Why do you dream about being late for a plane? About the purpose of the disrupted trip. Bus stop - a sign of expenses and losses

Dream interpretation of being late for a plane

An airplane is a symbol of ascension, air; personification of a bird. The concept of an airplane contains the idea of ​​​​separating such fundamentals as the earth - mother and flight.

Dream symbolism

As long as a person has existed, he always has a desire to break away from the earth’s firmament and soar like a bird upward, to the heavens. That’s why in our dreams, in our subconscious, images of machines that can lift us into the air pop up. Symbolic meanings airplane is freedom, lightness, heavenly power. If the dream scenario involves being late for a plane, then what is this dream for, the dream books will tell you.

Alternative interpretation

This metal bird does not have a deep, long-standing connection with centuries. Accordingly this aircraft does not have a magical connotation of this kind, because the first plane appeared in 1903. Classic interpretations associate being late for a plane in a dream as losses due to miscalculations, an irreversible process of time.

Miller's Dream Book

If you were late for a plane in a dream

The psychologist interprets the dreamer’s lateness for a flight as a missed opportunity to receive timely important information, or some news.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the psychoanalyst, when the dreamer dreamed that he was late for his flight, it means he is implementing a really failed project. Not completely rewritten, with correct calculations and corrections, rough step by step instructions, will be the reason for this failure.

The trace in the sky left by the liner for which the sleeper was late predicts loosening family relations. Something was missed, which can lead to infidelity on the part of the other half.

Modern interpretation

Current dream books match this situation with doubts that are inspired by an insurmountable fear of something, missing out on chances.

Loff's Dream Book

According to the pastor, if he happened to be late for his flight in a dream, this indicates the existence of irrational fears in the dreamer, which he has not yet been able to overcome.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist interprets this situation as a sudden reason that will interfere with the fulfillment of desires and the embodiment of planned ideas.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

The literary critic points out that the phenomenon of being late for an airliner in a dream emphasizes the fact that sexual relations for the dreamer they were like Olympic competitions. Everyone wanted to stand out and eventually get a championship medal. This entailed a lack of the most important thing - sincerity, which resulted in a cooling of feelings.

Dream plots

If you didn't have time to board the plane

Dreams in which the sleeper is late for an airliner characterize his current inner world. They encourage you to be more realistic, to set more prudent goals, and not to rely on fortune. However, the reasons for being late are different, the interpretation of dreams also varies if:

  • being late out of despair;
  • as salvation;
  • to be late on purpose;
  • not an accurate watch.

If you dream that being late for a plane happened out of despair, without having a choice, it means that in the process of implementing some enterprise, mistakes were made in the calculations. The situation began to get out of control. However, it's not all bad. You need to submit to the current moment without doing anything. Everything will resolve itself, although a little later.

Sometimes in a dream the dreamer had to hurry with all his might so as not to be late for the flight, and arrived at the airport on time, but still failed to catch the plane.

Such dreams exclaim that flight can be fatal. There is a possible risk of falling, explosion, or possible capture.

Why do you dream about how the dreamer deliberately, slowly getting ready for the airport, was stalling for time in order to be late for the flight. This is a reflection of emotional fatigue, overload. In life you need to take a time out. To make important decisions you need a fresh head, fresh thoughts, so go on vacation.

Why do you dream about a plot where you were late for an airliner because the clock was slow? Means that your competitors will be one step faster.

For a man, a dream where he had to rush to the airport, but was unable to make it in time for the departure of the flight due to a broken watch, predicts difficulties with potency.

Why do you dream that, guided by the tower clock, you are late for the airport? This means that in the near future a situation will occur that will force you to change your usual way of life.

Readers' dreams

The plots of dreams can be so twisted that they require a complex interpretation step by step. On the forum you can find a similar dream plot that may have been present in your dreams and find out the transcript. Here is one of such dreams.

Confusing information

A forum member writes that he dreamed of arriving at the airport a few minutes before the end of the security check. Hoping to find information about the flight, I looked at the board and found that it was confusing and very contradictory. Looking around, I hoped for help from those around me. But they didn't pay attention to difficult situation, in which the dreamer was. There was a feeling of regret that a lot of time was spent on business on the eve of departure and packing bags. Suddenly the sound of a plane taking off is heard.

