Who according to the horoscope is suitable for an Aquarius woman? Aquarius Woman: Life Goals and Relationship Building

It’s hard not to notice her in company – she’s smart, sarcastic, beautiful and doesn’t hesitate to show signs of attention to young men who seem interesting. She is an Aquarius young lady, an eternal victim of her own ambitions and complexes, who wants to prove her ability to achieve her goal with less effort, that is, through her own attractiveness and sexuality.

Aquarius women are quite dangerous in love games. The biggest ambush a man can get into is refusing former family or a beloved woman, succumbing to the provocation of Aquarius, who is playing at love, and in this moment practicing the art of “stealing a man.” As an individual and a spouse for many years, she does not need him at all; satisfied with the effect produced, she will simply disappear from his life, leaving him alone with the consequences of sudden decisions.

The Aquarius lady lives here and now. She is quite prepared for the fact that tomorrow may simply not come, and therefore there is not the slightest rational sense in thinking about it. Her powerful energy makes it possible to “love” several men in one period of time, although rather not the individuals themselves, but some pleasantries associated with them.

Aquarius women talk about love extremely easily, and can admit it without even experiencing it at all, but to truly love, it takes them a long time.

Every Aquarius femme fatale hides a little girl inside her who really desires care, understanding and a stable relationship. It is she who emerges from the image of a broken girl and becomes a devoted wife and good mother. True, not every man can find the button to make the Aquarius lady’s feigned dashing clothes fall off.

Compatibility in love

Aquarius gets along best with gentlemen who love her for who she is and are ready to sing and, most importantly, praise their sweetheart every day. The best way Aries succeeds in this, and in their adoration they give Aquarius the opportunity to open up and gain wings.

Gemini operates with different schemes, with them the Aquarius woman can not hide her recklessness, this couple is always ready for extreme sports and bold proposals, be it a trip for permanent residence in Ecuador, or a business of catching dogs with their subsequent training as guide dogs.

In tandem with a Leo man, although the Aquarius lady feels a little constrained by his jealousy and possessive manners, she is even amused by this, since she cannot understand the depth of his emotions. Leo in such a union begins to look at life more broadly and recognize its intrinsic value. These partners have a stranglehold on each other because they get hundreds of times more out of the relationship than they put in.

Love and family with a Libra man for an Aquarius woman often becomes a refuge from earthly problems. He himself is not of the world, and therefore does not require any classical proof of love, even fidelity. This couple suits each other perfectly in their desire to enjoy life without exerting any effort, but for wealth they go in one direction, “to the left,” but each on their own.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can be interesting. They both love to dream, talk about possible bright prospects and forget about this heated conversation in the morning. The Sagittarius man admires Aquarius’s ability to create a sensation around herself, and he is flattered by the attractiveness of his lady. Aquarius is quite happy that her Sagittarius husband does not ask unnecessary questions, and always helps as best he can, even with a minimum of information.

Aquarius and Aquarius can create a quite decent and happy family. However, such a tandem rarely has children. Aquarius creatures of different sexes are so cozy and comfortable together that a third one will always be superfluous.

Not particularly promising, but an alliance with a Pisces man is quite possible. However, for this it is simply necessary that the spouses have a considerable amount of trial and error behind them. Only after living a little with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn man will an Aquarius woman be able to appreciate all the charm of fishy tenderness.

The absolute antagonists of Aquarius women are men of the Earth element. Relationships with them may begin and even seem attractive, but the result is almost always a quiet divorce - without breaking dishes or dividing property, because there is nothing to divide when nothing binds.

Approximately the same situation is observed in relations with Scorpios and Cancers. True, Aquarius runs away from the first ones very quickly, since they cannot stand their oppression, while the second ones themselves try not to creep up to the airy ladies, for Cancers they are too noisy, smart and in great demand!

It’s hard not to notice her in company – she’s smart, sarcastic, beautiful and doesn’t hesitate to show attention to young men who seem interesting. She is an Aquarius young lady, an eternal victim of her own ambitions and complexes, who wants to prove her ability to achieve her goal with less effort, that is, through her own attractiveness and sexuality.

