Archangels and the highest heavenly hierarchy. Archangels and all heavenly powers are disembodied

Regardless of whether you feel the presence of angels and archangels, whether you believe in their existence or not, they are always there and ready to come to your aid and answer your call. They are ready and willing to provide support and help every person along their path. In connection with the law of Free Will, angels cannot help a person unless they hear from him a clear request for help and an invitation to their life!

How to communicate with angels.

1. Make room in your life for angels

Angels live in the world of the Spirit, the heavenly world, and we live in the world of matter. Naturally, they are drawn to home. Therefore, if you want the angels to feel comfortable with you, you need to make your world - thoughts, feelings and surroundings - more similar to their world. To paraphrase the Epistle of James, we can say this: draw close to the angels, and they will draw close to you (James 4:8).

Angels feel good surrounded by thoughts of peace and love, and not in an atmosphere of irritation and aggression. You may not be able to get out of your head, say, a rude driver who cut you off on the way to your house. However, it is quite possible to free yourself from irritation by starting to communicate with angels for at least a few minutes a day.

Get rid of the irritants first. Turn off the radio and TV, go to a separate room or to your favorite corner of nature, imagine angels (an image of your favorite angel placed nearby will help) and communicate with them.

Just tell the angels about your problems. Talk as if you were sharing with your best friend. And then listen. Be silent and wait for the thoughts that the angels will send you. You may want to try some of the techniques given in this booklet to increase the flow of positive energy coming from the angels.

And soon your relationship with the angels will turn into an upward spiral: they will help you feel more positive. And a positive state will bring you closer to the angels.

2. Pray out loud

Angels answer many silent prayers or persistent desires of the heart. You don't have to speak to get their attention, especially in places where it would be awkward, like a business meeting or on the subway. However, you will receive a more powerful answer if you speak to the angels out loud.

Spoken prayer comes in many forms: songs and hymns traditionally used to invoke angels, common prayers such as the Lord's Prayer, and custom prayers in which you speak to the deepest longings of your soul. You can combine all this with “decrees” and “decrees” - new types of prayers that you will learn about in this booklet.

Decrees enable God and man to work together to constructively change lives. These are spoken prayers that enable you to channel the energy of God into the world. Decrees are short, powerful statements like: “Archangel Michael! Help! Help! Help!”, effective for calling on the help of angels.

Pronounce your decrees and decrees loudly, in a strong voice. Say them at home before the altar, on the way to bus stop, in the car, in the mountains and especially in emergency situations. And see how the heavenly streams pour out on you!

3. Use God's name

God is within you. And if you use the energy of the God who lives in you to direct the angels, they will be able to respond with all the power of the universe.

When God spoke to Moses from the burning but not consumed bush, He revealed both His name - I AM THAT I AM - and the true nature of man. You are this bush, and the fire is your divine spark, the fire of God, which He gives to you as His son or daughter. This is the power to create in the name of God and the right to command angels.

Jesus used the name of God when he said, “I AM the resurrection and the life.” Whenever you say: “I AM...”, you truly say: “God is in me...”, and thus attract to yourself all these qualities. When you say, “I AM illumination,” you are saying that God in you is attracting this quality to you, making you more enlightened than you were before. Many of the commands and decrees in this booklet contain the name of God - I AM THAT I AM. Try reading them and experience the increased power of your prayers.

4. Give your prayers and decrees daily

Angels are always with us. But we don't always know how to contact them. The best way to ensure that they answer the call is to create a well-trodden path from your heart to their hearts by communicating with them every day. A best way communication with them - set aside time for daily sessions of prayer and invocation. There is no need to make them long; five minutes is a good start.

Mechanic Michael assures that angels help him all the time and that by reading decrees daily, he is on the same wavelength with them. “For my part, I am more in tune with them,” he says. Reading the decrees daily helps him receive almost instantaneous answers to his requests. It usually takes no more than fifteen seconds for the angels to indicate where to find missing parts, and they regularly help determine the causes of machine problems.

When you pray daily, you help not only yourself, but also people you don’t even know. The angels are looking for those who regularly call on the light of God to become their partners in the work of healing the planet. And when found, they send light through them to help those threatened by disease, brutal violence or natural disasters. Thus, your daily prayers will truly bring change in the world.

5. Ask for help

Even after you have become friends with angels, do not forget to ask them for help when you need it. Angels respect your free will. In very rare cases, they may intervene without you calling them, but more often, out of politeness, they wait to be called upon.
Michael (a mechanic) says that he sometimes struggles with a problem on his own for a long time before he remembers the angels and calls on them to help. This often happens when he tries to screw a bolt into a place that he cannot see: “I can spend fifteen minutes trying to get it, and then I say, “Angels, please help me,” and bam! “Everything worked out,” he says.

6. Repeat decrees and prayers

Decrees and prayers become more powerful when you repeat them. Many Protestants avoid saying prayers multiple times, seeing this as the “many words” that Jesus warned against (Matt. 6:7). “Really,” they say, “why should I ask God for anything more than once?” Catholic and Eastern orthodox church On the contrary, they practice repeating “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” and other prayers. Jewish mystics repeated the names of God. For some mystics, repetition truly becomes unceasing prayer (I Thess. 5:17).
The reason prayer becomes more effective when repeated is that each time you say it increases the amount of light energy you send out to God and the angels. Angels can use this energy as a seed, adding even more light energy when they appear in response to your call. So, choose a series of prayers and decrees. Say them every day until the angels respond.

7. Send your prayer to the right address

If you need to fix the pipes in your house, you call a plumber. To escape from a bully, call on the angels of protection. If you want to establish a relationship with someone, call the angels of love.

Angels have different jobs. And they use energies of different frequencies (corresponding to different colors) in order to fulfill it. In the following pages you will learn about the seven types of angels, the seven Archangels who rule over them, and which angels to call upon for specific tasks.

The idea of ​​seven Archangels is not new, nor is the association of each angel with a specific color, or spiritual fire. Even in the third century before Christ, Jews wrote about seven Archangels. They also believed that angels appeared surrounded by spiritual flames of various colors.

You can establish a closer connection with these beings if you call upon an Archangel whose angels specialize in the specific work you would like to see accomplished.

8. Be specific

The angels definitely answer your call and are proud of it. The more specific the request, the more accurate the answer will be. As long as you live in harmony with the universal Source and give your energy to help others, hosts of angels will help you in everything, down to the smallest details of life.

Here's an inspiring example. During the Second World War, left penniless, a woman turned to God for help. In her grocery list, she specifically listed what was needed to feed her family over the weekend. A few hours later, a man knocked on the door and handed over a basket containing everything she asked for, including veal, potatoes and baking flour.

This is how another woman worked with the angels to purchase the car she wanted. Danette was looking for a used Toyota 4-Runner, but knew she wouldn't be able to pay what they would normally pay for such a car. And then she decided to entrust this matter to the angels.

The woman wrote down the car's year, make, color, engine size, reasonable price, mileage, and the type of wheels and tires she needed. On the same list, she indicated that she wanted a car in good working order with power steering and brakes, strong windows and locks, air conditioning and computer route control. She cut out a picture of the type of car she was looking for and kept it in her wallet. Every day from fifteen to forty-five minutes she spoke decrees and decrees to the angels, looking at her list and picture.

After weeks of reading car ads with no results, Danette was a little frustrated, but she didn't give up. “I knew that the angels continued to work on this issue... I would not agree to anything less,” she said. Finally, the woman decided to continue her search in another city, located twelve hours away from her own. Her friends there said that a 4-Runner simply couldn't be found at a price she could afford.

But after looking through the ads in the local newspaper, Danette discovered... a 1990 Toyota 4-Runner and, as she said, “three thousand dollars cheaper than the cars she had seen before.” The owner placed an advertisement literally on this day; the car met all its requirements, right down to computer route control. Her bank processed the loan, and as Danette drove home in her 4-Runner, she thanked the angels the whole way.

The more detail your request contains, the more satisfied you will be with the results.

9. Imagine what you want to happen

You can increase the power of your prayer by maintaining a stable mental picture of what you want to happen. Additionally, imagine a radiant light that surrounds the situation or problem. Sometimes focusing on an image can help, as Danette did. Here's another example of how visualization works.

When a group of young people were driving home after attending a spiritual seminar, the engine of their car began to overheat. Since none of them had money to repair the car, they decided to ask the angels for help.

Kevin, who was driving, said, “Whenever the gauge crept toward the overheating mark, I made a fervent call to the angels... I asked all the passengers to visualize snow, crystal-clear, cold mountain streams and ice around the engine. We noticed how the needle immediately went down, indicating that the temperature had dropped to normal.”

Thanks to the angels and effective visualization, the young people made it home safely! Of course, whenever possible, it is better to combine the help of angels with the help of professionals.

10. Expect surprises

These questions arise in almost everyone who has ever thought about angels. Why do they answer some prayers and not others? Why does one pray for ten years and not get what he wants, while another gets it immediately? Why does a fire or flood destroy some houses while others remain undamaged? Undoubtedly, angels hear everyone's prayers.

One reason is that the ability of angels to answer prayers is based on the cumulative consequences of our past actions - our good and bad deeds in this and previous lives - referred to as karma. Angels are not genies or Santa Claus. They are obliged to act in accordance with the law of karma. When we pray to the angels with devotion, they can sometimes eliminate the effects of karma, but more often they only have the power to mitigate them.

Angels hear all our prayers. But in order to satisfy the request, three conditions must be met:

  • they cannot interfere with God's plan for your soul (or your karma);
  • they must not harm you or anyone else;
  • the timing must be right.

You can beg for years to win the lottery and not win. But you may get something unexpected in return, such as a high-paying job that opens up new horizons for you. Perhaps the angels were unable to respond to the request for winnings due to the fact that your soul needs to learn how to earn its own living. But they answered. And in exactly the way that is best for you.

If you follow the steps outlined in this booklet and still do not receive an answer, consider whether the angels are trying to tell you something. Maybe it's time to reconsider the content of your prayer and try again? Continue to pray and know that they will give you the best answer they can give based on the needs of your soul. Prayer always bears fruit. You just need to know where to look.

Source: from the book by E.K. Prophet “How to work with angels”


Helps with:

  • Dedication and commitment to what you believe in
  • Courage
  • Direction
  • Energy and vitality
  • The meaning and purpose of life in all its manifestations
  • Motivation for actions
  • Protection
  • Cleansing the space
  • Liberation of the spirit
  • Increasing self-esteem

Below is a short decree that you can give to Archangel Michael if trouble suddenly happens to you and you need immediate help. This can be especially useful in traffic accidents and in various difficult situations that at first glance seem hopeless. When you give this decree with all the fervor of your being, Archangel Michael instantly rushes to your side.

Archangel Michael, to the rescue! Help! Help!

Archangel Michael, Help me! Help me! Help me!

Call on Michael when you feel afraid or vulnerable. It will come to you immediately, instill courage in you and increase your self-esteem, both physical and emotional. You will feel his presence next to you, as if there is a bodyguard who loves you and is ready to protect you. Anyone who wishes to harm you will instantly change their mind. Michael does not require a formal spell and will come to anyone who calls upon him.

For example, you might think like this:

Archangel Michael, please come to me right now, I need your help!

And mentally describe a situation in which you need support.

As mentioned above, you will know that he is nearby when you feel the characteristic warm energy.

Archangel Gabriel

Helps with:

  • Adopting a child
  • Conceiving a child and fertility
  • TV and radio work

In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM a holy one of God!



Helps with:

  • Divine magic
  • Environmental protection, especially with watershed problems
  • Manifestations
  • Wild animals, fish and birds, healing and protecting them


Call on Archangel Ariel anytime, anywhere. If you cast this spell in nature, especially near water, you will most likely feel, hear and see his presence:

Archangel Ariel, I call upon you. I long to help protect and heal the environment and ask you to give me a Divine assignment for this important mission. I ask you to open the way for me and support me in this endeavor. Thank you for the joy this mission brings to me and the world.


Helps with:

  • Overcoming bad habits
  • Clairvoyance
  • Vision, physical and spiritual
  • To healers, guiding and supporting them
  • Healing both people and animals
  • Pets, looking for missing ones
  • Cleansing the space
  • Liberation of the spirit
  • Travelers: protection, order and harmony

A short prayer for healing that you can give at any time:

Raphael and Maria, I ask for [identify yourself and/or another person]

that he may be healed of [name condition(s)],

in accordance with the holy will of God.

I AM the perfection of God revealed
In body, mind and soul.
I AM God's flowing guidance,
Healing and keeping in fullness!


Whenever you, or someone you know, or an animal is experiencing physical illness, call on Archangel Raphael and ask for angelic healing. He will immediately intervene in the processes occurring in the human or animal body and explain to you what needs to be done to enhance the effects of the treatment.

To call Raphael to you, just think:

Archangel Raphael, I need help with (describe the situation). Please surround my body and nourish it with your powerful healing energy of Divine Love. I surrender completely to the will of God and know that through his release I will be open to regain the health the Lord has given me. Thank you for your energy, health and happiness, Lord and Raphael!

To call Raphael to someone else, you can imagine him and the other angels surrounding that person or animal with their healing presence and emerald green light. You can ask the Lord to send Raphael to you, or you can ask Raphael himself:

Archangel Raphael, please visit to heal (say a person's name or animal name) and support the health and well-being of us all. Please help us raise all our thoughts to faith and hope, and remove all doubts and fears. Please clear the way so that Divine health may reign here once and for all. Thank you.

Prayer to St. Archangel Raphael

Oh, Holy Archangel Raphael! We earnestly pray to you, be our guide in our lives, save us from all visible and invisible enemies, heal our mental and physical illnesses, guide our lives towards repentance of sins and the creation of good deeds. Oh, great holy Raphael the Archangel! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and grant us worthy in this and in future life to thank and glorify our common Creator forever and ever. Amen.


Archangel Metatron (Merraton, Metaraon)

Metatron is a passionate and energetic angel who works tirelessly to help the inhabitants of the Earth. He serves as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, as he has rich experience of being both a human and an angel. He helps us understand Heavenly perspectives and teaches us how to cooperate with the angels.
Metatron has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel to safety through the desert. He continues to lead children today, both on Earth and in Heaven. Metatron cares deeply about children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and helps parents, educators, scientists and medical professionals find natural alternatives to Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs.
Meteatron helps recently deceased children adjust to Heaven, and living children to love themselves and be able to focus. Metatron also helps children become aware of spirituality and embrace and refine their spiritual gifts.
Metatron's energy is very strong and focused, like a laser beam. He has great driving force and will always help you overcome your insecurities and courageously take a step forward. He is also a philosopher and is ready to help you understand what causes other people's actions and why certain situations arise.
He says:
“My life on Earth has given me the opportunity to understand human concepts of life and death, which are abstract to those who have always been in the ether. I understand well the fear of death, which is the background of many human emotions. Since I myself have crossed this line, I want to emphasize the opinion that you have heard so often: in fact, there is no need to be afraid of coming here. Your time is planned according to the calendar of your soul, and death will not come a moment earlier than expected.
There is no such thing as premature or unplanned death, and all the unpleasant things associated with death exist primarily in the human imagination. Even those who die tragic circumstances, spared from excruciating suffering due to the intervention of God. Their souls are removed from their corporeal shell at the moment of inevitability, long before suffering can begin. This disconnection from the event occurs because they are focused on what will happen when their earthly existence ends. The attractiveness of the newfound life that follows death completely distracts from the suffering that a person seems to endure at the moment of death. We assure you that all this happens because the Great Creator, who is always and everywhere with us, has compassion on us.”

Helps with:

  • Attention deficit disorder (ADS)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Children's problems
  • Spiritual understanding
  • By writing


If a child you care for has SUD or ADD and is prescribed certain medications, call on Archangel Metatron, there may be alternative treatments:

Archangel Metatron, I ask for your loving intervention to help (say the name of the child) who is diagnosed with (name the diagnosis). Please help us know God's Will for this child, and tell us adults what is best for him. Please help us stay strong among so many experts and do what we think is right. Please help us, all concerned adults, make decisions on behalf of this child, and have peaceful discussions despite differing opinions. Metatron, please protect this child from any harm, now and in the future. Thank you.

Archangel Sandalphon

Sandalphon's main task is to bring people's prayers to the Lord so that He answers them. It is said to be so high that it extends from Earth to Heaven. Ancient Kabbalah says that Sandalphon helps future parents determine the gender of the child they are carrying. Many believe that he is very skilled in music.

The messages and music of Archangel Sandalphon reach us like gentle whispers carried on the wings of angels - they are so gentle that they can fly past you if you do not pay enough attention to them. When you call upon Sandalphon, be very attentive to all the words and music that are heard in your mind - most likely, these are the answers to your prayers

Helps with:

  • Music
  • Through prayers - delivers them to God and answers them
  • Future babies - determines their gender


If you are praying and want an immediate answer, call on Archangel Sandalphon by thinking about your prayer and saying:

Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, deliverer and answerer of prayers, I ask for your help. Please deliver my prayer (read prayer) to the Lord as soon as possible. I ask you to bring me a clear answer so that I can understand it. Please let me know if my request is being fulfilled and let me know if there is anything else I should do. Thank you and amen.

Often, due to past negative experiences, our hearts are closed to angels. Or the mind, accustomed to rational thinking, cannot comprehend and understand the presence of angels in our lives. How then can angels appear to us? The main aspect is that we must accept angels into our lives and establish a connection with them. When we open to the angels, the mental, emotional and physical bodies must be involved. By activating all three of your main bodies, you open a channel between you and your angels, and they have the opportunity to actually appear to you, or you can actually feel them. Angels will bring joy, positive mood, harmony of relationships, wisdom, love, clear guidance, protection and support into your life. Your angels are waiting for you with their hearts wide open, and their love for you is sincere and pure. Of all the Supreme Beings, it is easiest for us to perceive and communicate with angels.

