State Academic Symphony Orchestra Bayan. How the Ministry of Culture destroyed the Boyan. – Why do the Japanese love your orchestra so much?

State support for the famous orchestra is clearly insufficient

The State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan" is one of the best musical groups in the world, having collected a repertoire of Slavic music and performing it at the highest professional level for almost half a century - educating, strengthening, literally healing its many listeners.

The creator of the orchestra, People's Artist of the USSR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, recipient of state and public awards, Professor Anatoly Poletaev, is convinced: “The Russian people are not only bast shoes and sundresses. But this is also Nevsky and Suvorov, Pushkin and Lermontov, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, Lomonosov and Mendeleev, Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky, Kurchatov and Korolev, Zhukov and Gagarin... This is highest level science, these are the people who were the first to go into space. And in order for a people to survive, they need dignity, self-awareness and an understanding of the value of being Russian. For a person to become a mature, self-aware patriot, he cannot do without what is the achievement of the entire planet: Russian character, Russian intellect, Russian ingenuity, Russian resourcefulness and Russian humanism, Russian love of freedom, good-naturedness and good-heartedness. These properties cannot be lost; they must be preserved and strengthened. To do this, you cannot only be a petitioner or complain about enemies.

First of all, we must fight with ourselves: with our shortcomings, our vices. We must reproach ourselves for the fact that we have become weaker, have become more stupid, and are allowing our enemies to sit on our necks and destroy us.

To combat this, a person must understand what values ​​he should preserve. That’s what music does, if it’s real.”

The Boyan orchestra also does this.

Over the many years of work, the Boyan Orchestra has received standing ovation from listeners: in Japan and Germany, England and Scandinavia, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia, Poland and Taiwan...

The Boyan Orchestra celebrated this year with concerts dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, performing his works, set to music by great Russian composers and becoming concert masterpieces. Orthodox prayer Efrem Sirin's "Desert Fathers" in a poetic presentation by Pushkin to the music of Anatoly Poletaev for soloists of the choir and orchestra is a great success among the public. The composer’s Orthodox-patriotic oratorio “Holy Rus'” was triumphantly performed in a crowded hall at the Moscow International House of Music.

A. Poletaev and his orchestra have a certificate from the International Agency of Records and Achievements, obtained on the basis of confirmation of the healing bioenergetic effect on listeners. Research has been carried out medical laboratory Federal Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Doctor of Biological Sciences S.V. Zenin revealed that the music performed by the Boyan orchestra has a beneficial effect on people's health. After the concerts of the famous orchestra, many listeners get rid of various ailments. The sound of music penetrates the body at the cellular level, so even deaf and mute people can distinguish what kind of music they like and what they don’t. Anatoly Poletaev was contacted more than once by people who came to his orchestra’s concerts with a high temperature and left with a normal temperature. “The point is,” explains Professor Poletaev, “that there is dissonance (destruction) in nature, and there is consonance - natural harmony and creative energy, which gives not only aesthetic feeling, but also health.”

Poletaev is convinced that the Boyan orchestra has an exclusive right to exist, since, unlike the orchestras of Mikhail Pletnev, Vladimir Fedoseev, Vladimir Spivakov, Pavel Kogan, Yuri Bashmet and others, it has been combining symphonic instruments with Russian folk music - to expand the palette of the national repertoire.

The President of Russia increasingly says in his speeches that today we need to preserve national traditions, but officials are in no hurry to help an outstanding orchestra that any other country would be proud of.

The Boyan Orchestra has no analogues in the world!

However, unlike a dozen other orchestras, Boyan has no presidential grants, no sponsors, no foreign diasporas or banks that could help it. The ensemble "Russia" receives state subsidies twice as much as the orchestra "Boyan", with a collective half as large. Why is the Russian “Boyan” discriminated against? Until 2005, there were 102 staff members in the orchestra, of which 71 were musicians, but now there are no more than 35 musicians left. Orchestra professionals are forced to go abroad, where their professionalism is in demand, and they receive from 2 to 7 thousand euros per month, when in the Boyan orchestra for a long time the salary was from 6 to 12 thousand rubles, and the current salary, after reducing the size of the orchestra by half, is 24 thousand rubles.

