Pisces compatibility in love relationships. He and she. Worst Match for Pisces

Let's try to find out the compatibility of the signs Pisces and Pisces.

Pisces man and Pisces woman

Their union can be very harmonious and even full of happiness. It will be as bright as a rainbow, and this couple will live in a castle in the air.

They have very kind soul, they are both very careful. This means that they will rarely take risks and are unlikely to reach the top. But they will be able to do each other a huge service with their support, help, and ability to forgive. Thanks to mutual empathy, they will be able to maintain their relationship for a long time.

If there were more people on earth with the zodiac sign Pisces, then it would definitely become brighter, kinder and more romantic. They love music, poetry, books and art in general. But all this makes our life brighter.

In general, if two Pisces meet together, then they may have several options for how their relationship will develop.

First of all, they can work together very well. They are good at any subject from the humanities to architectural sciences.

They are naturally soft and calm, which can weaken many of their actions. All Pisces are very sensitive. Many people may have psychic abilities that they are not even aware of. Their life, like their mood, may largely depend on what they see in their dreams, what their intuition feels, or what insight descends on them.

If two Pisces decide to be together, they need to learn not to succumb to misconceptions, illusion, self-deception, and temptation from other people. Of course, they will not be able to avoid slight quarrels over trifles, insults, and irritability. But in general, they will understand their partner well, and will be able to avoid difficulties that would arise if they lived with someone else.

As a rule, acquaintance between Pisces occurs naturally and easily. They themselves do not notice how they are attracted to each other. Sex between them is unlikely to be passionate and ardent, but that suits them. Because at the same time they experience very deep and romantic feelings. Pisces and Pisces - compatibility in love is very good.

The Pisces man, deep down, dreams of being a traveler and following his dreams. But the materialistic world does not allow him to admit this. And for a Pisces woman, if her mood changes over time, tears flow, and she is silent for a long time, it means that it is difficult for her to live locked up. She wants to leave home and go free and have adventures.

Pisces and Pisces Horoscope

They understand each other perfectly in sex. If other problems fade into the background against this background, then they will be the best of all possible couples! But they need a strong and powerful partner who will control their emotions. They themselves are not able to fight them. The marriage will be built on sexual relationships.

Pisces are very different from other representatives zodiac circle originality of thinking and way of life. They are very original in their ideas, although they can harbor them within themselves without trying to share them with anyone. One person can combine two Pisces at once - living and dead. The behavior of Pisces in a specific period of time depends on which of them begins to dominate. Pisces love to look after others and devote themselves to caring for loved ones, but they are deeply worried when they begin to openly take advantage of them.

Pisces try to avoid direct influence on themselves, although they really need support and understanding. There must be someone in their life who can turn their emotions in the right direction, preventing them from panicking or being nervous for no reason. Pisces prefer to live in a very illusory, fictional world, because they are too worried about the harsh reality. Sometimes they try to replace with their fantasies real life, and then they are very close to mistakes and self-deception. They are very easy to deceive, because Pisces tend to idealize both people and relationships with them. Pisces can become suspicious and withdrawn if they have repeatedly encountered deception in their lives. They really need feelings in order not to break away from reality, to feel the joy of life and have goals, to be fueled by energy and to give their feelings to their loved one.

The most compatible signs with Pisces are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. Gemini and Sagittarius are considered least compatible with Pisces.

Pisces Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average results of Pisces relationships with each of the zodiac signs. Links in the table lead to additional articles on Pisces compatibility, which describe in more detail this type relationships.

Zodiac signsCompatibilityLoveCommunication
Pisces and AriesLowAverageLow
Pisces and TaurusHighHighAverage
Pisces and GeminiLowLowAverage
Pisces and CancerHighHighHigh
Pisces and LeoAverageAverageAverage
Pisces and VirgoAverageHighAverage
Pisces and LibraAverageAverageAverage
Pisces and ScorpioHighHighHigh
Pisces and SagittariusLowAverageLow
Pisces and CapricornHighHighHigh
Pisces and AquariusLowLowAverage
Pisces and PiscesAverageHighAverage

Each combination of Pisces with other zodiac signs has its own strengths and weak sides, and almost each of them has its own subtleties and unique features. In this regard, each possible combination is devoted to a separate article, in which all the strong and weak spots these relationships. An astrological connection can often differ from the classical canons, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the descriptions of the signs themselves, study their character traits, and also look at the relationship from the point of view of each partner individually.

