What's wrong with Julia starting today? Yulia Nachalova: hand disease, photo, what ails her, health status

For several months, fans of the work of show business star Yulia Nachalova have been interested in the condition last news about what the singer is sick with. Over the past six months, many rumors have been associated with her person. At first, fans and colleagues, watching how the artist first lost weight and then rapidly gained weight, began to congratulate her on her pregnancy. Then the public decided that Yulia was abusing alcohol, since the video of a traffic police officer stopping her was published on Internet resources. But the most unpleasant rumor was a disease that threatened the singer’s life, which she hid from fans for a long time.

Secret illness

The latest news about the health of Yulia Nachalova and information about what the artist is ill with were hidden for some time. Then it became known what she did plastic surgery. The singer’s goal was breast augmentation, which, at first glance, was quite successful. Star Julia began to appear at closed events and on stage in dresses with interesting cutouts.

She dressed up in chic outfits that emphasized all the advantages of her figure, including the newly acquired ones. Fans of the star girl admired the new photos that regularly appeared on official page singers on Instagram.

Photo from the singer’s Instagram

But at a certain moment, the artist, who was gaining a colossal number of fans, suddenly disappeared from the stage and stopped broadcasting. active life V in social networks. This behavior alerted the public and led people to the conclusion that an unpleasant event had happened in the singer’s life. After all, it is the presence of problems in the personal sphere or in the career that usually makes famous personalities keep your fans in the dark. But some fans came to the conclusion that Yulia Nachalova had serious health problems, but the latest news about what the artist was suffering from was kept secret for a long time.

Later it turned out that the singer, who had breast augmentation surgery using silicone, gave up her curvaceous figure. The implants implanted in an expensive clinic by professional doctors did not take root. And a hormonal imbalance started in the body, which was a consequence of the rejection of foreign bodies in the chest area.

Photo of the singer after breast augmentation

Against this background, Yulia Nachalova hid news about her condition from fans, and in recent months she has not appeared on the Internet, without telling what she is sick with. But after some time the artist performed at a concert, dedicated to the Day Mothers in the capital of the Russian Federation. During the show program, the singer held the microphone in a strange way and her hands were hidden with gloves that were absolutely not in harmony with the outfit. Therefore, many fans and journalists guessed that they were not part of a stage costume.

Yulia Savicheva on stage wearing gloves

Revealing the secret

Yulia, who is not used to hiding from the curious press, gladly gave an interview to leading Moscow media publishers, talking about the troubles that she had to endure. The singer admitted that the rejection of breast implants became a stimulus for the worsening of the disease that the artist had long suffered from.

Several years ago, Yulia Nachalova was diagnosed with mild gout. To long years To forget about the incurable disease, doctors recommended following a therapeutic diet that excluded heavy and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and other harmful foods. When the singer began to actively engage in health, almost all the symptoms of the disease went away. And the girl was able to return to normal life, continuing to build a career in the world of show business.

It was then that the artist decided to highlight her beauty with artificial breasts and went under the surgeon’s knife. The doctor who performed the operation warned Yulia about the possible consequences if the body did not accept artificial bodies. Unfortunately for the singer, she fell into that small percentage of people who experience rejection. But this turned out to be not the worst thing. What happened later turned out to be a more unpleasant and unforeseen consequence.

Yulia Nachalova’s body, which experienced implant rejection and hormonal disruption, triggered temporarily dormant gout. This terrible disease, leading to thinning of the joints and increasing pain every year, affected the artist’s hands.

At the same time, it is no longer possible to stop the rapidly progressing pathology. Diets and standard treatments do not have the desired effect on Yulia’s body, and gout continues to catch up. On this moment The singer’s illness resembles a long-dormant volcano, which was artificially provoked to erupt.

Yulia Nachalova is currently undergoing a long course of treatment. effective means, which can relieve the main symptoms and delay the development of the disease. But it is almost impossible to cure gout. Therefore, the singer’s hands can remain in this terrible state in which they are now.

Fans began to wonder what was wrong with Yulia Nachalova, what was wrong with her hands?

