Sergey Zakharov - biography, information, personal life. Creative biography Personal life of Sergei Zakharov

Sergei Georgievich Zakharov. Born on May 1, 1950 in Nikolaev - died on February 14, 2019 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian pop singer (baritone), actor. National artist Russian Federation (1996).

Father - Georgy Mikhailovich Zakharov (1926-2012), military man.

Mother - Zinaida Evgenievna Zakharova (nee Marinina; born 1923), telephone operator.

Elder brother - Valentin Georgievich Zakharov (born 1946).

He has musical roots: “My grandfather was the first trumpeter of the Odessa Opera Orchestra for thirty years. And this position, you know, was worth a lot! I just needed a little push. I just didn’t become a trumpeter, but a vocalist,” he said.

Soon after Sergei’s birth, his father was transferred to serve at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, where the Zakharov family lived for 13 years.

IN school years He was fond of sports and played football well, which he played from the age of 5. “My childhood passion is football! I played it very seriously from the age of five. I went to the nursery sports school city ​​of Nikolaev and stood at the goal until he was fifteen years old,” said the artist. He retained his passion for football throughout his life, believing that “football disciplines a person and makes a man out of a boy.”

Perhaps he would have become a professional football player if not for a severe knee injury. Since he could no longer play, he decided to focus on music.

I also studied music with early years. Even before school I tried to imitate famous singers. He recalled that at the age of 5 he heard on the radio Mr. X’s aria from Imre Kalman’s operetta “The Circus Princess” performed by the famous Ukrainian singer Dmitry Gnatyuk. Somewhat later, the film “Mr. X” was released with Georg Ots, who became a real idol for Sergei. Later, this aria became Zakharov’s signature number along with the romance “The Chrysanthemums Have Bloomed.”

He served in the army at Baikonur. He was a company singer, took part in amateur performances of military builders, and sang in the VIA “Druzhba” in the Builders’ House of Culture. It was in the army that he attracted attention with his vocal abilities.

In 1971 he came to Moscow and entered the department musical comedy Music College named after the Gnessins, in the class of Margarita Iosifovna Landa. While still studying, he became a soloist of the State Variety Orchestra under the direction of. Therefore, I graduated from only two classes of school.

I met Utesov at the Arbat restaurant, where he worked part-time in the evenings - he sang in English with a jazz orchestra. After one of Zakharov’s speeches, director Utesov approached him and said: “Leonid Osipovich liked you!”

As Zakharov said, the meeting with Utesov radically influenced his fate: “And what would have happened without this meeting and what would have happened is now very difficult to say. Perhaps he would have opera singer. According to my data. But it was this meeting that brought me to big stage. Although a positive result came out of a negative experience. Utyosov promised mountains of gold, an apartment, success and insisted that I quit my studies at the Gnessin Academy, where I was then enrolled. In fact, it turned out that I was simply kicked out from everywhere. I had nowhere, not only to study, but to spend the night! But it was Utesov who brought me together with Nathan Grigorievich Rakhlin, and then I instantly ended up in the Leningrad Music Hall - one of the best at that time not only in the USSR, but also in Europe. That's where my career started."

In 1973, he went to work at the Leningrad Music Hall and transferred to the Leningradskoe School of Music named after Rimsky-Korsakov.

In 1974 he was awarded first prize at international competition“Golden Orpheus” in Bulgaria and “Sopot-1974” in Poland - became one of the most popular young performers on the Soviet stage.

In the winter of 1974, it was first shown on TV in the Artloto program. And the very next day the whole country was talking about a tall young man with an inimitable baritone voice, large curls of black hair and a white-toothed smile. One after another, records with songs performed by him began to be released, and television, radio, and the press joined in the active propaganda of the singer.

The singer also became widely known for his role as Fernand Champlatreau in the musical film by Leonid Kvinikhidze. "Heavenly Swallows". He played one of the main roles, and his co-stars were such stars as,. True, he voiced his role.

Sergei Zakharov in the film "Heavenly Swallows"

Criminal record of Sergei Zakharov

In 1977, the actor was convicted of fighting - he grappled with the administrator. The quarrel resulted in a collective brawl involving Zakharov. For this, the actor received one year in prison. He served time in the city of Slantsy.

