Why do you dream of a forest according to the dream book? Everything is going according to plan! Herd of running cows

Did you dream about running quickly through the forest? What does such a vision prophesy to the sleeper? The dream book advises not to rush, not to rush, but to calmly figure it out and wait for the result.

Miller versions

Problems and difficulties can arise both at work and in personal relationships - this is what, according to the American psychologist Miller, they dreamed of running through the forest. And if at the same time in your night vision you are cold and hungry, then in reality you will have a trip that will be unpleasant and unsuccessful.

Features of the landscape

The location of the action will also help decipher the vision. So a forest in a dream is a symbol of obstacles, difficulties. Accordingly, the thicker it is, the more difficulties you will encounter in reality.

In a dream, did you run through a bright, clean grove or park? Then there is no reason to worry, everything is fine with you, says the dream book. And if while jogging your soul was also joyful and calm, then when you wake up, expect a pleasant surprise.

Creepy Thicket

Why did you dream that you had to run through a dense thicket? Alas, but the dream book in in this case warns of dangers and insurmountable obstacles.

And such a dream is often seen by self-confident or naive individuals who are not fully aware of what kind of adventure they are actually involved in. So the dream book hints: if you haven’t carefully weighed your actions, it’s better to refuse before it’s too late, otherwise there will be trouble.

Did you dream that you were running past dried out rotten trees? It seems that you are confused both in relationships and in business, which means that disappointments, losses, and damages are possible.

Save up your strength!

The dream book considers a bad omen to be a vision that you had to run through a burnt or still smoldering forest. This picture predicts a series of failures for the sleeper due to the fact that he is susceptible to negative emotions and is guided by bad intentions.

Running through the forest in a dream in order to hide from someone is seen by someone who is actually tired of the “crowds” of petitioners and those who constantly offer and advertise something.

But the most ominous is considered to be a vision in which you ran and, having lost your bearings, got lost in the forest. The dream book advises you to brace yourself: one of the most tragic and difficult periods in your destiny is coming.

Important details

Details of the night phantasmagoria: time of year, day, will I help you more accurately determine why you dreamed of running through the forest?

If jogging took place in the spring in a dream, then this is a prophecy of a happy marriage.

In summer. Changes for the better are coming. In autumn. Then in reality the sleeper will have competitors and opponents. But running through the forest in winter means poverty and need, the dream book warns.

As for the time of day, dreaming of a daytime run through the forest means that you will be able to avoid trouble. And running away at night in a dream predicts the collapse of a started project. And all because you did not calculate your strength.

It's time to hit the road!

Major problems will arise at work, and troubles are possible at home - this is why you dreamed that you ran far and got lost in the forest. And if you were cold in your dream and wanted to eat, then you will have an unpleasant business trip.

But the dream that you are rushing headlong through the tropical jungle prophesies an exciting trip to exotic countries.

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Take a break

Often running around in a dream, and even more so among chaotically growing forest trees, is an association of the dreamer’s desire to introduce a bit of chaos and unpredictability into a measured life. And this despite the fact that Higher powers convince him that he shouldn’t do this!

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If in a dream you see a forest from afar, this portends you deep sadness for those who are irretrievably gone bright days.

Finding yourself in the darkness of a dense, impenetrable thicket means that in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.

Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.

Find yourself in spring forest, picking the first flowers is a sign of a happy marriage.

A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result.

An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.

If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.

Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.

Sosnovy Bor indicates that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a favorable solution for yourself.

Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest in a dream means a change in affairs for the worse.

Seeing a forest engulfed in an all-destroying fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.

To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.

Hearing the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.

If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.

Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of huge trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.

If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend.

If in a dream you are looking out over the forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.

If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and sorrow. Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.

If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you.

If at the same time it began to quickly get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip. Calling in the forest means receiving good news.

If in a dream you find yourself in rain-forest and make your way through the dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition - wait for an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.

Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A forest in a dream often symbolizes not just the situation that has arisen, but rather the dreamer’s attitude towards it. Personal feelings, time of year or day, weather conditions and other details play a big role here.

Forest - according to Miller's dream book

If you saw a forest in a dream, then in real life there have been changes in business. Their quality can be judged by other factors. For example, a green light forest promises good luck, and the sight of an autumn forest promises changes that will have an extremely negative impact on you personally.

Wandering through thickets at night means failures that will happen both in business and in love. If at the same time you feel hungry and are cold, then an unpleasant trip will soon take place.

