We are opening a testing laboratory. Medical laboratory business plan

There is nothing more valuable to a person than his health. Despite the advances of medical science, people still get sick and are forced to undergo treatment. Victory over the disease primarily depends on diagnosis. The INVITRO laboratory carries out comprehensive diagnostics using modern equipment using the latest advances in medicine. Many fatal diseases can be avoided if laboratory tests detect the first signs of the disease in the early stages. INVITRO is not only a business, but also an asceticism in the field of healthcare. Read about opening your own INVITRO laboratory as a franchise in our article.

Franchise "INVITRO" - a success story

July 18, 1995 partnership with limited liability OMB received a license to provide medical services in Moscow. After 3 years, the clinical diagnostic laboratory of OMB LLP became an independent division and on its basis, on December 10, 1998, LLC Independent Laboratory INVITRO was registered. The brand has gained a foothold in the medical services market, becoming recognizable and popular.

By July 2001, INVITRO had reached the level of daily examination of up to 500 patients using 170 tests. Popular recognition was reinforced by the interest of business circles. Where there is success and guaranteed profit, there are investors with their proposals.

Video: about the INVITRO company

In May 2005, the successful INVITRO Franchising program was launched. The first laboratory appeared outside of Moscow in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region. To date, more than 800 offices provide services on a franchise basis under the INVITRO® or INVITRO® trademarks in all regions Russian Federation and on the territory of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The results of INVITRO studies and tests are accepted by all medical institutions in Russia.

Is it profitable to open INVITRO as a franchise? Yes, it is very profitable, but it is a big responsibility. Not only to the franchisor. First of all, to clients whose health depends on the results of research. Operating an INVITRO franchise requires highly qualified personnel.

Cooperation options (table)

The entrepreneur is offered a flexible system of three franchise options:

  • Directly from INVITRO - Standard and Gorodok.
  • Affiliate with "LECHU", network medical centers.
Basic franchise conditions Format
Lump sum payment in Moscow700,000 rub.- 430,000 rub.290,000 rub.
Lump sum in regionsRUB 300,000–500,000150,000 rub.200,000 rub.375,000 rub.
Royalty in Moscow28,000 rub. (from 4 months of work)- 2% 7%
Royalties in other cities28,000 rub. (from 25 months of work)2% (from 25 months of work)2% 7%
Agency fees for Moscow35% - 40%
Agency fees in other cities40% 40% 40%
Type of premises - office area (sq. m)60–80 60–80 60–80

Agency fee is the income of the franchisee for the services provided according to the main price list.

Premises requirements

The company puts forward special requirements for the premises:

To start a laboratory, the premises are brought in accordance with the following standards:

  • Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;
  • Office of the State Fire Supervision.

It is equipped with:

  • waiting hall with wardrobe;
  • consulting doctor's office;
  • biological material collection room;
  • bathroom (shared for employees and visitors);
  • optional - staff rest room (not required for licensing).

Standard floor plans can be found on the INVITRO website. The laboratory only selects biological material from patients. The company takes care of all other logistics for payment and transportation to the central technological complex.

The INVITRO laboratory employs qualified employees who are able to find an approach to any client

The “Town” program was recently created for small cities and towns. Experts predict enormous prospects for her.

“INVITRO-Lechu” is two in one; the franchisee receives the right to conduct business under the brands “INVITRO” (diagnostics) and “LECHU” (medical practice). The fee and royalties go to two franchisors, but support also comes from two head offices.

Franchise purchase conditions

To become a franchisee, you do not have to be a licensed physician: the owner only manages a team of doctors and nurses. The company does not put forward strict requirements, but sets standards. Except cash to invest in ready business, desire and readiness are required:

  • work with a well-known brand;
  • be active life position and business acumen;
  • participate in the development of a network of medical offices;
  • comply with company standards and follow the franchisor’s operating standards;
  • be responsible for the quality of the INVITRO network;
  • to be a socially responsible business entrepreneur, open to projects to improve the state of healthcare in Russia.

In return, the franchisee receives 24/7 assistance and support. He joins a recognized corporation and joins the circle of top-class professionals. They will help him equip his office and provide him with materials and laboratory equipment. The franchisee can entrust the head office with the selection and training of personnel. He is freed from the need to engage in advertising. The company has its own marketing department.

Video: how the laboratory works

Registration stage

The most difficult and costly stage is purchasing a franchise and opening a laboratory. Medicine is a costly and expensive business. If the future franchisee has not yet become an entrepreneur, he should visit tax office with a passport and apply for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Beginners and inexperienced businessmen should register as an individual entrepreneur, pay the state fee and declare the chosen taxation system.

  • 6% of gross income;
  • 15% on profit;
  • patent.

Any of the three options will provide significant savings at the end of the year compared to 13% income tax individuals. It’s good to have free capital, but you can start with small funds. Why visit a commercial bank with a developed business plan and apply for a loan to purchase an INVITRO franchise.