When the actor was arrested, an article was published in the popular satirical magazine “Crocodile”, where they wrote about him as “about a presumptuous mediocre actor with an 8th grade education.” The court could not help but react to the feuilleton published in the central press. After six months of imprisonment in Kresty, the court sentenced Sergei Zakharov to 1 year in prison.

According to the singer, the cause of the fight with the administrator was the singer.

He said: “I really went to prison, but everyone knows perfectly well that it was a provocation - I quarreled with the theater administrator. In general, the whole story there was tied to our strong friendship, really friendship, with Lyudmila Senchina. We are both snub-nosed and sang a great duet .

But Lyudmila not only had a wonderful husband, a tenor of the Leningrad operetta, but also an admirer - a party member. As I remember now, Grigory Vasilievich Romanov. I was tall and famous, and he was short, up to my waist, and very jealous. He set out to remove his opponent, and he did.

I spent six months in prison before the trial and another six months after the trial. But the guys behind bars were strong, serious, and no one asked who you were in civilian life. Therefore, no one recognized or asked to sing. And it wasn’t difficult for me to sit, I knew that I would return and where I would return. It was only a matter of time."

After his release, he was invited to the Odessa Philharmonic, where he worked for some time.

Next, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee Lev Nikolaevich Zaikov summoned him to Leningrad. Zaikov helped the artist with an apartment, returned him to the music hall, and organized access to television. Soon he went on tour to Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and the German Democratic Republic.

Sergey Zakharov - I love you

Until 1985 he worked at the Leningrad Music Hall, then at the philharmonic societies of different cities of Russia. In the same 1985, Sergei Zakharov became the soloist of the art agency of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg.

Since 1985 he began working independently, first with his own ensemble, and since 1991 with pianist Alexander Kogan.

The first one took place in 1986 solo concert at the State Central concert hall"Russia". On the stage of the most prestigious hall in the country, Sergei Zakharov first appeared before the audience in the role of the sparkling Don Juan, the ardent Don Quixote, and the lyrical Mister X. Many of the singer's solo programs were shown on Central Television.

In 1996, the singer suffered clinical death: gave 60 concerts in support election campaign and overexerted.

The singer toured 43 countries: Great Britain, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Austria and others. He performed with a program of Russian romantic music, works by P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rachmaninov, M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, with arias from the operettas “Maritza”, “Circus Princess”, “Silva”.

In addition to pop songs (“Moscow Windows”, “Return of the Romance”, “Dark Eyes”, “Love, Love”, “I Love You”, “ White snow”, “About you and about yourself”, etc.) and romances, Sergei Zakharov pays a lot of attention opera art. He has in his assets a large number of radio recordings, “Blue Lights”, “Songs of the Year”, government concerts. For four years in a row, Zakharov took part as an honorary guest in the programs of the International Festival “Slavic Bazaar”.

Sergei Zakharov was a member of the St. Petersburg Prisoners' Assistance Fund.

In 2010, as part of a discussion about the creation of private prisons in Russia, Zakharov said that he considered it possible to organize similar establishments, but only for teenagers and women - so that they have the opportunity to be in normal conditions and correct themselves.

He is the president of the Northern Star cultural foundation.

Active social activities, helps a lot to veterans of the St. Petersburg scene. He is deputy chairman of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg. Every year in spring and autumn, the Union holds two charity concerts at the St. Petersburg House of Stage Veterans.

Heads the All-Russian children's festival"Little Stars", takes part in international festivals"Romansiada" and "Golden Hit".

“I love living! Absorbing life in all its manifestations is a great happiness. Life itself is such happiness that wasting it on petty scandals and money-grubbing is stupid.”, - said the singer.

Sergey Zakharov. I do not regret anything

Sergei Zakharov's height: 190 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Zakharov:

Married. Wife - Alla Narimanovna Zakharova (nee Saligulina; born 1948). They met in Baikonur when he was 14 years old and she was almost 16. “I remember the first time I met my future wife Alla. It was on the city beach of the Syrdarya. I was 14 years old and for the first time this immature, as I call it, attention happened And then I saw her on the dance floor and fell in love completely!” the singer said.

Two years after they met, they got married - according to the law of the Kazakh SSR, it was possible to get married at the age of 16.

In 1969, their daughter Natalya was born; she graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Natalya has two children - daughter Stanislava (born in 1992) and son Jan (born in 1996). Stanislava graduated from the university with a degree in psychology and linguist.