IN Lately the name of this once very popular singer and the TV presenter began to be somewhat forgotten, there are quite a few reasons for this. This includes the emergence of other bright talents, and the move to America, as well as some clearly noticeable decrease in activity, partly related to the artist’s health. However, Yulia Nachalova creative activity didn’t give up, she also continues to act in videos and record singles in Los Angeles.

Another recent visit to Russia turned out to be somewhat unsuccessful, due to sudden problems with traffic police officers. Interest in the artist has again “spiked”, in addition, many are interested in what Yulia Nachalova is generally ill with, as well as the disease of her hands, which look deformed in the photo, and the latest news on this topic. In this article we will briefly talk about all this, and also refresh our memory of the vivid creative path artists.

It so happened that while returning from a party late at night with a friend, an expensive Lexus foreign car was stopped by traffic police officers. The reason for this was the clearly recorded fact of curvature of the movement trajectory vehicle, which could be associated (presumably) with the driver being intoxicated.

The driver of the foreign car was Yulia Nachalova, the girl was not at a loss and refused to either leave the car for inspection or follow the traffic police officers to the police station.

Of course, they recognized the famous artist and treated her very politely, although the rights were taken away, which is quite legal.


Later, Yulia Nachalova will give explanations, which, when you get acquainted with them, you catch yourself thinking that they are completely reasonable and humanly understandable. The fact is, as the artist claims, that she actually experienced a nervous shock from the actions of the security guards.

Not only was it at night, and you wouldn’t immediately understand who actually stopped the car, and there were only two girls in the car, but also several men ran up to them at once. And it doesn’t matter that the “men” are traffic police officers, at that moment it really didn’t matter, and it wasn’t reliably established.

Forced confession

Having explained why the demands of the traffic police officers were not met that night, Yulia Nachalova also denied the accusations of drinking alcohol. The fact of health problems, carefully hidden for many years, had to be made public at one point.

The fact is that, according to the artist herself, she has long been diagnosed with a disease such as gout.

Indeed, this hand beautiful woman covered with strange lumps and growths, which is clearly visible in the photo where Yulia Nachalova is without gloves.

For the past five years, the artist has been undergoing both medication treatment and following a strict diet, in which alcohol is completely prohibited. Alcohol simply cannot be consumed in principle, and for several reasons at once, the main ones of which are incompatibility with medications and increased joint pain.


As a result of all the truthful explanations and confirmation of the diagnosis by doctors, the artist’s license was returned, but for a while. Investigative actions will still continue, according to lawyers, most likely the case will be limited to a small fine and explanatory work.

Another result of this emergency was the publication of the artist’s health condition and its heated discussion on social networks and other media. It should be noted that, apparently, Yulia Nachalova no longer has complexes about this and does not consider it necessary to hide her problems from fans of her talent, as well as from other people.

Causes of the disease

It is very difficult to say with any certainty the real reason the malfunction in the body that led to such sad consequences. In all the photos, the artist continues to amaze and captivate with her noble and bright beauty, and only her hands indicate that not everything is so rosy in life.

Yulia Nachalova does not hide the fact that many years ago, after the birth of her daughter, she had breast surgery, the operation was successful, her breasts turned out to be lush and beautiful. The artist at that time was simply happy with this result, began to wear revealing outfits, and even did a photo shoot for the Russian men's magazine"Maksim".

However, as often happens with any implants, they did not take root, the body began to reject them, and inflammation and sepsis began. This happened 11 years ago and, according to the artist herself, she almost died, she was saved with difficulty, the implants were removed.

And again the consequences, blood poisoning caused complications on the kidneys, because the body is a biological system with its own laws so strict that the norm is literally “on the razor’s edge”, which does not tolerate anything foreign.

Disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys led to a situation where uric acid began to leave the body poorly, accumulating, and it became the cause of this serious illness. For five years now, Yulia Nachalova has been struggling with the difficult disease gout. But according to doctors, not everything is so scary and hopeless, the chance for healing remains, especially since the body is young, Yulia is only 36 years old and the best is yet to come.

Perhaps these encouraging forecasts, and even the weak consolation that gout is called “the disease of the rich and kings,” provided moral relief, and the artist stopped hiding her problems.