Cost calculation and payback forecast

Table: initial investment

The calculation was made for regions. Cooperation option: “Town”.

Expenses Amount (rub.)
Lump sum payment150 000
Room rental (80 sq. m)160 000
Registration of individual entrepreneurs, ordering printing, opening an account2 000
Repair and preparation of premises750 000
Medical office equipment300 000
Initial expenses for office promotion160 000
Payroll + 30.2% taxes126 000
Agreements with public utilities, telephone installation10 000
Cleaning payment5 000
Security Alarm Services5 000
Insurance5 000
Compliance with the instructions of supervision and control services5 000
Cleaning the surrounding area and parking equipment10 000
Unforeseen expenses2 000
Total1 690 000

RUB 1,690,000 for the purchase of a franchise - the amount is less than the price of a one-room apartment in the regions. Many banks are willing to provide a loan on preferential terms, because the INVITRO brand is considered a very profitable investment.

Purchasing a “Standard” or “INVITRO-Lechu” kit in big city will cost more. From 2.5 to 3.5 million rubles. Even more expensive in Moscow: 3.7–4.9 million rubles. But the capital and cities with a population of more than 500 people. provide a significant increase in clients while the price of the average bill for services is 50–100% higher than in the regions.

According to the investment memorandum, the payback period for the INVITRO franchise is 2–2.5 years.

Table: monthly expenses

Let's consider the expenditure and revenue parts according to average data from more than 700 offices in Moscow and in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Medical Office Monthly Expenses
Type of payment Moscow and
Moscow region (rub.)
Regions (RUB)
Room rental (80 sq. m)200 000 160 000
Payroll fund (1 consultant doctor, 2 administrators, 2 nurses) + 30.2% taxes230 000 126 000
Utility payments12 000 4 000
Administrative and economic activities6 000 4 400
Communications, telephony, internet5 000 5 000
Royalty28 000
(from 25 months of work)
28 000
(from 25 months of work)
Taxes ( simplified system for individual entrepreneurs)132,000 (6% of gross income RUB 2.2 million)96,000 (6% of gross income RUB 1.6 million)
Loan interest55,000 (conditional loan 2.5 million rubles for 60 months at 12%)37,000 (conditional loan 1.7 million rubles for 60 months at 12%)
Total without royalties640 000 432 000
Total with royalty payments668 000 460 000

Monthly incomes vary and vary by both geography and season. According to statistics from the INVITRO memorandum, a medical office is open on average 27 days a month and receives from 15 to 150 people per day. The average bill in Moscow is 2,000 rubles, in the regions 1,500 rubles.

Table: approximate income of franchisees

Medical office monthly income
ReceiptsMoscow and
Moscow region (rub.)
Regions (RUB)
Services for 1620 appointments2 160 000 1 620 000
Directly to the franchisee's income
10% of sampling of biomaterials216 000 162 000
Agent's fee756 000 648 000
Total972 000 810 000
Franchisee's monthly profit304 000 350 000

Note! 10% from taking samples of biomaterials: the client pays for the services in a complex, taking samples of biomaterials is approximately 10% of the check, this amount goes to the office income.

A constant flow of clients ensures income for the laboratory

The numbers and calculations are relative, but clear. The office usually reaches such indicators by the end of the first year of operation. You can do a reverse calculation using expenses as a basis:

  • 668,000 rubles/month in Moscow and the region;
  • 460,000 rub./month in the regions.

And find out that with 27 clients served per day (742 per month) in Moscow and the region, or 23 (621 per month) in the regions, the laboratory breaks even. The economic justification for the franchise provides statistics on office visits after its opening.

Table: statistics of visits to INVITRO

Month1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Attendance380 428 478 534 667 746 772 790 805 815 834 978 1033

From the table above it can be seen that for the first 5–6 months the office is planned to be unprofitable and earns a reputation for itself. Starting from 7–8 months, a stable profit appears, after which the office increases the number of visits until it reaches its physical capabilities. After this, the question is raised about expanding the laboratory and hiring additional personnel or opening a new office.

Due to the long period of reaching break-even and seasonal fluctuations in attendance, a full return on the initial investment occurs in 2–2.5 years.

Possible difficulties

The INVITRO franchise is very attractive for its solidity, reliability and demonstrative experience of hundreds of offices in Russia and the CIS countries. However, before making a choice in its favor, you should weigh the pros and cons and evaluate possible problems.

The disadvantages of the franchise include:

  • High level of initial investment.
  • Strict requirements for the premises.
  • The need to hire graduates medical workers with permission to practice medicine.
  • Complex technological equipment.
  • Compliance with corporate standards for working with clients.
  • Long payback period and break-even period.
  • Limited circle of wealthy clients willing to use INVITRO services.
  • Reputational costs and risks from poor quality work of individual employees or offices of other franchisees.

