The departure of Andrey Chuev at home 2. A bright light at the end of the tunnel and a white streak in Andrey’s life

The television project "Dom-2" won the love of many television viewers and kept them glued to their screens for a long time. The project was going to be closed several times. However, as we see, it continues to exist until today. Many fans who closely follow current events become participants in Dom-2. The brightest personalities turn from ordinary participants into mega-stars. They are already talked about not just as ex-participants, but as TV presenters, showmen, artists, singers, secular people and so on. Many people also remember the purposeful Andrei Chuev. It will be discussed in this article.

Andrey Chuev as a participant in the television project "Dom-2"

In February 2008, the extraordinary Andrei appeared on the project and became a participant in the show “Dom-2”. Everyone knows that the main goal of the project is: “Build your love.” However, many come not for her, but for popularity, money and fame. Andrey Chuev was no exception. He said that he came to the participant Marina Kriskunas, but did not see this relationship as promising. At that time, he wanted to become a famous showman. He is one of those people who “will not go into his pocket for a word.” He was always distinguished by directness, a sharp mind and tricky questions. Chui (as the participants and he himself often called him) boldly expressed his personal opinion, for which he became famous as a difficult interlocutor. But in addition to his complex character, he had many positive qualities, for which he enjoyed great success among women.

Andrei Chuev's girls at Dom-2 and after the project

He built a serious relationship on the project with Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to the wedding. However, the disappointed girl could not come to terms with Andrei’s ambitions, as she found out that he did not plan to leave “House-2” even after the wedding ceremony. Andrei's attempts to return Valeria were unsuccessful, and he was forced to look for another girl.

Chuev’s new passion on the project was the sizzling brunette Yana Zemit. Their relationship developed quite rapidly. After a cruise in Europe together, they were going to meet their parents. However, as they say, it’s not fate. The fight that occurred did not allow him to be on the Dom-2 project any longer. Andrey Chuev was forced to leave. Yana followed him, but they subsequently separated.

After a series of these events, Chuev began dating Tatyana Kioseya. His return to the project took place as a cafe manager at the invitation of the show organizers. Viewers could watch the history of the development of relations with them on their screens.

After the project, Andrey Chuev cemented his relationship with Tatyana through marriage, after which they had a wonderful daughter, Lisa.

The life of Andrey Chuev before and after the Dom-2 project

Before participating in the most popular television project, Andrei Chuev was an entrepreneur in his hometown of Stary Oskol. Specifically, entrepreneurship was associated with the shoe trade. Perhaps it was precisely his entrepreneurial spirit that made his tongue more flexible, which allowed him to firmly gain a foothold on the project.

After leaving Dom-2, absolutely no news was heard about him, which raised relevant questions among many fans about where Andrei Chuev is and how his life is going? Andrey left the project with grandiose plans for the future and an inspired desire to create beautiful life. However, he suffered a setback that lasted a long time.

Sudden illness after leaving a TV project

After leaving the Dom-2 project, it turned out that Andrei Chuev was ill. ruined everything beautiful dreams and grandiose plans for the future. Instead, a lot of pain was experienced and a lot of tears were shed. A sudden illness confined the guy to bed for a long time.

Doctors made a diagnosis - this disease is characterized by severe pain and dangerous consequences. Andrei’s appearance on the talk show “Let Them Talk” shocked many TV viewers and fans of “Dom-2”. The guy was brought in on a gurney. Then Andryusha kept his fans informed of all the events happening to him, shared the unpleasant sensations that he experienced, and also did not hesitate to talk about his experiences and fears.

Operations of Andrey Chuev

Chuev underwent five operations. After suffering four, he could neither stand nor sit. His first operation was unsuccessful, after which he had to undergo a second one on his spine, which resulted in an infection. The worst thing is that two operations were performed on the wrong vertebra. The hernia, as it turned out later, was on the other side. A third intervention was necessary because he had developed an abscess that posed a serious threat to his life.

The fifth operation radically changed the situation and literally put Andrei on his feet. It took place in an Israeli clinic, with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky. The doctor's name is very famous in Russia. The same doctor performed surgery on the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

The operation in Israel turned out to be very expensive, but effective. According to Andrey himself, it cost him 40 thousand dollars. Participants and organizers of the Dom-2 project helped raise money for it.