The founder of the orchestra, A. Poletaev, was officially removed from the post of artistic director, the position was deleted from the orchestra’s Charter, and the current director I.S. Shramkov was recently fired, as he himself says, for failing to reduce the orchestra by three quarters, as required...

Today the orchestra is deprived of the opportunity to tour abroad, and we will not see this musical group on domestic television.

Thanks to the professionalism and experience of Anatoly Poletaev, the orchestra adapts to working “under martial law.” "Boyana" concerts take place in various cultural centers Moscow, the orchestra has been a decoration for many years International Forum Slavic arts “Golden Knight”, dozens of outstanding performers, leading soloists of the Bolshoi and other theaters performed with the group.

Today the question is about the quantitative and qualitative revival of the unique experimental orchestra “Boyan”. In Russia, especially in Moscow, “Boyan” has an army of fans - lovers of Russian music, but these are ordinary people who have neither power nor money.

But the state cannot or does not want to finance this orchestra on equal, competitive and fair terms with other Moscow orchestras. academic orchestras who received presidential grants and other types of support.

The oligarchs are ready to sponsor show business stars, but who will support the internationally recognized orchestra, beloved by our people?

Special for the Centenary

« Russian Assembly"turned to Vladimir Putin with a request to create appropriate conditions for the famous Russian orchestra creative activity

“We, members of the International Public Organization “Russian Assembly”, held in the city of Kalyazin, Tver Region, on February 13-14 this year, the traditional, fifth in a row, readings of the International Public Organization “Russian Assembly” on the topic “The role and place of the Russian people in history and modern life of Russia." The event was attended by famous Russian scientists, clergy, political scientists, writers, journalists - exponents of Russian thought from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yaroslavl, Tver, Kaluga, Rybinsk, Sergiev Posad, Nizhny Novgorod, Shui, Kozelsk. At the readings, the question was raised about the situation around the world-famous State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan” under the direction of People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia Anatoly Ivanovich Poletaev,” says the Appeal of the International Public Organization “Russian Assembly” to the President of Russia V.V., adopted in Kalyazin on February 13 . Putin in connection with the situation around the famous Boyan orchestra.

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Back in 2006, M.E. Shvydkoy, at that time the head Federal agency on culture and cinematography, included “Boyan” in the “liquidation” lists. Then it was possible to save the famous orchestra thanks to the protests of the general public and your personal intervention: you clearly spoke out for the need for its preservation and support. Officials retained the “Boyan” orchestra, but did not provide support; conditions were not created for the continuation of the creative activities of the orchestra. Moreover, officials of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation did everything possible to prove the futility of the existence of a unique Russian musical group! - it is said in the document.

“A.I. Poletaev, the creator and for decades the permanent artistic director of the ensemble, was imposed by administrators - directors and “parallel” conductors, whose aesthetic and human qualities did not meet the aspirations of “Boyan”. The orchestra itself, symphonic in sound and composition, was ordered to be reduced to a “chamber” orchestra (to 37 performers). Over the past years, the Russian orchestra has never been allocated government grants“Consequently, the orchestra members eked out a miserable existence financially,” the appeal says.

“Finally, recently, on December 28, 2017, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky issued order No. 2274, according to which “Boyan” is “reorganized”, and in fact - completely liquidated! It follows from the order that “Boyana” as administrative unit no longer exists - the remaining musicians were transferred to the staff of the Moscow State Philharmonic. It remains beyond the scope of the order that the artistic director of “Boyana”, its inspirer and creator A.I. Poletaev was fired, and another person will lead the orchestra. In this sophisticated bureaucratic way, a blow is dealt to traditional Russian musical culture,” the appeal emphasizes.

The authors of the appeal ask the question: “What does Mr. Zhuravsky offer?” And he is quoted as saying: “...It is necessary to preserve the team, at the same time creating conditions for it creative growth, since many questions arose in the field of repertoire, representation of various academic instruments in the orchestra... The ensemble currently has 37 artists on its staff. This does not meet the generally accepted standards of either a chamber orchestra or a symphony academic orchestra.”

“It is paradoxical that such statements are made by a high-ranking official of the department, which should have taken measures at one time to ensure “compliance with generally accepted standards.” Amazing hypocrisy! – exclaim the authors of the appeal.

