The influence of road transport on the ecology of the city. Impact of maritime transport on the environment

Carrying out domestic transportation, maritime transport has a great influence on the development of many economic regions. Its role is especially great in the life of the Far East and North, where it is practically the only mode of transport. Maritime transport is of utmost importance for connections with foreign countries.

Increasing the efficiency of the maritime fleet is associated with the introduction of more advanced diesel engines and steam turbines, an increase in the average carrying capacity of ships, and an increase in the efficiency of main power plants. It is important to improve the use of carrying capacity, as well as reduce the relative time that ships stay in ports for loading and unloading.

Seaports are significant unorganized sources of atmospheric air pollution with solid and gaseous substances. This type of industrial enterprise is characterized by a large area of ​​“demolition” of harmful substances and the frequency of their arrival associated with the technological reloading cycle. The intensity of air pollution and the range of pollution distribution depend on the volumes and types of main cargo processed, and the technology of their transshipment (crane, conveyor). When bulk materials (coal, ore) are handled by crane, air pollution is higher than during conveyor handling. The sanitary protection zone from places where bulk cargo is reloaded by crane method should be at least 500 m, and by conveyor method - at least 300 m. Sea ports are large water consumers that use fresh water of drinking quality. Up to 30% of the water taken is spent for the needs of the fleet, and 70% goes to the production, technical and economic and drinking needs of the coastal services of the port. At the same time, only about

40% water. Sea trade ports with low cargo turnover are characterized by higher specific water consumption. Therefore, the creation of port complexes of large unit capacity is economically and environmentally feasible. Such complexes make it possible to significantly improve the indicators of environmental management by maritime transport and reduce the negative ecotoxicological impact of port economic activities on marine areas.

5. 1 Protection of seas and oceans

Intense pollution of the World Ocean has prompted many countries to begin developing and implementing measures to prevent pollution of water basins. In modern conditions, international agreements banning the discharge of polluted water and garbage into the open seas and oceans are becoming very important. In 1958, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization was created, the main purpose of which at the beginning was limited to monitoring compliance with the provisions of the Convention. Russian environmental legislation provides for strict liability measures for sea pollution with substances harmful to human health or living marine resources. Those responsible for this pollution may be subject to criminal prosecution with penalties such as imprisonment, correctional labor or a fine. Currently, all new transport ships have separation units for cleaning bilge water, and tankers have devices that allow tanks to be washed without draining the remaining oil into the sea. To clean the surface of port waters from debris and spilled oil products, serial production and equipping of trade and fishing ports with floating oil waste collectors has begun. Ship separators are produced to purify water removed overboard, contaminated after washing the cargo compartments of tankers, as well as the holds of dry cargo ships. Onshore facilities for receiving from tankers and purifying polluted ballast water have been built and are being successfully operated.

Before train traffic can be opened, a railway must be built. And a car won’t go without a road, unless it’s an all-terrain vehicle. But people usually look at the river with different eyes. It seems to them that nature itself gave this road to man. But the river is not yet a road: shallows, riffles, pitfalls - too many obstacles. To prepare any river for navigation, you need to do large complex works

Freight turnover of river transport is about 4% of the country's total freight turnover. In some areas where the network of railways and roads is insufficiently developed, bulk cargo transportation is carried out only by water transport. In the future, the absolute volumes of cargo and passenger transportation across all waterways will increase significantly, and the scope of activity of this highly economical mode of transport will expand.

Pollution of water bodies during the operation of river transport. When operating reservoirs river transport they become contaminated. Compared to the powerful coastal runoff from cities and enterprises, the specific gravity of these pollutants is small, but the possibility of ship wastewater flowing overboard in sanitary protection zones, sanitary and recreational coastal zones, etc. determines the role of ships in the problem of pollution of water bodies as unfavorable.

Another source of pollution of water bodies by river transport can be considered sub-salt water, which is formed in the engine rooms of ships and is characterized by a high content of petroleum products. Ship wastewater contains domestic wastewater and dry waste from ships. Sources of pollution may also include oil, garbage and other liquid and solid waste from water areas and territories of ports and industrial enterprises, oil and oil products entering the water body due to insufficient tightness of the hulls of oil tankers and bunkering stations or leakage of oil products during reloading, industrial waste water generated during the production activities of ship repair and shipbuilding enterprises.

