Essay Gorky M. Analysis of “The Old Woman Izergil” Gorky What does real life mean according to Gorky

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What is the meaning of life according to Gorky, and is it equivalent to happiness?

February 12, 2014

The best writers of all times and peoples asked themselves and their readers about why man lives in the world. To be or not to be is a philosophical question. The meaning of life is different for every person. Well-being and prosperity are enough for one, give peace and freedom to another, and the third carefully monitors his own health, believing that it is most important.

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov wondered about the purpose of existence in almost all of his works. His characters follow their path in different ways, among them there are egoists who think only about their own good, and those who are ready to devote themselves to serving bright ideals. By contrasting the philosophy of sacrifice with the way of thinking of an opportunist, the writer indicates his own position. Renunciation of one's own material interests in the name of a bright future - this is the meaning of life according to Gorky.

The meaning of life of the old woman Izergil

The story “Old Woman Izergil” contains three storylines. The main character had to live a difficult life, in which there was a place for both happiness and grief. The men who, by the will of fate, left a mark on her destiny are very different, but she recklessly and generously gave both the young man, like an oriental flower, and the arrogant Polish duelist, what she owned - her love, without sparing her. Has she ever thought about the question of what is the meaning of life? According to the old woman's bitter story about tragic fate Danko, we can conclude that thoughts about the purpose of human existence were not alien to her. At the same time, when talking about Larra, she, without any condemnation, sets out the concept of a carefree and comfortable life. To each his own!

Petrel and already

A similar ideological confrontation is also manifested in the dialogue between the “wise” grass snake and the petrel. Freedom is the meaning of life according to Gorky. It can be defined as the will to do what one wants, the whole question is what the slave wants and what the true citizen wants. The average person, being captive of his own petty goals, is simply unable to understand high heroic aspirations; he does not like the feeling of free flight, especially if it ends in a clumsy fall from a height, albeit a small one. I really like a warm and damp coziness, familiar and comfortable. The high emotional intensity elevates this fable to the rank of a real parable with an almost biblical plot.

The meaning of a mother's life

The idea of ​​serving high ideals also dominates the novel “Mother”. In this work, the interpretation of human relations is not as schematic as in “Song of the Petrel.” The narrative is complicated by the understanding of simple human feelings experienced by an ordinary woman who raised a son obsessed with class struggle. Like any mother, she wants her child to be happy, and she is very afraid for Pavel, who is not afraid of anything. A revolutionary is ready to step over any obstacle, without thinking about the consequences, seeing only an unclear and distant goal. And the mother is always on the side of her son.

Was the Petrel of the Revolution happy?

So what is the meaning of life according to Gorky? Is it only in serving high ideals, or are more mundane, universal issues important to him? By declaring Maxim Gorky as the main proletarian writer, the Soviet leadership of the thirties hoped to tame the “petrel of the revolution” and reduce his complex, ambiguous work to a simplified scheme in which there was only room for heroes, enemies and ordinary people, a “wavering swamp” to be eradicated. But the world is much more complex and varied than the formula “who is not with us is against us”... But from school, children were instilled with the idea that the meaning of life, according to Gorky, lies in continuous struggle.

Happiness is the main goal of every person, and everyone has their own. Gorky's characters almost never experience it; they suffer. Did you become happy man myself great writer, despite all the honors that the authorities showered him with? Hardly.




What is the meaning of life? Literary criticism of all early works Maxim Gorky singled out the story “Old Woman Izergil” as the most romantic and poetic. His heroes are brave, strong in spirit People. Using their example, the writer talks about good and evil, the meaning and wisdom of life. The construction of the story is also very interesting. The story of the life of the old woman Izergil is framed by two legends - about Larra and about Danko. Before us are several human destinies - choose! Judge for yourself the meaning of life! What does it consist of? In Larra’s individualism or in the selfless service to people to which Danko devoted himself? Or maybe we should strive to live a free, adventurous life?

