Hermitage excursions schedule. State Hermitage Museum. How to buy tickets to the Hermitage

You will see famous symbols of the city: St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, Peter and Paul Fortress, Strelka Vasilyevsky Island, Palace Square, the Hermitage (Winter Palace), the Bronze Horseman, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Summer Garden, the cruiser "Aurora" and much more.

During the bus excursion (1.5 hours) there is a 10-minute exit for sightseeing: the cruiser "Aurora", St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island (there is WC at this stop).

After the bus tour you visit the Hermitage(2 hours) – one of largest museums world, whose collection includes about three million works of art. Accompanied by an experienced Hermitage tour guide, you will take a walk through main halls of the Winter Palace: Alexander, Armorial, White Marble, Large and Small Throne Halls, Gallery of the War of 1812, Malachite Living Room; see world famous Peacock watch and wonderful Hanging Garden! The guide will take you to the main masterpieces of the Hermitage - works Leonardo Da Vinci("Madonna Litta", "Madonna Benois"), Rembrandt("Danae", "Return" prodigal son") and other collections of paintings and sculptures.

- Ticket to the Hermitage included included in the cost of the excursion.
- Entrance to the museum is provided
without a queue.

Why choose this excursion:

Our modern tourist buses They will delight you with their comfort, and large panoramic windows will allow you to see all the beauty of the city.

- A professional tour guide will give you the best interesting information. Our requirements for a guide include not only a license, but also a great love for St. Petersburg. The museum tour is accompanied by experienced Hermitage tour guide.

The optimal route that will allow you to see the main attractions of the city and visit one of the largest museums in the world!

- Three stops with exit for more detailed inspection architectural ensembles and monuments. A great opportunity to take unforgettable photos.

Ticket to the Hermitage included included in the cost of the excursion. You won't waste time in line! IN you can see even more on your own, as uhThe tour ends at the Hermitage! *For example, we recommend that you visit the halls Ancient world And Ancient Egypt, admire paintings by Monet, Renoir, Pissarro at the Impressionist exhibition, as well as sculpturesthe inimitable Rodin.

I'm a tourist in St. Petersburg. Although the number of visits to the Northern capital has already exceeded the number of fingers on my hands, but here’s an excursion to Main Museum I always put off St. Petersburg for later. They say that you can’t get around the Hermitage in your entire life! It's scary, isn't it? So is it worth starting? Of course it's worth it!

I'll start with impressions! The most important indicator for me is that I want to visit the Hermitage again. My “test” visit to the museum lasted about 5 hours, and I didn’t want to leave (the only thing was that my legs already refused to walk, but I could sit and enjoy the paintings). I even regretted a little that I went on Tuesday, when the Hermitage is open until 18:00.

In 5 hours I managed to examine only part of the second floor and visited about 40 rooms. I was lucky that the excursion with my audio guide coincided with my inner need to enjoy the paintings of European artists of the 15-17 centuries; I spent most of the time in front of Madonna Benoit Leonardo da Vinci and Danaë by Rembrandt. Seeing in person the works of Rubens, Titian, Raphael, Rembrandt and Leonardo before Vinci is priceless. I was also struck by its beauty in the Pavilion Hall, where everyone’s special attention was focused on the Peacock clock. I also managed to break through the crowd and try to look at the small details of this unusual work art.

I was disappointed that I was not able to see the works of Van Gogh, Monet and other impressionists and post-impressionists, but this was due to my poor preparation, while I was wondering where this exhibition was and how to get to the General Staff - time was up. But this is a great reason to visit the Hermitage again, I have something else to see.


Someone may disagree with me, but my first trip to the Hermitage showed that it is better to spend a little more money, but take at least some kind of excursion. This will allow you to travel less and see more.

