Where and what time will the circle of light be today? Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light. Bolshoi Theater One of the greatest and most significant in the world

Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" - one of the largest and most popular festivals in Moscow, a grand festival of light, in which talented lighting designers and audiovisual art specialists from Russia and foreign countries compete in their skills, demonstrating large-scale light shows and unusual installations to the public.

Skillfully using video mapping techniques and modern multimedia technologies, masters transform urban space and architectural appearance symbolic buildings of Moscow, the facades of which become a screen for large-scale video projections.

In 2017, the festival is being held for the seventh time.

Program of the festival "Circle of Light" 2017

Light shows as part of the festival program will be held at 7 different venues, among which will traditionally be Teatralnaya Square with the Bolshoi Theater building, but the equally familiar VDNKh space, unfortunately, will not be used this year: it is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction. The “highlight” of this year promises to be the Ostankino Tower, the height of video projections on which will reach 330 meters.

. Ostankino

Ostankino will become one of the main venues of the festival: this is where the opening ceremony will take place! With the help of video projection, light, lasers and fire, viewers will be shown an amazing multimedia show, the action of which will unfold both on the Ostankino Tower and on the water surface of the Ostankino Pond. Thanks to modern technologies festival visitors will be able to travel to different countries of the world and see their natural beauty: Niagara Falls, Yellow Stone Park and Bamboo Flute Caves, the sands of the Sahara, the Great Barrier Reef, Baikal, Mount Fuji, French lavender fields and other places.

And at the Ostankino Tower itself they will demonstrate light show on the theme of the tallest buildings in the world: in turn it will turn into the Eiffel Tower, New York's Empire State Building and Dubai's Burj Khalifa, as well as the television towers of Toronto, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney. The height of video projections will reach 330 meters!

The program will end with a pyrotechnic show.

. theatre square

Over the several years that the Circle of Light festival has been held, Teatralnaya Square has become its traditional venue, however, if usually the show was shown on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater, this time it will unite 2 buildings at once: the Bolshoi and Maly theaters.

Taking into account the use of two facades at once, a unique light show was developed in which their interaction will become part of one story: the play “Celestial Mechanics” will tell the audience about love and loneliness, about the impossibility of existing alone, but at the same time - the impossibility of complete acceptance of one person by another . And during the light show “Timeless”, viewers in the company of Alexander Ostrovsky will get acquainted with the history and cult performances of the Maly Theater.

Also on the facades of buildings will be shown the works of participants in the “Art Vision” video mapping competition in the “Classic” and “Modern” categories.

. Tsaritsyno

September 23 - 27: light show, fountain show, light installations; September 24 - live performance by an art group SOPRANO Turkish accompanied by video projection.

At the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, festival guests will enjoy an audiovisual mapping “Palace of Feelings”, the authors of which will revive the facade of the Bolshoi Catherine Palace and talk about his feelings. Among other things, there will be a fountain show on Tsaritsynsky Pond, and the park will host light installations from leading lighting designers from different countries peace.

. Patriarch's Ponds

The Patriarch's Ponds are to become an experimental platform: for the first time, within the framework of the Circle of Light festival, visual images for a live performance by a pianist (Dmitry Malikov will perform classical works) will be created in real time.

. Strogino

In the waters of the Stroginsky backwater, on the last day of the festival, a 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show will take place: hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched from 4 barges.

. Concert Hall "MIR"

. Digital October

Admission to the open areas of the Circle of Light festival 2017 is free (except for the stands), to attend the program in concert hall MIR and the Digital October Center will require pre-registration.

View more detailed information about the festival and the work schedule of the venues can be found on the official website of the Circle of Light festival -


Multimedia show, the area of ​​which will exceed a record 40,000 square meters, will unfold directly on the façade of the Main Building of Moscow State University. Spectators will see two light shows. The first will be dedicated to the history of the university, and the second will tell about the protected areas of Russia. Every evening there is a pyrotechnic show.

Leninskie Gory, 1

Exhibition of National Economic Achievements

At VDNKh, the festival organizers have prepared three interesting events at once.

We will see light installations created by artists from different corners planets. Before your eyes, huge structures in the form of incandescent lamps will come to life and the 12-meter “Fire Tornado” will spin, and the interactive installation “Angels of Freedom” will become the ideal backdrop for a romantic selfie. Every day from 19:30 to 23:00.

To look at the unusual pyrotechnic waterfall, which creates the illusion of “flowing” fire, approach the Central Arch. The duration of the show is 2.5 minutes, starting approximately at 19:30 and 21:00 (times change every day, you can check on the festival website).

And from 19:30 to 23:00 come admire the cyclical video mapping accompanied by songs of the art group “Turetsky Choir”. Live show- only on September 24, from 20:00 to 21:00.

ave. Mira, 119

Grand Theatre
One of the greatest and most significant in the world

A new video mapping show will be shown on the façade of the Bolshoi Theater, which will take viewers into the settings of their favorite Russian films. The theme of cinema, but this time world cinema, will be continued by the works of the participants in the Art Vision competition. And you can also see the best light stories previous years.

