Pencil drawing of a nose. How to draw a nose correctly with a pencil. get ready to take part in the live broadcast

How to draw a person's nose with a pencil

Drawing a nose, step by step.

If you decide to draw a person’s face, it is important, first of all, to correctly draw the person’s eyes, but not only. There are no “little things” in a person’s portrait. All facial features must be drawn accurately, including the nose must be drawn correctly and beautifully. In this lesson you will be able draw a person's nose step by step. Nose drawing done with a simple pencil.

1. Let's start drawing the nose with simple markings

Every person has a nose unique features, therefore, it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract or, as they say, “academic” drawing of the nose. This is exactly the version of the nose that I suggest you draw. I hope there is no need to explain how to draw these two lines.

2. Contours of the “wings” and bridges of the nose

The human nose consists of “wings” and the bridge of the nose, and it is these contours that need to be drawn in this step. The segment of the width of the “wing” in my drawing is equal to exactly half of the perpendicular line from the beginning of their intersection. You need to draw the nose carefully, accurately observing the proportions.

3. The nose takes on a real shape

After precise preliminary marking of the drawing, drawing the nose correctly and beautifully will be easy. You can see for yourself that it’s not at all difficult to draw further. Outline the streamlined shapes of the wings of the nose. Draw two lines from the bridge of the nose and draw the tip of the nose.

4. Lesson "How to draw a nose" is almost finished

At this step, remove the extra contour lines, and you will get a real academic nose; all that remains is to draw a few small details. Be prepared to have to adjust the final shape of the nose in the drawing several times. Drawing a nose is not difficult, but the slightest inaccuracy leads to the nose becoming “plump” like Santa Claus or thin and skinny like Baba Yaga.

5. How to draw a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing and the next one will consist of only one thing. You need to apply shadows with a soft, simple pencil so that the nose looks voluminous, like in a painting by real artists.

6. How to draw a person's nose. Final step

When to draw a nose, at the beginning of the drawing of a person's face or at the end? Usually, when drawing a nose at the end of a lesson, the nose turns out distorted, either too small, or, on the contrary, large. The eyes and nose are the most important elements in drawing a person's face, so it is better to start drawing with them. You can correct the chin, ears and even lips, but if you didn’t “get it right” with the nose and eyes, the person’s portrait will not look like anything.

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Drawing tutorials went pretty easy this weekend and for today I have prepared for you a new part in drawing a person - nose. We will look at the task of drawing noses in a very simple form. These tips and steps are very easy to follow. It's as easy as getting a ready-made result. Here you will see very different noses, looking at which you can even choose shapes in general and nostrils in particular. If you've ever struggled with drawing a nose, you'll find this tutorial very helpful. That's all for the introduction and now I still have time to think about some other parts of the face and body to learn how to draw a person completely. There will be something new soon, but for now let’s draw the nose and remember. and even we have already learned. Let's start digging deeper.

Step 1.

There are a huge variety of nose types and each one creates a unique effect. Note that each nose is different from each other except in the main angles. Again, looking at women's noses, note that they are much softer than those of a man.

Step 2.

First we will start drawing the nose from the front (straight view). Start by making a circle for the tip of the nose. You can outline the tip of the nose, then draw the sides that will be the nostrils and then add the bridge of the nose. Paint over the nostril holes.

Step 3.

Now try drawing a circle for the nose again, draw a slightly different shape for the tip, nostrils and bridge of the nose and add shadow lines for the openings of the nostrils.

Step 4.

A little more experimentation. Let's make a circle, the tip of the nose, the nostrils and the bridge for the bridge of the nose, then add details and shade.

Step 5.

Now let's draw the nose from the side (side view). Draw an angle for the nose shape you want and then sketch out the nostrils or one visible nostril, then add detailing on and around the tip of each nose.

