Lesson online tour of the museum. Window to the Museum: virtual tours of museums around the world. Online gallery of the Prado Museum

There is no doubt that any historical artifact or work of art is best seen in person. But not always and not everyone has the opportunity to travel a lot around the world. Fortunately, today, in the modern digital age, it is possible to visit some of the world's most famous museums from the comfort of your own home. Our review contains some of the museums that invite you to virtual excursions.

1. Louvre

The Louvre is not only one of the largest in the world art museums, he is also one of the most iconic historical monuments Paris. The museum offers free online tours, during which you can see some of the Louvre's most famous and popular exhibits, such as Egyptian relics.

2. Solomon Guggenheim Museum

While it would be worth seeing for yourself the unique architecture of the Guggenheim building, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, you don't have to fly to New York to see some of the museum's priceless artifacts. You can see it online works by Franz Marc, Piet Mondrian, Picasso and Jeff Koons.

3. National Gallery of Art

Founded in 1937 National Gallery of Art open to the public. For those who cannot come to Washington, the museum provides virtual tours of its galleries and exhibitions. For example, you can admire masterpieces such as paintings by Van Gogh and sculptures from ancient Angkor. "

4. British Museum

The British Museum's collection includes more than eight million objects. Today, a world-famous museum from London introduced possibility of viewing online some of its exhibitions, such as "Kenga: Textiles from Africa" ​​and "Objects from the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum". In collaboration with the Google Cultural Institute, British museum offers virtual tours using Google Street View technology.

5. National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution

National Museum Washington DC, which is one of the most visited museums in the world, is offering a glimpse of its wonderful treasures with an online virtual tour. An online guide welcomes spectators into the rotunda, followed by online tour(with a 360-degree view) through the “Hall of Mammals,” “Hall of Insects,” “Dinosaur Zoo,” and “Hall of Paleobiology.”

6. Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Met is home to more than two million works visual arts, but you don't have to go to New York to admire them. The museum's website features virtual tours of some of the most impressive works, including paintings by Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock and Giotto di Bondone. In addition, the Metropolitan also cooperates with Google Cultural Institute to make even more works available for viewing.

7. Dali Theater-Museum

Located in the Catalan city of Figueres, the Dalí Theater and Museum is entirely dedicated to the art of Salvador Dalí. It houses many exhibitions and artifacts related to each stage of Dalí's life and career. The artist himself is buried here. The museum offers virtual tours from some of their exhibitions.


NASA is offering virtual tours of its space center in Houston. An animated robot named "Audima" acts as a guide.

9. Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums, which have been curated by Popes for centuries, have an extensive collection of art and classical sculpture. You can take advantage of the opportunity to tour the museum grounds, seeing some of the most iconic exhibits on your computer screen, including the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo.

10. National Women's History Museum

Management of the National Museum women's history in Alexandria, Virginia, states that the museum was founded to inspire learning about the past and shaping the future "by integrating history and culture women's life in the United States". In mode virtual tour] You can see museum exhibits showcasing women's lives during World War II and the struggle for women's rights throughout American history.

11. US Air Force National Museum

National Museum of the United States Air Force located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Here is located huge collection military weapons and aircraft, including the presidential planes of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. The museum also offers free virtual tours of its grounds, where you can see decommissioned aircraft from World War II, the Vietnam War and the Korean War.

12. Google Art Project

To help users find and view important works of art online in high resolution and detailing, Google works with more than 60 museums and galleries around the world to archive and document priceless works of art, as well as provide virtual tours of museums that use Google Street View technology.

How to visit the most famous museums in the world without queues and without tickets? How to visit the Louvre, Prado and Hermitage in one weekend? How can you go on an excursion after school in time to take a good look at the skull of a Neanderthal or the painting on an ancient Greek vase? How to show your child pictures famous artists? There is only one answer to all questions - go on a virtual tour of the best museums.

What are the benefits of virtual museum trips with children?

“Expensive, long, many people” - for these reasons, families with children often refuse to visit large museums. But if you visit museums around the world online, you will not encounter queues or crowds of tourists at the famous exhibits. Sitting in comfortable chair, you can stroll through magnificent palaces or look at small details in Bosch paintings, plan a route for future excursions and even travel back in time.

You also don’t have to worry about whether your child will become capricious in the gym or get tired. You will spend as much time in the virtual museum as is convenient for you and your child, and you can return to the tour whenever you want.