Dust particles of bulk cargo enter water bodies during overloading open method sand, crushed stone, apatite concentrate, sulfur pyrite, cement, etc. We must not forget about the effect of exhaust gases from ship engines on water quality. Fan (fecal) wastewater is characterized by high bacterial and organic contamination. Pollution of water bodies with oil and petroleum products complicates all types of water use. The influence of oil, kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil, lubricating oils on a body of water is manifested in the deterioration physical properties water (turbidity, change in color, taste, smell), dissolution of toxic substances in water, formation of a surface film that reduces the oxygen content in water, as well as oil sediment at the bottom of the reservoir.

The characteristic smell and taste are detected at a concentration of oil and petroleum products in water of 0.5 mg/l. An oil film on the surface of a reservoir impairs the gas exchange of water with the atmosphere, slowing down the rate of aeration and removal of carbon dioxide formed during oil oxidation. With a film thickness of 4.1 mm and an oil concentration in water of 17 mg/l, the amount of dissolved oxygen decreases by 40% in 20 - 25 days. Irreversible damage can be caused to a reservoir due to the high sensitivity of living organisms and vegetation to oil pollution, as well as the persistence and toxicity of this pollution. In fishery reservoirs, pollution by oil and oil products leads to a deterioration in the quality of fish (the appearance of color, spots, smell, taste), death, deviations from normal development, disruption of the migration of fish, juveniles, larvae and eggs, a reduction in food reserves (benthos, plankton), places habitat, spawning and feeding of fish. The biomass of benthos and plankton in polluted areas of the river decreases sharply. The toxic effect of oil and oil products on fish is caused by toxic substances released during the destruction of oil. An oil concentration in water of 20 - 30 mg/l causes a disruption in the conditioned reflex activity of fish and a higher mortality rate. Naphthenic acids contained in petroleum and petroleum products are particularly dangerous. Their concentration in water of 0.3 mg/l is lethal for aquatic organisms. Purification of water from oil and petroleum products occurs as a result of their natural breakdown - chemical oxidation, evaporation of light fractions and biological destruction by microorganisms living in the aquatic environment. All these processes are characterized by an extremely low rate, determined mainly by the temperature of the water and the content of dissolved oxygen in it. Chemical oxidation of oil is difficult when high content saturated hydrocarbons. Mainly light fractions of oil oxidize and evaporate, while heavy, difficult-to-oxidize fractions accumulate and then settle to the bottom, forming bottom pollution.

Negative influence cars for environment obviously. It is impossible to live in our world without using engines internal combustion. Humans use these mechanisms both in everyday life and in other activities. Unfortunately, in addition to all the positive qualities that the use of internal combustion engines brings with it, there are also many negative factors. The main one is the negative impact on the environment.

This negative impact is only increasing every year, this is due to the fact that the demand for cars is also growing. The internal combustion engines that power all cars simply burn great amount petroleum products of varying degrees of purification. This harms the environment and, first of all, the atmosphere. Since cars are large quantities are mainly concentrated in large cities, the air in megacities is depleted of oxygen and polluted with combustion products of petroleum products. Such air is harmful to human health; due to such exposure, the ecological environment is disrupted, natural and climatic conditions. It is also common knowledge that these harmful products also get into the water from the air, which means that the aquatic environment is also polluted.

During the combustion of fuel liquids, the following substances are released in large quantities:

1. Carbon monoxide. This substance is very toxic, that is, it poses a danger to the natural environment and to humans.

If a person inhales this gas in small concentrations for a short amount of time, poisoning is possible, which can lead to fainting. Carbon monoxide affects the human cerebral cortex and causes irreversible disorders of the nervous system.

  • 2. Particulate matter. During the combustion of fuel liquids, solid particles are also released into the atmosphere, which, if inhaled by a person, can lead to disruption of the operation of many internal organs, and, first of all, the respiratory system. In addition, these elements have a negative impact on the environment, in particular on water bodies, and form dust, which interferes with plant growth.
  • 3. Nitric oxide. During contact with a wet surface, nitrogen and nitric acids, which by their action lead to various disorders of the respiratory system. The effect of this element on the circulatory system also leads to various disorders.
  • 4. Sulfur dioxide. This element is a highly toxic element that has the most negative effect on all warm-blooded creatures. Exposure to this element can cause kidney failure, pulmonary heart failure, a disorder of the cardiovascular system, etc. Also, sulfur dioxide has a destructive effect on building structures; in its presence, the growth of corrosion of metal objects is accelerated.
  • 5. Hydrogen sulfide.