Walking through the forest and admiring tall trees means that in the future you will earn respect and universal fame. Seeing a dead forest, dead wood or windfall means disappointment and sadness. If you came to the forest to chop wood, then a struggle will soon begin, which will end in an unconditional triumph for you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima - what the forest means

According to this dream book, the forest is considered a symbol of uncertainty and all kinds of interference. Moreover, the thicker and more impenetrable it is, the worse everything will turn out for you.

If you dreamed of a well-groomed park or a bright grove, then life is filled with familiar worries and activities. If at the same time you good mood, then there will be joy. But negative emotions promise trouble even in such a bright and pleasant dream.

Why do you dream about especially thick and dark forest? It marks danger, an unforeseen combination of circumstances. This is an indication that you have not thought through a certain plan well enough and everything may end in complete failure.

A dried-out forest belt symbolizes stagnation in business, loss and decline. Burnt or burning reminds that failures occurred due to your temper and irritation. If you continue to show dissatisfaction, you risk getting bogged down in problems.

If you clearly see a road in the forest, then this is a sign that you should not go down the chosen path. It is best to get out of a dense forest in a dream. This means that a bright streak in life has begun for you.

How to interpret a forest according to D. Loff's dream book

The main role in the interpretation of the image is played by the state of the forest and the emotions of the dreamer, as well as the purpose for which you came to this place. If in a dream you wandered alone more often, then in real life you will have to go through a number of tests, and these are not necessarily troubles, illnesses or troubles.

Did you dream that you were hiding from someone? Perhaps this is an indication that you do not accept modern fashion trends, especially in terms of technical innovations.

On the other hand, the forest is capable of hiding the most incredible secrets, potential abilities and innermost desires. In this case, the interpretation must be based on the goals that you are pursuing in real life, but taking into account the usual characteristics of the image.

Interpretation by Denise Lynn

The events of fairy tales, legends and myths most often take place in the forest. And all because it reflects the feminine principles of the Great Goddess. Depending on this, the forest can represent strength, growth, knowledge, acquisition.

From another point of view, the forest provides protection and a place to hide. This is probably what you really need, which is reflected in your night dreams. The state of the forest will tell you what fate has in store in the near future.

Why do you dream of getting lost in the forest?

If you dreamed that you were lost in the forest, then this clearly means that you are not able to understand or realize something. After such a dream, it is time to fully accept that there is a close relationship between nature and man.

But the most important thing is to take into account your own feelings in a dream. If, after getting lost in the forest, you experienced an attack of panic and terrible fear, then you are not able to adequately understand what is happening to you in real life, you are afraid of changes, and you are distrustful of others.

If you are lost, but not afraid, then you calmly accept all the “kicks” of fate, easily forgive insults and are well versed in the circumstances. If, while wandering through the forest, you carefully look around and even experience pleasure, then inner harmony will bring health, luck, and prosperity.

Why does a girl, woman, or man dream about the forest?

It is good for a young girl to walk in the forest in her dreams. This is a sign that she will soon meet her destiny. However, dead trees, dead wood and other unpleasant images promise sadness and loss.

For a mature woman, a dark forest is a symbol of farewell to youth and predicts the arrival of old age. If a family man gets lost in such a forest, then disagreements with his significant other and conflicts at work await him.

At the same time, a dense and beautiful forest promises good luck, while an autumn forest with fallen leaves promises changes that will bring some negativity. If you walk through a green grove and feel that the trees seem to be reaching out to you, then this is a sure sign of fulfillment of desires and favorable circumstances.

Why do you dream of a green forest?

A forest with young and green trees also promises the quick fulfillment of dreams and plans. Walking through such an area, breathing in the fresh air with pleasure, means a quiet life, well-being in the home, and good luck in your endeavors.

If you find yourself in a spring forest that is just becoming covered with greenery, then this is a sign of a successful marriage. Handsome and green forest on a summer day marks a change in better side. The interpretation is especially relevant if you dream of a green forest out of season.

Why do you dream about a dead forest?

The dead forest should be interpreted literally. It is a symbol of loss, sadness and sadness. Did you dream that you found yourself in a forest in late autumn, when nature had already frozen and hibernated? You are about to be disappointed in the person you trusted completely.

Seeing dead trees means problems in the house; if you happen to wade through dead dead wood, you will have to endure a number of losses, which, however, can be avoided by making the right decision.

If you dreamed of a dead forest with uprooted trees, then you are in danger. If you don't get rid of your addictions immediately, you will get into real trouble.

Why do you dream of a forest in the snow?

Did you dream of a winter, completely frozen forest? An unfavorable period is just around the corner. Walking through a forest covered with snow means a cold and a need for money. If you find yourself in the forest in winter, then ruin, loss of work, or at least stagnation in business is coming.

