Chuev shows correspondence with Marina Afrikantova. Marina Afrikantova: “Chuev owes me a lot of money. Chuev will tell the whole truth about his ex-fiancee

The TV star said that her ex-boyfriend did not return her a large sum. Marina Afrikantova in exclusive interview c Dom2Life admitted what Andrey Chuev lent money for. The blonde confirmed her words with a receipt from the ex-participant.

Marina Afrikantova shocked Internet users by admitting that her relationship with Andrei Chuev is not over yet. True, not in a romantic way. The guys are bound by Chuev’s debt obligations to Afrikantova. It turned out that the man borrowed a large sum of money from his ex-lover. “He owes me 250 thousand rubles. But he didn’t give it up and won’t give it up,” Marina said. The blonde also remembered that Chuev recorded all the amounts he borrowed from his other half on paper. Afrikantova even has a receipt in the man’s handwriting.

“Recently I was going through my papers, I still have a little book where Chuev wrote me a document stating that I gave him money. But it is not legally certified. It’s written with his hand,” the reality show star said in an exclusive interview with Dom2Life.

Marina explained what the notes meant. According to the blonde, Andrei borrowed 50 thousand for his grandmother, 21 thousand for a ticket, 329 thousand rubles - the total amount of funds withdrawn by Chuev from Afrikantova’s card, as well as 9 thousand for pocket expenses. However, another 100 thousand rubles appear on the paper. The girl explained that her boyfriend promised to give her this amount in addition to the debt.

When asked whether Marina was going to raise this topic again and oblige Andrei to pay the debt, she answered in the negative. However, the star of the project was unable to explain her decision.

“Of course, I feel sorry for this money, it’s big. Now I have begun to value them very much, they are accumulating, I want to invest them: I changed my car and am going to continue saving. I used to spend everything in cafes and restaurants. Then I thought, why waste time if you can invest money in expensive and necessary purchases,” Afrikantova told Dom2Life.

According to Marina, Andrey will not return her money

Marina Afrikantova’s mother began a correspondence with Andrey Chuev

Marina Afrikantova came back to the Dom2 project

In the phone, the correspondence from which was made public by the correspondents themselves, you can read the following verbal altercation between Tatyana Afrikantova, Marina Afrikantova’s mother, and Andrei Chuev, a potential son-in-law. You probably wouldn’t call it a skirmish, but definitely an exchange of opinions. Let’s say right away that the style and spelling remained unchanged, so to speak, in the author’s design.

Andrey Chuev came to the project again

Marina built her relationship with Bogdan Lenchuk

/13.38 Nick Inessa wedges herself into the conversation with the words: So why did you let her go again??/
Admin.: In short, Marina Afrikantova’s mother, just as boring, soft-bodied and vague as her daughter, would have been leading us to the essence of her telephone confession for a long time, if Andrei Chuev himself had not entered the virtual conversation with the words:
13.44 Chuev Andrey (CA): Hello Tatyana! I already understand what parallel you are trying to draw. That I came to the project with my wife, everything is fine and I came to promote myself, etc. Don't worry, I have nothing to promote. I’m not a DJ or a superstar, you can ask Marina about the car, I have a good car, I have people working on repairs and I also make good money there, I have an apartment, not in Moscow, but after all, it’s there, there is a house in the village, there is a share in furniture business and everything works. I’m not one of those people who leaves their family because of a project; in fact, I didn’t leave the project for my wife. Life turned out this way, we separated, and I want more children. I agree with the girls’ opinions, you worry and suspect too much, but nevertheless you let Marina go to the project. In general, you said that she should be independent, so give her this independence. Your fears are escalating the situation, both in your mind and in the mind of your daughter. Calm down, relax and think less about yourself...
13.46 CHA: But life is unpredictable and very difficult, we all make mistakes, we all get upset, we experience pain and loss - this is Life!
13.51 CH: The most important thing in life is not to be discouraged, regardless of the current situation, to believe in God, and always smile, honor your parents and look after (apparently, raise - admin.) children! And all the steely formalities, as they say, we’ll see!
During Chuev’s pacifying jokes, Marina Afrikantova’s mother continued to scribble, completely unable to see what was already addressed to her. Mom ruptured in her entire life. Everyone got it: Bogdan with his impudent girl, and Zadoynov with Elina, and Libezh (spelling TA!) In the end, Tatyana Afrikantova said that it would be better for Marinochka to take a closer look at Yegor again - he is now thinner and fashionable!
To which Chuev replied that he would never offend her daughter and began to think... Intrusive wasps immediately intervened in the virtual tête-à-tête, who concluded that if there were such fears, then it would be better for Marina to build her love behind a project. As a result, Yegor Kholyavin himself appeared, who identified himself as a strong participant and expressed the idea of ​​​​returning to the project (he lost weight for good reason!) and also shouted on air using caps and exclamation marks that he wanted children and was ready to become good husband and father! (Eh, he got stuck... from losing weight...)