“I have plenty of gray hair on my head, and the demon hasn’t touched my rib. So, I think it’s unlikely that anything can interfere with our family union in the future,” said Sergei Zakharov.

Since the late 1990s, the Zakharov family moved from St. Petersburg outside the city - to own house V pine forest near Zelenogorsk (on the Karelian Isthmus, on the shore of Lake Krasavitsa, 60 km from St. Petersburg). The house is located in the middle of nowhere - there are no roads or neighbors nearby. There is a pine forest all around. Designed by Sergei Zakharov himself.

Sergey Zakharov is a music lover and has collected a unique collection. Its music library consists of the best vocalists of opera art, starting with late XIX century to the present day. His favorite performers are Tito Gobbi, Titta Ruffo, Maria Callas, Joan Sutherland, Luciano Pavarotti. Sergei Zakharov's collection also includes about 400 jazz and symphonic music. He especially likes the music performed by the orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan. The most valuable specimens are the first Chaliapin “coal” plates of 1903.

Filmography of Sergei Zakharov:

1975 - You, my song - vocals (Akmal songs)
1976 - Heavenly Swallows - Lieutenant Fernand Champlatreau (voiced by Oleg Basilashvili)
2008 - Cultural layer. Empire of Lenconcert (documentary)
2009 - Stories and legends of Lenfilm. Sky Swallows (documentary)

Discography of Sergei Zakharov:

1974 - Sergei Zakharov sings
1983 - Russian romances
1986 - Centripetal force. Pop songs
1995 - On the fragile keys of the soul. Music of St. Petersburg bard Viktor Maltsev
1995 - S. Zakharov performs Russian songs and romances accompanied by an orchestra folk instruments under the direction of V. Popov
1997 - Touch of Love
1998 - About you and about yourself
1998 - Russian romances and songs accompanied by the St. Petersburg Radio and Television Orchestra conducted by S. Gorkovenko

Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessins (class of People's Artist of Russia K. Lisovsky, 2002) in 2002. From 1994 to 1999 he was a soloist of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble named after. A.V. Alexandrova.

In 1999 he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow State Academic Chamber musical theater under the direction of B. Pokrovsky, where he performed the following roles: Gritsko ("Sorochinskaya Fair" by Mussorgsky) - for four years he was the only performer, the performance received the " Golden Mask"; Luigi ("The Cloak" by Puccini), Don Ottavio ("Don Giovanni" by Mozart), Ferrando ("That's What Everyone Do" by Mozart), Sextus ("Julius Caesar in Egypt" by Handel) - the performance received the Golden Mask Award, Lucentio (" The Taming of the Shrew" by Shebalin).

As part of the theater troupe, he toured extensively abroad, including Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Alexander Zakharov constantly collaborates with the best orchestras in Moscow - Symphony orchestra Moscow “Russian Philharmonic”, “Musica Viva”, 21st Century Orchestra under the direction of Pavel Ovsyannikov, State Concert Hall under the direction of V. Polyansky, State Brass Orchestra, rarely participates in concert performances operas performed. His repertoire includes: CHARLES IV (“The Maid of Orleans” by Tchaikovsky), Bayan (“Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Glinka), Kashchei (“Kashchei the Immortal” by Rimsky-Korsakov), Benediktov (“ Last days" Nikolaev), The Devil ("The Night Before Christmas" by Rimsky-Korsakov), etc., as well as tenor parts in symphonic works by Beethoven, Britten and Verdi. The only one contemporary performer roles of Alyosha Popovich in Grechaninov's opera Dobrynya Nikitich.

Since 2006, he has performed in concerts under the auspices of the Union of Composers of Russia and the Academy “New Peredvizhnichestvo” in Moscow and other cities of Russia. In the same year, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia.”

Since 2004, he has been a guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, on the stage of which he has performed more than 20 roles, including: The Holy Fool and the Holy Fool (Boris Godunov and Mussorgsky’s Khovanshchina), The Shabby Peasant (Lady Macbeth Mtsensk Uyezd"Shostakovich), Platon Karataev ("War and Peace" by Prokofiev), Guidon ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Rimsky-Korsakov), etc. He toured with the theater troupe in "Covent Garden" (London), took part in the Opera Festival in . Savonlinna (Finland), 55th Summer Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia), as well as on the theater’s tours to Latvia and Greece.