How to get in touch with and hear the guiding angels, the Higher Self and the archangels?
On the path to our Higher Self and our angelic guides, various difficulties and trials may await us.
The most serious and common ones are fear and lack of self-confidence. Those nightmarish pictures that torment you are nothing more than an expression of your fears and stress. In such a state, it is really difficult to hear anything, much less try to achieve internal silence.
For a modern person who constantly works with the mind, it is easier to get into contact with the Higher part of oneself through the heart. It is best to concentrate on the heart chakra, and not on ajna. Try not to hear the angels, but to feel them, feel their love, their energy, their vibrations.
Heart Meditation-
Sit in a position that is comfortable for you, close your eyes and concentrate your attention on the heart area or the heart chakra. Just sit and look at her with your inner gaze. It doesn’t matter if extraneous thoughts come into your head, try not to be distracted by thinking about them for a long time and each time return back to contemplation of the heart chakra. Feel the peace and tranquility reigning inside your heart. Feel its calm, measured beat. Imagine that the whole world around you is boiling and seething somewhere out there, outside of your heart. There is silence and peace in it, like in the depths of the ocean. Inside you, inside your heart lies everything you can and want to do. And nothing will be created without your will. You are the master of your heart and your world. When you manage to feel this, sit in this state for as long as you need to feel confident in yourself and your abilities.

Now, having felt this confidence, begin to send waves of love and gratitude from your heart. Thank everything and everyone you want to thank, even for the smallest things. Thank the universe, thank God in yourself and God in other people, everyone who helps you realize yourself as you are. Let these waves radiate from your heart and go into the reality around you. Observe in your mind's eye how they change people and situations by touching them. You can imagine those with whom you have difficult relationships and send them waves of love and gratitude. You will see the effect they will have.

At the end of the meditation, turn to your Higher Self, send waves of love and gratitude to it and ask it to guide you in the best way for you. Thank yourself and send love to yourself. Feel how this wave from your heart envelops you from head to toe, like a magical cocoon, protecting you from all adversity and transforming your inner essence.


MEDITATION “MEETING WITH ANGELS” (transmitted to Urania by Thoth) Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Ask your Higher Self to help you meet the brothers and sisters of your spiritual family. Close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly and smoothly, preferably without pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Feel how with each breath you begin to slowly move upward, smoothly rising higher and higher along the long vertical tunnel above your head. When you exhale, you, like a swimmer emerging from the depths, slow down a little to take a little rest from the rise and prepare for the next rush upward. You can already see the light at the end of this long tunnel. Strive for it with all your being, and the rise will go faster. Now you are already touching this light with the top of your head, taking another breath and seeming to emerge into a huge dazzling space. You float in it. You feel like you are in heaven, inside a fluffy cloud. Take a look around. Everywhere near you you see the faces of angels, they surround you everywhere, they exude such love for you and such admiration that at first it will take you some time to get used to them. Say hello to them, let them touch you, hug you. You will definitely feel these touches, they will be like light touches. But there will be many of them. You might even hear the flapping of their wings. You have returned home to your spiritual family for a short time, and they are happy to welcome you. Let them do for you what they want to do for you. Maybe they will spin you around in their delightful round dance, maybe they will want to undress and bathe you in the rays of light and their love. Maybe they'll want to give you an angelic massage. Perhaps they will present you with their gifts. Whatever they do, it will all be appropriate, and you will feel their every movement as the greatest gift for yourself, you will be happy from any of their touch, because you will feel that for you there is no one closer and dearer than them. When you realize that it is time for you to return, the angels will gather around you again, and each of them, with their touch, will transfer to you a particle of their energy, which you will carry with you to Earth. Feel how your being, like a vessel, is filled with these energies. Realize how important it is to them that you will carry their energy down. Every particle of this energy will be forever connected through you with your Native Home, you will be a messenger of Light on Earth, a messenger of great angelic beings, a messenger of Love. Feel these energies singing within you, feel this choir with your whole body and realize that, having descended to Earth, you will always carry them within you, you will shine with them and illuminate the path for yourself and others. Thank the angels for their gifts and, with a light and free heart, dive into the small round hole under your feet. You will go down it as smoothly as you went up, inhaling and exhaling, only now with each exhalation you will get closer to the Earth, to yourself, sitting in meditation in a quiet room. Take another breath and open your eyes. Do you still feel the singing energies of the Angels within you?

Archangels are one of the first creations of God and they existed long before humanity and human religions. They belong to God and not to some theological religion. Therefore, they work with everyone who turns to them.

Archangels: (specialization)

Michael - protection, courage, confidence and security. Guidance in life's purpose.

Raphael - healing of animals and people, guiding doctors and healers in their education and work,
guiding and protecting travelers, connecting with your soulmate.

Gabriel - delivering important and clear messages - helping messengers (teachers, actors, artists) assistance in all aspects of parenthood, including conception, adoption and birth.

Uriel - Intellectual understanding, conversations, ideas, insights, studying, exams, writing and public speaking.

Ariel - contact with nature, animals and nature spirits, earthly material needs, guidance in a career or calling related to the environment or helping animals.

Metatron-Sacred geometry and esoteric healing, working with universal energies, helping highly sensitive people (Indigo and Crystal children)

Raziel - understanding the secrets of the universe - remembering past lives and healing from their traumas - understanding esoteric wisdom - interpreting dreams.

Sandalfon - transferring prayers from people to gods - helping musicians.

Haniel - awakening your spiritual gifts - intuition, letting go of the past - help in healing women's and emotional problems.

Jeremiel - development and understanding of spiritual visions and dreams - guidance in reviewing your life to align it with how you want to live.

Raguel - help with quarrels and misunderstandings. Attracting new wonderful friends.

Zadkiel - helping students memorize numbers and facts. choosing the path of forgiveness.

Azrael - help to the disadvantaged - help to the souls of the departed - consolation in grief.

Jophiel - harmonization of thoughts and feelings - cleansing life from negativity.

more Angels and Spirits working with us:

The first ones who get in touch more often lately and asks to post information to the masses, complementing the existing picture Spiritual World Earth and providing your energies through your messages:

Mother Mary (aspect of God ROD, Ma-Ra) and Archangel Raphael (Ha-Ra). - Green ray.
Kryon. Master of Magnetism.
Lord Hilarion. - Green ray.
Master Anastasia. (from the books by V. Maigret) - Violet ray.
Bishop Pavel the Venetian. - Pink ray.
Lord Jesus. - Golden ray.
Our Higher Selves - Green Ray.
Geya (eng: Gaya) - Spirit of the Earth
Leo Tolstoy is a green ray.
Nikolay Gumilyov - green ray.
Anna Akhmatova is a green ray.
Elder Afanasy
Lemurians in Altai and Telos.
Lemurian Mirra.
Teacher Ne-Ra (another galaxy)
Elemental Traffic.
Guardian of the mountain * Tow.

Archangel Zadkiel and his female counterpart Saint Amethyst embody the spirit of the violet ray, the seventh ray, and the age of Aquarius. He and Saint Amethyst help humanity master the seat of the soul chakra.

These archangels carry the flame of freedom, joy, forgiveness, alchemy, justice, transmutation and soul liberation. We can enhance these violet ray qualities in our lives by invoking the violet flame through the science of the spoken Word.

Using the violet flame can erase memories of the past, bring forgiveness and increase the spirit of joy within us. And every time we turn to Zadkiel and Amethyst, who embody the violet flame, we bring change to the earth and change ourselves, move closer to merging with our Christ Self and help prepare the world for the coming Golden Age. According to Archangel Zadkiel, the success of the Aquarian age absolutely depends on the effectiveness of our violet flame invocations and on single violet flame invocations that can be worthy of a million prayers.

You can call on Zadkiel and Amethyst to help you cleanse yourself of the karma of the past and bring a new spirit into your life. As you say the following affirmation, visualize a violet flame removing obstacles to the liberation of your soul:

In the name of Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst,
I AM the violet flame in action within me now!
I AM the bliss and delight of the violet flame!
I AM freedom from limitations!

Archangel Gabriel


  • Art projects and everything related to art
  • Journalism and creative writing
  • TV and radio work

I'm here to help those who talk about social needs. This kind of propaganda is an ancient art, and over the years almost nothing has changed here, only technological progress has been added. In all other areas, the art of saying is constantly and steadily gaining power to give people the power and strength to change and hope. Let me open up opportunities to those of you who hear in your hearts the call to perform, play and create on a larger scale.”
You can give the following decree to fill yourself with light, recharge yourself with energy spiritual path and receive assistance as you move forward into ascension.
In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM the saint of God!

Before you begin any art or information project, ask Gabriel to guide your activities by saying out loud or mentally:

Archangel Gabriel, I ask you to appear because (describe your purpose). Please open the channels of my creativity so that I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind so that I can generate unique ideas. And please help me maintain energy throughout the entire implementation of my plan. Thank you, Gabriel.

Archangel Samuel

The name Samuel means "one who sees God." This archangel helps restore significant parts of our lives. Call Samuel if you want to find new ones love relationship, new friends, a job or any lost item.


  • In resolving career issues
  • In finding life goal, finding lost things, building and strengthening relationships between people
  • In search of kindred spirits and in achieving world harmony

How to Summon

Samuel will hear you, even if you call him mentally: Archangel Samuel, help me in resolving my issue (indicate) guide me along the best path of all possible.

about lost things:
“Archangel Samuel, it seems to me that I have lost (indicate what exactly). I know that nothing is ever truly lost because God is in everything and everywhere. He knows everything. Please guide me so that I can find what I have lost. Thank you, Samuel!”

Archangel Zadkiel His name means "Divine Justice." He is considered the archangel of mercy and generosity!

He is an angel of healing who works alongside Archangel Michael, replacing negative energies with faith and compassion. Healing the physical and emotional body (soul)

Zadkiel helps us see the Divine light within ourselves and in others. If you are having difficulty forgiving yourself or another person, ask Zadkiel to intervene. He will free your mind from unforgiveness. However, this will not mean that you allow others to insult you. This will only mean that you do not want to drag with you the burden of emotional experiences about a situation in the past.

How to Summon
Every time you are upset, call Zadkiel:

“Archangel Zhadkiel, I ask you, help me heal my heart. If I cannot forgive, please help me to completely free myself from unforgiveness. If there is something I don't see, please help me see it clearly. If I need to feel more compassion, please fill my heart with mercy. If I feel worried or anxious, please fill my heart with faith and peace. Now I have complete hope in you and in God. I trust that your God-given power will take care of every detail with Divine grace, harmony and wisdom. Thank you"

Regarding abortion, it is very important for you to forgive yourself and the main thing is to realize that you are very revered by God, we honor any of your choices, there is no retribution or punishment. All events in life are not accidental, all this is part of the spiritual lessons that a person goes through, and all lessons teach us love, let yourself go through it and be happy!

Archangel Chamuel (Chamuel).

Archangel Chamuel helps renew and improve your love, caring relationships with others, development of higher emotions, helping to develop the Anahata Heart Chakra. All of this is achieved through the beautiful Pink Ray, which represents our ability to love and cherish others, to be able to give and receive love unconditionally. It is love that moves us through compassion into divine emotional maturity. Many people are afraid of opening their Heart Chakra. There is a feeling of warmth from those who have discovered Anahata.

Archangel Chamuel helps us in all our relationships, and especially through life changing relationship situations such as conflicts, divorces, bereavement or even job loss. Archangel Chamuel helps us appreciate the existing loving relationships we already have in our lives. His message: “It is only the energy of love within any given purpose that provides lasting value and will benefit all creation.”
The balanced Pink Ray is the union of Heaven and Earth embedded in the human heart. It is the union of the physical Red Ray with the White Ray of spiritual awakening and abundance.

Physical associations:
Body parts - heart, shoulders, lungs, arms, hands and skin. Heals any part of your body that you have rejected or judged and called unattractive. Ease, physical tension and psychosomatic illness. Also useful where illness has been diagnosed and fear is blocking physical recovery.

Emotional and mental associations:
The pink ray is associated with creating an atmosphere of trust and self-esteem. This ray quickly dissolves the negative emotions of self-esteem, self-loathing and selfishness. It ignites “inner” happiness. Stops depression, obsessive behavior and destructive tendencies.

Spiritual Associations:
Opens the Heart Chakra to develop the gift of healing. Attracts kindred spirits, those with whom you can share your innermost thoughts and feelings. Prepares you to receive Christ consciousness and a holy state of mind.


“Dear Angels!
I entrust all my financial affairs and financial concerns to your care!
I ask that all worries, worries and fears about money be taken away from me and replaced with faith!
I only need to look at nature to be convinced of the abundance that the Universe has!

I will let go of all negative thoughts about money and realize that prosperity is my true state!
I am grateful for everything I have in life!
I'm learning to manage my finances and creating my abundant future right now!

And finally, I ask you to help me realize my purpose in life and fulfill it boldly and decisively! I know that wealth will come to me if I do what I love. Please help me use my skills and knowledge to serve the world!



This prayer protects from negative energy, provides protection from ill-wishers, calms, and also protects a person from stress, fear and painful conditions.

“My Guardian Angel, protect me,
Protect my home and people close to me.
Protect yourself from evil enemies with a wall,
Fortunately, I follow you through life.

You have endowed me with the Power of Heaven,
so that they will help me drive out grief and evil.
So that I, never afraid of anything,
I could overcome all obstacles.

Deliver me Angel from spiritual dirt,
Give me pure, free energy.
Take me under your wing, protect me,
so that you can find happiness and joy.

Let only those people next to me be
whose heart is open only to kindness.
Who treats me with kindness and respect,
who rejects envy and malice in his soul.

My protector angel, you are my helper,
You open the roads for my projects.
Help me make all my wishes come true,
so that enemies do not interfere with me in my life"


Those who followed our tips earlier and contacted To higher powers It was at the Hour of the Angel that we became convinced that such appeals were quickly accepted for execution.
By turning to the Higher Powers with a request at exactly the specified time, you can be sure that your request - prayer will be heard. If, precisely at the moment indicated in the table, obstacles and difficulties, as if by agreement, begin to appear on your path and interfere with you in every possible way, know that it is better to abandon your plans: fate warns that you are on the wrong path.
Don't know if you should call someone first?
Try calling during the Angel Hour: if you really need it, you will definitely get through and everything will become clear; Well, if something prevents you from getting through at this moment, the issue has been resolved by itself, it’s better for you not to take the initiative.
How exactly to contact the Angel on Duty: go to church, read a prayer or ask, as they say, in your own words? There are no rules here: do as your heart tells you.
Angels respond not to “conversion according to the rules,” but to a request coming from the soul.
And one more thing: does your religion matter?
No, it doesn't. If you truly believe, then you yourself understand perfectly well: all religions turn to the One God,
no matter what names we call Him, the angel on duty, like the sun, shines on everyone. Turn to the Angel Hour for help - and you will certainly receive it (albeit, perhaps in a very unexpected form), your business will certainly get off the ground.

From - to.
1- 17:28 — 18:15
2- 17:25 — 18:12
3- 17:23 — 18:10
4- 17:20 — 18:07
5- 17:17 — 18:04
6- 17:14 — 18:01
7- 17:11 — 17:58
8- 17:08 — 17:55
9- 17:10 — 17:45
10- 17:03 — 17:49
11- 17:00 — 17:46
12- 16:57 — 17:43
13- 16:55 — 17:40
14- 16:52 — 17:37
15- 16:49 — 17:34
16- 16:46 — 17:31
17- 16:43 — 17:28
18- 16:40 — 17:25
19- 16:20 — 17:22
20- 16:35 — 17:18
21- 16:32 — 17:15
22- 16-29 — 17:12
23- 16:26 — 17:09
24- 16:23 — 17:06
25- 16:20 — 17:03
26- 16:17 — 17:00
27- 16:14 — 16:57
28- 16:11 — 16:53
29- 16:08 — 16:50
30- 16:05 — 16:47

For those who live in areas close to time zone boundaries,
you will have to focus on the very “middle of the moment.”
For example, if the table shows the period from 18:25 to 19:15,
at the junction of time zones it should be reduced to 18:40 - 19:00.

Astrologer Lydia Nevedomskaya

Archangel Uriel

helps with:

  • finding inner peace and tranquility of spirit;
  • untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche;
  • the rebirth of hope; - fulfillment of a cherished goal or dream;
  • achieving material well-being and stability;
  • peaceful resolution of problems in personal, professional and social life;

You can summon Uriel by saying:
“Archangel Uriel, I ask for your wisdom in [describe the situation or issue you want to clarify]. I need complete information so that I can clearly see the situation in its true light. Please help me make an informed decision by giving me every possible perspective in this case. Please help me to be very aware and understand this information and remain as open as possible. Thank you, Uriel."


The energy of your home depends only on you. No one can change it without your permission. If our aura is weakened or damaged due to sharing your power with someone, immediately try to strengthen it. You need to eat well, actively engage in auto-training, make the right decisions, imagine in images what exactly you want, and communicate with Angels of various ranks.

Every time you think or talk about angels, an archangel or a teacher, energy penetrates into your aura, which makes it even brighter.

Having a strong and pure aura, you will attract people to you; they will begin to support your decisions and plans.

How to clean your home:

To make your home attractive to angels, you must first clear it of all clutter. Do the cleaning. Vacuum and wash the entire house. Change the interior if necessary.

Open the windows to get rid of old energy and let new energy in. This is very important to do if you quarreled with someone or were rude to someone.

Purify the room with incense by placing it in every corner of the house. Let bells and cymbals hang in all rooms; they must destroy the old heavy energy.

Check the bookshelves, get rid of all junk books and books with low vibration - bad energy emanates from them.

Plants with small leaves, such as ferns, destroy all negative formations.

Call upon the silver-violet flame and imagine it filling your home.

How to fill your home with LIGHT:

Buy or borrow from friends books that exude Light. The images on the walls also emit a certain energy.

Beautiful photographs of landscapes and sea views, bright or holy people, cheerful children and animals fill the space with Light.

Angels love color, so your home should have bright curtains, bedspreads and rugs. Fill the space with a variety of colors.

Set up an altar with candles, crystals, beautiful objects, images or statues of saints and ascended teachers.

The angel will undoubtedly be impressed by your daily prayer said in this corner with a lit candle.

Meditate, pray and dance in a space filled with Light and joy.

Favorite sounds of Angels:

Angels are attracted classical music and beautiful works of the new era,” written in the name of peace and harmony. They also enjoy the sound of glass and Tibetan bowls.

