The group where Syutkin used to sing. Valery Syutkin - biography, information, personal life. — Banal female revenge

I was born on Friday, March 22, 1958 in Moscow, in a house on the corner of Yauzsky Boulevard and Podkolokolny Lane and I don’t regret it.

He began to study music in the early 70s, participating in several amateur bands as a bass guitarist or drummer. He became a vocalist by accident, replacing the lead singer who suddenly fell ill. The creative task at that time was to perform songs as close as possible to the original, which were the works of the respected "Beatles", "C.C.R", "Deep Purple", "Grand Funk Railroad", "Led Zeppelin", etc. Since then, in the " Education" I write - listening to records and working on myself based on what I hear.

We wrote our first song with my school friend Oleg Dranitsky. It was called: “Today I will sleep in the cinema”

Among the pillows, oh Allah

The wife is lying in the same watch

And he nods his head to me

And I want Brigitte Bordeaux,

Her and no one else

Best of the day

I won't sleep with my wife anymore

Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, -

This is what you need

And there's nothing better to wish for

Why relax with them?

Today I'll sleep in the cinema...

The song did not evoke an enthusiastic response from parents, but among 14-year-old peers it had some success, just like everything that ours did. school group"Horny Reality"

Concentrating himself on music studies, he selected all his professions in which he had to work according to the principle of “as much free time from work as possible.” He worked as a cook's apprentice, a loader, a watchman, and a conductor of foreign carriages.

Organized in 1979, the Telefon group, after several years of underground work, became a professional group in 1982. Having released several successful magnetic albums, “Telephone” came under increased control of commissions and art. councils of the Ministry of Culture.

Since the songs Soviet composers we did not perform, we did not use keyboard instruments, and, in a suspiciously compact lineup of 4 people for professional groups of that time, we selflessly sang our own songs. Ugliness!

After 3 years of continuous battles with officials, I confused my tracks in the group “Zodchie”, whose leader Yuri Davydov skillfully avoided bureaucratic reefs even despite the fact that in the group, besides me, he had already been hiding scandalously for some time famous Yuri Vine.

The changes of the mid-80s allowed us not only to legalize our repertoire, but also to appear on radio and TV with yesterday’s criminal songs.

After a series of triumphant tours to stadiums and sports palaces. We diverged in three solo directions: “Zodchie” (directed by Yu. Davydov), Yuri Loza and the trio “Fen-o-Men”, the leader of which was me.

The big Russian POP TRIO "Fen-o-men" as we called ourselves, had a significant contribution to the emerging domestic show business. My body subtraction was more than compensated by the physique of my colleagues Sergei Mirov and Evgeniy Yakovlev. The weight of each of them went well beyond the 100 kilogram mark.

As part of this trio, we toured the whole country with the “Diapozon” orchestra as part of M. Boyarsky’s troupe, worked under a contract in Holland and released the record “Zenistaya Caviar” at the Melodiya company.

But in the summer of 1990, I received an invitation from E. Khavtan to become a partner and soloist of the Bravo group, and from 1990 to 1995 that shock five-year period took place, which allowed me to this day to consider myself a not hopeless artist. We made a whole galaxy of popular songs, but by mid-1995 we began to see the future of Bravo differently. And from that moment on, I took on the responsibility of putting my own name at the forefront of my new creative endeavors.

I don’t know who owns the words that I don’t attribute to myself, but I completely agree with them: “A genius is a person who knows that he is talented, but... continues to work!”

I wish everyone Health and Good Luck!

Listen to the music that you love and that was with you in the saddest and happiest moments of your life!

Name: Valeriy Syutkin

Age: 60 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 76 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, songwriter

Marital status: married

Valery Syutkin - biography

As in the famous song “Well, who doesn’t know him?” Valery Syutkin became an idol for his fans in the nineties. He has the intelligent temperament of a man from the Soviet period.

Childhood, family

Valery was born in the late fifties in Moscow. But its roots go deep into the lands of the Urals. Syutkin's ancestors were not very rich, but they easily talked with the Russian industrialist Demidov and received gratitude from Peter the Great. Father Valery had a beautiful and unusual name Milad. He graduated from a military engineering university, built a cosmodrome at Baikonur, studied at the capital's academy and taught there. The singer’s mother has Polish and Jewish roots in her family tree. At the academy where the elder Syutkin worked, the parents of the future star met.