Aquarius women are quite dangerous in love games. The biggest ambush a man can get into is to abandon his former family or his beloved woman, succumbing to the provocation of Aquarius, who is playing at love and is currently practicing the art of “stealing a man.” As an individual and a spouse for many years, she does not need him at all; satisfied with the effect produced, she will simply disappear from his life, leaving him alone with the consequences of sudden decisions.

The Aquarius lady lives here and now. She is quite prepared for the fact that tomorrow may simply not come, and therefore there is not the slightest rational sense in thinking about it. Her powerful energy makes it possible to “love” several men in one period of time, although rather not the individuals themselves, but some pleasantries associated with them.

Aquarius women talk about love extremely easily, and can admit it without even experiencing it at all, but to truly love, it takes them a long time.

Every Aquarius femme fatale hides a little girl inside her who really desires care, understanding and a stable relationship. It is she who emerges from the image of a broken girl and becomes a devoted wife and good mother. True, not every man can find the button to make the Aquarius lady’s feigned dashing clothes fall off.

Compatibility in love

Aquarius gets along best with gentlemen who love her for who she is and are ready to sing and, most importantly, praise their sweetheart every day. This is best achieved by Aries, who in their adoration give Aquarius the opportunity to open up and gain wings.

Gemini operates with different schemes, with them the Aquarius woman can not hide her recklessness, this couple is always ready for extreme sports and bold proposals, be it a trip for permanent residence in Ecuador, or a business of catching dogs with their subsequent training as guide dogs.

In tandem with a Leo man, although the Aquarius lady feels a little constrained by his jealousy and possessive manners, she is even amused by this, since she cannot understand the depth of his emotions. Leo in such a union begins to look at life more broadly and recognize its intrinsic value. These partners have a stranglehold on each other because they get hundreds of times more out of the relationship than they put in.

Love and family with a Libra man for an Aquarius woman often becomes a refuge from earthly problems. He himself is not of the world, and therefore does not require any classical proof of love, even fidelity. This couple suits each other perfectly in their desire to enjoy life without exerting any effort, but for wealth they go in one direction, “to the left,” but each on their own.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can be interesting. They both love to dream, talk about possible bright prospects and forget about this heated conversation in the morning. The Sagittarius man admires Aquarius’s ability to create a sensation around herself, and he is flattered by the attractiveness of his lady. Aquarius is quite happy that her Sagittarius husband does not ask unnecessary questions, and always helps as best he can, even with a minimum of information.

Aquarius and Aquarius can create a quite decent and happy family. However, such a tandem rarely has children. Aquarius creatures of different sexes are so cozy and comfortable together that a third one will always be superfluous.

Not particularly promising, but an alliance with a Pisces man is quite possible. However, for this it is simply necessary that the spouses have a considerable amount of trial and error behind them. Only after living a little with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn man will an Aquarius woman be able to appreciate all the charm of fishy tenderness.

The absolute antagonists of Aquarius women are men of the Earth element. Relationships with them may begin and even seem attractive, but the result is almost always a quiet divorce - without breaking dishes or dividing property, because there is nothing to divide when nothing binds.

Approximately the same situation is observed in relations with Scorpios and Cancers. True, Aquarius runs away from the first ones very quickly, since they cannot stand their oppression, while the second ones themselves try not to creep up to the airy ladies, for Cancers they are too noisy, smart and in great demand!

Zodiac sign woman Aquarius charming, graceful, witty, bright. Her appearance is amazing. If she is not the most beautiful, she is certainly the most interesting.

Aquarius woman unusualness is manifested in the manner of dressing. Aquarius can be seen in the most fashionable clothes and in a dress from grandma's chest. Regarding the hairstyle, we can also say that it has two extremes. But the fact that her hairstyle will be different from the hairstyles of other women is guaranteed.

This woman is constantly changing, you won’t get bored with her. A timid, modest, pleasant and intelligent interlocutor, and suddenly... a fountain of passions. Even the most experienced man, who is well versed in the psychology of a woman, can become confused by such a turn. Moreover, she behaves as she pleases and always says whatever she wants. Her character cannot be squeezed into the framework of conventions. She does not tolerate any obligations, both in relation to herself and in relation to others. Among Aquarius women There are completely unbridled natures that are always unpredictable.

In a woman Zodiac sign Aquarius amazing ability to adapt to any conditions.