Angels love laughter. Let there always be joyful relatives and friends in your home, and then the angels will definitely visit you. Sing beautiful or spiritual songs more often, and your home will become even more attractive to the messengers of light. Chant the names of the Lord, mantras or the sounds of “o” and “a”, May chanting bring you happiness.

Conversations on spiritual topics and kind statements about other people also please the ears of angels.

Meditation inviting Angels to your home:

1. Make sure that no one will disturb you in the place you have chosen for meditation.
2. If possible, enhance the energy of the place with flowers, candles, incense, angelic music that you like, and beautiful objects or books.
3. Sit or lie down with your back straight.
4. Imagine that you are rooted: the roots coming from your feet connect you to the earth.
5. Relax and abstract yourself from the outside world. Look around and bless all the things and all the inhabitants of your home.
6. Close your eyes and imagine your home being filled with beautiful golden light.
7. Ask that a ray of light descend from the Origin to the earth, piercing your home. Mentally imagine this picture.
8. Invite angels into your home.
9. Believe that they are near you, listen to your feelings.
10. Thank them for visiting and promise that you will cherish the energy and Light with which they surrounded us.

\Diana Cooper\

ANGELS OF THE WORLD - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora:

These Angels serve on the Purple-Gold Ray of Peace and help to find peace of mind and the establishment of peace. Archangel Uriel, Archeia Aurora and their angels assist in world service - in the manifestation of Divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations; in restoring peace, brotherhood and understanding between communities and peoples. You can ask them to bring peace to Earth - to all tense spots on the planet!


— About spiritual gifts: about inner peace, peace of mind, about untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche, about new hope.
— About practical assistance: about the peaceful resolution of problems in personal, social and professional relationships; in creating a harmonious environment for the manifestation of creativity and growth; about inspiration and help to sisters of mercy, doctors, shelter workers, educators, teachers, judges, social workers and everyone who serves their neighbors.
— About world service: about ending wars, about restoring peace; about brotherhood and mutual understanding; about the manifestation of divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations.

“In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts reported that from the window of the Salyut 7 space station they saw seven large angels with wings like those of jumbo jets. One female astronaut said, “They smiled as if they knew a wonderful secret.”
These angels are reminiscent of Archangel Uriel and the angels of the world. They are so big and strong that the light of their kind smiles can dissolve seemingly insurmountable problems - even on a global scale! "

You can imagine Uriel and the angels of the world as gigantic creatures, like those seen by the astronauts. They can bring peace to troubled areas, your home, and a troubled mind or soul. They act quickly and with enormous power. By entrusting them with the work, you will see that your problems disappear as quickly as clouds after rain. When you ask them to solve global problems, millions of angels get to work!


“Archangel Uriel, Your name is “Fire of God”!
I ask for the restoration of peace for all disturbed minds and souls!
Archangel Uriel, create a harmonious environment around me and all people living on the planet.”

Read the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is resentment there is forgiveness,
Where doubt is faith,
Where there is despair there is hope,
Where there is darkness there is light,
Where there is sorrow there is joy.
O Divine Lord,
Make me
Not so much seeking consolation as consoling;
I did not so much seek understanding as understand;
He didn’t strive so much to be loved as to love.
For in giving we receive,
By forgiving, we ourselves receive forgiveness,
And when we die, we are born into Eternal Life.

And then repeat 3 times:

"Archangel Uriel and the Angels of Peace,
I accept the gift of peace into my heart,
Into your soul, into your spirit,
into your body, into your mind!
Make me an instrument of God's peace."

Also Helper Angels of the Earth, Archangels - Gabriel, Michael, Jophil, Raphael, Chamuel, Zadkiel.

The Angels are subordinate to Archangel Gabriel, guiding on the true path (white color). You can ask for joy and happiness, for the discovery of life plans for the future, for peace in the whole world.

Archangel Michael. The Angels of Protection (blue) are subordinate to Archangel Michael. Ask Him for protection from spiritual and physical dangers and various kinds of trials.

Archangel Jophil. The Angels of Illumination (yellow) are subordinate to Archangel Jophil. You can ask for successful passing of exams, for the discovery of the gift of clairvoyance, liberation from bad habits and all sorts of harmful thoughts.

Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael is helped by Angels of Healing ( green). Ask for help and protection from diseases, for healing of soul and body in traditional and alternative medicine.

Archangel Chamuel. The Angels of Love (pink color) are subordinate to Archangel Chamuel. It can protect against other people's malice, anger and slander.

Archangel Zadkiel. The Angels of Joy (purple color) are subordinate to Archangel Zadkiel. Forgive him about tolerance and assistance in diplomacy, about joy in life.

Question: Archangel Uriel, I know less about You than about other angels. You remain a mystery to many. What could You tell us about yourself and your role and what message do You have for us?

Answer: I'm glad you invited me to help you write this book, Doreen, because I've been there invisibly for many of your other projects. Although I seem ephemeral to you and my presence is difficult to determine, I have always been close to you. I shed light on many situations in which you experienced some difficulties, helping you deal with them in much the same way as hair conditioner helps you deal with tangled curls. In most cases, I stand respectfully aside from those who usually communicate directly with you, preferring to remain behind the scenes and come when my help will be of greatest benefit.
My love constantly flows from my heart to yours (I mean not only you, but everyone who can hear these words). I am very busy bathing different situations with love, like a fireman on a forest fire selecting the areas that are most engulfed in flames. I extinguish the pain where everything seems hopeless, and then you begin to see and think more clearly, and eventually a way out is found. I bring new light into your consciousness so that hope can return to your heart. In many cases I help you find creative solution, from those that the Higher Mind constantly offers you, but you can perceive them only in a state of clear consciousness.
I am like a window cleaner, from which you can see the prospect of the future. I'm simply clearing away the clouds so you can see life in a new light. You often call me a “psychological angel,” and this is true. I do have the ability to change something in your hearts and bring about forgiveness, even in situations where there is clouding anger and hatred. I extinguish the flame of hatred and restore to man the ability to realize Divine love. Yes, I am not only the Archangel of Forgiveness, because I can bring much more benefit to humanity.

I am a newcomer compared to those archangels with whom people are already familiar. Other archangels - many of whom you have already met (and those who are still on the journey to meet with your open consciousness) - have more, as you call it, "defined" traits, so you recognize them immediately. Michael, with his sharp sword, is an almighty warrior fighting for your awareness. Is it possible to ignore his loud voice and commanding spirit? Raphael, with his endless kindness and desire to support, is like best friend who is ready to be by your side in difficult times. Gabriel is an assistant to creative people and geniuses; he is always happy to do everything in his power and direct the source of creative energy to the Earth. And who am I in the kingdom of the archangels? I am the one who helps from afar, the one who enhances the situations in which healing occurs, I am ready to pour powerful streams of light into your minds and onto everything that happens.

This light is the lifeblood of healing and opens your mind and heart so that you can see circumstances from a different angle. My stream of light helps you take a step back and think things through again. He prepares your heart for forgiveness even when your mind is seeking revenge. It weakens the effect of the attack and softens your reflexive desire to immediately take revenge. This does not mean that you lose your resolve and, having softened, find yourself in a foolish position. You become calmer and are able to gain a new perspective, find a different solution and strength.
Imagine me as a wise uncle who suggests solving the problem differently. I bring you an era of wisdom woven by life itself. And my bequest you receive in the form of the greatest wealth: a source of light that I generously direct onto your sacred head if it bows in sadness. This source is constantly replenished with renewed light, and I have an entire eternity to spend with you.
But it is not only this light that is a healing catalyst; we must not forget about our endless conversations that take place at such high frequencies that your consciousness is sometimes not even aware of them. Such moments give me the greatest joy - the sublime communication of our “get-togethers”, which most often occur during meditation, in a dream or when you are in a state of expanded consciousness. I take great pleasure in how deep our intellectual conversations can be, and my heart swells with happiness when I see you writing down these thoughts, capturing their wisdom for your own benefit and prosperity.

The energy of your home depends only on you. No one can change it without your permission. If our aura is weakened or damaged due to you sharing your...

The second level of the hierarchy of angels consists of Authorities, Powers, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim.

The Powers include the powerful rulers of karma, as well as the angels of death and birth.

The Lords of Karma control the collective and individual akashic records of humanity. Keepers of the universal history of the planet, they monitor the consciousness of humanity.

Karma is a fair response to everything that the world around you received from you. Your life gives you back what you deserve. Even your body is nothing but karma acting as a feedback system.

The board consists of representatives of the seven rays:

First Ray - Great Heavenly Leader Second Ray - Goddess of Liberty Third Ray - Lady Yoda

Fourth Ray - Athena Pollada, goddess of Truth Fifth Ray - Elohim Vista Sixth Ray - Kuan Yin, goddess of mercy Seventh Ray - Portia, goddess of justice, speaking on behalf of karmic rule

Great Heavenly Director (Leader) corresponds to the first ray of waves, strength and inspiration. He is a Great Cosmic Being, the power of Cosmic Law on our planet. More than 200,000 years ago, He directed cosmic light to prevent the self-destruction of humanity and the destruction of nature. It was he who was the Teacher of Saint Germain.

Goddess of Freedom corresponds with the second ray of love and wisdom. She carries the energy of liberation For of all humanity.

Mistress Nada corresponds with the third ray of love and active knowledge. She is often depicted in pink, the color of the archangel. Chamuel- angel of the heart She supports you when you act with pure intentions and strive for a high goal. Mrs. Nada's incarnations are associated with the mystical schools of Atlantis, Egypt and Peru, and she was tasked with inspiring people and leading them forward.

Pallas Athena represents the fourth ray of harmony existing in conflict. The beloved daughter of Zeus and Metila, she was the chief priestess of Atlantis. She is endowed with the divine property of purity, destined for the Earth, and helps those who strive for truth.

Elohim Vista corresponds to the fifth ray of research and exact knowledge. In the karmic council she also represents the Elohim - the created Gods. They were created by the will of the Lord to help Him in the creation of the Universe. They act through the mediation of archangels. The word "Elohim" means "all that is God."

Guan Yin represents the sixth ray of affection and idealism. She is known as the Goddess of mercy and compassion, she is the eastern analogue of the Mother of God. In response to our aspirations, she gives the Earth great healing. Kuan Yin's incarnation is said to have occurred in China in the year 1000, where she was revered as a Goddess. She is the teacher in charge of birth and healing. Her weapon is a flame consisting of three elements: gold for wisdom, pink for love and blue for strength.

Mistress Portia represents the seventh ray of masha and ritual order. The goddess of justice, she is responsible for her karmic rule. She is in charge of the balance of mercy and punishment, she helps those who strive for balance of heart and mind. She often bestows mercy.

Heavenly providence grants forgiveness of karma to many countries, but not to all. This process occurs at the causal level, and then it should be reflected at the levels of consciousness, emotions and physical existence. A significant portion of each individual's karma is also modified by the favor of the Lords of Karma. Many people are now unnecessarily paying off their karmic debts, which have long been written off.

Now you don’t need to bear the burden of mistakes and misdeeds of your past life, unless you yourself are convinced otherwise. It is always beneficial to approach the Lords of Karma through meditation and respectfully ask them whether our debts have been forgiven. It often happens that all or some of the karma disappears, freeing your life path.

During one of the seminars, we meditated and addressed the Lords of Karma. The following information was revealed to Bob Freeman. The rulers of karma want to completely forgive a karmic debt, but this will cause harm rather than lead to good. Karma is a way to maintain balance. It is a kind of compassion, since it prevents souls from getting involved in even more serious troubles. Those who don't see spiritual meaning in life, will suffer if they are not guided in time. Bob was told that the more firmly we accept the existence of a world other than the physical, the faster we will get rid of all karmic obligations.

The rulers of karma informed Bob that they wished to forgive the karmic debt as soon as possible so that the Earth would be cleansed and come under the influence of the next five rays.

The Angel of Death confessed to Bob:

I want to retire, and then people would live as long as they wish and improve themselves limitlessly.

According to him, the spiritual hierarchs want our souls to rise even higher than we dream. They expect us to encourage everyone we know to strive upward.

Now is the time of the end. We must end our previous existence, tie together all the loose ends of our lives, and then our planet will reach a level of a higher frequency. We urgently need to cleanse the karma of the planet. It is for this reason that every person has to bear the unpleasant karma of his family, his country, and also part of the universal karma.

A medium told my friend that her great-aunt led a solitary life in order to become self-sufficient. Grandmother lived only with a companion, as was expected in those days, and seemed to be happy with it. However, the woman’s mood always changed quickly, and she often experienced loneliness. In fact, in her entire life she learned less than a tenth of what she wanted. The medium told my friend that she had taken on 1 karma of her great-aunt and was now learning the lessons of loneliness and solitude due to her in order to save the rest of the family from them.

My friend visited the Lords of Karma through meditation and asked them to relieve her of her family responsibility, which was done. After that session she felt much better.

During the group meditation I mentioned earlier, Andrea learned that her husband had accepted the remainder of his grandmother's unpaid debt. He died without having time to pay it off. Andrea loved her husband, and since he was the last of his family besides her,

And there was no one to take on his karma. So, she performed the duties in place of her husband. When we made contact with the Lords of Karma, Andrea, to her disappointment, did not hear or see anything. And so, when the question arose about the karma of Andrea’s family and that it must be discarded in the same way as the karma of her husband, she heard the words addressed to her: Why did she take on the karma of her husband’s family? The rulers seemed to say to her: “Do you really want this?”

While waiting for their decision, Andrea felt great love for her husband, which extended to everyone his relatives. Then a feeling of freedom came to Andrea.

My mentor explained that it is extremely important to meditate with others and ask for the karma of a place to disappear. According to him, one must turn to the Lords of karma, and having received an answer, send hosts of angels to help that land.

We did this with several hundred people in sessions in London, and millions of lost souls - those who died but were stuck in the astral plane, who were aborted, who were earthbound due to drugs and alcohol - were freed and flew into the Light . A huge cloud of bad thoughts and mood left the city.

You can do the same, whether you are with friends or alone. Ask the angels to protect you and help you during such activities.

Above the Powers are Powers- they are the ones who direct powerful rays of Light to the Earth in order to change our consciousness today. Tune in to communicate with them, and then an incredible amount of spiritual Light will descend on all inhabitants of the planet.

Dominations is an angelic rank that controls the angels below. The dominions act as channels of grace and help us move toward the spiritual realms.

Thrones receive light directly from the Origin. They transform divine wisdom into a form that is accessible to humanity. The Thrones watch over the planets and protect them. Planet Earth is under the care of Lady Gaia.

Cherubim- these are the angels of Wisdom, guardians of the stars and celestial spheres.

The HIGHEST rank in the heavenly hierarchy is occupied by seraphim, the essence of which is pure love. Surrounding the Lord, they constantly sing praises to the Creator and replenish the energy of creation. Seraphim direct the divine energy emanating from the Origin.

Your actions

Alone or with friends, meditate and turn to the Lords of Karma. Decide which country or land you want to help. Tell the Lords of Karma that you wish to direct energy there. Imagine millions of angels delivering said nation or territory from darkness. If you need to increase the momentum, chant as you channel the energy.

Chapter Seventeen


In the heavenly hierarchy, archangels are higher than angels. There are millions of archangels in the Universe. However, only a few of them are connected with the Earth. These powerful beings from the Great Central Sun have enormous power and light and combine both male and female characteristics.

There are seven archangels and their archaea, that is, the fiery substances that complement them, which are associated with the seven rays. They act in collaboration with the Great Teachers of Shambhala, who stand at the head of each ray. Here is their order:

Ray one - Mikhail and Vera. "Michael" means "who is like God."

Ray two - Jophiel and Christina. "Jophiel" means "beauty of God."

Ray three - Chamuel and Mercy. "Chamuel" means "one who sees God."

Ray four - Gabriel and Hope. "Gabriel" means "God is my strength."

Ray five - Raphael and Maria. "Raphael" means "healing of God"

Ray six - Uriel and Aurora. "Uriel" means "fire of God."

Seventh Ray - Zadkiel and Amethyst. "Zadkiel" means "the righteousness of God."

Each archangel is associated with a specific element. Your zodiac sign indicates which archangel you relate to.

Michael is fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Gabriel is water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Raphael is air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Uriel is earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

When you turn to the seven archangels, delightful light and joy descend on you, and you find intercessors. Below is one of the great and most effective proclamations.

I now call upon the mighty Archangel Michael to appear at my right hand. Please fill me with courage and strength, help me achieve positive results in my endeavors. With your sword, free me from all oppressive bonds and attachments. Cover me with your bright blue cloak of protection so that only the highest and purest Light can penetrate my aura. Thank you.

Take a short break so that Archangel Michael has time to complete his work and convey the necessary information to you.

I now call upon the mighty Archangel Gabriel to appear at my left hand in a beam of bright white light. Fill my aura with pure light energy and show me the next step or my path. Please illuminate and enliven the signs of my life's mission. Fill my existence with joy, righteousness, purity, understanding, generosity and order. Thank you.

Pause for a moment to allow Archangel Gabriel to complete his work and convey his instructions to you.

I now call upon the mighty Archangel Uriel to appear before me and fill my aura with a purple-gold ray of wisdom and peace. Eliminate all conflicts from my life and fill it with peace and a sense of unity. Break my mental and emotional bonds and free me from fears. Thank you.

Pause to allow Archangel Uriel time to do his work and convey his instructions to you.

Now I call on the powerful archangel Raphael, whose emerald ray, to appear behind me. Please grant me healing and prosperity. Protect me on my travels, instill in me justice and truth, give me insight. Thank you.

Wait a little so that Archangel Raphael has time to complete his work and provide you with the necessary information.

Now I call on the powerful archangel Chamuel, whose ray is pink, to kindle the flame of love in my heart. Please help me find compassion and forgiveness for myself and for everyone I have ever hurt, intentionally or unintentionally. Open my heart to both people and space. Thank you.

Wait a little so that Archangel Chamuel can complete his work and give you his instructions.

Now I call on the powerful archangel Jophiel to fill me with a golden ray of wisdom and enlightenment through the crown center. Ignite and inspire my mind with your knowledge, help me learn and teach higher knowledge. Please pledge and revive the signs of wisdom that I have encountered along the path of life. Thank you.

Wait a little so that Archangel Jophiel has time to complete his work and give you his instructions.

