How to draw a mother for a preschooler? We give simple tips! How to draw a mother beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children. What to draw for mom as a gift for Mother's Day, birthday, or just because

For loving mother even the usual doodles of a native child look like a real masterpiece, touching and very cute. And if her own portrait is depicted on the album sheet, the gift becomes priceless. It’s a pity, it’s precisely these kinds of drawings that most often upset the “artists” themselves. Kids always try to draw their beloved parent as the most beautiful, bright and fashionable, while older children create a more realistic step-by-step portrait with small details. Both of them put maximum diligence and a piece of unconditional childhood love into the illustration, but the result is not always successful and flawless. The result: joy for the mother, tears for the child! How to proceed to the process children's creativity became a real gift not only for mothers, but also for children? The answer is simple: you should familiarize yourself with detailed master classes even before the drawing lesson. And then simple artistic basics will help children make a beautiful portrait postcard with their own hands, using a regular pencil or paint.

How to draw a mother for Mother’s Day and what to draw for a mother’s birthday, see the following sections with step-by-step master classes.

How to draw a DIY portrait card for your mom as a gift for Mother's Day

Every child knows: his mother is the kindest, bravest, smartest and beautiful woman in the world. This is exactly what children are used to drawing their dear ones in funny drawings, small caricatures and colorful postcard portraits. At the same time, the majority young artists skillfully draws all the small, but so familiar details: mother’s curly hair, a mole above the upper lip, a birthmark on the forehead, etc. Do you know how to draw a portrait postcard for your mother as a gift for Mother’s Day? If not, we will teach you. Follow our step-by-step master class with pictures.

Necessary materials for a portrait card for mom on Mother's Day

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • pencil soft and hard
  • sharpener
  • eraser
  • black gel pen

Step-by-step master class on creating a mother's portrait for a Mother's Day card

On a note! Now you know how to draw a portrait postcard for your mother as a gift for Mother’s Day with your own hands. All that remains is to supplement it with beautiful congratulatory inscriptions (“To my beloved mother,” “To the best mother,” “I love you!”) and small festive details - bows, flowers, frames or ruffles.

How to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil step by step

“Mom” is the child’s first word. She is the most important person in a child's life, the most best friend and a faithful teacher. A beloved parent opens the door to her children great life, surrounds you with warmth and affection, holds your hand tightly during the first timid steps. Mother and child are essentially inseparable, so we will not separate them in our next illustration. Let's find out how to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for drawing “mother and child” with a simple pencil

  • a sheet of thick white or tinted paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • black pen
  • leaf
  • sharpener
  • piece of paper for shading

Step-by-step instructions with photos on how to draw a mother and child with a regular pencil

  1. Place a sheet of thick white or light-colored paper horizontally on the table. Visually divide the field into two even parts. In the center, draw the outlines of two faces - mother and daughter.
  2. Add hairstyle outlines. Sketch the strands of hair falling onto the face.
  3. Using a hard pencil, draw the facial features of the daughter and mother - closed eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, mouth, nose.
  4. Replacing the hard pencil with a soft one, leave shadows on the faces, as in the picture below. Shade the flowing areas with light stroke-like movements.
  5. Blend the shadows around the eyes, under the nose, in the corners of the lips, on the neck and cheekbones with a piece of clean paper. Leave the cheeks unpainted.
  6. Use a soft pencil to color your hair, drawing lines from roots to ends. To make hairstyles more expressive and realistic, add a few bright strokes with a black pen.
  7. In this primitive way, you can draw not only a mother and child with a simple pencil, but also a father and son, grandparents, young people in love, etc.

How to easily draw the whole family step by step: mom, dad, daughter and son

A large and friendly family is every person’s dream. And children are no exception to the rule. Boys and girls, just like adults, are happy to have a warm home with caring parents, brothers and sisters, and fun holidays together. Someone was lucky enough to be born and live in complete family with all that it entails, and for some, a full-fledged house is just plans for the future. Let's try to draw a whole family (mom and dad with a daughter or son), and thus visualize the ideal unit of society.