Psychologist's comments

You are a very active person, but you waste yourself unwisely. Arrive at the airport on time, and unsuccessful attempt to get on the liner speaks of your dissatisfaction with the results of your plans. But trying to get on board represents the belief that one of the realized ideas will lift you above the oppressive everyday life.

Confused information from the board is your uncertainty - what will bring you satisfaction, you have not found yourself. The reason for this is conflicting needs that tear you in different directions.

No one comes to the rescue, because you are a collected and active person, in reality. And the bags you pack the day before reflect your strength and time devoted to other people.

Conquer your ambitions, do concrete things, not indirect ones, explore topics that are beyond your ambitions.

Such a dream has several different interpretations, depending on your immediate plans and the things you are planning. Usually an airplane in a dream means hopes, some life plans and dreams that you are going to realize very soon.

In some situations, if you dream of an airplane or a helicopter, then the dream book writes that you have far-reaching plans, bold dreams and want big and important changes in your life. own life. However, being late for it means a lack of time or opportunities to change your life. It seems that you have not fully decided on a responsible step or that you do not have enough time to prepare. This is why you dream of being late for a plane in a dream in various situations.

Resistance to change

If you are not going to use this type of transport in the near future, then the dream book writes that your global plans and dreams may not come true. The reasons may be such as one’s own indecision, unpreparedness for change, or fear of decisive actions.

If you dream several times that you are late for a plane, then the dream book writes that such a dream means big plans that will require quick implementation in life, as well as determination. Being late means resistance or unpreparedness for change, doubts and worries about this. Pay attention to where exactly he is going in his dream.

If this is the city of your hope for finding a good job or study, or dream, then being late for a plane in a dream means that you may miss your chance and you will have very little time to prepare. The dream book also writes that you need to make every effort to get desired result. For example, prepare for a competition, show your best side at a screening, casting, or agree to a plan, a risky proposal or a trip.

Why dream of being late for a plane in a dream and making it on time? last moment? The dream book writes that you will have time to do something you didn’t dare to do. Perhaps you will pass the casting or even become the winner of the competition. A lot depends on how badly you want to make your dream come true.

Why dream of being late for a plane and seeing that it has flown away from you? This dream often means various problems in relationships, that you will not be able to fulfill your dream. The dream book writes that you will most likely be late, lose, or, due to slowness and indecisiveness, miss your chance both in your career and in your personal life. However, what is the purpose of the dream in which your things are left on the plane? The dream book interprets this dream to mean that a decisive change will soon happen in your life, which will require new filling. It is possible that you will not know how to navigate such a situation and what to do with it, and you will also worry that your experience, knowledge and skills will no longer be needed.

Why do you have a dream before a flight in which you are late for the plane? Such a dream simply reflects your anxiety about a changed situation. There's no need to worry here

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of being late for a Plane, being late for a Plane in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! My dream is this: I supposedly missed the plane on purpose, as if I was supposed to fly with my fiance and some unknown girlfriend, but I didn’t want to fly with them, they flew away, and my luggage flew away, but I didn’t and I was worried about my luggage

    in the dream my husband had two children, although I have one. and I understand that we are late for the plane to Turkey. The plane is at 9.20 and we won’t make it in time, but then I see that I made a mistake with the time and we still have 1-1.5 hours, but we won’t have time to buy. We are frantically getting ready and then I remember that I bought only two tickets, how can I say this and it seems like I woke up

    I was getting ready for the plane, I carefully showed my suitcases and while at the hotel, I found myself in a hypermarket among beautiful clothes, but in the dream fragment I was in the cabin of the plane and I saw clearly the seats were all red, but my seat was at the tail of the plane and I again found myself in the store with my clothes, I was upset because I was about to be late for departure, there was a young girl with me that I didn’t know, but we had known each other for some time before the departure, while catching up with the plane, I saw a carrot-colored refueling machine and then the whole plane took off without us. We were returning to the hotel on On the way we met large giant dogs and jackals, who for some reason were very afraid of me and I found myself in the hotel, blaming the girl for the plane being late

    I had a dream that I was arriving at the airport with his friends and my ex-boyfriend, then for some reason I was leaving because the plane had been moved, and then on my way back I met 2 young people who were seeing me off, taking something from my bag, then I was late for 5 minutes and of course they don’t let me through. But no one called me, and they were already on the plane. Without me