Over the years, the artist has taken part in many concert programs of the Art Project “Tenors of the 21st Century”: “Such Great Love”, “Dedication to Pavarotti”, “There is no song without you” (in memory of Arno Babajanyan and Muslim Magomayev), “Serenades of Love”, “Tango of Love”, “Under the Sun of Naples”, “PASSION”, “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” (songs of the war years and songs about the war), “Great jokes of great musicians”, “Tatiana’s Day” “Golden hits about love”, “ Songs of War and Peace”, “Children’s Room”, “The Golden Age of Soviet Tango”, “I See a Wonderful Freedom”, “COSA NOSTRA”, etc.

In November 2007, he was awarded the State Prize - “ National treasure Russia."

Since 2012, Alexander Zakharov has been the soloist of the National Academic orchestra Russian folk instruments named after. Osipov (Moscow), with whom he toured in many cities of Russia and Europe, as well as in the USA. In addition, the singer performs solo concerts accompanied by other folk groups: “Metelitsa” ( Saint Petersburg), “Virtuosi of the Kuban” (Krasnodar), the State Russian Orchestra “Malachite” (Chelyabinsk), Lipetsk, Rostov, Smolensk, Maikop, Magadan, Belgorod, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo, Kostroma, etc. Alexander Zakharov regularly takes part in the television cycle Channel "Culture" "Romance of Romance".

In 2011, the disc “My Motherland” was released with a recording of Russian folk songs performed by Alexander Zakharov.

In 2013 for propaganda classical music, popularization of opera art among younger generation, creation of a number of new concert programs Alexander Zakharov awarded the Prize of the city of Moscow in the field of literature and art.

The biography of Sergei Zakharov, as well as details of his personal life, are of interest to many fans of the work of this Soviet and Russian singer and actor. Since the mid-90s. He is a People's Artist of Russia, has many recorded discs and has contributed to the creation of films.


Quite a lot is known about the biography of Sergei Zakharov, his family and personal life. Photos of the family can be found on the Internet.

Zakharov S.G. was born on May 1, 1950 in Ukraine in the city of Nikolaev. Because his father was a military man, the family often had to move to different places, but for the longest period the family lived in Kazakhstan in one of the famous cities - Baikonur. At that moment the boy was only four years old. Even as a child he was creative child, and his abilities and talent manifested themselves quite clearly.

One of Sergei's favorite pastimes was listening to music that was recorded on records. He was very impressed by the film Mister X. In this film, Georg Ots had the honor of playing the leading role; he became one of Sergei’s favorite singers.

When S. Zakharov graduated from high school, he decided to continue studying at the College of Radio Engineering, after which he was called up for military service. He managed to reveal his talent and vocal skills in the army as a company singer. He took part in all competitions where amateur artistic performances were involved. After serving in the army and returning to his native place, Sergei began performing in the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Druzhba” at the Palace of Culture in Baikonur.

S. Zakharov was pleased to see how the audience admired and applauded at the end of the performances. In the early 70s. he went to the Russian capital to enroll in educational institution. As a result, he managed to get into the Gnessin Academy of Music. During his student years, Sergei became a soloist in a pop orchestra led by Utesov. Such an achievement suggests that the singer really has significant abilities and predisposition to music.

In 1973, he was hired to work at the Music Hall in Leningrad. He continued to study in music. school. He worked with a group that often toured the capital, playing to full houses. Sergei managed to become a favorite of the public, who liked the singer’s voice, a unique baritone.

A year later, Zakharov participated in the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. The competition was of international importance. The jury gave high marks to the singer, and he won this competition. A few months after such success, he represented the capital in the Sopot-74 competition, for which he had to go to Poland. And he again showed decent results, receiving the title of first degree laureate.

In 1976, Sergei first appeared in the film, which was called “Sky Swallows” in the role of a lieutenant. Three years later, another painting “Scenes” appeared family life“, however, the role there was insignificant. The singer’s filmography is very small, but Sergei Zakharov made a huge contribution to the development of music and has a huge discography.