The Pisces connection is full of mutual faith, allowing you to swim out of the most difficult situations. Your dream is sacred, Pisces and Pisces compatibility is mystical. Isn’t it wonderful to help your partner achieve their goals and love him with all your heart? The union of two Pisces are idealists beyond measure.

And yet it is necessary always and everywhere to proceed from the real state of affairs. By concentrating your strength, you save both time and energy. When analyzing the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces couple, keep in mind that this connection is full of magic and inspiration. You can save others from depression. Are you striving to realize your creative talents. You are illuminated with an aesthetic radiance.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

The Pisces man smoothly, as if dancing, enters the life of the Pisces woman. He is careful not to scare her (or himself). The Pisces man thinks that her feelings are deep and passionate. A man submissive to Neptune is shrouded in idealism, like a bright multi-colored aura.

He does his job proudly. He notes that the woman submissive to Neptune shares many of his interests in life. Both eagerly learn from life. He thinks they have common values.

When considering the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces couple, keep in mind that the energies of their intuition are similar. He would like to sail with her to distant waters where he can hide. A man submissive to Neptune likes to think that he is her yang. Of course she is his yin. The Pisces man thinks symbolically, although he is not always aware of this. He easily takes responsibility for strangers.

The Pisces woman holds him back. She reminds him that he has his own purpose in life. It's easy to love her. The Pisces man hopes that the knowledgeable and eloquent Pisces woman will force him to be sincere. He likes how she takes care of him.

They have the same intuition and sensuality. Their sense of unity is undeniable. He would like to have time to understand her tender feelings.

She tempts him to enter deep waters, where their mind and emotions merge. The man submissive to Neptune realizes that he has met his soul mate. He has a presentiment of what their living together. It's impossible to think of anything better! The union of two Pisces seems so promising to him.

The Pisces woman notices something special about the Pisces man. It is mysterious, although simple. A woman submissive to Neptune is fascinated by his creative possibilities. He believes the same thing she believes. She feels that their souls have already met in the past.

A man submissive to Neptune does not scare away the Pisces woman with his idealism. Her own dreams seem to be made of the same stuff. She understands that it is difficult to keep secrets from him. It’s strange, but he also has no secrets from her. Their minds often seem to meld together.

And yet she would not want to depend on him. I also wouldn’t want him to lean all his weight on her. They are tightly bound by physical and spiritual passion. She is surprised that he is able to predict her unexpressed thoughts. But she also knows how to fake his moods.

Silence is golden when they are around. But sometimes it’s good to break the spiritual trance. She thinks their nature is sublime. A man and woman submissive to Neptune often puzzles those around them. These sun signs immersing each other in a hypnotic spell.

When considering the compatibility of a pair of Pisces and Pisces, keep in mind that the union of two Pisces is similar fairy tale woven from love dreams. The calm of the emotional waters is disturbed by the ripples created by the rocks of reality that you encounter.

Navigating rough seas requires self-confidence. Your love can carry you across a stormy sea. Looking into each other's faces gives you strength. You shouldn’t run away anywhere with such a faithful, reliable lover nearby. Rely on your intuition.

You will find a peaceful path through the storm and reach your native shores. You are happy to have found a powerful helper. Yours creative possibilities reach highest level when you trust your love. Love brought you into each other's arms from the very beginning!

Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces from N. Olshevskaya’s book “Astrology for Women”

You are both Pisces: each of you understands what sensitivity is and will never risk offending your partner. But do not confuse mutual understanding with love, even if it rests on mystical foundations. A much safer tactic is to use leading questions when any doubts arise. If the information conveyed in confidence does not kill you on the spot, then there is hope that he will withstand your revelations.

Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces from the book by Wolinsky S. "Astrolove"

Pisces and Fishes: two romantic souls can, when united, give one deep sensuality, because you know how to guess each other's desires and have the ability to make these desires come true. But you two have so many emotions that it would be enough for six, and this can give such a wave of jealousy that you will simply drown under it.

You read each other's thoughts perfectly, but is it always so good? When analyzing the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces pair, keep in mind that if one of you has doubts, both of you begin to suffer from this. In addition, both of you idealize each other and your relationship and often make demands on your romance that are clearly too high.

And yet, Pisces and Pisces can become an excellent couple if they are able to overcome their general indecision and look at both life and love a little more simply. Remember that there are so many interesting things to do outside the home - this will prevent your preoccupation with each other from becoming too strong and obsessive.