Problems in the laboratory are typical for an enterprise that provides expensive services to the public. An unsatisfied customer with a paid check in his hand is a potential plaintiff in court. Or at least an angry complainer in government bodies control and supervision. In order for an enterprise to bring a stable profit, it is necessary to reach a certain level of attendance and maintain it constantly until full payback occurs. Any downtime, and it can happen for reasons beyond the control of the owner, can cause significant losses. Utility network failures, employee illnesses, staff turnover, unscheduled audits and inspections, all of this affects profits downward. Refusal to renew the lease of premises can provoke bankruptcy of the enterprise.

Nevertheless, the number of offices is growing throughout Russia and the CIS countries, which indicates in favor of the franchise.

To open a test collection point, a couple of million rubles will be enough, and in small towns even less. Previously, such an item could be repaid in a year. But competition is growing

​Conducting laboratory tests - profitable business. The leader of the Russian market, the Invitro company, earned almost 1 billion rubles in 2014. net profit with revenue of 6.6 billion rubles. Almost half of its income came from the activities of franchisees - independent test collection points operating under the Invitro brand. Open similar business is not as difficult as it may seem: the franchise owner provides supplies, handles the logistics themselves, and even works with doctors to recommend getting tested at the right place. Those wishing to start their own business in this segment have plenty to choose from: in addition to the Invitro offer, there is a franchise of the Gemotest laboratory and several other networks on the market. But it’s becoming more and more difficult to count on quick success every year - competition is growing.

How to start everything

Invitro sold its first franchise in 2005. “Back then we had no idea that we would be transporting biomaterial from 300 cities every day,” recalls the director of the department retail sales"Invitro" Roman Ivanov. Today, Invitro has over 800 medical offices in Russia and the CIS countries and nine of its own laboratories. The Hemotesta franchising program started in 2010, when Invitro already had a fairly large network of offices. Despite this, new player developed rapidly in those regions where Invitro was widely represented. Gemotest took advantage of the fact that Invitro restrained competition between its partners, giving priority in opening new points to entrepreneurs already working in the neighborhood. “At first I applied to Invitro, but they turned me down in Khimki, and then I decided to open a Hemotest branch there,” recalls Sergei Kazakov, owner of two Hemotest laboratories - in Zelenograd and in Khimki near Moscow. Now Hemotest has 309 laboratory departments in 138 cities of Russia and three laboratories for processing tests: in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and St. Petersburg.

Neither Hemotest nor Invitro require medical education from their partners. Both companies help entrepreneurs start a business from scratch by providing fairly detailed estimates of initial costs. Each franchisee at Invitro is supervised by a medical administrator, who is fully responsible for the medical part of the office, as well as by a manager of the franchising department, who already works directly with the investor. “We are open to everyone, but an entrepreneur must work according to the company’s strict standards,” says Ivanov from Invitro. Hemotest has a similar approach. “It is important that people understand that this business needs to be done,” explains Gemotest Marketing Director Maria Kuznetsova. “To think that you have premises, money, opened a branch and forgot about it is fundamentally wrong.”

Neither company helps potential franchisees seek initial investment. “The franchisee’s task is to find these funds and come to us on their own,” says Ivanov from Invitro. Gemotest has a consultant - the Franchise Master company, which, for a fee, provides franchisees with legal and accounting support services for the business and, if necessary, assists in obtaining a loan.

How much does a franchise cost?

The fundamental difference between the two franchises is the cost. The threshold for entering the market through Gemotest is 3-6 times lower than through Invitro: the lump-sum contribution is from 50 thousand rubles. (in cities with a population of less than 50 thousand people) up to 200 thousand rubles. (in Moscow and cities with a population of 500 thousand people), while Invitro has a minimum threshold of 300 thousand rubles, and opening an office in Moscow will cost 700 thousand rubles. “Our lump sum fee is purely symbolic, we have no goal of making money on it,” says Alexandra Maksimova, head of the Hemotest franchise sales department.

Commercial concession agreement in " Invitro "is concluded for three years, from " Hemotest “—for five years, the lump-sum payment is paid everywhere once upon conclusion of the contract. Royalty in "Invitro" » amount to a fixed amount: 28 thousand rubles. per month, but they begin to be paid at different times: franchisee in Moscow - starting from the fourth month of work, and in the regions - from the third year. IN " Hemotest" royalty tied to turnover: at first they amount to 1.18%, and then - 2.36% of turnover (in cities- millionaires - from the second year, in the rest - from the third).

Both companies provide the partner detailed instructions on starting a business. The exact amount of initial investment can be determined after the selection and approval of the premises - only then will it become clear how much will have to be invested in the most expensive things - repairs and rent. At the conclusion of the contract, Gemotest also selects two nurses for free for franchisees in Moscow, and also trains three employees from any Russian city for free.

