Young lover. Why do you dream about your ex-lover? Dream Interpretation Lover


I dream - I call my husband on the phone, he picks up, I don’t have time to say anything and then I hear that my ex-lover He also picked up the phone (somehow he connected to my call) and is also going to talk to me. I listened to their “alekani” and hung up the phone. I didn’t want to talk because of my lover. I didn’t understand this dream, Yaroslav. Maybe you can explain? Thank you.


The telephone symbolizes negative character connection with the interlocutor, in your case with two. That is, this connection can be very strong, but mechanical: there is no sincere love, no real feelings. Such a connection often promises personal losses.


The fact is that I am married, and we can say that we have a normal, established relationship with my husband. Sometimes, of course, there are terrible quarrels, but it doesn’t come to a divorce. But there is another person with whom I sometimes meet, I love him as a person whom I still don’t know well, as something unknown to me... No, I cannot call him my lover, because his relationship to me and mine to him are under some kind of secret, we never talk about our feelings when we meet and only everyone, in their own way, knows what they feel. Now this one has left for another city and only God knows what will happen to us next. Now about the dream that I had after another communication with him. I dreamed about my parents’ apartment and I brought my lover (i.e. Him) there to my room. (note: My husband and I live separately from our parents. My mother was actually in the hospital at the moment I had the dream). And feeling the danger of the situation, that my parents might return home, I find out everything, tell my husband, and lock myself in the room with Him. we kiss, but it doesn’t come to love itself... he leaves the room to the kitchen and says that he wants to eat... I say: “What, my parents or husband will come now, I’ll catch us and ruin everything!!” He answered me: “Don’t you understand, I want soup?” Then I suddenly asked, “Do you really live alone?” It's on fire, but I'm renting an apartment! And then a thought comes to me, I feel offended that he is the same as my husband, that he acts the same... But I waited and believed that he was different, the way I always wanted to see... I run out to my mother’s room and suddenly I see she lies as if dead... I ask her: “Did you hear everything?” She says: "Yes." Then I woke up, it was a shame for my mother who was sick, for myself - that all my hopes were dashed with a bowl of soup... Probably at 24 years old it’s stupid to wait and dream of a different life with another loved one? It's time to be content with reality, have children...


Good afternoon, dear Oracle! Please tell me why I often have dreams that I am in the apartment of my lover’s common-law wife. At first I was haunted by a dream that I was present there as a guest. I communicate with her and with him (there are some other relatives of hers). At the same time, I just feel awkward. One day I dreamed that I was coming to their house for their wedding. The state of shock that I experienced is beyond description! Then there was a dream in which we had sex in her presence, and when she saw it, she threw herself on his neck in tears, and he consoled her. Now he lives alone, we are dating. But my serial dreaming still continues. The other day I dreamed that I, using a master key, climbed into her apartment, where she now lives alone, and for some reason began to clean. wipe off dust, wash floors. She was caught red-handed, but she took it extremely calmly, but I was worried. I dreamed about the same thing in different variations (an episode with breaking into an apartment and washing the floors) all night in a circle. I don’t see her face, and often her image is replaced by other faces of some unknown girls.


I have two assumptions about sleep. The first is a feeling of guilt. If it weren’t for me, they would be together now, and before he wouldn’t have had to lie. And the second is a feeling of insecurity in him. I guess I'm trying to become her because somewhere inside I think their feelings are real. On the other hand, it was his decision to leave. Maybe you can give me some advice?


This is getting interesting. Again I dreamed that I had a lover. The last time I dreamed about this, there was some vague feeling that the dream reflected some changes in the relationship with my husband. This time there was that feeling again, only now it was less vague. There are inexplicable analogies between both dreams and my real behavior the day before. There are still no real lovers in sight. Here's a dream. I live in some unfamiliar house, which I consider my own, around there are some roads, forests, fields, a mixture of city and wildlife. With me are my husband, children and parents. (In fact, my parents have been far away for a long time and we see each other very rarely). Some holiday or vacation is approaching. For some reason, my son is going on an excursion to Moscow (complete nonsense!), together with his school, and by train. My husband went to visit a friend whom he had not seen in real life for a long time. Dad was also lost in something. Mom seems to have stayed at home. I'm going alone to see my son off. In the middle of an open field there is a train, children board it, I say goodbye, give all sorts of instructions for the journey, the train with the schoolchildren leaves. A crowd of mourners remains, who gradually begin to disperse. Walking with the crowd through some narrow passage like a door, I bump into someone and exchange polite apologies with someone. Suddenly someone in the crowd says Russian word, with an accent. I think it was “sorry”, I don’t remember exactly. I’m surprised, this was probably addressed to me, but how could anyone guess that I speak Russian. I see that he is a pleasant-looking young man. I smile at him and answer something like “nothing.” Then, teasingly, confident that he only knows a few words in Russian, I pronounce a whole phrase. To my even greater surprise, he understands everything and also answers me in Russian, with a slight accent. So a conversation gradually begins between us, and the emphasis is young man gradually disappears. I keep wanting to ask him who he is, how he knows Russian, and whether he is Russian, but I keep forgetting, distracted by our conversation. The young man is extremely pleasant to me, as if there is something in common between us, something that others do not have, as if we are some kind of conspirators and only we are able to truly understand each other. In addition, he is one of the people around me who speaks my native language. And now we are sitting on the bench and kissing tenderly, while managing to maintain a conversation. He says that he is very surprised by my attention, that he always wore glasses and therefore no one was interested in him (what nonsense!), and I answer that this is all nonsense, and that sometimes I myself wear glasses (they suddenly materialize from somewhere on my nose - in real life I don’t have glasses). Then I, in turn, express concern, saying that I’m probably older than him, and that he probably has no idea how old I am. He is sincerely surprised and asks how much it is. I tremblingly prepare to say 31, we kiss again, and suddenly... what a bummer! — my mother comes up to us from behind. Smiling insidiously and welcomingly, she throws a white shawl over my shoulders, supposedly so that I would not be cold. I’m actually not cold, and I don’t need a shawl, I feel terrible discomfort, but in order not to offend my mother, I don’t take off the shawl. Still looking at us insidiously (mom’s gaze expressed a whole range of feelings - at the same time a conspiratorial understanding of what I was doing and a silent reproach), mom begins to say something about plans for the evening. Like, she is going to go with my husband to his friend and would I like to join them. All these speeches, and a look with a silent reproach and a sly wink in one set, give me real torment, some kind of disgusting sticky shame appears, I begin to think about the children, I feel terribly uncomfortable about the whole situation in front of the young man, it seems that he is ready fall through the ground from such a situation. As a result, we somehow hastily say goodbye, and I reluctantly leave after my mother, secretly keeping the hope that I will still be able to escape. The last shot is of me leaving the house, supposedly to take a walk with the dog (who in real life died long ago) and thinking hard about how I can find that guy again. It seems to me that I know where he should be, it seems that he is waiting for me. There is fog around, I'm searching. End of the dream. In my opinion everything is clear without unnecessary words. White shawl, given by mom— the color of innocence, the color of a cocoon, something so protective and captivating. Mom and I are my own hypostases and their struggle. But who exactly is the young man in this dream and passionate lover in a previous dream on this topic. Animus? Personification of my relationship with my husband, with men in general, or something like that in myself?