Now I turn to the powerful archangel Zadkiel, who has the power of the violet ray of mercy, joy and transformation. Fill my aura with violet flame. Please rid me of all bad things and give me joy, diplomacy and tolerance. Thank you.

Pause for a moment to allow Archangel Zadkiel to do his work and communicate his wishes to you.

So, your aura is filled with the energy of the archangels, and you are involved in the presence of the powerful Az Yesm. You are blessed.

In traditional Kabbalah, there are ten archangels: Metatron, Raziel, Tzafkiel, Tzadkiel, Hamail, Michael, Avriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Sandalphon.

Sandalphon is the archangel of Earth, filling the Realm with glory. He is the steward who governs the kingdom, establishing peace and joy and maintaining the harmony of the natural elements. The balance that comes from it gives us freedom.

Metatron personifies the greatness and glory of the Lord, as well as the judgment of the Heavenly throne. Raphael appears as his other fiery substance, embodying the power of the feminine. Metatron is said to mean "one who sits on the throne next to the Divine Throne." In many sources he is equated with the prophet Enoch. Metatron transmits the highest knowledge to all those who are ready to receive it.

The greatness of the archangels does not prevent them from appearing ordinary people ready for the relevant experience.

Katherine Seiler has had numerous encounters with angels. Several years ago, her husband's business collapsed, which left Catherine in a very depressed state. In the evening a powerful angel appeared to her. It was huge, like the globe. This is how she describes that meeting: “He picked me up and carried me in front of his beautiful face, illuminating me with incredible love. He called himself Metatron."

The next day, Katherine clutched her head in her hands in despair, feeling loneliness and unbearable pain. Suddenly a voice reached her:

She shuddered and asked:

Child, you who have seen the face of Metatron, why do you despair?

Catherine tried again to find out who was speaking, and then the voice answered:

Mighty Metatron.

Katherine asked again and received the same answer:

Mighty Metatron.

When she repeated her question again, the following answer followed:


“To be honest, I didn’t expect,” admits Katherine, “that they would engage with me, but the love I felt and the support I received undoubtedly came from the other world.”

Archangel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and led him to the discovery of the scrolls that became the Book of Mormons. This is how the Mormon religion came into being.

Melchizedek is a supreme archangel who took human form and founded the Order of Melchizedek to teach spiritual truths and direct the work of Christ on Earth and in the Universe. Jesus Christ serves as the highest priest in the Hierarchy of Melchizedek.

As with all celestial beings, you can ask the archangels to assist and support your worship.

Your actions

Call on the seven archangels to influence the consciousness of others, especially those who have influence in our world.

Chapter Eighteen


The powerful Archangel Michael is the angel of Courage, Strength and Protection.

When you call upon him, Archangel Michael will appear to your right, holding a shield and sword, ready to guard you. He will cover you with his bright blue cloak to protect your body and soul.

Michael is a warrior archangel, leader of the heavenly army and eternal ruler. It is he who gives you the initiative, willpower, drive and energy you need to calmly and fearlessly comprehend your path and complete all your assigned tasks. It will help you develop leadership skills for yourself, become strong, determined and focused on success.

The substance that complements Archangel Michael is Faith. As the name suggests, it maintains your confidence, the belief in yourself to complete your mission.

The Archangels of the first ray work together with El Morea - the Teacher, or Chohan of the red side of the first ray. Together they bring forward those who have a sense of strength, who can carry the sword of truth. People closely associated with Archangel Michael are distinguished by their strength and influence, which manifest themselves in various fields of activity, be it business, writing, service in the police, army, etc.

People who have absorbed the divine quality of the first ray are always full of determination, enthusiasm, strength and protect those who need help. The reduced form of first ray expression that must be overcome is arrogance, the desire to control others, intransigence, insensitivity and intolerance.

If you find yourself in danger, call upon Archangel Michael. A friend of mine was once psychically attacked by someone who felt rejected. He attacked her with injections of hatred and jealousy. All this continued for some time, and since the lady was sensitive, the unpleasant atmosphere affected her physical condition, leading to exhaustion. She turned to Archangel Michael to protect her with his cloak and sword, and then the pain and exhaustion disappeared.

Michael will protect your property. Ask him to keep an eye on the house at night or when you are away. This is the letter I received from Terri Myers, who attended my seminars:

“My husband and I decided not to insure our apartment for economic reasons. However, I asked Archangel Michael to guard the apartment both outside and inside. I knew that my request would be fulfilled immediately, but I didn’t tell anyone about it.

Around the same time, I attended your seminar “Seventh Heaven” with my nephew. Daniel then began to see and feel otherworldly energy. About a month ago, Daniel and I were returning home, and suddenly he, looking up and turning pale, said:

Terry, look - but there is a huge red angel sitting on the roof with a sword in his hand.

“I, of course, immediately realized that it was one of Michael’s angels guarding our house.”

Susie Anthony has escaped death multiple times, all thanks to Archangel Michael. She was on crack and on the verge of death for the first time after a three-week binge and a cocktail of class A drugs. As Susie died, she felt her soul leaving her body and a huge glowing column of majestic dark blue light approaching her, which was called Michael. Then she realized that it was an archangel.

In her state of death, Susie experienced a peace, love, and compassion that was beyond human understanding as she was carefully guided through her past life. Mikhail showed Susie that her inner self is permeated with such deep self-hatred and despair that mere mortals cannot get through to her. However, before she was born, she signed some kind of sacred contract, according to which she must bring great light into the darkness of the Earth. Susie learned that her soul held inexhaustible wisdom and healing energy.

She had to choose between peace in the next world and returning to Earth with a new gift and knowledge given to her by Mikhail for the sake of fulfilling the contract.

Susie returned to the earthly world and completely healed her physical body, previously destroyed and almost destroyed by drugs. Now Susie is writing a book about her amazing encounters with Archangel Michael.

And now I will give a letter from Nora, written by her after attending the seminars.

“I now have a sense of security that I have been missing for more than ten years. I live with a wonderful feeling that I am surrounded by care and love. I would never have thought that something like this was possible. I live alone, but I’m not lonely anymore.” A completely indescribable feeling gives the consciousness that in everyday life you are surrounded by angels.

Nora admitted to me that she used to be very afraid of going to the dentist. Having made an effort on herself, she made an appointment and could not find a place for herself before the appointed day. And so Nora asked Archangel Michael to support her. Five minutes before entering the office, she already “knew” that she was not alone. “The feeling of peace and security that suddenly overcame me is beyond words,” writes Nora. She remained in the same mood for another ten minutes after leaving the dentist. The following week, Archangel Michael again accompanied Nora on her second visit to the doctor.

The angels of Archangel Michael will come to your aid at the first need. When I traveled to Africa, I was told many stories of attacks and brutality. Along the way, I learned wonderful stories about the guardianship of angels.

Gemma was home alone when five black men burst into her home. They tied her up. Rapes and robberies often occurred in the surrounding area, but Gemma was hysterical and instantly panicked.

However, immediately after the attack by the thugs, she rose above her body and her room. The angel holding Gemma up said that she must remain calm and serene, and if she succeeds, everything will work out. Returning to her body and opening her eyes, Gemma still felt a complete peace. The raiders didn't even lay a finger on her.

She lost all her material possessions, but, in her own words, “gained many spiritual treasures.”

Thanks to the angels, Gemma's view of life changed.

Archangel Michael can be asked to protect loved ones. His power will give them courage and ensure safety. Let him cover them with his bright blue cloak of intercession, and then the negative energy of other people will gradually recede, leaving only a feeling of confidence and consistency.

You can ask for both acquaintances and strangers - this way you will serve for the benefit of humanity, since more and more light from Michael will descend on the planet.

Your actions

Ask Archangel Michael to cover you with his bright blue cloak of protection.

Then direct it to protect with this cloak people and territories known and unknown to you. Your prayers will be the form of intercession someone needs to be saved.

Chapter nineteen


Angels have incredible powers. They can turn people and objects into nothing and bring them back to life in the same way. When the angels surround you with their energy, you find yourself in a force field of such love that no harm can come to you. Archangel Michael rules the angels of protection.

Over the phone, one of the listeners of my program told me how she crossed the road in a wheelchair. Suddenly, a young man in a sports car jumped out from around the corner and ran into her. The woman flew upside down and, thinking that she was finished, landed smoothly on the ground. There was not a single bruise on her. The shocked spectators could not believe their eyes, and she felt the hand of an angel.

I remember how a murmur of surprise went through the audience when the lady shared her extraordinary story.

At the age of ten, our friend often swam in her home pool. One evening she was going to swim again. Having dived and reached the bottom, she felt an invisible force lift her up and return her to the side of the pool. The girl stood in the same place as a minute ago, but water was flowing down her face, so that she did not imagine the recent dive at all.

At that same moment, lights came on everywhere in the house!

The girl wrapped herself in a towel and rushed there.

Why did you turn on the lights everywhere? - she rushed to her brother.

He replied that he sat in his room all the time. Not understanding anything, the girl went to bed.

The next morning she told her parents about the fantastic incident. Together with her father, they went to the pool, and it turned out that there was a damaged electrical cable in the water.

This is how the angels saved the girl's life. It is clear that it was too early for her to die then.

If an angel helps you survive, then it’s time to reconsider your life.

Peter Feldman was saved by angels twice in one week. He was destined to receive a warning from above, and in fact he received it.

One day Peter was driving at high speed, going down a hill, and there was a traffic jam ahead of him. He slowed down, but the car skidded into the opposite lane, towards the flow of traffic. Peter realized that he was about to die.

However, unexpectedly oncoming lane a window formed and Peter slipped through it to the side of the road. The miracle shook him to the core.

Five days later, Peter was getting out of the car when suddenly an unknown person came up from behind and put a gun to his head.

Take the car, but don’t shoot,” Peter asked. However, the stranger did not move. Panicked, Peter screamed. After shooting Peter in the stomach, the attacker jumped into the car and sped off, leaving the victim in a pool of blood.

Peter's wife heard the screams and called the police. Peter, seriously wounded, was brought into the house and began to wait for an ambulance.

Suddenly he felt surrounded by warmth and love - Peter found himself in the arms of an angel.

Am I dying? - Peter asked the heavenly messenger.

No, you'll be fine. “You still have a lot to do,” answered the angel.

The bullet missed any vital organs and Peter recovered. Now he was ready to change his life, and he did it. Peter is now one of the most gifted and sincere journalists I know, and he finds the courage to talk and write about angels.

My friend’s husband worked in Germany on duty. He stayed at a hotel for the night, and the next morning he started the car and hit the road. To his horror, he discovered that he was driving in the wrong direction, and even on a slippery road and in the oncoming lane. He immediately called on the angels for help.

He never understood what happened, but the next moment he found himself in the opposite lane and following in the stream of other cars.

Angels continually watch over and protect you.

Your actions

Sit down, focus and direct your angels to help those in need. They can provide assistance to any territory and any person. Pray for the angels to protect those who need protection.

Chapter Twenty


You can have anything you want, but by becoming attached to something, you lose freedom. Lovely house where you live gives you a feeling of security, but psychologically you are tied to it and therefore not free. You can have a prestigious job, wealth and be a Teacher. However, if you need all this for self-affirmation, you turn into a slave. You may have an intimate relationship with another person, but you begin to depend on them: you become psychologically attached to your partner and lose your independence. All of the above are a kind of chains with which you are chained to a lower form of life.

It is difficult for you to get rid of old painful memories, grief, anger, jealousy and hundreds of other negative emotions and moods that do not allow you to develop. They are the reason for your lack of freedom, unhappiness, poverty and ill health.

The teacher is guided by the desires of his heart, but maintains independence and independence.

Ask Archangel Michael to cut with his mighty sword all the ties that bind you to the past, and give you the courage and strength to move forward to new and better things.

When Archangel Michael frees us with his sword from painful situations and bad people, radical changes occur in our entire lives, in particular, this is reflected in our health.

Jackie Roxborough told me a story of courage, resilience and miracles.

In February 1994, Jackie was diagnosed with diabetes and became seriously ill. The cause of the disease was the thyroid gland. Jackie firmly believed that a person could cope with such problems, and resorted to healing methods, both physical and metaphysical.

For almost two years she tried to regain her health, avoiding taking insulin, which was frowned upon by certified doctors. During this period, Jackie was on the verge of exhaustion and could no longer cope without insulin. Then her body stopped absorbing insulin, and the next two years were lost time. Jackie, isolated due to her illness, spent entire weeks in bed.

While in critical condition, Jackie met the doctor who heads the National Endocrinology Clinic. Four days after this meeting, everything began to return to normal, and she began to recover.

Then the disease again became hopeless. According to the doctor, Jackie suffered from a serious form of temporal arthritis and without steroids could die at any minute. Jackie didn't want to take the drugs. However, she came across an amazing doctor: he organized consultations, inviting leading experts in this field.

Every day she had a blood test done, and the doctor reported disappointing results by phone. A week has passed. Jackie, panic-stricken, decided to agree to medication and a biopsy if the next test came back bad or got worse.

That same day, Jackie spoke with her healer, who advised her to turn to Archangel Michael for help. He had to cut off all the bonds that prevented Jackie from adequately assessing her condition. The appeal to the archangel became a very bright moment in Jackie’s life. Mikhail freed her from vain goals, and complete peace descended on Jackie.

The next day, her blood was taken again, and again the test was significantly abnormal.

That night, Jackie meditated and asked the heavens for more help in her inevitable trial. Then an incredibly beautiful 10-foot tall angel appeared by her bed. The golden light of absolute love it emitted was mesmerizing. Jackie's feeling of peace increased.

The next day, the doctor told her by phone that her blood test was normal.

This is what this beautiful and courageous woman wrote to me:

“Although I have reached the highest peak of faith and hope, I still regard my struggle for recovery as the most inspiring experience of my life. Now I feel much better and more confident. I have become richer spiritually, I have come to understand the meaning of my existence, and every day this understanding becomes more and more clear. I must work with sounds to bring humanity closer to perfect vibration. I accept this task with humility.”

I often help people free themselves from earthly bonds. You need to imagine the number eight, yourself in one half, and the situation or person in the other. Works flawlessly. However, having begun to communicate with angels and learned about Archangel Michael’s ability to cut off painful ties, I always turn to him for help. The archangel's light transforms negative energy and destroys the essence of the problem.

It is impossible to break ties between other people without their permission, since this is contrary to their free will.

However, Archangel Michael can be asked to destroy the universal fetters that constrain humanity. Your prayer will unite with others, and then he will free the planet from painful bonds.

It often happens that a country is dominated by anger, wages war and oppresses others. This does not allow her to move on. Some people are gripped by fear of disease. Many people are psychologically affected by thoughts about AIDS. Panic leads to such fears, and people become vulnerable to AIDS.

The population of many countries is unanimously preoccupied with thoughts of material well-being, believing that it constitutes the meaning of life. There are also countries where everyone is convinced that poverty cannot be overcome.

Some religions are built on the idea of ​​punishment and therefore push believers towards it.

Now is the time for humanity to call on Archangel Michael to free them from such ideas and transform them into positive energy.

Your actions

Regularly ask Archangel Michael to release you from psychological dependence associated with specific situations, objects, negative emotions and people (with the exception of your young children).

Pray to Archangel Michael to cut off from people the universal shackles of negative beliefs, moods associated with the past and various fears.

Chapter twenty one


The powerful archangel Jophiel is the angel of Wisdom and Illumination. He and his archaea - a fiery addition - Christina bring wisdom from the Lord. Christina's very name suggests that she has a Christ consciousness. The mission of Jophiel and Christina is to bring to humanity the true knowledge that is given by the Messengers of Light, and to illuminate the path of every person. They are the ones who help you understand your true life purpose. Thanks to them, streams of light surround our brain, eliminating everything negative from there.

With the help of Archangel Jophiel, you stop thinking about your own personality and the material world and turn to Christ. Jophiel bestows insight and understanding, health and well-being. Wisdom and clarity of thought cast out your fears.

Jophiel and Christina are the archangels of the second, that is, the yellow ray. Yellow is the color of intelligence and turns to gold as you become wiser. Jophiel and Christina are especially active in helping teachers, schoolchildren and students, facilitating the perception and memorization of knowledge, preparing and passing exams.

They also support the firmness of human faith and convictions, as well as loyalty important matters.

Archangel Jophiel works closely with the Lord Kutumi - the Teacher, or Kohan of the dark blue side of the yellow ray, also known as the ray of love and wisdom.

Lord Kutumi belongs to the Brotherhood of the Golden Mantle, whose representatives take on the pain of the world. His spiritual abode is in Machu Pichu. The last incarnation of Kutumi was Pythagoras, who introduced people to sacred geometry and the music of the spheres. He was the sage, Belshazzar, Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal, and Saint Francis.

Summon Higher Creatures of the second ray, so that truth and understanding descend on other people, and you yourself become more attentive to others, gain insight, wisdom, intuition and the ability to comprehend your subject.

Archangel Jophiel is responsible for perfecting the crown chakra of all humanity, allowing people to reconnect with their Higher Selves. The crown chakra is a thousand-petalled lotus located at the crown of the head. With the unfolding of each petal, a person gains the ability to receive more divine enlightenment. The golden crown worn by royalty and supreme rulers symbolizes the opening of this chakra to connect with the Lord.

Archangel Jophiel has the strongest influence on the planet on Sunday, and his spiritual abode is located in the south of the Great Wall of China. At night or during meditation, send your soul there to gain wisdom, enlightenment, reconnect with your Higher Self, or excel in your studies or teaching.

Elizabeth was traveling to pick up a friend and asked the angels to find the missing keys. Having reached the place, she saw her friend with the keys in her hands - they were found half a minute before her arrival.

Angels of Love watch over your things until you find them.

My friend Susie Holbech traveled to Egypt with her husband. They traveled by train, then took a taxi to the hotel. Entering the room, Susie's husband was saddened to notice that he had lost his favorite pen. Probably, having left her on the train, he was ready to say goodbye to her forever.

Susie immediately imagined the pen surrounded by golden light and asked the angels to look after it. The husband got into a taxi and went to the station: the pen was lying under the seat in the compartment - where it had been dropped.

Never despair if you have lost something. Relax and ask the angels to save the forgotten item until you arrive. If it is truly yours by Divine right, they will certainly look after it and help you find it again. Otherwise, you will have to come to terms with the loss.