One of the Invitro franchisees Ksenia Polyakova (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Invitro's premises requirements are stricter than those of Hemotest. “Being on the first line is the key to success,” explains Ivanov. “This is the rule of retail: a store around the corner and a store outside are two big differences in revenue.” “Hemotest” is a little less demanding in this regard: it is permissible to open a laboratory department in the second line of houses, but provided that, for example, there are many clinics around,” says Maksimova. “The franchisee will save significantly on rent, while the flow of customers will be no less than on the first line.” Maksimova warns that when concluding a lease agreement, franchisees seek rental holidays for up to one and a half months, since a license for medical activities can only be obtained after the office is completely ready for work: “Waiting for a license, when the agreement is signed and you already have to pay for the rent, happens the most difficult time for franchisees."

Due to the size difference lump sum and recommendations for premises, the starting investment in opening a laboratory under the Hemotest brand is 25-50% lower. Ksenia Polyakova, who has opened five Invitro medical offices in Moscow since 2010, says that the first point cost her almost 4 million rubles. “Due to inexperience, we purchased almost the most expensive furniture,” she tells RBC. — Each next office cost 2-2.5 million rubles. taking into account the ultrasound machine.” Gemotest claims that you can open an office in a city with a population of up to 200 thousand people for 0.85-1 million rubles.

Both companies strictly regulate the practical activities of their franchisees, including appearance employees, medical office design, cost of services. “We give recommendations on all aspects of the work - the franchisee only needs to do their part of the job: competently serve the patient, admit him, take the biomaterial and send it on time to the central laboratory where indicated,” says Ivanov from Invitro.

The biomaterial is delivered by car or plane; the franchisor pays for transport. Both Gemotest and Invitro provide partners with consumables both for collection (test tubes, syringes) and for transportation of biomaterial (transport containers and cold packs). Test results come in electronic and/or paper form.

Franchisees of both companies say it's nearly impossible to change prices. But there are also exceptions. “In Moscow, it is unrealistic to change prices, but in the regions it happens differently,” Denis Akimov, who owns more than 20 Invitro points in Moscow and Central Russia, told RBC. “If one franchisee occupies the entire region, then it is easier for him to convince the central office.”

Control and fines

Both companies conduct ongoing scheduled and unscheduled inspections of franchised branches, as well as use video surveillance systems at the reception and read patient reviews. For those who do not comply with the terms of the agreement, penalties are provided: for example, in Gemotest, if the branch does not open in the morning according to schedule, the owner faces a fine of 10 thousand rubles. Fines are also provided if the franchisee does not open the laboratory department within 120 days from the date of signing the contract. Hemotest emphasizes that they approach each situation flexibly and penalties are applied quite rarely. Invitro has strict control over compliance with the terms of the franchise, but in many ways this helps to run the business, says Ksenia Polyakova, a franchisee in Moscow. “We are monitored both through mystery shopping and compliance with standards,” she says. “But this helps me a lot, because, for example, when checking the SES, I can be sure that everything is in order with me.”

Laboratory Economics

In both companies, the franchisee's revenue consists of three elements: the collection of biomaterial, agency fees and additional services (for example, ultrasound, ECG, doctors' appointments, etc.). In both Invitro and Hemotest, the collection of biomaterial is paid separately, and this money remains entirely with the franchisee. Clients pay separately for the actual testing in the laboratory. The franchisee collects this money and at the beginning of each month pays most of this amount for the previous month to the parent company, keeping the so-called agency fee. At Invitro, the agency fee is a fixed 35% of the franchisee’s revenue for analyzes for Moscow and 40% for the regions. The amount that franchisees pay to Hemotest for these services increases as their revenue grows: from 50% for research revenue of less than 100 thousand rubles. per month up to 36% for revenue above 1.3 million rubles. Additional services, for example ECG or ultrasound, account for about 5-10% of revenue.

One of the Hemotest franchisees Marina Logvinenko (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The number of patients who pass through the department each day is critical to business. According to Invitro estimates, the average attendance at their medical office is 35 people, at Hemotest it is about 20, but in practice it is extremely difficult to calculate the number of calls in advance. “Hemotest had a point in Kaluga, where there were 120 people every day - people there couldn’t stand it, they tried to open another branch as quickly as possible to make it easier to work,” says Zelenograd franchisee of Hemotest Kazakov. But, according to him, this is rather an exception: there are also situations when attendance does not exceed 15 people per day, which significantly increases the return on investment. " Great value has the level of state medicine: if it offers something decent, as in Moscow, attendance will be lower, but in the regions, laboratories are often at such a level that people have no other choice but to seek paid services,” says Kazakov.

Both companies help franchisees find their clients: head offices work with doctors so that they recommend patients to contact a particular laboratory. Franchisees of both companies say that Invitro does this job better than Hemotest. An entrepreneur from Kolomna, who opened the Gemotest department three years ago, complains that the flow of patients from doctors is very low. Because of this, he had to invest a lot in advertising (in the first year - 500 thousand rubles), the department paid off only three years after its founding. Zelenograd franchisee of Hemotesta Kazakov jokingly talks about the Invitro “mafia”: “My point in Zelenograd has low attendance and profitability due to the popularity of Invitro competitors in the area.” According to Kontur.Focus, at the end of 2014, the office in Zelenograd had revenue of 3 million rubles. and net profit of 173 thousand rubles. Kazakov’s more successful office in Khimki recouped its investment in six months.