This is a suffocating and toxic gas that causes disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems in humans. Long-term exposure can cause severe forms of poisoning, which can be fatal.

  • 6. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Also very toxic elements that can cause very Negative consequences for the human body.
  • 7. Benzopyrene. A highly carcinogenic substance that can cause mutational changes in the human body.
  • 8. Formaldehyde. Has a very toxic effect that affects nervous system humans, on many organs and causes irreversible consequences for human health.

The danger of unspent combustion elements of petroleum products lies, first of all, in the fact that this effect cannot be seen immediately; many of the harmful substances tend to accumulate in the human body, many are not removed from it at all. Sometimes the consequences of such an impact can only be seen years later, when it is no longer possible to change anything. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that many diseases become hereditary, many diseases have become very widespread.

In addition to the impact associated with the consequences of combustion of fuel liquids, cars have other negative impacts on the environment. The influence of cars on human life also manifests itself not only in a positive way, but, first and foremost, in a negative direction. Cars have a huge noise impact on humans.

The noises that are made when a car engine is running cause excessive fatigue in people, which can cause various mental and nervous disorders. The noise threshold at which normal functioning of the human hearing organs is possible is constantly exceeded. In addition, constant noise exposure can significantly shorten a person’s life. Constant noise prevents people from performing necessary actions, such as sleep, rest, productive work, etc. Fatigue also tends to accumulate, especially in conditions of constant work, this can also lead to nervous and mental disorders. Climatic and natural factors also influence the spread of noise levels. So, for example, in an area that is saturated with green spaces, noise spreads in much lower concentrations than, for example, in a city. This is why city residents often feel constant fatigue. The background noise level is measured in decibels. According to human standards, this level should not exceed a threshold of 40 decibels, but in the modern world it often exceeds the threshold of 100 decibels.

Thus, we can say that cars have a negative impact on the environment and humans. It is necessary to try using various methods to reduce this influence, at least to a level that will not interfere with the normal functioning of the human body, and will also not disrupt the functioning of ecological systems.

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3. Impact of air transport




The vegetation cover of European Russia today is undergoing intense anthropogenic transformation, as a result of which the composition of local floras is changing. One of the most important routes for the dispersal of species is transport routes, where a contradictory and at the same time unique complex of plant species is formed

Transport is one of essential components social and economic development, absorbing a significant amount of resources and having a serious impact on the environment. Transport services play an important role in the economy and Everyday life of people. The use of almost all types of transport on all continents is increasing in terms of the volume of goods transported, the number of ton-kilometers, and the number of passengers transported.

The role of transport in the pollution of water bodies is significant. In addition, transport is one of the main sources of noise in cities and makes a significant contribution to thermal pollution of the environment.

Despite the importance of the transport and road complex as an integral element of the economy, it is necessary to take into account its very significant negative impact on natural ecological systems. It is known that these impacts are felt especially sharply in large cities, increasing as population density increases. This pattern is also true for urban passenger transport, which in most cases is concentrated around the so-called points of gravity - where passenger flows originate, unite, disperse and are absorbed.

Nowadays, the impact of transport, but the environment is the most pressing and current problem modern society. The consequences of this impact not only affect our generation, but can also affect future generations if we do not take serious measures to reduce and even eliminate the consequences of exposure and the impact itself.

During the operation of vehicles, harmful substances enter the air with exhaust gases, fumes from fuel systems, and also during refueling of the vehicle. Emissions of carbon oxides (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) are also affected by the topography of the road and the mode and speed of the vehicle.

Toxic substances disrupt the growth and development of plants, contributing to a decrease in yields, losses in livestock production, and the gradual death of trees. Plants and animals accumulate various toxic harmful substances, which leads to loss of health, gene mutations, decreased fertility in animals and plant extinction.

In addition to emissions and noise, the operation of cars is associated with other negative impacts - for example, the exclusion of more and more new territories for the expansion of traffic lanes, the organization of parking lots, the placement of garages, an increase in the number of gas stations and service enterprises, littering of territories with abandoned old cars, the organization of spontaneous parking on land plots occupied by green spaces, etc.

