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Salvatore Rosa. Self-portrait

The biography of the Italian artist Salvatore Rosa is very unusual. It seemed that fate had specially prepared unexpected adventures for him and endowed him with the character of a rebel, and this, in turn, could not help but affect his creative activity. He did not immediately become interested in painting; he sought himself in the spiritual, in music and acting. Rosa was born in Italy on June 20, 1615, at a time when progressive Baroque was developing in art and there was an intense struggle against mannerism.

The poor family of the future artist lived near Naples. The father, Antonio Vito de Rosa, was a simple land surveyor and in order for the boy to receive a good education, gave his son to the college of the Jesuit congregation of Somasca between the cities of Bergamo and Milan. While within the walls of the monastic Order, the boy Salvatoriello, accustomed to entertainment and games on fresh air, felt uncomfortable and bored. However, the knowledge that he received from spiritual mentors was useful to him in further creativity. Among the subjects Rose studied were: Italian literature, Holy Scripture, ancient history and naughty Latin. The college became Salvatore's father's only hope to give his son a good education and lift him out of poverty.

The desire to receive holy orders grew into cherished dream connect your life with art. Therefore, Rosa began to take music lessons, and only after that, painting. The young man's first teachers were Francanzone, his brother-in-law, and the great Ribera. In addition to lessons, Salvatore developed his talent by independently writing small sketches.
Painting young artist was distinguished by the realism and naturalness of not only the plots, but also the colors. His palette was dominated by ocher-brown colors and muted tones. The characters had moods and facial expressions that were understandable to the average person, without embellishment or grotesquery. The master even depicted his self-portrait (1640) “modestly” and “clearly,” following the direction of the Neapolitan school of painting.

As you know, Salvatore Rosa was a rebel and had a wayward character. The temperament of his nature set the tone for his works. The artist was especially good at paintings of battles and scenes with vagabonds and bandits. Moreover, both early and late works The painter had a leaden-red touch of ocher and the Caravadzhin technique of applying contrasting shades - a play of shadows and light (“Jason pacifying the dragon”, “The Choice of Diogenes”, “Alexander and Diogenes”).

Jason taming the dragon. 1665-70

Diogenes' choice. 1650

In 1636, the artist decided to become an actor, just at the time when all of Rome already knew about Salvatore as a talented artist. And here he succeeded. He revealed his face during the performance, tearing off the mask of Coviello, whom he played, and later founded his own theater near Port del Popolo. Being a constant fighter against the existing government, Rosa was persecuted and became an object of surveillance by hired killers scurrying around the theater. During this period he writes famous painting“Allegory of Lies”, illustrating his own versification “I take off my blush and paints from my face.” The painting is painted in unusual dry tones with a “patina” of emerald paint.

An allegory of lies. 1640

A talented painter, poet and actor, Salvatore, had many friends in the world of art and literature. The name of the great artist is often mentioned in the works, diaries and letters of travelers. Fueled by her own restless character and good company, Rosa creates stories on various topics - diverse, different from each other. These are mythical and biblical subjects, landscapes (“Forest Landscape with Three Philosophers”) and portraits. The technique in which he writes is not particularly bright, but it gives peace and sets the right mood for the viewer.

Forest landscape with three philosophers.

Rose was motivated, among other things, to create romantic stories by her love for a woman. His beloved long years There was Lucretia, who gave the artist two sons. Only before his death did Salvatore marry a woman, thereby fulfilling his duty on earth, giving continuation of the family and himself in his canvases.

Death overtook the master in March 1673 in Rome. The work of Salvatore Rosa became a school for future, no less eminent, artists.

Rosa Salvator

    When interpreting a birth horoscope, the best method is to begin the analysis with its common features, moving on to the details based on them. This is the usual plan of progression - from a general analysis of the horoscope and its structure, to a description of various character traits.

    The twelve zodiac signs are grouped based on general characteristics. The first way is to unite according to their nature, their basis. Such a combination is called grouping by elements. There are four elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

    The distribution of planets in the horoscope by elements is determined by basis of personality its owner and in this case it is like that...


    Expressed element of earth . Like most Earth signs, you are efficient, concrete and not overly emotional. You judge a tree by its fruit. Your ideas may change, your words may disappear, but your actions and their consequences are visible and remain. Try to express your sensitivity, even if it shows your vulnerability. Emotions, energy and communication cannot be neglected; a particular action is meaningless unless it is aligned with your heart, your intellect, or your passion.