A bright light at the end of the tunnel and a white streak in Andrey’s life

Now, one might say, Andrey is having bright days after a protracted period. A certain rehabilitation period has begun. During the fifth operation in Israel with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky, two titanium plates were inserted into his back. Now he is strengthening his back muscles and doing special exercises.

Chuev is currently full vital energy and strength. He talks with a smile on his face about the difficult surgeries he endured and about his weight loss of 31 kilograms.

This man cannot help but be amazed. Anyone else in his place would have broken down long ago and given up. But Andrey is not one of those weak people. Although with strong inner feelings, he comments on the events that happened to him with a radiant smile on his face.

His plans also include filing a lawsuit against where he had his first operations “in the wrong place,” after which he miraculously remained alive and barely got back on his feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of Andrei Chuev can serve as a clear example for many people. You should never give up, even in the most difficult situations. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine.

Watch House-2 from 03/11/2017 - day 4688 - City of Love, episode in good quality

Description of the broadcast

Alexandra Gozias started today's Saturday talk show with her song “Girl Without a Heart.” Olga Buzova congratulated Sasha on the premiere of the song, and Kostya gave huge bouquet roses Gozias thanked Alexander Pantykin for creating this song for her. The presenter said that today two couples are leaving the project at once, Sasha and Kostya, Andrey and Marina. Kostya said that he and Sasha are leaving together, they have already grown up, are always in touch, always close to House 2, and are planning a wedding in the summer.

Sasha did not spend these two years on the project in vain, she realized herself, went through all the difficulties, understood what love is, she thought that she would leave here alone, but she leaves with a man, they have joint plans. Lisa cried on the island because two worthy couples were leaving the project. Buzova believes that it is happiness when the guys have grandiose plans and wanted to keep the love outside the perimeter. Next they showed a video about Marina and Andrey Chuev. Buzova reminded Chuev that he had already left the project with his wife once, and then returned.

Chuev said that they have plans, he sold the house, he has money, they all rented a house together in which they will live. Andrey said that he and Kostya are partners, he will take care of construction, Kostya will take care of the cafe, and the girls will take care of their social networks. Chuev advised everyone to learn to forgive. Marina cried from the very beginning of the evening and stated that she was very worried, although outwardly she and Andrei were in harmony, then inside she was not as happy as she would like, so she did not follow Andrei. Chuev somehow calmly replied that this is life.

Marina thought and reflected for a long time and realized that everything was fine in the relationship when Andrey good mood, when she is silent and does not contradict, Andrei decides everything himself, does not listen to her, on the Islands he said that he does not need any advice from her, she should follow Andrei. Afrikantova rethought their whole life and realized that she was Andrei’s shadow, he became the master of her life, so they parted. Chuev told Marina that she would regret this all her life. Buzova asked whose money Andrei and Marina lived on.

Marina replied that Andrei had problems with money, they lived on her money in Dubai and the Seychelles, he owed her 240 thousand. Kostya said that they all had huge plans, they filmed big house for four, we wanted to grow together.

Gozias is shocked, he and Marina are supposed to have an interview on Monday, now all these plans have been disrupted. Buzova heard that outside the perimeter Andrei was rude to Marina. Marina explained that she constantly goes around all corners and if she says something against him, Andrei breaks down.

Vera Kurochka remembered the stories ex-wife Andrei, Tanya, she also complained that Andrei did not consult with her. Chuev left the studio, then returned, knelt down and asked Marina to remain human in relation to him. Buzova promised Andrey a car, Marina burst into tears even more. After the arrival of two new guys, the participants decided to castle on Zarya. Yesterday Kadoni gave Ivan a day to solve problems and improve relations with the team.

Olga Buzova asked Vanya how he turned from everyone’s favorite into an aggressor. Zarya admitted that he had turned into an embittered person, that he was to blame, that he had to resolve the situation himself. Buzova believes that Vanya hides emptiness behind acting and antics. Kharitonova considers Zarya to be a stubborn person, empty-headed, who never tells the truth, he has nothing behind his soul, Zarya came to the project to hang out and is doing everything to stay.

