How to open a private clinic. How to open a medical center - from choosing a concept to calculating profits

How to open a private clinic - 4 stages of preparation, rules for choosing a location and financial calculations + 5 tips from experts.

Capital investments: from $30,000.
Payback period for the clinic: 2-3 years.

How to open a private clinic, any entrepreneur can figure it out, even without extensive experience in the medical field.

After all, the main thing is the ability to organize the process from scratch, find an approach to staff, plan the development and promotion of the business.

And for this you need an entrepreneurial spirit.

Undoubtedly, a private clinic is a serious organization.

Implementing this business idea will be much more difficult than, for example, starting to grow potatoes for sale or even opening an accessories store.

However, with serious preparation and a business plan, you can “conquer that Everest.”

What preparation is required to open a private clinic?

Before embarking on the practical part of implementing the idea of ​​opening a clinic, an entrepreneur must analyze the available resources and current position business on the market.

The analysis can be divided into several stages:

    As has already been said, To open such a serious organization, you need entrepreneurial experience.

    If you have “gaps” in knowledge and skills, you should make up for them before implementing your business idea.

    There are various courses, both short and long-term.

    What you should focus on first is personnel management.

    If you have the opportunity, get a job in a clinic.

    The position is not essential.

    The main thing is to study the basics of work from the inside, communicate with staff, and identify basic problems.

    Conduct a marketing analysis of the market in your chosen region.

    There is no need to include public hospitals in the list of competitors.

    But research into the level of solvency and demand of the population for certain clinic services is mandatory.

  1. Expense itemAmount (rub.)
    Total:from 2,000,000 rub.
    Obtaining a license for one type of service13 000
    Repair and refurbishment of premises190 000
    Purchase of equipment for one type of service130 000
    Purchasing consumables80 000
    Buying small tools40 000
    Advertising campaign (website creation, external advertising)30 000
    Unexpected expenses20 000
    Financial cushion for the payback period1 500 000

    Monthly investment in work and promotion

    A financial “cushion” is laid in order to ensure uninterrupted operation and its progress until the moment when the profit will fully compensate for the costs of opening and maintaining it.

    Payback period and profitability of the project

    Before deciding to open a clinic, you should stock up on enough funds to invest in work for several more years.

    After all, practice shows that it will take 2-3 years for a private, highly specialized clinic to break even.

    Average, monthly income will be about 1,000,000 rubles.

    And at least 400,000 rubles need to be spent just on maintaining the operation!

    The conclusion arises that only a person with large investment capital can open a private hospital, nothing else.

    Advice from more experienced entrepreneurs on how to open a clinic will help you shorten the payback period and increase profits.

    To become a successful owner of a private clinic,

      The management of a private clinic, unlike government institutions, must keep its finger on the pulse: monitor innovations in treatment regimens, buy new equipment, and experiment with marketing policies.

      If conventional hospitals are “stuck in the USSR,” you must always be ahead.

      The clinic cannot be advanced with old equipment.
      Purchasing and installing new equipment is not an easy task.

      But in your development plan this item should take first place.

      Many managers focus on doctors, leaving out the rest of the staff.

      However, the very first impression is created by the receptionist and nurses.

      For example, days of free diagnostics or cooperation with companies that sell coupons.

      However, these moves subsequently bring significant profits.

      Develop marketing strategy with a long term perspective.

      Don’t be afraid to invest in your specialists, equipment for their convenience, advanced training courses and cash bonuses.

      If a person feels comfortable at work, he will not leave for competitors.

      And personnel rotation is a big problem for any business.

    After reading the article, you should have understood the basic principles of how to open a clinic.

    Of course, it is impossible to contain all the ascetics of the matter and its subtleties within one text.

    However, understanding the basic principles should add to your determination to start and organize this serious, profitable type of business.

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Today anyone can open a medical center without even having a medical education. The main thing is to have a great desire to start your own business and certain organizational skills.

  • conduct a thorough analysis of the market in the region where you are going to open a medical institution (what specific services does it need? local population, how much money people with average incomes are willing to pay for a particular examination);
  • find out how efficiently the market operates;
  • collect detailed information about competitors (what services they offer, cost of services).

The opening and further operation of a medical center is a complex field of activity that requires the entrepreneur to have sufficient experience in running a business.

Medical center business plan

A business plan for a medical center must include all the important points, without which its opening can be significantly complicated. For example, here it is necessary to indicate the type of future clinic (specialized or multidisciplinary), how much money will be spent on the purchase of equipment, what premises will be chosen for the center’s activities, the number of staff, etc.