Virtual tours and collections can often be found on museum websites. You can also watch museums around the world online Google Art Project- a platform on which panoramas and images of works of art from many museums around the world are posted.

Virtual tours of the Hermitage

Guides, trying to highlight the richness of the collection State Hermitage(St. Petersburg), they say that it will take 15 years to examine all its exhibits. Maybe today you have a free minute to get acquainted with the paintings of El Greco, the sculptures of Michelangelo or the mechanical dolls? The “In Focus” project reveals the secrets of some exhibits, and the “Masterpieces” selection allows you to examine in detail about a thousand paintings, sculptures, archaeological finds and other priceless things. Such a virtual excursion has its advantages: it gives access to those exhibits that are not presented in the permanent exhibition.

On the Hermitage website you can create your own collection of your favorite works and create a route through the halls, which will be useful during a real tour of this museum. Additional Information about the exhibits is on Hermitage page in the Google art project. You can also do it there virtual walk through several halls of the museum.

Virtual tours of the Louvre

The most famous work, stored in the Louvre (Paris), - “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. Meanwhile, the Louvre collection contains more than 300 thousand works of art. If you need to take a good look at the features of the Venus de Milo or write an essay on Delacroix’s painting “Liberty Leading the People,” it is better not to use small reproductions in school textbooks, but to open the collection of selected works of the Louvre and admire its masterpieces.

Some rooms can be visited on a virtual tour. The image quality allows you to even see the old masonry in the basement of the Louvre. Some of the exhibits you will see during the virtual tour can be zoomed in and given a brief description.

Museums of fine arts, natural sciences, contemporary art, secular or religious. There are hundreds of museums that each of us would like to visit, but they are usually located in another city or, worse, in another country. But in modern world You don’t have to travel far to do this. “Mel” has compiled for you a list of 15 museums that you can visit in any weather and at any time, completely free, without leaving your couch.

The museum complex on the Capitoline Hill in Rome is not just a few buildings with paintings and statues, it is almost the whole city in miniature. Three palazzos (Palazzo Nuovo, Palazza dei Conservatori and Montemartini Central) are located on the Capitoline Square, in the creation of which Michelangelo took an active part. And it’s not hard to believe: almost every meter of the complex breathes art. The museum contains the original of the Roman “She-Wolf”, try to find it.

Perhaps the most famous museum and palace complex in St. Petersburg after the Hermitage. The main exhibition occupies five buildings: the Mikhailovsky Palace with the Benois exhibition building, the Mikhailovsky Castle, the Marble and Stroganov palaces and the Summer Palace of Peter I. In addition, the museum territory includes several gardens and parks - there is a lot to see. A virtual tour allows you to visit all parts of the Russian Museum, and this is not always possible to do even on a trip to St. Petersburg.

The second name of the museum is Museum fine arts. Considered the largest museum in France after the Louvre, it contains about 2,000 paintings and 1,300 sculptures. All these works of art (from the 15th century to the present day) are placed in 70 galleries, detailed panoramas of which are on the website.

The museum was built on the site of an old theater: Dali once noticed the ruins and turned them into a colorful and memorable complex. The basis of the museum's collection is, of course, the works of the artist himself. There are rooms here that are part of the exhibition in themselves. The theater-museum is best described by the words of Dali himself: “I want my museum to be a monolith, a labyrinth, a huge surreal object. This will be an absolutely theatrical museum. Those who come here will leave feeling like they were in a dream.”

There is probably no person in the world who has not heard anything about Madame Tussauds. This is museum wax figures(actors, politicians, directors, philosophers, athletes), which are performed with incredible precision. A curiosity and peculiarity of this particular London building is the Cabinet of Horrors. It contains copies of various revolutionaries, murderers, psychopaths and other dangerous criminals.

Louvre - citadel European art, the most popular and majestic place in Paris, always full of tourists. So complete that it is sometimes impossible to see the paintings themselves. The Louvre was originally built as the residence of the king, so everything in it breathes splendor. There are currently only three routes available for virtual tours of the museum: Egyptian exhibits, a tour of the former moat that surrounded the building, and the Apollo Gallery. But the routes are constantly updated, keep an eye on the website.