After the parents' wedding, a boy was born who studied well. Then Valery began to get seriously involved in rock and roll. The parents supported their son in every possible way. The boy's biography was written by him himself the way he wanted, without pressure from adults. At the age of thirteen, the boy experienced a turning point in his destiny. His loving mother and father divorced. It was difficult for him to understand his parents then.


Valery discovered his first serious attraction to music at the age of 11, when he heard the music of the Beatles. This melody was played during the intro before the news. The boy played the music he heard on his guitar. The drummers were cans, and in high school real drums appeared, Syutkin earned money on them himself. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble in which Valery played was called “Excited Reality”. In addition to the drum kit, the guy learned to play the bass guitar.

The guys’ repertoire included the compositions “Smoky” and “Deep Purple”. Musical biography continued after graduation. The young man managed to get a job as an assistant cook at the Ukraine restaurant. Then the army service began Far East. The duties of an auto mechanic did not in any way prevent the serviceman from improving musically. The Polet group, which Syutkin joined, was popular in the area.

In the group, the young soldier demonstrated fluency in drums and vocal abilities. The guy became the main soloist in VIA. The army gave good training future star scenes. But after demobilization, music temporarily moved away from Syutkin. He became a porter at the station, a train conductor, but could not get a job in a Moscow musical group for a year and a half. Valery never received a professional musical education, he talked to everyone about distance learning for a choral conductor.

Necessary acquaintance

The Telefon group was not familiar to many, but with the arrival of Valery Syutkin, the group became a real group with its own tours and albums. It took three years to make the group popular. But the group was quickly closed due to the fact that the musicians sang only their own songs, there were only four guys in the group, which was according to the laws Soviet ensemble too little. Another team, “Zodchie,” was formed, in which Yuri Loza worked.

The group leader skillfully avoided all bureaucratic obstacles, and the compositions of “The Architects” began to gain popularity. After another tour, Loza left the group, then Syutkin left the group. Valery tried to create another group; the guys were part of the troupe of artist Mikhail Boyarsky.

Music career Syutkina

One day, Evgeny Khavtan invited Syutkin to join the Bravo group, from which Zhanna Aguzarova had just left. With this team, Valery gained real fame. Now it's creative biography completely changed: from appearance to repertoire. Compositions appear that have become business cards groups, and in addition, the audience began to recognize the stylish orange tie.

Concerts, tours, videos, work seven days a week, discs and albums became the reason that pop star Valery Syutkin decided to leave the team. The singer often performs in duets with many famous performers. Laima Vaikule, Andrei Makarevich, Muslim Magomaev kept him company on the song stage. The musician became a participant in the television project “Stars on Ice”, in musicals for the New Year.

Valery Syutkin - biography of personal life, children

Officially, Syutkin married three times. Three unions turned out to be short-lived; they fell apart due to the betrayals of the head of the family, of which there were a lot. None of the three wives wanted to share Valery with others, and filed for divorce. The first marriage lasted two years, from this relationship a daughter, Elena, was born.

The second marriage turned out to be almost the same in duration; from this union a son, Maxim, was born. The singer's third wife was a fashion model from the Fashion House in Riga. Violetta got a job as a costume designer in the Bravo team. The girl was getting married, she was preparing for the wedding, and Syutkin at that time was already married man. The lovers broke off all existing relationships, rented a one-room apartment and got married.

A daughter was born, who has already chosen the profession of art critic and is studying at the Sorbonne. The marriage lasts 25 years. Valery already has a granddaughter from his first daughter, and a son from his second marriage works in a travel company. The father knows everything about his children, he is a friend to them, and keeps his ex-wives at a distance. He has only one beloved wife - Violetta.

The Soviet era knows several examples of soloists and groups that became popular for their time. Valery Miladovich Syutkin has become one of those singers who successfully combines a solo career and performing as part of a group. Throughout many years he and his team not only earned the recognition of fans, but continue to delight them to this day.

A star is born

The musician's biography contains a lot interesting facts. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow, Valery Syutkin, it seems, knew from childhood what he would do in life. He could follow in the footsteps of his father, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy. But with school years realized that his main passion was music, despite the fact that none of his relatives had anything to do with it.

The first lessons in the early 70s led to several amateur groups, in which Valery Syutkin participated as a drummer or guitarist. The rock direction and its representatives such as Smokie, The Beatles and Deep Purple, designated a genre affiliation that it would adhere to throughout its history. creative activity. Before being sent to the army, he worked as an assistant cook in one of the restaurants, and while serving in the Far East, he performed in the Polet ensemble, where Alexey Glyzin also made his mark at one time.