Teatralnaya Square, 1

An entire mini-city more than 50 meters high will be built here and an incredible multimedia show with lasers, pyrotechnics, fountains and video projections will be staged. Following the plot, viewers will travel through resort towns, bustling cities and other interesting corners Russia. This show, created at the intersection of the elements of light, water and fire, promises to be one of the brightest in the festival program.

st. Krylatskaya, 2

Concert Hall “Izvestia Hall” 18+

The finalists of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category will organize colorful competitions in Izvestia Hall. VJs will need to quickly select visual effects for sounding music. The final chord of the evening will be a demonstrative introduction by Johnny Wilson, a Vijeng master from Spain. Admission is free, but registration on the website is required.

This year, the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” will be held in five open areas, among which is. It is here, according to the event program, that the opening and closing of the festival will take place. According to the organizers, the scale of the light and pyrotechnic displays will be so impressive that it will allow the Circle of Light festival to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Signs will be installed along the route to the Grebnoy Canal site. It will be difficult to get lost, but it is still recommended to arrive a little earlier in order not only to get better seats. As for the spectators from Krylatskoye, it will be easier for them, since they know the territory of the Krylatsky Hills park better and will probably prefer to watch the performance from the numerous slopes.

Due to the large number of spectators planning to visit Grebnoy Canal, increased security measures will be introduced. Not only uniformed law enforcement officers will work on site, but also special services in civilian clothes. Metal detectors will be installed at the entrance, so it is recommended to take only the essentials with you in order to quickly enter the territory of the sports facility without delaying yourself and others.

The Circle of Light Festival is taking place, during which the architectural space of the city will be transformed by the hands of lighting designers and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics.

The facades of religious buildings will be transformed into something extraordinary and will be painted bright colors light show and will show completely different and unimaginable landscapes and stories.

The festival originates from the city of Lyon in France at the end of the 17th century, and later finds popularity throughout Europe.

In 2002, Anton Chukaev (Moscow artist) sent a request to the Moscow Culture Committee to hold such an event, but only 9 years later the festival debuted, which was recognized and received annual status.

Festival themes

Every year the festival has a new theme.

  • In 2012 - “Energy of Life” (the main idea is the speed of changes in the consciousness of society, fashion, tastes, the idea is the unity of peoples and cultures).
  • In 2013 - “Relay of Light” (during the festival the Olympic Flame arrived in Moscow, 11 countries of the world took part)
  • IN 2014 - " Trip around the world"(combined iconic places and attractions of the capital in a multimedia show)
  • In 2015 - “In the City of Light” ( amazing trip to a capital like no one has ever seen before)
  • In 2016 - “Circle of Light” (a grand journey around the world)
  • In 2017 - “The seven tallest buildings in the world” (the Eiffel Tower (300 meters), the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa (828 meters) and the New York Empire State Building (443 meters), the Toronto TV tower (553 meters), Shanghai (486 meters) meters), Tokyo (332 meters) and Sydney (309 meters).

"Circle of Light" for children

The event as a whole is a family format and involves a wide audience – it is interesting for everyone. In 2015, for example, in Lubyanka, the Central Children's Store was painted with bright colors fairy-tale heroes and showed the little spectators a parade of toys.

Reviews and photo reports

The number of visitors is growing every year - from 1 million (in 2011) to 8 million people (in 2017). Admission to the festival is free, anyone can become part of the show. Just to see the opening ceremony as closely as possible, you need to have an invitation card, which in turn can be obtained through social media or win a competition on the official festival page (distributed by the Moscow government department).

It’s interesting to look at the festival works of past years; this opportunity is provided by reports from Tourister users. RU. The festival took place from September 26 to October 4. 9 sites were involved. This year the event was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the first time as the largest video projection (on the building of the Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya Embankment). In the year from September 23 to September 27. Light shows took place at 6 venues, 2 light performances were shown with a total duration of about 50 minutes (“Unlimited Moscow State University” and “Keeper”). At the end of each evening there is a pyrotechnic show (more than 19,000 volleys of fireworks). It also broke its own record in the Guinness Book of Records - the largest video projection.