Compatibility of Pisces and Pisces from the book by Novoselova G. “Your love signs”

If life is a pantomime, then this couple is Cinderella and the Page. Prince Charming, born under the sign of Virgo, would at least not let his Cinderella Fish get off the ground completely (and would enclose her legs in glass slippers). If she gets along with the Page, they may become so daydreaming that they will completely disappear in their own watery kingdom.

And if they do float away into the dark undersea world, their relationship will be very unreliable. One of them must be stronger than the other, otherwise they will disappear forever in the distant kingdom, and only we have seen them. They will simply drown in their own fantasies (glug-glug!).

When considering the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces couple, keep in mind that if they are both talented writers or artists (Brontë and Braque!) and dream of conquering the whole world, this will be a magnificent mystical couple. (True, they can starve each other somewhere in the attic much earlier than they manage to win at least one sandwich for themselves.)

Or, for example, both are pioneers, like Marie and Pierre Curie - such a friendly couple! If they have the same goal in life and they try to achieve it together, everything will be wonderful and they will know that they are made for each other.

Please note that Pisces has a tendency towards martyrdom, which can manifest itself at any moment. You never know what's on her mind. For example, she goes to fry meat, but if there is not enough beef, she may well fry herself.

When analyzing the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces couple, keep in mind that if one of this couple is a weak child of Water, the other becomes a nanny for him, who looks after him, supports him and guides his partner through life. Emotionally, this may suit them quite well, but still, without solid ground under their feet, such an alliance will not be strong.

The compatibility of Pisces and Pisces depends on the basis on which their relationship is built: they must have some kind of common goal so that their life does not turn into one endless fantasy in which reality will simply disappear.

Every Pisces harbors an unquenchable thirst for love, into which it must plunge headlong, and our two Pisces will devote their entire lives to each other without a trace.

You'd think they were rehearsing the roles of footman and maid for a Christmas play at the local amateur theater - they please and woo each other until they're blue in the face (how cute!).

When considering the compatibility of a Pisces and Pisces couple, keep in mind that they have absolutely no sense of reality, and therefore they often cannot scrape together the money to pay the rent, and the refrigerator is empty - no one will think about going to the store. (Shop? Accounts? How can you think about such low things?)

However, everything can be different if one of the Pisces has a positive character - this can be a wonderful union. Both partners have a subtle mental makeup, and they will devotedly love each other, creating an indescribable aura.

Sexually, Pisces and Pisces are such a hot couple that a Swedish sauna will seem as cold as an Eskimo hut compared to their bedroom. They are very sensual, but in an indefinite style - that is, that is not...

In sex, they will be inventive, but absent-minded - as if nothing is really happening. This is the paradox of Pisces - what is on her mind?

Games for Pisces and Pisces couples

The connection between two Pisces means a real cosmic dance. The expression “life is a game” perhaps explains the combination of these signs. They both lift each other up through faith. It seems that you are idealists beyond measure.

Reality check allows you to to a large extent accurately determine the progress of the case. You expect a lot from life. The persistent desire to achieve a goal leads to great achievements. The imagination is ready to do you a great service.

You both choose roles that suit your spiritual makeup. Falling in love with each other again and again, you are constantly together. You read each other's souls. It seems to you that you have known your lover for a long time.

The belief in invisible forces is so real that it seems that you can see, taste or touch them. Obviously, it is much easier to be around without feeling guilty and without striving to achieve perfection, which is basically unattainable.

The compatibility of two Pisces is not bad; the problem may be related to the excessive sensitivity of the partners.

Game "Eternal Strawberry Meadow"

Pisces games are caused by errors in the perception of reality and unreasonable expectations. When you both see the world through pink glasses, the game “Eternal Strawberry Meadow” begins. Your mind is playing tricks on you. Your feelings are based on what you would like to see, not on what actually happens. Your expectations are as grand as a New York skyscraper.

It is futile to try to approach them with a certain standard. As a result of this game, your trust in others is shaken. If you don't keep your feet on the ground, you will waste time and money.

Analyzing the compatibility of Pisces and Pisces, you can notice that they have a great temptation to criticize their partner for allegedly doing wrong. By overestimating his actions too meticulously, you are holding back your romance. You reject the need for a more sober approach, although it might bring you great benefit. Although

The compatibility of two Pisces is quite good, in this case the relationship in a couple can deteriorate greatly.

Game “Eating Chicken Soup with a Fork”

Compatibility of signs Pisces - Pisces. You feel that it is awkward to keep up. Then the game of “eating chicken soup with a fork” begins. Your ideas are not being implemented. Results are uncertain because plans are never fully implemented. The reason for this game may be emotional stress. Feelings outweigh thoughts.