Marina Tristanovna thinks Vanya is insincere, he is playing. Sophia explained that she tried to adapt to Vanya, but he didn’t show himself to anyone for who he really is. Sophia said that behind the perimeter and behind the canopy he is different. Zarya admitted that he was tired of being a clown. Vanya apologized to everyone, said that he respects mothers and loves his friend Dima Lukin, it’s easier for him to be a good man than a clown. Buzova told Zara that he was leaving the project.

Highlights for the day:
Gozias and Kostya Ivanov left the project.
Andrey Chuev left alone, and Marina remained on the project.
Ivan Zarya left the project today.

Viewer comments on the broadcast

Vladislav Arsenov: Marina is a 1 in a million girl! There are almost no such things in nature anymore. Kind, soft, very decent, feminine, beautiful, fragile, meek, well-mannered... You can list them without exception! Best girl for the entire House 2 project! Marina simply deserves to be happy! Like no one else! It seems to me that such a girl can adapt to any person. What is this fat animal Chuev talking about? What will she regret? What is he talking about? Yes, he should have prayed for her! He made her life unbearable! This is the person with whom more than one girl cannot get along. Yes, they will come to Marina in crowds, they will blow away specks of dust, protect, and appreciate such a girl! Finally, Marina said everything that was in her heart! Simply smart! Now you can breathe a sigh of relief and throw off this burden.

Aneta Kovaleva: Godzilla is gone!!! Chuev left!!! I don’t believe in this happiness!!! Orgi thank you!!!

Irina Bedyagina: Oh, they showed Rapunchik... The shirt is brand new - it’s a bit of a mess! Eduardovna, she gave out a thousand...

We remember those who forever entered the history of the television project. Many of them are building happy life outside the Perimeter, while others dream of being in the Perimeter again.

The departure of a “DOM-2” participant or even a couple from the Perimeter is always an event and very often a surprise both for the audience and for the guys themselves. It's rare to see lovers walking out of the gate by mutual consent. More often it is elimination in a vote, punishment for inappropriate behavior, shocking behavior, a rash decision based on emotions - options are possible. On the eve of the New Year 2018, we recall the most high-profile departures from “HOUSE-2” and the most bright participants 2017, which could not help but be remembered by the audience.


Masha Kokhno

The spectacular blonde came to the project in early October 2016 and stayed there less than a year. All this time - in the status of a loner, since nothing worthwhile came out of Masha’s novels. Kokhno is a violinist by profession and graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, and therefore positioned herself as a true lady. True, fans more often discussed not Kokhno’s manners, which, according to many, unfortunately, did not reach the gold standard, but her plastic surgery.

Photos of Masha before and after the interventions created a real sensation on the Internet. The harsh verdict of the audience sounded like this: “It was better before, why spoil what’s already there?” perfect appearance? Kokhno hastened to justify that she went for breast enlargement after she lost her shape due to anorexia. The beauty revealed the truth about her illness during the project, showing shocking photos on her personal page. According to Kokhno, the illness provoked a divorce from her first husband. She was so worried about difficult relationships with him that she simply stopped eating, and it took a lot of effort to restore her lost health.

Leaving the project was a big surprise both for Masha herself and for TV viewers

By the way, Maria Kokhno came to “DOM-2” with a stamp in her passport, and over the past year she only made attempts to file for a divorce, without succeeding. Several times she even ran outside the perimeter to temporarily reunite with her husband. Officially, the marriage was dissolved when the girl was no longer a participant in the television show.

The “verdict” of Maria Kokhno was signed in October of this year. In the women's vote, the majority of participants were in favor of the blonde leaving the Perimeter. Kokhno could have been saved by the voice of her bosom friend Maria Afrikantova, but she, as luck would have it, skipped Lobnoye and went to celebrate her birthday. Masha was acutely worried about her departure.

“Last year on my birthday I caught my husband in bed with another woman, and this year on my birthday I was kicked out of the project. It was very difficult to get used to ordinary life. I am an emotional person, I quickly become attached to a place and people! At first it seemed to me that I had fallen out of life and the world had collapsed,” she complained, not yet knowing that her real finest hour would soon come.

After all, it inadvertently turned out that Marie Kokhno consoles Dmitry Dmitrenko, suffering from a divorce, who was kicked out of the house by his wife Olga Rapunzel. There were selfies, general live broadcasts, and a ton of other “subtle hints” that the young people were now together. “This is no longer friendship, but not yet love,” Masha flirted, saying that she was simply helping Dmitrienko survive the collapse of family life. And then the guy decided to seek forgiveness from Rapunzel, and Masha then called him a coward. Now Kokhno is completely focused on musical career, and prefers not to say anything about his personal life.