“In the regions we have to invest heavily in advertising,” says Invitro franchisee Akimov. “In Moscow and the Moscow region, 90% of people and doctors know the brand, and in the regions there are local players, but Invitro enters as an unknown player, and there should be a lot of advertising.” On average, each of Akimov’s 20 points returned investments in 2.5 years.

The payback period in Moscow and the Moscow region is greatly influenced by competition. “In Moscow now, almost every metro station already has one, or even two offices, and if we paid for the first office in two years, then with each subsequent one it was more difficult,” says Moscow Invitro franchisee Polyakova. According to her estimates, now the new point is unlikely to pay for itself in less than three years. “The payback period has increased due to the large number of competitors,” agrees Gemotest franchisee Kazakov. — On average, this takes two years, provided that you choose good place and residents are willing to pay.”

How to open a clinical diagnostic laboratory? Business plan for a laboratory diagnostic center - http://www.restko.ru/market/9811 Modern medicine is impossible without diagnostics. And diagnosis - without tests. There are queues at municipal clinics, but a wealthy person does not have time for such nonsense. Another thing: I donated blood on the way to work, and in the evening I received an answer by email: “You, my friend, are healthy, but if possible, do not overexert yourself.” This is exactly how a private treatment room that provides services for receiving biomaterial should work. Difficult? Not very good if the analyzes themselves are carried out by a large outsourced laboratory.

So far, the volume of the laboratory diagnostics market is relatively small. However, they are constantly growing. In Moscow, about 60 organizations today provide paid laboratory diagnostics. Participants in the capital's laboratory diagnostics market can be divided into three groups. These are private multidisciplinary clinics, public medical centers that provide paid services for laboratory diagnostics (for example, the Center for Immunology and Reproduction, Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine), and, finally, independent private laboratories specializing exclusively in analyses. Valery Savanovich told how to open a clinical diagnostic laboratory.

Valery Savanovich, founder of the Bion clinical diagnostic laboratory, became an unwilling entrepreneur. Until 2005, he was the director of a brokerage company, then began investing in commercial real estate. The quiet life of the rentier was disrupted by the crisis of the late 2000s. The building of the former Altai restaurant owned by him in the north of Moscow was empty at the end of 2009, the tenants fled. What to do? Savanovich decided to start his own business. All that remained was to choose in which area. Savanovich began reading analytical reports and inviting investment bankers he knew to dinner. From what he heard, he concluded that one of the most promising areas is medicine. There will be more and more private clinics, which means the demand for laboratory services will grow - all over the world, clinics are outsourcing the processing of tests. And Savanovich, a chemical technologist by training, enthusiastically began to master the new field. Entry threshold It turned out that the entry barrier to this business is quite high. But there was good news: many new competitors will not appear in the near future. In addition, the state has zeroed out the profit tax for medical institutions, therefore, you can count on good profitability. There is nothing to do without specialists in the medical business. So Savanovich invited Alexander Mamonov from the CityLab network of laboratories, the second player in this market after Invitro, to the position of general director.

But, Savanovich admits, the business plan still had to be rewritten three times. The first free option, downloaded on the Internet and promising a payback within two years, turned out to be completely unrealistic - it did not take into account the specifics. For example, reagents for analysis cost 100 rubles, and the analysis itself costs 300 rubles. “They think: wow, the profitability is 300%! But the reagents are sold only in a kit for 500 tests, and the shelf life is no more than six months. If you’ve done 500 tests in six months, well done, but if not, you’re at a loss,” says the entrepreneur. The second business plan overestimated revenue, which became clear as soon as the first sales began. And only the third business plan, which the entrepreneur spent a month and a half calculating in Excel, took into account all the nuances. The laboratory diagnostics market cannot be called empty. Invitro, for example, has laboratories in five cities, and the collection of analyzes (in science - “biomaterial”) is carried out by 127 of its own clinics and another 242 franchised ones. "Every week we retail outlets we open like Starbucks,” boasts one of the founders of Invitro, Alexander Ostrovsky. Savanovich did not compete with him, but found a freer niche. Bion operates on a b2b model: its clients are not private individuals, but hospitals and medical centers, of which there are about 3,000 in the capital. Of Invitro’s 4 billion rubles in revenue, such clients account for only 15–18%. How to gain trust Twelve Bion sales managers (in total there are about 100 people working in the laboratory) have divided Moscow into sectors and are methodically calling potential clients. What can the new laboratory offer hospitals? Savanovich has equipped it to the maximum: Bion performs 1,000 types of tests, while most government laboratories do 20–30 types, and other private companies do an average of 400 types. .