In addition, a forest in the snow symbolizes a soul that has fallen into stupor; it is a symbol of difficult trials and searches. However, do not forget that in nature everything passes, which means you will be able to overcome a difficult period if you gather your strength.

Why do you dream about a forest burning?

But a burning forest, on the contrary, promises prosperity, the completion of a certain enterprise, and sometimes even an increase in income. The hotter and higher the flame, the greater your wealth and joy from the work done.

To dream of a forest engulfed in flames and all-consuming fire means that you will be able to gain some kind of strength and, most importantly, believe in it and yourself. It is a symbol of creativity, hidden talents and incredible gifts.

At the same time, the forest in smoke betrays your suffering, inspired by illusory fears and prejudices. Smoky and ordinary fog in the forest personifies the reluctance to understand something and the desire to hide in delusions.

Why do you dream of a forest with a lake, a river?

If in your night dreams you find a stream in the forest, then in real life an interesting surprise awaits you. A calm river flowing through a thicket predicts a prosperous contemplative period in life. If you accidentally find an overgrown lake or even a swamp, then your well-being is threatened by an invisible danger.

If you went into the forest, knowing for sure that there was a lake there and found it, then in reality you will be privy to some kind of secret. In this case, the forest lake, lost in the thicket, symbolizes the opportunity for transformation, a change of worldview and rebirth.

Why do you dream about the forest at night?

If in a dream you find yourself in a dense forest, and even in the dead of night, then they are coming family quarrels, a decline in business and a lot of work conflicts. If you dreamed that you were walking through the forest and suddenly night fell, then in real life a forced trip will happen. Wandering in the forest at night without a landmark means a whole series of failures and a hopeless situation.

Most often, a night forest is associated precisely with unknown circumstances, but it can also symbolize endless searches without sufficient knowledge. If you get lost in the forest at night, you will not be able to get out of a negative financial situation for a long time.

Forest in a dream interpretation

Sometimes a forest in a dream is a reflection of the search for solutions and self-knowledge. You may find yourself in circumstances that you will not be able to navigate right away. In any case, the main emphasis should be on more specific transcripts.

  • forest edge - goodbye
  • clearing - loneliness
  • cutting down is an unaccountable fear
  • impassable thicket - a symbol of difficult work
  • seeing her from afar means sadness
  • wander - to satisfaction
  • dreams of a poor person - to profit
  • for the rich - to loss and shame
  • wandering without a goal is a reflection of the mind, delusions
  • make your way through the thicket - to overcome obstacles
  • going down through the forest - to comprehend the depths of the soul
  • rise - accordingly, a reflection of spiritual heights
  • beautiful, green forest - fortunately in marriage
  • looking at it from afar - to memories of pleasant moments
  • gloomy - a simple matter will turn out to be a big problem
  • thick - a new activity will be fraught with difficulties
  • dark – symbol of wild dark soul, uncertainty
  • light – spiritual harmony, good impulses
  • rare - certainty
  • deciduous - to fulfill expectations
  • mixed - the dispute will be resolved in your favor
  • aspen – evil thoughts, gloomy mood
  • birch - to a good, elevated mood
  • pine - to thoughts, search for meaning
  • palm - don’t be surprised at what happens
  • jungle - to travel to exotic places
  • autumn - to sum up
  • dry - to decay, degradation
  • frozen - bad times
  • chopped - to sorrow, tears
  • singing in the forest - to joy
  • holler - to the news
  • hear birds singing - to disappointment
  • the crackling of branches underfoot - to a sad loss
  • the sound of branches overhead - to success, glory
  • cutting down a tree means acquiring property
  • cutting down everything - to triumph over the enemy
  • picking mushrooms and berries - to enjoy a cultural event
  • brushwood - the beginning of the path to the goal
  • meeting someone in the forest means empty troubles
  • with something terrible, unknown - to a strange incident
  • falling asleep in the forest is a coincidence
  • go on a picnic - to a secret meeting
  • burnt forest - to serious danger
  • going through it means changes for the worse
  • seeing the forest from the top of a tree means quick promotion in the service
  • forest animals - reflect different aspects of the soul
  • forest fears - conscience

A forest in a dream is one of those images that need to be interpreted not so much by external signs, but rather based on one’s own emotions and intuition. Only this approach will help to understand not only the current situation, but also the reasons that led to it.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of a forest:

Seeing a forest in a dream means receiving money, changes in business, if it stands majestically, you will have to carry out various public assignments.
If the trees in the forest have young and green foliage, this indicates imminent execution your desires, plans and dreams.
Dead trees in the forest symbolize loss and sadness.
A leafless forest means that the changes will not be very favorable for you.
Wandering through a dark forest means that you will encounter career failures on your way.
Walking through the forest, enjoying its beauty and fresh air, is a sign that in reality a calm, measured life in the family, excellent relationships between spouses and children awaits you.
Walking through the autumn forest, looking at bare tree branches and withered, fallen leaves means that you will be disappointed in the person you care about.
Seeing the edge of a forest in a dream means a quick date with a pleasant person.
Walking through a narrow forest clearing in a dream means soon entering a pleasant, but not brilliant, field.
Seeing a forest in the distance in a dream - to cold winter, entering it - to sudden fear, seeing a chopped forest - to troubles, walking through the forest in winter - to need, cutting down a forest in a dream - to success.
If you are making your way through a thicket in a dream, you may soon have to overcome obstacles on your way.
Getting lost in the forest means obstacles.
Frozen - to the onset of unfavorable times.
Autumn golden forest is a symbol of clear results.
Dark - symbolizes the uncertainty and wildness of your soul, light and rare - the certainty of impulses, spiritual harmony.
Forest fire - to the successful completion of plans.
A forest in smoke - to suffering from illusions and prejudices; a forest in the fog symbolizes your reluctance to get to know yourself better, the desire for delusions.
Going through an aspen or spruce forest leads to dark and evil thoughts, through a birch forest leads to a good mood of the soul, through a pine forest leads to thoughts of the sublime. For a young girl, walking through the forest is a sign of meeting her betrothed.
Seeing or being in a forest park in a dream means that you will have a rest with your family in nature.
If you dreamed of a green forest belt - to joy and entertainment, without leaves - to dull everyday life without holidays.
To be in a forest clearing in a dream means meeting a loved one.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a forest in a dream means:

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.
If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable (or vice versa) - scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.
If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.
A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.
What associations do the forest primarily evoke in you in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery?
Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

French dream book

A dream with a forest in the dream book is interpreted as:

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Dreaming of a forest means:

To dream that you are walking through the forest and cannot find a way out - in reality you will not find a way out of your financial difficulties.
Seeing a dense forest in a dream means wealth.
Getting lost in a dream in a dense forest means not finding a way out of the situation.
Being at a logging site and cutting down wood means you have exhausting work ahead of you.

Modern dream book

Forest dream meaning:

Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a forest:

Deciduous - you have health problems, the cause of which is your pessimism. Coniferous is a reflection of your funeral moods and thoughts. Don't bury yourself ahead of time. Lit - there is a prospect of getting out of poverty, illness and blues. Don't be sad! Naked, autumn - happy celebration. Everything will be fine.

American dream book

What can a forest mean in a dream:

Old Russian dream book

Forest in a dream means:

Old Russian dream book

If you dream of a forest, it means:

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a tree in young foliage - your plans and dreams are coming true;
dead trees - sadness and loss;
climbing a tree - quick promotion;
cut down a tree or pull it out by the roots - you will waste your strength and wealth;
see the forest - changes in business;
green forests - luck;
flying around - changes that are detrimental to your interests;
forest fire - completion of plans, well-being, prosperity;
being busy chopping wood is the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you;
wandering in a dense forest - career failures, family disagreements;
at the same time, being cold and hungry is an unpleasant trip;
admiring the majestic green crowns - success, glory;
fallen leaves rustling underfoot - loss;
a dead forest with dried trees - disappointment.
Also see Tree, Leaves, Pit.

Dream book Meneghetti

It means the unconscious, the totality of human instincts, chaos, predisposing to the virtuality of creative action, sex, characterized by virtuality aimed at the genital phase (maturity stage).

Forest in a dream from Children's dream book

Forest - means the state of your vitality.
If you see a dense, green forest, it means that your strength and energy are great, you feel good and never cease to enjoy life.
If you see a dried forest, a forest covered in snow or autumn forest- this means your health will soon deteriorate. In this case, you need to pay attention to your daily routine, go to bed on time, eat well and be in the fresh air. Sit less near the TV.

Forest in a dream from Family dream book

Forest - dreams of changes in business.
Green forests promise good luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.
Forest fire - portends the completion of plans, well-being and prosperity.
If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely enter into the fight - you will emerge victorious.
If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.
We admired the green crowns - success and glory lie ahead.
Fallen leaves rustling underfoot are a sign of loss.
A forest with dried trees is a dream of disappointment.

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of May, June, July, August

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you found yourself in a forest - be careful, a fire may happen at your home or work.
Getting lost in the forest means numerous worries and problems.
If you dreamed that you pitched a tent, sat down to rest, or fell asleep in the forest, you are in for useless troubles.
You met someone in the forest - some of your loved ones will have empty troubles.