Dima Dmitrenko

Dmitry Dmitrenko was brought to the project by his future wife Olga Rapunzel. The guys have been together since 2015, and in the summer of 2017 they left Perimeter together. This happened a little unexpectedly for both of them, although Dmitrenko had already raised the issue of leaving, while Rapunzel assured him that they “have not yet shown their full potential on the project.” As a result, he decided to end his participation in the reality, clarifying that he was tired of the eternal attacks and insults from his colleagues on the project.

It all happened on one of the Saturday talk shows, when Nikolai Dolzhansky once again began to pester Olga Rapunzel with reminders that she is still his wife, although it has already been proven more than once that the ceremony held between him and Olga Seychelles, did not have legal force. Dmitry Dmitrenko came to the defense of his wife, a fight occurred, Dolzhansky’s nose was broken...

The couple separated shortly after leaving the project

Then the presenters suggested that Dmitrenko fight with Zakhar Salenko, who had to defend the honor of the crippled Dolzhansky, but Dima avoided the fight. After his refusal, Vlad Kadoni and Olga Buzova gave Rapunzel and her husband a debriefing, which ended with the announcement that the couple were leaving the DOM-2 project. At the same time, they were reminded that no one was expected back.

Dmitrenko and Rapunzel will soon become parents

The reaction of fans to this event was unequivocal: “Finally!” Many, however, predicted that Dmitrienko and Rapunzel would soon return with a new scandal, because they would not be able to live ordinary life outside the project. And so, in fact, it happened: four months later, pregnant Rapunzel appeared in front of television cameras, accusing her husband of treason and beatings. Exclusive interview participants:


Zakhar Salenko and Lera Frost

This couple was in the news for almost the entire 2017. Mainly thanks to scandals, because the guys quarreled and made up, separated and got back together almost constantly. Fans once calculated that Zakhar and Lera had at least ten such “comebacks”, and at some point all of this ceased to interest the audience: really, what’s the point of watching a couple who live according to the same scenario without bringing anything new to it?

The last time the lovers announced their “final” separation was in early November, and already at the end of the last autumn month Leroux was “asked” to leave “DOM-2” in a women’s vote. The majority of participants spoke out strongly against it. But, contrary to the expectations of the team, Zakhar Salenko immediately, without leaving the Execution Ground, decided to follow his girlfriend out the gate, although no one thought of kicking him out. The guy’s act shocked both the audience and the team, but for Lera herself it seems to have become a very significant event.

The lovers left the project on a positive note

Despite previous quarrels with showdowns and mutual claims, the girl decided to continue building love beyond the Perimeter.

“Apparently this was supposed to happen. I couldn’t sit through the vote for the 100,500th time... I always said that “HOUSE −2” is a place where at the most unexpected moment this can happen, the moment of leaving. And so it happened,” Lera Frost commented on her departure.

And the audience was left “incomprehensible” - why did Zakhar leave when he had brilliant prospects for promoting his own career on the project? However, the answer was soon found: “Love,” the fans exclaimed with understanding.

Frost and Salenko are making big plans for the future beyond the perimeter


This “old man” (he first joined the project in 2008) has made many attempts to leave “DOM-2” forever. It seems that the one that took place in 2017 was the most successful. After this loud scandal Chuy is unlikely to return to the Glade, because he left it, loudly slamming the door.

Andrey Chuev
Photo: Instagram

In March 2017, Andrei, together with Alexandra Gozias and Konstantin Ivanov, decided to oppose the new rules. Chuev expected that his beloved Marina Afrikantova would support him when he left, but he miscalculated: last moment the girl declared that the project was more valuable to her and remained in Polyana, while Chui went out of the gate alone. The couple, who were already preparing for the wedding, broke up right away Execution Place. Chuev was shocked and honestly said this on his social network page, and Afrikantova, in turn, temporarily deleted all her Internet accounts. Viewers' opinions about this couple were divided: some regretted Chuev's departure and demanded that he be returned to the air urgently, others slandered the guy and said that it was time for him to leave long ago. The latter, it seems, were right.