It was here that the residence of the king moved from the Louvre; this complex is a work of art in itself. Since the end of the 17th century, Versailles served as a model for the ceremonial country residences of European monarchs and aristocracy, and it is also included in the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO. Not stored in the palace famous paintings, but there are unique frescoes on the ceilings, and the interior of the castle itself, with its huge corridors and spacious halls, will make anyone gasp.

One of largest museums world and the main historical and archaeological museum of the United Kingdom. It contains exhibits from all over the world: China, India, Africa, Oceania, South America. In addition, of course, the history of Britain itself is told. The length of the museum is four kilometers. The British Museum is also a national library, the collections of which number about seven million volumes of printed publications.

The gallery was founded by a merchant who owned one of the largest collections of Russian fine art. There is probably not a child in Moscow who would not go on an excursion to the old red building on Lavrushinsky Lane. But if you still don’t have the time or opportunity to visit the museum, walk around it virtually: the tour is incredibly detailed.

A museum in Washington that you can't miss: it's huge both outside and inside. In terms of the set of exhibits, the museum resembles our Darwin Museum, but the exhibition is much more impressive. Such a collection of butterflies and sea reptiles preserved in alcohol (giant squid, for example) cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The museum’s section with huge dinosaurs and other fossils has also been closed for three years, but you can still walk through these halls online!

Under the capacious sign “Vatican Museums” hides a whole galaxy exhibition halls and galleries. The most venerable exhibitions are five centuries old. During this time, museum curators managed to collect a stunning collection of sculpture, paintings, manuscripts, household items and religious art. And museums began with just one statue. Online you can walk through St. Peter's Basilica, the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, the Basilica of St. Paul outside the city walls, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and, as a bonus, walk through the Sistine Chapel.

The museum complex includes six buildings, but online you can only walk through one, the main one. It contains an impressive Greek hall with a statue of Apollo, replicas of the tombstones of the Borgia brothers and artifacts from the excavation of Troy. The Egyptian hall with a copy of the sarcophagi of the pharaohs looks especially mysterious.

Without a doubt, the largest palace in St. Petersburg, which incorporates not so much painting and sculpture as history itself: the Hermitage has been the royal residence since the time of Peter I. The museum is huge, in some places you can even get lost inside, but, as in the Louvre, size does not always mean space. There are so many visitors to the Hermitage that you have to stand in a long line before entering, and it’s not always possible to get to the necessary exhibits. No one will disturb you during the virtual tour. There is also an overview of selected collections and exhibits on the museum’s website.

Space is a mysterious and alluring space, which the Planetarium introduces visitors to in an interesting and beautiful way. The museum is located on four floors and consists of several exhibition options: the Urania Museum, the Lunarium, the small and large Star Halls. By the way, the Star Halls deserve special attention: they show on huge screens educational programs, which will be of interest to both children and adults. Unfortunately, you can’t watch them online, but you can walk through the halls of the museums and even go to a cafe!

You can also check out the website at your leisure. Google: ArtProject. It contains millions of exhibits from thousands of museums: Google was the first to start digitizing exhibits. And there you can walk to many places. Here, for example, St Paul's Cathedral in London.

Today we will provide you with a unique video that will show how the reconstruction went on at the archaeological museum in Madrid. The reconstruction took a very long time, but now visitors will be able to enjoy the truly amazing exhibits of the museum, as well as the building itself.

This museum may not be as popular as the Prado Museum or the Louvre, but this video is worth watching. Perhaps you will love this museum as much as others. Enjoy watching.

On this page of our website you will find many videos dedicated to the most famous museums peace. The Internet is gaining more and more popularity every year, developing and ideas are emerging that could not even be dreamed of 5 years ago.

Video excursions- one of the newest directions in the development of the Internet. Also, video tours of museums are also called virtual or 3D. This is very interesting, since anyone can visit the museum from the comfort of their own home. Agree - this is wonderful! People with disabilities or those who lack financial opportunities can easily become involved in art.

Developing a site in in this direction we want to say that we will do a lot for our visitors. We strive to keep up with the times and convey information to users in any way convenient for them. Now it's video tours of museums, if something changes tomorrow, there will be another breakthrough in the world of boarding school, we will immediately take advantage of it and let you see it on our website.

In general, interest in art and culture disappears and fades away. We strive through every opportunity to revive it among people, we strive to tell more about the museum world, about the creation of paintings and about art galleries. We are always happy to listen to your wishes and suggestions. To do this, use the feedback form.