The document notes that “the services to the Fatherland of A.I. There is no need to describe Poletaev and the “Boyan” orchestra he created, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year. And neither the public nor the state can accept such a “gift” from officials of the Ministry of Culture for the anniversary of the illustrious team.”

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! We are convinced that the situation around the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan” is unfair and damages traditional Russian culture and our national interests. We ask you to intervene in once again save the Boyan orchestra! Create for him and his creator A.I. Poletaev, who, despite his age, is full of health, creative strength and ideas, has all the appropriate conditions for creative activity!” – is emphasized in the appeal, which was signed on behalf of the members of the IPO “Russian Assembly” and the participants of the Fifth Kalyazin Readings by the chairman of the IPO “Russian Assembly” A.D. Stepanov.

More music biographies And

Anatoly Poletaev: “The conductor has the power to destroy a person’s spiritual loneliness...”
Conversation with People's Artist of the USSR, head of the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan" / People's Artists of the USSR / January, 2017

In the book “Boyan” - People’s Love” you can find many vivid responses about this orchestra. Leonid Leonov, the author of “Russian Forest” and the mystical “Pyramid”, who attended concerts in the Church of St. Blaise, called creativity Anatoly Poletaev "action".

Conductor Anatoly Poletaev

Almost 100 years have passed since the beginning of the revolution of 1917, a whole century of changes and upheavals, it seems that Russian people have already become different, but still something remains that preserves us as united people. This is a great centuries-old culture, music, one of the guardians of which remains the orchestra "Boyan" . Most recently, in Moscow, at the House of Scientists, an original concert was held by People's Artist of the USSR Anatoly Poletaev in honor of his 80th birthday and 60th anniversary of creative activity. Soloists, People's and Honored Artists of Russia, with the participation of the laureate international festivals The State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan", led by professor and composer A. Poletaev, performed odes, hymns, solemn songs, and prayers in honor of Slavic unity. The Moscow choral ensemble of sacred music “Blagovest” took part in the concert.

In a year and a half, the Boyan orchestra, which musicologists call the “Russian symphony” for its unique sound, will turn half a century old. The special atmosphere of the Boyan concerts is due to the virtuoso leader, who skillfully combined the instruments of the symphony orchestra with folk ones. In the West, until perestroika, the brilliant team received a standing ovation, bowing before this “island of spirituality, personifying the pristine power of the Russians, the greatness of the culture of the Russian land.”

And in Moscow, from 1985 to 1995, connoisseurs of the music of Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Dvorak, Smetana, Rachmaninov, and Sviridov hurried to the concert hall of the Church of St. Blaise in Staraya Konyushennaya Sloboda. This hall is in ruins former temple The musicians themselves built it, but the authorities of the Moscow Property Committee handed it over to the church parish, and the orchestra became homeless... They did not provide it with any other premises, violating Article 53. Law on Culture.

"Romance", G. Sviridov. Orchestra "Boyan"


"Romance" by Georgy Sviridov from musical illustrations to A. Pushkin's story "Blizzard". Performed by the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan", conducted by People's Artist of the USSR Anatoly Poletaev. Moscow International House of Music

Today the artistic director and chief conductor orchestra "Boyan" A. I. Poletaev visiting "Century".

– Anatoly Ivanovich, Boyan’s concerts move listeners to tears, how do you achieve this? For example, what special thing did you please the audience with at your anniversary concerts at the House of Scientists and at the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Obninsk?

– As always, we did not strive to entertain the public, but forced them to work – both with their minds and souls... We consider our main task to be strengthening traditions national identity, improvement of manners and morality.

Is this possible at concerts? Yes, yes. When performing classics, it's all about the interpretation. For example, when “Boyan” plays the finale of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4, I always pay attention to the tragic signals brass instruments, with which at the climax the author predicts the catastrophe that occurred in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Most often, conductors perform these “signals” at the tempo and rhythm of a polonaise procession. As a result, the idea of ​​a major tragedy disappears... At the end of the symphony, when the theme is being developed folk song“There was a birch tree in the field”, I, outside of tradition, suspend the usual tempo of the violins and give a solo to the balalaika, which is not in Tchaikovsky’s score. At first she cries slowly, gradually returning to the set pace, and the theme of the birch tree is already perceived as a “club”, as an image of the struggle for justice. So is the music in modern world becomes a weapon. We played this symphony not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Taiwan, the audience gave a standing ovation, understanding and accepting our interpretation. And when the audience gives a standing ovation, it’s a triumph.