Pisces is a water sign that needs a certain structure. But here your attention is scattered, since you do not adhere to a clear program.

You strive to swim forward, but, having lost your course, you find yourself in unknown waters. It seems that the connection has fallen into Bermuda Triangle. Intuition prompts you to ignore concrete ideas. If the problem is not resolved, the relationship may break down. To prevent this from happening, interdependence must be restored. There needs to be a balance.

Game “Suffering from the consciousness of his guilt”

Pisces are doomed to feel responsible for others. This is where the reason for the game “Suffering from the consciousness of his guilt” appears. You don't bring each other as much joy as you could when you go off script. You blame each other for the fact that everything in your life is not going as you would like.

Analyzing the compatibility of Pisces and Pisces, you can notice that they are not able to help each other and moderate the pain. You may have lost your clarity of vision. It’s not your lover’s fault that your life is turbulent. Remember that ideal people does not exist. Others may also hold you responsible for their troubles. You are not at all happy that you allowed others to pollute your waters with their problems. The game is overflowing. You are not able to control it, and this brings you great grief. The reason is the loss of boundaries.

How to overcome the games of Pisces?

The game “Eternal Strawberry Meadow” requires every effort. You will achieve better results if there is a balance between ideals and reality. Imagination is the source of your creative power, and there is nothing wrong with that. Make sure your partner is thinking intelligently too. You are not able to indulge him in everything. You are businesslike and have your feet firmly on the ground.

But you need to think carefully about every step. Even if your relationship is completely clear, you will know better what to expect when you have purely pragmatic conversations. Pisces is an extremely romantic sign. You can't sacrifice your instincts. Restrain yourself and do not reproach each other for not finding happiness. Each of you has made a strong contribution to your connection.

In the game “Eating Chicken Soup with a Fork,” you need to come up with a solid plan together. If you rely entirely on fate, you will be disappointed. You will begin to imagine that there is chaos all around. Don't stifle your dream. It is more likely to become a reality if you stick to a clear plan.

In the spiritual, emotional sphere of life, the prospects for their interaction look good. However, in practice, the relationship between them is not as cloudless as one might assume. Pisces, as a rule, are not realists, and their dreams and fantasies are bad." construction material"to build both life in general and relationships in particular. In order to develop, go towards the goal, while getting rid of current problems, you need to be more purposeful and responsible, and none of the Pisces is ready or capable of this role, waiting initiative from the second partner. Harmony between them is possible, but difficult to achieve, since for this at least one of the couple must become more practical and responsible.

Pisces woman and Pisces man - compatibility in love and marriage

Love between two representatives of this sign can arise spontaneously and become all-consuming, filled with tender feelings and amazing romance, but marriage often becomes a trap. Pisces woman and Pisces man seem to find themselves in a web woven from their own fantasies and dreams. Their romance is characterized by an absolutely unpredictable development of events. The inconsistency of Pisces, their psychological instability, as well as all other qualities, both positive and negative, in union with a person of the same zodiac sign are doubly amplified. Pisces cannot get rid of the power of illusions and bring the other half out of this illusory world.

The fate of a Pisces-Pisces marriage very much depends on the age at which the partners get married and what experience each of them has behind them. The younger the spouses, the more actively they avoid responsibility, trying to shift the solution of complex everyday issues to the shoulders of the other half. Even at the very beginning family life they may consider their marriage unhappy. Therefore, Pisces should opt for more confident, energetic, strong-willed and decisive partners.

Meanwhile, representatives of this zodiac sign tend to get married quite early - at least until they can provide for themselves. All this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of parents. The formation of a young “Fish” family is a long and difficult process, so spouses require not only patience, but also a certain amount of optimism, which representatives of this sign have quite a hard time with. As for the Pisces woman, bad experiences with more rude and domineering partners can motivate her to marry a man of her own zodiac sign.

Pisces often changes their mood, and under the influence of a bad mood, they are capable of causing violent scandals, sometimes making mutual claims over the most insignificant reasons, followed by repentance, requests for forgiveness and a short-lived peace - until the next quarrel. There will be a lot of them, because... in such a union, Pisces tend to acquire new bad habits that did not exist before marriage.

Pisces man - Pisces woman: sexual compatibility

If a happy relationship could be built only on mutual understanding in bed, then this would be one of the most prosperous couples in the Zodiac. Excellent Pisces man compatibility and Pisces women in sex is based on the fact that both partners have a very rich imagination, their connection is imbued with tenderness, romance and subtle eroticism. They may have very specific sexual needs, for example, many Pisces are prone to fetishism and other sexual games that are considered deviant in society. In such a union, they make no secret of their desires and passionately bring each other’s fantasies to life. But mutual claims related to communication outside of bed significantly shorten the life of this interesting and unusual love couple.

