Nadezhda Matveeva - biography, television career and personal life. Presenter Everything will be good Nadezhda Matveeva about divorce and her adult son: exclusive interview with Viva! — How did you get from radio to television?

With an ironic smile, boisterous laughter or sad notes in her voice, Nadezhda Matveeva in a frank interview with Viva! about divorce, relationships with ex-spouses and son, money and success.

Parents almost never punished little Nadya. The girl only got into trouble once when, without notifying her mother, she and her older friend went to enroll in the library. Curiosity is an innate trait of the TV presenter “Everything Will Be Good” and co-host of the morning radio show Nadezhda Matveeva. In her work, she values ​​the opportunity to satisfy her curiosity and thirst for communication with interesting people. Nadezhda has two degrees under her belt and two marks of marriage in her passport. The TV presenter of the project “Everything Will Be Good” Nadezhda Matveeva spoke about how to survive a divorce, her family experience, patches on her heart and the ability to believe in herself.

Nadya, we were not the first to note how sincerely you are surprised and laugh fervently at every little discovery, every joke in the “Everything Will Be Good” program.

It was while working on the program that I was happy to discover that with the acquisition life experience my curiosity does not fade, and I never tire of enjoying meeting new interesting people. But they say that with age a person’s social circle narrows. And then, literally in every issue of the television magazine there are funny stories. Recently, Hector Jimenez-Bravo and I prepared an anti-hangover soup for a culinary column. And they tried to communicate without an interpreter. “According to legend,” Hector’s translator Alexey celebrated wildly New Year and didn’t come to work, so we had to use the Russian-Spanish dictionary and Ector’s knowledge of the Russian language. It was a lot of fun, because Hector spoke Russian quite well, and I didn’t understand Spanish at all. Of course, we joked on camera and said that Hector doesn’t need a translator now. Immediately after this story, Alexey’s mother, who, by the way, is excellent at simultaneous translation, called her son and anxiously found out what he was doing in New Year's Eve, how he could leave Hector without help and what will happen to his work now. The power of television! (Laughs)

You always have good mood! But you have a very busy work schedule, and then - just recently you went through a divorce.

Indeed, sometimes a couple of hours of sleep is the limit of my dreams. As for my personal life... This was my second marriage, but it ended in separation.

You talk about it so calmly. Did you manage to remain friends with both your first spouse and your second?

You know, my psychologist friend says about this: “Don’t you want to be my dog? Come on, will you be my cat? (Laughs) According to her, initially people met for certain roles in each other’s lives - husband and wife, lovers, but with friends it’s a completely different story. With my first husband, we remained the parents of our son, with our second, we had a plan to part as friends... Today we communicate, but I wouldn’t call it friendship.

Did the decision to divorce come easily to you?

A friend once said: “If something doesn’t go well in family life, we need to get a divorce - period!” I was perplexed: how can this be, we got married to live our lives together? I saw my parents’ divorce, but I associated it solely with my father’s drunkenness and domestic violence. Therefore, I thought for a long time: if there are no such serious problems in the family, living together may continue. As a result, my friend still lives with her husband, who did not suit her, and I have already separated from two spouses...

It seems to me that problems between people arise from the awareness of their own incompleteness. We try to find in another person something with which we could fill the gaps in ourselves, but this does not work, because we initially have everything. I like the saying: “The main thing we should strive for is to find ourselves, know ourselves and love ourselves.” And I’m now at the “love myself” stage, and the rest, I think, will follow. So in my husbands I was looking for what I lacked at that particular moment - the ability to stand firmly on the ground, and not hold on to the air.

Our relationship with Valera, my second husband, was initially filled with tenderness and romance. He gave me songs and poems. We worked together on the radio, we had a tradition - I left for the morning broadcast at six, and at five minutes to seven I called and woke him up. In one of his songs the words appeared: “...wake me up at five before seven, extend your voice from afar, I can’t change anything if you don’t want to fly...” It seems to me that people who have such beauty in relationships should not clinging to the last hopes when it becomes clear that the relationship has reached a dead end. You shouldn't torture each other. You have to be able to let go.

What attracted you to these men, do they have similar traits?