Chuev has always been one of the most scandalous participants in the project


Kostya Ivanov and Sasha Gozias

This couple left the project by their own decision in March 2017. The step was planned as very bold and even revolutionary, but its consequences turned out to be completely unpredictable.

“Guys, we left the project! We are grateful to DOM-2 for everything. For our meeting, for my correction, for the liberation of my soul! Our goals are grandiose! Ksyusha Borodina, dear, I’m sorry that we didn’t meet today. I'm sure we'll see each other again. Know that you are a charming woman, a super presenter. I loved you very much, you are real. You scolded, but also warmed me with warmth. Thank you for everything, dear subscribers, I love you and don’t say goodbye,” Sasha wrote on her Instagram page.

Gozias left the project not on the most positive note

In response, she was showered with wishes to finally remember that she is not only a TV star, but also the mother of a charming daughter. “Finally, take care of the child!” - outraged fans wrote to Gozias. There were, however, those who regretted the departure of the bright and temperamental couple. “Now there will be no one to look at in “HOUSE-2,” fans complained.

Sasha actually took her daughter away from her grandmother for a while, but soon returned her back to Kaliningrad, and now she is only visiting the baby, and, as she says, she is focused on building a career in the capital. The union with Konstantin Ivanov soon fell apart, and then it turned out that he had cheated on Gozias with the singer Natalya Sturm, popular in the 90s.

Natalya Sturm called Kostya Ivanov a “sex trainer”
Photo: Program frame


This couple got together in 2015, and finally got married in the fall of 2017. The celebration was preceded by a quiet departure from the show. The decision was probably made by the future spouses a long time ago, but Zhenya and Sasha were in no hurry to voice it. However, how to effectively arrange your last day in Polyana.

Sasha Artemova and Zhenya Kuzin

Cousin simply went to Cyprus one day to visit his son Mitya from his first marriage. There the boy rested with his mother Margarita Agibalova. Evgeniy never returned, and Alexandra fully supported Kuzin in his choice. There were no loud words, noise or excitement. The couple released a low-key message on social media, saying they were ready to start building life together outside the Perimeter.

Evgeny Kuzin thanked the organizers of “DOM-2” and the project participants for all the good things that happened to him here over several years, and called the opportunity to meet his beloved girl Alexandra Artemova the most important gift. The lovers promised not to leave the project with their attention and come to visit from time to time.

Artemova and Kuzin continue to communicate with project participants

“Sanya Artyomova and I found each other, built love, thanks to you we will sail on this “ship.” Dear viewers, we will appear, come to the show, because “DOM-2” is our family, we leave with a pure heart, in a good mood,” Evgeny Kuzin said then.

I didn’t deceive - everything is fine with the couple, and the family ship did not crash at all. At the end of 2017, the guys had a magnificent wedding and are now preparing to open new horizons in a new status.

Sasha and Zhenya got married in November


This couple did not spend even a year on the project: at the beginning of winter, Darina Markina came to Polyana, and in the fall both were already outside the Perimeter to test their feelings together and build family life. This is not the first time for Kuznetsov: he has already found himself outside the gate for a variety of reasons: either he was kicked out for fighting, or he broke up with the project himself.

Darina Markina and Nikita Kuznetsov
Photo: DOM-2 magazine archive

Viewers have known Kuznetsov since 2008. His most striking departure was his joint step with Nelly Ermolaeva. The young people left DOM-2 shortly after their wedding in 2010, but then divorced. Since then, Kuznetsov has made many attempts to improve his personal life and finally seems to have succeeded. In 2017, with a native of Penza, Darina, he won the “Love of the Year” competition and won an apartment.

Now the lovers are busy with renovations, own business and preparations for the wedding, which is currently scheduled for the summer of 2018. The couple made the decision to leave “DOM-2” with the wording “And we are happy”, which is already familiar to many, in October.

The lovers left the project shortly after they won the apartment

“Friends, our time has come! We found each other, what could be more important? We are leaving the project! We made this decision ourselves. And we leave with a pure heart and a sense of accomplishment. Thank you for your love! We are no longer participants in the project, but we are not saying goodbye to you!” - Nikita wrote then on a page on a social network.