Necessary materials for drawing “family” with mom, dad, daughter or son

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Step-by-step master class on drawing an entire family (mother, father, son and daughter)

What to draw for a mother’s birthday from her daughter or son: simple step-by-step instructions

The birthday of your beloved mother is a special occasion for your daughter and son to draw beautiful gift for the birthday girl with your own hands according to simple step-by-step instructions. On an elegant white album sheet you can depict a bright box with a bow, a delicious cake, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, or the mother herself with a baby in her arms. Such unusual drawing will momentarily return the hero of the occasion to the past and fill the whole day with pleasant nostalgic emotions. See how and what to draw for your mother's birthday from her daughter or son, in simple step-by-step instructions.

Necessary materials for a drawing for a mother from her daughter or son for her birthday

  • sheet of thick landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Simple step-by-step instructions on how to draw a birthday gift for your mother from your daughter or son

  1. Start drawing with mommy's face. Using a schematic circle, as in the photo, determine the tilt of the head. Draw the contours of the face and hair.
  2. Detail the profile: draw eyes, eyelashes, wrinkles on the eyelids, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, etc. Add curves in the ear and strands in the hair.

    On a note! To make the drawing more accurate and realistic, use one of the photographs of your mother with a baby in her arms as a “nature”. Depicting a non-moving object using a finished illustration is much easier and faster.

  3. Draw a sketch of the woman's skeleton using straight lines. Draw the lines of the arms and the contours of the baby in the diaper. Its body will be rectangular and its head will be round.
  4. Detail the baby's head and torso, draw arms, ears, cavities on the face.
  5. Following the straight lines of the skeleton, draw the woman's torso. One hand supports the baby under the head, the other hugs the legs. Don't forget mommy's clothes. Determine the location of the collar and cuffs, buttons and other details.
  6. Erase all the auxiliary lines and draw folds in both the woman’s clothing and the baby’s diaper.
  7. Fade in the recessed areas, thus creating shadows. Leave all prominent and well-lit elements white.
  8. Using colored pencils, watercolors or gouache paints, color the drawing.

What to draw for your mother just like that with watercolors or pencils

In previous master classes, you mastered drawing a portrait of a mother, a woman with a child, and even the whole family from photographs, live models, or simply from memory. But there are still many original and unusual ideas on what to draw dear mother just like that with watercolors or pencils. For example, a dining table with a tea set, mom’s favorite flower bed, or a mother cat with little kittens. Last option the most relevant and symbolic for a drawing for Mother’s Day or the birthday of a dear parent.

Necessary materials for drawing with a pencil or paints for mom just like that

A step-by-step master class on creating a beautiful drawing for mom with paints or pencils just like that

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. In the upper central part, draw an oval (the middle of the cat’s body), and to the left and below - a circle (the future head of the animal).
  2. Next, draw the contours of the mother cat’s body, her muzzle and ears.
  3. Divide the area below the torso into three parts, forming a triple trapezoid.
  4. In the central field of the trapezoid, draw the outline of a small kitten. Don't forget about your baby's tail and ears.
  5. Draw one more “baby” on both sides. To make the image more lively, place the kids in different poses.
  6. Draw the body of mommy, observing the proportions in the length and thickness of the paws, tail, belly and other details.
  7. Erase all the auxiliary lines with a soft eraser, give the fur of the cats fluffiness using dashed lines.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings about mom. Drawings for Mother's Day

October 20th, 2015 admin

A mother's heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness (O. de Balzac). Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her. Aren't these “golden” words? And these: “Not a single gift to mom will be equal to the gift that she gave us - life!”?
I bring to your attention beautiful quotes, sayings and aphorisms about mom.

The art of motherhood is to teach a child the art of life (E. Haffner).
God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers (Jewish proverb).
I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights (T. Guillemets).

There is only one most beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one (Chinese proverb).
Mom is the person who, seeing 4 pieces of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it (T. Jordan).
Mom will always make us feel more like people high class than we really are (J.L. Spalding).

Funny sayings about MOM

The hardest thing for a mother is to agree that other mothers also have the best children.
* * *
For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as easily say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. (S. Harris)
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You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother (S. Jayet)
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If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two arms? (M. Burley)
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Deciding to have a child is no joke. This means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever. (E. Stone)
At first she could not object, so that the child would not be born nervous, then, so that the milk would not dry up. Well, then she got used to it. (E. Meek)
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Caring is when you think about others. For example, one woman shot her husband with a bow so as not to wake up the children. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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The Milky Way of our life begins from the mother's breast. (L. Sukhorukov)
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One day your daughter will follow your example rather than your advice.