In the 70s The singer became famous almost everywhere in the USSR, and his songs became hits. Many records were produced on which his songs were recorded. At the end of the 80s. Sergei Z. received the title of Honored Artist, and in the mid-90s. title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Criminal record

In the biography and personal life of Sergei Zakharov, in addition to bright moments, unpleasant events also occurred. Many of his fans are interested in the question of why the singer was imprisoned and why he was convicted.

Indeed, according to the most popular media sources, they have a criminal record. In 1977, the actor was convicted of participating in a fight with an administrator at the Music Hall. It all started with Zakharov inviting his friends to a concert where he was to participate. After they approached to get a pass, they were turned away. The singer clearly did not like this refusal and in the end his friends still got to the performance. However, a few days later he received a summons from the police and learned that the health of that administrator was under threat and he this moment the condition was assessed as serious.

During the trials, Sergei was found guilty and he was sentenced to one year in prison.

Family and personal life

Zakharov S.G. I wanted to get married once and for life. His dream has come true - he has lived with his wife for more than half a century. He met his companion Alla Narimanovna Zakharova in Kazakhstan at Baikonur as a teenager. He was 14 at that time, and she was almost 16 years old. They first met on the beach in the city. After he met her again on the dance floor, his feelings became even stronger.

A couple of years later, the lovers got married. According to the laws of Kazakhstan, it was possible to get married after 16 years. Their relatives came to the wedding.

In 1969, their daughter was born - a desired child, who was always given a lot of care and attention. She graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Sergei Zakharov first became a grandfather in 1992, when Natalya gave birth to a daughter, who was named Stanislava, and 4 years later her son Jan was born.

The singer’s children and grandchildren have not connected their career path with creativity, but this does not upset Sergei; in his opinion, everyone should do what they do best.

Together with his wife he lives in country house, which is located several tens of kilometers from St. Petersburg, and there is a pine forest around this house. Often in this house the singer receives guests and gathers with friends and colleagues.

Thus, we can say that Sergei Zakharov has a rich biography, and his personal life has been very successful.


Sergei Zakharov’s contribution to the development of music is difficult to overestimate; discs produced by the Melodiya company with his songs began to be sold from 1974 to 1986. pop music and Russian romances performed by this famous person.

Since 1995, CDs have been gaining popularity, where Russian songs, romances accompanied by a folk instrument orchestra, and recordings of solo concerts have been recorded.

In the film “You, My Song”, shot in 1975, S. Zakharov performed Akmal’s songs, and in “Heavenly Swallows” he played one of the leading roles. Later he took part in documentaries.

Is it true that the singer was convicted?

Soviet pop legend Sergei Zakharov presented the listener with a scattering of songs that today would be called hits. The whole country sang “The Chrysanthemums Have Bloomed”, “Moscow Windows”, and the fiery “winter” composition “Three White Horses” from the film “Sorcerers”. A " evening call, evening Bell", according to music lovers, no one was able to sing better than Zakharov.

IN last years Sergei Georgievich, like 40 years ago, delighted the audience with his magical baritone and elegance, appearing on stage in tails.

Childhood and youth

Sergei was born into a military family. On small homeland, in the Ukrainian Nikolaev, did not live long - his father was transferred to Baikonur (Kazakhstan), where the singer spent his childhood and youth. The boy apparently inherited his musical abilities from his grandfather, who was listed as the first trumpeter of the Odessa Opera House for three decades.

The craving for creativity woke up early. Sergei Georgievich recalled in an interview that as a 5-year-old boy he was fascinated by the voice that sang Mr. X’s aria in the operetta “Circus Princess” from the TV screen. The child did not yet know that 20 years later the composition would become the crowning number of his own repertoire.

It is noteworthy that after school Zakharov did not go to a music school, but to a radio engineering university. However, the singer’s life proved the truth of the saying “you can’t escape fate.” Giving his debt to his homeland, army soldier Sergei Zakharov was a company singer and soloist in the Druzhba ensemble, created on the basis of the House Soviet army.

Young man demobilized ahead of schedule and sent to Moscow - such talent needed cutting. Sergei entered Gnesinka, completed only two classes. In the evenings, he worked part-time at the Arbat restaurant, where he once met a legendary man. The young talent was noticed by himself, who was having dinner at the establishment.

The maestro invited Zakharov to become a soloist in his orchestra and gain experience from him. For six months, the young singer traveled around the provinces of the country with concerts as a student of Leonid Osipovich, but the “lessons” from famous singer never followed up. Sergei decided to leave the orchestra.