Or in Rachmaninov’s Second Concerto, a deeply patriotic work, we always highlight national problems. This is required by the time and the situation in the country. This is where the co-authorship of the composer and conductor is expressed. The second part of the concert for me is like going into space, to meet with the hierarchs... Rachmaninov seems to be asking them a question: why is there such a mess on earth, so many dramas and tragedies, injustice?! And they answer him that a person chooses his own path. And if he does not follow the path offered by Christianity, but tries to get the maximum benefit from his earthly life, he will betray the Creator. And it becomes clear what we are talking about. Occurs in music bright light, rising with its energy to the Sky. I see, hear and feel this energy, I force the orchestra to demonstrate it. And in the third part - “scherzo” (in Russian, joke) Rachmaninov, armed with advice and knowledge, as if jokingly, deals with his problems and comes to a victory of incredible power!

Orchestra "Boyan" and conductor Anatoly Poletaev: "Burlatskaya" (S. Rachmaninov)


Sergei Rachmaninov "Burlatskaya" (Russian song). Arranged by Anatoly Poletaev. Performed by the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan"

Musical works like Rachmaninov's Second Concerto can be counted on one hand in world music. According to the conclusion of the research laboratory of the Ministry of Health, this is the most energetic repertoire in my practice. Scientists conduct the experiment using water, which is frozen when it accepts the information. If the thought is positive, the result is a geometrically correct, beautiful “snowflake”, and if not, a blot. This is how an energy formula arises, which confirms that music can either heal people or cripple them.

- On anniversary concerts the audience has heard a lot of your works. Thus, in the House of Scientists, the ensemble “Blagovest” and soloists performed “Ode to St. George”, “Hymn of the Defenders of the Fatherland” (music by Tchaikovsky), the song “Russians are Victory!”, “Holy Rus'”, “Monastery Chorale”, prayer “Save, Lord, and save.” The most relevant prayer for today, “The Desert Fathers...” was also performed based on the words of Pushkin. How did it come to you?

– Imagine, Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov introduced me to her and persuaded me to write music. He heard my “Ode to the Virgin” in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and, coming up to me, said that he really liked it. He asked if I knew the prayer “Desert Fathers...”? I didn't know. “You must,” he says, “write music.” And he faxed me a copy of Pushkin’s great text in his own hand. I read and see - actual poems. But having decided that I am not able to deal with such a difficult and responsible task, I go to bed. At three o'clock in the morning I wake up: a melody sounds in my head. I go to the piano and write down. I'm starting to work. The draft is ready.

Larisa Pavlova and the Boyan Orchestra "Ode to the Virgin Mary"


A. Poletaev “Ode to the Virgin Mary” - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, star of the international competition “Romansiada” Larisa Pavlova sings, accompanied by GARKO “Boyan” (artistic director and conductor, People’s Artist of the USSR A.I. Poletaev) XXII Orthodox Festival, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavsky architectural museum-reserve, 24.09.2014

Later I learned that several composers wrote music for the prayer of the Syrian theologian and poet of the 4th century Ephraim the Syrian. Three in the 19th century: Dargomyzhsky - in the genre of romance for vocalist and piano, Rimsky-Korsakov - in the genre of Catholic fugue for choir, Grechaninov, who emigrated to Paris and wrote for Catholic churches. In the 20th century - the famous church regent Chesnokov. They all used a version of Pushkin’s prayer - from the words “Lord of my days.” And I, in the 21st century, wrote music in the form of an aria for soloist, choir and orchestra, preserving Pushkin’s poem in its entirety. Let's quote these lines...

Desert fathers and blameless wives,
To fly with your heart into the field of correspondence,
To strengthen it in the midst of long storms and battles,
They composed many divine prayers;

But none of them touches me,
Like the one the priest repeats
During the sad days of Lent;
More and more often it comes to my lips

And it refreshes my soul with an unknown force:
Lord of my days! sad spirit of idleness,
Lust of power, this hidden serpent,
And do not give idle talk to my soul.

But let me see my sins, O God,
Yes, my brother will not accept condemnation from me,
And the spirit of humility, patience, love
And revive chastity in my heart.