The purchase and setup of the InterSystems TrakCare LAB laboratory information system cost approximately $300,000. The system could be purchased three times cheaper. But Savanovich decided that this one is better suited than many others for integration with medical information systems of clinics, which could become competitive advantage. Stanislav Leontyev, director of the MedKvadrat network of private clinics, which is now collaborating with Invitro and Bion, notes that he refused to work with Citylab in their favor precisely because integration problems often arose. Savanovich is trying to become indispensable for clinics. For small private clinics, for example, he offers assistance in automation - for this, an agreement has been concluded with the developers of MIS Selenda, which easily integrates with the Biona system. Bion is ready to become invisible - to print analysis results on its client’s letterhead, for example. Email newsletter The laboratory also sends SMS messages to patients on behalf of the medical center with which it cooperates. The list of services even includes outstaffing - Bion always has 2-3 substitute nurses, for example, while the clinic’s laboratory assistant is on vacation. “It’s important for us that the client continues to take and send tests to us, that is, such an employee works both for the clinic and for us,” says Mamonov. “It’s convenient,” notes Stanislav Leontyev.

In the life of almost every person, situations arise from time to time when the need arises to take tests. From the very birth of a child, various laboratory tests are carried out on indicators of his health - bacteriological tests, blood tests, urine tests, etc. They help to cope with various diseases in the future or prevent their occurrence.

That is, test results are the main factor by which a person’s health status is determined and subsequent actions are taken. Therefore, they must be as accurate and reliable as possible. But many people do not attach significant importance to this and, not wanting to overpay in private medical laboratories, turn to the district clinic. You can come to terms with the fact that you will have to stand in lines and endure endless walking around the offices, but you cannot come to terms with the fact that the test results obtained there will not always be accurate and of high quality.

Insufficient funding for state laboratories does not allow them to install modern equipment, and research is carried out manually, “under a microscope”. Therefore, if you need to get tested in Kyiv, choose an alternative option - a modern medical laboratory. In principle, it can be called an alternative with great difficulty, because a private medical laboratory cannot be compared with a district clinic. The equipping of such a laboratory is usually carried out according to the principle - only the best equipment from leading manufacturers, only the highest quality consumables and reagents. Most laboratories have a unique information system with step-by-step barcoding, which eliminates the influence of the “human factor”.

A modern medical laboratory is:

  • a wide range of quantitative and qualitative studies;
  • medical consultations with a doctor (in the absence of a doctor’s referral);
  • on-call service (by specified address, at home or in the office);
  • operational courier service;
  • taking samples using individual vacuum systems;
  • providing test results in a way convenient for the client:
  • in the treatment room, by e-mail, by fax, by courier, by mail;
  • storing medical history in electronic form;
  • complete confidentiality of medical information about the client.

In addition, thanks to the latest generation analyzers and the latest technologies, the test results obtained in medical laboratories are the most accurate and reliable. After all, if, for example, you conduct a manual PCR analysis - recognized throughout the world as the most the best way testing for infections, and using non-certified kits, you can get a lot of “positive” results even for something that is not an infection. In addition, there will be doctors who will treat you based on the results of these tests. And this will be direct harm to your health.

Therefore, think about what you are risking if you decide to get tested at a local clinic. In addition to the effort and time spent, you may receive erroneous test results, which will make your subsequent treatment or disease prevention completely incorrect.

In addition, you should not be afraid that prices in a medical laboratory will bite. They, as a rule, depend only on the cost of the consumables used, since manual labor, which is valued most highly, is practically not used here.

Don’t be afraid to overpay, because an investment in health is a significant investment in your future.

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Please note

The information on this site is provided for reference and educational purposes and should not be used as treatment instructions.

In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Home \ Licensing of activities

Measurements and studies for licensing

The laboratory of industrial sanitation and ecology of LiK LLC carries out measurements and research within the framework of licensing and production control:

  • medical organizations (clinics, dentistry, medical offices, pharmacies, etc.);
  • hairdressing salons, beauty salons, beauty salons;
  • educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, classes, etc.);
  • waste management activities.

To obtain a license for listed species activities require, among other things, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor for laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • artificial light levels;
  • microclimate parameters;
  • water of the water supply system according to chemical and bacteriological (microbiological) indicators;
  • indoor air;
  • other physical factors (in accordance with the production control program).

Such work is carried out by special accredited organizations that have specialists with certain qualifications and equipment.

The laboratory of industrial sanitation and ecology of LiK LLC meets all these requirements. Accreditation certificate, a wide instrument base, and our own analytical laboratory allow us to perform the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies in as soon as possible. LiK LLC carries out all work on its own, without the involvement of third parties.

The scope of research under licensing depends on the number of jobs.

If workplaces have not yet been determined, measurements are carried out in rooms with a known functional purpose. Water samples are taken from the centralized water supply system.

LiK LLC specialists can develop a production control program for your organization and take measurements accordingly.

Research and measurements are carried out in accordance with current regulatory documents:

  • for medical organizations - SanPiN;
  • for organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetology services -
  • for preschool educational organizations - SanPiN;
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To calculate the cost of work, you can leave online application on the website or send a free form application to our email [email protected].

