforgettable moments. I would like to express my gratitude to her for this and say that I am very glad that I have such a charming friend...

Portrait sketch example. Portrait sketch of a friend. Essay portrait sketch. Portrait sketch of a person. Portrait sketch of a girl. Essay example. How to write a portrait sketch

I didn’t think long about who I should write about in this essay. Paying attention to the words “interesting person,” I immediately realized that I would write about my teacher, Sergei Petrovich, who taught at an art school.

He was a handsome man of about forty-five, with thick, short-cropped hair, cheerful face and strong arms and large palms. When he smiled, his eyes became kind and even began to sparkle. He smiled, and everything around him became joyful and pleasant. But sometimes Sergei Petrovich came gloomy and immersed in his problems, locked himself in the utility room, did not come out and did not answer questions. Even the weather these days was gloomy and adjusted to his stern image.

Sergei Petrovich did not impose drawing techniques on us, but paid great attention to how to draw correctly in tone. To the words: “Teach me to draw a face (or something else),” he briefly answered: “Draw as best you can.” This is probably why our group had great success in competitions than others. He taught to create, not to imitate.

Sometimes Sergei Petrovich liked to joke with us. It happened that one of the students forgot a pencil, a clip, a black marker, and so on at home. We turned to the teacher, who seemed to never run out of “stocks” of erasers and paints. But don’t think that Sergei Nikolaevich gave it away for nothing. “Forgetful” had to either sing a song for the whole art school, or recite a poem, or dance a dance. And all this had to be done diligently, like a real artist.

He loved to joke, but we were not in debt either. One day they wrote him a letter, that is, it was written by Mishka (he had the most mature handwriting of the whole group), supposedly from a secret admirer. They placed a letter under the door crack along with a treat. On this day, Sergei Petrovich was especially kind to us and even extended the break. We thought that he believed in our invention, and we laughed at them for a long time. But then, out of breath, Katka showed us her find, found on the table in the study room. With unbearable curiosity and uncontrollable giggles, we began to open the reply letter.

Here it was written carefully and carefully. In the letter, Sergei Petrovich said that he was pleased to hear tender words and care for him, thanked him for the treat, and also mentioned about us, what obedient and talented children we are. Since eight more candies were attached to the letter, and there were just eight of us in the group at that time, everything became extremely clear.

After that, we couldn’t look him in the eye for a long time (it was embarrassing), but it was during this time that Sergei Petrovich became almost our own father.

Unfortunately, he did not remain in the position of our beloved “second father” for long. He was invited to work in another city, but I still remember this talented man and those happy times with special tenderness.

Perevedentseva Victoria,

8th grade student.

What is an essay and why is it interesting? Firstly, this is one of the genres of literature - a small work that describes events or a person. Secondly, this genre is a symbiosis of artistic and journalistic styles. Thirdly, it is advisable to write it if you have an example of an essay at hand. For better understanding genre, you can re-read “Notes of a Hunter” by Turgenev or “Sakhalin Island” by Chekhov. The famous travel essays of Radishchev or Pushkin will also become wonderful examples.

Features of the genre

An essay is a type of story that is written in a semi-fiction, semi-documentary genre and describes real people and real events. In a word, your imagination won’t run wild here. It is difficult to write such a work, even if there is an example essay, because you need to take into account the main structural components, genre features and a penchant for truth. It has some traditional distinctive characteristics:

  • It is written in a short narrative form.
  • Describes only real people and events.
  • Focuses on social issues.
  • It is 80-90 percent a description from life.
  • Sticks to undeniable facts.
  • Allows the writer to express his opinion and conduct a dialogue with the reader.

Thus, an essay is a text that talks about a real event or person, while paying attention to a certain social problem(if possible, the reader is also involved in the discussion). All this is presented as an artistic text, full of elegant images. Even if you have a sample essay with you, it is difficult to write a decent piece the first time.


There are several types of essays in literature. They can be:

  • Portrait.
  • Problematic.
  • Travel ones.
  • Sociological.
  • Journalistic.
  • Artistic.

What are their features?

Essays originated during the Renaissance. It was then that morally descriptive writings first appeared on the pages of English satirical magazines. Several decades later, such essays became widespread in European literature. They had great success in France. Honore de Balzac and Jules Janin were the first representatives of this genre in French literature.

In Russia, the first essayist to lay the foundations was N. Novikov, who was published in the satirical magazines Truten and Zhivopiets. The heyday of this type of creativity came in the 1840s. Already in the next decade, essays became the leading genre in literature. The most outstanding authors in Russia are M. Saltykov-Shchedrin and V. Sleptsova. Therefore, there are many examples of essays in the literature. When writing own work you can use them.

How to write a text correctly

Before moving on to looking at sample essays, it’s worth giving some practical advice to aspiring authors. Where to begin? How to finish? These questions will torment performers even if they review all the examples available in the literature. How to write an essay?

The first thing you need to do is choose a topic. You need to find a fascinating story that the author himself will like. Research it, find out additional facts, and decide on the type of essay. For example, you can develop the situation and compose an interesting text that will arouse sympathy in the reader. It can also be a biographical or educational essay, historical, travel or revealing. The main thing is that the text can captivate the reader.

Next, you need to decide who this essay will be intended for, that is, the target audience. It depends on her what words the text will be written in. If all these stages have been completed, you can prepare to write.

Second important point- decide on the format of the text. Essays do not have a strictly regulated format, which greatly facilitates the work of the authors. For example, you can start by describing a dramatic moment, use a story-within-a-story format, or write from two points of view that find common ground. The next thing is size. Sample essay texts range from 250 to 5000 words. You can do less, you can do more. The main thing is to fully disclose the topic.