Detractors, however, put forward other versions of the appearance of such lumps on the hands, but we will not present them here, considering this unethical.

And just recently

Fans have long begun to suspect that something wrong is happening with the hands of Yulia Nachalova, they were at a loss, expressing a variety of assumptions.

The fact is that for several years now, in all photos and performances, under any chosen image, the artist has been wearing gloves.

At first this did not surprise anyone, especially since appearance the actresses and happy expression on their faces did not give rise to any version of health problems.

Brief biography and creative path

Yulia Nachalova was born on December 31, 1981 in the city of Voronezh into a family of artists. From the age of two, her parents discovered musical and other artistic inclinations in their daughter, and tried in every possible way to develop them.

Already at the age of five, Yulia sang on the stage of the Voronezh Philharmonic, where her parents worked, and her father himself composed songs for her. At the age of 10, a little girl who grew up in a creative environment and was part of it with early childhood, became the winner of the Morning Star competition.

The 90s were very successful creative period artist, in 1995 her debut album entitled “Oh, school - school!” was released, and Yulia also became a participant in the “Big Apple - 95” competition.

A talented girl graduated from school as an external student and entered the Gnessin School, while simultaneously actively continuing her studies. creative work, music recordings, competitions, filming of videos, television programs.

Except big list clips and music albums, successful work TV presenter, she also has film roles in her creative treasury.

How old is Yulia Nachalova

At the moment, Yulia is 37 years old.

Personal life

For such a bright personality and incredibly beautiful woman, her personal life was not entirely happy, at least until recently, because the artist still has everything to come.

At the age of twenty, Julia got married for the first time; her chosen one was a young man like herself. The lead singer of the group “Prime Minister”, famous in the 90s, Dmitry Lanskoy, made the singer happy for only a couple of years, then the young people divorced.

In 2005, Yulia Nachalova again married football player Evgeniy Aldonin, the marriage seemed more serious and happy, a year later their daughter Vera was born.

But in 2011, after being married for five years, the couple decided to divorce family relationships by mutual agreement.

Immediately after the divorce, the artist appeared everywhere with hockey player Alexander Frolov, giving rise to gossip that it was this new relationship that caused the breakup of the family. And again a short-lived relationship, since 2016 Yulia Nachalova again became an enviable bride, breaking up with the hockey player.

Now Julia lives in America, continues her creative work, shoots videos, performs in small concerts for immigrants from Russia, travels with her grown-up daughter and hopes for all the best.

The future star of Russian show business was born on January 31, 1981 in Voronezh. The girl's parents were professional musicians, and Yulia and early years showed interest in singing. To develop his talent, Viktor Nachalov took up vocals with his two-year-old daughter.

Julia got her first serious stage experience on a popular show in the 90s. music program"Morning Star". It was a program where children all over the country declared their talents. Yulia won a TV show and met jazz singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who noticed the girl and invited her on tour.

In 1995, Yulia Nachalova released her first album, and then participated in a major international competition Big Apple-95 and competed with world star Christina Aguilera. Despite the presence of such serious competitors, Yulia took first place in this competition.

Today, Yulia Nachalova has released seven full-length albums, she successfully hosts talk shows, plays in films and attends social events.

Yulia Nachalova before and after plastic surgery photos: how the girl’s appearance changed

Despite her naturally quite attractive appearance, Yulia Nachalova turned to plastic surgeons. The girl admitted that she had mammoplasty on July 31, 2007. In an interview with famous magazines, Julia said that after the birth of her daughter, her breasts lost their shape, so the singer dreamed of quickly returning to her former beauty. Reset excess weight Yoga and diets helped, but only plastic surgery could correct the breasts. Yulia Nachalova hurried to the aesthetic medicine clinic, where she received size 4 implants.

The new bust did not please Yulia Nachalova in the photo after plastic surgery for long: due to too much volume and excessive attention, psychological problems. From that moment on, Yulia Nachalova dreamed of getting her real breasts back.

The breast correction surgery was carried out in a California clinic popular among Hollywood stars. It took plastic surgeons five hours to remove the implants.

During the plastic surgery, the doctors made a mistake, and an infection entered Yulia’s body. The critical situation could only be corrected by repeated surgical intervention, after which the sutures healed painlessly.