    I got off the plane to see something and it flew away at that time, but then the pilots came for me, and I was late for it 2 times, at that time I was sitting on another plane and almost left for another city, and after after I was late for the 2nd time I called the pilot and for the 3rd time when we arrived me, I already sat down normally and flew home

    I'm going to fly somewhere with my brother. I go to urgently buy tickets, everyone is in high spirits, but instead of tickets they give me a plastic card and say that there are new standards. then we pack our bags and they are immediately sent on the plane. but then we decided to take the food and they packed it into other people’s suitcases. and then we leave our parents’ yard where they tell us that the plane has taken off. and we see that there is a camp near us and a train is passing. this is where the dream ends

    I think my mother and I (I don’t remember exactly) decided to fly to Turkey to relax, and hurried towards the airport, through the forest on foot, all this happened in the winter, as soon as we saw the airport on the horizon, and there the plane crashed while landing, I heard an explosion, and we returned back, after some time I turn around and see a huge plane in the sky, maybe it was turning around, or something else, but neither the first nor the second plane posed a threat to me.

    I dreamed that I was late for the plane. The flight was at 12:00, and five minutes before I was still at home (and in my parents’ apartment, which has been gone for a long time). I packed my bag, it was very heavy, then took the bus and went to the airport. There they told me that the plane was already leaving and someone advised me to fly to another city, because my ticket was won (I don’t know how it happened). I was supposed to fly to Sochi, but changed my ticket to another city. It was summer, and now it's winter.

    My friend and I are standing at the check-in counter for flight 9305, another 10 minutes before departure, he gives his passport and they tell him that your seat is taken. He is outraged. I give it. The seat is free. Or rather, to my question. But mine is not! We’re chatting at the counter. Suddenly, without warning, the plane takes off. We run out onto the runway and see a beautiful white plane taking off and flying away very quickly.

    dreamed of an airplane that looked like a rocket, as if the new model was a hybrid with a rocket that shows sharp turns: it flies vertically up, then on its side...etc. and I'm lying on the roof and watching this new plane.

    I walked around the supermarket, picking up everything for the flight. As a result, at the checkout window I saw my plane flying away. I ran to find out where it would land so I could get there, they told me and I woke up

    I was planning to fly somewhere, but I don’t remember for what reasons I didn’t fly, and literally after some time I saw how the plane in which I was supposed to fly fell and broke into pieces, and in the morning they reported on TV that the plane had crashed. My dreams are prophetic. But I interpret them only later, after the events have passed.

    My family and I went on a trip and when we transferred to another plane, I was the only one who was late and my daughter and her husband flew away and cried very much, somehow either on another plane or on a bus, I caught up with them and we were together again

    Good afternoon Tatyana, today I had a dream that I couldn’t find the gate to the plane, i.e. registration has been completed, passport control has been completed, all that remains is to board the plane, but I can’t find the gate, I run through the terminals and understand that I can’t catch the plane and in 3 minutes it will fly away without me, in a dream I had a friend and colleague with me due to work, we didn’t have time to catch the plane((What could such a dream mean??? Thanks in advance.

    I was vacationing in some city, the day of departure, I forgot about it, ran to the airport, forgot all my things and purchases at home, asked to change my departure date, they refused, I began to beg to cry, no, that’s all, and I had to fly.. I sat in plane and cried

    I was flying with my parents, but I couldn’t keep up with them, I lost sight of them and didn’t know how to get on board, I asked the workers but no one could help me. then I called my mother, she said to call my aunt and she would explain everything to me, but she told me that I was already late and my parents flew away for the whole year

    I’m sitting in an unknown room with relatives and it turns out that my aunt is late for the plane, but it’s clear from her behavior that she’s not in a hurry to catch it, it’s 19.00, and the plane is at 19.25. And then I remember that I should also fly on vacation, but my plane left at 17.08, although I was sure that it would be much later. A little panic and I wake up.

    I dreamed about it. My sister came to visit me and we decided to go on vacation to Anapa. We bought plane tickets. My husband and I were there, my sister and a family friend. My sister was late to the airport, we went to boarding and then my sister appeared and I ran to meet her and my husband and a family friend had already boarded the plane. While my sister and I were running to the plane, it was already taking off, I screamed for a long time to stop the flight, two of us ran after the plane, then we sat down on the runway and cried.