By depicting the area [I live in some unfamiliar house, which I consider to be my own, there are some roads, forests, fields, a mixture of city and wild nature around me], the dream evaluates the current life situation as positive. The appearance of parents indicates that your actions are determined by the past; you will begin to act according to the scenario of family stereotypes. At the very important point Mom appears. The shawl indicates not only emotional and sensory nostalgic experiences, but also (like any clothing) it is someone else’s behavioral model. But, first of all, the shawl means a silent shadow that always stands behind your back, therefore symbolizing the negative role of the mother. The lover, of course, personifies the animus. However, archetypes themselves are stereotypes. It's all about something else - the collision of erotic dynamics with a sense of duty. When we enter political party or get married, we find ourselves inside a closed system. The system and the soul are polar opposites. The soul is looking for a way out of a closed system, the system uses all the possibilities available to it so that nothing works out for us. On the side of the system are customs and culture. The system says: the family must be subordinated to the contract, marital fidelity is paramount, eroticism must be subordinated to the sense of duty, mother and father have decisive dominance, etc. Can your potential (soul) seep through stereotypes like a forest stream through clods of earth? Free yourself without conflicting with the system. This is the whole art of life.


Aresny! I just have to thank you for

this transcript. Several times have passed since this dream.

weeks, and only now I unbearably clearly realized the truth of what

You wrote! Thank you! Everything is so sad!


I dreamed about mine married lover. It’s as if we are relaxing next to each other: he with his family and me. I watch him communicate with his wife and play with his child. The child is so cheerful, but I am tormented by resentment, anger, and despair. I ask him to leave his wife, but he refuses me. And suddenly I see how his child becomes ill and she falls from the swing, lying covered in blood. I am 26 years old