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation by Grishina

Forest - difficult situation, the process of self-knowledge, the female maternal principle of life / matter and the material world.
To see a forest means there will be a time of searches and decisions, difficult self-knowledge ahead.
Walking along it is a situation in which it will be difficult to navigate; get to know yourself better, know your self.
Animals in the forest are different sides of your self.
Forest fears are the state of your conscience.
Wandering around it is the state of your mind, your delusions, evil.
Getting through it means overcoming obstacles.
Going down through the forest is to comprehend the bottom of the soul.
Climbing up a mountain through a forest means comprehending the heights of your spirit.
Burning - the possibility of serious misfortune.
Frozen - the onset of evil times.
In the snow is the soul during a period of painful trials, when the essential is naked and the little things are hidden from view.
A felled forest means mourning, grief.
Dry - dying, disintegration of something in the soul.
Autumn forest, if golden, is a symbol of clear results;
The dark forest is the uncertainty of your mental life.
Light and rare - certainty of impulses, spiritual harmony.
In the smoke - suffering from illusions and prejudices.
In the fog - your reluctance to get to know yourself better, your tendency to make mistakes.

Forest in a dream from Gypsy dream book

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation Tarot

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

Forest in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Forest in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A forest, if it is green, filled with sun and you are not afraid in it, but happy - this means health, success in business, wealth; if you wander in a dense, dark forest, future failures in your career and family may await you; if you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you or you will take some wrong action and go astray; if you get lost in the forest, this means illness; cutting down forest means success in business.

Forest in a dream from Psychoanalytic dream book

Forest in a dream from Chinese dream book

If you see a forest with lush and lush vegetation, it portends good luck and benefits.
You see dry and dead trees in the forest - something is wrong in the house.
Sitting or lying in the forest means a speedy recovery.
Fallen or withered trees in the forest portend misfortune for someone.
A tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born.

Forest in a dream from Hasse's dream book

Seeing from afar is sadness
thick, dark - you won’t master the matter
walking through the forest - you'll enjoy it
luxurious, green - happy marriage
singing in the forest is a joyful time
cut down trees - you will achieve property.

Forest in a dream from Tsvetkov's dream book

Forest in a dream from Hasse's dream book

Seeing from afar is sadness; thick, dark - you won’t master the matter; walking through the forest - you will enjoy it; luxurious, green - a happy marriage; singing in the forest is a joyful time; cut down trees - you will achieve property

Forest in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Seeing a forest with lush and lush vegetation means good luck and benefits; sitting or lying in the forest - a speedy recovery; a tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born; hunting while in the forest will not work out.

Forest in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

The forest is evil. If the forest is cut down, there will be illness and death among the people. The forest stands majestically - public concerns. Forest, flock, chickens, grass - people. The forest is dense - you will get money, green - a long life. Walking through the forest means anxiety, excitement; happy marriage. The forest is burning - secret love, a joyful surprise. Getting lost in the forest means danger and confusing matters. Seeing a forester is fortunate.

Forest in a dream from Small dream book

Finding yourself in a forest thicket in a dream means failure in both commercial and family affairs. If at the same time you feel hungry and cold, then perhaps a long trip awaits you, the purpose of which will be to settle some unpleasant matter. A dream in which you see a beautiful, majestic forest with a dense crown is a symbol of prosperity and pleasure. For writers, this dream promises fame and recognition from readers.

Forest in a dream from Newest dream book

Forest in a dream from Modern dream book

To dream that you find yourself in a dense forest means failure in trading affairs, misfortune and disagreements in the family. If at the same time you are cold and feel hungry, then in reality you will be forced to make a long journey in order to settle a matter that is unpleasant for you.
Seeing majestic trees with a dense crown in a forest in a dream is a sign of prosperity and pleasure. For writers, this dream promises fame and recognition from readers.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Forest - plays an important role in legends, myths and fairy tales. It is often associated with the feminine principle of the Great Mother.
The forest can be a symbol of strength, exuberance and growth, since the trees and shrubs in the forest grow without any care.
The forest can be seen as a place of shelter and protection. Do you feel like you need refuge in your life? Try to go inside yourself for a while and think about who you are and what your place is in this life. Do you feel like you can't see the forest for the trees? Look at the situation from the outside. Sometimes a large distance between you and the object of observation helps you evaluate it more objectively.