The old woman Izergil experienced a lot of grief and joy, different people she met on her long journey of life. The images of those she loved remained forever in her memory. This is an arrogant nobleman, and a “worthy gentleman with a hacked-up face,” and a young man - “a pale and fragile flower of the east, poisoned by kisses.” The years have robbed Izergil of her former beauty, extinguished the sparkle of her eyes, hunched her slender figure, but gave her wisdom, knowledge of life and true spirituality.

In my opinion, it is no coincidence that Gorky puts the legends about Larra and Danko into the mouth of this particular woman. She has something in common with both heroes. Izergil had to sacrifice herself for the sake of her lovers, show selflessness, and at the same time she lived her life for herself, free from any responsibilities and obligations. The writer does not condemn her: ideal people really only occur in fairy tales, but in real life they can combine both good and bad. However, it is unlikely that the legend of Danko could have come from the lips of a spiritually poor, cowardly or vile person.

In the legend of Larra, Gorky debunks the individualism of those who reject people and do not want to reckon with universal human laws. Someone may object that this is precisely what true freedom consists of - to do what you want, to go wherever you want, not to take anyone into account, that is, to “keep yourself whole.” However, whoever chooses this path will face a tragic and sad fate - loneliness. Indeed, “for everything a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life.” In other words, you cannot just consume without giving anything in return. Larra neglected this law, and a terrible punishment awaited him. It would seem that he lacked nothing: “he kidnapped cattle, girls - everything he wanted” and at the same time was free, like a bird. Then why, in the end, did he begin to dream of death and “there was so much melancholy in his eyes that it would be possible to poison all the people of the world with it”? Apparently, it is difficult for someone who “sees nothing but himself” to be happy and to pass through with dignity life path.

Of course, the romantic antipode of Larra is Danko - a brave, handsome man whose heart burned with great love for people. In his image, Gorky embodied his idea of ​​true heroes, of those in whom he saw the ideal. It is no coincidence that even the landscape creates in the reader a feeling of something unusual and fantastic. He helps us move from real life(Izergil’s story about herself) into the romantic world of legend: “In the distance of the steppe, now black and terrible, as if lurking, hiding something within itself, small blue lights flashed. Here and there they appeared for a moment and went out, as if several people, scattered across the steppe far from each other, were looking for something in it, lighting matches, which the wind immediately extinguished. These were very strange blue tongues of fire, hinting at something fabulous.” Just as blue sparks enliven the black steppe, as if hiding something evil within itself, so people like Danko are able to bring goodness and light into life.

Danko is beautiful, both externally and internally: “They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.”

Danko's energy and strength are contrasted with the lack of will and cowardice of the crowd. Tired and evil people, irritated by their powerlessness, lose their human appearance: “Danko looked at those for whom he had labored, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but there was no nobility on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them.” But Danko managed to overcome the indignation that flared up in him, because pity and love for people turned out to be stronger in him. To save them, he performs a spiritual feat. “What will I do for people?” - Danko shouted louder than thunder. And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head. It burned as bright as the sun and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch great love to people...” Danko’s burning heart is a symbol of sacrificial service to people, and the hero himself is the embodiment of all the best in a person. And how pitiful and low against his background seems the “cautious man” who, fearing something, stepped on his proud heart with his foot...”

I think that the legend of Danko’s burning heart expresses the author’s position on the question of the meaning of life. In other words, the whole meaning of life, according to Gorky, is in sacrificial, selfless service to people. True, at present such a position is unlikely to be popular. It seems to me that most of us are like the “cautious man” who steps on a burning heart. Is this why we have to experience a painful moral crisis?

The legend of Danko is a spiritual hyperbole, and not everyone can achieve great feats. But even if we try to become kinder, more sympathetic, and help those who need it, the world will certainly change for the better. And the life of a person who gives people warmth can be called beautiful and meaningful.