Fragments from a dream. My husband and I are crossing the tram tracks in my hometown. Suddenly, in the middle of the tracks, we hear someone’s voices behind us. One of them suddenly loudly and clearly pronounces the name of the country where my... hmm... one might say virtual lover lives (If I lived closer, it wouldn’t be virtual, but in real life we ​​only knew each other very well a short time, but managed to fall in love with each other... just simply fall in love, but how!. As a person who is conservative in terms of family and children, I’m not going to get a divorce and I’m not going to run anywhere, especially since I’m happy with my life, but still some vague desires are gnawing, something is constantly pulling and calling, and sleep, obviously, exactly about this.) Further, it turns out that these are local employees, say, approximately the same organization in which the beloved works (let's call him A.), discussing the arrival of colleagues from his country. I listen carefully, gradually delving into the essence of the conversation, and now it turns out that they are also my virtual acquaintances, to whom I recently provided a small favor. Oh yes, I must say that the whole dream is permeated with an unbearable craving to achieve a meeting with A. at any cost, through any obstacles. And so I immediately took advantage of the opportunity, joined mutual virtual acquaintances and we somehow very quickly ended up in some office lined with computers, discussing their projects and my help. In real life, I did a translation for them, but then it turns out that I seemed to have written some kind of program for them (I don’t write programs) and one of them, a programmer, reproaches me for using the “wrong command,” to which I reasonably note that in general I’m an amateur and I’m not supposed to know any commands. Then I, with my friends and, in addition, with my mother and husband, find myself in some huge auditorium amphitheater (Already these halls and stages to me, no matter how interesting the dream, they are there.) Everyone, as always in my dreams, is waiting for the start of someone’s performance. I notice that my A. is sitting ten rows below us, but I just can’t approach him in the presence of my mother and especially my husband, but I really want to. But then, fortunately for me, my husband gets up and leaves somewhere and I, plucking up the impudence, announce to my mother that I can’t stand it anymore and now at least I’ll walk past A. and give him a signal that I’m here! Mom, confused, agrees, saying, “Well, what can you do, I’ll at least go and look at this A.” And so, I go down the stairs between the rows of seats and just physically feel the tension growing as I get closer to A. It seems that something is about to explode in me. Moreover, the shackles of decency hold me so tightly that I cannot allow myself to look him straight in the eye. Thus, torn by contradiction, I approach the object of desire. And out of the corner of my eye I manage to look at him. He is the embodiment of my ideal of male beauty and sadness at the same time. He sits sadly, resting his chin on his hand, as if leaning over the edge of the seat, his large sad eyes are slightly lowered under a strand of resin hair. He is also dressed in some magnificent shirt made of dark red silk, with sky blue lapels, and in his other hand he holds a silver mobile phone. He notices me, but seeing my lowered gaze, he understands the hint and does not show that he recognizes me. Mom mutters something like “wow, his shirt is wow.” I angrily cut her off, saying, what has this got to do with the shirt. So we pass by and leave the hall, and now, after such a meeting, I am determined to meet him “for real.” I declare this to my mother, who is already throwing up her hands completely helplessly. Now, however, I need to look for him somewhere in the city. I have the same cell phone in my hands as he does, and I realize that I should call him, but, alas, I can’t remember the phone number. Suddenly a taxi slows down next to me, in which his friends are sitting (and they all look like him and are just as sad 8). I rush to them, asking where I can find A. They tell me the name of the hotel. I rush to this hotel, run up the stairs, rush along the corridors, behind me I hear the voices of some women talking about A. and about some child. “Can you imagine,” says one, “his child has no mother!” Those. there was some woman who breastfed him, and then she disappeared somewhere, and after that the child does not recognize anyone and does not eat anything. Doctors say he will die like this. He needs the woman who fed him, because the child remembers her smell and the beating of her heart and believes that this is his mother.” And then it hits me, I “remember” that I am the woman without whom child A will die. I am pierced by a feeling of melancholy and determination, at any cost I will find A. and this child who knows no other mothers besides me. So I burst into hotel room, where the same sad A. is reclining on the bed, and next to him lies a miracle baby, with eyes wide open, clear as light, waiting for me! I climb onto the bed between them, breastfeed the baby and plunge into nirvana, firmly convinced that now I will never leave, neither from A. nor from the child. I wake up in the middle of the night shocked... These are the tales of the Unconscious. In general, everything is clear and comments are unnecessary. The very process of writing and pouring out my experience to the computer and the readers of the oracle is already a relief for me. 8)


It's been 3 years since my ex-lover died in a car accident. We broke up 2 years before this event, but continued to call each other and supported a good relationship . We broke up on my initiative - binges, unfortunately incurable. And he was 15 years older than me. He knew that I got married six months after our breakup and approved of my choice. I was at the funeral, saw him in the coffin (a terrible sight). And for the past 2 years I have been dreaming the same dream, but in different variations. He's alive. The first time I opened the closet and found him inside, alive and well, but naked. I was scared. Seeing my horror, he hid back and said that he didn’t want to scare me, that he would come later and explain everything. This is where the dream ended. The next dream was about three months later, when I had almost forgotten about this dream. I'm visiting his mom, but then the phone rings, I pick up the phone and hear his voice. he says that he is alive, I was delighted, and we immediately found ourselves somewhere among the stars. we just floated in space and it was dark and light at the same time and very beautiful. He said it was a stupid prank, that he loved me and knew that I loved him. I say that I love my husband and get the answer: “It doesn’t matter. You love him and you love me, but you don’t betray either me or him. Everything is correct! After that he asked if he could come and talk to me sometimes. I agreed. When I woke up, I felt easy, good, but a little sad that it was all over. I immediately remembered the previous dream and wrote down everything that I saw, his words were remembered to me verbatim. Then there were 2-3 more dreams, but I already knew that he was alive, I wasn’t scared, I was just happy to meet him. Then I dreamed that he came to visit us and met my husband. The communication was relaxed, warm, as if they had known each other for a hundred years. (in fact, they talked several times on the phone, knew the real state of things, and had no complaints against each other. And they are almost the same age, my husband is a little younger.) I listened to their conversations, which related mainly to work (both have their own business ), and I wanted them to become one person. But the guest said that it was time for him to get up and leave. And I woke up. In reality, after this dream in bed with my husband, I suddenly had the feeling that I was in the arms of the one who had left, I felt his hands, lips, I almost saw him, but I couldn’t open my eyes. It was as if what I dreamed about in a dream had come true - they suddenly became one person. After that, there were no dreams at all for a long time. About 2 months ago the dreams resumed. Just dreams, but gradually they became brighter and more eventful. And then tonight I dreamed again about my living friend. We got into the elevator, went upstairs, and didn’t talk about anything, he just caressed me. Then the elevator stopped, I got out, we said goodbye and he went up in the elevator. When I woke up, I again experienced a feeling of joy, an uplifting mood, but a slight touch of sadness that the dream was over. What is this? My husband and I are doing well both in life and in bed. I told him all these dreams, except for the last one (somehow it was not clever, because before that everything was decent and decent, but this one already looks like a little secret). I'm 25, married for 5 years. Help me to understand!!!


I’m in my dorm room, my lover is not visiting again for a session, but his friend comes to me, says that he wants to see me, I feel that he is in no hurry to see me. I look out and see that he is actually standing. I see him losing weight, he comes to me and I tell him about it, he says that he misses him, I don’t believe him. Then I leave and when I come, I see him setting the table for two, I’m surprised. On the table I see two glasses and three carnations, each standing separately, he says that this is for us to be alone, but I do not come alone and I feel that we will not be alone.