Aquarius women They usually have excellent intuition. A representative of this zodiac sign can predict events. Usually all her prophecies come true. In the Middle Ages, such women were burned at the stake.

Not everyone can perceive her judgments and actions correctly. To understand her, you need to live the same way as she did - in the future.

Aquarius woman not a lazy person, works conscientiously. It's a pleasure to watch her while she works. Even in the most insignificant matter her grace and brilliance are revealed. She knows how to do everything with her own hands. She loves to work, but does not tolerate strict discipline.

This is an independent nature: she does as she sees fit. But all her actions are subject to common sense. She sees the final goal to which she goes only to her known way. Often everything she does is perceived as a challenge.

A woman born under sign of Aquarius, is endowed with an amazing property - the ability to conduct a conversation in different levels. It's always a pleasure to discuss with her. He never tries to impose his opinion and also does not tolerate this from others. Respects the individuality in every person. For those who try to suppress it, it becomes inaccessible. Graceful manners, restraint, timidity attract her.

Marriage rarely brings her happiness, since she experiences the fear of dissolving into one person, and this means for her to lose the main thing in life - freedom. Marry Aquarius woman only after she finds out everything about her chosen one, about his abilities. Marriage with Aquarius woman won't be simple. Married life can be successful if you do not deprive her of freedom, the opportunity to fantasize, experiment, explore, and move among friends. Belonging only to the family is not its main purpose. It belongs to everyone and no one.

Her loyalty to the one she loves is limitless. But even then, freedom is necessary for her.

Aquarius woman she will never be lonely, she has many friends all her life, and they can all be completely different. Their interests are also her interests. She delves deeply into the problems of her friends and loved ones, analyzes them, and tries to help not only with advice, but also with deeds.

She doesn't let anyone in on her secrets. She never lies, but she tends to avoid frank conversations. Keeping something silent is very typical for her.

She considers jealousy to be prejudice and rejects intolerance. She will love a man not for his successful career, not for his money, which is not her goal. She will respect him for his intelligence, for his ability to be a friend to her and her friends. She will help her partner develop his abilities, she is ready to give her mind and feelings to him, as she is able to see his future.

The woman of this zodiac sign freed from suspicion, she will not check her husband’s every move. But he will never forgive infidelity. Being married, she does not have affairs. Honest relationships are above all else for her.

She remembers her first love all her life. Often supports a good relationship With former lovers, friends.

The house of a woman born under the sign of Aquarius is always full of guests who are attracted by her charm and sociability. Everyone needs her.

Her restraint prevents her from openly showing her love for her child, but already from the cradle he is a person for her. She will try not to patronize him, much less punish him.

In love with Aquarius women also extremes: then high, perfect love, then cold alienation. Aquarius woman- an excellent partner for men with weak temperament. Her physical attraction is connected to the mind. Sex is not the main thing for her, but she responds to love with great enthusiasm.

With her originality and originality, the Aquarius woman can captivate any man. But he is in no hurry to get married, because he values ​​personal freedom and prefers to delay love relationship Before the wedding, she is a little wary of formal and binding relationships, the kind of relationships that the practical Taurus woman values.

And he decides to take such a step only out of great love or... for practical reasons. But the Aquarius woman will allow her husband to be himself, and will not teach him how to live and impose her tastes on his family. In its own way characteristics Aquarius woman original and innovator, including in family life. She does not accept everything traditional and conservative in family life. The Aquarius woman is active and at the same time practical, so she easily becomes a leader and authority in the house. In the family she is at the same time rational, democratic and loyal. This is her advantage. And in the manifestation of feelings she is restrained and even cool. This is her flaw, which her man finds difficult to reconcile with. An Aquarius woman carefully chooses her husband, although she can fall in love recklessly. He never limits his interests to his family, so at work or in public life can achieve excellent results.

Aquarius woman, characteristics of preferences

Aquarius woman in love

Aquarius is an air sign and this fits perfectly. She falls in love easily, but often her feelings are shallow and fragile. The Aquarius woman loves variety and often changes the object of her love. Relationships where there are too many feelings and dependence are boring and painful for her, she wants interesting communication, experiments. Its strongest connections are based on friendship, mutual trust and respect. The Aquarius woman will not allow any dictate or suppression over her. of one's own will. By cheating herself, she will not perceive betrayal of herself as a tragedy; she is objective and respects the freedom of others. The Aquarius woman breaks up easily and even after the breakup maintains a good relationship with her husband or partner.