In many ways they are not alike. The first is reliable, calm, balanced. I thought that I would follow him like stone wall, that is, in the literal sense, “behind the husband.” I had complete confidence that this person, with his “down to earth” and ability to solve problems, would give me a feeling of security. The second, on the contrary, is a creative person and a true intellectual. I had a joke when I was studying at the institute, the girls always said: “Of course, Nadya, you are easy with men! The main thing for you is to be smart, but that’s not enough for us.” When I met Valera, I thought: “So this is the same smart guy I dreamed of! My girlish dreams came true in him.”

You met your first husband at the institute, but what about your second?

It was love affair at work. We met on the radio, where my first husband sent me. Initially it was simple professional hobby each other.

That is, when you started a relationship with Valery, you were not yet divorced?

I lived in a family with certain problems, but I had not yet thought about divorce. From the outside, this marriage probably no longer looked ideal. Our mutual friends tried to warn me about something, they said: “Nadya, don’t you notice anything?” But I didn’t notice anything, I was already carried away by another person. Later it turned out that while I was wondering what to do, my husband was preoccupied with a similar problem. No one was left offended.

Has he got another woman?

We didn't talk about this. I didn’t try to find out from our mutual friends. I felt guilty.

You have a son from your first marriage, did he have any complaints against his mother or father?

Naturally, he experienced our divorce in his own way. I lived with my first husband for 7 years, with my second for twelve. When we separated, my son had just gone to school. Both his dad and I tried to convey the message - nothing has changed, we love him as before. It’s clear that for a child this thought is ephemeral; he wants mom and dad to be together. But I was lucky - my son and my second husband became friends.

How close are you with your son? Does he share details of his personal life with you?

We talk on the phone every day. Of course, I would like him, like I do to my mom, to tell everything and everything at once. But he is a man, and they don’t do that. Over time, I realized: I had to wait, he would come and tell me everything himself. There is trust between us. I want him to know that I am the person who will support him in any situation. Vlad is already quite independent person, and his tastes may not coincide with mine. With all my heart I want my son to be happy, and therefore I am ready to accept his choice, even if it is difficult for me. One day my son said: “Mom, I’m talking to you, and it’s hard for me to find a girl with whom it would be just as interesting for me to talk.” On the one hand, I am pleased to hear this, on the other hand, I understand that this is indeed a certain complexity, and on the third, I am calm: in choosing girls, he is not guided by purely external criteria. I’m even surprised when and who managed to put all this into his head? But from childhood he was very independent. Even in matters of clothing, for example, he had his favorite brands earlier than me.

You're probably just indifferent to brands.

I buy clothes as needed. And this applies to almost everything.

What do you hate spending money on?

I approach my purchases very carefully. Perhaps because I understand: money did not fall from the sky, you have to earn it. I never spend money on “dust collectors”. I believe that investing in yourself is least risk be bankrupt.

Did you save money for anything when you were a student?

I was one of those lucky girls who didn’t have to work part-time while studying. I received a scholarship for an excellent student - 60 rubles, and my mother sent me 60 rubles every month from the money that my grandmother specially left for my education. Of course, I didn’t roll like cheese in butter, but I always had money. To this day, I believe that finances cannot be taken lightly and require planning and proper allocation. Perhaps because there was never much luxury in our family - dad drank, and mom sometimes had to fend off his annoying drinking companions, who were always short of ten to drink.

By the way, you have two educations that have nothing to do with journalism or broadcasting - technical and economic.

(Smiles) I entered the Moscow Energy Institute because everything is fine with me verbal counting(no one in the store has yet managed to cheat me), and the math teacher was my idol - moderately strict and demanding, she managed to convey her passion to us, the students. On my graduation ribbon she wrote: “I want you to become a mathematician!” That’s why it was important for me that she later found out that I passed the entrance exam in mathematics with excellent marks in Moscow! And so it happened.

In any profession there comes a time when you think: where to grow next? It seemed to me that if I went into business, I could make money more money. At that time, I had already worked as a journalist. The company paid for my economics training. I worked on the radio and received a second degree. And if I actually didn’t have time to use my first education - I got married as a student, went on maternity leave, and was raising a child, then in my second specialty I even worked in an advertising and information magazine, where I headed the sales department. But sales are not really my thing. (Smiles)

Which of your professions brought you your first money?