So, if you are a tourist who intended to conquer the Hermitage on your own, but changed your mind, then at your service:

  • sightseeing tour conducted by Hermitage workers- costs 200 rubles, is carried out according to a schedule, which can be found out when purchasing a ticket or on electronic boards (I saw them before entering the Hermitage), the group consists of 25 people, there are no microphones, so you will have to stay close to the guide, but the stories are very fascinating (I was lucky enough to encounter with such groups during my examination); entrance to the Golden Pantry and Diamond Pantry only with a guide, price 300 rubles for each pantry (prices as of the date of review)
  • audio guide of the Hermitage- costs 350 rubles, you are given a device similar to a remote control, there is a choice of language, there is a headphone jack (but they are not given out, so many people just go with the audio guide to their ear)
  • audio guide on your smartphone- before going to the museum, I downloaded the Hermitage and Audio Guide applications (mine is for iPhone), at first I didn’t even imagine that I would use this audio guide, but while I was standing in line, I decided that it was impossible without information support at all. Therefore, I purchased the Big Review directly from the Hermitage app for 379 rubles and downloaded it immediately (about 40 MB, but I now have great internet on my iPhone, which is valid throughout Russia; downloading this audio guide took less than a minute). The main advantage: that I can re-listen if I want, they write where to go, where to turn, what to pay attention to.


I usually buy electronic tickets in advance, but here I was a “real” tourist, I came unprepared. By the way, you can buy tickets via the Internet on the official website of the Hermitage, the price is 580 rubles(this is a full ticket, you need to print it out, as it will need to be applied to the turnstile; I cannot say whether it is possible to apply an electronic device to the barcode scan).

In the large courtyard of the Hermitage there are terminals where you can buy a full ticket without queuing. Price 600 rubles, but you won’t have to stand in line. I stood in line for a bit because I decided to save 200 rubles by presenting my passport citizens of Russia and the Republic of Belarus can buy a ticket for 400 rubles. Payment is also possible via terminal.

The first Thursday of every month, visiting the museum for all categories of individual visitors is FREE.


The museum is closed on Mondays.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10:30 to 18:00

IN Wednesday and Friday the museum is open from 10:30 to 21:00.

I was there on Tuesday and regretted it a little, because I also wanted to go to the General Headquarters (there is an exhibition of impressionists, but at 17:30 they didn’t let me in, accompanied by a strict “Closed entry”).

I wish you an inexhaustible desire for beauty! And don't forget about comfortable shoes and portable charger for your gadgets, time will fly by!

Luxury and architecture of the halls of the Winter Palace
Our tour will begin on the Jordan Stairs and move on to the halls of the ceremonial suite of the Winter Palace: Field Marshal's, Petrovsky, Armorial and Throne Halls. We will observe how eras replace each other and architectural styles, how the tastes of the Russian nobility change from room to room, how the Russian culture of that time is reflected in their interiors. Let's talk about creating and practical use each hall. We will see the Pavilion Hall, the Big and Small Spanish Skylights, the Knights' Hall, the Terebenev Staircase, the gallery Ancient painting, Raphael's loggias are symbols of the empire, combining luxury, monumentality and airy lightness.

Works by Rembrandt and other Dutch masters
We will look at the works of the great Dutch - Hugo van der Goes, Frans Snyders and, of course, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, the largest collection of whose works is presented in the Hermitage. You will see the most important paintings of the artist - “Danae” and “Return of the Prodigal Son”, you will recognize them artistic features and the history of creation. We'll see how creative path Rembrandt's work intersects with his personal life, as the artist's style changes under the influence of the tragic events of his life.

Masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance
Traveling through Italy, we will talk about the masterpieces of Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian and Leonardo. I will help you understand the key works of the Renaissance and their cultural value, tell you about the history of the paintings and the personalities of the artists. Special attention Let's focus on the legendary "Madonna Conestabile" - one of iconic works Raphael and the symbol of beauty, which inspired Pushkin, Dostoevsky, as well as artists different eras. Recently, the masterpiece was transferred from wood to canvas: you will find out how this painstaking process takes place and what other works of the Hermitage are currently undergoing such restoration.

Who is this excursion suitable for?

Travelers over 14 years of age who are interested in art and want to learn to understand it. If there are children in the group, we can slightly shift the emphasis of the excursion to the knightly and ancient halls: weapons, medieval stories and ancient myths.

There are many pitfalls here. Come on the first Thursday of the month (free day) and stand in a three-hour line. If you forget your passport, you’ll spend a long time tearing your vest at the cash register and asking to look into your honest Slavic eyes, but to no avail. And a ticket for those who do not have a document confirming their citizenship is as much as 200 rubles more expensive. I also had the opportunity to see people lost in the halls of the Hermitage. In a word, a dangerous place. But it's worth it!