Motor transport has a huge impact on people. Today, the deterioration of public health from an environmental point of view is primarily a consequence of air pollution.

The main source of air pollution in cities is road transport. As a result, many harmful substances enter the atmosphere, for example, benzo(a)pyrene, soot, lead, gasoline vapors, copper and others. In addition to disruptions in the functioning of various body systems and chronic diseases of internal organs, some substances pose a danger as carcinogens. Unlike other factors affecting health, human exposure to anthropogenic emissions cannot be controlled. Due to the fact that the consequences of such exposure can be realized years and decades later, a long-term forecast of the risk of cancer in the population due to exposure to carcinogenic substances from vehicle exhaust gases becomes an urgent task.

The main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport are as follows:

optimization of urban transport;

payment by car owners of the costs incurred by society from the movement of vehicles through transport taxes:

For cars (additional tax when purchasing a car, transport tax);

To travel by car (toll for travel on roads where there are congestion;

Toll for driving on roads in a certain area;

City entry fee;

Fee for permission to use the road network for a certain period of time;

Electronic payment systems depending on the location of movement and distance traveled;

For car storage (parking fee);

For automobile fuels;

development of alternative energy sources;

afterburning and purification of organic fuel;

creation (modification) of engines using alternative fuels;

noise protection;

economic initiatives for vehicle fleet and traffic management (tax on cars, fuel, roads, car renewal initiatives).

1. Impact of road transport

The main sources of environmental pollution and consumers of energy resources include road transport and the infrastructure of the road transport complex.

With the development of cities and the growth of urban agglomerations, timely and high-quality transport services for the population, as well as environmental protection from the negative impact of urban, especially road transport, are becoming increasingly important. Cars burn huge amounts of valuable petroleum products, causing significant harm to the environment, mainly the atmosphere. Since the bulk of cars are concentrated in large and major cities, the air in these cities is not only depleted of oxygen, but also polluted with harmful components of exhaust gases.

In the conditions of a large industrial city, plants experience high technogenic pressure. In areas of increased gas pollution with significant concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and carbon oxides, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, dustiness and overheating of the atmospheric air, widespread damage to trees and shrubs was revealed. Many of these compounds, when dissolved in water, form acids harmful to plants. Long-term exposure leads to disruption of many functions of the plant organism, and often to its death. Therefore, to improve the health of urban landscapes, landscapers widely use sustainable tree and shrub species. However, in theory and practice, insufficient attention is paid to the creation of tolerant compositions of herbaceous plants in urban conditions.

2. Fighting ice on roads

The chemical method of removing snow and ice from road surfaces using chloride compounds has a harmful effect on green spaces, both as a result of direct contact and through the soil. Direct contact is possible when removing salted snow from the roadsides and dividing strip where plantings are located. Soil salinization, which occurs as a result of brine seepage into shrub areas. The likelihood of trees dying is significantly reduced if they are planted no closer than 9 m from the edge of the roadway. Damage to vegetation is less on fertile soils, especially soils rich in phosphates.

Chlorides used as deicing salts have a less inhibitory effect on plants planted in light sandy and sandy loam soils. This is facilitated by the peculiarities of the physical and chemical properties of light soils: high porosity, good water permeability and air supply.

On roads with loamy soils at the same traffic intensity, the content of chlorine ions is 2 - 3 times higher than in sandy loam soils. Therefore, when landscaping near the roadway in clayey and loamy soils, additional sand should be brought in to fill the planting holes. The damage caused to vegetation is especially noticeable near large populated areas, in places where water stagnates on the surface. With good drainage, the harmful effects of chlorides are minimized.

The strong harmful effect of salts is manifested in the corrosion of the metal of cars, road vehicles and elements of road sign posts and fences. A sodium chloride solution is more aggressive than a calcium chloride solution of the same concentration.

3. Impact of air transport

In Russia, with its vast distances, air transport is given special role. First of all, it is developing as a passenger transport and takes second place (after railway) in the passenger turnover of all types of transport in intercity traffic. Every year new air lines are developed, new ones are put into operation and existing airports are reconstructed. The share of air transport in freight traffic is small. But among the goods transported by this type of transport, the main place is occupied by various machines and mechanisms, measuring instruments, electrical and radio equipment, equipment, especially valuable, as well as perishable goods.