Work at a radio station in Kremenchug. My first husband and I saw a time when students, after graduating from university, were assigned to work in their place of residence. His parents lived in Komsomolsk, near Kremenchug. My husband worked in his specialty, and I stayed at home with the child. I had a diploma with honors, but had no work experience - with such a “diagnosis” it is difficult to get a job now, and it was not easy before. Moreover, my maternity leave coincided with the difficult 90s, when everything fell apart before our eyes. One day my husband heard an announcement about a competition for a position as a presenter at a local radio station and said: “Nadya, go, you can do it!” And I took a chance among twenty other applicants. You had to tell about yourself, explain why you are applying for this position and what you expect from it, and tell an anecdote. The day before I heard an amazing joke about an accountant.


A young accountant comes to work at the Clara Zetkin plant. In the HR department they ask him: “What can you do? Do you know how to settle accounts? - he: “I can’t do anything. I only know how to count money.” They refuse him. A year later in America, a respectable man comes into a jewelry store, inquires about the price of the most expensive necklace, then opens the suitcase, and a lot of money falls out. The seller is perplexed: “Why so much cash? It’s much easier to write an invoice! - “If I could write, I would now work as an accountant at Clara Zetkin’s factory.” (Laughs) I passed the competition!

You moved to Kremenchug, where you worked on the radio, from Moscow. The change didn’t bother you: from the metropolis to the provinces?

I had a fear of staying in a small town, but I did not suffer from the fact that Kremenchug, where we moved from Komsomolsk, is not a metropolis. Well, what exactly is the difference? Fewer cars? (Laughs) History repeats itself with my son. He is an independent young man, studying at the automotive department of the Polytechnic University in Kremenchug and is not eager to go to Kyiv.

How did Kyiv appear in your history?

One day a friend called me; she once also worked on the radio in Kremenchug, and then she married a metropolitan DJ and moved to Kyiv. She said that one of the capital's radio stations could not find a co-host for morning show. I thought: does this happen to everyone? What kind of person is this who will not accept such an offer? And I went to the casting and passed it successfully. Similar story I had a casting on television. I heard about a new project on STB, came to the competition, and for almost a year now I have been running the TV magazine “Everything will be good,” so Kyiv today is like home to me.

Was it easy for you to leave your son and husband in Kremenchug?

I did not leave for Kyiv with a light heart, but inspired by the fact that I had new job. My husband agreed for me to take part in the casting. I think deep down he hoped I wouldn't go. But we agreed: I’ll start working, get comfortable, and then he’ll come. At that time, my son was already studying at the institute. He said: “Mom, you can’t refuse, go!”

Does he follow your progress?

This is not exactly his format. It happens that I tell him a joke from the air, he comments: “Mom, you are Petrosyan!” (Laughs) But, on the other hand, it would be strange if a young twenty-year-old man who is interested in boxing and cars was at the same time interested in a women's television magazine... Various " weight categories" Even as a child, in response to my offer to try himself on the radio, he shrugged his shoulders: “Am I going to sit and talk into the microphone?” He doesn't think this is a man's job. But when his friends say that they saw me on TV, I notice that he is bursting with pride.

Do you keep an eye on competing programs?

There's not enough time right now. A beginner simply needs to do this. It’s good that ideas and the strength to implement them come from within, but in addition to this, it is important to absorb other people’s positive experiences from the outside. Personally, I am inspired by the work of the best presenters. Colleagues include Dima Tankovich, Lilya Rebrik, . I look for inspiration not only in people, but also in books and movies. I always strive, no matter how late I return from filming, to take some time for myself. It is extremely important for me to feel like an independent person, including from work, even if I love it dearly.

Today you quoted beautiful lines about how important it is for a person to strive to fly. What gives you the feeling of flying today?

The question of benefit has always been present in my life. I used to often wonder: I work on radio, am I doing any good? Whether it’s a matter of profession - doctor, teacher, baker. To which my wise husband replied: “There may be benefits different levels and in different areas." The desire to be useful has driven me all my life. Now I am sure that I am doing something useful - giving people a good mood and inspiring them to do good deeds. And I enjoy it, it gives me the feeling of flying!

Every day Nadezhda Matveeva invites you to her studio famous people to open them up for viewers from a new side. Viva!, in turn, tried to find out 10 interesting facts about a popular TV presenter.

1. Failed ballerina.“My childhood clubs started with failure - I wasn’t accepted into ballet. Or rather, I went to class a little, and then the teacher asked my mother to take me from the studio so that I would not suffer. Then I went to folk dances, and danced for seven years. At the same time I visited the pool, then tennis. There they hit me on the head with a racket, I figured out what would happen next and decided to go to basketball. There were cutting and sewing courses, a theater club...”