Hello! Series of dreams. The characters change, but the meaning remains. Lying with my lover on the bed. As a rule, the bed is just a bed, a clean bed. Engaged in foreplay to sex - caresses, touching, etc. But the deepest sensation is caused by caresses of the back, mine of course - or kisses, or touches. so nice. Bliss. In life, my back is not my most erogenous place. I’ll note again that this theme often repeats for me, the characters who play the role of lovers change. In real life, these are not people I dislike.




I dream that I’m at the dacha, it’s like it’s mine and not mine (subconsciously I’m here for the first time, but I know everything here), I’m with my husband, parents, child, and my ex-lover comes to me (we haven’t met for about 2 months), evening comes and everyone goes to bed, I put my husband in the same room, and I go to my lover, but I know that my husband is not sleeping and is offended by me, but I cannot leave my lover, there is no desire. In the morning no one bothers us and we get up and go outside. Shining bright sun and I begin to show him (my lover) the surroundings: a forest, thick green, coniferous, behind the forest there are columns of marble (I subconsciously know that they were left after the Roman Empire), some kind of Catholic church, also very ancient, and some others ancient buildings, I suggest you go and take a closer look at it all. We walk and as soon as we find ourselves at the edge of the forest, heavy rain begins, which suddenly turns into sleet and a blizzard, it becomes dark like an evening in winter, we turn around and run to the house. On the way back, we run past other people’s gardens and find ourselves in one of the gardens, strawberries are blooming and ripening everywhere, the bright sun is shining again, the sky is blue again, and warm summer rain is falling. I grab a strawberry while running and start eating, then I pick another one and we run to the house. Here I wake up, with impressions like after traveling abroad. The dream impressed me with its brightness and reality. I'd really like to know what he's up to.


I'm in some corridor, suddenly I see my former lover. He is carrying full bags, several in both hands. We stood together in front of the door. which in a dream leads to his house, he hands me the bags. so that I help him, at first they don’t open the door (his mother), then he opens it himself. We walk together, I’m a little further away, he holds my hand and leads me. His mother and sister are coming towards us, they meet us, I’ve actually never seen my mother in my life). and I walk with my eyes downcast, like an oriental prude. I haven’t seen my ex for a long time, in general I don’t even remember.


My sister and I come to Syoma’s (my lover) home and on the street near the entrance to the house she shows me their little girl, she seemed so big to me, even though she’s younger than my son. I didn't pay attention to her special attention and went into the house with her for something. And the house is somehow different and my lover’s wife seems to be in the guise of Ruslan (my ex-boyfriend) mother, old and scary, I was even surprised. She looked at me all the time and sometimes asked about something insignificant. In short, we sat and left... Then I dream of a room very similar to my grandmother’s back room. There are two beds opposite, on one I sleep with Syoma, and on the other some man sleeps. Syoma was completely drunk and I decided to move him to another bed. I somehow dragged him to another bed, and that guy lay down next to me. Syoma was naked, he woke up, but didn’t show it. That man lay down on his side behind me and began to fuck me, and Syoma kept looking and seeing everything, and in the process I also looked at him as he curled up in a ball and watched me with anger. Then the man disappeared, and when Syoma expressed his indignation to me, something fell out of my vagina, like a small stone, Syoma sniffed it, touched it and got even more angry, shouting that this was like a piece of some kind of solid oil or something like that smelling like gasoline. And he was very indignant that I cheated on him with some stinking mechanic or Kamaz driver or what? In short, he told me to my face that there was no need for us to see each other and meet anymore, i.e. I am so and so, etc. I didn’t even say a word against it, I didn’t feel guilty. Then he disappears and appears again at the end of the dream, and naturally it turns out that we make peace. The dream ends......And in general, at first earlier, I dreamed that he was cheating on me, but Lately I told him. I can’t explain anything why this is so...


I’m 23 years 9 months old... I haven’t seen this person (X) in reality for a little over 3 years... I haven’t heard for as long... X was my lover... we didn’t break up very well... It’s not like X left me, he just stopped communicating with me , but I didn’t insist much... I didn’t remember for 2 years, or even more... I had a dream from January 13 to 14 of this year... I dreamed: I was entering his entrance with the thought that if I sat here (a luxurious hall with a concierge (old uncle), sofas), that is, the likelihood of seeing him; Concierge: Who are you seeing? Me: I don’t remember the floor, I don’t remember the last name... I’ll just sit for a while, wait... I sit down on the sofa and at the same moment the door opens and I see X... I’m shocked! for some reason I didn’t expect to see him... he hasn’t changed much, except that he’s grown up... he’s wearing expensive clothes, for some reason I noticed the jacket: black, chic, it suited him very well... X: what are you doing here? why did you come? what do you want from me? (everything is said with fear - aggression, at the same time he holds out his hands and I see that they have changed, not the same as I knew: a little like children, but adults! man's hands!) Me: nothing... calm down... I just happened to pass by (I know I'm lying! not by chance), it's raining outside, I came in to sit... I don't want anything... X calms down, you can see that he is relaxing, you can feel it very clearly... X : Well, if by chance and just like that, then let’s sit and chat... We sit down on the sofa, he fell half-turned towards me and start talking... about which I don’t remember, but the fear and fear on my part changes to! unthinkable! joy... we talk for a while, then he: I have a car (at this moment I see an expensive jeep as if through the wall), let me take you home, otherwise you are far away... EVERYTHING The dream simply shocked me!!! I woke up feeling happy... What could a dream mean?