Who will like it: First of all, for art lovers. If you know how and love to look at painting and sculpture, then a visit to the Hermitage is strictly necessary for you.

In addition, those who love to admire the luxurious interiors of ancient palaces and imagine how they walked through these halls, slipping through narrow doorways sideways to allow the crinoline to pass, will also be interested in the Hermitage.

Who won't like it: small children. There are no miracles. And interest art museum five year old child, as a rule, is impossible. Although if your baby is disciplined enough and is used to going to museums, then he will be able to handle it for an hour and a half.

In addition, according to my observations, you get tired faster from walking through museums than, for example, from a walk in the park. I don’t know how this is explained from a physiological point of view, but it has been tested many times both on myself and on clients. Therefore, if you doubt your ability to stay on your feet for three hours, then there is no need to refuse a tour of the Hermitage, just warn me that from time to time you would like to sit on the benches, which are also available in the museum.

Tour of the halls of the Hermitage

How the excursion goes: I usually meet my guests right on Palace Square, near alexandrian column. From there, like sailors in an old black and white film, we rush through the central gate of the museum and find ourselves inside. Don't worry about queues and tickets: I will take care of everything and buy everything for you in advance.

I usually start my tour of the museum itself from the state rooms. They are magnificent in the Winter Palace (by the way, the Winter Palace is part of the Hermitage. The museum itself consists of five buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, Great Hermitage, the Hermitage Theater and the new Hermitage. But in common parlance we often use these words - Winter Palace and Hermitage - as synonyms). Climbing up main staircase, we can imagine ourselves as both foreign ambassadors and heroes Soviet film"Christmas Eve". After all, the scene when the blacksmith Vakula meets Catherine II was filmed on the main staircase.

In the large Field Marshal's Hall we will talk about the terrible fire that almost completely destroyed the Winter Palace in 1837, after which the current interiors were created.

In the small Throne Room, I will explain what kind of intricately twisted symbol adorns the walls and the throne.

And in the gilded Hall of Arms we will try, we will try to find 52 coats of arms of the provinces Russian Empire located there. And most likely, we won’t be able to do this without my advice.

In the gallery of eight hundred and twelve, we have to solve the mystery of the portrait of Ermolov, who was the only one of the three hundred and thirty-two generals depicted there who turned his back to the viewer.

Finally, the final chord will be the Great St. George's Hall, also known as the Great Throne Hall.

After this, we will move to the Small Hermitage, where we will meet the famous peacock clock. You are very familiar with this watch; everyone saw it on the “Culture” channel. Well, now you have to look at them live.

Next, our path will run through the halls of the large Hermitage, where the collection is located Italian art Renaissance. There are two paintings by Leonardo da Vinci waiting for us here – two! That's a lot. After all, they usually say that from 12 to 18 paintings remain from Leonardo (there are doubts about the authenticity of some of them).

Then - two paintings by Raphael. One of them, the Conestabile Madonna, is famous for being transferred from wood to canvas in the 19th century. I will tell you how this extremely technologically complex operation was performed.

Michelangelo's sculpture "Crouching Boy" - only job sculptor outside Italy.

After this, I will show you the Knights' Hall (the main attraction that lures St. Petersburg boys to the Hermitage). Thirty-year-old boys will also find it interesting there.

After this, the halls of Rubens await us, with his ladies of pleasant appearance and large circumference.

And then - the Rembrandt rooms. The Hermitage has a magnificent Rembrandt collection - the second largest in Europe. By the way, about the notorious Danae, I will tell not only the story associated with the attempt on her life (in 1985, a visitor doused the painting with acid), but also the fascinating story of the study of the painting carried out after this attempt. We will try to figure out whether Danaya is really depicted on the canvas, or whether she is a completely, completely different woman.

At the end, at the request of my guests, I show either the living quarters royal family, of which few have survived, but something remains, or the Antique halls on the first floor. On the ground floor huge collection Roman sculpture, as well as a small selection of Egyptian exhibits. Of course, the hit of the program is a real Egyptian mummy, which especially in children arouses genuine interest, and sometimes no less genuine horror.