A little later, Kuznetsov and Markina promised that they would definitely return to the project if the “Wedding for a Million” competition was announced. They are confident that they can win because, unlike their competitors, they are the most non-conflict couple and the most sympathetic to the audience.

The guys are happy outside the perimeter


Representative so exotic profession“DOM-2” has not yet happened - at the beginning of 2017, a former priest appeared on the project. By that time, however, he had already been banned from ministry, and then completely deprived of his rank.

Walter Solomentsev

The piquancy of the situation also lay in the fact that Vasily - that’s actually Solomentsev’s name - was married and simply abandoned his wife with two young children. It was hard to believe what the young man was talking about, and many viewers refused to watch his adventures on the screen, knowing about his rank.

With shocking behavior, Solomentsev gained fame for himself scandalous participant project throughout its history, but, alas, did not win the people’s love. Having started an affair with VGIK student Olesya Lisovskaya, whom he knew even before coming to DOM-2, Solomentsev also did not add points to himself. According to the unanimous verdict of the fans, everything that these two did was more like sick fantasies and a game according to a pre-written script than a real relationship. Solomentsev decided to leave the project five months after the first broadcast: this happened in August, and Walter left after his project lover Olesya Lisovskaya.

This couple formed back in 2016, and at the beginning of 2017 they already broke up. Ivan Barzikov began to think about leaving the project back in January, and actively tormented Lisa, trying to find out from her what he should do. Openly admitting that he no longer had feelings for Polygalova, Vanya nevertheless could not decide whether he should stay to meet some other beautiful young lady, or leave the Perimeter forever.

In April he finally made up his mind. Having provoked a disgusting scandal at Lobny and convicting Polygalova of cheating with Zakhar Salenko, Barzikov himself actually created the conditions for the girl to leave. Lisa made up her mind and wrote very restrainedly on her personal blog: “Guys, I left the project! Will you be bored?

Polygalova and Barzikov are no longer together
​Photo: Program frame

The girl fans assured that they would certainly miss him, and consoled him that he shouldn’t worry so much about the actions of an unworthy groom. Barzikov himself found himself outside the gates a couple of days after Elizabeth left. He tried to restore the relationship outside the cameras and even called the girl back, but it seems he was not successful. As a result ex-lovers They deleted photos together, blocked each other on social networks and for a long time publicly slandered each other and shared a common dog.


This attractive guy in all respects did not stay on the project for even a year, joining in July and leaving the show in November. Over the course of several months, Talibov, however, became remembered by the audience. First - with his beautiful courtship of Masha Kokhno, with whom the young man tried to be a true gentleman.

Then - a whole series of attempts to start relationships with other applicants and loud statements that the girls of the project, they say, disappointed him. Towards the end, Talibov even started an affair outside the Perimeter - with Alexandra Gozias, who recently left. But it turned out that on the part of the shocking participant this was just an awkward attempt to attract attention, and Dima soon found himself out of work. He went on flight as punishment.

Dima Talibov left the project unexpectedly for TV viewers

Here the versions differ: some believe that Talibov was thrown out of “HOUSE-2” precisely for his love affairs outside the Perimeter, others say that the fight was to blame. Talibov slapped Kirill Shchetinin, Olya Rapunzel’s boyfriend. In fact, the fight was trivial, but the consequences were serious. Talibov was asked to leave Polyana in a short time. Outraged fans immediately launched a flash mob on social networks #bring back Talybov, but, alas, they have not yet succeeded. Dima never returned to the project.


Sasha Kharitonova left the project this year

On the network and broadcasts of House 2 and “not caring” for Chuev by Marina Afrikantova. Today we are broadcasting this topic on Once again The presenter Olga Buzova raised it and one interesting detail emerged in the discussion, which had not been discussed before.

It turns out that Afrikantova “framed” Chuev and company! Andrei accused Marina that they had to leave the project because of her, or rather because of her social networks. Apparently it’s all about the number of subscribers, of which Afrikova has more than a million. It’s clear that Chuev didn’t want to lose his good income, or rather give it to the authorities, and the decision was made to leave; the cat started crying for his subscribers, both Andrey, Kostya and Sasha. But Marina took it and didn’t leave...

Now everything is falling into place. And Chuev’s anger in the studio, and Andrei tried to “reason” with his ex-fiancée and even gave her time to fix everything, but the girl turned out to be surprisingly stubborn and stayed at house 2.