On the night from Saturday to Sunday (from 4 to 5 September) I had a dream: My husband comes into my bedroom. He comes up to me and wants to kiss me, but notices that someone is hiding under the blanket. He opens the blanket, and seeing his naked lover there, throws him out the gate ( a private house). The gate closes, and I take out my lover’s clothes and return to the yard. Through the opening under the gate I see 2 huge men approaching my lover and taking his clothes. I return to him and ask him to return the clothes. Then I go to my husband and think: .


I dream about my room where I slept as a child. The antique sofa that stood there at that time. I make a bed on this sofa and on the bed next to it. The bed is clean. My lover is lying on the sofa. He is in a white T-shirt, I can see him from the waist up. And I am lying down in a beautiful nightgown on the bed. Imperceptibly I moved to my lover’s sofa, climbed into under his blanket. We’re just talking. He’s half-sitting, I’m next to him. My dead grandmother appears. She never talked to me in my dreams before. She’s silent even now, she just looks at us reproachfully, supposedly in front of her living husband!! ! I begin to make excuses: grandma, we are just talking, he is my friend, he is a lawyer, just like you once were. She leaves and appears with a tray, on it are two glasses with sugar, empty, to pour either tea or coffee. My lover and I poured something and drank. It was something tasty, at least not disgusting. My lover told me in a dream that at his birthday, which by the way, he actually had the other day, his wife’s sister pestered him . But he did not give in. In general, the lover made excuses, and I did not reproach him for anything, i.e. it was unnecessary.


I dreamed that I was in my lover’s house, suddenly I heard voices and his daughter came with her grandmother, his mother, I started to hide, suddenly his daughter saw me, suddenly a lot of people appeared, his wife, they condemned me, I left, met I tell my lover joyfully about this, then I see him already silent and gloomy. I dreamed about this from Thursday to Friday...


I live in a separate apartment with my boyfriend, in addition, I have a lover whom I’m crazy about, he has a wife and a son of 2 years (this is in fact, I just don’t live with a guy). I haven’t seen my lover for 2.5 month. I was really bored, but didn’t dare call because of my wife. One day my boyfriend leaves the house to talk to the neighbors at the entrance, and at that time my lover calls me and says that in 15 minutes. drove up to my parents’ house and hung up. I didn’t have time to say that I’m now with a guy and live with him, I’m trying to call back... but I find unread text messages from my lover: “kitten, what should I give you for your birthday? Maybe give yourself.” ?how to prove that I love you?


Very similar to an “upside down dream”. You're so in love with your boyfriend that you identify with him, put yourself in his shoes, to feel what it's like to hide an extramarital affair. Talking on the phone in a dream usually symbolizes an intense relationship that weakens the personality. And one more thing: a telephone is a “device for indirect communication”, it has a “program” (limiting naturalness, ease).


My ex-lover gives me a cross. In the presence of two mutual male acquaintances who knew about our connection. I can’t understand why he’s doing this, I look at the cross (it’s not quite the usual shape, it’s all round) and I think that I can’t wear it (I have my own and everyone knows it), but I can’t throw it away either. And he says to me: “You completed your studies (at some church institution) and now I’m giving you a gift.” And then, as if in the next dream, we are going to go somewhere together where my husband won’t see us. Before this, I go to a public toilet, where someone (I just don’t remember who and why) turns me into a frog and says that you are now going to meet both your husband and your lover, let’s see who recognizes you. My husband didn’t recognize me, I “jumped” towards my lover (and according to the context of those words, he should recognize me), but the dream ends. I am 36 years old, married for 10 years, with this man for 4 years summer romance before the wedding (the end of the novel overlapped with the beginning family life). But I still feel a spiritual connection with him, I often dream about him.


Analyzing the context of your description, I would venture to suggest that the concepts “church, cross, spiritual” have a certain meaning for you, coinciding with the context of your life (otherwise the description would be replete with question marks - why the cross, what is the connection with the church institution, etc.). But you do not disclose this aspect in detail.

The gift of a cross first of all denotes some kind of connection, but not such a deeply intimate one, as, for example, in the case of giving a ring (see Ring in the Dictionary of Symbols), but something else. Apparently the cross signifies a spiritual connection. And once this symbol has arisen, you can’t throw away this connection (you can’t throw away a cross), although it’s practically impossible to use it either (I don’t think I can wear it).

Transformation into a frog is not just a motif from a fairy tale - after all, this symbol appears in a fairy tale for a reason, especially since it is a folk tale. In your dream, this means that you have two hypostases and having accepted one of them (frog), you completely lose contact with your husband (my husband did not recognize me), and when in human form, it is the lover’s turn that “gets lost.”

As you can see, deciphering a dream is just a retelling of some kind life situation in other words. The goal of any dream is the path to yourself


And the dream is like this, why do I dream about it systematically, I have a lover (it’s always a person I know, or a former lover, or just an acquaintance) he is gentle, affectionate, caring... he hugs me, kisses me, sex sometimes happens... most often my husband either comes , or I’m already close to us and in my dream a flight of thoughts begins (at the same time I’m not with my husband, but with my lover) I think: now I need to get a divorce; divide everything; Well, I’ll give it all up; I'll leave with nothing; How can I give up everything... and with thoughts like these, I manage to reshape my whole life in the space of a dream. and I feel like I'm doing everything right. I feel guilty before my husband and a feeling of lightness (from the series, I finally dropped the burden) for myself. I’m 24, I’m a woman, I don’t have children, it’s hard to say what I connect it with... but it really worries me


The action takes place in the present, in my husband’s apartment, and somehow my ex-lover ended up in it, and in bed. For some reason, my mother, who lives far away, ended up here and sees that there is a strange man in my bed with my husband. She knows about my former relationships, and I'm a little embarrassed. He gets up and leaves, and I don’t understand, but I remain calm. p.s. I haven’t communicated with my ex for a long time, but I still have some kind of emotional warmth towards him.