The cost of a tour of the Hermitage is 5500 + tickets.

It takes approximately three hours.

To book a tour of the Hermitage, please fill out the form below.

To book a tour with me, please fill out the feedback form. I promise to contact you as quickly as possible!

Going to St. Petersburg, every self-respecting citizen strives to get acquainted with the masterpieces that the northern capital stores. St. Petersburg is the most visited foreign tourists city ​​of Russia, along with Moscow. There really is something to admire here, it’s so easy to get into the spirit of imperial Russia, and after visiting all the museums and estates, gardens and palaces of the city, pride and patriotism will overwhelm you. Today we will talk about one of the most famous attractions of the city, for which it is worth visiting St. Petersburg - the main museum complex Hermitage. 350 halls containing thousands of relics and valuables, most of the history of our rich country. In our article we will tell you how and where to book excursions to the Hermitage and how much they cost, as well as what types there are great deals by reservation online excursions tour of the Hermitage with a guide.

Where to buy excursions to the Hermitage

In the age of new technologies, when you can book and purchase online any product or service, it has become just as easy and simple to buy air tickets, tours and vouchers and, to our delight, book an excursion to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Today we will talk about two resources that offer such services, have qualified private guides around the Hermitage, plus conduct educational, interactive, dynamic and exciting excursions around the main museum of St. Petersburg, not overloaded with dry facts. These are portals and .

These services are convenient, easy to use, and most importantly, reliable. They have been tested by thousands of tourists who use them every day, booking excursions around the world. When choosing an individual guide to the Hermitage, you can communicate directly with the guide who will accompany you, adjust the program at your discretion, select the most interesting locations and focus on what is interesting to you. You can also familiarize yourself with the schedule of excursions around the Hermitage and prices for different types programs. Having chosen your option, you can book a tour yourself and not worry about queues, tickets and transfers.

Prices for excursions to the Hermitage for 2019

Excursions to the Hermitage are not the cheapest pleasure, but our resources offer unique and, most importantly, not boring programs. Whether you choose a private Hermitage guide or want to join a group, the choice of programs will allow you to choose the most cost-effective excursion to the Hermitage. Let's figure out how much excursions to the Hermitage cost?

Price for individual excursion per person starts from 2000 rub.. For example, excursion "" - a journey to the enchanting and amazing world interiors of the Hermitage.

There are also individual excursions to the Hermitage for small groups, then you pay a single amount regardless of the number of people. Prices for such tours start from 3-4 thousand rubles per company. Example - designed for a company of up to 10 people.

The average cost of excursions to the Hermitage varies from 3000 to 7000 rubles for a group of 1-7 people. The price varies depending on the content of the program, whether a transfer is included in your order, the number of halls and the theme of the excursion, whether the entrance fee is included and such additions to the program as visiting other attractions of St. Petersburg, lunch and other extra opportunities.

In this chapter, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the portal where the best offers are posted if you are looking for an individual guide to the Hermitage. It was he who collected on his pages only the best, erudite and gifted guides of St. Petersburg. All guides are local residents, are well acquainted with the history of the city, its classic and unpopular, but worthwhile locations. Licensed personal guides to the Hermitage, who have published their offers and original excursions on the portal, have undergone careful testing and selection not only by service owners interested in providing quality services to tourists, but are also supported a huge amount reviews from satisfied customers. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the guides’ dossiers and choose the excursion that suits you.

    The journey will begin with a visit to the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, contemplation of its bridges, then a walk to To the Bronze Horseman and St. Isaac's Cathedral. A professional guide will take you on a fascinating tour of famous places Northern Venice, will enrich your knowledge and share unique facts. And at the end of the walk, you will have an excursion to the famous Hermitage. Excursion cost 2000 rub. per person.

  • - a journey into the world of beauty

    In order to understand the history of the creation of the museum and each pavilion, this excursion was created. You will find the Malachite and Pavilion Halls, the decoration of the St. George and Throne Halls, the Gallery of Heroes of 1812, Raphael's loggias and much more. Each room is a masterpiece of architecture, and the rich decoration of the room serves as an excellent frame for the valuable artifacts that are kept on the walls of the museum. Excursion cost 2000 rubles per person.