Philosophical thoughts, quotes, statements about MOM

The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (D. Brower)
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Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life. (Sophocles)
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A woman's greatest right is to be a mother. (L. Yutang)
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A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything. (T. Dreiser)
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Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that beauty is replaced by the happiness of motherhood. (P. Lacretel)

And now interesting sayings about children

The best way making children good is making them happy. (O. Wilde)
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Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. (A.P. Chekhov)
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Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (J. Labruyère)
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There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. (V. Hugo)
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A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own. (P. Coelho)
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A child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. (E. Bombeck)
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The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. (R. Orben)
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A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity. (N. Chernyshevsky)
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Young children have a lot in common with intellectuals. Their noise is annoying; their silence is suspicious. (G. Laub)
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If people say bad things about your children, that means they are saying bad things about you. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Drawings for Mother's Day

Read more:

How can a child please his beloved mother? Any handmade craft will warm a mother’s heart and add to the collection of pleasant little things that every mother carefully keeps. At the same time, it is not necessary to create masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-find creative materials.

You can also give a drawing as a gift, especially if you design it in an unusual way.

Every child and teenager wants to give a beautiful drawing to their mother on Mother's Day. Exhibitions of such paintings are often held, competitions are created at school and kindergarten. Try your hand and learn to draw original paintings It’s now easier than ever for beginning artists to make their own. From the proposed master classes with photos and video tips, you can create a real work of art. You can draw images with paints or pencils. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day is described step by step in the proposed master classes for kids, students in grades 3-5 and high school.

Beautiful drawing for Mother's Day in pencil - step by step with photos and videos for beginners

Making an original drawing for Mother's Day with a pencil is usually difficult for beginners. Therefore, the most simple solution will be a redrawing of the photograph. Need to prepare beautiful image bouquet, including diverse elements. It is easier to depict them without first applying a “frame” with a simple pencil; the work is carried out using only colored pencils.

Materials for the master class "Beautiful bouquet": drawing for Mother's Day for beginners

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • set of colored pencils for 18 colors;
  • photo of the bouquet.

Step-by-step pencil drawing "Beautiful bouquet" for Mother's Day for beginners

This master class will tell you step by step how to draw a rose with a simple pencil and how to correctly add shadows:

Step-by-step drawing for Mother's Day - step by step drawing a card with flowers (for high school)

An original drawing for Mother's Day with paints can be turned into an unusual card. For example, draw flowers on the inside spread and put a beautiful signature on the outside. This craft can also be entered into a drawing competition for Mother’s Day: unusual work will help you win.

Materials for a master class on drawing on a postcard "Poppies and daisies"

  • thick paper or double-sided white cardboard;
  • acrylic white, ivory;
  • spatula brush, thin brush;
  • regular pencil;
  • watercolor paints;
  • thin felt-tip pen.

Bright card "Poppies and daisies" for Mother's Day to school in stages

A simple do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day with a photo - for students in grades 3-5

The standard theme for Mother's Day designs is floral arrangements. But for students in grades 3-5, creating large image is a problem. Therefore, a small flower branch will be an excellent alternative to a lush bouquet. This work can be used for an exhibition of drawings for Mother's Day or for giving to your beloved mother for her holiday.

Materials for DIY work according to the master class "Red Flowers"

  • thick A4 paper;
  • mother-of-pearl acrylic paints: green and red;
  • thin brush.

Unusual drawing "Red flowers" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step with photo

You can paint beautiful flowers using paint in another master class. The attached video will allow you to depict bright poppies in just 10 minutes:

The article contains master classes with pictures that will help you beautifully draw a mother and child.

The best gift for a mother on March 8, for her birthday, or just because is a child’s drawing in which she is depicted with her baby. They draw this with love; the lack of technique can be filled with the help of master classes in the article.

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

All little children love to draw, and they draw what is close to them, what surrounds them, what they understand.
Most main man in a child's life it is the mother. Mom is kindness, affection, care, tenderness.

As a rule, small children draw human face or a figure schematically, according to the “arms-legs-cucumber” principle. The most important thing in such drawings is the details. The main details are hair, its color, length. Most often, mother is recognized by them.