Major airports have own systems water supply and sanitation. But in many regions of the country (in the Rostov, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Orenburg regions and others), such systems meet the standard demand for drinking water by less than 70%. Volume of circulating supply clean water, used at airports for technical needs, is reduced due to deterioration in the quality of its purification at its own treatment facilities.

The soil around airports is contaminated with heavy metal salts and organic compounds within a radius of up to 2 - 2.5 km. In the autumn-winter and spring periods, aircraft are de-iced and snow and ice deposits are removed from the artificial surface of airfields. In this case, active de-icing preparations and reagents containing urea, ammonium nitrate, and surfactants are used, which also enter the soil.

4. Impact of rail transport

The activities of railway transport have an impact on the natural environment of all climatic zones and geographical zones of our country.

But compared to road transport, the adverse impact of rail transport on the environment is significantly less. This is primarily due to the fact that railways are the most economical mode of transport in terms of energy consumption per unit of work. However, railway transport faces serious challenges in reducing and preventing environmental pollution.

Every year, up to 200 m3 of wastewater containing pathogenic microorganisms is poured from passenger cars for every kilometer of track, and up to 12 tons of dry waste are thrown out. This leads to pollution of the railway track and the surrounding natural environment. In addition, clearing tracks of debris is associated with significant material costs. The problem can be solved by using storage tanks in passenger cars to collect waste and waste or by installing special treatment facilities in them.

When washing rolling stock, synthetic surfactants, petroleum products, phenols, hexavalent chromium, acids, alkalis, organic and inorganic suspended substances pass into the soil and water bodies along with wastewater. Content of petroleum products in wastewater when washing locomotives, phenols when washing oil tanks exceed the maximum permissible concentrations

5. Adaptive capabilities of plants

An equally important area is the study of the adaptive properties of herbaceous plant species of the regional flora in the city.

An assessment of its vitality was used as the main indicator characterizing the adaptive qualities of a plant. The term “vitality” (from the French “vitalite”) was introduced into the scientific literature by V.V. Alekhine. Often used without translation - “vitality”. The first mention of the concept of “life state” can be found in the works of L. G. Ramensky.

The criteria for vitality are: the ability of individuals of a species to undergo a full development cycle under given conditions, the timing of maturation of the reproductive organs, the amount of growth, the optimal number of individuals, etc. Vitality is usually assessed using point scales. In geobotanical studies, vitality is usually understood as the degree of development or suppression of individuals in a phytocenosis (which takes into account such indicators as the development of an individual (habitus), the degree of deviation during the passage of development stages and the presence or absence of fruiting). In this case, to determine the vitality of herbaceous plants, the scale proposed by A.G. Voronov is used. It was used for wild plants, since this scale assesses the degree of development of a species in a phytocenosis. For cultivated plants, an analysis of the phenological states and habitus of individuals was carried out at each experimental site. Based on these data, it becomes possible to determine some adaptation mechanisms of plants in urban environments. The ability of plants to change their life state (within the framework of the concept of polyvariance of ontogenesis) helps the organism to survive in a situation unfavorable for development. The main characteristic The vitality of an individual at any age is the power of the plant, its habit. To assess the power, the following parameters were used: the height of shoots and their number, the number and size of leaves, the number and size of flowers, inflorescences, fruits, seeds, the diameter of the turf, caudex or root. When conducting research, we used a three-point scale based on a visual assessment of vitality. Plants were assigned to one or another condition category based on a set of characteristics.

The scientific and methodological approach to identifying plants of the natural flora that are resistant to anthropogenic pollution is based on the study of the ecological and biological characteristics of plants, ecological and phytocenotic affiliation, biogeographical aspects of the presence of species in different parts range, as well as data on the landscape and ecological situation of the study areas. The latter include physical-geographical and meteorological factors that create favorable (unfavorable) conditions for the dispersion of pollutants. All this determines the nature of anthropogenic impact, the rate of plant reaction and the adaptive capabilities of the species.

The correct criterion for assessing the sustainability of plants in urban conditions is the indicators of seed productivity and seed regeneration. It is not always possible to assess the seed productivity of plants in urban conditions, especially in roadside and courtyard areas that are constantly mowed.

Identification of wild plant species resistant to urban environmental conditions was carried out using route and stationary methods with the establishment of test plots measuring 1 m2. All of them are in one way or another tied to industrial, residential, transport and forest park functional zones. A total of 255 route descriptions were carried out. Field methods provide the most reliable results, since the material is assessed in natural conditions using direct characteristics.