Forest in a dream from Dream interpretation horoscope

spring. In a healthy state, a person receives the energy he needs from nature, without focusing on it. When the correct flow of qi energy in the body is distorted (disease), the body activates the process of obtaining the type of energy it needs.
Walking in a forest in a dream is auspicious; it is an independent attempt to return to a normal state of health through calming and aligning the internal state in communication with nature. Illness or fatigue has not affected the will to move, everything else will follow.
Getting lost in the forest means the world is unpredictable and mysterious, and man is only a small part of the world, which pride often prevents him from realizing.
Getting lost in the forest means understanding your relationship and interdependence with the natural world. Depending on the behavior of the person lost in a dream, all systems of the body may be involved. All possible states: relaxation, helplessness or active attempts at recognition, panic or pleasure from unexpected loneliness.
Getting lost in the forest without feeling fear or panic means realizing yourself as part of the world. Such an understanding brings peace, contradictions and grievances disappear, the very concept of injustice is erased (nature supposedly deprived us of something).
Getting lost and, slowly, looking at everything carefully and with pleasure, walking through the forest is favorable; eliminating internal contradictions will bring health, well-being, and success in business. The dream corresponds to the season of spring.
Getting lost in the forest with panic and attempts to escape without paying attention to the surroundings, fear of the forest - this means internal failure/lack of awareness of oneself as part of the world, fear of any changes, distrust of others and of life.
An attempt to escape from the forest in a dream is a desire to maintain the previous familiar state of affairs, despite obvious contradictions and failure, a desire to return from a world of harmony to chaos. Sleep is unfavorable: isolation from the world can never be favorable and is especially dangerous in the spring. Pay serious attention to your health (liver) and reconsider your internal value system. Favorable in this case, despite the dreamer’s reluctance, there may be a change of environment (rest).

Forest in a dream from Medieval dream book

Forest dream, Forest in a dream

  • The forest is a foreign side.
  • Getting lost in the forest means loss, gossip.
  • Green forests promise luck, while leafy forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.
  • A forest fire foreshadows the completion of plans, prosperity and prosperity.
  • If in a dream you wandered in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements.
  • A forest with withered trees is a sign of disappointment.
  • If in a dream you see a forest area from afar, this portends you deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone.
  • If you find yourself in an impassable thicket - in reality you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed extremely simple.
  • Walking through the forest picking berries or mushrooms will give you great pleasure from visiting a theater or concert.
  • Finding yourself in a spring forest, picking the first flowers, is a sign of a happy marriage.
  • A summer forest on a fine sunny day portends good luck and a change in business to a positive result.
  • An autumn forest in gold and the crimson of flying leaves is a harbinger of a clash of your interests with the demands of your partners.
  • If you see yourself in the forest in winter, this portends ruin, need and a search for work.
  • Wading through solid dead wood in the forest means losses that could have been avoided.
  • Deciduous young growth is a sign that your dreams and aspirations are destined to come true, and sooner than you expect.
  • Pine forest suggests that in a dispute over the division of property you will achieve a solution that is beneficial to you.
  • Walking through a burnt area of ​​the forest is a change in affairs for the worse.
  • Seeing a forest on fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will allow you to believe in your strength and creativity.
  • To see uprooted trees in a forest that has been hit by a terrible hurricane - such a dream foreshadows the danger of wasting your time, health and wealth in pursuit of dubious pleasures.
  • Singing in the forest means that days are coming for you full of fun and vigorous activity with your family.
  • Hear the singing of forest birds - expect disappointment in the person who made your heart flutter.
  • If you hear dead wood cracking under your feet or fallen leaves rustling, it means you are about to experience a sad loss.
  • Hearing the thick, spreading crowns of trees rustling above your head is a sign of future success and glory.
  • If you and your friends have a picnic at the edge of the forest, in reality you will have a date alone with a secret friend.
  • If in a dream you are looking out over a forest from the top of a tall tree, which God knows how you ended up in, expect a quick promotion.
  • If you are collecting brushwood for a fire in the forest, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.
  • Cutting down trees in the forest means mourning and grief.
  • Seeing a forest clearing or clearing - in reality you will experience unaccountable fear, finding yourself completely alone.
  • If you are lost in a dense forest and circle around it, having lost all orientation and track of time, failures at work and family disagreements await you. If at the same time it quickly began to get dark in the forest and suddenly there was heavy and cold rain, then in reality you will have to go on a forced trip.
  • Calling in the forest means receiving good news.
  • If in a dream you find yourself in a tropical forest and are making your way through dense, almost impenetrable jungle as part of some expedition, expect an invitation to go on an exotic journey at someone else’s expense.
  • Finding yourself in a palm forest foretells a calm course of affairs without any shocks in the near future.
  • If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.
  • Seeing scaffolding - you will be painfully annoyed that you were unable to keep the object of your attention, your passion.
  • walk in the forest - fall in love (for a woman)
  • romantic meeting (for men)
  • walking through the forest - difficulties in personal
  • thick - foreign side
  • in the distance - sadness