The application must indicate the number and purpose of the premises (or workplaces) being studied and their area. To develop a production control program, a staffing table must be attached.

Diagnostics is the basis of modern medicine. Without it, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis. But in order to get tested, as a rule, you need to spend a lot of effort and time and stand in a huge line at the municipal clinic. At the same time, more or less wealthy people will be willing to pay money just to save this very effort and time, quickly take the necessary tests and get their results just as quickly. It is for this reason that services private laboratories for receiving biomaterial are in stable and steady demand.

It is worth noting that the market for private medical laboratory services has very good prospects and today it is not yet completely filled. The reason for this state of affairs is a rather complex organizational component. First of all, this type of activity requires obtaining a license, for which it is necessary to go through an extremely difficult process of approval with the relevant regional divisions of the controlling state authorities. organs.

Even if you do not carry out complex tests in the laboratory and save on the purchase of expensive equipment, but limit yourself to creating a room for collecting blood and then sending it for research to a laboratory in Moscow, another difficult problem will arise, which is associated with long-term transportation of blood and ensuring the correct regime of its blood storage. At the same time, the time for issuing analysis results will increase many times over, which, of course, will not make the laboratory particularly popular.

However, despite all the difficulties accompanying this type business, today it is very promising for all cities with a population of one million, as well as for regional, regional, provincial and district centers and, what is not unimportant, there are no restrictions on the number of treatment rooms.

In the field of laboratory diagnostics, two formats of business operation are relevant: treatment room and laboratory. To open a laboratory, you will need to purchase high-tech modern expensive equipment, such as readers, thermal cyclers, oshers, analyzers, robots, etc., as well as the presence of a good analytical base. The capital investment required to open such a laboratory in Moscow will be no less than one and a half million dollars. As for the regions, there this amount will be much more modest and will be about 150–200 thousand dollars. The laboratory’s profitability reaches only 15%, and it can only pay off in five to six years.

Unlike a laboratory, opening a treatment room in Moscow requires an investment of 50 to 60 thousand dollars, in the regions - from 15 to 20 thousand dollars, and the payback period is from one and a half to two years. However, despite all the advantages of the treatment room, the laboratory is a more serious business that can be planned and developed forward for decades.

Based on practice, we can still conclude that opening an office or a whole network of diagnostic points is a more attractive line of business for investors. You can organize your own office and go all the way, from obtaining the appropriate license to finding personnel and purchasing the necessary reagents on your own. Another organization option is to purchase a franchise from one of the existing network operators.

Such offices can operate as independent, separate facilities or be owned by companies that have anything to do with medicine, and also operate in small clinics where patients are seen by the most sought-after specialists, such as a dentist, gynecologist, therapist, and in which there are services for the provision of ultrasound diagnostics.

In order to organize a treatment room for collecting biomaterial, you must obtain license and permits from the fire service and sanitary inspection. In the case of working under a franchise, as a rule, franchisors help with the issue of obtaining a license, but in this case the size of the lump sum fee also increases.

Another extremely important step is the formation of an accurate list of services provided. It is worth noting that there are two main types of research: ELISA, that is, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the essence of which is to detect antibodies to pathogens or specific proteins, and PCR - polymerase chain reaction, which consists of detecting DNA.

Practice shows that for both types of research, the total costs associated with starting a business and operating it are almost the same. But they are distributed differently: the first case is characterized by more significant investments in the purchase of equipment, and in the second the main cost item is the premises, since in order to carry out PCR studies it is necessary to comply with more stringent rules and safety requirements.

PCR studies can detect pathogen DNA by analyzing scrapings and smears, while the ELISA method detects traces of the pathogen in the blood. Any of these types of research can provide high demand, since both blood testing and detection of sexually transmitted infections are equally in demand services.

To open a laboratory you will need room, having an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m. and has a separate entrance. These are the requirements put forward by the SES. There should be stops in the immediate vicinity of the office public transport. It is also advisable that the office be in a public place.

Another important factor that can ensure the success of the laboratory is deadline for analysis. Considering that today many tests can be carried out in just a few hours, there are no problems with issuing the results of these tests within one day. Otherwise, clients are likely to remain dissatisfied and go where the work is done at a faster pace and costs less.

Naturally, the more extensive the range of research a laboratory performs, the better. The ideal option is to carry out clinical and biochemical tests of urine and blood, hormones, infections, allergy tests, studies for tumor markers, PCR studies, analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system, cytological and spermographic methods.

To carry out analyzes and research you will need appropriate equipment. Today, the market offers a fairly wide selection of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. At the same time, domestically produced instruments, reagents and consumables cost 20–30% less than imported ones.

Depending on the demand for the services provided, the complexity of the equipment, as well as the period of time during which employees master working with it, launching a laboratory diagnostic business can take from one week to six months.

Cost price the most popular infection test costs an average of 30 rubles, while retail price such a service reaches an amount of at least 70 rubles.