This composition of mine based on the poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was successfully performed by soloist Dmitry Stepanovich at the “Orthodox Hymns” concert in the hall named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky together with the Synodal Choir of Alexei Puzakov and the Boyan Orchestra.

– In a year and a half, the orchestra will turn half a century old, with what losses and gains are you approaching your anniversary?

“Alas, the level of virtuosity that allowed the orchestra to receive the title of academic has been lost. The staff I trained left because the salary was lower than competitive. We have always lived by austerity: if necessary, we had to be both a driver and a loader, carrying props across the city in a tailcoat with a bowtie. When the Church of St. Blaise was built, subbotniks and Sundays were constantly held. They manually dug trenches two and a half meters deep and laid complex communications. They gave charity concerts to earn money for restoration: 15 kg of gold was required to gild the 900-kg cross and domes.

The public helped us - from students to academicians, and in two years we restored the temple according to scientific project. I remember how at one meeting I was attacked by about a hundred temple abbots: teach me, how did you do it?! “It’s very simple,” he answered, “take a stretcher, pitchforks, shovels, picks and start working together with everyone else, otherwise my violinists and balalaika players would not do this.” In 1985, after three years of restoration of the temple, “Boyan” began rehearsing and giving concerts.

We went through a series of damp basements, dilapidated halls, abandoned buildings where we had to store instruments, costumes and rehearse. We repaired it ourselves kindergarten, where, in unimaginably cramped conditions, they recorded Rachmaninoff’s “Romances” with one of the country’s best baritones, Polikanin. Then, thanks to the help of the Prosecutor General, we were given the building of the Zenit cinema, from which the orchestra was again thrown onto the street. Moreover, after the phenomenally successful concert “Moscow - the Third Rome” in international House music.

In 2006, on the initiative of Mr. Shvydkoy, it was decided to liquidate the orchestra due to “optimization of budget expenses.” And only thanks to the support of the participants of the Second Council Slavic peoples Belarus, Russia, Ukraine in 2006 in Minsk, who addressed a letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, “Boyan” survived.

A. Poletaev "Hymn to the Slavs" - Larisa Pavlova sings


Laureate of all-Russian and international competitions Larisa Pavlova sings, accompanied by the Russian State Concert Orchestra "Boyan", art. director - People's Artist of the USSR Anatoly Poletaev. V International Slavic Arts Forum "Golden Knight" Moscow. State Estate Museum them. A. S. Pushkina

– What tasks are you setting for yourself now?

– We stick to our experience, literacy, we play the repertoire not below the waterline, and, to tell the truth, we survive. Instead of 100 people, the team now has 35 musicians. We had a concert orchestra - not folk, not symphonic, not pop, for which I was always reproached, they say, I need to play in one genre. They wanted Boyan to turn into an ensemble folk instruments. I am a populist by education, but now I am engaged in cultivating the national Russian spirit in our people. And for this I need to play the masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov not on balalaikas and domras, but on symphonic instruments.

I am fulfilling the behest of Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev, the founder of the Great Russian Orchestra of Folk Instruments: his main task was the revival of Russian song and the creation of a national orchestra. Unfortunately, he did not have time to do this. Andreev did not go into exile with his friends Prokofiev (returned to the USSR in 1936 - ed.), Chaliapin, Rachmaninov and others, but stayed with the orchestra in Russia. Speaking with the Chapaevites, in the trenches of the city of Kushva, without a sheepskin coat, in only a tailcoat, he caught a cold and died... Vasily Vasilyevich said: “No matter how great the suffering brought from a pure heart on the altar of serving the Motherland, they are all redeemed by the happiness of serving it.” I try to fulfill these commandments of preserving national identity using modern means. This is why I need the Boyan orchestra.

– And yet, what was the impetus for the emergence of such an unusual team?

– I created the National Orchestra at the peak of my career as a touring accordion player, who played in the best concert halls in Russia and abroad. And at the same time, I, with my ensemble of folk instruments, were sent to give concerts for builders railways, to prisons and timber industry enterprises, where conditionally released prisoners felled timber. We got to the “concert” venues on buses that were blown through all the cracks, and we saw in what poverty, humiliation and lack of rights people lived. They listened to us by the light of kerosene lamps, sitting on fallen cedars and pines, but I saw how their eyes sparkled. And we played them not tavern music, but the most serious music. It was there that I decided to serve with my art those who sow and plow, and I created national orchestra. Unlike my impatient colleagues, everything worked out for me, and I enjoyed conducting for many years studied with a conductor Bolshoi Theater Gabriel Zimin, he saw me as a conductor.