See interpretation: Earth

Eastern women's dream book

  • Finding yourself in the thicket of a forest means failure in both commercial and family affairs. If at the same time you still feel hungry and cold, perhaps a long trip awaits you, the purpose of which will be to settle some unpleasant matter. A dream in which you see a beautiful, majestic forest with a dense crown is a symbol of prosperity and pleasure. For writers, this dream promises fame and recognition from readers.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

For example, if you dreamed that you were walking through a grove of young trees, and the green foliage seemed to be reaching out to you, you have reason for joyful expectations: in the near future, all your plans and dreams will come true.

But there are dead trees in it- symbolize sadness and loss.

For a woman over forty- symbolize the approaching old age and farewell to the best moments of life.

Dense, green forest- means luck in all endeavors.

Trees with fallen leaves- they talk about imminent changes in your life that will be disastrous for you.

Getting lost in a dense forest for a family lady- means failure at work and disagreements with your “other half.”

Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, the aspiring actress- receives a sign from above about future glory and success. Dreams of this kind are often a reflection of some events of the past that greatly influenced a person and were deposited in his consciousness for a long time. And often them true meaning hidden by a symbol or allegory, which in this case is represented by the image of a forest, and in particular trees.

Dream book for a bitch

Forest- an unexpected and annoying change in plans.

Dark dense forest- failures, sadness.

Autumn forest- getting rid of unnecessary and outdated views will happen quickly and with great pleasure.

New family dream book

Forest- dreams of changes in business.

Green forests- they promise luck; those that have flown around mean changes that are detrimental to your interests.

forest fire- portends the completion of plans, well-being and prosperity.

If you were chopping wood in a dream, you can safely join the fight- you will emerge victorious.

If in a dream you were wandering in a dense forest- career failures and family disagreements await you.

Admired the green crowns- success and glory lie ahead.

Fallen leaves rustling underfoot- to loss.

Forest with dried trees- dreams of disappointment.

Modern combined dream book

To dream that you find yourself in a dense forest- means failure in commercial affairs, misfortune and disagreements in the family. If at the same time you are cold and feel hungry, then in reality you will be forced to make a long journey in order to settle a matter that is unpleasant for you.

Seeing majestic trees with a dense crown in a forest in a dream- a sign of prosperity and pleasure. For writers, this dream promises fame and recognition from readers.

Forest- this is usually deep care (immersion) in some area. This can be both good and bad, it all depends on the plot of the dream.

Individual dead trees in the forest predict short-term sadness and minor losses, but a completely dried-out forest is a more serious symbol, a harbinger of not only sadness and melancholy, but also trouble.

A burning forest dream book or a burnt forest - your own negative emotions and irritation will cause trouble.

The denser the forest in a dream, and the darker it is, the less confident the owner of the dream is, which means more difficulties are expected ahead. A dense dark forest is a symbol of uncertainty and a reflection of bad premonitions about the future. The future is presented as an “impassable jungle”... And if in reality it is to important decision, then the dream reflects problems with making this decision.

Dream Interpretation Forest Green FOREST - health, success in business and wealth; getting lost in the forest is a disease. Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation Forest FOREST - people, profit // foreign land, bad; green - good, health, long life, success // lost hopes; dry - dashing; thick - getting money // difficult work; walking through the forest - happy marriage // anxiety; walk thickly - you will be in conversation; deciduous forest - you will have to live among grumpy people; coniferous forest - sadness after short-lived joy; pine forest- fire; dark forest - sadness, great grief, illness; the forest is noisy - quarrel; the forest is burning - secret love, joyful surprise // loss, sadness; to cut down a forest - to defeat an enemy, death; getting lost is an obstacle in business, danger, illness.
Getting lost in the forest in a dream GET LOST in the forest - success, great benefit, money // trouble, hard work, loss, gossip, don’t rely on friends; in the field - good, love; in the house - chores; in the city - a difficult matter; to fornicate and go out - you will get out of trouble; If you don’t go out, you’ll be in trouble, prison. Getting lost in the forest - portends misfortune and obstacles in the enterprise. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Forest Trees covered with green foliage promise the fulfillment of dreams of happy marriage. A dead forest portends disappointment in love. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Forest Forest: abundance, growth, strength, protection, overflow. American dream book

Dream Interpretation Forest, trees Forest, trees. If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams are coming true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth. Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you are busy chopping wood, then this foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If in a dream you are wandering in a dense forest, then failures in your career and family disagreements await you. If at the same time you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss. If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment. Big dream book

Modern look

A forest in a dream has a double meaning. This may portend profit, happiness, harmony in the soul. But, on the other hand, it can promise bad news and changes for the worse. Seeing green young trees portends the fulfillment of all desires, the implementation of planned plans and the successful completion of affairs. Dead trees, on the other hand, are a symbol of loss, sadness and disappointment. All your hopes will not come true, the work you have started will only bring disappointment.