Directions in the work of the medical center

The founders of such private clinics should initially decide what services their institution will provide. It is also worth considering the question of whether only a diagnostic center or a full-fledged clinic will be located here. Currently the most popular destinations Gynecology, dentistry and cosmetology are considered.

There are the following types of medical centers:

  • Children's Medical Center;
  • Consulting and diagnostic office or center;
  • A highly specialized office or clinic, for example, private dentistry;
  • Multidisciplinary medical institutions.

Location of the clinic and its appearance

For successful development medical business care should be taken to have a comfortable and aesthetically attractive building. It is also important that the clinic is located in the very center of the city or on a busy street.

For example, to open a small but high-quality dental office, you will need a room of 25-30 square meters. m. The office itself must be at least 14 square meters. m and sterilization room - 6 sq. m, also a separate room for receiving visitors.

Purchasing the latest equipment

On modern equipment you will have to spend a lot of money, since medical devices and devices are always very expensive. Just for a regular ultrasound diagnostic device you will have to pay at least 160 thousand dollars. The equipment must be the most High Quality, since patients want to be examined using the most accurate and high-quality medical devices.

Official permission to provide services

The activities of all medical institutions are subject to licensing. The medical center receives permission to operate if the premises and personnel meet the requirements. To obtain a license, you will also need a complete list of available equipment and certificates for each piece of medical equipment. Full list documents that may be required are issued by the regional Ministry of Health. It will be completely different for a consultation center and a full-fledged clinic with a hospital.

Regarding the requirements for the premises, the office for different specialists meets different requirements. It is advisable to clarify them before searching for premises.

The application for a license is processed for about two months. But for every type medical services A separate license is required, so obtaining all the permits needed to operate a medical center can take a year. For example, in order to obtain the right to issue sick leave certificates, a separate permit will be required. All permits will be tied to the clinic address, and after the company moves to new address you will have to deal with obtaining permits again.

The difficulty of obtaining all permits often becomes the reason for organizing the work of a medical center with the help of commercial companies. They promise document verification and turnkey licensing. It could be good option, which will provide more time to resolve other issues, but can cost a considerable amount of money.

Taxation of medical centers is carried out according to a simplified system. This is 6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. The first option saves the entrepreneur from scrupulous calculations and most often turns out to be more profitable.

Medical facility staff

A good private clinic should employ only real specialists who not only have a diploma corresponding to their profile, but also experience in their field. If candidates have undergone an internship abroad and speak a foreign language, this is welcome and will be taken into account during a job interview. Required condition for each candidate - official work experience (from 3 years).

Any medical institution needs the following employees:

  • Medical staff. Its quantity is a separate topic for discussion. For example, to service one dental office you will need two doctors and two assistants - do not forget about the schedule and the availability of days off for the staff.
  • Two administrators who will work on a 2x2 or 2x3 schedule.
  • Cleaners, the number of which depends on the size of the room. For a small center, two cleaners are enough to work in shifts.

As for wages, doctors at private clinics receive about 800 USD. every month, and nurses for 500 USD. less.

IN modern world It is difficult to find a truly high-quality specialist in the field of dentistry, gynecology, surgery, etc. Therefore, patients more often go to the clinic where a doctor with an impeccable reputation works, even if the equipment there is not the latest.

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Doctors, in turn, often leave those centers where they are not valued and are paid low salaries, for the sake of those institutions where they will Better conditions work.

An entrepreneur is required to spend enough time and effort to find a true professional who will raise not only his own reputation, but also the reputation of a private medical institution.

Most common services

The following medical services, according to medical statistics for the country, are in greatest demand among clients:

  • Obtaining sick leave and other documents. Even people who have good health, periodically need to open a sick leave. In many cities, you can receive a sick leave certificate and follow the recommendation to follow bed rest only in a municipal hospital. This is not always convenient; it is unlikely that a person who has a good income and values ​​his time will refuse to open a sick leave certificate in a private clinic without queues and other troubles. This also applies to other documents that are needed for children’s leisure time, obtaining a driver’s license, etc.
  • Consultation. An important point when working with patients. Many clients would like help in selecting medicinal product. An initial consultation is necessary before starting treatment, during which the patient receives recommendations and directions that are needed to make a diagnosis. Routine examinations by specialists can also be included in this category.
  • Dentistry. It is difficult to find a person who would not use the services of this specialist. Dental services remain one of the most in demand, because teeth are one of the most prone to damage and disease parts of the human body.
  • Examination. Fluorography, ultrasound, ECG, tomography, and tests are part of patient monitoring by most specialists. Some already have a permanent doctor, but this does not mean that he has all the necessary equipment. Most often, owners of private offices cannot afford this and offer patients to undergo the necessary examination at a large medical center.
  • Gastroenterology. Gastrointestinal diseases are a consequence of poor nutrition. These diseases can be called a problem of modern major cities. Many people skip breakfast for fear of being late for work, save on lunch in order to eat at a cheaper establishment, eat junk food and follows diets from “specialists” from various sites.
  • Gynecology. No matter how difficult times may be, children will always be born. Many women will prefer to have their pregnancy managed in a private clinic. In addition, visits to a gynecologist are prescribed from the age of 14, once every six months to a year.
  • Pediatrics. For the same reason described above, treatment and diagnosis of children are in demand medical services.
  • Cosmetology and treatment of skin diseases. The ecology of large cities and food problems can make themselves felt. Every person strives to look good, and skin problems may not contribute to this.

How much money will it take to open a medical center?

In total you will need about 20-30 thousand dollars. This amount will be quite enough to organize and open a clinic with a narrow specialization. Its exact value will depend on the cost of equipment, the number of personnel and other nuances.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs engage in this particular business initially in order to gain experience, knowledge and skills for further development their activities. For this purpose it is hired minimal amount workers, used equipment is purchased, and a limited number of medical services are provided.

Mandatory initial financial costs:

  • you will have to spend a considerable amount on renting the premises, as well as renovating it to suit the needs of the center. On average it is 3 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of equipment - about 15 thousand dollars per one certain type medical equipment;
  • the cost of obtaining an official license will be at least $200;
  • purchase of various tools and materials necessary for carrying out activities - approximately 2 thousand dollars.

If you add up all these amounts, you get an average of $20,200 to open a small, highly specialized private clinic. To open a full-fledged center that offers several types of services at once, you will need at least 100 thousand dollars.

Profitability of the establishment

Now that you know how to open a medical center, all that remains is to find out what the profitability of this enterprise is. Profitability depends on the number of clients. If an average of 50 people visit the clinic in 1 day, the income could be 60 thousand dollars per month (with an average price for the service of 50 dollars).

The number of clients directly depends on the ratio of cost and quality of services provided, as well as the reputation of the establishment and the specialists who work in it. Many patients choose a doctor rather than a clinic. If the latter changes his place of work, his patients may change clinics. But one unscrupulous specialist can ruin the reputation of the medical center. It turns out that profitability will depend on popularity, reputation and pricing policy medical center, as well as the working conditions of the staff and their competence.

Opening a private clinic is a profitable and rewarding endeavor. It is not necessary for a person who decides to open a clinic to have a medical education. Experts believe that it is even better if it is an entrepreneur with organizational skills and business experience. Often insurance companies have their own clinics to serve their clients, which significantly reduces the cost of medical care under voluntary health insurance policies.

It is more profitable for entrepreneurs to open highly specialized medical centers as clinics due to quite affordable private investments and the possibility of quickly making a profit. Currently, the most popular areas of paid medicine are gynecology, dentistry, urology and medical cosmetology with plastic surgery.

Instructions on how to open a clinic

So, let's look at information about how to open a clinic, what is needed to open it.


The location of the clinic plays an important role, because its attendance depends on it. It is desirable that it be located in the city center in a busy place, for example, next to a metro exit or close to a busy highway, and equally distant from residential neighborhoods.

The size of the clinic premises depends on the number of services that are planned to be provided. For example, for a dental office an area of ​​25-30 sq.m. will be sufficient, which will accommodate one dental unit, which requires 14 sq.m., and a sterilization unit 6 sq.m. and a small hall for the clinic administrator. The required area is determined by sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN).

To avoid problems with Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service, the clinic must be equipped with special ventilation, lighting and repaired in accordance with the standards for special repairs, which are specified in the document “Hygienic requirements for the placement, design, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals" (SanPiN 2.1.3. 1375-03).


Medical equipment for the clinic requires the most financial investment, as it is very expensive. For example, a device for ultrasound examination costs more than 160 thousand dollars, and devices for laboratory research from 10 to 60 thousand dollars. Sometimes, when opening a clinic, used equipment is purchased, but this does not mean that the quality of medical care will suffer, because it largely depends on the qualifications of doctors. In his further activities It is better for clinics to focus on Western standards and purchase high-quality devices from global manufacturers.