– Have there been any changes in the orchestra in the last two years?

– We actively began to collaborate with the president of the Slavic Arts Forum “Golden Knight”, director of the University of Culture of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev. He invites our orchestra to the opening and closing of numerous Golden Knight forums. So, we recently performed at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. We also perform at Emergencies Ministry events. We perform in prestigious halls, we try to do interesting repertoire.

– They say that you have several connections with the performance of Sviridov’s “Romance” interesting stories?

- I'll tell you. Vladimir Gostyukhin, a famous “truck driver,” once heard Sviridov’s “Romance” performed by us in the Kremlin. After the concert, everyone left for the banquet, and I was late: collecting instruments and props. Finally, I arrive at the concert hall of the Rossiya Hotel, where the holiday is in full swing, and look for a seat. And suddenly Gostyukhin, seeing me enter, runs up and falls to his knees. The guests are perplexed, and Vladimir Vasilyevich gets up and explains to everyone that he was shocked by the performance of Sviridov’s romance “Boyan”. This is one of his favorite works, and he knows how different orchestras perform it, but this is the first time he has heard such poignancy. Since then, he often comes to our concerts, he has all our recordings.

Orchestra "Boyan", ch. conductor A. Poletaev "Evening Bells"


Music by A. Alyabyev, arrangement by A. Poletaev, in the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, June 26, 2014. Final concert of the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra "Boyan", art. leader Anatoly Poletaev. " Music album era of A.S. Pushkin"

I really like how “Boyan” performs “Evening Bells” and “Century Linden Tree”, People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Mikhailov. We once even opened it with “evening bells” anniversary evening. Once, at the Days of Culture of the Russian Federation in Dortmund, when we were playing “Evening Bells,” the famous artist Zhanna Bolotova burst into tears, so much so that it was impossible to calm her down... Interesting thoughts were shared by a spectator who often listened to “Boyana” concerts in the Church of St. Blaise, and “our” “Evening Bells” also moved him to tears. It would seem that the music is in major key, no one offends the listeners, does not cause them pain, what happens to their feelings?! The fact is that during the performance of this work, the conductor has the power to destroy the spiritual loneliness of a person, even if he is not alone outwardly. Enormous energy power lies in “ Evening bells" I will even say this: when I conduct it, I always talk with the Creator. And I try to fulfill the tasks that He sets for me.

– Is it possible to revive Boyan?

– Perhaps, but for this the orchestra needs to be given equal rights with other academic orchestras that have concert halls, sponsors, banks, foundations, presidential grants, who are organized trips abroad and paid a decent salary. You can’t let people into the ring saying, “First win the fight and then you’ll ask.” Talent must be protected - it’s a truism. Minister of Culture Medinsky, unfortunately, has never been to our concerts, and has never invited me to a reception to learn about our problems. He trusts the rumors of ill-wishers, and there are more than enough of them around “Boyan”.

– Why do the Japanese love your orchestra so much?

– The Japanese are people of honor, and they have a keen sense of truth in music. Their first subjects at school are drawing and music. Art is in the foreground, exact sciences are in the background. They have succeeded in electronics, but they need spirituality, which comes from Russian culture, like air. Therefore, “Boyan” is a godsend for them. We toured Japan three times, and once came to the city of Sapporo in the north of Hokkaido. They greeted us as friends, because for six years they had been trying to let us go to them. Once they wanted to send Lyudmila Zykina with the ensemble instead of us, but they received the answer: “Zykina is good, but we need Boyan.” And here we are in Sapporo: on every pillar there is a poster - “Boyan”, “Boyan, “Boyan”, on every object there is an advertisement for our concert.