Hello everyone. I have a dream, from Wednesday to Thursday, if it’s important. My lover (in real life) takes me for Left hand and examines his fingers for ring size, I tell him - keep it simple, my ring finger is size 16.5. I was asking to buy a ring, but not necessarily an engagement ring, although I had a picture of the ring I wanted in my head. like a wedding dress but with white stones and all sorts of patterns. Not wide. Then we find ourselves in some barracks that hasn’t been painted for a hundred years, a wreck ready for demolition in one word. It’s kind of gloomy there, but there’s no fear, quite the contrary. We go out into the street with him, I don’t see this man’s face, but I know for sure that it is Him. It’s either spring or early summer outside, warm and pleasant. He tells me that he can’t imagine how he will live in such a septic tank, I say that well, we don’t have to live here, we can look for another place. The next episode is me and his wife. Normal communication (as opposed to real life) is something like her handing it over to me with an instruction manual. He comes to our company and a tense feeling was created. Another episode where I throw out unnecessary waste paper from a black plastic 200 liter bag into a trash container and a friend and her husband walk past drunk (teetotalers in life) as if they were lying around somewhere and their butts, sorry, are covered in poop... I dreamed about such a set. Help me decipher it please. The emotions of the dream were even, calm and pleasant. There was no anxiety or excitement. About myself - woman, over 35 years old. I associate the dream with the fact that by summer I will have formed something like a family life.

Why does a lover dream

Miller's Dream Book

For a man to dream that he is in the company of his mistress, foreshadows the threat of public shame that will overshadow him true character and the state of affairs.

For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a clash that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result of this, losses await him.

To dream that you do not like your lover foretells that someone claiming you may surround you with troubles.

If you see a stranger next to you in bed, your dissatisfaction with literally everything will bring anxiety into the lives of everyone around you.

If there is some animal in bed with you, endless failures await you.

Why does a lover dream

Freud's Dream Book

Your lover (mistress) in a dream symbolizes your guilt complex and desire to change the situation. But this change may be the appearance of a new lover (mistress).

The lover (mistress) of your sexual partner in a dream calms your conscience, since you, too, are not without sin, and speaks of your increased jealousy.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Talking to him or seeing him is happiness in marriage.

Why does a lover dream

Family dream book

If a woman dreams that she does not like her lover, this person can cause her trouble in real life.

If in a dream she sees a stranger in her bed, her dissatisfaction will cause concern to all relatives.

A man who sees himself with his mistress in a dream may be subject to public disgrace.

A woman who sees herself in the role of a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

The infidelity of a mistress - dreams of a clash with old enemies.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

See in a dream secret lover or a mistress - a harbinger of mental anxiety. Most often we are talking about family problems, but often such dreams can foreshadow a general deterioration and problems in business.

If in a dream you have several lovers at once, the dream signals that some of your feelings and thoughts are in conflict. If you fail to put your thoughts and plans in order in the near future, a streak of failures may await you.

Seeing a lover or mistress in some unpleasant image is a warning that carelessness and irresponsibility can soon have a very bad effect on the course of your life.

Why does a lover dream

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself in this role means fulfilling this spicy situation in reality.

Dream hint: for a more successful and quick recovery, you need to make love with your regular partner.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a lover in a dream for a girl who doesn’t even have a man, let alone a husband, means a wedding as a result of a chance acquaintance with a young but broken lad who will make you a child without hesitation.

If in a dream you have a quarrel with your lover, it means that in reality there will be a new admirer whom you will give preference to over the current one.

If in a dream your lover is a unique example of inexhaustible male potency, it means that in reality your sexual insatiability and dissatisfaction will result in the most extreme degree of irritability and dissatisfaction with everything and everyone, from which everyone around you will suffer for nothing, both at work and at home, not to mention my husband.

If, more than you hope, you see fleas on your lover in a dream, this is a sign of the inconstancy of his feelings for you.

For a young woman to see that her lover was executed by hanging means that she will marry an unprincipled and soft-hearted brat.

Seeing your lover pale and emaciated in a dream foreshadows an accident that will happen to him on the eve of your engagement to him.

A dream in which you see your lover in striped prison clothes means that you will have a reason to be convinced that his intentions towards you are selfish in nature and ultimately pursue the goal of taking over your heart and your fortune.

For a young woman, a dream in which her lover is disgusted with her foretells that she will fall in love with a man who is in no way suitable for her.

Having some kind of animal, for example, a chimpanzee, as your lover in a dream means failure everywhere and in everything.

If in a dream you appear with your lover in the company of friends, this portends being involved in a scandalous incident and being ridiculed.

Convicting your lover of treason in a dream foreshadows a clash of incompatible interests, as a result of which you will suffer significant losses.

Seeing yourself with your lover on a canopy bed in a luxuriously furnished bedchamber, either in the Eastern or Western European style of past eras - such a dream means that in reality you will expose yourself to your husband.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Lover (mistress) talking to him (her) or seeing - a happy marriage.

Why does a lover dream

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Experiencing hostility toward your lover in a dream foreshadows troubles associated with a person laying claim to you.

If you are in bed with stranger- your dissatisfaction will bring anxiety into the lives of people around you.

A love affair with an animal portends constant failures and troubles.

If a man sees himself in a dream in the company of his mistress, he is threatened with scandals and public disgrace.

If his mistress is unfaithful to him, clashes with old enemies and material losses are possible.