The artist himself dates the beginning of his career to 1973. It was accepted by the Leningrad Music Hall, which was considered the best in the Union and even Europe. At the same time, he honed his skills at the school named after. .

While performing as part of the Music Hall, Zakharov experienced audience love for the first time. The concerts attracted full houses. Sergei’s appearance and talent did their job - the young man quickly began to acquire fans. The public and critics were fascinated by the singer’s inimitable baritone, bottomless dark eyes, white-toothed smile and large curls of black hair.

In 1974, Sergei Zakharov decided to try his hand at the international Golden Orpheus competition, from which he emerged victorious. And soon he added the prize from the Sopot competition to his piggy bank. He finally and irrevocably became the favorite of Soviet music lovers when he appeared on TV screens in the “Artloto” program.

The artist’s songs began to be played on the radio, and the Melodiya recording company began recording albums one after another.

Even world stars admired his unique, strong baritone. "Golden Voice" of Peru Mario Gonzales prophesied young talent a great future, and the Pole Jerzy Polonski said that the artist’s work is a unique phenomenon in the world of music. Since the mid-70s, Sergei Zakharov began performing with, who became his good friend. The singer noted:

“We are both snub-nosed and quickly sang.”

Creative biography interrupted in 1977. Zakharov went to prison for a year for a group fight with the administrator of the Music Hall. Sergei Georgievich does not hide the reasons and tells the press in detail. According to the artist, the brawl was set up on the initiative of the secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU Grigory Romanov, who was courting Senchina.

Sergei Zakharov performs the song “Three White Horses”

It would seem that after imprisonment the path to the big stage was closed, provincial scenes awaited again. However, after his release, the man was called to the Odessa Philharmonic, and then, at the call of Lev Zaikov, a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Zakharov returned to Leningrad. Here the artist was provided with housing, given a place in the Music Hall and cleared the way to television. In addition, the singer soon went with concerts to Yugoslavia, the GDR and even Greece.

Since the mid-80s, the artist began working alone. Sergei Zakharov's first solo concert took place in 1986 in Moscow. It was in the prestigious Rossiya concert hall that the man subsequently shone in his charming images - Mister X,.

In the 90s, the artist’s popularity did not decrease. In this decade, Zakharov received the title of People's Artist, the Order of Friendship and the Star of Glory of the Fatherland, worked with pianist Alexander Kogan, and continued to release records.

The singer's repertoire includes not only pop songs. Sergei Georgievich paid a lot of attention to the art of opera, sang to works by,.

Cinematography also found a place in Zakharov’s work. The role of Fernand Champlatreau in the musical film “Sky Swallows” (1976) added to his popularity. In the film, the singer plays with movie stars. And he gave the voice to the character during the dubbing of the film.

In 2016, fans received news that the singer was seriously ill. However, the information turned out to be speculation of the yellow press. Relatives are tired of assuring that the singer is alive, healthy and working. Moreover, at the end of the same year, Sergei Zakharov held a solo concert in the capital of Russia, and then traveled to the cities of the Far East.

Sergei Georgievich was still in the ranks, performed in his homeland and often went abroad with concerts. The artist’s repertoire was dominated by lyrical romances; fans note the undying sincerity of the performances.

Film about Sergei Zakharov “I don’t regret anything”

In January 2018, Zakharov was received at the House of Officers, where he presented the program “I Sing about Love,” filled with classic romances, songs from his early creativity and compositions borrowed from the repertoire.

In March, the TVC channel showed documentary O life path People's Artist "I don't regret anything." My wife and even my granddaughter took part in the film.

Personal life

Sergei Georgievich went through life with his wife Alla from the age of 16. At this age, he had already walked down the aisle - such early marriages were allowed in the Kazakh SSR. The couple had a daughter, Natalya, who later gave her parents two grandchildren - Yan and Stanislav.

In the late 90s, the family of the People's Artist moved from noisy St. Petersburg outside the city to their own house in pine forest near the lake. Sergei Georgievich lovingly decorated the home with his own hands.

Zakharov was known as a true music lover; he managed to collect a unique music library of more than 400 records with the voices of opera and jazz performers. He admitted that he adores creativity, Tito Gobbi, Joan Sutherland,. The pride of the collection is the debut “coal” records with songs of Fyodor Ivanovich, dated 1903.