When people learn to draw, they initially try to reproduce the contours of an object, instead of its volume. This tendency is especially evident in portraits. But in drawing such parts of the face as the nose, it is very important to understand that this shape is three-dimensional, it is not just a contour. Of course there are different types drawing - linear, tonal... Therefore, the artist can draw a portrait with one line, without shading and without volume. However, at the learning stage, beginners need to learn that the nose, eyes, and lips are not a contour line, but a volumetric shape with chiaroscuro.

To do this, I drew a diagram that will help you understand the shape of the nose. If we simplify the drawing to geometric shapes, then the nose will look like a triangle. And this shape is convex, voluminous. That is, the nose will consist of three faces - two lateral and one central, which is called the dorsum of the nose. Depending on the direction of the light, one of these faces will be in the light, and the other two will be in shadow or partial shade. Keeping this in mind, you can quite easily “blind” volumetric form nose After the three edges are outlined, you need to draw the tip and wings of the nose (see what these names mean at the end of the article). To do this, you can outline three circles, since both the wings of the nose and the tip of the nose look like “balls”. After this, you can refine the drawing, moving away from geometry to real outlines.

In addition to the schematic image, I also completed a full step-by-step classic drawing of the nose. The illustration shows three main stages. On the first stage, construction is carried out. On the second, light shading of shadows is laid. At the third stage of drawing the nose, all the halftones and details are worked out. But whatever the stage of the drawing, the shading in the portrait needs to be “laid out” as if in brush strokes. Those. the strokes should form planes. In the second stage of my drawing, it is clear that these planes or faces are quite large and generalized. At the third stage, these planes become smaller, due to which the details are drawn in more detail. That is, the drawing is, as it were, “molded” with small planes or edges. It is similar to the work of a sculptor who uses his fingers to shape the clay into the desired shape. If you hatch too smoothly, the drawing will be less realistic and look like a plastic mask. Therefore, novice artists need to pay attention to this advice special attention, since this is rarely talked about, especially in educational drawing lessons on the Internet.

To learn how to draw a portrait, of course, it is not enough just to correctly convey the shape, sculpt the volume, etc. In a portrait you need to be able to reflect the character of a person. And character is reflected, among other things, in the individual shape of the nose. Yes Yes. Each person has their own unique nose. But this “variety of noses” can be divided into types. For example, the nose can be straight, hump, curved, etc. To see these features clearly, I drew ten different types of nose. This drawing will help in conveying individual characteristics man in a portrait.

Well, at the end of this lesson, I will also list the main names in plastic anatomy nose, which can be traced according to the diagram below:

  • bridge of the nose;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • tip of the nose;
  • wings of the nose;
  • nostrils;
  • partition.

The central part of our face is the nose. It cannot be ignored when drawing a portrait. Although it is not very remarkable and complex, unfortunately, not many people can draw it. Therefore, we have dedicated a separate lesson to explore this issue in more detail. Let's get started.

The visible part of the nose, called the external nose, consists of the root, dorsum, apex and wings. The basis of the external nose is made up of the nasal bones - the frontal process of the maxilla, the lateral cartilage and the large pterygoid cartilage of the nose, covered with muscles that are designed to compress the nasal openings and pull down the wings of the nose. Although the outer nose is covered with the same skin as the face, due to the abundance of sebaceous glands, the skin in this place is thick and inactive.

This lesson will clearly demonstrate how to draw a person’s nose with a pencil step by step.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper;
  2. Simple pencil;
  3. Eraser;
  4. Colour pencils;
  5. Black pen.

Stages of work:

1. We outline the height and width of the nose with lines.

2. Now let's draw three circles - one will be in the center (the largest one), and the other two will be on the sides (the wings of the nose)

3. Let's draw the middle of the nose and its thickening. Here the width of the nose will be individual, but we will use the average size.

4. Use an eraser to remove the auxiliary lines; we won’t need them anymore, and draw the main lines a little stronger.

5. Draw with a beige pencil the entire surface and circumference of the nose. This color will be the base color (flesh color).