Unfortunately, after the plastic surgery, Yulia Nachalova was subjected to enormous stress, and her kidneys could not stand it. Doctors did everything possible to restore the singer’s health.

Personal life of Yulia Nachalova

The singer feels happy, even when the whole country is discussing her personal life.

The first marriage to musician Dmitry Lansky ended in 2004.

Two years later the girl got married to famous athlete Evgeny Aldonin and gave birth to a daughter.

Unfortunately, this relationship lasted only five years, and Julia met a new lover, Alexander Frolov.

Recently, the artist stunned fans with the news of the breakup, leaving questions about the reasons without comment. Now Yulia Nachalova is recovering from family drama and enjoys the company of his daughter.

What's wrong with Yulia Nachalova's hands?

Recently, fans of the singer began to notice in photos on Instagram that there were some problems with Yulia Nachalova’s hands. Yulia Nachalova stirs up the interest of fans and attends public events wearing fishnet gloves. The performer's representatives quickly responded to journalists' questions and talked about minor problems with her joints.

Yulia Nachalova has a philosophical approach to plastic surgery and believes that nature should not be corrected.

Now she is quite happy with her appearance and openly smiles in her Instagram photos.

Nachalova Julia - singer, actress, TV presenter - often appeared at various social events and on the covers of glossy magazines. Today her name is somewhat forgotten. The reason for this is the move to America, the emergence of new talents, as well as a decrease in activity due to health conditions. But Yulia is still full of strength, optimism and faith in a bright future. She did not give up creative activity, as many thought, she continues to create videos and songs, although for now in Los Angeles.

The biography of Yulia Nachalova began on January 31, 1981, when, in fact, she was born. The girl's mother performed on stage, and her father was a professional composer. It was he who discovered the girl’s hearing when she was about two years old, and began to actively study music. The father literally forced his daughter to pay as much attention to creativity as possible. Her parents took Yulia with them on tour, teaching her to the stage.

At the age of five, her first performance took place on stage in her native Voronezh. And at the age of eleven, the girl had already composed a song called “Teacher.” Two years later, the “Morning Star” competition took place, in which the young artist won.

She studied at the Gnessin School and was actively involved in her singing career. In the early 2000s, she became famous as an actress, starring in the film “The Hero of Her Novel” and the musical “Formula for Joy.”

In 2005-2006, three albums of the singer were released: “Ah, school, school,” “Music of love” and “Let’s talk.” During the same period, Yulia hosted the “Saturday Evening” program together with Nikolai Baskov.

In 2008, the album “ Best songs", his girlfriend recorded it with her father, who is the author of many of her compositions. On stage in 2012 concert hall“Russia” presented a solo program called “Uninvented Stories”.

Yulia Nachalova was officially married twice. The singer went to GAGS for the first time with the lead singer of the “Prime Minister” group, Dmitry Lansky. Two years later the relationship collapsed.

The second chosen one was the famous football player Evgeny Aldonin, with whom Yulia became engaged in 2006. From this marriage there is a daughter, Vera. In 2011, the relationship came to an end.

Since 2011, she has been in a civil marriage with Moscow club hockey player Alexander Frolov. The artist did not confirm the information about this romance for a long time, but then she finally introduced her chosen one. The media started rumors that it was because of this relationship that the marriage with Aldonin broke up. In the fall of 2016, Julia announced her breakup with the hockey player.

Health problems, hand disease

It became known that the artist has been suffering from the disease for about five years. On the covers of magazines, the singer can always be seen bright and happy. But Yulia Nachalova’s happiness is somewhat overshadowed by hand disease; in the photos of 2017-2018 this is especially noticeable.

The performer has had health problems for a long time. After the birth of her daughter, Julia underwent plastic surgery for breast augmentation. From an aesthetic point of view, the result was very good and pleased the girl: she began to appear in revealing outfits and even starred in a photo shoot for a men's magazine. However, the consequences were not long in coming. The implants were not accepted by the body, and sepsis began. The singer was saved and the implants were removed.