To carry out medical activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, a license is required. It will take approximately two months to receive it, during which the completed clinic will not be able to operate. As some owners of medical centers admit, the preparation of a package of documents and the licensing itself may take more time - up to a year. This must be taken into account when planning costs.

To obtain a license, the clinic must have appropriate premises, the necessary medical equipment and specialists with valid certificates.

A license is issued to carry out activities only at a specific address. Each type of medical service must have a separate license. If the clinic’s plans include issuing sick leave, you need to obtain a license allowing you to conduct an examination of temporary disability and have a doctor with the appropriate certificate on your staff.

Clinic staff

When recruiting specialists to a private clinic, they take into account whether they have a diploma and certificate in a particular specialty, medical categories and academic degrees, work experience, internship in the West, and knowledge of a foreign language. It is welcome if the applicant has previously worked for more than three years in a private clinic. It happens that medical centers lure doctors away from each other, because patients often want to consult a specific doctor. This is most often observed among dentists. Much attention attention should also be paid to the selection of nursing staff.

The salary of doctors in private clinics averages from 800 to 2000 dollars per month, nurses earn about 300 dollars.

Investments and profitability

A highly specialized medical center providing one type of medical service, for example dental office, which is located in a small rented space and has five to six employees (two doctors, two nurses, an administrator and an accountant), will cost about 30-50 thousand dollars. This is often how entrepreneurs start their own business in the medical field, earning money from it to open a more reputable private clinic. The center, which has several areas of activity and diagnostic equipment, requires large investments - at least 100 thousand dollars.

According to experts, the monthly income of a clinic with 50 patient visits per day and average cost visit 1500 rubles, can reach two million rubles.

Opening costs

When opening a highly specialized private clinic, the costs for repairs and rent of a small premises range from 3 thousand dollars, for equipment to provide one service - from 15 to 25 thousand dollars, for consumables and medical instruments - from 2 thousand dollars, for licensing one type of medical activity - from 200 dollars. Total from 30 thousand dollars.

Rating of medical services offers

Dentistry is firmly ranked first in popularity among medical services. The second is gynecology, the third is urology. This is followed by sexopathology, medical cosmetology with plastic surgery and ophthalmology with vision correction. Multidisciplinary private clinics take last place.

We hope that this information will help you open a clinic (medical center), which will bring you not only money, but also pleasure in work.

Prepared based on the material , by Galina Astashenkova.

Currently everything more people prefers to use the services of paid medical centers. This is understandable, since in such medical institutions, unlike public hospitals, more favorable conditions have been created for patients: they can make an appointment with a doctor by phone, there are no queues, and there is new modern equipment. These factors have led to the proliferation of a large number of private medical centers in our country, which continue to open to this day. The most popular are private diagnostic medical centers and multidisciplinary clinics that provide a large volume of medical services: visits to specialists different profiles, conducting laboratory tests and various types of operations. Highly specialized medical centers have also become widely known, the most common areas of which are dentistry, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, and cosmetology.

Many people, especially those with medical education, ask questions: how to open a private clinic and how much does it cost to open a medical center? Their desire is understandable: it is always more pleasant and interesting to work for yourself if there is such an opportunity. However, in the case when a person does not have a medical education, he can also open his own business in this field. The main thing is to have good organizational and entrepreneurial skills. Let's take a closer look at the stages of implementing this business idea.

Stages of opening a private medical center

Opening a private clinic includes the following steps.

  1. Conducting an analysis of the medical services market.
  2. Determination of the organizational and legal form of the institution.
  3. Preparation of the necessary constituent documents.
  4. Registration in tax office.
  5. Obtaining a license to carry out medical activities.
  6. Definition of the taxation system.
  7. Choosing a room.
  8. Purchase of necessary medical equipment.
  9. Search and recruitment of medical personnel.

Let's look at each stage of opening a private clinic in more detail.

Before opening a private medical center, you should conduct an analysis of the medical services market and find out which of them are most in demand in your city.

In addition, the solvency of the population is of no small importance, that is, you need to find out how much money on average the residents of your city are willing to pay for the provision of medical services. In addition, collect information about competitors: their range of services and prices.

A lot depends on the location of your clinic. The best location would be one located on a busy street, near a metro station, not far from the city center. After all, the more people know about your clinic, the better.