Sustainability was assessed using a three-point vitality scale. A group of wild perennial herbaceous plants has been identified that exhibit high resistance according to the criteria of normal vitality of cenopopulation individuals in different landscape-functional zones of the urban district of Voronezh. Note that plant resistance can negatively correlate with economically valuable traits. For example, in an urban environment, highly resistant herbaceous plants are annual and biennial plants (monocarpics), most of which are adventitious weed species. Our observations affect plants that are valuable in green building and land reclamation.

In industrial and transport zones, open ecotopes (wastelands, roadside strips, lawns) are populated by resistant species that have xeromorphic characteristics (storage organs in succulents, reduced leaves, pubescence, narrow leaf blades, waxy coating). Here is a short list of such species: ground reedgrass (Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.), Wallis fescue (Festuca vallesiaca Gaud. s.l.), saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga L.), flat-leaved eryngium (Eryngium planum L.), cutthroat gillyweed ( Seseli libanotis (L.) Koch), Austrian wormwood (Artemisia austriaca Jacq.), paniculata (Gypsophila paniculata L.), silver cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea L.), rough cornflower (Centaurea scaboisa L.), hairy hawkweed ( Hieracium pilosella L.), elecampane (Inula hirta L.), gray-green hickory grass (Berteroa incana (L.) DC.), chickweed (Stellaria graminea L.), sedum acre L., mountain clover (Trifolium montanum L.) and others.


It becomes clear that transport is a very important unfavorable factor in the state of the environment. Almost all types of transport pollute the environment, especially air, but also water, and cause significant noise and vibration. A lot of land resources are consumed for transport infrastructure - automobile and railways, sea and river ports, pipelines, airports, etc. and associated warehouses, stations, berths, etc. Transport infrastructure creates large-area technogenic landscapes. Significant amount natural resources is spent on the production of cars and the construction of elements of transport infrastructure. All types of transport pose a serious danger to the life, health and property of people.

It follows from this that it is necessary to strive to implement the following areas:

Consumption of fossil fuels for transport must be reduced.

Global air emission standards based on advanced technology must be established for all modes of transport.

Each country should develop and implement a program to control emissions from all sources and modes of transport.

Improve and develop a reliable and accessible public transport system.

When planning the development of transport systems, use a systematic approach aimed at an integrated solution environmental problems. Eliminate the causes, not the consequences, of geo-ecological problems in transport.

The overall goal in systemic transport management is to find the optimal balance between meeting the needs of society and reducing environmental pollution. Management strategies will depend on local situations and will therefore differ for specific countries, regions and cities.

Green spaces in urbanized areas reduce the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment and improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of human life. A significant degree of exposure to negative factors, which is more characteristic of urbanized areas, causes weakening of vegetation, a decrease in its productivity, leads to premature aging, damage to green spaces by various diseases, pests and, ultimately, to the death of plantings.

This negative impact of technogenic pressure, characteristic of urban ecosystems, is most clearly manifested in the roadside area. The green spaces of this strip are in a depressed state, their physiological activity is reduced, and they cannot fully fulfill their ecological functions. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in large industrial cities, where the intensity of traffic flow reaches its maximum values.

Substances that enter the atmospheric air with exhaust gases then settle on the soil. Soils have the ability to retain and retain both atmospheric and groundwater, which enrich the soil with chemical compounds and thereby influence the formation of one or another type of soil.

Soils, being components of very finely balanced natural ecosystems, are in dynamic equilibrium with all other components of the biosphere. However, when used in a variety of economic activity soils often lose their natural fertility or are even completely destroyed. It has been established that the areas of land contaminated with lead, zinc and cadmium in Russia are 519, 326 and 184 thousand hectares, respectively.

When 1 liter of leaded gasoline is burned, 200 to 500 mg of lead is released. This highly active, dispersed lead enriches the soil along roads. It enters plants from the soil and partly from the air. There is evidence that if 1 kg of hay contains 0.1 g of lead, it can cause the death of cattle.