Awards and achievements of the Circle of Light festival

  • Moscow Design Biennale - first place in the category “Multimedia show/Event design” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Largest video projection” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Highest luminous flux power when projecting an image” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Largest video projection” (2015)
  • “Time of Innovation” nomination “Event Project of the Year” (2015)
  • “Event of the Year” nomination “City Event of the Year” (2015)
  • The Moscow Times Awards nomination “Cultural Event of the Year” (2014)
  • “Best in Russia/Best.ru” nomination “Best cultural event of the year” (2014)
  • “Guiding Star” nomination “Best Event Project” (2014)
  • “Brand No. 1 in Russia” category “Festival” (2013, 2014)
  • “Brand of the Year/EFFIE” category “Entertainment” (2011, 2012)

Where will the Circle of Light festival take place in 2020: program

Preliminary plan of events:

  • Opening/closing ceremony of the festival: September 21 - 25
  • Competition "ART VISION VJing": September 22 (Mir Concert Hall)
  • Competition "ART VISION Modern": September 23 (facade of the Grand Tsaritsyn Palace)
  • Competition "ART VISION Classic": September 24 (Russian Academic youth theater, Bolshoi and Maly theaters of Moscow)

How to get there

Every year the sites are different and different parts cities. The only trend is that there are very few parking spaces, the best option To avoid traffic jams, use the metro or any other public transport.

It’s also convenient to use taxi apps in Moscow - Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi and others.

Festival "Circle of Light": video

Dear Muscovites and guests of the capital, from September 21 to 25, do not plan anything for the evening. Moscow is waiting for us International festival“Circle of Light”-2018. Starting from Friday the 21st until Tuesday the 25th, every evening a magnificent spectacle awaits us. Several venues, a fabulous show and plenty of time to see everything. The installations are illuminated, so all the action will take place in the evening; you can visit the festival sites even on your way home from work.

And now more about what, when and on what platforms awaits us.

Rowing channel – opening with repetitions

On the Rowing Canal on September 21, of course, it is worth visiting the opening of the festival. This year we are expecting absolutely incredible designs of 12-meter cubes, almost 300 fountains, 35 of which are rotating, and 170 fire fountains on pontoons. All this, combined with a video sequence and a laser show, will turn you into a child gaping in surprise within the first salvo. Even if you are a sophisticated viewer, the feeling that you are in a fairy tale will stay with you for a long time. The opening of the festival is always colorful, unique, and worth a visit.

Starts at 20-30, duration 1 hour. If you missed the opening, don't worry, you'll be able to catch up on the 22nd and 23rd. Starts these days at 20-30. Arrive early, otherwise there won't be a good place to watch.

Separately about the podium. It exists, and you can get to it. Tickets are by invitation only, sometimes they are distributed in official group festival

Tsaritsyno – Malikov and the facade of the Great Tsaritsyno Palace

Tsaritsyno awaits you every evening of the Circle of Light festival from September 21 to 25. From 19-30 to 23-30 on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace there will be two new light shows with audiovisual effects and elements of augmented reality. It is not necessary to arrive exactly at 19-30, much less in advance. The show will run on loop for 4 hours. The total duration, as a rule, is no more than 30 minutes, after which everything starts all over again. You will definitely not be late, even if you arrive at 22-00.

On September 24, all fans of Dmitry Malikov’s work should come to Tsaritsyno. The video sequence at the Great Tsaritsyn Palace will be accompanied by the performance People's Artist. There will be no repetitions, so arrive early and grab your seat. comfortable places.

There are no stands in Tsaritsino, everything is democratic and accessible to everyone.

Theater Square - 270 degree panorama

Theater Square welcomes guests every day of the Circle of Light festival from 19-30 until almost midnight. Every year the projection area on Teatralnaya Square increases. If in the first years of the festival, all the action took place only on the facade of the Bolshoi, then this year you will find a panoramic projection of 270 degrees. The facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater will be used. The performance will be cyclical, so there is no need to rush to the beginning.

Victory Museum and our history

Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora will take part in the Circle of Light festival for the first time as a venue. Just like in Tsaritsyno and on Teatralnaya Square, guests are welcome here every evening from 19-30 to 23-30. The performances are cyclical, which means you can visit in one day Theater Square and the Victory Museum, and the next day go to Tsaritsyno.

Digital October is not for users

Well, if you are not just a spectator, you also create a light show, then you should go to the Digital October center, which is on Bersenevskaya embankment, 6 building 3. Lectures and seminars on organizing large-scale light shows, pitfalls, nuances and features await you. Learn about technical innovations and current trends. You must register in advance for events at Digital October as part of the Circle of Light festival.

Peace and strawberry

Only on September 22nd in the Mir concert hall as part of the festival there will be a competition VJs from all over the world. Only one Saturday evening, starts at 22-00. If you are a fan of club music, then don't miss out and register in advance.

Dome with a diameter of a kilometer

The festival is not endless, and on September 25th the circle will close on the Grebnoy Canal. The closing ceremony will begin at 21-30. It’s worth coming to the closing if only for the Japanese pyrotechnics. They promise to have large-caliber guns, and the diameter of the salvo will be 1 km. It’s worth seeing with your own eyes, especially since there is such an opportunity. Plan your 25th visit to the Rowing Canal. Come early, otherwise the convenient seats will be taken.

But if you are the happy owner of an invitation, then you can only be envied.

Come, it will be bright

And in order to arouse your interest and encourage you to visit the festival sites, here are a few photos from last year as a primer.