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State registration and licensing of a private clinic

The most common organizational and legal form for a private medical center is a company with limited liability(OOO). LLC is economical society, established by one or more individuals or legal entities, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares. Participants of the company bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the framework of the contributions they made. Minimum size authorized capital LLC today is 10,000 rubles.

IN constituent documents the legal entity must indicate: name, location, procedure for managing its activities. In the memorandum of association, the founders undertake to register entity, determine the order joint activities upon its creation, the conditions for transferring its property to it and participation in its activities.

State registration of a private medical center is carried out by the Federal tax service Russia within five working days. To register a clinic, you should contact the tax office in your city. To do this, you must provide the following documents: application for state registration established form, charter of the company, constituent agreement, minutes of the meeting of founders, list of company participants, receipt of payment of state duty.

In accordance with Federal law 08.08.2001 No. 128 - Federal Law "On Licensing individual species activities", medical activities are subject to licensing. In order for a private medical center to obtain a license, it is necessary to have premises, a list of necessary medical equipment, as well as medical staff with valid certificates. Please note that each medical service requires a separate license and is valid only at a specific address of the medical center. To obtain the right to issue sick leave certificates, you also need a separate license or the presence of a specialist with the required certificate on staff. The applicant submits an application for a license to the licensing authority, which is usually under the jurisdiction of the healthcare management body of the subject of the Federation.

Having registered a private medical center with the tax office, you should decide on the taxation system, which for a private clinic can be simplified (USNO) or general. The simplified tax system uses two objects of taxation: income or income reduced by the amount of expenses. If you decide to select “Income” as the object of taxation, then the tax amount will be calculated as the income received multiplied by the tax rate equal to 6%. If you chose “Income minus expenses”, the tax amount will be equal to the difference between income and expenses multiplied by 15%.

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Hiring staff and purchasing equipment for a private medical center

The purchase of equipment is the most expensive part of the investment in opening a medical center. If possible, it is better to purchase the most modern equipment. If this is not possible, in order to save money, for the first time you can buy not new equipment, but already used equipment, but good quality(in this case it is best to purchase imported devices).

If you are planning to open a small private medical center, you will not need to hire a large number of personnel. It will be necessary to hire: 2 doctors, 2 nurses, an accountant and an administrator. Find good doctor or nurse is currently a serious problem for many institutions. This point should be approached very responsibly, since the level of qualifications of the staff determines whether patients will visit your medical center. After all, what most of them care about is not room renovations, new equipment, or the polite attitude of the administrator, but rather a competent doctor who can solve their health problems. Therefore, having found good specialist, offer him a decent wages so that he wants to work in your clinic. The average salary of a doctor in Moscow is $800 per month, and a nurse’s salary is $300.

When hiring staff to work in a clinic, pay attention to whether the candidate has a specialized diploma, academic degree, internship abroad, or possession of foreign languages, work experience (it is best if the experience is at least 3 years).

How to open a medical center - 7 steps to organizing a profitable business, 5 main types of medical institutions, calculating the costs of opening a clinic.

Opening cost: 12,000,000 rubles.
Payback period: up to 3 years.

Before thinking about it, an entrepreneur must determine the relevance of this business idea, taking into account the current state of the market.

Only after this should we move on to the practical part - organizational issues, which must be taken into account when deciding to open a center.

Analysis of the market and the relevance of the idea of ​​opening a medical center

Since medicine is one of the most important issues Today, opening a clinic cannot be irrelevant.

The main problems of public clinics (both for children and adults) are the level of service and the comfort of the institutions.

Since the budget of such places is usually small, repairs are done very rarely, the equipment is old and, most often, the diagnostic results have errors.

Is it worth adding that inaccuracies are unacceptable in the medical field?

Not to mention the general oppressive atmosphere and hours of waiting in the waiting rooms.

The idea of ​​opening a medical center is no exception.

A business plan will help systematize the organization process, identify pitfalls and shortcomings.

Main stages to cover:

    Renting premises.

    There is rarely talk about acquisition, since buying a building to open a private medical services center is a very unprofitable investment.

  1. Registration and paperwork.
  2. Renovation of premises, purchase of furniture and decor.
  3. Search for employees for key positions and service personnel.
  4. Equipment purchase
  5. Attracting clients.
  6. Economic calculations.

You can notice that in the order of the business plan, first there is a clause on the search for employees (doctors), and then the purchase of equipment - this circumstance is typical for this type of business, such as the idea of ​​opening a medical center.