    Presence Water element indicates high sensitivity and exaltation through feelings. Heart and emotions are yours driving forces, you can't do anything unless you feel an emotional impulse (in fact, the word "feeling" is fundamental to your character). You must love to understand and feel to take action. This can be harmful due to your vulnerability and it is necessary to learn to fight for your emotional stability.

    The twelve zodiac signs are also divided into three groups of qualities from four signs. Each group contains signs that have certain common qualities. Each group has its own way of expressing itself in life. Cardinal signs make a transition from one to another; overcoming, conquest, and elimination are associated with them. Fixed signs carry out embodiment, concentration, appropriation. Mutable signs prepare the transition to something else and carry out adaptation, change, assumption.

    The distribution of planets in a horoscope by quality determines way of expressing personality its owner, and in this case it is...


    Cardinal quality is dominant and indicates a predisposition to action, impulse, the ability to undertake: You are energetic in carrying out the plans you have in mind, getting things moving and creating them. This is the most important aspect, which instills enthusiasm and adrenaline in you, without which you can quickly get tired. You are assertive and individualistic (perhaps too much?). You allow others to strengthen and improve the structures that you have painstakingly built.

    Mutable (changeable) quality most emphasized in your natal chart, indicating an emerging symbol that tends to be curious and thirsty for new experiences and development. You are a lively and flexible person who prefers to respond quickly to circumstances. But do not confuse mobility with atomization and agitation; this is the danger of such a configuration. Personal defense doesn't matter as long as you don't get bored. You optimize and change your plans, things and surroundings in a fast way.

Your planetary (synthetic) sign - three or more characters

Salvator Rosa. Structure (components) of energy

Main characteristics

Motivation: self-foundation, will, source of motivation, center

Salvator Rosa

Sun in Gemini
You are sensitive, talkative and inquisitive. Change tendencies and inner restlessness can hinder the achievement of goals. Diversity is the best thing for you in life. You love to make friends, are eloquent, love to read and have many hobbies. Ingenuity and desire for new things are yours strong point, but you should use your abilities and communication skills correctly so as not to waste them.

Emotions: sensitivity, receptivity, impressionability

Salvator Rosa

Moon in Aries
You easily accept new ideas, experiencing experience as a way of self-realization. You often change your mood, get ignited easily and quickly, and then just as quickly forget the reason for your anger. Sometimes you express a tendency - I come first. You are also prone to bouts of irritability and headaches. It seems to people that you maintain some kind of emotional distance when communicating with them. You have well-developed senses, and you often use them consciously for your own benefit. If you are interested in something, you can be very kind and sympathetic, but if you do not feel inner inspiration, you become indifferent and faceless. Your feelings are controlled by the ego. You have a quick reaction. You trust your senses and react instantly without thinking. This highlights your impulsiveness and tendency to trust your feelings rather than your reason. You despise authority and don't like being given advice. You shine in all situations that require the ability to make quick decisions. You are original, inventive, have a restless mind, but are not very resilient. In many situations, you take the initiative and demonstrate self-confidence. You try to dominate others emotionally and take advantage of authority because you perform much better as a leader than as a subordinate. You are an ambitious and sociable person with a pioneering spirit.

Intelligence: mind, reason, mind, speech, communication

Salvator Rosa

Mercury in Gemini
You are multifaceted, completely devoid of prejudice and tireless in your quest to know the truth. You have a surprisingly large vocabulary, you love to learn and you easily and skillfully communicate with people. mutual language. Very sensitive nervous system forms the basis of your active mind. You are spiritual, talkative, charming, and interested in current events. You think at lightning speed and gesticulate frequently. Try to control your need for change and news, because this can lead to superficiality and reduce fundamentality.

Harmony: measure, conjugation, sympathy, coherence, values

Salvator Rosa

Venus in Cancer
You are an idealist and poet by nature, enjoying the beauty of life. You may be prone to excessive pleasures, but rarely waste your energy. You are vulnerable, but you try to cover it up with constant employment or pretend that you don’t care about it. You love home and take a lot of care of it. Financial and family security are important to you great importance. You are gentle, compassionate, love to serve people and have charm. Your reactions are instinctive and emotional. Your relationship with your partner is more maternal than loving. Do you want your partner to express his feelings openly?