What kind of interior suits an Aquarius woman?

Aquarius is an air sign and, above all, it needs space. Often the Aquarius woman herself does not know what she prefers in the interior, so mixing styles and colors is distinctive characteristic this zodiac sign. But, nevertheless, with some dispersion of her interests regarding the interior, she gives preference to everything natural and natural (parquet flooring, furniture made of natural wood, linen tablecloths and bamboo curtains). In the furniture and in the setting in general, it values, above all, simplicity and comfort.

What scent does an Aquarius woman prefer?

This is a characteristic of a person who values ​​freedom and independence most of all. She is constantly looking for something new, unusual and interesting. Therefore, her tastes even for fragrances are changeable. But there is something, something she has a constant interest in. These are perfumes with the aroma of roses and delicate citrus fruits. And, oddly enough, these aromas evoke opposite feelings in her: they excite, intoxicate, and as a result pacify and calm. IN characteristics of an Aquarius woman There are such features as attraction to everything unusual and romantic. And what could be more romantic than the sea, the expanses of the sea. Perhaps that is why she likes the smells of the sea, the feeling of the coolness of the seashore. The Aquarius woman will like the scents of the mysterious sandalwood, exotic nutmeg or the unusual aroma of palmarosa. Characteristics of an Aquarius woman includes such qualities as originality and originality, so the scents Ghost, Givenchy Odligue from Givenchy, Donna from Nautilus are suitable for her. She will like bottles packed in boxes of violet-crimson or cold blue shades, with the presence of silver sparkles.

Aquarius woman mascots

The mascots of an Aquarius woman, who loves everything unusual, including travel, can be toy cars, airplanes, boats - they contribute to good luck along the way. A flying bird is a talisman for those who travel more in their thoughts, creative people. IN characteristics of an Aquarius woman There is such a trait as a commitment to products made of white metal, which is what talismans should be made of. The talisman picture should have blue sky, beautiful clouds, flying birds, balls, airplanes, White snow. Abstract drawings with wavy lines and zigzags.

Aquarius woman and alcohol

One of the manifestations characteristics of an Aquarius woman is that she sometimes drinks not for pleasure, but to calm down when she is worried about some event. A glass of light wine helps her come to her senses, the main thing is not to increase the dose of this sedative. And don’t worry about all sorts of small reasons, otherwise the sedative may become a habit.

Aquarius woman daughter-in-law

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman- this is a characteristic of a person whose soul is wide open and at the same time a very mysterious woman. She does not tolerate it when her personal freedom is limited and she is taught how to live. She can be stubborn, intractable and capricious when someone else’s opinion is imposed on her. It’s better to let her be herself and not control her actions and behavior, but try to make friends - in friendship she is a very loyal person.

Aquarius woman mother-in-law

Like all Aquarians, this woman is unpredictable. He may treat his daughter-in-law kindly for no apparent reason, or he may offend her for no apparent reason. But in her characteristics as a sign of the Zodiac, there is also a lot positive traits, for example, such as the ability to sympathize and if you help with something, then help “to the fullest.” Using these qualities of hers, the daughter-in-law can acquire in her person a reliable friend and assistant.

Free, soaring, extraordinary... All these epithets can and should be attributed to a woman born under the sign of Aquarius. She may not shine external beauty. Inner alluring magic is her hallmark. You can love her or hate her – you won’t be able to remain indifferent!


The planet of Aquarius is Uranus. In astrology, it is believed that women born under the sign of this planet have sensitive intuition. They may even develop psychic abilities.

Stones that are especially suitable for these girls:

  • amethyst - personifies harmony, will help resolve conflicts in the family and at work;
  • aquamarine – changes its color when the weather changes, a real talisman for those who like to travel;
  • pomegranate is a symbol of passion and love, renders positive influence on the hormonal system;
  • turquoise - in ancient times was considered an amulet against misfortune and the evil eye, strengthens love relationships;
  • zircon – relieves nightmares and helps to find peace of mind;
  • sapphire – protects against deception, a stone of fidelity and pure motives;
  • chrysocolla - opens the mind and calms raging emotions.