2. Nadezhda Matveeva is afraid of heights.“When I first went out onto the 14th floor balcony, I grabbed the railing and was afraid to move - my head began to spin, and my voice became thin and trembling. Although I’m not afraid to fly on an airplane, I’m afraid to even think about jumping with a parachute, I’m not ready yet.”

3. As a child, I wanted to be like Margarita Terekhova in the role of Milady from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”“Her way of speaking and her gorgeous curls seemed irresistible to me. Later I learned how the actress had to “mock” her hair in order to achieve such an effect. Since then, I have come to appreciate my natural curls even more. They are, of course, not as luxurious as those of the movie Milady, but I like them.”

4. At school I sewed underpants for dad.“I know how to sew and knit and theoretically love to do it. But the whole question is in time. To succeed, you need to fully concentrate, delve into the process and its subtleties, and pay attention to every detail. And I am focused on the details of another - television - process. IN high school I sewed almost all my clothes myself, even my outfit prom. Dad is a family panty, forgive me for being frank. Then for my son - undershirts and shirts. And I rarely knitted, because my mother is an unsurpassed master in this matter!”

5. Breaks dishes.“When I’m angry, I don’t hit. But I have periods when I accidentally break plates or cups. This happened periodically, I finally tried to figure out why this was happening?! And I came to the conclusion that I act this way in a situation that seems hopeless to me. When I lived with my first husband’s parents, I broke dishes so often that it was even embarrassing. At that time, it seemed to me that we would never live separately, and internally, apparently, I resisted this. It's good that the mother-in-law was wise and kind woman, forgave me."

6. Admires doctors.“As a newborn, I suffered from lobar pneumonia, finding myself on the brink of life and death. The young doctor, still completely inexperienced, literally looked after me, despite the sad prognosis. A doctor from God, low bow to him and endless gratitude.”

7. Impatient.“I can’t stand it very well when at the checkout in a supermarket someone leisurely puts away the purchased product, not paying attention to the queue lined up behind it. Perhaps I put myself in these situations to learn patience. I even convince myself: “Imagine that this person bought a dozen more goods, and at this time the cashier punches the receipt... Don’t watch him sleep near the cash register, think about the good things... Nadya, you’re not in a hurry, you’re just standing there in the store, enjoying the opportunity to buy everything you need..."

8. Nadezhda Matveeva loves cats.“Our family has cats and pets. My son made this choice, and we fully supported him. When we were children, we had a dog, a hedgehog, fish, a hamster, guinea pig, talking jackdaw. IN different time, Certainly".

9. Favorite actor - .“He’s just handsome, talented and smart. Over the years he becomes more and more beautiful, and I, as a woman, cannot be indifferent to him. Moreover, if suddenly, by some miracle, we ended up in the same room, my plan would be to quickly escape from there! Firstly, in his presence I wouldn’t have been able to put two words together, and he’s probably already tired of such fans. And secondly, I would not be able to adequately perceive a man whom I consider so wonderful, and I would be terribly upset if he was not ideal. I’m almost serious when I say this.”

10. Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.“And not only in them, but also in different predictions. Only I understand that they may not come true due to circumstances. Therefore, I focus on the positive aspects of the horoscope and act in this direction. And then - how it goes. If it doesn’t come true, it’s not the horoscope’s fault.”

At first, the girl was content with the role of homemaker. Nadya was busy raising her son, and also managed to get a second higher education- economic. But the desire to build a career never left her, and soon the girl began looking for work.

Having not found decent vacancies in the field of engineering and economics, Nadezhda decided to try her hand at journalism. This is how her journey in the world of media business began.

Nadezhda managed to work as a chief editor of a newspaper, presenter of original programs on TV and a DJ on the radio. In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB. It was this project that brought her fame and mega-popularity.

For 5 years, Nadya was the host of a women's television magazine. In the studio-apartment, she received expert guests who shared useful tips and solved important questions. For many women, Nadezhda became the main adviser and assistant in life, because every program viewers learned something new and solved pressing problems.

In the new format of the project, she takes on the role of an expert on self-realization, the main critic who always argues with fellow presenters and finds weak spots in any discussions. It is impossible to deceive or confuse her: Nadya is reasonable, wise and ironic.

What else will surprise your favorite TV presenter? Find out in the new season!