Salvator Rosa was an Italian painter, engraver, poet and musician.

Born in Renella, near Naples, on June 20, 1615 (16150620), he was raised in a monastery and was preparing to take holy orders, but soon felt an irresistible attraction to art and began to study first music, and then painting. His mentors in the latter were first his brother-in-law, Fr. Francanzone, a student of X. Ribera, then Ribera himself and, finally, the battle painter Agnello Falcone. In addition to these artists, the development of R.'s talent was greatly facilitated by his writing sketches from life without anyone's help. At the age of eighteen, he set out to wander through Apulia and Calabria, fell into the hands of the local robbers and lived for some time among them, studying their types and customs, after which he worked in Naples.

In 1634 he moved to Rome, where he was not slow to gain fame for his images of characteristic, full of life scenes from the life of shepherds, soldiers and bandits, but, thanks to his satires and especially two paintings: “Transience human life” and “The goddess of happiness, squandering her gifts on the unworthy,” antagonized Roman society to such an extent that he had to retire to Naples. When Masaniello's revolution broke out there, he participated in it. From 1650 to 1660 worked in Florence, at the court of Grand Duke J.-C. Medici, from time to time visiting Rome. Finally, he settled again in this city, where he died on March 15, 1673.

Belonging in the direction of talent to the naturalists of the Neapolitan school of painting, having some affinity with his teachers, Ribera and Falcone, Rosa nevertheless showed, with great diversity in the choice of subjects, a lot of originality in their interpretation. In the paintings on historical topics he knew how to combine realism of the image with nobility lively composition and with a strong expression of the idea. The best of these paintings is considered to be “The Conspiracy of Catiline” (in the gallery of the Pitti Palace, in Florence). Among other works of Rose in this kind, especially worthy of attention: “Angel and Tobias” and “The Appearance of the Shadow of Samuel to Saul” (in the Louvre Museum, in Paris), “Jonah in Nineveh” and “Cadmus and Minerva” (in the Copenhagen Gallery), “The Crucifixion” (in the Brunswick Museum), “Prometheus” (in the Hague Gallery), “ Prodigal son", "Odysseus and Nausicaa" and "Democritus and Protagoras" (in State Hermitage) and some others.

The portraits by Rosa are very characteristic and expressive, which suggests their similarity with the faces posing in front of him. In those landscapes that came out from under his brush during his stay in Florence, such as, for example, in the large seaside view located in the Colonna Gallery in Rome, painting connoisseurs see the influence of Claude Lorrain. In other paintings of this kind, a certain artificiality and lethargy are noticeable. But Rose is an excellent, completely original master, imbued with poetry when he depicts harsh mountains, wild gorges, deep forest thickets, especially when he paints on small canvases. There are many of his paintings in which the landscape plays minor role, and the main content consists of human figures - mostly the figures of soldiers and robbers. Such pictures can be seen in Imperial Hermitage(“Soldiers Playing Dice”), in Vienna, Munich, The Hague and other galleries. Finally, Rose beautifully painted very complex paintings of battles, a wonderful example of which is in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Regarding the coloring of R., it must be said that it is not at all distinguished by great brilliance, but is extremely pleasant in its warmth and consistency of chiaroscuro.

IN last years Throughout his life, Rosa was diligently engaged in engraving. In total, he executed 86 etchings of his own composition, many of which can be considered the best creatures artist and in good prints are very much appreciated by print lovers, such as, for example, “St. William the Hermit”, “Plato and His Disciples”, “Warrior Sitting on a Hill”, etc.

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His mentors in the latter were first his brother-in-law, Fr. Francanzone, a student of X. Ribera, then Ribera himself and, finally, the battle painter Agnello Falcone. In addition to these artists, the development of R.'s talent was greatly facilitated by his writing sketches from life without anyone's help. At the age of eighteen, he set off to wander around Apulia and Calabria, fell into the hands of the local robbers and lived for some time among them, studying their types and customs, after which he worked in Naples.