First serious performances and frivolous work

The desire to try myself as a singer appeared by chance. We had to replace the sick soloist, which Valery Syutkin did excellently. The first touring group was the group “Telephone”, which has a cycle in its repertoire folk songs and several albums, including one live album, recorded in Vladivostok. IN free time the singer lived on extra income - first he was a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then a conductor.

Having existed for a short time, “Telephone” disbanded, and it was replaced by “Zodchie”, in which Yuri Loza already worked. In 1989, the trio “Fan-o-man” followed, recording the only album “Grained Caviar”. Failures also plagued this group, from which Syutkin went straight to Mikhail Boyarsky’s team, and from there, at the invitation of composer Evgeniy Khavtan, he ended up in “Bravo”, replacing Zhanna Aguzarova.

Perhaps this is the most famous group in which Syutkin performed until 1995. During this period, Valery is looking closely at creating his own unique style, in which he will begin to work solo. The singer was one of the first to introduce the slang “hipsters” to the public, taking American music of the 50s as a model. The debut album “Bravo” was called “Hipsters from Moscow”.

Other hobbies

And again Syutkin leaves the group. In 1995, Valery organized a new band, “Syutkin and Co,” where he became its leader. He still performs with the group now. The composition “7000 Above the Ground” from the first album is awarded as the best hit of the year.

“Syutkin and Co” releases 8 albums, the last one, “Kiss Slowly,” dates back to 2012. In 2008, for his services in the field of art, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Valery Syutkin, whose biography also includes other incarnations, is not limited to music alone. So, he accepts an offer from Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov and becomes a professor in the vocal department. In addition, the singer participated in humorous program“Mask show” and the TV game “Russian Roulette”, was the host of musical television projects“Two Pianos” and “With a Light Genre!”, as an actor he performed in “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” and “Election Day”, in which he appeared as a soloist of the ensemble “Oliver Twist”. Together with the figure skater, he participated in the “Stars on Ice” show, and was also a member of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition. In 2014, he became an ambassador for the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

For his many years of dedication to music and his unique style, Valery Syutkin did not go without awards. In his piggy bank there is a “Golden Gramophone”, received in 2009 and 2012.

Personal happiness

Syutkin was married three times. He and his wife Violetta have been together for more than 20 years. The girl worked as a costume designer in a group and at first refused the persistent musician. According to the singer, he always tried to look after him beautifully in order to leave the right impression of himself. From previous marriages, Syutkin has children Elena and Maxim, and from his marriage to Viola, he has a daughter, also named Violetta.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer and musician, TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

Father - Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin (1929-2010). A graduate of the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy (later taught there), a specialist in military underground structures, participated in the construction of Baikonur, and built underground structures in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Mother - Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezitskaya, worked at the Moscow Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute (MNIRTI).

On his father's side, all of Valery's ancestors are from Perm, where Syutkin is a very common surname. One of the ancestors was close to the famous industrialist and merchant Demidov. Many men from his family were lawyers.

It is known that Valery’s parents met in a dance club where dancers from Igor Moiseev’s ensemble taught.

His mother and father separated when Valery was 13 years old.

"With my parents I had good relationship. At school I only got straight A's so as not to upset them. And when rock and roll began, my success at school became sharply more modest. My parents took it correctly and did not put pressure on my freedom. I am grateful to my parents for the fact that they did not force me to study at institutes that I did not like, and did not impose their views on things on me. They didn’t overprotect us or anything like that,” the artist recalled.

In middle school he created his first group, which was called "Excited Reality". At the age of 14, together with his school friend Oleg Dranitsky, he wrote his first song, “Today I will sleep in the cinema.”

"Among the pillows, oh Allah
The wife is lying in the same watch
And he nods his head to me
And I want Brigitte Bordeaux,
Her and no one else
I won't sleep with my wife anymore
Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, -
This is what you need
And there's nothing better to wish for
Why relax with them?
Today I’ll sleep in the cinema...", the song sounded.

As Valery recalled, the song, to put it mildly, did not evoke an enthusiastic response among parents and teachers, but among their peers it had some success, like all the others performed by their school group.

He began playing music seriously in the early 1970s, participating in several amateur bands as a bass player or drummer. Playing school ensembles, performed songs by “The Beatles”, “Grand Funk Railroad”, “Deep Purple”, “Led Zeppelin”, “Slade”, “Smokie”. Once replaced a sick vocalist. That's how I became the frontman.