The fact is that finding the necessary equipment will not take much time, but the search for a professional can last a very long time.

What documents are needed to legally open a medical center?

If the premises meet all sanitary standards, a license is required.

To do this, you need to hire highly qualified specialists and purchase certified equipment.

List of required documents:

  • application for registration with the tax office;
  • certificate of payment of duty to the state;
  • founder's agreement;
  • charter, with specified owners.

To obtain a license, along with licenses for patient medical records, it will cost from 50,000 rubles.

You must be prepared for the fact that it may take up to a year to complete the registration.

To speed up the process, it is better to hire a lawyer who has experience in such a matter.

A good way to reduce the tax on the establishment’s income is benefits for pensioners, which can also attract older clients to the clinic.

How to decide on a location?

Finding a location for a clinic is one of the important tasks on the question of how to open a medical center.

When planning rental costs, you can count on an amount of 150,000 rubles per month, depending on the location and features of the building.

Priority should be given to premises located in the city center and those that are in plain sight.

It is worth understanding that renting in a prestigious location is expensive, but there should be significantly more clients.

To open a private therapeutic department, one or two floors in a non-residential building are quite suitable.

The minimum area will be from 200 m2.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to the bathroom, the presence of good ventilation in the building and three-phase electricity.

Will go for repairs large sum: from 6,000,000 rubles, if you count on 200 m2.

First of all, you need to arrange a reception area, since this is the first thing a visitor sees when he comes inside.

There should be enough space in the corridor and small sofas for those waiting.

It is believed that bright colors do not inspire confidence.

Therefore, during renovation, you need to choose calm colors for painting the walls of the clinic.

What equipment is needed for a medical center?

It is impossible to decide on a budget for medical equipment without knowing exactly what rooms will be in the clinic.

There are a number of small equipment that will have to be purchased in any case:

  • instruments for analysis;
  • scales;
  • disinfection cabinets;
  • measuring instruments physical parameters human and others.

In general, the purchase of the necessary medical equipment will cost from 5,000,000 rubles.

Search for employees: positions, numbers, salaries

In addition to doctors, nurses will be needed to keep order, nurses to perform minor procedures, and a reception administrator.

The number of doctors, nurses and orderlies directly depends on the specialization and scale of the clinic.

Approximate calculation for a therapeutic department of 200 m2:

EmployeeQtySalary (rub./month)
Total:8 207,000 rub.
Doctor3 40 000
Nurse1 12 000
Nurse2 15 000
Accountant1 30 000
Administrator1 15 000

It is worth considering that at certain stages of operation, equipment repair will be required, as well as a major replacement of exhausted materials and worn-out units.

This will also require a certain budget, since only an engineer from the company where it was purchased can service the equipment.

How to attract clients to a medical center?

    First, you need to open your own website and run advertising on the Internet.

    The website must indicate prices for the services provided.

  1. As already mentioned, it is worth introducing a discount program for certain segments of the population (pensioners, students).
  2. The presence of outdoor advertising, such as banners and posters, is also important. The more often a person sees the name and address of the center, the higher the likelihood that, in need of medical care, he will turn there.

Financial investments: start-up and regular expenses

“Expecting success without hard work is like waiting for the harvest if nothing has been sown.”
David Blaine.

To open a medical center, you will need a large amount of money.

Expenses consist not only of starting investments, but also regular expenses for the operation and promotion of the clinic.

Capital expenditures

Monthly costs

When calculating both capital and monthly costs, you need to take into account that there may be unforeseen expenses for all items.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise adding at least 20% to the final amount.

So you definitely can't go wrong.

How to become a successful owner of a private medical center,

An experienced surgeon and part-time entrepreneur will tell you:

What are the risks when opening a medical center?

Risks that can lead to operating at a loss include:

  1. There is a lot of competition, as there are many well-promoted private centers.
  2. The difficulty of choosing a room that meets all sanitary standards.
  3. Long payback period.
  4. Unqualified personnel.

The main question is not only how to open a medical center from scratch.

It’s about how to make it so that it starts generating income as quickly as possible and pays off as quickly as possible.

To do this, first of all, you should carefully select your staff.

After all, visitors believe that they can go to any clinic to find inexperienced doctors with boorish behavior without overpaying.

It is also worth ensuring that the equipment does not break down.

This can lead to queues or poor quality service.

And remember that the main sign of a good medical facility is cleanliness and sterility.

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