Your actions

Having read in the newspaper or heard somewhere about someone's grief, concentrate and direct the angels of Love under the leadership of Chamuel to fill suffering hearts with love and embrace them with heavenly wings.

Chapter twenty-four


The powerful Archangel Gabriel is the angel of Harmony, Beauty, Purification and Art.

Its fiery complement is Hope, that is, the immaculate fire of the Divine Mother. She, the Divine spark living in the heart chakra, gives hope and strength to move forward.

Gabriel brings hope, spirituality and love, and strengthens your intuition. It is he who is responsible for clarity, cleanliness, order and organization. If you lack the listed qualities, contact Gabriel. Gabriel leads the angels of Guidance on the true path. Their task is to help you realize your life purpose, which you took upon yourself in the presence of your spiritual guides and the Lords of Karma on the eve of this life.

Gabriel and Nadezhda return you to the true perception of yourself, to the awareness of Divine potential. They inspire you to take the next step, or, if you are ready for this, they reveal to you your mission on Earth. During meditation, ask Archangel Gabriel to illuminate your aura with symbols of life to attract wonderful people and good opportunities to you. Gabriel will guide you on the right path, but you must carefully look at the signs he sent. The Archangel will give you organization, endurance, efficiency and consistency in achieving your goals.

If you woke up with confidence in the correctness of your actions, with new thoughts or plans, it means that you most likely visited the spiritual abode of the Archangel Gabriel.

If an obstacle arises in the way of fulfilling your mission, ask the angels of Guidance, subordinate to Archangel Gabriel, to remove it.

Gabriel is surrounded by perfect bright light the purest white shade, constituting the quintessence of each ray. When you need cleansing, in a dream or during meditation, go to his spiritual abode on Mount Shasta. The Archangel will free you from old memories, attachments and beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward. Many ascension seekers strive to reach levels of enlightenment, although they first need to cleanse themselves of the past before reaching into the new light. Gabriel helps you find the right form of self-improvement.

Another spiritual abode of the Archangel Gabriel is located in Findhorns, where the purification and awakening of souls takes place.

Every person makes a path to the Light. A particularly difficult period of testing is the time when you decide to abandon the ordinary material worldview - it is then that you experience something close to crucifixion. You are suffering from pain, loss of loved ones, loss of job or reputation. It is at this time that you reach a new level of knowledge. After the crucifixion comes the resurrection, you rise to a new level of ascension. This process can be interrupted by various initiations, even more painful than crucifixion, since you have to part with everything that you considered valuable to yourself. This tests the degree of your attachment to your ego.

Each person has their own path. If in a past life, as a different person, you have already gone through similar tests, your soul can free you from going through the same path again.

Gabriel facilitates your resurrection during the ascension rite and is present at the ascension ceremony that takes place in the inner realms.

Archangel Gabriel controls the fourth ray, and his associate - the Ascended Teacher of Shambhala, aka Paul of Venice - is responsible for the emerald side of the fourth ray. His task is to elevate art and music to the empirical realms so that people fully understand the intention of the artist or musician. He collaborates harmoniously with Archangel Gabriel for the emergence of new cosmic concepts of art, emanating from both the human and angelic perspectives.

When you give vent to your base desires, conflicts and clashes occur. Higher waveforms always lead to harmony.

People of the fourth ray are architects, builders, musicians, artists, spiritual leaders of various kinds; Archangel Gabriel illuminates the path for all of them.

The energy of the fourth ray is felt most strongly on Friday - it is on this day that you should turn to Archangel Gabriel, trying to join his energy.

Gabriel helps those living on Earth develop the root chakra. On the physical level, that is, the level of three dimensions, it is distinguished by the color red and is responsible for your survival on the planet. When the development of this chakra reaches the fourth dimension, it turns into pearly white, and then thanks to it you live in joy, all the cells of your body are permeated with light. At the fifth dimensional level, the root chakra takes on the color of platinum. In the fifth dimension it becomes holistic and complete, and you become a Teacher and achieve bliss. So you are already fully committed to the path of ascension, and Archangel Gabriel is watching your ascension.

Initially, the root chakra and the sacral center, located in the abdominal cavity and responsible for the emotional state and sexual life, were combined. However, now they are distinguished, but the development of both is controlled by the Archangel Gabriel.

Gabriel, the angel of childbirth, is always present when appearing on Earth new soul. Ask him to bless all newborns. I once spoke with a very sensible and thoughtful nurse, and she confirmed that many of her colleagues saw angels during childbirth. Remember: it was Gabriel who told Mary that she would Mother of God.

Archangel Gabriel inspired Mohammed to found Islam.

Your actions

Mentally direct the angels of Purity and Guidance on the true path - to spread Light among the inhabitants of the Earth who are in melancholy and despondency.

If you find out that someone is experiencing mental anguish and does not see goals in life, ask Archangel Gabriel to guide him on the true path.

Chapter twenty-five


The powerful archangel Raphael is the angel of Healing, Abundance, Creativity, Truth and Spiritual insight. His companion is Mary, the mother of Jesus, also known as the queen of angels.

Raphael is endowed with the masculine active creative energy of healing, and Mary is endowed with the feminine energy of care, compassion, righteousness and mercy. She combines maternal affection and protection. Raphael and Maria's support is always provided to doctors, nurses, healers and mothers.

Raphael is responsible for the development of the third eye chakra in people, which is associated with qualities such as insight, intuition, concentration, attentiveness and truthfulness. Raphael helps us develop the inner vision that distinguishes visionaries. He is also the patron angel of the blind.

The work of the third eye is reflected on several levels. Insight, that is, clear vision, is the ability to penetrate beyond the physical shell into the inner world. The third eye sometimes opens after trauma, shock, exhaustion, or alcohol or drug abuse. In such cases, a person gains the ability to penetrate with his gaze into the lower astral dimensions. At the frequency of that level there are negative energy, evil spirits, evil thoughts and feelings. Overall, such experiences have frightening and destructive consequences. Psychiatric hospitals are filled with people whose third eye opened at this level. When a misfortune happens to you, you need to close the chakra, and then mentally ascend and call on Archangel Raphael for help, asking for healing.

However, in cases when your third eye opens too quickly and you are “thrown” into the higher spheres, you should exercise prudence and turn to Raphael for help.

Many seers are highly spiritual individuals who have earned their gift through righteous living. However, those who have telepathy are not necessarily spiritual. The ability of clairvoyance, not supported by spiritual wealth, is a double-edged sword, since it will only give power, but not wisdom.

People often try to develop the gift of foresight, considering it a sign of self-improvement. In fact, the ability to foresight is associated only with the opening of another petal of your third eye. How you use the information you receive is much more important for your development than the ability to see the future. Ask Archangel Raphael to help you develop in the right direction.

On a truly spiritual path, intuition sharpens, that is, the ability to listen to the inner voice of wisdom associated with universal wisdom. Compared to clairvoyance, intuition requires a higher frequency. The owner of this quality needs to reduce the vibration of his third eye for the sake of clairvoyance. Intuitive knows and the gift of foresight has for him secondary importance.

The ultimate goal of developing the third eye chakra is to reunite with the eye of Horus, that is, the spiritual eye hidden from most people behind the seven veils of delusion. In other words, you need to go through the path of reunification with the Divine world, after which you will become a true prophet or seer. It is at this stage that the presence of angels, supreme guides and Teachers is revealed to you. You won't necessarily see them, but you will be aware of their existence.

At certain periods of my life I became clairvoyant. Such an experience is incredibly exciting and leaves incomparable impressions, although at first I was filled with fear, rage, guilt and other emotions that took possession of me on the lower levels of the astral plane. Along with the beautiful, I saw frightening things. Trying to cleanse myself, I abandoned the abilities that had opened up in me in order to touch the higher spheres where angels live. Now I extremely rarely “see” and understand that if the need arises, this or that knowledge will be revealed to me one way or another. I'm just now I know.

I like to be in the company of clairvoyants, because I know what they see. Once, on a live radio broadcast, I was enthusiastically telling something, and suddenly the presenter interrupted me with a question about what his angel looked like. I had to admit that I don’t see him, but I know for sure: he is the purest white and stands on his right BACK, shining light on his charge. I also added that the angel always helps him in his work. My interlocutor was completely delighted.

Anne Hogan, a clairvoyant from birth, and also a healer, took part in that program with me.

Ann then confirmed to the presenter that behind his back there really is an angel of the purest white color who helps him in everything. She also noted that the angel surrounds our friend with incredible love and beauty.

Archangel Raphael is the angel of Abundance. The third eye controls similar abilities - concentration and vision. Responsible for attention and the ability to concentrate left hemisphere brain, while the right is responsible for imaginative vision. By completely focusing on your deepest desire and imagining it figuratively, you can make it come true. Raphael helps you concentrate and create an object in the form of a visible image. By calling on the archangel for help, you are ideally helping to create abundance on the planet.

Raphael operates through the fifth ray, in close contact with the teacher Hilarian, associated with the orange vibration. The fifth ray patronizes science, knowledge and research. At one level it is a ray of consciousness, but when it reaches the highest mental body, that is, the abode of the soul, it acquires the quality of ideal love. The heavenly rulers of this ray help you find the truth.

Archangel Raphael controls the power of the emerald ray of the heart. Its healing energy is aimed at resolving unpleasant situations that lead to unhealthy feelings. It also strengthens the power of love, which is equal to health.

Helena Dodds advertised my workshops in South Africa and we became friends. Before we met, she listened to a tape with my lectures and exercises. During meditation, Helena went to the abode of the Archangel Raphael because she was tormented by a severe cough.

A terrible pain tormented my chest, as if needles were piercing my throat. Helena needed angelic healing.

She later emailed me and admitted that she had never experienced anything like this in her life. She listened to the tape and felt incredible warmth in her hands. Helena put her hands to her chest and throat, and the cough immediately disappeared. According to her, that energy created a stunning impression, it simply saved her.

Later that day, Helena's cousin came to stay and they chatted on the veranda. Helena told her sister about her meditation, and when she finished, she saw a white feather on the path in the yard. Helena swears that the only birds in the area are black drongos.

At night or during meditation, direct your spirit to the spiritual abode of Archangel Raphael, located in Fatima, Portugal, and an amazing light will descend upon you.

This is the story I heard about Archangel Raphael’s response to my mother’s prayer from Wendy Goodchild, a psychic and healer. From the age of three, her son Zach was tormented by enzyme deficiency: the child suffered from pain in the intestines, was severely exhausted, was plagued by infections and had a persistent fever. The attacks always ended in the intensive care unit. In short, Zach was seriously ill.

A few years ago, Wendy decided to no longer rely on doctors. She resorted to her psychic abilities, alternative therapy and prayers. “It took enormous faith,” Wendy admits in a letter, “not to call an ambulance: Zach had all his previous symptoms again.

Zach was lying on my bed having another seizure, and my maternal instinct was telling me that something terrible was about to happen again. A feeling of panic grew. I treated him a little, but did not achieve the desired result. Holding Zach's hands, I told him to call Raphael for help. Zach fell asleep, and I continued to pray.

Suddenly I felt the room fill with warmth and a very active vibrating green light. My mind was in amazing peace.

My second son looked into the room. He snorted:

Ugh, it’s so hot here,” and immediately left.

The green light gradually disappeared as I smoothly stroked the air around Zach. Within twenty minutes my child was frolicking in the garden.

Zach no longer experienced bouts of serious illness.”

Archangel Raphael's day is Wednesday, therefore, by meditating or calling on him on Wednesday, you will achieve a special effect.

Your actions

If people around you are “blind” and do not see spiritual truths, ask Archangel Raphael to open their eyes so that they can see the higher knowledge and true greatness of the Universe.

Chapter twenty-six


Mary was incarnated as the divine feminine in different eras. In Atlantis she was considered the ruler of healing crystals, in Mesopotamia - the lunar goddess Ishtar, in Egypt - the goddess Isis, who supported converts in temples. In Greece she was Diana - the goddess of the Moon and Nature. However, Mary is best known and revered as the mother of Christ.

Mary is the Divine companion of the Archangel Raphael, the queen of angels, bringing compassion and love. She gives healing and love to everyone, especially babies and children.

Connected with Mary is bright blue healing, in the midst of which she appears to many mortals in order to give them faith and hope.

Several years ago, Our Lady appeared to me when I was healing my daughter Lauren, who was a very sick girl as a child. From Mary I learned that a mother's aura is usually blue and it envelops the child, healing, nourishing and protecting him. Lauren was in the hospital for a long time, so she didn't get that blue light. Maria has arrived to infuse Lauren's aura with the necessary energy to at least heal the trauma sustained in early childhood.

Since then, Maria has always accompanied me at seminars, bestowing her miraculous energy for healing illnesses stemming from childhood and infancy. It flies smoothly through the audience, sometimes touching listeners and filling their auras with its amazing blue light.

Many healers and doctors told me that Mary helps them while working with patients.

The thought that you and the child in your womb are wrapped in Mary’s blue cloak gives an absolutely incredible impression. Whether you realize it or not, you always call on Mary for help, and with her appearance the healing process begins.

Just think about Mary and she will be there, surrounding you with love, healing energy and compassion. For several centuries, Mary offered her help to humanity, but we were not ready to accept it. And now our task is to show receptivity to the opportunities that Our Lady gives.

When you pray for yourself or someone else, sometimes miracles happen. Here is an example from life.

Barbara was in the hospital, she had to have a minor operation. The surgeon started work at 14.30.

Suddenly an emergency situation occurred. While removing the tonsils of a two-year-old baby, the surgeon touched the carotid artery. She started gushing blood, but there was no blood in the bank for a transfusion.

The girl's mother almost went crazy. Grandfather was banging his head against the wall. Barbara quietly waited her turn next to them and prayed for the child. And just when hope began to fade, she saw the Mother of God approach the child.

There was complete silence, and the girl’s heart stopped pumping out blood.

Everyone understood that the child would be fine. And the baby really recovered.

The power of prayer cannot be underestimated. Sincere, quiet and simple prayer, prompted by compassion, will call the queen of angels, and she will certainly work a miracle.

Maria shows the greatest compassion for teenagers, especially those who see no meaning in life. Many teenagers who abuse drugs and alcohol to numb their pain are actually soul seekers. Behind their antisocial behavior lies a frenzied desire for the elusive highest form existence.

Healer Wendy Goodchild always relies on the power of the ray of compassion. Her fifteen-year-old son, John, caught the virus one day and was sent to the hospital for blood tests and admitted to the adult ward. On the next bed lay a young man who had been pumped out after an overdose. He was about nineteen years old, he screamed, struggled and behaved very rudely with the nurses. He suffered from internal pain because his mother was constantly depressed, and the boy had problems with his father. bad relationship.

Wendy healed her son, and then took out her psychic pendulum, wanting to know something. The young man in the next bed was clearly intrigued. He asked Wendy to explain what she was doing. Wendy answered all his questions in detail, and then he wanted to try dowsing himself. Wendy first suggested that he take up meditation and try healing methods.

The young man widened his eyes in surprise, and, having calmed down, agreed. After a little meditation, he woke up and said that he had heard the name Michael. Wendy explained to him that it was about the Archangel Michael, who blessed him and indicated that it was time to free himself from all burdensome bonds. Now we must move forward. Together they turned to Mikhail to cut off all the bonds.

After this, the young man opened his eyes again and said that he had heard the name Maria. Wendy explained to him that Our Lady had come to give him healing and love. Then, for some time, they surrendered to the energy they received, and then the young man opened his eyes again - they emitted light.

Together they laughed at the fact that the sensations he experienced were much cheaper than the drugs he was used to.

The next day the nurse said to Wendy:

I don't know what you did with it, but I want to thank you. Now he's just a good boy.

Your actions

If you feel that the child in the womb is in pain, ask Our Lady to wrap mother and child in her blue cloak and calm them down.

Visualize the newborns wrapped in Mary's blue cloak.

Chapter twenty seven


Angels are God's healers. They are filled with love, compassion, mercy and grace. Since angels are creatures of high-frequency spheres, their influence on us can be very strong.

Angels heal in three ways. Sometimes they touch you and thereby trigger your own self-healing mechanism. It also happens that they eliminate the psychological and mental hindrances that caused the disease. In such situations, the disease goes away on its own.

From time to time the angels use the power of the ray of mercy, and then it happens miraculous healing. However, they work miracles only if it benefits you. When your soul needs a lesson and it is expressed in the form of illness, the heavenly powers will not deprive you of the opportunity to gain such an experience.

Susan Seddon was devastated when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The night before she went to the hospital for surgery, Susie lay on her stomach, overcome by acute loneliness. She really wanted someone to hug her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw some kind of haze and thought that something was burning somewhere. Slowly Susie rolled over onto her back and sniffed. To her amazement, the entire room was illuminated with bright light. Little angels with wings floated everywhere, surrounded by a shell of light. They filled Susan with love, joy and bliss. The fear left Susie and never returned.

Now she is completely healthy, and a meeting with angels has led to Susie practicing healing and comforting her neighbors. She is able to free a person from fears, just as the angels once freed her.

If the angels have helped us once, you become a bearer of Light that helps, comforts and heals others

Healing angels have a great sense of compassion. They will definitely hear your prayers and, if heavenly law allows, they will always help you.

Jess's friend fell from his horse and suffered a serious head injury. Devoted Jess went to see him at the hospital several times a week. It was as if he had been replaced, and the doctors predicted that he would never recover. One day, after visiting a friend again, Jess got into the car and uttered words coming from the depths of her soul:

Well, please, let everything be fine with him.

Suddenly a smiling angel appeared to her. At that moment, Jess realized that her friend would pull through, but she didn’t tell anyone about it. She knew for sure that everything would work out, and contrary to all forecasts, her friend recovered.

Never lose hope. Believe in the recovery of any person. God's providence and faith will work miracles.

Angels of healing are not limited to healing. As the following story shows, they help keep you in the right state. In other words, the angels will do whatever is required for you.

A friend's son dove into a pond and hit his head on the rocky bottom. His spine was broken in three places at the base of his neck. His mother and sister sat by his hospital bed, fearing the worst. And then a huge golden-colored angel appeared in the room and sat down at the boy’s head. Mother and sister, seeing him, gained confidence that everything would be all right.