The metal suitable for the sign is tin. In ancient times, good luck charms were made from it. But tin talismans can also help with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Aquarius Flowers:

  • mysterious violet - makes people calm and cheerful;
  • languid narcissist - helps women find happiness in love;
  • beautiful myrtle - heals diseases and cleanses home energy;
  • healing immortelle - will ward off any evil and give you self-confidence;
  • luxurious mistletoe - protects against the evil eye and damage.

Sign trees:

  • proud cypress - tree of strength and justice;
  • majestic poplar – absorbs negative energy;
  • fragrant cedar - restores mental strength.

Animals are the patrons of the sign: dove, crane, camel.

  • The dove symbolizes the special peacefulness inherent in Aquarius.
  • The crane speaks of the special talents that each representative of the sign has. And this bird also shows that it belongs to the subtle world of spirits.
  • The camel ship of the desert is a symbol of independence and having your own opinion. He doesn't care about anyone in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

Pets: iguana, short-haired cats. The iguana is perfect for Aquarius girls due to its originality. Cats will help calm your raging nervous system.

Colors suitable for Aquarius women: blue-green, violet, ultramarine.

Sign mascot: key. Usually worn around the neck as a pendant. As an exception, it can be used on a bracelet. This amulet is very ancient and will show what is hidden from others. The power of the Pope is called the power of the keys. Once a year, the symbol must be cleaned by placing it in a glass with a salt solution for three days.

Another talisman can be a glass or porcelain figurine of an angel. You need to talk to her every day and ask for help. Then it will be filled with your energy and will help in adversity.

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 8, 13.

The most successful and unlucky days of the week: Aquarius’ activities on Wednesday and Saturday will be most successful. On Sunday it is better not to plan anything serious, but to indulge in relaxation.

Suitable names: Isolde, Ksenia, Yana, Violetta, Ilona, ​​Irina, Zhanna, Yuliana, Frida, Svetlana, Gloria.

Girls of the air element impress with their subtle, pleasant nature. Their creative nature does not allow them to look like everyone else. Individuality, not fashion, is the principle in choosing outfits. Their character is multifaceted and strikingly different from others, which helps them remain the most extraordinary person in all areas of activity.

In friendship

The sociability of this eleventh zodiac sign has no limits. It cannot exist without a team. The more friends, the merrier. Loneliness certainly does not threaten them. And the status of a person or his origin is not important. Female Aquarians always choose their comrades wisely. Emotional connection is not so important to them.

They choose true friends for life. It is difficult for them to find a person close in spirit due to their extravagance. But if he is found, then the friendly relations will be almost family. The devotion of such women should never be doubted.

Both day and night she will always find time to come to the rescue completely free of charge. These girls don't like to give advice. It is easier for them to act directly. Such friends should not be lost. They feel responsible for the fate of their loved ones.

The downside to this comradely sacrifice is that sometimes friendship is put first instead of family. It is better for husbands to be understanding female friendship, otherwise the weather in the house may be ruined.

In love

It is impossible not to pay attention to her. She always looks attractive and unusual, which is appreciated by men of all ages and different classes. But approaching it is not so easy. Behind the external attributes of this zodiac sign there is extraordinary intelligence and inexplicable intuition. Aquarians are not dummies, and they need to live up to.


When you get to know “airy” women closely, you will notice that many of them are clever manipulators. Perhaps they themselves do not notice this and are very offended if their intriguing techniques are pointed out to them. To create a successful union, you should try to be somewhat softer and more compliant in relationships with the opposite sex.

Nevertheless, an Aquarius girl needs a strong man’s shoulder in order to be weak at least sometimes. She loves romance: conversations about love under the moon, flowers and cute gifts. Let it be a bouquet of wildflowers or gold decoration– this is not so important to her, the main thing is signs of attention.

With a beautiful floor air sign Zodiac is always interesting, warm and cozy. She is ready to forgive a lot. Only betrayal on the part of a man will never forgive. She herself will always be faithful, there is no doubt about that.