Did Afrikantova plan everything or...?

Now Chuev is committing atrocities and calling both Marina and her mother names, last words. He is outraged that thanks to their long tongues the truth about Andrei’s financial situation became known. But Afrikantova is still doing well. Andrei Cherkasov, Nikita Kuznetsov and Pyotr Shepel look after her, and Chueva’s girl recalls how horrible dream. One thing remains unclear to me personally: did Afrikantova plan everything or was it a spontaneous decision?

Alexandra Gozias started today's Saturday talk show with her song “Girl Without a Heart.” Olga Buzova congratulated Sasha on the premiere of the song, and Kostya presented a huge bouquet of roses. Gozias thanked Alexander Pantykin for creating this song for her. The presenter said that today two couples are leaving the project at once, Sasha and Kostya, Andrey and Marina. Kostya said that he and Sasha are leaving together, they have already grown up, are always in touch, always close to House 2, and are planning a wedding in the summer. Sasha did not spend these two years on the project in vain, she realized herself, went through all the difficulties, understood what love is, she thought that she would leave here alone, but she leaves with a man, they have joint plans. Lisa cried on the island because two worthy couples were leaving the project. Buzova believes that it is happiness when the guys have grandiose plans and wanted to keep the love outside the perimeter. Next they showed a video about Marina and Andrey Chuev. Buzova reminded Chuev that he had already left the project with his wife once, and then returned. Chuev said that they have plans, he sold the house, he has money, they all rented a house together in which they will live. Andrey said that he and Kostya are partners, he will take care of construction, Kostya will take care of the cafe, and the girls will take care of their social networks. Chuev advised everyone to learn to forgive. Marina cried from the very beginning of the evening and stated that she was very worried, although outwardly she and Andrei were in harmony, then inside she was not as happy as she would like, so she did not follow Andrei. Chuev somehow calmly replied that this is life. Marina thought and reflected for a long time and realized that everything is fine in the relationship when Andrei is in a good mood, when she is silent and does not contradict, Andrei decides everything himself, does not listen to her, on the Islands he said that he does not need any advice from her , she must follow Andrey. Afrikantova rethought their whole life and realized that she was Andrei’s shadow, he became the master of her life, so they parted. Chuev told Marina that she would regret this all her life. Buzova asked whose money Andrei and Marina lived on. Marina replied that Andrei had problems with money, they lived on her money in Dubai and the Seychelles, he owed her 240 thousand. Kostya said that they all had big plans, they rented a big house for four, and wanted to grow up together. Gozias is shocked, he and Marina are supposed to have an interview on Monday, now all these plans have been disrupted. Buzova heard that outside the perimeter Andrei was rude to Marina. Marina explained that she constantly goes around all corners and if she says something against him, Andrei breaks down. Vera Kurochka remembered the stories of Andrei’s ex-wife, Tanya, who also complained that Andrei did not consult with her. Chuev left the studio, then returned, knelt down and asked Marina to remain human in relation to him. Buzova promised Andrey a car, Marina burst into tears even more.
After the arrival of two new guys, the participants decided to castle on Zarya. Yesterday Kadoni gave Ivan a day to solve problems and improve relations with the team. Olga Buzova asked Vanya how he turned from everyone’s favorite into an aggressor. Zarya admitted that he had turned into an embittered person, that he was to blame, that he had to resolve the situation himself. Buzova believes that Vanya hides emptiness behind acting and antics. Kharitonova considers Zarya to be a stubborn person, empty-headed, who never tells the truth, he has nothing behind his soul, Zarya came to the project to hang out and is doing everything to stay. Marina Tristanovna thinks Vanya is insincere, he is playing. Sophia explained that she tried to adapt to Vanya, but he didn’t show himself to anyone for who he really is. Sophia said that behind the perimeter and behind the canopy he is different. Zarya admitted that he was tired of being a clown. Vanya apologized to everyone, said that he respects mothers and loves his friend Dima Lukin, it’s easier for him to be a good person than a clown. Buzova told Zara that he was leaving the project.

Highlights for the day:

Gozias and Kostya Ivanov left the project.
. Andrey Chuev left alone, and Marina remained on the project.
. Ivan Zarya left the project today.