    V lately I’m constantly thinking about going for permanent residence in Canada. In the past I studied in England. There are obstacles - my wife doesn’t want to leave the country. I dreamed that I bought a plane ticket to London and was sure that I would make it in time. But either time passed quickly. Either I didn’t notice, I looked and boarding was already in full swing, and I still had to run to the check-in point, go through security checks, etc., and I realized that most likely I won’t make it in time and the ticket will be lost. There is a feeling of annoyance and regret, and I seem to freeze in this state. It also happened in reality that I was offered an additional job, but it didn’t suit me and I’m leaving here the other day and it’s also a kind of regret because I seem to be losing money, but on the other hand I’ll be more comfortable without such an uncomfortable and the heartbreaking extra work

    My sister and I went on an excursion to St. Petersburg. We are going back to the airport, we arrive, and two flights on which we had the opportunity to fly have already departed! Then we walked around the city and I tried to take a picture of the church, but every time the Virgin Mary (the Mother of God) appeared on the screen and smiled. Then I stopped the car with a policeman and he sheltered us at his home. On the street, my sister tells me that we have been here for a year already and during this time we have collected only 93.56.... $ says count 94 $. We don't have enough for the return trip. And we sadly go into the entrance and climb the stairs to the policeman’s apartment. and then I woke up

    at the beginning, the whole family (me and my parents) went shopping souvenirs. then it got dark shopping mall empty, a panic began to pack my suitcases and I clearly saw armfuls of things, winter jackets and asked my father to pack it for now. I heard an announcement that the plane, some kind of flight number, was finishing check-in. I hurriedly ran to the check-in desk and they let me in. I began to explain that I was not flying alone. woke up

    Hello! In a dream, I dreamed that I had a plane ticket in my hands. But for some reason I was late for my flight. I even tried to somehow inform the airport that the flight would be delayed. Then I began to worry a lot about the lost amount. supposedly my sister issued a ticket for me. and I didn’t fly. and the money was gone. I don’t remember anything else.

    I’m very glad that I’m flying away with a man on vacation, a lot of people are flying, I’m a little delayed and soon I find out that the plane took off without me! I start calling and wonder how this happened, I’m very nervous without a penny of money, completely at a loss......

    At first everything was fine and rosy. We were packing things with our 5-year-old son. adult daughter helped. Flight at night. I got on the bus with the children at the stop and got off for some reason. the bus left and I ran. who shouted that I would have time to run to the airport. I ran through the dried mud and didn’t fall through. started crying

    I’m late for the plane because I overslept, I’m hastily packing my suitcase, the suitcase is already packed, I’m carrying it, it’s heavy, there are only a few minutes left, I tell my friend, check-in is still there, maybe the plane will be delayed, but I decided not to go to the airport, I stayed .

    In my dream, my class and I were supposed to fly to the sea, but for some reason everyone had bags, not suitcases, and I started looking for a swimsuit in the bag and discovered that it was not in my bag and ran home, the plane was near my house and I just got there before the entrance and the plane took off and I thought, well, I didn’t have time, there’s nothing terrible and suddenly the plane crashed at the stadium and the stadium is also near my house and my friend Yura shouted: my eyes, help us here: please explain what this dream is for

    Hello, I’m 15 years old, this morning I had a very strong fight with my parents, I’ve never felt so bad, hurtful and hurt (yes, physically...) before. I thought this was really the end of everything and made a terrible decision for myself, which I want to implement in the near future. After a terrible hysteria, I lay down on the bed, because I no longer had the strength to even think about anything, and immediately fell asleep. Now about sleep. My family and I were at the airport, we had to fly somewhere, everything seemed to be fine, we got on the plane (me, my parents and my younger brother), and it turns out I forgot some kind of token in the airport building itself. I ran back for it, they gave it to me, it still fell out of my hands, because they were shaking because I was in a hurry and was afraid of being late for the plane. He rolled around on the floor for a long time and was difficult to catch. When I finally caught him, I saw that the plane had already pulled off to the runway and was standing there. (Running on foot to get there would be very far.) So I decided that it was necessary to call a taxi and asked the elderly security guard about it. He gave me a phone number to call (I managed to leave all my things on the plane). While I was calling, a call came in on this same phone, I answered. There was the voice of a little girl, she said something incomprehensible, I dropped it as the plane was leaving even further! (During this, some woman mockingly reproached me for dumping that girl.) When I finally got through to the taxi driver, he said that he did not see the plane on the runway to which I was asking for a ride. I turned to the window and indeed... The plane took off. Without me. I couldn't believe it and ran out into the street.
    At this moment I woke up.
    Help me figure this out please..