The boy's neck was fixed for twelve weeks. The mother was told that the spine was broken at the very top and the slightest movement would lead to either death or lifelong paralysis. However, the child still made a full recovery. And the mother and her sister saw the angel sitting at the boy’s head twice more.

When calling on angels of healing, always say exactly what you need. I became convinced at one of the seminars that it is a specific request that is important. One of the listeners suffered from gumboil. She had had similar problems in the past and had taken antibiotics every now and then. At night she felt so bad that she could not sleep. In the end, the woman turned to the angels with a request to relieve her of pain. Very soon the pain passed, and our friend fell asleep. The next day, her face was still swollen, although the pain had disappeared. Gradually over the course of the chances. I can’t even stand up because of my terrible arthritis.”

However, having received healing from the angels thanks to her partner, she easily got up and did not feel any pain.

In the evening, Patricia went to bed with the thought of tomorrow's healing day. At midnight it woke up and she couldn't go back to sleep. Finally, Patricia turned to the angels: “Please help me sleep so that I can gain strength for tomorrow.”

She fell asleep immediately, and when she woke up, she saw a white feather on her thigh. For the first time in months, Patricia felt no pain. The need for surgery did not disappear, but Patricia knew for sure that she would recover, since she had received the blessing of the angels.

Whatever healing you need, always turn to the angels. They will definitely help you.

Your actions

Sit in front of a beautiful bowl, nestled in the room with with a candle. Light a candle and write the names of those who need healing. It doesn't matter whether you are familiar with them or not. After writing the names and placing the pieces of paper in the bowl, imagine an absolutely healthy person and ask the angels to help the suffering for the sake of the highest good. Remember: angels never act contrary to free will.

After a week, collect all the names and burn them, prayerfully thanking the angels for what they have done. If there are no physical changes, it means that healing occurred on an emotional, mental or spiritual level. Firmly believe that the angels did their best within the limits of Divine law.

Chapter twenty-eight


Archangel Uriel is a powerful angel who commands the angels of the world. His Divine ally is Aurora: together with her they direct the action of the purple-gold ray. The latter is also known as the ruby ​​ray. The color purple symbolizes the energy of transformation and forgiveness. It includes a purple hue as a reflection of pure spirit, as well as red - the color of action, and that is why it encourages spiritual service. The color gold means wisdom.

Archangel Uriel is responsible for the development of the solar plexus chakra in people. At the level of the third dimension, it is distinguished by the color yellow, which contains knowledge, but, in addition to it, also your fears. The solar plexus is a powerful receiver and transmitter of psychic impulses. It is through this center that you tune into danger, communicate with loved ones, and perceive collective fears and disasters. This is why sensitive people feel tension in the solar plexus area.

Uriel constantly helps us develop the solar plexus chakra so that it evolves from yellow knowledge to the golden color of wisdom. Then your fears will be dissipated, and you will become invulnerable to new phobias, both individual and general. You will reconnect with the wisdom of your soul. After this stage, Uriel will help you expand your chakra so that it absorbs universal wisdom. And then you will become a sage.

The sixth ray, with which Uriel is associated, is the ray of devotion and idealism. The lowest forms of its influence are religious organizations and dogmas, and the highest are pure spirituality, uniting all religions and everything that is beyond them.

Ask Uriel to grant you insight, clarity, and foresight, especially when you need to understand others' motives or hidden agendas.

Jesus Christ, or Samanda, is also a representative of the sixth ray. Its side is indigo colored. Together with Uriel, Samanda strives to develop humanity's sense of compassion, mercy and righteousness. Both Uriel and Sananda lovingly care for us, setting an example of selfless service. They guide those who yearn to associate with God through devotional service. Uriel and Sananda at all times encourage a sense of brotherhood, unity and encourage cooperation.

I receive many letters in which people share their despair, listing all their fears, misfortunes and problems. On the way to another seminar, I was driving one day and thinking about these letters, when suddenly Sananda appeared to me and said:

You should not indulge these stories about misfortunes, doubts, fears and other negative emotions. Let them share with you their hopes and dreams, their plans and projects, and then my angels will definitely help you realize them.

Your thoughts greatly influence the solar plexus. Yellow is the color of thinking, the color of consciousness. The third eye is associated with the color indigo, that is, the color of the sixth ray. As the third eye chakra develops and purifies, it becomes bright golden and then almost transparent, while the solar plexus takes on the color of gold.

Hazel Courtney, a psychic and author of healing works, wrote an amazing book called Divine Intervention. In one of her articles she analyzed my work and then kindly agreed to collaborate with me. First, we photographed her aura - it turned out to be beautiful pink color, that is, the colors of love and compassion. Then we held hands. The archangel Uriel appeared and cleared Hazel's solar plexus of former fears. After the session, we took another photo: this time Hazel's aura was filled with the blue color of spirituality, and a bright golden light emanated from the solar plexus. Archangel Uriel filled her aura with wisdom.

The energy of Archangel Uriel affects the Earth most strongly on Thursday - it is on this day that it is better to meditate and ask Uriel for help.

You can turn to Uriel with a request for a new impulse necessary to achieve a goal in any area of ​​your life. Many entrepreneurs turn to Uriel for precisely this reason. Social workers, civil servants, farmers, missionaries and idealistic lawyers also work under his patronage. In addition, Uriel takes care of writers.

The spiritual abode of the Archangel Uriel is located in the Tatra Mountains, in Slovakia. Before going to bed, I always consider it necessary to ask to be sent there in order to relieve my fears. After such requests, I dream about my past, and such dreams mean that the old energy is still in the solar plexus.

Angels always act in mysterious ways, incomprehensible to us. My friend David, an entrepreneur and spiritual teacher, offered to provide me with financial well-being and give me the opportunity to earn a lot of money. I went to spend the weekend with him and his girlfriend.

Before going to bed, I asked Archangel Uriel to rid me of my previous financial worries overnight. The next morning I woke up, remembering how in a dream my solar plexus was cleared of all fears and obstacles. I knew something important was about to happen.

Later that day, David and I went for a walk to the beach. A black cloud hung over us, a downpour poured in, and the car could not move, although there was light very close by bright sun. Then we wrote down our plans on paper, and then turned to the angels with a request that they confirm the correctness of our intentions. And then something incredible happened.

On the way back we stopped at traffic lights every now and then. At one of these stops, David's brother caught up with us. While sitting in their cars, David and his brother opened the windows to say hello and, to David's amazement, his brother threw him an envelope containing a thousand pounds.

A smile appeared on David's face.

I believe this is a sign sent by the angels - we will definitely get rich! - David exclaimed.

Angels of peace always send a calming light to situations filled with anger.

Petra was sitting calmly at home one day when she suddenly saw a violent crowd in Bosnia - it happened during the unrest there. Pictures appeared in the front hall, as clear as if they had been shown on TV. To her amazement, Petra then saw a white angel with beautiful wings: he enveloped the crowd in light, trying to calm it down.

Until that moment, Petra knew nothing about angels, but after that she had no doubt about their existence.

Your actions

Every time you think with compassion about an unfortunate person, a bad situation, a distressed territory, you create a bridge of light along which the angels will reach the desired object if you ask them to do so.

Get a world map. Place burning candles at points of conflict, and then direct Archangel Uriel and his angels of peace to correct the situation and calm the people living in the indicated place.

Chapter twenty-nine


Several years ago, angels of peace appeared before me. They were luminous, creamy white creatures with light wings. They radiated complete peace and tranquility.

The angels of peace have commanded me to convey the following message to those who are willing to listen:

Peace must be established everywhere, and for this purpose every person should give up the struggle for power. Peace is a recognition of the strength of the spirit; it does not force you to prove that you are better than others.

Then the angels suggested that each of us set aside a peaceful corner in our home, that is, a place where we could indulge in thoughts of peace. It can be an ordinary chair, but you should approach it only when your thoughts are organized and dedicated to the world. From this small space, peace will spread throughout your entire home, protecting it. I spoke in detail about the meeting with the angels of the world in the book “Let's Talk a Little About Angels.”

The mother of a thirteen-year-old girl once told me that she constantly quarrels with her husband, just like her two sons. Her daughter read my book and decided to create a peaceful corner in the house. She chose a stupa and sat on it every day with thoughts of reconciliation, asking the angels of the world for help. According to the mother, the result of the girl’s efforts was stunning. Peace reigned throughout the house. The brothers stopped quarreling and became friends, and all the troubles between her and her husband were resolved.

Since then, peace in their family can be felt as soon as you enter the house, and everyone tries to sit at least a little on that chair.

You can create a peaceful corner in your city or village - and then the angels of peace will create a center of peace in this place, affecting everyone who passes by. You will achieve a much greater effect by inviting friends for this purpose.

You should also contact the angels of peace if you have a need for inner peace, for example, when you want to get rid of fears, anger, or restore hope that has almost disappeared. Angels will help you in practical resolution of any problems related to relationships with others, and will also help you support others.

Call on Uriel and his angels of peace, and they will try to restore peace where there is war, where there is conflict, to bring justice to where lawlessness reigns.

Like other messengers of Light, the angels of the world are eager to help you, but according to Divine law they do not dare to do this until you ask them. This is the story one lady told me on the phone.

The father whom she loved very much died, and she was overcome by despair. The lady had no idea how she would cope with the funeral. Before going to bed, completely desperate, it asked the angels for help. In her sleep, she dreamed of an angel and heard hymns singing nearby. The lady was overcome by a feeling of complete peace, which did not leave her until the funeral.

Angels often sing over you when you sleep. At your request, they can do this much more often. This type of music has healing qualities and fills you with peace.

Many people have a victim mentality. They consider themselves helpless, powerless, surround themselves with the appropriate energy and, as a result, are actually exposed to various misfortunes, become unhappy and depressed. By feeling sorry for such victims, you rid them of negative energy. The strength of your thoughts and feelings weakens it.

Cruel, aggressive, and tyrannical people feel lonely, unloved, and always dissatisfied with themselves. They take power away from others in order to feel good about themselves. When faced with a person's hostility or anger, you turn away from him. These qualities close your heart and make benevolent, and indeed any

relationship is impossible. Aggressive people are very sensitive to criticism and dissatisfaction towards them. They also close their hearts when someone judges them, and thus the possibility of communication is blocked.

Despotic individuals unconsciously seek out those who allow themselves to be treated as victims, who want to feel helpless. Victims are subconsciously drawn to despots, wanting to be humiliated. Everyone takes an appropriate position to discover their own worth, self-confidence, individual strength and capacity to love.

The same thing is happening at the global level. When we learn from the press about various horrors, oppressions and wars, we are filled with compassion for the oppressed and anger towards the oppressors, but collective condemnation prevents us from finding the right way out. Our general will only contributes to the growth of the problem.

The teacher never judges someone else's incarnation. He realizes that both camps are in the process of learning, which is given in the only available way. He looks beyond the fight and imagines the participants free from the shackles of hostility and aggressiveness, calling on the angels to heal them. The Teacher looks for the greatness of God's souls in people. By peering into your neighbor, you bring him back to life.

A teacher will never stand by and watch someone suffer, will never reconcile with genocide. Having seen the torment of the victim, he, refraining from condemnation, will definitely protect the weak, and then try to help both the persecuted and the persecutor.

All together and each individually, we have the power that, with the support of the angels, is capable of establishing peace on Earth.

How to create an altar of peace

Cover a small table or chest with a tablecloth.

You can place a candle, incense, crystals, flowers, feathers, or a photo of your loved ones on it to enhance the vibration.

Find a beautiful vase and place it on the altar as well. It will become an angel's vase.

With love, write out the names of those whom the angels of the world should embrace with their wings.

Place the paper with the names in the angel vase and trust that the angels will help them.

The vase can be released if you think that everything is now in order.

Your actions How to create a corner of the world

Choose a place in your home where you can indulge in thoughts of peace.

Ask the angels of peace to fill your home with their energy.

Mentally instill the idea of ​​reconciliation in people, thereby creating a bridge through which the angels can bring peace to the conflicting parties.

Chapter Thirty


The powerful archangel Zadkiel leads the angels of Mercy, Joy and Transformation. He is also considered the angel of freedom.

His fiery companion Amethyst represents the feminine side of the violet ray, which promotes change through forgiveness, compassion and mercy. Amethyst crystal - the symbolic quintessence of the violet ray, is considered the stone of Aquarius, or New Age.

After you turn to Archangel Zadkiil, he, giving you strength, will arouse in you the desire to free yourself from negative feelings and limitations. If you are eager to forgive yourself or others, the angels of the violet ray will always come to the rescue, eliminate the causes of problems and clear all karma. Ask for energy that strengthens tolerance in order to be diplomatic in difficult situations. Archangel Zadkiel helps improve your Zadkiel and Amethyst - angels the seventh ray, associated with ceremonial and magic, thanks to this ray there is spirituality in the physical world, the heavens interact with the Earth.

An underdeveloped personality under the influence of the seventh ray exhibits superstition, intolerance, pride and narrow-mindedness. The highest forms of influence of the ray give confidence in one’s abilities, broaden one’s horizons, endow one with tolerance and the ability to tune in to harmonious cooperation with the Lord. The seventh ray patronizes leaders, diplomats and royalty.

I remember an amazing seminar in Ireland that left me with a feeling of joy. The Irish are noted for their ability to telepathy, and some of my listeners, according to them, saw how angels of joy looked after me on stage and accompanied me throughout the day.

The spiritual abode of the archangel Zadki is located in Cuba. Zadkiel develops the soul chakra in people, which is located above the head and connects you with the higher self, that is, the soul. He helps every inhabitant of our planet to improve, awakening individuality and reuniting him with spiritual energy.

Archangel Zadkiel acts in collaboration with Saint Germain, that is, the Kohan of the seventh ray. By harmonious agreement, many people meditated and prayed for the development of consciousness on the planet, which led to the emergence of a powerful light that helped St. Germain turn to the Source of the commandments to help us. The Lord gave us the violet flame of transformation, which eliminates negative vibrations at the request of a person. Anyone can take advantage of this opportunity - you just have to ask.

Violet fire is so powerful that many people use it to heal their physical bodies, heal their souls, build relationships, find true beliefs, and resolve the deepest problems of their souls. It literally burns out the cause of the obstacle and transforms negative vibration into positive.

As many people have achieved a certain enlightenment of consciousness, the silver ray of mercy and harmony has reunited with the violet flame of compassion and transformation. The resulting flame now contains different vibrations - from pale lilac, mauve and silver to dark purple.

As long as you rely on the power of the silver-violet flame, the color violet affects the shape of your aura and high-frequency vibrations of spirituality emanate from you. At one of the seminars we did exercises to get rid of problems by sending silver-violet fire to various people. One of the participants took photographs of her aura during the break. It turned out that it was filled with a wonderful vibrating purple color. According to the woman, in previous photographs the aura was yellow or red. Yellow means the energy of thinking, logical work. Red is an indicator of stress.

The exercise done at the seminar briefly changed the color of that lady's aura. If you constantly work with silver-violet fire and accompanying high-frequency energies, spiritual colors will become a permanent coloring of your aura. In this case, you will attract highly spiritual people.

When I began to call upon the angels of violet fire, for a moment it seemed to my listeners that my hair had turned purple. They saw the light surrounding me.

The Ray of Zadkiel impacts the Earth most strongly on Saturday.

If you're in the mood for a cleanse, it's helpful to think of the colors violet, lilac, silver, and lilac. With their help, you can get rid of anger or other negative emotions, cleanse yourself of previous relationships or events that haunted you in childhood or in past incarnations.

Two elderly sisters have been feuding for several decades. They hated each other. One, bedridden, lived in a nursing home. It seemed that the woman had no reason left to cling to life, but hatred kept her in this world - all her relatives knew that the sisters could not live without each other. Although they had not met for several years, the woman was unable to leave for another world until her physical body decomposed or the bonds that connected her were broken.

The daughter of one of the sisters painted both old women inside a silver-violet flame - only then did a transformation of energy take place, and the terminally ill sister returned home to the Lord.

We can ask for a silver-violet flame to burn in front of us throughout the day and that’s it. Your actions underwent purification. In this way, the events you experience will have a positive impact on you, and you yourself will not be affected by someone else’s energy.

Silver violet light can also be used to treat pain in various parts of the body. It has incredible liberating and healing powers. One day I was walking near the top of a cliff and calling upon a silvery-violet flame. From time to time I thought about a friend who was being operated on for a breast tumor at that moment.

Later, when I called her on the phone, I found out that she saw a violet light around her. The doctor told her that the tumor was discovered on time and that everything would be fine with her now.

When you say “I AM,” you acknowledge that your Divine Self is associated with a certain property or person. These are the phrases I received from Archangel Zadkiel - they will help you fully reconnect with the silver-violet flame.

I AM the silver-violet flame

I AM the flame of mercy

I AM the flame of joy

I AM the flame of transformation

I AM Saint Germain

I AM Archangel Zadkiel

By saying “I AM Saint Germaine”, “I AM Archangel Zadkiel”, you acknowledge that your Divine Self is now completely aligned with Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel, receiving their energy that you can realize in your life.

Having received energy and strength with the help of these phrases, you will see how your life changes, how the conscious and unconscious negative atmosphere disappears, and grace comes to replace it.

Your actions

This exercise can be done while meditating, walking, or just standing in line.

Summon silver-violet flames. Imagine how it surrounds you, eliminating all negative vibrations.

Visualize a person, place or situation that is subject to disharmony and surround it with silver-violet flame. Continue until you feel cleansing occurs.

Imagine how a silvery-violet flame surrounds the planet, burning all the debris.

Finish by saying, “I AM the silver-violet flame,” as many times as you can.

Chapter thirty one


When you take an oath at any ceremony: a wedding, confirmation, or initiation into a religion, sect or brotherhood, the angels help you keep your promise. If you were baptized as an infant, the vow is made on your behalf, and angels are called upon to ensure its fulfillment.

When children play at a wedding or pretend to be some kind of ceremony, with the right energy, the angels always respond to this and treat the children’s words as a sacred oath. On a spiritual level, children are bound by a vow. Only occasionally do people remember playing weddings and making promises. Usually in childhood a person links his destiny with his friend. Often promises concern casual acquaintances, which further enhances the energy of attachment. I remember one woman could not get married, and when she was released from her childhood promises, she felt free and got married.