After this, the singer had problems with her kidneys; uric acid was difficult to leave the body. The star has been struggling with gout for five years now. Due to gout, Yulia Nachalova’s hands began to become covered with growths and bumps. The appearance of painful hands in the 2017-2018 photo of Yulia Nachalova is not very pleasant from an aesthetic point of view, which greatly upsets the woman. She wore gloves for a long time. At first, this did not cause any suspicion, because the singer always looked happy and smiling, so it was impossible to understand that she had health problems.

Latest news about the singer

In mid-2016, Yulia Nachalova moved to live in America, in the city of Los Angeles. She was offered to host one of the programs about stars with Russian roots on a cable TV channel. In addition, in America, Julia has recently been recording her new album, composer Walter Afanasyev helped her in this. The singer says that this move is temporary and is connected with creative plans.

In December 2017, Nachalova attracted the attention of the press after getting into a scandalous incident. At night, the performer’s car was stopped by traffic police officers.

Investigators noticed that the car was moving along an uneven trajectory and suspected that the driver was most likely drunk. Yulia flatly refused to get out of the car and talk to law enforcement officers, and she also refused an alcohol test.

The singer herself admitted that she simply did not contact the operatives, as they behaved very rudely and demanded money. The performer also said that she did not drink alcohol, since with her gout this is strictly prohibited. However, the court recognized the fact of the offense and deprived the woman of her driver’s license for a year and a half. The defendant's lawyers will appeal the verdict.

This incident revealed the truth about Nachalova’s diagnosis to the general public. Recently, in photos from 2017-2018, Yulia Nachalova with sore hands can be seen more and more often. Recently, on her microblog, the star published a video from her native Voronezh, where the woman was visiting during the winter holidays. In the video, Yulia Nachalova showed her hands disfigured by the disease. Their appearance shocked many users, who began to console the singer and advise methods of treatment.

The camera lens captured the scene as a traffic police officer offers Nachalova to take a test for alcohol intoxication, but she refuses. The performer was detained late at night. The inspector was alarmed that the car was moving along a strange trajectory; he suspected the driver of drinking alcohol. The star was warned that for refusing a medical examination she could be deprived of the right to drive a vehicle.

Nachalova confirmed that she was indeed driving the car. She was returning with a friend from a party and didn’t get home literally a few tens of meters. The singer is sure that any sane person in her place would refuse to undergo an examination for alcohol intoxication.

Yulia Nachalova, singer: “The car was surrounded by 57 people, well, a huge number of men. It's night outside. I opened the window and started talking to the traffic police inspector. Immediately some witnesses grew up, incomprehensibly some kind of clowning discord. It is unclear neither names nor surnames. Who is this? What is this? I made a clear decision at that very moment that I would not get out of the car under any circumstances.”

Nachalova explains that she really experienced a nervous shock. After all, there are so many cases around where drivers are robbed and killed, and who knows for what purpose her expensive foreign car was stopped in the middle of the night?

Yulia Nachalova: “According to the administrative code, I have the right to refuse medical examination and travel with them in the night."

The singer was also outraged by the fact that within a few hours the video filmed that night appeared in the public domain, and yet the phone was only in the hands of a traffic police officer.

Yulia Nachalova: “I don’t understand this at all, for some reason materials end up on the Internet? These are things that should be there for the debriefing group. It was probably necessary to call someone, a police department, who would come with a camera, a special camera that is used to film such stories.”

Nachalova claims that she was completely sober. For the first time, the singer spoke so openly about why she and alcohol are incompatible things.

Yulia Nachalova: “I was driving completely sober. I am a person who is in rehabilitation, I have gout, and I follow the recommendations. Everyone who knows what gout is, a royal disease, so to speak, understands that one gram of alcohol results in terrible pain. This has not existed in my life for several years now.”

Nachalova’s personal doctor confirms that the singer has been suffering from a serious chronic illness for 5 years and has long excluded alcohol from her diet. Colleagues in show business did not even suspect that Julia had recently undergone serious treatment at the clinic. The singer does not show that she is tormented by hellish pain. She is sitting on the strictest diet, takes anti-inflammatory drugs and during treatment suddenly loses or gains weight. Either they suspect that the star suffers from anorexia, or they congratulate her on her pregnancy.