Yegor Kholyavin - former passion of Marina Afrikantova

With a buzz, everyone disappeared, exchanging emoticons, pictures and photos. Either they called you for lunch, or to the front office, or the phones died due to the load... Dom2... that says it all)))
We will follow the relationship between Marina and Andrey. Heavy artillery was used - the offended mother-in-law, and this, you know, is a very solid weapon...
P.S. Once again we apologize for the style, spelling, grammar and other thematic sections of the modern Russian language: excellent students rarely come to Dom2.

Read with this article:

The couple deservedly held the title of one of the brightest on the Dom-2 project. The former lovers had to endure so many hardships and joyful moments, separations and reconciliations.

When Andrei was alone on the project, Marina came to him at one of the parishes, declaring that she was ready to build love with him. Despite Andrei’s complex character, the malleable and spineless Afrikantova was able to make her chosen one fall in love with her. Twice it came to marriage. For the first time, the couple decided to get married in the Seychelles.

Marina and Andrey quarreled too often, and therefore citing unpreparedness in psychologically, the girl asked the groom to postpone the wedding. Only Andrei decided to take revenge on Marina for past insults, and therefore, despite the fact that he gave her a gorgeous ring with a huge diamond and made a bright proposal, he decided to cruelly play her.

Then Marina’s mother flew to the islands and helped her prepare for the wedding: a yacht, a helicopter, a cake were booked, a wedding photo session was held and a gorgeous ceremony was planned, outfits were purchased for the heroes of the occasion, etc.

In fact, it turned out that Andrei fooled everyone, and at the engagement ceremony he completely refused. This was a blow for Marina.

After another breakup, the couple found themselves together again. Marina realized that she could not see Andrei with other girls, and therefore she opened up for him from the other side.

Charming him in Once again With her beauty and attention, the girl achieved her goal, and the couple again began to think about the wedding, forgetting previous understatements and grievances. Officially, Chuev was still listed as married to his former wife, and therefore the marriage was constantly postponed.

Many fans believed that Marina and Andrey were building a fictitious relationship on a contractual basis, the couple was never filmed making love in the room, and therefore doubts arose about their sincerity towards each other.

In her relationship with Andrey, Marina was always led by him. She had no right to express her opinion, to be capricious. Having asked herself the question: is she ready to leave the project with Andrei forever, will she be happy with him in the future, Marina realized that it was time to pluck up courage and face the truth.

On an evening talk show, when the departure of the couple Chuev and Afrikantova was planned, Marina announced that she had changed her mind and was not ready to leave the project. Andrei took this statement negatively and even began to accuse the girl of all sins, uttering obscene language in her direction.

The man admitted that he was very worried about her decision, and therefore even began to think about suicide, fortunately he pulled himself together in time and returned to his former life.

Marina assures that she made the right decision. It was hard for her in an alliance with Andrei, she did not feel happy, being completely under the influence of his mood, and if she began to be capricious, Chuev quickly cooled her down. Life in such circumstances is a living hell and Afrikantova does not predict anything like this for anyone.