Treaties that come into force through established ritual also fall into this category. As well as the oath of allegiance, and contracts of a certain kind.

Time moves quickly now, and people live several lives in one, without breaking promises regarding previous marriages, religions or professional circumstances. A wedding is a ceremony. A divorce is a piece of paper with signatures that does not release the energy of the first agreement. In other words, many people cannot move forward, held back by outdated spiritual bonds that are watched over by angels.

It is very important to get rid of such vows, contracts and oaths, freeing yourself for a new full life. In earlier times, vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and silence were taken. Many swore allegiance, that they would engage in charity, giving away all their property. Sometimes they take vows of asceticism, submission or repentance. If you do not free yourself from all obligations before death, they will affect your next existence.

When someone curses you in this life or another, the curse will be embedded in your energy system. Of course, a curse during a ritual, for example when needles are stuck into your figurine, has enormous destructive power both for its object and for the initiator. Therefore, control your thoughts and words. By cursing someone who offended you or, say, robbed you, you find yourself tied to the person for the entire time until the curse is lifted. Mothers and fathers who curse an unwanted child condemn the soul of the unborn creature to captivity. People don't even realize how quickly this happens, because they shout angry words in anger, in an unbalanced state. Energy is wasted due to feelings of guilt. It is much better to get rid of curses and forgive yourself.

An implant of any kind is also a type of curse. It binds you to the energy of the donor and both of you become doomed. Sometimes aliens place implants in people to obtain information about our physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual sensations. Such implants must be removed. In Atlantis, which lived in low-frequency vibrations, people abused technology. Wanting to subjugate others, they implanted control panels into slaves so that they could be easily controlled by their masters. If you were a ruler or a slave then, you are still bound by those bonds, and this connection affects your consciousness.

Angels and Ascended Masters will gladly help you free your energy system from any vows, oaths, covenants and curses. This is who you should contact to request this.

Lord Kumeka, Teacher of Light and Kohan of the eighth aquamarine ray of purification, is endowed with great power and is able to release from vows.

Vivamus is the higher self of Sanata Kumara, oversees your ascension and has great power.

Djual Kul, collaborating with Kuthumi. Kohan of the second ray, helped bring Ellis Bailey's books into existence, and devotedly serves everyone on our planet.

Archangel Michael and his hosts of angels are able to deliver us from black energy.

An effective way to get rid of previous vows is an instruction. A spell is cast to awaken your unconscious, whereas a directive is much more powerful. It is a kind of order from the Universe, coming from a position of strength. The instruction will be given once, because thanks to its power it causes the forces of the Universe to respond.

When pronouncing an order, you must stand with your shoulders squared and your head held high, speak loudly and authoritatively.

I offer you an introduction that will effectively clear the energy around you.


I forgive everyone who has ever offended me, hurt me or cursed me. I ask you to forgive people known and unknown to me. I also ask you to forgive those whom I have offended, hurt or cursed.

I appeal to the law of petition, subject to mercy. Let it spread to all situations, circumstances and events of my present life and all previous existences.


I now call on Lord Kumeka, the Kohan of the eighth ray, Vivamus, Djual Kul and the mighty Archangel Michael to deliver me from my former vows.


In the name of God and all Light, by the law of mercy, I now command that all oaths, curses, agreements, oaths and implants made by me or brought to me be annulled or removed, whether they pertain to this life or another, to all parallel lives to To the universes, to all my bodies. I order that the angels, called to deliver from vows, get to work. I'm absolutely free.

This must be repeated three times.

That's it, the instructions are done.

It is also very helpful to do meditation and a release ceremony.

Your actions

Command the release of families, countries and all humanity from burdensome vows and curses.

Example. In the name of the Lord and the whole Light, by the law of mercy, I now order that all vows, curses, contracts and oaths that do not allow moving forward (name a family, city or country) be annulled. I order that the angels, called to deliver from vows, get to work.

Repeat this three times.

That's it, the appeal is over.

Chapter thirty two


You are much more complex than you think. Only part of your soul is on Earth. Many people are actually Teachers in the inner realms, and their life path will be greatly enriched if they fully identify with their true Self.

I don't allow random people penetrate my energy fields. A healing procedure, massage or other form of bodily energy exchange is an extremely intimate phenomenon.

However, when I met Susie Anthony and she offered me a special healing session, I was overcome with joy. After the session I felt great.

Susie told me that she had a spiritual director assist her during the procedure. This was the Thirty-third Stage Teacher, possessing incredible strength and power.

Later she described him in more detail, not forgetting about his appearance and the names of the territories with which he is associated, as well as his tasks. This information amazed me - this is how they talk about a close friend! I then laughed and exclaimed:

Yes, this is not a spiritual mentor, but a friend. Susie nodded, noting:

It is worth noting that I twice saw the glow of his “golden figure” and twice told him that he was a powerful teacher. Later it turned out that he had heard the same thing from others. It seems to me that he himself began to guess who he really was.

You, too, can act in the inner spheres as a wise teacher. By realizing your true Self, you will bestow your strength and light on the Earth.

Katherine realized her true purpose as she grew older. One day an angel named Aqua La-A Wa-La appeared to her. He said that she would have to heal the oceans and human souls. “The color of aquamarine enveloped my entire being,” writes Katherine, “and expanded my consciousness so much that it was as if I had my feet on the Earth and my head reaching other galaxies.”

Catherine's life mission on Earth became healing, while her huge soul had to devote itself to healing the oceans and other people's feelings.

Aqua is water, that is, an element associated with emotions. Marin is a sea or ocean. How wonderful that aquamarine is Katherine's color.

Catherine Seiler sent me excerpts from her journal containing interesting observations about our true selves and living multiple lives at once. The children of the stars who have incarnated on Earth, that is, aliens from other galaxies and universes, are now helping us rise to the new level consciousness.

I always enjoy reading Katherine's posts as my mentor Kumeka reiterates that Archangel Metatron operates from another universe. In general, there are twelve universes, as I wrote about in the previous book, “On Ascension.”

Katherine's diary begins with the moment after an amazing meditation, “Returning home, I saw a big angel, probably Metatron. And then I heard a voice that said that I was a stranger from the star.

Well, of course,” I answered him.

Before falling asleep, I heard that I belonged to a technically more advanced race, superior to humans in spiritual and emotionally. I agreed to come to planet Earth to explore the spirituality and emotions of earthlings and talk about them to the Council on the planet Urr. I complete my task every evening, but, of course, I don’t remember it exactly - I only have vague images.

That's why Metatron communicates with me: he is an angel from another universe, and he needs to cooperate with me on planet Earth. It is also called the Blue Planet, and that is why I feel so comfortable surrounded by the color blue.

This morning I closed my eyes and saw bright glowing dots. I was told that these were the stars and planets of my native solar system, called Gamita.

I understand almost everything that comes to me from my planet, but I do not know how to translate these messages into the language of Earth.

I should add that on Sunday, on the way to church, I was informed that Gamita is in the eleventh universe, in its seventh quadrant. Of course, I must understand everything, but because of the problems existing on Earth, I am very tired.”

* * *

I have a letter from Susan who also tells how she learned of her true mission.

Susan was in a bad mood and feeling depressed during her flight from Muscat to Abu Dhabi. He tried to relax and imagine something pleasant. “The picture I saw made me fly away, I completely surrendered to the impressions.

My consciousness rushed to the stars, opened up towards space, I realized that intelligent, developed and wise life exists there. I felt the cosmos with my whole being, or rather, I completely dissolved in it. I no longer felt my own body and no longer heard the muttering of the passengers sitting next to me. However, I was not asleep at all, but was still aware that I was flying on an airplane.

My consciousness was surrounded by an absorbing, peaceful ultramarine darkness. Below I saw a small black figure, barely illuminated, as if the light of a torch was falling on it. She aroused my curiosity, and I immediately realized, or rather, someone told me from the darkness, that this was my frightened essence. She was so far away and seemed so tiny, but in earthly life she was my Self. Yes, this thin, black, nervous, exhausted creature was me. Every now and then it spun, turned back and raised its head up, trying to see us, although it could not see anything beyond the darkness spreading above its head. I said “us” because I really felt surrounded by several other invisible people. I felt the compassion and care coming from them.

Why is it so scared? - I asked.

Because it grew up in ignorance, came the answer from the ultramarine darkness. - It's nothing knows.“Poor thing,” I thought. I felt sorry for that creature, and I felt affection for him.

Then, thanks to my bodily sensations, I realized that the plane was landing in Abu Dhabi. I did not want to leave the starry space and the all-encompassing ultramarine cosmos. “No,” I thought, “I don’t want to go back to Earth, I don’t want to part with this feeling of space.”

“Don’t treat the Earth with disdain,” I heard a soft voice, “The Earth is part of all this.”

And then I realized the infinity of the universe, I realized that the Earth is no worse than the stars, it coexists with them. We descended on it as if on one of the cosmodromes. My old human feelings returned to me, and relaxation was combined with the amazing feeling that my recent companions were taking care of me.”

Susan would later write in her diary: “Several times I had experiences of “clairvoyance,” but it was much more complex than just seeing some images. It was as if I went out into the courtyard behind our cottage and looked at the sky, feeling that there were caring people close to me there. But every time a feeling of doubt inspires me that all this is not important, and what I saw becomes only a vague memory.”

In the postscript, Susan admits: “And for ten years now I have been unable to help but take what is happening to me seriously!”

Many of us live and do not know that we are great teachers. I often hear from the most different people that on my website they saw photographs of Ascended Masters who looked like aliens who appeared to them and spoke to them in their dreams. The ascended teachers are our elder brothers. They don't think that they are superior to us in any way, just like you don't think that you are superior to your younger brother: you are just older, that's all.

Your actions

It is quite possible that you have already become a great and wise Ascended Person. Act in accordance with this status, and then your light will touch every person we meet.

During meditation, head towards the stars, other planets, galaxies and universes, bringing love from planet Earth.

Chapter Thirty Three


Each archangel and his fiery companions, associated with the seven first rays, are responsible for the development of a specific chakra. Chakra is an energetic spiritual center. There are seven main chakras.

Animals only have one chakra. The root chakra in humans is divided into root and sacral.

Root and Sacral Chakra - Archangel Gabriel and Hope

Solar Plexus Chakra - Archangel Uriel and Aurora

Heart Chakra - Archangel Chamuel and Mercy Throat Chakra - Archangel Michael and Vera Third Eye Chakra - Archangel Raphael and Mary Crown Chakra - Archangel Jophiel and Christina Soul Chakra Nest - Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst

When you follow the worldly path, your thoughts, words, intentions and actions create a vibration of a certain frequency. You exist on a frequency of three dimensions. The 3D chakras are connected to your celestial body, that is

A copy of your normal body belonging to to the higher World You are a 3D human and your higher chakras reach into your celestial self, which is your soul.

3D chakras:

1. Root: Red, Longevity

2. Sacred: Orange, Emotions and Sexuality

3. Solar Plexus: Yellow, Inner Strength A. Heart: Green, Love and Affection

5. Throat: Turquoise, Communication and Trust

6. Third eye: Indigo, Mental abilities higher order and ability to heal

7. Crown: Purple, Your Soul's Reach

8. Soul Nest: Blue and White, Reconnecting with Your Soul

Chakras surround you above and below. As you develop your consciousness, your thoughts, words, intentions and actions reach a higher level of vibration. The 3D chakras descend to your feet. And their place is taken by new chakras, vibrating at a higher level, that is, at the frequency of four dimensions. Under their influence, you transform into a fourth-dimensional person and take the path of liberation and love. When the main four-dimensional chakra - the violet-white crown chakra - comes into action, your soul, that is, your higher self, merges with your personality. From now on you receive instructions from your monad, which was originally separated from the Origin. This monad is your Divine essence, and it is this that you must realize in your physical life.

Fourth Dimensional Chakras:

9. Root: Pearl, Joy

10. Sacred: Pale orange with pink tints, Balance of masculine and feminine

11. Solar Plexus: Golden, Wisdom

12. Heart: Pale purple with pink tints, Ideal love

13. Throat: Bright blue with purple tints, Spiritual strength and self-control

14. Third Eye: White with golden tints, Divine thinking

15. Crown: Purple with white, Indications of the monad, which is your true Divine essence

When you submit to the action of the ninth - root - chakra, your life is immersed in joy. Spiritual responsibilities increase, and on a galactic level you become the guardian of the Earth.

The tenth chakra is activated when masculine and feminine energies are balanced. You become self-sufficient and are already able to think clearly, draw conclusions, protect yourself and at the same time create creative ideas, develop and heal yourself by listening to the inner voice of wisdom. All this means is a reconnection with the soul, which allows you to achieve solar system and receive higher order information.

Activating the golden wisdom chakra in the solar plexus facilitates group meditations in which you connect with other galaxies, becoming an ambassador for the Earth.

When violet-pink energy penetrates the heart, it becomes spiritualized. On a cosmic level, you become part of the universe.

The bright blue color with purple tints, which distinguishes the throat chakra, allows you to communicate with archangels and heavenly forces, embody ideas in physical form or, conversely, make objects unreal. In addition, at this level you can learn dowsing and supernatural abilities.

When the fourteenth, golden-white chakra opens, your consciousness submits to the divine plan. You begin to communicate with teachers and supreme mentors.

When your crown chakra opens, your soul merges with your personality, emitting a violet-white glow as you listen to the direct instructions of your monad.

When fifth dimensional chakras enter your aura, third dimensional chakras go underground and fourth dimensional chakras descend to your feet.

Fifth dimensional chakras:

16. Root: Platinum, Joy. Life is given to spiritual service

17. Sacred: Platinum And Red, Divine Feminine

18. Solar Plexus: Gold and rainbow colors. Universal wisdom

19. Heart: Purest white, Christ consciousness

20. Throat: Bright blue, co-creation with the Lord

21. Third eye chakra and

22. Reconnecting with the Crown: Crystal, Reconnecting with the Monad With the emergence and activation of the fifth dimensional root chakra, you can consider yourself an Ascended Master. Now you receive instructions from the monad and walk the earthly path together with Christ. As before, as you move up the spiritual ladder, you will have to undergo many initiations.

You become an ascended teacher in the full sense of the word when all the chakras of the fifth dimension begin to work. Most Ascended Masters remain on Earth to serve humanity, taking instructions directly from the Lord. Only a few have achieved this status in the past, but an incredible opportunity now lies before us: angels of all ranks and great messengers of light are assisting those of us who wish to dedicate our lives to cultivation and becoming an Ascended Master.

You can prepare yourself for higher service through meditation, during which your aura is filled with the chakras of the fifth dimension.

You are now a fifth dimensional being and the chakras open automatically in response to your vibration. The more time and effort you put into developing the higher chakras, the more likely it is that your life will reach the divine level. People will gather around you and situations will occur that are of high vibration, which will help you bring your ascension closer and help others achieve it as quickly as possible.

Your actions

The most important thing you can do is to develop the higher chakras in yourself, which will emit Divine light.

You can also teach self-improvement methods to those who are ready, using the exercises in this book.

Angels- are the heavenly army, according to what is said in the Gospel: “And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the angel, glorifying God and crying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:13-14).

God sends Angels to proclaim His decrees. That is why they are called Angels, that is, messengers.

There are countless angels, the human mind is lost in their countless hosts.

But here the order reigning among the Heavenly spirits is amazing. Order and harmony are the beauty of perfection, the wisdom and truth of God. In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no monotony and stagnation - there is diversity, movement, activity, aspiration, great, complex activity, unknown to us here on earth.

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, a disciple of the holy Apostle Paul, who was caught up to the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2), there he saw the difference in the ranks of the holy Angels, and explained this to Dionysius, how to his disciple he divides the Angels into nine ranks, and divides the nine ranks of Angels into three hierarchy - each has three ranks - highest, middle and lowest.

The first, highest and closest hierarchy to the Most Holy Trinity is: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, second, middle – Power, Dominance, Strength. The third includes Beginnings, Archangels, Angels(Dionysius the Areopagite “On the Heavenly Hierarchy”).

The closest to their Creator and Maker are the God-loving six-winged creatures. Seraphim, as the prophet Isaiah saw: “The Seraphim stood around Him; each of them had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And they called to each other and said: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isa. 6:2-3).

Seraphim are fiery, as immediately standing before the One about whom it is written: “The sight of the glory of the Lord on the top of the mountain was before the eyes of the children of Israel like a consuming fire” (Ex. 24:17), His throne was a flame of fire (Dan. 7:9) because our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29).

Seraphim are flaming with love for God and excite others to the same love, as their very name shows, for “Seraphim” translated from Hebrew means: flaming.

After the Seraphim, before the Omniscient God, who lives in the inviolable light, many eyes stand in unspeakable light. And you Cherubim, always shining with the light of the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the mysteries and depths of the wisdom of God, enlightened themselves and enlightening others. The name Cherubim, translated from Hebrew, means: much understanding or outpouring of wisdom, for through the Cherubim wisdom is sent down to others and enlightenment is given for the knowledge of God and the knowledge of God.

Then the God-bearing ones stand before the Almighty Thrones, for on them, as on reasonable thrones (as St. Maximus the Confessor writes), God rests. Resting on them in an incomprehensible way, God carries out His righteous judgment, according to what David said: “For You have executed my judgment and my litigation; You are seated on the throne, O righteous Judge” (Ps. 9:5). Therefore, through them the justice of God is predominantly manifested, helping earthly judges, kings, lords and rulers to carry out righteous judgment.

The middle hierarchy, as mentioned above, also contains three ranks of holy Angels: Dominance, Strength and Authority.

Dominations They send down the power for prudent control and wise management of earthly authorities appointed by God, teach them to control their feelings, subdue indecent lusts and passions, enslave the flesh to the spirit, dominate their will and be above all temptation.

Powers filled with Divine strength and immediately fulfill the will of the Almighty. They perform great miracles and send down the grace of miracles to the saints of God, so that they can work miracles, heal illnesses, foretell the future, help toiling and burdened people in carrying out the obedience entrusted to them, which explains their name Strengths, that is, they bear the infirmities of the weak. Strength strengthens every person in enduring sorrows and adversity.