A girl in love will admire you even more with her nature. However, he will not tolerate restrictions on freedom and will never completely submit. She does not strive for a stamp in her passport, imagining it as a cage. Before getting married, he finds out all the information about his chosen one. Only after much thought can she decide to take such a serious step. He can easily break off relationships, but never completely burns bridges.

Relationships with such a person are always extraordinary and explosive. This is the most a big problem. Not all men will tolerate such a difficult character. We can only advise you to try not to violate the personal space of Aquarius girls and give them free rein.


Despite the storm of feelings in their souls, these girls may outwardly look cold and distant. Sex does not come first for them. Only a truly suitable chosen one can awaken true passion and emancipation in them. Then he will receive a storm of emotions and affection in bed.


At the birth of a child, the Aquarius mother will not publicly demonstrate her tender feelings. Love for her children will be in her heart and not for show. Relationships with children will be more likely to be friendly. They will exclude harsh punishments and excessive guardianship.

In career

Women of this zodiac sign have advantages in the form of extraordinary intelligence and erudition. Don’t rob them of their creativity. Flights of fantasy are always present in any field of activity. Therefore, routine office work does not suit them.

The following professions with a creative beginning are best suited for Aquarius girls:

  • architect - unreal buildings, grandiose bridges - the imagination of this sign will draw anything;
  • writer - literary sketches will bring to life all the wealth inner world these beauties;
  • dancer - in dance you can throw out all the passion that accumulates in your soul;
  • designer – love for originality and fresh solutions will help you stand out in this field;
  • director - the most incredible ideas are embodied on the set;
  • actress - the style and charisma inherent in the zodiac sign under discussion sets her apart from her competitors.

The horoscope also suggests quieter professions: teacher or educator kindergarten. In pedagogical methods of education there is always room for extraordinary ways of presenting information. Children always like something unusual.


Aquarius is not a healthy person. In addition, these women love to help and support everyone. This causes overwork, insomnia, and chronic fatigue.

Impressionable ladies keep everything to themselves, which affects the state of the body. Diseases nervous system also appear very often. It is dangerous that in case of increased nervousness, psychosomatics may manifest themselves. Aquarians, who are less susceptible to stress, get sick much less often.

In order not to aggravate weak immunity, it is necessary to ensure proper sleep. Once or twice a year, be sure to take a vacation and go to warm sea regions. To combat nervous exhaustion, it is useful to exercise various types sports Walking on fresh air will also have a positive impact.

For mental relaxation, it is advisable to have a hobby related to needlework. This can help you relax and combine business with pleasure.

Health problems can also arise from poor diet and unhealthy snacks. It should be noted that women of this air sign should adhere to balanced diet. It will help cleanse the body and remove excess toxins. Fish and vegetable dishes containing phosphorus and folic acid are especially useful. And it is also recommended to eat citrus fruits and nuts.

Vision problems are also possible. It is important to contact an ophthalmologist on time.

Aquarius girls are wary of medical care. They often underestimate the state of their body and can use very wild methods of treatment for the sake of experimentation. Their fantastic nature shows even in this area.

It must be remembered that it is better not to make a diagnosis yourself, but to entrust this matter to professionals.

Homeopathy can be used in addition to basic clinical treatment. Herbal teas and aromatic baths will be a pleasant help in the fight for health and beauty.

For older representatives of the air element, it is important to monitor the blood vessels and circulatory system in general. With age, diseases such as varicose veins and increased blood clots may appear. If the work is predominantly sedentary, you need to take breaks and do mini-exercises for your legs.

What kind of man do you need?

Aquarius women are suited to a gentleman who can please and surprise them. It shouldn't be boring with a partner.

There are several main qualities that these girls will appreciate.

  • Caring. Tender soul these girls should bask in attention. Then the return will be appropriate.
  • Love for an active lifestyle. Traveling and educational excursions, hiking and theaters - Aquarians cannot live without all this. A lazy person and a couch potato will not be able to win their heart.
  • Intelligence. Without this quality, she simply will have nothing to talk to you about, which will kill all sympathy in the bud. Often representatives of this sign choose older gentlemen. After all, you can always learn something from them.
  • Good manners. If your intended soul mate behaves rudely, it will be almost impossible to regain the girl’s affections.
  • The pursuit of excellence. Aquarians themselves are constantly developing in all areas and will demand this from their gentleman.
  • Sexuality. The coldness of girls of this sign can be repulsive. But an experienced man will be able to seduce and liberate this lady.
  • Humor. Anxious ladies simply need relief. Guys with a difficult and gloomy character will find it difficult to get along with a depressed girl.
  • Ease of communication. Aquarius is very important to have heart-to-heart conversations. To please them, you don't need to play the silent game.


