What kind of stone does the name Vika have? General description of the name Victoria.

A name is not just a word! Behind each there is a certain personality, a person who is different from others, one and only. This is why people's names are written with a capital letter. We all come from the same Fatherland, and therefore we are drawn to heaven. A person is given a name by life, but he chooses his life himself... “The greatness of a name is not in its sonority, but in the height of its deeds.”

The name Victoria is the feminine form of the name Victor, which is borrowed from the Latin word “victory”. The meaning of the name Victoria is “victory”, “winner”. This was the name of the Roman goddess of victory, who in mythology Ancient Greece corresponded to the goddess Nike.

As a child, Vika is very slow in her actions, but when it comes to games, she easily becomes a real ringleader. Victoria loves meeting new people. She loves it when her parents read books to her, but she doesn’t want to learn to read for a long time. Outwardly calm, balanced, does not suffer from talkativeness.

At school and adolescence, Victoria literally comes to life. She is trying to overcome her natural shyness. If she wants, she can be talented in everything. She tries to do all her deeds not just well, but perfectly. But in return, Vika expects that her work will be appreciated.

Victoria knows how to quickly and productively analyze information and build logical chains, on the basis of which she subsequently makes the only decision. the right decision. It is also important that she is able to delve into the smallest details and combine disparate facts and details into a single whole. Being well-read and having an excellent memory helps Victoria achieve success in life.

She will be able to fully reveal all her abilities and talents only in the only thing that she will really like. And therefore, Victoria is incredibly careful in her choice future profession. Without exaggeration, Victoria can be called businesslike. She prefers professions related to communicating with people, while it is extremely important for Vika to feel independent and free at work. Therefore, Victorias often achieve success in the creative field, becoming models, writers, artists, ballerinas, singers, and artists.

Queen Victoria. One of greatest women of all times, the personification of an entire era, Queen Victoria. The mother raised the future queen in the greatest severity. She had to sleep in the same room with her mother, strictly adhere to the regime, and was not allowed to speak with strangers, cry in public. Victoria received an excellent education and was fluent in several languages, including German, Italian, and French. Her main mentor was Lord Melbourne. The trace of the name Victoria in history

English singer, model and actress Victoria Beckham has been known as Posh Spice since her rise to fame in the late 1990s as part of the pop group Spice Girls. In 2000, when the Spice Girls broke up, and its soloists began to create independently

Victoria Abril, Spanish ballerina, film actress (b. 1959) Victoria - Alexandrina, Queen of England, whose long reign was associated with strengthening the authority of the English crown (1819–1901) Victoria Tokareva, writer (b. 1937) Victoria Yartseva, linguist (1906–1999) ) Famous TV presenters named Victoria: Victoria Khachilova; Victoria Yushkevich; Victoria Lopyreva; Victoria Bonya. Famous singers named Victoria: Victoria Balfe; Victoria Daineko; Victoria Beckham; Victoria Tsyganova. Famous writers named Victoria: Victoria Sandor; Victoria Tokareva; Victoria Baginskaya; Victoria Ocampo. Victoria Azarenka is a Belarusian athlete in tennis, former world number one in singles. Victoria Henley is an American top model and actress. Victoria Fedorova is a Soviet-American actress. Stones such as lapis lazuli and amber will bring good luck to Victoria. Lapis Lazuli This stone is a symbol of success, luck, sincerity, friendship, prosperity and power. Thanks to lapis lazuli you can get rid of the blues, depression and bad memories. This stone protects from evil, brings happiness and prosperity. Amber This stone symbolizes health, happiness, loyalty and love. Amber is a love amulet that helps strengthen love affairs. This stone is also a talisman for travelers, as it protects against troubles on the road. Amber attracts friends and new business partners to its owner, brings good luck, gives joy and peace.