Before the army, he worked as a cook's apprentice at the "Ukraine" restaurant, as a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then as a conductor of passenger cars there. western direction Directorate of International Tourist Transportation.

In 1976-78 he served in the army in the city of Spassk-Dalniy. There he continued to sing and play the bass guitar at citywide dances in the local Officers' House.

Professional musical activity Valeria Syutkina began in 1980, when he joined the group "Telephone". “I graduated from a correspondence music school. But the fact is that I didn’t graduate from it at the call of my soul. I just didn’t have it before prerequisite for working on a professional stage. And at first I worked, and then, when there were all sorts of commissions and asked6 “Do you have an education?”, I gave them a certificate: “And here it is!” So I am a choral conductor... But I have a lot of other professions. I'm a bartender, for example, I can pour drinks. I also completed chef courses, although I hate cooking. Courses for toastmasters, car driving, and foreign traffic conductors,” he recalled.

Soon the Telefon group became a professional touring philharmonic group and released the album Ka-Ka, which is a cycle of songs about the invented characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade. "Telephone" existed until 1985.

In 1985, Syutkin released the album “Twist Cascade”, where he was assisted (guitar), Alexander Belonosov (keyboards), Gennady Gordeev (drums) and saxophonist of the Bravo group Alexander Stepanenko. In the same year, Syutkin joined the group "Architects", where he sang with Yuri Loza.

After leaving “Zodchikh” he created the trio “Fan-o-man”, with which he recorded the album “Grained Caviar”, received a prize audience choice on International competition“Step to Parnassus” and worked for two years in the troupe, where he sang to the accompaniment of the “Diapazon” orchestra.

In August 1990, having received an offer from, the singer joined the group "Bravo", where he worked as frontman until May 1995.

The time of collaboration with Bravo became for the singer a period of developing his own original style, in which he works to this day. In the lyrics of his songs he uses the slang of the “hipsters” subculture, and in musically it focuses on American popular music of the 1950s. At Bravo, Syutkin recorded the albums: “Hipsters from Moscow”, “Moscow Beat”, “LIVE IN MOSCOW” and “Road to the Clouds”. All albums had multi-platinum status. Songs from this period are still played on the radio.

In 1995, Valery left Bravo (he was replaced by ) and created a group "Syutkin and Co", with which he recorded the albums: “What you need”, “Radio of night roads”, “Not everything...”, “004”.

In 1995, the song “7,000 Above the Earth” from the album “What You Need” was recognized as the best hit of the year. Winner of the professional award “Star” (1995), “Ovation” - best artist (1996).

Valery Syutkin - 7 thousand above the ground

Since 2004, having updated and expanded the composition of musicians, the group is called "Syutkin rock and roll band".

In March 2008, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist Russian Federation"for services in the field of art.

He proved himself as a TV presenter. From 2001 to 2002 he hosted the television quiz show “Pyramid” on the RTR television channel. From 2002 to 2003, he was the host of the musical television game “Two Royals” (also on the RTR television channel). In 2004 he was the presenter music program“And again a hit” on the “Culture” channel. Since 2016, he began hosting the music and entertainment program “Saturday Evening” on the Russia-1 channel (together with Nikolai Baskov, Nonna Grishaeva, Natalia Medvedeva, Stas Duzhnikov, Igor Vernik).

In 2006, he participated in the First Channel project Stars on Ice, paired with figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

Regular participant of the Chereshnevy Les festival. For a long time he has been the chairman of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition (“ Contemporary art and education") in the category "Variety and Jazz Performance".

Cultural Ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014). Participant in cultural programs Olympic Games: Seoul (1988), Athens (2004), Turin (2006), Beijing (2008), Vancouver (2010), London (2012).

In 2014, he filed a complaint with Roskomnadzor against the Internet resource Lurkmore, on which the singer’s image had been used for several years for the picture-meme “Beat the woman at... the ball.” Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow against the site administration. In 2015, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of Roskomnadzor.

In 2015, he recorded the album “Moskvich 2015” with the group “Light Jazz”. The album includes songs from the golden fund of the 1950s-1960s.

Valery Syutkin. Alone with everyone

Valery Syutkin's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin:

Was married three times. The artist does not like to remember his first two marriages.

From his first marriage he has a daughter, Elena Syutkina (born 1980), who graduated from the Faculty of Law. Works for a foreign company. Granddaughter - Vasilisa (born 2014).

From his second marriage - son Maxim Syutkin (born 1987), graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, works in the tourism business.