Creating a harmonious couple for an Aquarius girl is not so easy.

When choosing a partner, you can focus on character traits one or another zodiac sign.

  • Aries. The incompatibility of characters here is perfectly compensated by sexual pleasures. This union will have a very strong physical attraction. This will create a romantic halo and return to the couple. Aries like to control everything too much, so in such a pair it is better for them to remain lovers or friends. The marriage is unlikely to be long-term.
  • Calf. This couple has little in common. Each other's interests boil down to carnal pleasures. It is difficult for a home-loving Taurus to come to terms with the freedom-loving Aquarius girl. She can only diversify his life bright colors joint travel. For happy marriage the prospects are quite small.
  • Twins. U of this type men have such traits as a desire to learn new things, a love of travel, and an extraordinary mind. This brings the Gemini-Aquarius tandem together, making them perfect couple. These are two completely independent people, whose union can become very strong. Mutual respect for interests and romantic passion will support him. They have similar views on family, peace and love. The two of them will never get bored. One can only dream of such strong family ties.
  • Cancer. This man lives by his own rules. It is difficult for him to understand such an unusual girl. It is important for Cancer to know that a family idyll awaits him in his relationship. The Aquarius woman cannot give this. Against the backdrop of mutual disagreements, their paths will most likely diverge.

  • A lion. Such a union will definitely not be simple. Leo is practical and powerful. The Aquarius girl does not know how to obey. They are very different, but if such an extraordinary relationship arises, then a storm of emotions cannot be avoided. Their family idyll risks being shattered due to the incompatibility of their characters.
  • Virgo. The man of this zodiac sign is very conservative, in contrast to the Aquarius woman. It will be very difficult for them to get along. In everyday life, they will blame each other for everything, since both have completely difficult characters. In order for such a marriage not to fall apart, they need to first accept the shortcomings of their partner. They will be together only by keeping their characters in check.
  • Scales. It is almost impossible to achieve a strong relationship in this alignment of stars. Although there are always exceptions to the rules. If a Libra man shares her crazy hobbies with his woman, and his wife, in turn, does not scold her husband for a small salary, then they will definitely be able to get along together.
  • Scorpion. It is possible that Cupid will try to bring them together with his well-aimed shot. But the Scorpio man will expect stability and seriousness from his object of passion, which she cannot provide him with. Even the most beautiful flowers given to a girl will not be able to keep her at the stove. The family hearth in these relationships can turn into a real military battle. If both parties learn to soften their character and make compromises, then such a marriage is quite possible.

  • Sagittarius. There are many positives to their extravagant union. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius love freedom and travel. New experiences are important to them. They both lack only the desire to enter into a legal marriage. But if a stamp does appear in the passport, then this union can become very happy.
  • Capricorn. Capricorn is stable and serious, and the Aquarius woman does not accept any boundaries for herself. A man in such a union wants to curb the girl’s rebellious temper, which he rarely succeeds in. Although he is conservative and always stands firmly on his feet, which somewhat balances out the eccentric half. Thanks to this, their family can become strong.
  • Aquarius. The probability of such a pair occurring is very low. To create family ties, this zodiac sign needs a completely opposite person. They can exist together only as long as it is convenient for them. It is not their rule to think about the future.
  • Fish. Both of these signs are emotional and have a childish, admiring look at the world. They can do some creative work together. Despite this, the Pisces man is quite passive, which irritates the hard-working Aquarius girl. The stronger half needs to take the initiative more often in order to maintain the relationship.

Best friends for Aquarius

By finding out what zodiac sign your colleague, partner or friend has, you can better understand his interests and character.