Why does a lover dream

Modern dream book

For a young girl to see a lover in a dream - for an upcoming wedding after a short acquaintance with a young persistent guy.

If a mature woman sees herself in a dream, hotly hugging her lover, this indicates her dissatisfaction in real life and secret desires.

Why does a lover dream

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you had a lover, but this was not true, you should seriously think about whether everything is okay in your relationship with your spouse. Behind external well-being, reticence, misunderstanding and, as a consequence, alienation are often hidden.

For married woman a dream in which she secretly meets with a man means: she feels unclaimed as a person. Perhaps, having gotten married and devoting herself to her family, she abandoned hobbies and activities that allowed her to realize herself.

A dream in which you experience pleasure from intimacy with your lover warns: you can go too far and bring trouble to your family. You need to decide what is more important to you.

Why does a lover dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a lover means something bad, a turn to evil.

It’s a relief for him to insert a thermometer or something else somewhere.

Seeing your mistress’s husband means separation / what you see in a dream will happen in reality.

It is a joy to visit his sick person.

To see him rich means misfortune awaits him.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing a lover means personal experiences associated with him (for a woman).

For a man, the state of affairs depends on the nature of the relationship and its type.

Why does a lover dream

Islamic dream book

Adulteress and adulterer - whoever sees in a dream that he has any relationship with an adulteress, then this earthly life and search beautiful life. And whoever sees that he has committed adultery with an adulteress will suffer evil, harm, temptation and trial.

Why does a lover dream

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If a young girl who does not have a boyfriend dreams of a lover, then she will soon marry a young but broken young man who will immediately make her a child.

Lover - If in a dream you had a fight with your lover, then you will soon find a new man.

Why does a lover dream

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

If a woman dreams of a lover, then she will soon receive an important letter.

Lover - If a man saw his wife’s lover in a dream, then problems await him at work.

See also: why do you dream about a mistress, why do you dream about adultery, why do you dream about betrayal.

Why does a lover dream

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

A lover or mistress dreams that in reality you will want adventurous adventures that would add to your life bright colors. But the proverb about a bird in the hand was invented for your current situation. If you dream that your lover is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (if, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream is actually condemning you for some wrongdoing. Seeing your lover or mistress beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere. If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing him dressed (dressed) in new clothes in a dream means that he has changed his intentions and will not keep his promise to you. A dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you.

Why does a lover dream

Home dream book

Seeing your lover in a dream means for a woman his loyalty and devotion. If you dreamed about a prospective lover, a woman needs to try to attract male attention, make new acquaintances, without sacrificing modesty.

Why does a lover dream

Men's dream book

You will be drawn to adventures, there will be a desire to diversify your personal life. But folk wisdom says that a bird in the hand is better... Be careful, you can lose what you have - and not gain anything better.

Why does a lover dream

Dream book for the whole family

Lover (mistress) - you will be drawn to adventure, there will be a desire to diversify your personal life. But folk wisdom says that a bird in the hand is better... Be careful, you can lose what you have - and not gain anything better.

Why does a lover dream

Online dream book

According to the dream book, having a lover means that in reality everything in your married life is not so smooth, think about it and take appropriate measures.

You are incredibly pleased to be with him - with your rash actions you can expose not only yourself, but also your loved ones to trouble.

If you are married and you dream that you have a lover that no one knows about, you are annoyed that you are not perceived as a woman, as an intelligent, thinking person.

If you are unhappy with him, a secret relationship on the side will bring you nothing but problems.

You appeared with him in the company of friends - you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, which will bring shame upon yourself.

If a man takes a mistress in a dream, he risks being condemned and ridiculed in society.

She is unfaithful to you - to a possible escalation of the conflict, which you would prefer not to remember.

Your secret admirer turned out to be unfaithful to you - you will have to take into account other people's needs and interests, which will only be to your detriment.

Why does a lover dream

Universal dream book

The safest sex you can have is sex in your sleep, because dreams and thoughts cannot be a crime - do you lack close relationships in your life?

What qualities or traits characterize your lover in a dream? Are there aspects of your personality that you would like to develop? Perhaps your secret desires are expressed in a dream? Do you know the person you are making love to in your sleep or not?

If this is a person with whom you had a certain relationship, but whom you no longer see or think about, perhaps the dream speaks of your desire to resolve some unresolved issues and bury the relationship or, conversely, a desire to return everything.

If your lover in a dream is a stranger, perhaps you want to make your intimate life more exciting.

If your lover in a dream is a family member, it means that you would like to be more closely connected with this person, to become closer to him.

Some scientists argue that people are just walking, talking organic formations in which incredible things happen. chemical reactions- your lover in a dream may be a product of the action of testosterone, progesterone and androgen, seething in your body and stimulating your imagination.

Why does a lover dream

An old English dream book

Seeing a lover in a dream for a girl who doesn’t even have a man, let alone a husband, means a wedding as a result of a chance acquaintance with a young but broken lad who will make you a child without hesitation.

If in a dream you have a quarrel with your lover, it means that in reality there will be a new admirer whom you will give preference to over the current one.

If in a dream your lover is a unique example of inexhaustible male potency, it means that in reality your sexual insatiability and dissatisfaction will result in the most extreme degree of irritability and dissatisfaction with everyone and everything, from which everyone around you will suffer for nothing, both at work and at home, not to mention my husband.

If, as expected, you see fleas on your lover in a dream, this is a sign of the inconstancy of his feelings for you.

For a young woman to see her lover executed by hanging means that she will marry an unprincipled and soft-hearted brat.

Seeing your lover pale and emaciated in a dream foreshadows an accident that will happen to him on the eve of your engagement to him.