Watch the premiere of the updated show format on March 8 at 15:30 on the STB channel!

Presenter of the women's television magazine "Everything will be good" and the television program "Everything will be delicious!" on STB, Nadezhda Matveeva is one of the most recognizable and pleasant people to the viewer. We decided to talk to Nadezhda personally and learn about the secrets of her beauty and rules of life.

Ivetta: It is difficult to surprise the host of a women's television magazine with some beauty things. But still, which of the beauty procedures that guests of your studio talked about surprised you the most?
The most amazing advice I heard in the “Everything Will Be Good” studio was about starch. I didn’t realize that potato or corn starch could be used as a face mask - except perhaps as talc. But it turned out that it has an effective lifting effect, and for me this is important. Therefore, I periodically make a starch mask, which tightens and soothes the skin.

Ivetta: In general, do you use a lot of advice from the broadcast or do you prefer old, proven ways to take care of yourself?
Both. Since childhood, I have known about a hair mask with yolk, burdock oil, honey and cognac - mix everything and apply it to your hair. When I was a child, I had long curls, and my mother made me such a mask once a month. It would seem that in childhood there were no problems with hair - but this was a very cool preventative procedure, from my grandmother.

From time to time, our experts talk about this recipe and something new: the same recipe for a mask with starch or with kelp, which I also didn’t know about before. I use all this with pleasure.

Ivetta: Let's continue the topic of hair. The screen image cannot be changed by at will, and would you like, for example, to straighten your hair?
In this sense, I’m probably a little different from most women. (laughs). I really like that I have the same hairstyle for many years. You know, I really value my curls, although in my youth, like every girl, there were moments when it seemed that my hair should be different. Many people don’t like theirs and think that it would be more interesting in a different way! This period has passed, and now I am doing everything possible to preserve what is left of my curls. If you start straightening your hair, it loses its structure and turns out neither straight nor curly, but incomprehensibly what it is, some kind of tow!

Therefore, I am against such experiments - although several times at the very beginning in the program “Everything will be delicious!” I had straight hair. There is even a photo shoot where I have straight hair.

As for purely professional nuances, since the program is daily (today we are filming a section from one issue, tomorrow from another), it turns out that it is even more correct from a visual point of view - for me to have the same hairstyle. Then it does not need to be redone often during the shooting day. It turns out that such a production necessity coincided with my deep desire and conviction that hair needs to be touched less!

You know, in fact, in everyday life I wear an on-screen hairstyle. She suits me completely. And I hope it stays that way for many more years.

Ivetta: You will probably be recognized at every step. Are you trying to disguise yourself somehow?
Not that all the time... Just today I was on the subway, then I walked for a long time along the street in the center, and it seems to me that they never recognized me. I don’t disguise myself in terms of “put on glasses and pull on a hat.” I once thought that if I went to a store without makeup, they wouldn’t recognize me, but it turned out that they would recognize me anyway (laughs)! And when I was identified several times without makeup, I realized that it’s better not to rely on incognito, you just need to always look good. Of course, I don’t dress or put on makeup so brightly that it’s noticeable that I’m a “woman from TV.” Therefore, I take the issue of recognition straight. If they find out, that’s good; if they don’t recognize, that’s also good. (laughs).

Ivetta: When planning a vacation, what kind of vacation do you choose?
I love to travel, but not far. I really like Hungary - there are thermal springs there, and the country is located close. Once, having visited the Carpathians, I discovered the thermal springs there. This is a pleasant, relaxing form of relaxation, optimal for me. I don’t know how to ski, but where there is water, it’s also warm - I like that. It is also important for me to be able to walk a lot. Sometimes on vacation I design routes so that I can spend the whole day on my feet. I love the pleasant feeling of tiredness at the end of the day.

Ivetta: All women abroad will go shopping at least once. What do you buy when traveling overseas?
I don't like shopping! Especially when there are a lot of people. If the sale is on a weekend, you will never see me in the store. Not because they will recognize me, but because I prefer to calmly look and choose a product. Abroad, I try to buy only what I need, and if it is in a certain country, it is cheaper than here.

For example, in Austria I local residents They said that they have really good discounts on quality shoes. By the way, it’s not so easy to choose suitable pair shoes When I was in Italy, I had a hard time buying something digestible. Just went with a friend in search, so as not to return empty-handed. Therefore, it is normal for me to go somewhere and not buy anything.