But it must be said that the problem of returning the Kuril Islands was hotly discussed in Hokkaido. And suddenly, about three hours before the concert, the organizer comes up to me and asks if we are holding a concert. It turns out that only 700 tickets were sold for the 1,800-seat hall. And, according to the rules, the performer has the right to cancel the concert if the hall is less than 50 percent full: a drop in reputation. I said that 700 people were also an audience, and you should have seen how happy he was: reprisals would not follow. And suddenly we hear: through bullhorns on passing cars, the population is called to boycott our concert. “Russians are barbarians and aggressors, you cannot deal with them! Take away their islands and don’t listen to their music!” So what do you think? When the curtain opened, there were 1800 people in the hall! With the help of negative advertising, they did in three hours what they could not do in several months.

The concert was a triumph, followed by a banquet. But before him, I signed autographs on Boyan discs for an hour and a half. And when they ran out, I had to sign with a felt-tip pen on the sleeves of white blouses Japanese girls. And the organizers humbly waited until the entire line had passed. The mayor of the city, who was anti-Soviet, said at the banquet: “Whatever the politics, we have witnessed a truly Russian folk art, and you need to be friends with such people!”

The article was published within the framework of the socially significant project “Russia and the Revolution. 1917 – 2017" using funds state support allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated 12/08/2016 No. 96/68-3 and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian public organization « Russian Union rectors."

Shame on the officials from the Ministry of Culture who destroyed the State Academic Russian Concert orchestra"Bojan"!

For two decades, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation carried out vile persecution of the outstanding conductor and musician, creator of the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan”, laureate of international competitions and the Gold Medal, etc. G.V. Sviridov "For outstanding contribution to musical culture» People's Artist of the USSR, Professor A.I. Poletaeva.

The persecution started by former minister Shvydkiy was continued by the heads of the department of state support of art and folk art Shalashev, Apfelbaum, Emelyanova, Malyshev, and this was done despite the orders of the President of the country and the Chairman of the Government on the “preservation and support” of this unique orchestra.

“Boyan” is truly unique, the only one in Russia and the world symphony orchestra, which combines two musical world- the world of folk instruments and symphony orchestra instruments. The ideology of the orchestra is aimed at preserving and enhancing the traditions of Russian and Slavic music, education and enlightenment younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland, national pride, high spirituality, faith in the power of Russian and Russian culture, the triumph of justice.

The orchestra has many fans, both in Russia and abroad, especially among connoisseurs of true musical Russian art, his performances were always a constant success. Apparently, all this has always irritated the bureaucratic power crows, who are trying to impose an alien culture on the country.

At first, officials organized what was essentially a raider takeover of the orchestra with the help of Mr. Tolmachev, a man far from music, who was installed in the position of director of the orchestra (a former caretaker-driver of the orchestra, who brought and brought instruments).

The Ministry of Culture then secretly organized a secret audition by a group of experts appointed by it, without an audience , in order to concoct another reason for the persecution of the People's Artist of the USSR, conductor A.I. Poletaev and his brainchild, the Boyan Orchestra.

As a result, a decision was made to dismiss its creator A.I. from the orchestra. Poletaev, reduce the composition of the orchestra to a chamber orchestra, change the name of the orchestra to "State Academic Orchestra" removing key, meaningful words: "Russian, concert orchestra “Boyan”, while “magnanimously” retained the academic title. It is the Spirit of the ancient Russian storyteller Boyan who, by order of officials of the Ministry of Culture, must henceforth leave this orchestra along with its founder. What was created by painstaking work and talent of the outstanding musician A.I. Poletaev for 50 years, today it was illegally destroyed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Essentially, an act of vandalism occurred, namely, an act of destruction of the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan”, which has a half-century history and tens of thousands of grateful listeners.

To mark the 80th anniversary of his birth and the 60th anniversary of the creative activity of the outstanding Russian musician, People's Artist of the USSR and Russia Anatoly Ivanovich Poletaev, a book was written that includes interviews, conversations with Anatoly Ivanovich, reviews, reports, reviews and other materials published about him and the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan” created by him in various media. The Master’s word, supported by his very life and the highest creative achievements, will be of interest to everyone who holds Russia dear. This book is presented on International competition Union of Journalists of Russia “Page of Family Glory”. It can be downloaded here:

2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the orchestra! And instead of giving the team the opportunity to prepare for its anniversary and delight its large army of admirers with its virtuoso art, officials destroyed the most bright star traditional national culture Russia.

Let there be national shame on the officials from the Ministry of Culture who destroyed the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan”!

Prof. V.A. Sukhomlin, fan of the Boyan orchestra