Such a dream has several different interpretations, depending on your immediate plans and the things you are planning. Usually an airplane in a dream means hopes, some life plans and dreams that you are going to realize very soon.

In some situations, if you dream of an airplane or a helicopter, then the dream book writes that you have far-reaching plans, bold dreams and want big and important changes in your own life. However, being late for it means a lack of time or opportunities to change your life. It seems that you have not fully decided on a responsible step or that you do not have enough time to prepare. This is why you dream of being late for a plane in a dream in various situations.

Resistance to change

If you are not going to use this type of transport in the near future, then the dream book writes that your global plans and dreams may not come true. The reasons may be such as one’s own indecision, unpreparedness for change, or fear of decisive actions.

If you dream several times that you are late for a plane, then the dream book writes that such a dream means big plans that will require quick implementation in life, as well as determination. Being late means resistance or unpreparedness for change, doubts and worries about this. Pay attention to where exactly he is going in his dream.

If this is the city of your hope for finding a good job or study, or dream, then being late for a plane in a dream means that you may miss your chance and you will have very little time to prepare. The dream book also writes that you need to make every effort to get the desired result. For example, prepare for a competition, show your best side at a screening, casting, or agree to a plan, a risky proposal or a trip.

Why dream of being late for a plane in a dream and catching it at the very last moment? The dream book writes that you will have time to do something you didn’t dare to do. Perhaps you will pass the casting or even become the winner of the competition. A lot depends on how badly you want to make your dream come true.

Why dream of being late for a plane and seeing that it has flown away from you? This dream often means various problems in relationships, that you will not be able to fulfill your dream. The dream book writes that you will most likely be late, lose, or, due to slowness and indecisiveness, miss your chance both in your career and in your personal life. However, what is the purpose of the dream in which your things are left on the plane? The dream book interprets this dream to mean that a decisive change will soon happen in your life, which will require new filling. It is possible that you will not know how to navigate such a situation and what to do with it, and you will also worry that your experience, knowledge and skills will no longer be needed.

Why do you have a dream before a flight in which you are late for the plane? Such a dream simply reflects your anxiety about a changed situation. There's no need to worry here

A person who is experiencing severe internal and psychological difficulties dreams of being late for a plane. It is possible that the dreamer feels useless and useless in this life. This person makes a lot of efforts, but they are in vain.

What if you dream of being late for a plane?

This dream is often dreamed by people who are very tired and almost exhausted, so they urgently need rest. When in a dream a person runs after an airplane, and it moves further and further away from him, then in reality he is simply exhausted and requires psychological and moral support from his friends and relatives. After such a dream, you just need to take time for yourself, break out of the routine and take care of your nerves, as you can bring yourself to a state of emotional breakdown. You should relax, take as long a vacation as possible and go to warmer climes.

What you dream of being late for a plane is a reflection of your internal state human soul. This dream suggests that a person is afraid of possible changes in life, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

A dream about being late for a plane can appear as a warning against some unpleasant event. This dream is a hint that the dreamer is too careless and frivolous, which can have a very bad effect on his real life. This person relies a lot on chance and luck. He practically lives one day at a time and lets all his affairs flow independently. The dream warns you to be careful and not rely too much on fortune, but to take the reins of managing your life into your own hands. You shouldn’t be so careless about serious issues, it can be fraught.

What does it portend?

In a dream, being late for a plane is the personification of strong emotional and internal stress. You shouldn’t rush too much in real life; here you need to take the saying as a rule: “the slower you go, the further you will go.” Being late somewhere in a dream indicates that a person missed something important in his life and really regrets it. He understands that life goes on as usual, and he has not yet managed to do the most important thing at his discretion. And in this situation it is necessary to gather strength, rise and strive to achieve your goal.

A dream about being late can reflect a person’s strong feelings about the changes taking place in his personal life and career. He has to take some important decisions, which greatly oppress and hurt him. Perhaps the person feels useless.

As can be seen from all of the above, a dream about being late speaks of a person’s chronic fatigue and an incredible lack of time in real life. The dream hints that you need to take time for yourself and figure out why everything is not happening as planned and intended.