  1. Mom should have a dress, even if she wears jeans to work.
  2. In the mother’s child’s drawing, some accessory stands out. These are either earrings or a print on clothes, something that will help you recognize your mother.
  3. There is a child next to the mother. He either stands nearby, holding his mother’s hand, or plays nearby. Young children also draw a picture of a child using the same principle.

Another thing is older children. Perhaps they are given the task of drawing a mother for the holiday of March 8th. Here you really need to try and clearly draw both the face and the figure.

  1. Sit down with your child and help him mark a sheet of paper so that the drawing is proportional and harmonious.
  2. By using geometric shapes outline the body parts of mother and child: ovals for heads, cubes for torsos and hips, circles different sizes for the neck, waist and joints of the arms and legs.
  3. Faces are marked with a grid.
  4. Let the child, focusing on the grid markings, draw the faces of the mother and child.
  5. Next, you should choose hairstyles. Mom - with bangs and wavy hair, daughter - with pigtails (as in the picture - instructions, but maybe a son if a boy draws). The hair is properly shaded.
  6. The contours of the figures of mother and child should be smoothed out, made smoother, and the circles – joints – should be connected.
  7. Help your child “dress” the figures with T-shirts, skirts and shoes.
  8. Now you need to carefully erase the auxiliary lines.
  9. But what about the accessories that complement the images of mother and daughter? You can use them to finish drawing bags and give them to your little one’s hands Teddy bear. Mark the folds on the clothing by shading. You can also use shading to make clothes of different colors: the daughter’s is darker, the mother’s is lighter.
  10. Figure out how to fill the background. For example, depict nature, as in the instruction picture, or the interior of a room.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 1.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 2.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 3.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 4.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 5.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 6.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 7.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 8.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children.

VIDEO: Drawing a woman with a child

How to draw two faces: a child and a mother step by step?

  1. Draw an oval of the face and draw a central vertical line in it for the symmetry of the face, as well as horizontal lines where the eyes, nose and mouth will be. Above the upper horizontal line there will be eyes, between the lines there will be a nose, and below the lower one there will be a mouth.
  2. When drawing eyes, you need to remember that the distance between them is equal to the width of the nose. Above the eyes you need to draw eyelids and eyebrows.
  3. Draw the lips no lower than half the distance from the nose. A few sketchy guide lines may help. Then these sketchy lines will be removed.
  4. The next stage is detailing. From the oval you need to outline the contours of the face, draw the pupils and add contours to the nose and lips.
  5. The final stage is hair, hairstyle of mother and child, erasing auxiliary lines.

Mom's face step by step: step 1.

Mom's face step by step: step 2.

Mom's face step by step: step 3.

Mom's face step by step: step 4.

Mom's face step by step: step 5.

Mom's face step by step: step 6.

IMPORTANT: The child’s face should be more rounded than the mother’s, and his features should be softer.

Here is another master class for older children and adults: a portrait of a mother and daughter in profile.

  1. Draw the outlines of the faces. For this, it is advisable to have a hard pencil.
  2. Draw the outlines of the hair.
  3. Detail the lips, eyes and nose.
  4. Now take a soft pencil and draw shadows on the faces with it. Blend the shadows.
  5. Draw your hair with a hard pencil and give it a dark tone with a soft one. Highlight the hair strands with separate dark strokes.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 1.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 2.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 3.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 4.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 5.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile.

Pencil drawings of mother and child for sketching

You can draw this portrait of mother and son step by step.

Pencil portrait of mother and son step by step: step 1.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: step 2.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: steps 3-4.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: step 5.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: step 6.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: steps 11-12.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil for sketching.

Children's drawings on the theme - mother

Mom is endless household. You need to cook, feed, clean, check, wash and much, much more. Therefore, the drawings of mother and child mostly look similar:

  • mother tenderly hugging her child
  • mother holding baby's hand
  • Mom is like the core of the whole family, holding hands together
  • mother doing housework with a child playing or drawing next to her

VIDEO: How to draw a mother?

Master class on drawing a full-face portrait using reference drawings in kindergarten.

Portrait "My Mother".