February 14, 2019 Sergey Zakharov in a Moscow clinic. The People's Artist passed away at the age of 69. According to preliminary information, the singer died as a result of heart failure.


  • 1974 – “Sergei Zakharov sings”
  • 1983 – “Russian Romances”
  • 1986 – “Centripetal force. Pop songs"
  • 1995 – “On the fragile keys of the soul. Music of the St. Petersburg bard Viktor Maltsev"
  • 1995 – “S. Zakharov performs Russian songs and romances accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments conducted by V. Popov"
  • 1997 – “Touch of Love”
  • 1998 – “About you and about yourself”
  • 1998 – “Russian romances and songs accompanied by the St. Petersburg Radio and Television Orchestra conducted by S. Gorkovenko”

He worked in three outstanding groups: Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble Russian Army them. A.V.Alexandrova, opera house Boris Pokrovsky, today his lyric tenor is heard at the Bolshoi Theater.

Story famous artist started during the passage conscript service in the army. On a weekday, his parents took Private Zakharov straight from a military construction site in his overalls and heavily soiled with cement to an audition with the director of the song and dance ensemble, Agafonnikov. Provided that the private returns to his unit by seven in the evening, he reports himself in full form. Otherwise - a guardhouse! But before the fighter had finished singing Lensky’s part to Agafonnikov, he had already written a petition to transfer Private Zakharov to the song and dance ensemble of the Russian Army.

- But before that there was School of Music in Orel, conducting and choir school. Then Gnesinka and work until we sweat. Tenor is a very complex voice. Do you think it’s easy to go against nature all your life? You constantly sing an octave higher than you speak. But that’s how I was taught, taught all my life. And today, for the public’s needs, the tenor part is sung two or three octaves lower without being prepared. pop singers, - said the soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, Honored Artist of Ingushetia Alexander Zakharov in an interview with AiF-Adygea.

The joint concert of a participant in the art project “Tenors XXI” and the orchestra of Russian folk instruments “Russian Prowess” of the State Philharmonic of Adygea brought together a full hall.

Classics - on the counter!

- Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote: “A poet in Russia is more than a poet.” And who is the singer in Russia?

A singer in Russia is more than a singer. I think that in the 21st century he is also a hero. Today on any television channel great amount singers What are they doing? They cook cabbage soup, cook meat, skate, and broadcast. At the same time, they continue to call themselves composers, singers, even poets. If it were up to me, I would create an “uninteresting” commission that would prohibit those who stop singing from being called singers. Singing is important! Many in Russia who did not have a voice were called singers. Remember Utesov, Bernes, Vysotsky, Tsoi! Why? They were the mouthpiece of the era, they sang, igniting life in their songs. I’m also lucky that I can travel around the world and give an insane number of concerts. But I know a huge amount talented singers those who are unlucky: they sit without work and quietly drink themselves to death. But they will not do anything other than singing. If they don’t become cooks and maids, death is better!

Alexander, before the TV channels had time to show the preparations for the opening of the Bolshoi Theater, a scandal broke out again. Nikolai Tsiskaridze believes that there are a lot of shortcomings in the Bolshoi, it is impossible to sing and dance there... And everything presented on TV is pure window dressing.

I’ll say right away: I’m skipping this season at the Bolshoi. I'm singing only a few concerts at the Bolshoi this year. I haven’t tried my voice on the new stage yet. All impressions are ahead. As for scandals, Grand Theatre- a place that is doomed to scandals, too famous. And Nikolai Tsiskaridze is an impulsive, explosive person.

- Now on TV new project"Phantom of the Opera". What is the professional's attitude towards this show?

People who sing pop songs wanted to sing opera arias. I don't see anything wrong with this. Playing good music benefits everyone! I am categorically against those who sit on the jury and judge. I recently had a conversation with Dmitry Kharatyan. He exclaimed enthusiastically: “Look! We even managed the opera!” I answered: “Dima, it’s not easy to sing opera. It is not written so that the aria can be lowered by two tones and sung in different voices. Opera has its own canons that cannot be changed! You can’t adapt opera to the stage!” For example, if a ballerina does 32 fouettés in the center of the stage, then she has no right to do 15 or 25 in the corner! And here we get a simplification of the concept “classic is coming to you!” The channel’s managers could have invited big “stars”, starting with Placido Domingo! But the rating took its toll among boys and girls under 16 and old people over 60! And this is presented with the sauce: “These stars can do anything!” But this is not true! Not everyone can! And when the jury is looking for words of tenderness and delight that he finished singing without taking so much false notes, that the number turned out to be “rich”, with half-naked backup dancers, it makes me at least smile. And my musician friends have a feeling of irritation. To really sing you need to study for at least 20 years. Therefore, for me, it’s better not to look!