Ivetta: Even sellers from God are not able to “sell” you a product that you did not plan to buy?
Frankly speaking, I mostly plan my shopping during sales because it seems to me that clothes or shoes without discounts are always sold at a clearly inflated price. But seeing a discount, I still ask myself the question, do I need it or not? I'm not a fan of shopping.

IN household appliances I don’t understand it and I won’t go buy it myself, I’ll take someone with me who can give me some advice. I always trust sellers, and you can not only deceive me, but convince me (laughs). The main thing is that the seller is not intrusive.

Ivetta: Do you like to sleep on vacation or are you an early bird?
I try to get up early. At sea, I set the alarm for 6 am or even 5.45 am to watch the sunrise and enjoy the morning sun. These are the most pleasant hours, and sleeping at this time is stupid.

Ivetta: What time does your day start at home?
At home I sleep until 8-9 am. To say that I can sleep for half a day - most likely not. Then I feel like I’m missing out on good hours when I can go for a walk or do something.

Ivetta:“Everything Will Be Good” experts often talk about the benefits of breakfast. Do you cook them or snack on the go?
Yes, I'm cooking. I knew about the benefits of breakfast before, and experts reinforced my knowledge. It’s like a law for me: no matter what time I wake up, I make sure to have breakfast! For example, today I ate scrambled eggs and carrot salad. If I have time in the morning, I like to make cheesecakes. 20 minutes is enough for me, I’ve already filled my hand. Cottage cheese casserole, porridge... And I really like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

Ivetta: In the video, you do the exercises almost equally with the trainer. Is it editing or is your physical fitness that good?
Thanks for your point of view, I appreciate it. When they filmed the first sports columns “Everything will be fine,” the coaches and film crew were somewhat surprised at how easily I did everything. But let's start with the fact that our trainers can give more complex exercises, and those that can be performed by an untrained spectator. After all, the most important thing is not to show off some difficult exercises, but to show that anyone can do it. And my role is to convince that a person without special training is able to perform the exercise if he tries.

What also helps me is that almost from an early school age I always went to some section: dancing, aerobics, basketball. It was not a sport of achievement, but nevertheless I was in the gym. When my son was born, a month or two later I was looking for where I could study.

To my shame, I don’t go to the gym now. I told you so, and now I will be ashamed (laughs)! I somehow relaxed... Maybe because of the thought that I was training at work? I will pull myself together!

One of those workouts that doesn't edit!

Ivetta: I would also like to ask you about your son. What is it like to be a young mother of an adult son?
When he was little, there were no worries about him growing up. Many friends said, “If only my baby could stay so small in the stroller a little longer.” But I liked all periods, and thanks to my son that even in adolescence he did not cause me problems. Now he is already 23 years old, and I am happy with him. Maybe he does not achieve the successes that he sets for himself, but I, as a mother, am calm. We have a trusting relationship, although I don’t undertake to advise anything directly. Maybe it would be different with my daughter, but the son says: “No need, mom.” (laughs).

Nadezhda Matveeva with her son

Ivetta: Children of famous parents are usually either embarrassed or boastful about them. How does your son feel about your popularity?
At first he had pride, but now for us it’s just life. I don't think he brags about it, but he's not shy either. Probably because I myself in no way believe that working on television makes me a person who needs to be treated in a special way.

Ivetta: Based on your rich life experience, what advice would you give to our readers - how to remain cheerful, young and energetic at any age?
First: to make life more pleasant, you need to drink water. Yes! Woke up - drink water! I’ve been doing this for a long time and I understand that it really has a positive effect on health.

Secondly, I really want all women, and men too, to have the opportunity to do something pleasant for themselves. For some, like me, it’s a walk, for others it’s an extra hour of sleep. You need to listen to yourself and understand what brings you joy. Maybe just watch a video of kittens! Every day you need to find time for yourself.

And third, do it every day. physical exercise. At least some, at least somehow, at least some, but do it! These three simple moments make life sweeter and more enjoyable, charge you with energy and strength.

We have already begun to follow Nadezhda’s advice, and you?

Photo: press service of STB TV channel

Almost every woman in Ukraine knows her by sight. Smiling and cheerful TV presenter Nadezhda Matveeva gives every day useful tips in the TV magazine “Everything Will Be Good,” which airs on the STB channel. And on weekends she also helps to learn new and simple recipes in the program “Everything will be delicious!” In an exclusive interview with Vista, Nadezhda told how she got on television, why she changed her name, what funny situations occur during filming and, of course, revealed the secret of how she manages to always be positive.