In my opinion, of all the early productions
Deny Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman"
Izergil" is the most romantic and poetic
ny. His heroes are brave and strong-willed
People. Using their example, the writer argues
about good and evil, about the meaning and wisdom of life.
The construction of the story is also very interesting. By-
the story of the life of the old woman Izergil about
framed by two legends - about Larra and Dan-
co. Before us are several human
deb - choose! Judge for yourself the meaning
life! What does it consist of? In individual
Larra's dualism or selfless service
research to the people to whom Danko devoted himself?
Or maybe we should strive to live freely?
a new, adventurous life?
The old woman experienced a lot of sorrows and joys.
ha Izergil, she met different people on
his duty in life. Images of those
whom she loved remained forever in her pa-
wrinkle. This is both an arrogant nobleman and a “worthy
gentleman with a chopped up face,” and the young man -
“a pale and fragile flower of the east, poisonous
enamored with kisses."
The years have robbed Izergil of her former beauty,
extinguished the shine of her eyes, hunched over her slender
camp, but gave her wisdom, knowledge of life and
true spirituality.
It’s not by chance that Gorky puts it in people’s mouths
it was this woman of the legend about Larra and
Danko. She has something in common with both genders.
in swarms. Izergil had to sacrifice
yourself for the sake of your loved ones, to show yourself
rejection, and at the same time she lives
la life for oneself, free from any
bo duties and obligations. The writer is not
condemns her: ideal people really
found only in fairy tales, but in the living,
real people bad things can come together,
and good.
However, it is unlikely that the legend about Danko could
sound from the lips of a spiritually poor person,
cowardly and vile.
In the legend of Larra, Gorky debunks
individualism of those who reject people,
does not want to take into account universal human rights
konami. Some might argue that exactly
This is where true freedom lies -
do what you want, go anywhere,
do not take anyone into account, that is, “preserve se-
whole." However, whoever chooses this
path, a tragic and sad fate awaits -
loneliness. Indeed, “for everything that
the catcher takes, he pays with himself: with his mind
and strength, sometimes life.” In other words,
You can’t just consume without giving anything.
in return. Larra neglected this law, and his
A terrible punishment awaited. It would seem that he
did not lack anything: “he stole
cattle, girls - everything I wanted,” and at the same time
was free as a bird. Then why
in the end he began to dream of death and
“there was so much melancholy in his eyes that you could
would it be possible to poison all the people of the world with it? By-
apparently, to someone who does not know how to give, yes
to give warmth of soul, who “cannot see anything but himself”
nothing”, it’s hard to be happy and
walk the path of life with dignity.
The romantic antipode of Larra is
Danko is a brave, handsome man whose heart
who was inflamed with great love for love
dyam. In his image, Gorky embodied his
about true heroes, about those in
whom he saw as an ideal. It’s no coincidence that even drink-
it creates a feeling in the reader of something
unusual, fantastic. He helps
us to move from real life (story
Izergil about himself) into the romantic world of le-
gendy: “And in the steppe distance, now black
and terrible, as if lurking, hiding
say something in yourself, small ones flashed
blue lights. Here and there they are for a moment
appeared and disappeared, like several people,
scattered across the steppe far from each other
friend, looked for something in her, lighting matches,
which the wind immediately extinguished. These were
very strange blue tongues of fire, intended
looking at something fabulous." Like blue
sparks enliven the black steppe, as if melting
feeling something unkind in themselves, so do people,
like Danko, are capable of bringing additional
bro and light.
Danko is beautiful both externally and internally.
Renne; “They looked at him and saw that he
the best of all, because in his eyes there is a light
there was a lot of strength and living fire.”
Danko's energy and strength are opposed to
due to the lack of will and cowardice of the crowd. Tired
and angry people, irritated by their powerlessness,
eat, lose their human appearance: “Danko can-
trill on those for whom he labored,
and I saw that they were like animals. A lot of people
stood around him, but was not on their faces
nobility, and he could not wait for
have mercy on them." But Danko managed to win
the indignation that flared up in him, because
pity and love for people were in him
stronger. To save them, he commits a
awesome feat. “What will I do for anyone?”
dey? - Danko shouted louder than thunder.
And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and
tore his heart out of her and raised it high
him over his head. It burned as brightly as
the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent,
illuminated by this torch of great love
to people..." Danko's burning heart is
a symbol of sacrificial service to people, and itself
a hero is the embodiment of all the best in a person
century. And how pitiful and low against his background
seems to be a "cautious person" who,
“being afraid of something, I stepped on a proud heart
I think in the legend of the burning heart
Danko expresses himself author's position according to
I ask about the meaning of life. In other words, all
The meaning of life, according to Gorky, is sacrificial,
selfless service to people. True, in
At present, such a position is unlikely to be
children popular. It seems to me that most
Most of us are likened to “cautious people”
catcher" who stepped on the flaming
heart. Is this why we have to re-
live a painful crisis as a moral
ny, and in the field of material.
Of course, you can’t demand sacrifices from people
by force, and great feats are not for everyone
shoulder. But if we try to become good
faster, more responsive, help those who need it
given, the world will certainly change for the better -
mu. And the life of a person who gives people soul-
warm warmth, can be called beautiful
and meaningful.