Moreover, as a rule, one patient, visiting a doctor, takes not one test, but about five or six. As a result, the average amount of one check is 300 rubles or more. The price formation and its final value are influenced by the location of the analysis. The analysis can be carried out in a laboratory or sent for execution to one of the large medical centers. Moreover, even very large laboratories with a powerful analytical base and good equipment 5 to 6% of analyzes are outsourced. This is due to the fact that even if it is possible to carry out the most different types tests, there may always be a need for some rare analysis.

In addition, the cost of the analysis includes the costs associated with transporting the biomaterial to the research site, as well as the intermediary’s markup. The highest prices are set by those medical companies in which 100% of the tests are carried out outsourced. The profit of the owner of the treatment room consists of the cost of services associated with the reception of biological material and discounts provided by the central laboratory. At the same time, even such intermediaries who perform 100% of analyzes in “third-party” laboratories can achieve considerable success if they place their office in a place convenient for visitors, for example, in the central part of the city or near the metro.

It is worth noting that among the owners of diagnostic laboratories, you can most often find people with good connections in the medical field, as well as health officials. And this is not surprising, because it is doctors who know well the essence of the ongoing processes, existing technologies, and also understand perfectly how and to whom they can sell services related to laboratory diagnostics. However, it is not at all necessary to have a medical education to open a treatment room. Moreover, on the contrary, managing a network of offices may be better managed by an entrepreneur who has experience in retail sales, but you can take one of the good specialists as your deputy.

The most important, key role in this type of business is played by qualifications of doctors, since a lot depends on the slightest nuances. After all, a lot depends on the slightest nuances. It is not enough just to be able to take tests correctly; you also need to be able to comply with all existing transportation conditions, ensure timely delivery of biomaterial to the laboratory, avoid errors and confusion in the test results of different patients, and also prevent leakage and disclosure of confidential information, etc.

As a rule, diagnostic laboratories have a staff of six people, of which: three or four doctors who work in shifts and see patients, prescribing the necessary tests and studies, a nurse whose functions include taking samples, an administrator who manages cash desk, manages personnel and coordinates couriers.

Practice shows that the vast majority, namely 70% of all consumers of diagnostic laboratory services are women.

Therefore, for proper organization of work when opening a laboratory, it is necessary to take this fact into account. It is also worth paying attention to close attention in the processes of promotion and advertising of a diagnostic laboratory.

It is worth noting that in promotion and advertising Traditional methods and tools do not work in the diagnostic laboratory. Neither advertising on radio, nor on television, nor in print media brings any effect. The most effective means Friendly relations with doctors serve, since it is from them that a flow of clients comes to the laboratory for tests and it is they who can give the appropriate recommendation for visiting a particular laboratory or office.

Moreover, on the doctor’s recommendation, the patient will even go to the other end of the city. And if the doctor has no doubts about the reliability and quality of the test results, he will willingly and happily begin to work with a certain laboratory, especially considering the fact that the patient’s recovery ultimately depends on the quality of diagnosis, and, accordingly, and doctor's income.

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The laboratory is a fairly profitable and very promising business at present. Therefore, its discovery will be a profitable investment, which will certainly pay off.

Of course, arrange everything necessary documents and getting permission to open is not so easy, but the result is definitely worth it. After all, the number of people who want to quickly get tested, while avoiding huge queues at the hospital, is growing every day. But to open a laboratory, you need to carefully prepare for this event and organize it correctly.

Which room should I choose?

The premises can be owned or rented. It must comply with all safety standards. Its area must be at least 100 square meters. meters, there must be a separate entrance. We must also not forget about the convenience of future clients. It is best if the building is located next to bus stops, there is parking, it is located in a crowded place.

Medical laboratory

A medical laboratory is a very serious business that requires considerable financial investment. Its development can be planned for many years in advance. Such a business will always be relevant, because it is constantly developing, and modern people are increasingly concerned about their health. It doesn’t pay for itself very quickly, but such a business is stable and reliable.

Before opening a medical laboratory, you need to complete all the necessary documents: license, permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority, permission from the fire service. Then you need to decide on the range of services provided. Currently, there are main types of research: ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and PCR (DNA detection, polymerase chain reaction).

For the first method, you need a special room that meets all fairly stringent security measures, and for the second - large number equipment. It is also worth thinking about how quickly the tests will be performed. The faster clients receive test results, the more popular the laboratory will be.

Laboratory equipment

WITH special attention you need to be careful when choosing and purchasing equipment. It is necessary to purchase analyzers, thermal cyclers, oshers, readers, robots and much more. You will also definitely need high-quality laboratory furniture. The choice of equipment for a medical laboratory is quite wide; both domestic and foreign manufacturers are represented on the market. In most cases, buying domestic equipment will cost you much less.

According to the editors of the site, opening a laboratory, although expensive, is very promising business. Don't be afraid to take risks, and luck will always accompany you!
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