The repertoire is not for a hero

Today, “stars” get on skates, fight in the ring, chew worms on islands and take risks in brutal games. Isn't it better to mind your own business?

For what? Take a tour of Moscow theaters! I have seen more than once how people come to the theater with one hope - to see their favorite “serial” actor on stage. Another question is that they leave after the performance, to put it mildly, in bewilderment: he plays poorly! Like, “star”. There are his photos in magazines, and programs about him on TV screens. But he can neither walk nor speak. And so it is. I know a lot of guys who don't act because there's too much theater work. And this despite the fact that theater today has become a director's theater.

- This is bad?

I think yes! The theater must cultivate its own “stars.” The viewer, as in the old days, goes to the names. What does he see? Fussy running around the stage, men unzipping their pants and women exposing their breasts. And then they shout “Bravo!” to the director. for the creative idea. As for the shows, they involve those whom the directors easily let go. The repertoire is not based on them. And a month later, people again “run” to the theater to look at new “ the latest heroes” and again comes out unsatisfied. We have a strange country!

- Gradsky said about the participants of the “Star Factory”: “Their performances poisoned the taste of the whole country!”

You cannot poison the taste of people who are already poisoned to begin with. Now the country does not watch these programs. They download movies on the Internet and communicate there. They leave the box... But the taste was zombied. At one time, meeting the classics became like meeting the Queen of England, according to protocol, at gala concerts. And it should be a necessity. But we listen, bored, and secretly look at the clock: “Be patient a little longer, and at intermission I’ll rush to the buffet!” Several generations have been lost. In one city, my mother brought her son backstage to listen. He started singing “Solo mio” and sang it poorly. I advised you to study. My mother listened to me and decided: “That means I can go to the stage now.” Today's pop singers record in America. You shouted yours into the microphone, and the computer created a song for you. Voices are produced artificially. The top note can be raised by a quart: you sang “sol”, and they brought you to “do”. And with such “progress” who wants to learn?

I’ll lay down the plywood

- Is that why Joseph Kobzon’s proposal to ban “plywood” at concerts failed?

Certainly! Our pop stars and their producers are rich people. They don't need talent, but money. “Plywood” will never be banned. Otherwise, Russian show business will collapse. Yes, art has never depended on talent! How far did Mozart advance art? He was trampled upon from a young age and ended up buried in an unmarked grave! The poet Pushkin said it well: “Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript!”

- In your opinion, is Pushkin’s statement relevant today?

I can say about myself: after performing at the Bolshoi, in Covent Garden, I survive. Nowadays classical singers look like a black and white movie, an old film. There is some kind of pleasure in these films that not everyone understands. Classical singers have a different sound, which the average ear has become unaccustomed to. Like eyes - from black and white cinema. Gone is the concept of singing, and in its place is a show. What's there? We turn life into a show. And who dares to tell many of our folk artists, awarded by the president of the country: “You are deceiving the viewer!” They will answer you: this is not a concert, this is a show! That's why I don't like putting on shows and singing famous songs. And it’s also unpleasant when colleagues ask the audience to clap and sing along. It is forbidden! Tradition dictates: kings, metropolitans, presidents sit below, and you stand above them. Angel, demon - it's up to you to decide. And the task is to maintain the border. But you can’t wonder: after the concert you’ll take off your tailcoat and become an ordinary person.

- Your attitude to what is happening with the Russian folk song on the stage?

I don’t like our folk voices when a Russian song is performed in a guttural performance. Zykina never sang in such a bad voice! If it weren’t for the classical, gypsy register in her voice, she would have remained the second soprano in the choir all her life. And no one would know about her. The Russian voice has been lost - we have no real performers of Russian songs. Sincerity, kindness, suffering. In a Russian song you have to be a little “skinless.” This requires enormous talent...