Authorities have power over the devil, tame the power of demons, repel temptations brought upon people, do not allow demons to harm anyone to the extent they would like, confirm good ascetics in spiritual deeds and labors, protecting them so that they do not lose their spiritual kingdom. Those who struggle with passions and lusts are helped to drive away evil thoughts, slander of the enemy and defeat the devil.

There are also three ranks in the lower hierarchy: Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

Beginnings they rule over the lower Angels, directing them to fulfill Divine commands. They are also entrusted with the administration of the universe and the protection of all kingdoms and principalities, lands and all peoples, tribes and languages. s cov.

Archangels they are called great evangelists who preach good news about great and glorious things. Archangels reveal prophecies, knowledge and understanding of the will of God, strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of knowledge of the Holy Gospel and reveal the sacraments of pious faith.

Angels in the Heavenly hierarchy, lower than all ranks and closest to people. They proclaim the lesser mysteries and intentions of God and instruct people to live virtuously and righteously for God, protecting us from all evil. Angels are assigned to guard every Christian: they support us from falling, they raise the fallen and never leave us, even if we have sinned, for they are always ready to help us if we ourselves wish.

The words of the Savior provide us with convincing evidence about the Guardian Angels: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:10).

And not only every person has his own Guardian Angel, but also every family, every pious society, every state.

The Prophet Moses says to the people of Israel: “When the Most High gave inheritance to the nations and scattered the sons of men, then he set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the Angels of God” (Deut. 32:8).

But all the highest heavenly ranks are called common name- Angels. Although they, by their position and by the grace given from God, have different names - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels - however, they are all generally called Angels, for the word Angel is the name not of a being, but of a ministry , according to what is written: “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve...” (Heb. 1:14).

So, the Angels, fulfilling the will of God, like ministering spirits, take on active, live participation in the fate of humanity. Thus, Angels proclaim the will of God to people, monitor states (Deut. 32:8), protect human societies, regions, cities, monasteries, churches and govern various parts lands (Apoc. 7, 1; 14, 18), have influence on the private affairs of people (Gen. 32, 1-2), encourage, preserve (Dan. b, 22), lead them out of prison (Acts 5, 19- 20; 12, 7-9), are present at the departure of the soul from the body, accompany its procession through the airy ordeals, offer our prayers to God and themselves intercede for us (Rev. 8:3). Angels come to serve people (Heb. 1:14), teach truth and virtue, enlighten the mind, strengthen the will and protect them from troubles in life (Gen. 16:7-12). You can read about the appearances of good Angels in the Holy Scriptures - Gen. 18, 2-22; 28, 12; Nav. 5, 13-14; OK. 1, 11, 26, 28; Matt. 2, 13; Acts 5, 19; 10, 31; 12, 7.

Over all nine Heavenly ranks of Angels, Archangel Michael was appointed by God as the official and leader, as a faithful servant of God.

Archangel Michael, during Satan’s disastrous fall into the pride, his retreat from God and fall into the abyss, having gathered all the ranks and armies of the Angels, loudly exclaimed: “Let us stand up, let us become good before our Creator and let us not think about what is contrary to God! Let us remember what those who were created with us and hitherto, together with us, were partakers of the divine light suffered! Let us remember how, for the sake of pride, they suddenly fell from the light into darkness and fell from a height into the abyss! Let’s remember how the morning sunrise fell from the sky and was crushed on the earth.”

(Gregory Dvoeslov. “Interpretation of the Four Gospels”).

Speaking thus to the entire assembly of Angels, he, standing in front, began with the Seraphim and Cherubim and with all the Heavenly ranks to glorify the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the One God, singing in agreement the solemn song:

“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory!”

Angels are usually depicted with two wings to signify the speed with which they strive to carry out the commands of God in different parts of the universe.

The names of the Archangels are known from the Holy Scriptures. Each of them has a special ministry.

The heavenly hierarchy consists of three faces. Each face has three ranks. The highest face consists of seraphim, cherubim and thrones; middle - from dominations, forces and authorities; the lowest - from the beginnings, archangels and angels.

The highest angelic face is the seraphim. Their name means fiery, fiery. Directly and continuously standing before the One who is love, who lives in the unapproachable light, and whose throne is a flame of fire, the seraphim burn with the highest love for God, and this fire of love ignites others. The prophet Isaiah tells us about the seraphim in chapter 6: “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of His robe filled the whole temple. Seraphim stood around Him, each of them had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And they called to one another and said: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.”

The second rank of the senior rank is made up of cherubim, whose name means understanding or knowledge. For this reason they are called many-readers. Contemplating the glory of God and possessing higher knowledge and wisdom, they pour out the wisdom of God to others. The Holy Scriptures speak about cherubim in many places, for example: “And God cast out Adam and placed a cherubim and a flaming sword that turned around in the garden of Eden in the east to guard the way to the tree of life” (Gen. 3:24). The book of the prophet Ezekiel speaks about cherubim many times: “And the cherubim were seen to have the likeness of human hands under their wings. And I saw: behold, four wheels next to the cherubim, one wheel next to each cherub, and the wheels looked like they were made of topaz stone” (10, 8-9).

The third rank of senior officials is thrones, called God-bearing not by being, but by service, on whom God gracefully and incomprehensibly rests. Through this face God reveals His greatness and justice.

Let us now move on to the middle face of the heavenly hierarchy. Its senior ranks are dominated by who rule over the lower angels. By willingly and joyfully serving God, they impart to those living on earth the power of prudent self-control and wise self-organization; They teach to control the feelings, subdue disorderly lusts and passions, enslave the flesh to the spirit, dominate the will and defeat temptations.

Dominions in the middle face are followed by powers, through which God works signs and wonders for the glory of God, to help and strengthen those who labor and are burdened. The Apostle Peter announces to us about this rite, saying that the angels, the authorities, and the powers submitted to Christ who ascended into heaven.

To the lowest rank of the middle rank belong the authorities, who have great power over the devil, defeat him, protect a person from his temptations and strengthen him in deeds of piety. Some holy fathers believe that the guardian angel of the Apostle Peter, who led him out of prison, belonged to this rank of angels.

In the lowest rank of the heavenly hierarchy are: in the first rank the principles that rule over the younger angels, assign positions, distribute ministries among them, govern kingdoms and human societies.

The penultimate rank consists of archangels, evangelists and heralds of the mysteries of God, and communicate the will of God to people.

The last rank is simply called angels, the disembodied spirits closest to people. They are primarily sent into the world as our guardian angels. This is what we know about the ranks and faces of the heavenly hierarchy.

Great Seven.

St. is a little more open to us. Scripture and St. The legend of the seven highest archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafiel, Jehudiel and Barachiel.

The first two archangels stand at a special height and are also called the archangels of the power of the Lord. They are above all angelic faces and seem to lead all heavenly ethereal forces.

The name Michael from Hebrew means: “Who is like God?” or “Who is equal to God?” "IL" is an abbreviation of the ancient Hebrew word "Elohim", which in Russian means God.

Michael was second in the heavenly hierarchy after Satanael, who was also called Lucifer or Dennitsa, i.e. son of the dawn. When the latter, in his pride, rebelled against God, the Lord, according to His Divine discretion, allowed the angels who remained faithful to Him, led by the Archangel Michael, to fight him.

Apparently the struggle was very difficult, for they (the forces of light), according to the Revelation of John the Theologian, “overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and did not love their souls even to death” (Rev. 12:11). This passage of Revelation makes us understand that the mystery of redemption through the Blood of the Lamb, foreordained in the plans of God, had already begun to act representatively in the heavenly world and contributed to the victory of the angels who testified to it in heaven. As for the struggle “even to death,” here one should see the intensity of this struggle to the last limit, a struggle that could end, as it were, in the spiritual death of part of the heavenly hosts.

What else can be said about Archangel Michael? The Prophet Daniel calls him the guardian angel of the Jewish people. And after the stiff-necked Jewish people brought a curse upon themselves, betraying their Savior and Redeemer to death, and thereby losing their chosenness, the Archangel Michael, according to universal Christian belief, became the heavenly patron and champion of the Church of Christ. Therefore, many Holy Fathers, not without reason, believe that Archangel Michael, together with Archangel Gabriel, were precisely the angels who appeared to the myrrh-bearing women and preached the good news of the resurrection of Christ. And in a number of other New Testament appearances of angels it is possible to see this supreme twoness. We will talk about the special phenomena of the Archangel Gabriel below.

per day Last Judgment, of course, none other than the Archangel Michael will lead the heavenly army coming with Christ. Therefore, on icons this archangel is always depicted in a warlike form with a spear or sword in his hands. Sometimes the top of the spear is crowned with a white banner on which a cross is inscribed. The white banner means the archangel’s unwavering purity and unshakable loyalty to the Heavenly King, and the cross indicates that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and victory over it can only be achieved with the help of the Cross of Christ.

The second place in the entire heavenly hierarchy is occupied by the Archangel Gabriel. This name signifies the power of God. Since among the heavenly inhabitants the name always signifies the essence of his ministry, this archangel is especially the herald and servant of the omnipotence of God. It was he who announced to Zechariah how, by the power of God, from him, a barren old man, the greatest of all those born of women, John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord, would be born. He announced to the godfathers Joachim and Anna about the birth of the wonderful and blessed Virgin. He visited and instructed Her in the Jerusalem temple, strengthening Her bodily strength with heavenly food. He brought Her a branch of paradise on the day of the Annunciation with the wonderful news that it was She who was chosen by God to receive God the Word into His bosom. Archangel Gabriel appears repeatedly to the righteous Joseph, giving him the necessary advice. According to some Fathers, it was he who was the angel who strengthened the Lord at night in Gethsemane while praying for the cup. And, as stated above, he and Archangel Michael participated together in the gospel of the resurrection and ascension of Christ the Savior. Finally, the same Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God to announce to Her the day of Her earthly Dormition.

In church hymns, Archangel Gabriel is called “the minister of miracles,” as the harbinger of God’s great miracles. Therefore, iconographically he is sometimes depicted with a heavenly branch in right hand, and sometimes he holds a lighted lantern in it, while in the left he holds a jasper mirror. The lantern means that God’s destinies are hidden until time, and the mirror means that they are reflected through Gabriel, as in a mirror.

From the Word of God we know the names and deeds of five more archangels

The third of them is called Raphael, which means the healing of God. He is a healer of illnesses and a helper in sorrows. The Archangel Raphael is described in the book of Tobit. It tells how this archangel, disguised as a man, accompanied the righteous Tobiah, freed his bride from an evil spirit, restored sight to his elderly father and, having taught Tobiah useful instructions, disappeared. Therefore, this archangel is depicted with a medical vessel in his hand, as later they began to write Panteleimon the Healer. It is appropriate to call upon Him for all those who suffer mentally and physically, supporting prayer with deeds of mercy and love.

Raphael can be called upon both for your own healing and for someone else. Archangel Raphael will appear where he is called, since without a call he cannot come. He cannot interfere in his affairs without human will. If a person does not want to be healed spiritually, then it cannot be forced. But by calling on Archangel Raphael, you can get a positive effect, which helps to heal from illness and suffering, as well as relieve stress and fear that a person has. Archangel Raphael is known as the heavenly healer, the ruler of human thought and the comforter of the suffering. Raphael has healing powers not only towards people, he heals wild animals as well as domestic animals. People turn to Raphael when looking for missing pets that belong to themselves and friends, and the results are always wonderful. The pets were found immediately because they were so receptive to His kind, gentle, attentive and loving care.

You can ask Archangel Raphael to open, cleanse and heal the third eye chakra. The third eye helps increase clairvoyance. Through this process of cleansing and awakening, your intuition will open up, as will your mental insight. This will help you perceive the world around you in all its beauty and completeness. Raphael awakens a sense of creativity and talent in a person, and helps to strengthen mental strength.

Archangels Raphael and Michael work together because this makes it easier for them to drive out the ghosts that bother people, and together they free people’s homes from all bad things. The place of service of Archangel Raphael is the emerald green ray, this ray is the fifth ray of service. Under His command are 12 Angels of healing. Raphael is gentle, loving, kind and affectionate. If you feel or see flashes or any sparks of emerald green color, then you will know that Archangel Raphael is near you. He strengthens and heals with the power of Divine Love. Raphael's divine complement is Mary, the mother of Christ. The Most High God called Mary to become the mother of Jesus. She is sometimes called Mother Mary, Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels and Blessed Virgin. She maintains integrity for every soul on the planet. Mother Mary can be called upon to help you tune into your innate divinity. These Archangels inspire musicians, singers and composers to create music that is healing and pleasing to the ear. The healing work of Archangel Raphael consists of liberating the spirit and cleansing space.

Archangel Raphael and Mary can come to the rescue if you need to be cured of an illness, as well as if you need clairvoyance of a specific nature, or when an increase in resources will help you fulfill your mission better and faster. They can also be invoked when your soul needs to heal from existing or past traumas.

Archangel Raphael helps with:

Getting rid of bad habits.
Spiritual and physical vision.
Healing people and animals.
He helps and guides healers in their work.
Finding pets.
Cleansing space from base and negative energy.
Freeing the spirit.
Protection and order for travelers on the road.

This is a prayer to Archangel Raphael that helps healing.
“I ask Heaven to send the healing Heavenly Forces, led by Archangel Raphael and Mary, I ask you, help and free (name yourself or the name of another person) from the torment of illness and give healing. Thank you Heavenly Forces for Divine healing.”

Every time you feel unwell in your physical body, as well as in your friends or your pets, call on Archangel Raphael and ask the Archangel for healing. Raphael will respond with great pleasure to your call and will immediately intervene in the process of illnesses occurring in your physical body and in the body of your friends or pets. For proper and quick healing, Archangel Raphael will give precise explanations by following which you will achieve a successful result.

To call Archangel Raphael, you just have to mentally say:
“I pray to you Archangel Raphael that I need your bright help, I ask you to help me with (describe the situation). Please illuminate me with your light, cover me with Angel wings from troubles and diseases. I completely believe you, no leave me in trouble. May God's Light be with us! Thank you, Lord and Archangel Raphael."

In order to call Archangel Raphael for someone else, you need to ask the Lord God to send Raphael to you, or you can ask Archangel Raphael himself:
“Servant of the green ray, gifted with the powerful power of healing, faithful servant of God Archangel Raphael. I turn to you for help so that you heal and help my faithful traveler, beloved friend, your servant (name the person). Protect him from fears, from troubles and illnesses. I ask you, Archangel Raphael, do not leave him in trouble. May God’s Light be with you.”

Once you open your heart to the angelic beneficial influence, Archangel Raphael immediately and with pleasure helps us find health and shows us the path along which we can achieve happiness and prosperity.

The name of the fourth archangel is Uriel, which means light or fire of God. He is depicted with a sword raised up and held in his right hand near his chest, and with a flame in his left hand, facing down. As an angel of light, Uriel primarily enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths in general, and divinely revealed truths in particular. As an angel of Divine fire, he inflames the hearts of those who call upon him with love for God and destroys from them everything unclean, earthly and sinful. Therefore, he is considered the patron saint of those who are zealous for the spread of the true faith of Christ, i.e. missionaries, as well as people who devoted themselves to pure science. He is the true source of many great scientific discoveries. Those discoveries that those who made them themselves say that they often came to them suddenly, as if by inspiration from above. It is good for writers and poets to pray to Archangel Uriel for inspiration if they want to be writers and poets by God's grace. But we should not ask the archangel for the revelation of the secrets of nature that exceed our reason and our human needs, as well as the foreshadowing of future events.

Let us listen to how Uriel answered Ezra, a pious man, but not overly inquisitive. Ezra wished to learn from the angel the secret of God's destinies for the world, and why evil apparently triumphs in the world? The Archangel agreed to answer, but demanded that Ezra first fulfill one of his three desires: either weigh the flame of fire, or indicate the beginning of the wind, or return the past day. When Ezra pointed out that he was unable to do this, the godly archangel answered him like this:

“If I had asked you how many dwellings are in the heart of the sea, or how many springs are in the very foundation of the abyss, or what are the limits of paradise, perhaps you would have told me: I did not go into the abyss, nor into hell, nor into heaven. never ascended. Now I asked you only about the fire, the wind and the day that you experienced, i.e. about what you cannot be without - and to this you did not answer me.” And the angel said to Ezra: “You cannot know what is yours and with you from your youth; How could your mind accommodate the path of the Most High, and in this already corrupted age understand the corruption that is obvious in my eyes?” (3 Esdras 4, 7-11).

This wise instruction of the archangel would not hurt to remember the scientists of this age and not to forget that it behooves people of knowledge to be, first of all, servants of the light of truth.

The fifth archangel is called Salafiel, which means the prayer book of God. He is mentioned in the same book of Ezra. He is depicted in a prayer position, with his hands on his chest and his eyes downcast. For those who have poor prayer progress, it is good for them to ask Archangel Salafiel to teach them how to do prayer. And how many of us can boast that they can pray attentively, undistractedly and, if not fervently, then at least warmly? And how few people know that there is a heavenly teacher of prayer, and do not call on the Archangel Salafiel for help.

The name of the sixth archangel is Jehudiel, which means the glory or praise of God. He has a golden crown in his right hand, and a three-rope scourge in his left. His duty, with a host of angels subordinate to him, is to protect, instruct and protect in the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people working for the glory of God in various responsible branches of human service, to reward good workers and punish evil ones. Kings, military leaders and mayors, judges, householders, etc. should direct their prayerful gaze to this great celestial being.

Finally, the last of the sacred seven of the highest angels, the last in order, and not in dignity, is Barachiel, the angel of God’s blessings, as his name means and expresses the appearance in which he appears on holy icons. He is depicted with many pink flowers in the depths of his clothes. Since the blessings of God are varied, the ministry of this archangel is very diverse. He is the supreme leader of the guardian angels, because through it the blessings of family well-being, the goodness of the air and the abundance of earthly fruits, success in purchases and in general in all everyday affairs are sent, i.e. everything that their guardian angels help people with.

The same book of Ezra also mentions the name of the archangel Jeremiel, which means the height of God, but the Church believes that this is the second name of the archangel Uriel.

(Fragment from the text of Archbishop Seraphim of Chicago).