6. To make the drawing look more picturesque, let’s draw it in yellow and pink shades.

7. A standard gray pencil will add shadows, making the nose appear more voluminous.

8. Now highlight the darkest places with black (increase the contrast).

Learned basic knowledge about how to build a nose. Of course, when drawing portraits, you will see that everyone has a different nose, but it is worth remembering the method of creating it. If necessary, you can always come back here. Continue to learn with us how to draw a nose with a pencil step by step? and share your successes in the group.

For the vast majority of people, the nose is the most prominent part of the face. Often it is this “detail” that gives the image expressiveness and individuality. If an artist has no idea how to draw a nose, he will not be able to achieve a portrait likeness.

What will you need for work?

For practice sketches, you can use any usual materials: pens, liners, felt-tip pens. However, for a long-term portrait you will need paper and a simple pencil of medium hardness. At first, a rubber band won't hurt either: you'll have to make adjustments. But if you know how to draw a nose with a pencil, over time you will master all other materials.

Theoretical basis: proportional relationships

First of all, let's figure out whether the person is from the front, or from the front. It doesn't matter whether you work from life, from a photograph or from your imagination. Before drawing the nose (as well as eyes, mouth, ears, and so on), you need to outline the contours of the face on paper and determine how the sizes of its parts relate to each other. Of course, you can learn to draw a nose separately, but for better understanding proportional relationships, it makes sense to at least schematically designate the entire face. So, first of all, draw an oval and outline the main design lines on it:

The eyebrows will be located on the upper transverse line, the mouth along the lower one, and the middle one marks the base of the nose. Keep in mind that the length of the “back,” that is, the front surface of this organ, is approximately a third of the height of the head, excluding hair. This way, the bridge of your nose will be located just above your eye line (look at the illustration below to see this). The height limits are defined!

As for the width of the base of the nose, it is approximately equal to the distance between the eyes. It is also worth noting that the length of the back is close to the height of the ear. Mark the boundaries of the nose on the oval of the face.

How to draw a nose with a pencil step by step: determining the general shape

Since you are drawing with a pencil, practice tonal modeling as the best tool I can't find a case for this. To show that the nose is a protruding part of the face, shade its sides. This way, its back and tip will become the lightest areas in your drawing. But the lower plane of the nose (including the nostrils) under normal conditions is always in the shadow: shade it as thickly as possible (but within reasonable limits, of course). Your drawing should become more voluminous, expressive and realistic.


Let's assume that you now know how to draw a nose with a pencil step by step. Now you should check if it is similar to the original. If the similarity leaves much to be desired, check everything again proportional relationships. You may have defined the angles incorrectly. Of course, even a beginner cannot portray the owner of a hooked nose as a snub nose, but any errors in the designation of quantities lead to a loss of similarity. Check the width of the wings and their shape. Don’t get carried away with details: the authenticity of the image does not depend on them, but on the correct rendering of proportions. Evaluate how the nose as a whole looks on the face. He shouldn't get out of big picture" You may need to tone down the tone or move a few lines.

How to draw a nose step by step: profile

Looking at the model's face from the side, we see only one plane of the nose. This simplifies the task. The main thing that is required of you is to “catch” character traits and display the form correctly. Please pay Special attention on the position of the tip of the nose relative to its wings (higher, lower, on the same line), as well as on the break of the bridge of the nose and the nature of the back (it can be convex, concave or straight). If you manage to capture these nuances correctly, the model will at least be recognizable. The illustration below shows noses different types. They bear little resemblance to each other (and it’s not just the color). If you take a closer look, you will find that they differ mainly in the shape and length of the back, which determines the silhouette as a whole.

Now you at least in theory know how to draw a nose. But without practice, all this information is completely useless. Draw different types of noses as often as possible, make short sketches of acquaintances and friends, analyze the shape, note the patterns of the structure of parts of the face. Theory should not be discounted, but it is still practice that will help you master the art of portraiture, especially if you do not have an art education.