Third wife - Violetta (Viola) (born 1975), a native of Riga. They have been together since 1993. He began a relationship with Viola while still married for the second time. For several months I lived with two families. Then the wife found out about the betrayal. He left her, leaving a three-room apartment and a car. The ex-wife never forgave him for his betrayal; at first she even forbade him to see his son Maxim.

Regarding their acquaintance, Valery said: “Violetta worked in our musical group dressers. The entire male half of the group tried to flirt with her! Me too. But, like everyone else, I was sent to hell - she rejected my advances for more than six months!.. I proved my serious intentions with my actions: I looked after her beautifully, I was always ready to help. And our relationship began with a kiss in a taxi, it literally predetermined my future fate! We were returning from tour. It was early in the morning, we were riding in the back seat of a taxi and, tired from the flight, slept while we were taken in turn to our homes. In the dream it so happened that our faces were next to each other. And the kiss happened, as if in a fog. When we realized what had happened, we were disheartened. But after a while we realized that it’s all for a reason and we can’t live without each other.”

The couple had a daughter, Viola Syutkina, in 1996. The girl was named after her mother: “My beloved woman, my wife, is called Viola. Our daughter is also Viola. It’s very convenient: you shout “Viola!” - and both respond at once! In addition, I make wishes between my daughter and my wife that always come true,” the musician said jokingly in an interview.

Filmography of Valery Syutkin:

1997 - Old songs about the main thing - 2
2005 - Kill Bella - cameo
2005 - Motley Ribbon. Arkady Ostrovsky. The song stays with the person (documentary)
2007 - Election Day - soloist of VIA “Oliver Twist”
2008 - Mikhail Tanich. Last interview(documentary)
2010 - Sung in the USSR. Black cat (documentary)
2014 - Champions - cameo
2014 - Leonid Yarmolnik. "I'm the lucky one!" (documentary)

Valery Syutkin's vocals in films:

2010 - Courtyard

Discography of Valery Syutkin:

"Phone" group:

1981 - Telephone-1
1982 - Concert at PhysTech
1983 - Kadyrov-Cascade (Ka-Ka)
1984 - Concert in Vladivostok
1985 - Twist Cascade

Group "Architects":

1986 - Rock panorama-1986
1987 - Concert in Tallinn
1987 - Ecology
1987 - Child of urbanism
1987 - Fifth Series

Group "Fan-o-man":

1989 - Granular caviar

Bravo Group:

1990 - “Hipsters from Moscow”
1992 - “Moscow Beat”
1994 - “Live in Moscow”
1994 - “Road to the Clouds”
1995 - “Songs different years»

"Syutkin and KO":

1995 - “Just what you need”
1996 - “Night Road Radio”
1998 - “Not everything”
2000 - "004"
2002 - " Best songs»

"Syutkin rock and roll band":

2006 - “Grand collection”
2010 - “New and Best”
2012 - “Kiss Slowly”

Syutkin & “LIGHT JAZZ”:

2015 - “Moskvich 2015”
2016 - “Olympic” (mini-album)

Video clips of Valery Syutkin:

1995 - 7 thousand above the ground
1995 - Up and Down
1996 - Night Road Radio
1996 - 42 minutes
1996 - On the Edge of Sunset
1996 - How steamships are seen off (for “Old songs about the main thing”)
1997 - Far
2000 - 001
2000 - Bumbo-mambo
2000 - 21st century
2000 - Pleasure motor ship
2004 - Handsome
2011 - Moscow-Neva (together with the group “Romario”)
2016 - Selfie
2016 - Without mittens (together with the group “Romario”)

Fans and music critics they call the singer “the main intellectual of domestic show business.” The peak of Valery Syutkin's popularity occurred in the first half of the 1990s, when the idol appeared on stage with the cult group "" and gathered stadiums of thousands at concerts in Russia. But also the subsequent one solo career The musician turned out to be no less successful. Today Valery Miladovich is considered one of the brightest representatives of the rock and roll and jazz crowd Russian stage.

Childhood and youth

Valery was born in the capital of Russia in the spring of 1958. Father Milad Syutkin is a Permian, he built defensive structures underground and was noted during the construction of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Later he taught at the academy where he studied. There he met his future wife. Bronislava Brzezicka is of Polish-Jewish origin. At the academy she worked as a junior research fellow.