Plants that bring good luck to Victoria are gentian, mimosa and cedar. Gentian This plant symbolizes mystery, shyness, fidelity and warmth of relationships. Mimosa This is a symbol of sensitivity, timidity, shyness, bashfulness and immortality. Cedar This tree is in Christian tradition symbolizes dignity, greatness, beauty and Jesus Christ himself.

Victoria's patron metal is copper. Copper - this metal is a symbol of warmth and light, as well as the beginning of a new life. Copper can protect not only from the evil eye, but also from snake bites, while the ancient Slavs used this metal in the treatment of radiculitis, various hematomas, tumors, polyarthritis, epilepsy and cholera.

Patron planet of Victoria: Mars.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Victoria: purple, symbolizing a penetrating and ironic mind, a penchant for science and art.

Victoria's favorite color: orange.

Victoria Stone- talisman: amber.

History of the name Victoria

The name Victoria, derived from male name Victor, translated from Latin means “victory”.

Roman mythology borrowed the image of the goddess of victory Victoria from Greek, where she, the daughter of the titan Pallant and the oceanid Styx, was called Nike and was considered one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena, to whom the temple of Nike is dedicated. Athens Acropolis. Her statues in the form of a winged maiden descending from heaven with a laurel wreath were erected in honor of victory in war, sports and artistic competitions. A sculptural image of the Nike of Samothrace has survived to this day. In Rome, a temple on the Palatine and an altar in the Curia of the Senate, erected under Emperor Augustus, were dedicated to Victoria. Victoria was depicted on coins from imperial times as the personification of the sovereign's victory in the war.

The meaning of the name Victoria

As a child, Victoria is sometimes somewhat slow. He can be the ringleader in games. She doesn’t want to learn to read for a long time; she asks her parents to read to her. At the same time, she is calm, balanced, silent, and can sometimes withdraw into herself for no apparent reason. When Victoria is silent, it seems that she is angry about something, when she is simply watching and listening. She has huge internal reserves. She might be a little lacking in self-confidence at times.

Victoria has an analytical mind, giving her the ability to patiently delve into details. Of all the professions, she will most likely choose one that does not require communication with people and where the final result depends solely on herself. With pleasure, Victoria takes on the role of a housewife, although with the appropriate external characteristics she can become a fashion model or fashion model.

In love, Victoria can be sentimental and indecisive. She usually takes a long time to choose a life partner, and after marriage she sometimes continues to have doubts about the correctness of her choice. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain confidence in her abilities, after which she will literally be transformed. Victoria simply needs someone she can rely on, a person who would help her create a reliable and cozy family home. Victoria is worthy true love and happiness. She is caring and honest.

Vika is an earthly person who doesn’t have her head in the clouds. She is sociable and simple. Often she is able to share and approve of your ambitious plans if they are devoid of material grounds. Victoria does not give loans and does not ask for them. Vika often judges people, although she herself is not ideal.

Victoria works honestly and diligently. Her profession may be related to medicine, Victoria may also be a musician.

According to numerology, the name Victoria corresponds to the number 5, indicating spiritual freedom and independence of action. Victoria values ​​acquired and accumulated experience more than outside advice. He loves travel and adventure.

The symbols of Victoria were the cedar, mimosa and bumblebee. The patronage of cedar gives Victoria straightforwardness, pride and optimism. Unaware of danger and being unpremeditated, Victoria, fortunately, has the gift of easily getting out of unforeseen situations. The mimosa flower that protects it is characterized by increased sensitivity. Victoria has a habit of self-sacrifice.

Victoria's name day: April 29 (16).