Pisces compatibility horoscope in work and business

In principle, you should not expect brilliant work results from Pisces, since these people are not at all business-minded. They will cope well with the assignment if it does not require efficiency and making responsible decisions. In a work team, two Pisces get along well with each other, quickly adapt to any situation, and even their love of intrigue and behind-the-scenes games cannot spoil the general atmosphere, but it is better for them to work separately. A business partnership between two representatives of this zodiac sign will almost certainly end in failure, because... both are more inclined to dream and put forward plans and ideas rather than implement them. Art and culture are perhaps the only things in which Pisces can prove themselves to be good businessmen.

Pisces - Pisces couple: compatibility in friendship

Pisces can be wonderful friends because in friendship they do not have to make responsible decisions and activities. everyday problems. They happily discuss issues of a universal scale and, being unable to solve the problems of even their own family, dream of correcting and saving all humanity mired in sins. Two Pisces will always agree on how best to spend their time; their tastes and interests are very similar. Such friends often become so close that over time they almost turn into relatives. Being subtle, sensitive people, they are ready to morally support each other in everything. If two opposite-sex Pisces begin to become friends, there is a very high probability that they will quickly turn from friends into lovers, even if both are married.

See the compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs.

Such a union as “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces” is quite remarkable. In general, it must be admitted, astrologers always pay great attention studying the compatibility of those people who belong to the same zodiac sign. Well, “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces” is one of the most interesting and, oddly enough, promising unions.

Priorities in relationships

For these two, the most important thing is feelings. Moreover, they must be mutual, otherwise nothing will work out. So if a Pisces man and a Pisces woman get together, then you can be sure that this is not a spontaneous couple who just wanted to “try” a relationship, but an alliance with significant prerequisites for its occurrence.

Common interests are not that important to them. The main thing is that there is love. And then why it arose, how exactly it happened - are secondary questions. Without a doubt, sooner or later a boy and a girl will become interested in this topic, but certainly not at the beginning of their relationship.

Strong union

Marriage between people such as a Pisces man and a Pisces woman rests primarily on material well-being. In general, representatives of this zodiac sign are very rational individuals and think through everything in advance. In no case will they start a family if they have nothing for it. That is, a house that has everything you need for living, stable work and, of course, initial capital. So the guy and make every possible effort to ensure a happy future together.

If they have material well-being, then their life will be wonderful and amazing. If this does not happen, a hostile world awaits them. The balance of the union will be threatened. This is the specificity of the sign.

By the way, the union of two Pisces will also be based on their mutual kindness and condescension towards each other. These people know how to forgive, support and love like no other. They are very soft and sensual. Quarrels, of course, can happen (how could we live without them), but they are very light and do not drag on for long. Pisces don't hold grudges. They move away from them rather than fight.

He and she

Now it’s worth talking in more detail about such a fairly common union as “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces.” A girl belonging to this zodiac sign is a wonderful, sensual and talented person. The Pisces man, meeting this person, understands that this is what he has been striving for all his life. Just what I was looking for. And this, by the way, is mutual. The girl immediately falls in love with this gallant and moderately modest guy. They have a lot in common - a well-developed imagination, a witty, extraordinary approach to business, as well as character traits such as sensitivity, sensitivity and gentleness.

But, as often happens, everything has its downsides. Negative qualities they are also united. He is a Pisces, she is a Pisces - these are people who can be incredibly lazy. And dreamy. These two qualities can form a symbiosis, and then it will be even more difficult to fight them. Slowness, carelessness, neurosis, withdrawal from reality (which is why these people can sometimes write), causeless anxiety - this is what characterizes these people. And if suddenly the manifestation of these qualities is observed in one person from a couple, it’s okay, the other can maintain balance. But if suddenly it overtook each of them, it would be difficult. We just have to wait until one of them comes to his senses. Otherwise, a couple of guys and girls who love each other will turn into apathetic people who are carried away only by their thoughts and completely ignore their soulmate.


As mentioned above, in the union of two Pisces, feelings come first. And all adults know in what form their manifestation is expressed. The physical intimacy of these two people is not characterized by passion, as, for example, in a pair of two Scorpios. However, they don't need this. But you shouldn’t think that coldness and indifference reign in their couple in this regard. On the contrary, their sexual experiences are very deep. They are romantics and their intimacy will be exactly the same. In addition, Pisces always listens to the desires of their partner and understands them perfectly, turning them into reality.