Safronova Tatyana Arkadyevna, GBOU School No. 1248, structural unit No. 6 (preschool department), teacher, Moscow.
Description: The master class is intended for educators preparatory group kindergarten. To draw a portrait in kindergarten, I recommend using reference drawings that show the sequence of doing the work step by step. I bring to your attention ten reference drawings, each of which involves a repetition of all previous and new stage. You can draw them yourself, following the recommendations of my master class, or print the ones I suggested. Portrait "My Mother" will be a good gift for mothers by March 8.
Goals: Prepare supporting drawings for teaching children how to draw a full-face portrait; teach children to draw a full-face portrait, taking into account proportions, trying to convey features appearance.
Tasks: Practice drawing skills with a simple pencil, changing the pressure on the pencil when drawing auxiliary lines, learn to use an eraser; develop artistic creativity children, interest in independent creative activity.
To work we will need:

- landscape sheet (or 1/2 landscape sheet) – 10 pcs.
- a simple pencil
- eraser
Preliminary work:
Read an excerpt from a poem by Alexander Kushner to the children
If you see what's in the picture
Is one of us looking?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.
A portrait is a painting of a person. A portrait can be in profile - this is a side view or full face - an image of a person facing the beholder.
Look at reproductions of paintings with your children.

Bryullov A.P. Portrait of Natalia Goncharova

Makarov Ivan “Portrait of Countess M.S. Sheremeteva in childhood (married Gudovich)”

Rachkov N.E. "Girl with Berries"
In all these paintings we see a full-face portrait - the depicted faces are turned towards the viewer.
You and I will learn to draw a full-face portrait.
Draw a sample on the board, showing the corresponding reference drawing. Explain the sequence of work for each stage.
Step-by-step execution of work
Reference drawing No. 1
Draw the outline of the face in the form of an oval.

Reference drawing No. 2
Draw the hair (remember what kind of hairstyle your mom has, whether her hair is smooth or wavy or curly).

Reference drawing No. 3
Draw a line from top to bottom. The line divides the oval of the face in half vertically. This is an auxiliary line that will help symmetrically place the eyes and mouth on the face. Press the pencil lightly, then remove the line with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 4
Draw two lines horizontally to divide the oval into three equal parts. These are auxiliary lines showing the level of the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Reference drawing No. 5
On the top auxiliary line draw the eyes.

Reference drawing No. 6
In the middle part of the face, from the top to the bottom line, draw the nose.

Reference drawing No. 7
Draw a mouth in the middle of the lower part of the face.

Reference drawing No. 8
Carefully remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 9
Draw the neck and shoulders. Please note that the shoulders are wider than the head.

Reference drawing No. 10
Draw mom's dress.

The portrait is ready!
Read the poem by Boris Prakhov to the children:
I am drawing a portrait of my mother
Watercolor on sheet.
And, even if the portrait is without a frame,
And, albeit not on canvas.
Not everything in the portrait was successful,
But dear to mom
I did my best. After all, in the world
There is no other better mother!
Guys, you will draw a portrait of your mother. This will be a gift for her on March 8th. Before you start drawing, imagine your mother, remember what her eyes, hair, hairstyle, smile are like.
Children draw a portrait on their own using reference drawings located on the board. Then the portrait is painted with paints. This is what the guys did - well done!

Congratulations to all mothers on International Women's Day on March 8!

Our interesting thematic master classes, equipped with step-by-step explanations, photos and videos, will tell you how to draw a beautiful and simple children's drawing for Mother's Day. Following the advice of these lessons, create bright and original artistic compositions For exhibitions and competitions in school and kindergarten, everyone will learn. We recommend that beginning painters first pay attention to pencil drawings, and only then try their hand at painting. Choose a lesson that suits you and get to work. You will definitely succeed, and on the day of the holiday you will be able to please your loved ones with pleasant and touching pictures.

Drawing for Mother's Day in pencil step by step for beginners in kindergarten - master class

Flowers are the most suitable subject for children's drawing pencil for Mother's Day. Even a beginner can easily cope with this task. little artist and it will take very little time to make a mini-masterpiece. The only thing you should take care of in advance is a bright, high-quality consecration of the workplace. Then it will be very comfortable to draw and the finished image will turn out to be as natural, attractive and realistic as possible.

Necessary materials for step-by-step do-it-yourself pencil drawing

  • pencils HB + 2B
  • A4 sheet of whatman paper
  • eraser
  • sharpener

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a flower in kindergarten step by step

DIY drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Children in kindergarten are not yet very good at using pencils and paints, therefore, when choosing subjects for drawings for Mother’s Day, you should give preference to simple compositions with a minimum of small details. In addition, the work should not contain a large number of various shades and subtle color transitions. The ideal option is if the image uses only three or four colors from the standard set for children's creativity. Then the children will have almost no difficulties, and no one will panic because they are unable to complete the teacher’s task.