Notable in Victorian history

IN modern history known is Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, the last representative of the Hanoverian royal dynasty, she is the most prominent representative of the name Victoria. She ascended the throne in 1837 at the age of 18. Her reign lasted 64 years, and during this time Queen Victoria earned the sincere respect of all her subjects. The years of her reign were called the Victorian era, although she did not shine with any special talents. The secret of her success was that the queen had well mastered the main rule of constitutional government: in order to achieve peace in the country, one must “reign, but not rule.” Queen Victoria left control to her ministers. For almost a century Great Britain did not conduct major wars, which allowed us to pay full attention internal affairs: invent new and improve old machines and mechanisms, erect beautiful buildings, take care of the upbringing and education of the younger generation. Therefore, the British remember with extraordinary warmth Victorian era as a golden age in English history. A land in East Antarctica, discovered by an English expedition in 1841, was named in honor of Queen Victoria. There are many other places on the world map that bear this name: the island and city of Victoria in Canada, the world's largest Victoria Falls on the African Zambezi River, the state of Victoria in Australia, Victoria is the capital and port Seychelles, Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile River - in Africa.

Victoria Fedorova - film actress, starred in the film “Crime and Punishment”; daughter of actress Zoya Fedorova.

Victoria Radunskaya is an actress of the Taganka Theater.

Victoria Lepko - actress of the Maly Theater, starred in the film "I'm Going into the Storm."

Victoria Tokareva is a writer, playwright and screenwriter, author of scripts for films directed by Georgy Daneliya “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Completely Missing”, “Mimino”, as well as for the film “A Dog Walked on a Piano”.

From Latin "victory".

Victoria often looks like her father. Lazy and somewhat slow. In games with children he is rarely the ringleader - he is usually content passive role. She doesn’t want to learn to read for a long time; she asks her parents to read to her. At the same time, she is calm, balanced, more silent than talkative, and can sometimes withdraw into herself for no reason visible to others.

In her youth, Victoria perks up and begins to take care of herself, but internal uncertainty and shyness remain alive in her, and often attempts to assert herself manifest themselves in a bizarre form. Either young Victoria will amaze those around her with the strong smell of perfume ten meters away, or she will wear it indecently. short skirt, he will behave excessively provocatively at the party. This demonstrativeness and assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future.

At work, she shows efficiency; in front of her superiors, she even tries to force events and teach those around her. But, receiving a rebuff, she instantly loses her combativeness and becomes what she always is. Of all the professions, Victoria will choose the one that does not require communication with people and where the final result depends solely on Victoria herself. She takes on the role of a housewife with pleasure, although with the appropriate external characteristics she can become a fashion model or fashion model.

Victoria takes a long time to choose her husband. The reason for this phenomenon is not bad character Victoria, as they may think, is not her high demands on her future husband, but indecision. She, Victoria, is always like this when it comes to some significant step in her life. After marriage, still not believing what had happened, Victoria continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, will love recklessly and strongly, and sacrifice a lot for her beloved. However, one treacherous act of the husband - and peace of mind destroyed again. What a pity! Victoria deserves true love and happiness in marriage. She is caring and loyal.

Sexuality of the name Victoria

She likes to love and fall in love; without a feeling of love, she cannot imagine life for herself. Love for her is a kind of drama, a unique situation, sexual attraction shrouded in romance. She can be a difficult partner for a man because she does not have the ability to quickly adapt sexually and is reluctant to compromise. At times Victoria plays brilliantly, sometimes not without benefit for herself, weak creature, a “little girl” in need of the protection of a strong and experienced man. In fact, she knows how to protect herself perfectly and knows what she wants from life.

Victoria does not like mundane sex, sex that brings only sensual pleasures. She strives to make it romantically colored and poetic. Her life could be stress-free if it were not for her excessive love attraction, which creates some difficulties for her. Victoria needs sex as a form of self-affirmation in the erotic sphere.

Among these women there are many frigid ones who simply brilliantly portray passion and indomitable sexual desire, doing it with the talent of a professional actress. Victoria is subject to sudden mood swings; she can move from increased arousal to depression and complete refusal of sex. She is jealous, although she tries to suppress this feeling, and does not forgive a man’s infidelity.

“Winter” Victoria is often a woman with an unsettled personal destiny, striving to dominate men. Her sexual behavior is somewhat aggressive, she likes to dominate in the sexual process, is prone to irony, ridicule, and does not tolerate rough caresses. Expects submission and admiration from a man.