Lead pollution of the natural environment negatively affects the growth and development of plants. Experiments carried out near a highway with a traffic intensity of 25 thousand vehicles per day showed that the height of corn plants planted in pots by the end of the growing season was: at a distance of 186 to 42 m from the highway - about 125 cm, at a distance of 12 m - 120 cm, 2 m - 100 cm.

anthropogenic plant transport ecological


1) Biogeographical patterns of formation of the flora of the Voronezh urban district. Lepeshkina, Liliya Aleksandrovna 2007.

2) ABOUT SYNATHROPIC FLORA OF TRANSPORT ROUTES OF THE RYAZAN REGION 2012 T.A. Palkin Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostycheva [email protected] Received by the editor 08/13/2012

3) FACTORS DETERMINING THE FORMATION OF RAILROAD FLORA © 2012 S.A. Senator, N.A. Nikitin, S.V. Saksonov, N.S. Rakov Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin RAS, Tolyatti Received December 25, 2011

4) Stability of herbaceous plants of regional flora in an urban environment. L. A. Lepeshkina, M. A. Mikheeva

5) Antipov V. G. Resistance of woody plants to industrial gases / V. G. Antipov. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1979. - 216 p.

6) Burda R.I. Criteria for adaptation of regional flora to anthropogenic influence / R.I. Burda // Study of biological diversity using comparative floristry methods. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of St. Petersburg. state Univ., 1998. - pp. 260-272.

7) A.I. Fedorova // Geoecological problems of sustainable development of the urban environment. - Voronezh: Square, 1996. - P. 212-213.

Khripyakova V. Ya. Some results of studying soils in Voronezh / V. Ya. Khripyakova, N. G. Reshetov // Questions of regional ecology: abstract. report 2nd region scientific-technical conf. - Tambov, 1995. - pp. 59-60.

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Impact of transport on the environment.

Being a powerful stimulus for socio-economic development, transport acts as one of the main sources of environmental pollution. Transport accounts for a significant portion (up to 60-70%) of chemical and overwhelming share (up to 90%) of noise pollution, especially in cities.

The negative impact of transport has the following directions:

1. Release into the environment of waste from the combustion of carbon fuels (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, natural gas), containing dozens of chemicals, most of which are extremely toxic.

2. Noise impact on the environment, which especially affects urban residents, contributing to the progression of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

3. Traffic hazards: traffic accidents on the roads claim many thousands of lives every year.

4. Acquisition of land for roads, stations, automobile and railway parks, airfields, port terminals.

5. Soil erosion.

6. Reduction of ranges and changes in the habitat of animals and plants.

The main sources of air pollution are vehicles with internal combustion engines, which are used in motor transport. Due to the increase in the number of global vehicle fleets, the gross emissions of harmful products are growing. The composition of engine exhaust gases depends on the operating mode. When accelerating and braking, the emission of toxic substances increases. Among them are CO, NOx, CH, NO, benzo(a)pyrene, etc. The world's fleet of cars with internal combustion engines annually emits into the atmosphere: carbon monoxide - 260 million tons; volatile hydrocarbons - 40 million tons; nitrogen oxides -20 million tons.

In places where gas turbine and rocket engines are actively used (airfields, cosmodromes, test stations), pollution from these sources is comparable to pollution from vehicles. The total emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere by aircraft are continuously growing, which is due to increased fuel consumption and an increase in the aircraft fleet. The amount of emissions depends on the type and grade of fuel, the quality and method of its supply, and the technical level of the engine.

The use of leaded gasoline, which contains lead compounds and is used as an anti-knock agent, causes contamination with very toxic lead compounds. About 70% of lead added to gasoline with ethyl liquid enters the atmosphere in the form of compounds with exhaust gases, of which 30% settles on the ground immediately after the cut of the car's exhaust pipe, 40% remains in the atmosphere. One medium-duty truck emits 2.5-3 kg of lead per year.

The sea and river fleets have the greatest impact on the aquatic environment, where waste compounds, washing water, industrial and household waste end up. However, the main pollutant is oil and oil products that are spilled as a result of accidents and tanker washing.

Nowadays, the problem of transport placement has become more acute. As transport networks expand, the area they occupy increases.

A main railway line, for example, requires land acquisition up to 100 m wide (includes the track itself 10-30 m, then a strip from which soil is taken for the track and reforestation). Large marshalling stations are located on sites up to 500 m wide and 4-6 km long. Huge coastal areas are occupied by port facilities, and several tens of square kilometers are allocated for airports.