A dream in which you are walking through the forest and enjoying fresh air, promises you a quiet, calm life, full of happiness and love. Walking in a fallen forest and looking at bare trees promises you disappointment in people.

In general, if you saw yourself in a clearing full of berries, no matter what kind, the dream book explains this as a very favorable dream. For the sick - it promises a speedy recovery, for the healthy - success in business. So, the gifts of the forest that you dreamed of during the period when you are in the kingdom of Morpheus is a very positive dream in all respects. Maybe you should really go out of town and pick mushrooms in the forest? What if you dream about it?

If in your dream you see a house in the forest and go into it, be prepared for the fact that you will suddenly feel unwell, and in order to heal you will have to leave your own shelter. But if the hut is located in a bright sunny meadow, there is no need to worry. Happiness awaits you, albeit short-lived.

Time of year

Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the forest is also beautiful in different ways. Green leaves, birdsong and the scent of herbs - all this will bring joyful moments in life. Rejoice in such a dream.

"Dark or dense forest": obstruction, obscurity, uncertainty, chaos

“a forest of something (for example, hands)” is a quantitative measure, a lot of something.

Esoteric dream book Forest»›

Deciduous forest: you have health problems, the cause of which is your pessimism.

a reflection of your funeral moods and thoughts. Don't bury yourself ahead of time.

Is on: the prospect of getting out of poverty, illness and blues. Don't be sad!

Naked, autumn: happy celebration. Everything will be fine.

Forest edge: see the light in worries and deeds.

Go out to the edge: a joyful event, an end to troubles and illnesses.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse Forest»›

See the forest from afar: sadness

thick, dark: you won't master the matter

walk through the forest: you'll enjoy it

luxurious, green: happy marriage

sing in the forest: joyful time

cut down trees: you will achieve property

edge of the forest: date with a friend

scaffolding (lace): faithful friend

see: you'll get a good place.

Children's dream book Forest»›

Forest: means the state of your vitality.

If you see a dense, green forest:
This means that your strength and energy are great, you feel good and never cease to enjoy life.

Dream Interpretation “horo.mail”

See indreamforest- to changes in business. Greens forests They promise luck, those that have flown around - to changes that are detrimental to your interests. Forest a fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If indream If you are busy chopping wood, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you. If indream you are wandering in the thick forest, then career failures and family disagreements await you.

Dream Interpretation "oppps"

Nightforest. Contacts. OPTIMIST > Why do they die indream healthy people. It is noteworthy that the relatives of the deceased explained the death of their loved ones by the coming of an evil spirit that simply suffocates the sleeping person. Overwhelmingly, every nation in its legends has a description of such an evil spirit that comes at night and kills by strangling a sleeping person.

Dream Interpretation "SleepNet"

Why does a person sweat? indream? You are celebrating night sweating and you suspect it is related to problems sleep? Contact the medical department sleep sanatorium "Barvikha". We will consult and examine you, help establish the cause of the symptom and eliminate it. However, sometimes patients complain to the doctor that they sweat a lot, and sometimes not so much during the day as at night, indream.

To dream that you are walking through the forest and cannot find a way out means that in reality you will not find a way out of your financial difficulties.
Seeing yourself in the jungle is a sign of breathing problems.
Getting lost in a dream in a dense forest means not finding a way out of the situation.


Forest, trees - If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams will come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth. Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that will be detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you are busy chopping wood, then this foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If in a dream you are wandering in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If you are cold and hungry, you are in for an unpleasant trip. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss. - if you dream of a dead forest, with withered trees, expect disappointment.

Dream Interpretation Scaffolding (construction) - Be very careful and careful in business; burning - trust only in your own strength.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a Forest in a dream

Scaffolding (construction) - Be very careful and cautious in your dealings - burning - trust only in your own strength

Why do you dream of a forester - To see a forester in a dream: a happy circumstance.

Green forest - Health, success, wealth - see from afar - sadness - thick, dark - you will not master the matter - walk through the forest - get pleasure - luxurious green - happy marriage - sing in the forest - good news - cut down trees - achieve property