While in Bessarabia, Gorky thought about writing the story “The Old Woman Izergil.” For several years, the writer comprehended the essence of human nature, in which good and bad fight and it is not completely known which will win.

The result of the work pleased Gorky. The work fully reflected his views on public relations. Later, Gorky wrote to Chekhov that he would never again be able to write in such a smooth language, in which the story “The Old Woman Izergil” was written. Gorky also strove in his works to show all the best, what every reader could strive for.

In the story "Old Woman Izergil" composition plays a big role, which puts one story into the content of another. An elderly woman tells several stories that present completely opposite views on the world: selfishness, as a form of one’s own good, and altruism, a form of working for society. And in the middle the story is full of reality.

The theme of freedom comes first in the story. All heroes are not dependent on society. Danko, confident that he is right, commands the uncomprehending crowd to move forward, despite the indignation from the outside. Izergil demonstrated complete freedom with her behavior. And Larra even violates the freedom of others with her behavior.

Danko’s universal love opens up the theme of love in the story, which for Larra manifested itself exclusively towards herself. And Izergil, in pursuit of pleasure, comes to the realization that she has lost true love.

The main themes concern the role of man in society. According to the writer, every person should bring his talents to the public good. He opposes Larra’s individualism and Izergil’s emptiness.

The writer also encourages us to make good use of our time, which inexorably runs forward. The image of Izergil makes it clear that such thoughtless behavior is not capable of ultimately bringing a complete feeling of happiness from the life lived.

The fundamental idea of ​​this story is the search for the meaning of life. And the writer found it in altruism. But every person has the right to find his own.

The story also touches on issues of different nature: moral, ethical, philosophical, which everyone should think about.

The author, solving the problems of his characters, presents their different views on life for everyone to see. It was important for Danko to live for the sake of others. Larra lived exclusively for himself, and Izergil lived for love pleasures. As a result, only Danko was able to get complete pleasure.

The work "Old Woman Izergil" is presented in the form of three different life stories. By reading and following which everyone can choose the right path for themselves. The writer is trying to convey that man is a social being. And those who try to act for the sake of their own egoism eventually realize that they are left with nothing.