A dream in which you see your lover in striped prison clothes means that you will have a reason to be convinced that his intentions towards you are selfish in nature and ultimately pursue the goal of taking over your heart and your fortune.

For a young woman, a dream in which her lover is disgusted with her foretells that she will fall in love with a man who is in no way suitable for her.

Having an animal, for example a chimpanzee, as your lover in a dream means failure everywhere and in everything.

If in a dream you appear with your lover in the company of friends, this portends being involved in a scandalous incident and being ridiculed.

Convicting your lover of treason in a dream foreshadows a clash of incompatible interests, as a result of which you will suffer significant losses.

Seeing yourself with your lover on a canopy bed in a luxuriously furnished bedchamber, either in the Eastern or Western European style of past eras - such a dream means that in reality you will expose yourself to your husband.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Who sees in a dream that deceased woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him, she will be successful in all her endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit bad thing.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Welcome to dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with dead person longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Deceased parents in a dream who died earlier in reality

Their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation.

Among them: an attempt at psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to harmonization mental activity sleeping.

At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the transcendental, otherworldly world. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced.

Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing.

Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (this prophetic dreams O own death!).

Interpretation of dreams from

When asked why a lover dreams, dream books give an ambiguous answer. But the main interpretation is the statement that a lover in a dream reflects the dreamer’s inner desire to diversify own life, fill it with new emotions and colors. In addition, sleeping with a lover is always a sign of unfulfilled desires.

Why is your lover dreaming?

When wondering why a lover is dreaming, you should be prepared to not only remember all the details of the dream, but also compare them with events in the real world. And when choosing interpretations from dream books, you need to listen to your own intuition.

If a lover represents in a dream real person, then the dream is unlikely to indicate any events real world. Such night dreams are a reflection of what is happening in the dreamer’s subconscious. For a married woman, such a dream indicates that she is tormented by remorse and needs to make a choice.

If in real life you do not have a lover, but in your night dreams you see him, then in reality you are expected interesting adventures. Amazing events await you in the near future.

Lover is a stranger

When a woman dreams of a stranger and she realizes that this is her lover, who actually does not exist in real life, then it is important to remember appearance, a dreamed man.

The dream can be interpreted as follows:

    A handsome and elegant man portends pleasant changes in life and good news. A young lover indicates that in reality you currently lack male support. An ugly or even ugly stranger portends a change in relationships with someone close to you.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover?

A frequent question that interests dreamers is why their ex-lover dreams. Some dream interpreters predict that such night dreams actually indicate that the relationship with the person is not over yet. But this does not mean that relations between partners can resume. Most likely, there are certain grievances and unsaid things left between them, which are reflected by the subconscious in night dreams. In accordance with the interpretation of Freud's dream book, a former lover dreams when a conflict with a real partner is planned in real life. For correct interpretation you definitely need to remember all the details storyline dreams. So, if a woman has a dream that her ex-lover is marrying another woman, then this indicates that all the grievances are in the past and the dreamer is ready to start new life. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you see yourself as a bride next to your former lover, then in reality troubles are coming. Such a dream warns that there is a high probability of committing a rash act, which will cause problems.

Various nuances of dreams with a lover can be interpreted as follows:
    If, according to the plot of the dream, you had a chance to talk with your ex-lover, then in real life one of your loved ones may have health problems. When you dream about the family of your ex-lover, then in reality you are planning a pleasant time with members of your own family. When you see in the night dreams of a well-meaning ex-lover who smiles at you, this indicates that you doubt your feelings for your current partner. A quarrel with a former lover foreshadows changes in real life. A fight with a former lover focuses attention on a dysfunctional current relationship.

I dreamed of a lover who died

If you dream of a lover who has died, then pay attention to your own feelings after sleep. If you feel melancholy and sadness in your soul after waking up, then in real life you really need support. There is a high probability that after such a dream you will soon meet a person who will become your reliable friend.

Lover who doesn't like - dream book

If you dream of a lover whom you do not like at all in your night dreams, then this indicates that your real partner may upset you in reality and cause trouble. You shouldn’t panic immediately after such a dream, you just need to tune in to the fact that your relationship with your loved one may change slightly.

Stranger lover in his own bed

When in your night dreams you see a complete stranger in your own bed and at the same time you understand that this is your lover, this indicates that you are not satisfied with your personal life. Most likely, your current partner does not meet your requirements and does not satisfy your desires. It is unlikely that it is worth breaking off the relationship after such a dream; it is better to try to talk frankly with your partner.

Your lover leaves you - interpretation of sleep

A dream in which your lover leaves you is not at all dangerous. Such a dream indicates that you are afraid of difficulties in relationships with men. Maybe that's why you can't arrange your personal life or your relationship doesn't last long.

Not good good sign is the plot of a dream in which you kiss your lover. You should prepare for the fact that in the near future you will have to experience betrayal. Moreover, with minimal probability this can affect your personal life; most likely, such a situation will arise in a work team or among friends. Such a dream may indicate, for example, that due to the intervention of the person who betrayed you, your career growth will be stopped.

Your lover is with another woman

If you have a lover in real life, but in your night dreams you saw him with another woman, then this indicates that you have been spending a lot of time in reality lately on empty chores. Also, cheating on an existing lover in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is trying to escape from the reality around him.

Wife lover - meaning of sleep

A dream in which a lover’s wife dreams is not a very good omen. In real life, serious problems await you in the financial sector. It is advisable to be patient and let go of the situation, which should resolve itself. Otherwise, this can lead to nervous breakdowns and, as a result, deterioration of health.