Supplies needed for a simple children's drawing for Mother's Day

  • sheet of white Whatman paper A4 format
  • simple pencil
  • set of children's paints
  • eraser
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a bear cub in kindergarten for Mother's Day

  1. At the top of a sheet of whatman paper, draw with a simple pencil big circle- This is the head of a bear. At the bottom of the circle, write one medium-sized oval and another very small one. Make sure that their upper parts touch each other. This is the tip of the nose.
  2. In place of the eyes, draw small circles with a pencil, and then paint over them with black paint, leaving small white areas - highlights.
  3. Draw neat semicircular ears to the head.
  4. Draw the bear's body as a large oval, and make one smaller oval on each side. These are the front legs of the beast. Add a big heart to them - a symbol of a holiday gift.
  5. For hind legs draw two parallel lines and end them with rounded feet, inside which draw small hearts.
  6. Paint over the entire body of the bear brown paint, gift heart – bright red, small hearts on the feet – pink.
  7. On the face, carefully draw a cut of the mouth with black paint, add claws to the paws and legs, wait until the work is completely dry and hand it to your beloved mother.

Drawing for Mother's Day step by step for a competition at school

On Mother's Day, the school holds all kinds of children's creativity competitions. One of the most popular and beloved by children of all ages is the drawing and painting competition. A variety of subjects are suitable for it, but the ideal option is considered to be family images, where both parents and children are present at the same time. You can draw thematic scenes on Whatman paper with colored pencils, pastels or watercolors, but the most effective, bright and colorful images are obtained when using traditional gouache. In addition, this work dries very quickly and can be hung on an exhibition stand almost immediately.

Necessary materials for a drawing competition for Mother's Day at school

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of gouache paints
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful drawing for a competition at school

  1. First, using a simple pencil, draw a general landscape and determine the boundary separating the sky from the earth.
  2. Stepping back approximately 20 centimeters from the bottom edge of the sheet, draw straight line, indicating the road on which the figures of the composition will be located in the future.
  3. In the upper right part of the Whatman paper, mark a hill and with light strokes sketch out the contours of the monument and a long staircase leading down.
  4. In the upper left part of the sheet draw a forest and a church building, and in the center draw a wide winding river.
  5. Color the sky in Blue colour, darker above and very light directly above the trees.
  6. Use green paint of different shades to tint the middle of the sheet. When the background dries, use more pronounced strokes to draw light and shadow on the foliage and give the base a resemblance to an autumn park.
  7. Using light blue and dark blue parallel strokes, use a wide brush to paint the river.
  8. Paint the road in the foreground with gray paint to match the color of the asphalt. Set the workpiece aside and let it dry thoroughly.
  9. On top of the paints, using a simple pencil, draw the figures of a happy family consisting of a mother, father and two daughters of different ages.
  10. Using a thin brush, decorate the figures, depicting them in bright, contrasting colors that are clearly readable against the background of green vegetation.
  11. Carefully paint the temple building with white and dark gray paint, and decorate the domes with golden crosses. Also work out in detail the monument, the lanterns next to it and the stairs leading down.
  12. Draw several colored balloons in the sky.

Children's drawing for Mother's Day with paints for an exhibition - step-by-step master class with photos

The theme for a children's drawing for Mother's Day can be almost any subject, from flowers, hearts and animals to still lifes, landscapes or genre scenes from family life. Suitable for exhibition in kindergarten simple pictures, not overloaded with small details, since children 3-6 years old will not yet be able to draw a competent and proportionally correct image with their own hands. At a competition at school, more intense plots would be appropriate, because the children, thanks to drawing lessons, already have some experience in constructing a composition and are fluent with paints, crayons, felt-tip pens and colored pencils.

If you can’t come up with a plot for a future drawing on your own, it’s quite appropriate to use the tips from step-by-step master classes with photos. From them you can learn interesting ideas not only for beginning little artists, but also for those who already consider themselves quite experienced young painters.

Necessary materials for step-by-step children's drawings for Mother's Day

  • sheet of drawing paper
  • paint set
  • brush

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a portrait of your mother step by step with paints for an exhibition on Mother's Day