  • Aries. This is a leader by nature. A cheerful and versatile person. Treats everything with a fair amount of responsibility. The disadvantage is that they always want to be head and shoulders above.
  • Twins. Their difference is a rare attachment to people and a certain amount of selfishness. But their erudition and love of travel will not let you get bored.
  • Scales. They will definitely not be surprised by the extravagance of Aquarius girls. They accept the essence of a person as it is. They are not afraid to tell the truth face to face.
  • Sagittarius. You can go to the front with this person. A very reliable and at the same time cheerful and interesting person.
  • Leo, Pisces and Aquarius themselves are contraindicated for creating friendly relations for our airy girl.

We take into account the eastern horoscope

In addition to the zodiac influence, the representative of the air element is influenced by the year in which she was born.

There are 12 mythological animals that personify the influence of the cosmos on the character and fate of the Aquarius girl.

  • Rat. This woman is very bright and creative. Always around her great amount fans. She also stands out for her hard work, always working until she sweats. The only important thing is not to find a monotonous, routine profession. Children are not the most important thing in life for her. But if they appear, the Rat will give them everything for a happy life.
  • Bull. A girl with this combination is cheerful and loves to be the center of attention. He enjoys working and is always in good standing with management. Often her colleagues envy her and perceive her activity as sycophancy towards her superiors. Prefers extreme sports to relaxing holidays. In his personal life, this person wants to feel in first place - the most loved and desired. In marriage he will show himself at his best the best side. Welcomes a large number of children.
  • Tiger. This woman is very attractive and full of new ideas. They are especially well embodied in the acting field, as well as in artistic arts. Basically everything creative professions are not alien to her. For men, the tigress is in full view - she is so open. The husband will be pleasantly surprised by her care and affection. However, a girl can be a little childish, and in marriage she plays the role of a little girl. He treats children with great attention, which can develop into overprotection.

  • Rabbit (Cat). The main quality of this girl is her love of life and amazing optimism. Realize your creative potential she can also work in professions that require creativity, such as artist, designer, actress. She is easy-going with men and charms them at first sight. But he absolutely cannot stand the encroachment on his freedom. She does not need to prohibit or limit anything. The cat walks by itself.
  • The Dragon. A rather dreamy nature, who always remains a child at heart. They scare her serious relationship. To create a strong union, she needs someone on whom she can lay down all the problems and solutions. If this woman really falls in love, she will become capable of completely crazy things for the sake of the person she loves.
  • Snake. Such a person is the queen of all parties. Can be a wedding and party organizer, DJ and animator. He has stubbornness and a creative streak. In relationships with men, he does not show his best side. She is very greedy for her partner’s financial situation. Loves flowers and expensive gifts. A man paired with her must be ready to fulfill any of her whims.

  • Horse. This woman is very cheerful and gets along well with people. She is loved by everyone in the team and always remains the center of attention. Very dreamy and floating in the clouds. Loves intrigue in relationships. I wouldn't mind having a holiday romance. He is in no hurry to get married, for fear of losing his independence.
  • Goat. She is highly intelligent, pleasant to talk to and independent. She loves to be involved in the process at work, which is much more important to her than the material side. For men, she is unusually attractive - the very embodiment of femininity. He keeps his distance from them, not letting anyone into his heart until the end. She needs a flexible partner.
  • Monkey. The nature of this representative is charming and noble. An easily trained and intuitively developed girl will easily find a place for herself in almost any profession, but she, like everyone else, likes creativity and art in general. She is easy to communicate with, she is caring and loves children. The husband of such a woman is incredibly lucky.
  • Rooster. A bright and memorable lady. Works where she is recognized and appreciated. Has a developed imagination. Sometimes too fussy. She strives to improve not only herself, but also everything that surrounds her. In relationships with men, she often takes the initiative herself. She is a real keeper of the family hearth. Very good mother and daughter.

  • Dog. She is very good friend and listener. Knows how to keep his mouth shut. Easy to contact. Where exactly to work does not matter to her, the main thing is that it is interesting. For men, she is more of a girlfriend than a passionate lover. This girl is not at all obsessed with marriage, sometimes she is completely against starting a family. She wants to live for herself and her rich life.
  • Pig. This combination at birth defines a person who is pleasant in all respects. She is ready to help everyone who needs it. Often sacrifices himself for the sake of others. In her work, she really needs to love her job and receive moral satisfaction from it. She values ​​equality in relationships and does not know how to obey. If this quality is present, then a family idyll will be ensured.