  • In the company of a qualified guide knowledgeable in art, painting and architecture, you will walk through more than 30 halls of the Hermitage. Traveling through the luxurious rooms of the museum, you will see how eras and architectural styles change, how the tastes of the Russian nobility change, as reflected in their interiors Russian culture of that time. You will get acquainted with the works of the greats Dutch artists, learn the stories behind the creation of masterpieces, the creative path of each author. A tour of the Hermitage will smoothly flow into the Renaissance, where the great Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian and Leonardo will become your friends. Cost of this excursion from 2260 to 3130 rubles per 1 person.

A separate area, which is presented on Tripster with three excursion options, is excursions around the Hermitage for children. Naturally, in order to introduce children to art, a special approach is needed. Hermitage guides who develop programs for children try to make them as exciting as possible, not boring with elements of a game or even a quest. Involved in the process, children, while having fun, gain invaluable knowledge about art, culture, eras, famous artists and history. Choose one of the options and feel free to go with your children to comprehend the beautiful:

    The excursion is in the form of a dialogue with children, relaxed, filled interesting stories and facts, legends and fairy tales. With the help of a guide, children, traveling through the halls of the Hermitage, will be able to imagine themselves either as foreign ambassadors, or suddenly transform into the heroes of the film “The Night Before Christmas”. In the gilded Hall of Arms, the children will try to find 52 coats of arms of the provinces of the Russian Empire, and after that the children will be faced with riddles, one of which is the portrait of Yermolov, who is the only one of the 332 generals depicted in the portraits who turned his back to the viewer. Excursion cost for children 3000 rubles for a company from 1 to 6 people.

    On this excursion you will get acquainted with the history of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Scythia, learn how the ancient Egyptians lived and what they believed, discover the secrets of the art of mummification and the secrets of preserving the body for thousands of years. A fun and scary excursion for children interested in ancient civilizations, adventure lovers, those who love quests and treasure hunting. The excursion will be useful for schoolchildren and interesting for all fans of Indiana Jones. Excursion cost 4000 rub. for 1-4 people.

    A walk through the Hermitage, tailored to your preferences, you can go with your children and then the program will be designed in such a way that it will be interesting for both adults and children. Separately for children, during the exciting excursion there are tasks and charades, riddles and discoveries. The excursion is distinguished by the presence of a lively dialogue with children, answers and questions, discussions and a whole adventure within the walls of a huge museum. Remember the movie Night at the Museum and you will imagine the delight and atmosphere that this walk will give you. Excursion cost 2400 RUR for a group of up to 6 people.

Tours of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg on the official website

In this chapter, we would like to note that for information and tickets you can also go to the official website of the museum: https://www.hermitagemuseum.org

Unfortunately, it is impossible to book and pay for excursions in advance through the official website of the Hermitage, but you can look at the opening hours of the halls or simply buy an entrance ticket. So if you just need excursions, then welcome to and.

Since the price of the excursion does not always include the price entrance ticket, the website details the cost of visiting different halls, sections and rooms of the Hermitage. You can find out more about the price list by following the link.

On the official website you can also find information and book a visit Restoration and storage center "Staraya Derevnya". This is a special storage facility where you can get acquainted with the technical component of the museum, see structures and mechanisms that allow you to deftly move fragile exhibits to prepare thematic exhibitions. All this allows visitors to see the principle of placement and storage features of paintings and sculptures.

Also don't miss The Gold and Diamond Storerooms of the Hermitage, to these luxurious halls, you can also request a separate excursion. Here are especially valuable masterpieces from precious stones, Scythian gold and the Siberian collection of Peter I. In addition to Scythian and Greek gold, the Golden Pantry of the Hermitage also contains items that are gifts to the imperial family of Russia from Iran, China and Japan. The Diamond Storeroom is also stunning in its luxury, and since photography of most of the exhibits is prohibited, you will not find images on the Internet of many of the valuable relics and jewelry housed in the storeroom. When booking excursions, be sure to ask your guide to visit these rooms.