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In my opinion, of all the early works of Maxim Gorky, the story “Old Woman Izergil” is the most romantic and poetic. His heroes are brave, strong-willed people. Using their example, the writer talks about good and evil, the meaning and wisdom of life. The construction of the story is also very interesting. The story of the life of the old woman Izergil is framed by two legends - about Larra and Danko. Before us are several human destinies - choose! Judge for yourself the meaning of life! What does it consist of? In Larra’s individualism or in the selfless service to people to which Danko devoted himself? Or maybe we should strive to live a free, adventurous life? The old woman Izergil experienced a lot of grief and joy; she met different people on her long life’s journey. The images of those she loved remained forever in her memory. This is an arrogant nobleman, and a “worthy gentleman with a hacked-up face,” and a young man - “a pale and fragile flower of the east, poisoned by kisses.”
The years have robbed Izergil of her former beauty, extinguished the sparkle of her eyes, hunched her slender figure, but gave her wisdom, knowledge of life and true spirituality.
It is no coincidence that Gorky puts the legends about Larra and Danko into the mouth of this particular woman. She has something in common with both heroes. Izergil had to sacrifice herself for the sake of her lovers, show selflessness, and at the same time she lived her life for herself, free from any responsibilities and obligations. The writer does not condemn her: ideal people really are found only in fairy tales, but living, real people can combine both good and bad.
However, it is unlikely that the legend of Danko could have come from the lips of a spiritually wretched, cowardly and vile person.
In the legend of Larra, Gorky debunks the individualism of those who reject people and do not want to reckon with universal human laws. Someone might argue that this is precisely what true freedom consists of - to do what you want, to go wherever you want, not to take anyone into account, that is, to “keep yourself whole.” However, whoever chooses this path will face a tragic and sad fate - loneliness. Indeed, “for everything a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life.” In other words, you cannot just consume without giving anything in return. Larra neglected this law, and a terrible punishment awaited him. It would seem that he lacked nothing: “he kidnapped cattle, girls - everything he wanted,” and at the same time he was free as a bird. Then why, in the end, did he begin to dream of death and “there was so much melancholy in his eyes that it would be possible to poison all the people of the world with it?” Apparently, it is difficult for someone who does not know how to give, to give warmth, who “sees nothing but himself,” to be happy and to walk the path of life with dignity.
The romantic antipode of Larra is Danko - a brave, handsome man whose heart burned with great love for people. In his image, Gorky embodied his idea of ​​true heroes, of those in whom he saw the ideal. It is no coincidence that even the landscape creates in the reader a feeling of something unusual and fantastic. He helps us move from real life (Izergil’s story about himself) into the romantic world of legend: “And in the steppe distance, now black and terrible, as if lurking, hiding something within itself, small blue lights flashed. Here and there they appeared for a moment and went out, as if several people, scattered across the steppe far from each other, were looking for something in it, lighting matches, which the wind immediately extinguished. These were very strange blue tongues of fire, hinting at something fabulous.” Just as blue sparks enliven the black steppe, as if hiding something evil within itself, so people like Danko are able to bring goodness and light into life.
Danko is beautiful both externally and internally: “They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.”
Danko's energy and strength are contrasted with the lack of will and cowardice of the crowd. Tired and angry people, irritated by their powerlessness, lose their human appearance: “Danko looked at those for whom he had labored, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but there was no nobility on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them.” But Danko managed to overcome the indignation that flared up in him, because pity and love for people turned out to be stronger in him. To save them, he performs a spiritual feat. “What will I do for people?” - Danko shouted louder than thunder. And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head. It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people. Danko's burning heart is a symbol of sacrificial service to people, and the hero himself is the embodiment of all the best in a person. And how pitiful and low against his background the “cautious man” seems, who, “fearing something, stepped on his proud heart with his foot...”
I think that the legend about Danko’s burning heart expresses the author’s position on the question of the meaning of life. In other words, the whole meaning of life, according to Gorky, is in sacrificial, selfless service to people. True, at present such a position is unlikely to be popular. It seems to me that most of us are like “ careful person”, who stepped on the flaming heart. Is this why we have to experience a painful crisis, both moral and material.
Of course, you cannot force sacrifices from people, and not everyone can achieve great feats. But if we try to become kinder, more sympathetic, and help those who need it, then the world will certainly change for the better. And the life of a person who gives people warmth can be called beautiful and meaningful.