Having decided on organizational issues, you need to think about how to attract the reader’s attention, interest him and intrigue him. Some essayists believe that for this it is necessary not to tell, but to show - more emotions, more images, more intrigue. When creating a text, you should not get carried away with quoting. As a rule, readers do not appreciate this, and you need to create exclusively in their language. This is a step-by-step example of how to write an essay. Now you can move from theory to practice.

Portrait sketch

As mentioned above, this type of creativity is the most artistic. That is, it can provide the reader with some interesting details from the life of the person being described. In the example portrait sketch you can talk about your contemporary, friend or historical figure. Regardless of who we are talking about, it is worth touching on some problem. She can touch modern society or groups of specific people. An example essay about a person might look like this.

“I’m all in a handful of brains, but I devour so many books that the world cannot contain them. I can't satisfy my ravenous appetite. I’m dying of hunger all the time,” Tommaso Campanella. The son of a shoemaker, a failed lawyer, a monk and a criminal who spent 27 years in the prisons of the Inquisition.

Renaissance portraits depict an ordinary man. On his face is a network of deep wrinkles, a sharp straight nose, dark hair and black eyes. Looking at this image in the portraits, you can feel the indomitable desire to know, tell, explore and write that our hero has experienced all his life.

Until the age of 34, he wandered around monastic cells and spent 27 years in prison. While in captivity, he studied intensively literary creativity. The prisoners were not given parchment and ink, but Campanella managed to find them. His works were confiscated, but he stubbornly restored them from memory and translated them into Latin himself.

City of Sun

During his imprisonment, Campanella managed to write several fundamental works on philosophy, theology, astrology, astronomy, medicine, physics, mathematics, and politics. In total, 100 treatises with a total volume of 30 thousand pages came from his pen. The main one among them is considered to be the “City of the Sun”.

Our hero 27 for long years wrote about a world in which a blessed utopia reigns. There people work only 4 hours a day, and devote the rest of the time to their hobbies. There are no disagreements, wars or repressions. It was this treatise that was largely considered heresy, and it was because of it that Campanella spent half his life in the clutches of the Inquisition. He was repeatedly asked to abandon his thoughts about utopia, but he stubbornly insisted on his own. Until the very end, until his last breath, he believed in his convictions.

For some time he was an honored guest at the royal court, but the whole world turned against him. Campanella never backed down from anything. Torture, hunger, cold, dampness, and illness did not break him. He had something to tell the world about.”

This is one example of a portrait sketch. There is a description of the person, his fate, character and the problem is mentioned. Now you can move on to next example text, problematic essay.

Problem essay

This is a rather difficult type of creativity. You can tackle it only by delving into the smallest details of the problem presented to the readers. Otherwise the author will look funny. We provide one example of the text of a problematic essay that touches on the problem of family. Previously, everyone wanted to get one. Modern people became completely different. They value their own freedom more than a stamp in their passport. Let's see what an example of a problem essay looks like.

"Is it necessary to modern man family? If you look at the statistics of divorce proceedings, you can doubt this. Modern girls There's no rush to get married. They can provide for themselves while remaining free from obligations. Why do they need marriage? To take care of the man living under the same roof with them? Cook for him, wash his socks and shirts, iron his trousers and handkerchiefs? The husband is unlikely to give flowers and expensive jewelry, endure whims and fulfill any desire in order to spend the night with his wife. It’s a completely different matter when a woman is free and a man plays the role of a lover.

About happiness and meaning

Why are families created? For some, this is the meaning of life. A family is created when love appears in the heart, when you want to take care of your loved one and be responsible for him.

People strive for spiritual joy and intimacy. A happy family is a place where you restore strength, relieve stress and have fun. Leo Tolstoy once wrote: “Happy is he who is at home!” This is true. Isn’t it happiness to run home, knowing what’s waiting there? Family is the basis of a happy couple's life.

Should I have a wedding and get a stamp in my passport, or should I live for my own pleasure, caring only about myself? Everyone must decide for themselves what is more important to them.”


As for the travel essay, an example text might look like this.

“A journey, even a very short one, is like a sip fresh air. Every time you return from another city, you seem to change, become a slightly different person. I don't have a clear schedule that would indicate when and where I should go. Just from time to time I have a desire to go somewhere. Then I go to the station and take a ticket for the next train to the fifth stop. After getting off the train, I can head to regular buses and go into the distant wilderness or wander the streets big city, which bears the loud name of a metropolis.

This happened this time too. I drove towards remote villages and accidentally came across an abandoned village. Strange, but many residents of the surrounding villages did not even suspect its existence. This village has not been on the map for a long time. Nobody remembers its name; even in the archives very little information about it has been preserved.


There are practically no houses left here. Over a long period of time, nature has destroyed what man has created. If you count, there are three more or less intact houses left in the entire village. Entering one of them, I expected to see empty rooms, broken furniture and mountains of garbage. This usually happens in abandoned buildings.

This house was very dirty, there was a thick layer of long-term dust on the floor, which rose into the air as soon as I took a step. But there was furniture here. Already completely rotten, falling into pieces, it stood the same as under its previous owners. The dishes were gathering dust in the cupboard, and there were two iron cups on the table. It was as if the people had no intention of leaving here, but suddenly disappeared, leaving behind everything they had. It seemed that even the rustling sounds had gone with them. Never in my life have I heard such silence. Listening to her, I could hardly believe that somewhere in this world there were still people, cars, somewhere life was in full swing.”

These examples of essay essays can be used as a basis for your own work. But still, it’s better not to try to imitate anyone’s texts. The main thing is to truly feel the problem under consideration and put your feelings into the text. This is how you can touch the reader.