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Valery Syutkin in childhood with his mother

Valery pleased his parents with A's until he plunged headlong into rock and roll. The grades were “modest,” but at home the boy was understood. The guy learned his first tunes on the guitar and played improvised “drums” made from tin cans in an amateur rock band. Later, he mastered playing on a professional set and became a musician at the school VIA “Excited Reality”. There he learned to play the bass guitar.

The creative biography of Valery Syutkin continued after receiving his matriculation certificate. At first, after school, the guy worked as an assistant cook in a restaurant, and in the evenings he performed there for visitors.

Read also 7 Russian stars who served in the army

The future leader of Bravo performed his military service in the Far Eastern Military District, where in his free time he continued to improve his musical skills. Valery became a member of the military group "Polyot", which he "raised". Here for the first time Syutkin showed his vocal talent.

After demobilization in 1978, the musician again had to start from scratch. Valery worked as a station loader and conductor. For a year and a half, Syutkin played music in his free time from traveling and tried to get a job in one of the capital’s groups. At auditions, I had to use the legend about the correspondence education received at the Kirovsk Music School in the choral conducting department.


In the early 80s, Valery already performed as part of the Telefon ensemble, recording 5 albums with colleagues. But due to the obstacles that officials put in front of the musicians, Syutkin was forced to unite his band with the Zodchie group. The songs “Bus-86”, “Sleep, Baby” and “Time of Love”, which had previously been heard on cassettes, began to be played on radio and television, they were in rotation. “MK” included “Zodchikh” in the top 5 groups of the USSR.

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Valery Syutkin in his youth

The turning point in the performer’s career happened in 1990. Syutkin received an offer from the head of the Bravo group, Evgeniy Khavtan, Valery agreed and took the vacant position that was vacated. During his 5 years of work in a rock and roll band, the musician gained all-Union fame. He changed his repertoire, performing style and even his appearance.

The group celebrated its 10th anniversary loudly: concerts took place around major cities Russia. Syutkin and the Bravo musicians recorded the albums “Moscow Beat” and “Road to the Clouds,” which became multi-platinum. In total, the joint discography of the band and the soloist included 5 records.

In the mid-1990s, the frontman left his colleagues: he was tired of the busy schedule. After a short intermission, the singer founded a jazz group, giving it the name “Syutkin and Co.” The team recorded 5 albums. In 2015, the star released with the participants Light group Jazz record “Moskvich-2015”, a year later “Olympic” appeared.

The artist still tries to surprise fans today. In 2017, he became a participant in the “Music in the Metro” campaign, performing in the passage of the capital’s metro. Syutkin became the author of the play “Delight”, which he presented at the shopping center “On Strastnoy”, playing the main and only role in it.

Personal life

The main dandy of the Russian stage is also a heartthrob. There are 3 stamps in the star’s passport confirming official marriages. Syutkin’s first wife was a girl whom the young musician met at the dawn of the 80s. Valery does not mention her name, not wanting to upset the woman he once loved. Their union lasted 2 years, and its “crown” was the birth of their daughter Elena.

The second time Syutkin went to the registry office in the late 80s with a girl whom he “stole” from a friend. But the romance in the relationship did not last long. For the sake of the born son Maxim and visibility family well-being the wife turned a blind eye to the adventures of her unfaithful husband.

In the early 90s, dramatic changes occurred in the musician’s personal life. His chosen one was 18-year-old Viola, who worked as a fashion model at the Riga Fashion House. She came to the Bravo team as a costume designer. For six months, the girl talked with Valery about work issues, but an unexpected kiss on tour turned the world upside down for both of them. After all, Viola was getting married, and on Syutkin’s ring finger she “sat” wedding ring.

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Valery Syutkin and his wife Viola

A couple of months later, the couple had to explain themselves to their other halves, who did not plan to separate. A scandal broke out, but Valery and Viola could no longer imagine life apart. Syutkin left his acquired property to his second wife and, together with his beloved, rented a one-room apartment. In the mid-1990s, the couple got married. Soon a daughter appeared in the family, who was named after her mother. Father tried to give youngest child excellent education. Viola Syutkina graduated from the Sorbonne.

Valery Syutkin communicates with children from previous marriages, participating in their lives. His daughter Lena gave him a charming granddaughter Vasilisa, and his son Maxim is now making a career in the tourism business.

Valery Syutkin now

In 2018, Valery Syutkin celebrated his 60th anniversary solo concert“Just what you need” at Crocus City Hall. He reported this from official page V " Instagram." Colleagues and friends of the artist gathered to congratulate the birthday boy,