By the way, if one of the couple looks depressed and distant (this is not uncommon in the case of this zodiac sign), his partner should immediately pay attention to this. But there is no need to ask about what happened. You just need to listen to the silence on his part. Then you can help. Pisces are not those people who need to speak out as soon as they get home, to throw out a verbal stream of passions. Not at all. They will remain silent until the last moment. To help them ease their souls, a very delicate and subtle approach is needed. And who, if not Pisces, knows what to do in such situations?

Support and support

Pisces are people who are fickle in their emotions and experiences. Every day is different for them, they don’t feel the same every time. They always experience reality differently. And this is another difficulty. Pisces are not particularly goal-oriented. But if they want to achieve something, they try to do it.

However, if a person of this zodiac sign fails to achieve what he wants, disaster may happen. He falls into despair. And if you don’t help him in time and distract him from his problems, then it is likely that he will become addicted to alcohol or something worse. This is especially common among Pisces men. Such a person needs a girl who will understand such manifestations of emotions and distract with all her might, but only so that he does not perceive this as a condemnation for the passion of his soul. And this woman belongs to the same zodiac sign as the man. That’s why their compatibility is so successful. A Pisces woman and a man of the same sign will always understand each other and will under no circumstances make any reproaches or express their dissatisfaction. They respect the feelings and experiences of their significant other.

She is Scorpio, he is Pisces

Well, these two people can come together and form a pretty strong union. What do they have in common? One element. It should also be noted that Scorpio has something that Pisces lacks (and vice versa). They are able to create, thus, a harmonious balance of emotions in relationships. Pisces is a delicate personality with a rich inner world and experiences, which feels great about her partner in every sense of the word. For them, a confident Scorpio is a spiritual mentor. By the way, they have very similar views and worldviews. As, strictly speaking, interests. However, Pisces may not always open up to the passionate and expressive Scorpio. But this doesn’t particularly bother him, so the alliances turn out to be quite strong and durable.

Girl - Pisces, guy - Scorpio

Well, the specificity of the characters is clear, but a separate case of compatibility should be considered. He is Scorpio, she is Pisces. What will come of this combination of signs? First of all, I would like to note that the girl will definitely lose her head from her young man. She will admire him - his behavior, worldview, character, manners. Such unbridled love in most cases leads to marriages. Or to a strong friendship.

But don’t think that the guys remain some kind of liability in this couple. They, of course, are more reasonable and will not allow themselves to go into the deep end so quickly, but this is their advantage. If he is Scorpio, then he is conscious, thoughtful. And, accordingly, it will last for a long time.

Compatibility with Libra

I would like to pay special attention to such a couple as he is Pisces, she is Libra. Many people mistakenly believe that these are two incompatible elements. Against. They are united by such character traits as sensitivity, gentleness and love of beauty. However, if Pisces manifest themselves this way in life, then Libra can appear as such only to those closest to them. For those people to whom they do not consider it necessary to open up, these individuals can be cruel, arrogant, rude, and expressive. Or pleasant to talk to, simple, interesting. It all depends on Libra. But, in general, they make contact very easily and instantly sense the mood of their interlocutor. Pisces really like this trait. And if Libra loses their head over this person, then they will make every effort to become everything for him.

Although sometimes the desires and aspirations of these individuals contradict each other. Sometimes Libra withdraws into itself, while Pisces goes into their dreamy world. Rarely, but it happens. Reminds me of a couple “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces.” The horoscope predicts positive compatibility, but for this it is necessary that both of them love each other. The feelings in their union will overcome any discord.

Undesirable alliances

And finally, a few words about which zodiac signs Pisces are clearly at odds with. And the first on this list is Aries. They are complete opposites. Interests, attitude to life, behavior in a couple, characters - all this is completely at odds with them. Taurus - neither the best choice. Harsh, expressive - to them the specific romantic behavior of Pisces will seem not only unusual, but empty and meaningless. And they won't hesitate to say it. This will hurt vulnerable Pisces. Not everything will be smooth with Leos either. Although Pisces admire such people, their potential partners do not always like it. Leos love difficulties in relationships and intrigue. And they don’t even have to woo Pisces.

Perhaps these are the three zodiac signs with which it will be most difficult for representatives of the water element to build relationships. But everything happens in this life. Maybe it will work out happy marriage with any of the above, if there is crazy love and a desire to be together.