Belonging in the direction of talent to the naturalists of the Neapolitan school of painting, having some affinity with his teachers, Ribera and Falcone, Rosa nevertheless showed, with great diversity in the choice of subjects, a lot of originality in their interpretation. In paintings on historical themes, he knew how to combine the realism of the image with the nobility of an animated composition and with a strong expression of the idea. The best of these paintings is considered to be “The Conspiracy of Catiline” (in the gallery of the Pitti Palace, in Florence). Among other works of Rose in this kind, especially worthy of attention: “Angel and Tobias” and “The Appearance of the Shadow of Samuel to Saul” (in the Louvre Museum, in Paris), “Jonah in Nineveh” and “Cadmus and Minerva” (in the Copenhagen gallery), “The Crucifixion” (in the Brunswick Museum), “Prometheus” (in the Hague Gallery), “Prodigal Son”, “Ulysses and Nausicaa” and “Democritus and Protagoras” (in the Imperial Hermitage) and some others.

The portraits by Rosa are very characteristic and expressive, which suggests their similarity with the faces posing in front of him. In those landscapes that came out from under his brush during his stay in Florence, such as, for example, in the large seaside view located in the Colonna Gallery in Rome, painting connoisseurs see the influence of Claude Lorrain. In other paintings of this kind, a certain artificiality and lethargy are noticeable. But Rose is an excellent, completely original master, imbued with poetry when he depicts harsh mountains, wild gorges, dense forest thickets, especially when he paints on canvases of small size. There are many of his paintings in which the landscape plays a secondary role, and the main content consists of human figures - mostly the figures of soldiers and robbers. Such paintings can be seen in the Imperial Hermitage (“Soldiers Playing Dice”), in Vienna, Munich, The Hague and other galleries. Finally, Rose beautifully painted very complex paintings of battles, a wonderful example of which is in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Regarding the coloring of R., it must be said that it is not at all distinguished by great brilliance, but is extremely pleasant in its warmth and consistency of chiaroscuro.

In the last years of his life, Rosa was diligently engaged in engraving. In total, he executed 86 etchings of his own composition, many of which can be considered among the best creations of the artist and, in good prints, are highly valued by print lovers, such as, for example, “St. William the Hermit”, “Plato and His Disciples”, “Warrior Sitting on a Hill”, etc.

Rosa composed several dramas, in which he sometimes acted, as well as a number of caustic satires.

Biographies of this versatile artist were published by Fr. Baldinucci (new Venetian edition, 1830), Fiorillo (with the appendix of R.'s satire; "Poetic Art", Göttingen, 1785) and C. Cantu (Milan, 1844).

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  • 2010.
  • Salvator Cognetti de Martiis


Rosa Salvator Riman

encyclopedic Dictionary born in Renella, near Naples, was raised in a monastery and was preparing to take holy orders, but soon Salvator felt an irresistible attraction to art and began to study first music, and then painting. The mentors were first his brother-in-law, Fr. Francanzone, a student of X. Ribera, then Ribera himself and, finally, the battle painter Aniello Falcone. In addition to these artists, talent development Salvator This was greatly facilitated by his writing sketches from life without any help. Eighteen years old Salvator set off to wander around Apulia and Calabria, fell into the hands of the local robbers and lived for some time among them, studying their types and customs, after which he worked in Naples. In 1634 he moved to Rome, where, thanks to two paintings: “The Transience of Human Life” and “The Goddess of Happiness, Wasting Her Gifts on the Unworthy,” he gained fame. From 1650 to 1660 Rosa Salvator worked in Florence, at the court of Grand Duke J.-C. Medici, from time to time visiting Rome. Belonging in the direction of the naturalists of the Neapolitan school of painting, having some affinity with his teachers, Ribera and Falcone, Salvator With a large selection of subjects, he made an original interpretation. In historical paintings, he knew how to combine the realism of the image with the nobility of an animated composition. In landscapes that came out from under the brush Salvator during his stay in Florence, art connoisseurs see the influence Claude Lorrain . Salvator is an excellent, completely original master, imbued with poetry when he depicts harsh mountains, wild gorges, dense forest thickets, especially on small canvases. There are paintings in which the landscape plays a secondary role, and the main content is made up of human figures, be it the figure of a soldier or a robber. In the last years of his life Salvator hard at work engraving. In total, he executed 86 etchings of his own composition, many of which can be considered among the artist’s best creations and, in good prints, are highly valued by print lovers.