"Miss Panic"

— Nadezhda, how did it happen that, having the profession of economist and engineer, you became a radio presenter?

— Having received engineering and economic education, I couldn’t realize myself in any of these areas. It was the end of the 90s, I had just returned from maternity leave and free seats there was no place where I would like to work. Then my husband, having heard an advertisement for a set of DJs on the radio, convinced me to try myself in this position. They took me.

— How did you get from radio to television?

“A colleague advised me to try myself on television, and I am very grateful to him for that. I came to the casting of the STB channel and was soon offered a job in the women’s television magazine “Everything will be good.”

— You once admitted that your family calls you “Miss Panic,” why?

— When my husband and I first rented an apartment, one day we couldn’t open the door with the keys the owners gave us. I then imagined various horrors: we were deceived by swindlers, our money was gone, we now have nowhere to live... Then it turned out that the lock was simply broken. In situations where I started to get nervous for no reason, my husband began calling me “Miss Panic.”

Luda and Nadya

— Tell us why many people know you as Nadezhda, and some as Lyudmila Matveeva?

— Indeed, at birth I was given the name Lyudmila. But in early age I fell ill with lobar pneumonia, which in those days was an almost fatal diagnosis. And when I was saved, my grandmother said: “We should have called her Nadezhda.” I remember my parents called me Nadya for several months. When my mother told this story, I thought that if I was able to overcome such a terrible illness then, maybe this name will bring me good luck? Arriving in Kyiv, she began to call herself Nadezhda.

— Have there been any changes in your life since then?

“I have become more decisive and confident. But these changes are rather related to what is happening in my life. My name is in harmony with the spirit and idea “Everything will be good.”

— What is your life motto?

“Mom often told me: “Act according to the circumstances.” This includes the ability to be flexible in different situations, and trust in yourself and life. This instruction is akin to the motto: “Do what you must, and come what may.” That's what I try to do.

Starch on the face

— Do you follow the advice given by experts in the program “Everything Will Be Good”?

- Certainly! Our experts often give practical advice on both cooking and personal care. I enjoy using mask recipes with kelp and starch. They are affordable and effective.

— Which advice surprised you the most?

— Just using starch as a face mask. It turned out that potato or corn starch has a lifting effect, and for me this is important.

— Do any funny things happen on the set of “Everything Will Be Good”?

- Certainly. For example, when I had to go out to the audience with a jar filled with huge cockroaches, I literally laughed, it was creepy. And then it became even funnier when I saw frightened eyes my guests, in general, relieved stress together. I was touched by the boy who sat in the hall with his mother, watched us prepare the cake, and then suddenly ran out to us because he wanted to try it.

— Tell us about the most exotic dish that you have tried and prepared yourself?

— Probably morel mushroom jelly. We once prepared it in the “Everything will be good” kitchen. I prefer dishes made from traditional products. I won't try crocodile meat, fried cockroaches or rotten eggs.


— How do you always manage to be smiling and cheerful?

— The habit of remaining cheerful and smiling even when bad mood I still have it from my radio days. People should hear the presenter’s cheerful voice, so they need to speak with a smile. So I'm used to it.

— Do you believe in omens, horoscopes, fortune telling?

— I try not to rely on signs and fortune-telling. Trying to look into the future distracts from the present. I listen to the horoscope or sign, but I act based on personal circumstances on this moment.

— Do you have any extreme hobbies?

- No extreme. I have quite enough emotions and experiences in life. I’m happy for my friends who can’t sit still: either they want to jump with a parachute, or they want to ski down the mountains.

— What is real relaxation for you?

- I like to travel. Having visited the Carpathians, I discovered thermal springs. This is a pleasant, relaxing form of relaxation, optimal for me. I like to walk a lot and then feel pleasantly tired at the end of the day.

Good wishes

— I wish joy, health and peace to the creators and readers of “Vesti Pridniprovya”!

Touches to the portrait:

Horoscope: Scorpio and Monkey.

Favorite movie: "The Shawshank Redemption."

Favorite Actress: Meryl Streep.

Favorite Artist: Whitney Houston.

Anastasia Nefretova,

photo from the press service of the STB TV channel