Buy tickets for the performance Red and Black. Red and black. Russian academic youth theater. Press about the performance Red and Black Ramt Version

The Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT) is preparing a magnificent performance for its devoted audience - “Red and Black”. The production was created based on Stendhal's work of art. The direction of the performance was carried out under the direction of Yuri Eremin, and the main roles were played by Nelly Uvarova and Pyotr Krasilov. An unexpectedly interesting and new interpretation of the novel, shown through the prism of Kazimir Malevich’s paintings, amazes with the freshness of the theatrical concept. Hurry up buy tickets to RAMT to the wonderful production of “Red and Black”.

Two different poles - two different lives

Stendhal's famous novel was based on real story, which tells the story of a young ambitious provincial guy and his fate. The interesting directorial approach of the genius of RAMT - Yuri Eremin - brought some peculiarity to the narrative. Thus, in the play a chess game was played between red and black. These colors symbolize the red officer's uniform and the black of the monk's cassock, the struggle of love and death, the confrontation between life and mourning, eternal crime and punishment, all-consuming fire and darkness... Life has never been so similar to casino roulette! In the play, the main characters of the novel are pawns in the hands of the most powerful and powerful elements of this two-color palette, associated with the famous works of the artist Malevich - “Red Square” and “Black Square”. Gives a special flavor new character, called Male, who is given the important job of carefully painting the central window in the form of a square with red and then black paints. While doing this, Male utters thoughtful, full of philosophical meaning, aphorisms of the greatest thinkers and poets.

The performance can be called a work in combination of incompatible things. So, it is quite difficult to combine two ideas - Stendhal's and Casimir's. Both creators interpret these two colors completely differently:

Stendhal considers red to be a symbol of passion and life, and black of death and mourning; Malevich paints the “Red Square”, symbolizing color, the “Black Square” - its absence.

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Team RAMT tried to convey and convey all the uniqueness and scale of his modern project theatrical arts. Order tickets for the performance "Red and Black" accepted at any convenient time. At the same time, buy tickets at RAMT for the play “Red and Black” possible at the lowest prices.

Stage version (2h50m) 18+

Director: Yuri Eremin
Julien Sorel: Denis Balandin, Pyotr Krasilov
Madame Renal: Nelly Uvarova
Matilda: Anna Kovaleva
Male: Alexey Blokhin
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Review of "Afisha":

Director Yuri Eremin, who himself wrote a play based on the novel, literally thickens the colors, discarding halftones and focusing on the colors stated in the title. The visual solution of the performance, based on the themes of the paintings by artist Kazimir Malevich “Red Square” and “Black Square”, is also based on the principle of sharp color contrast and includes elements of a kind of graphic constructivism. That is why right angles predominate in the costumes, and the main detail of the set becomes a glass plate located in the center of the wall, which gradually turns red during the first act, and black during the second. Accordingly, a prominent place in the play is occupied by such character, like the artist Male (Anton Shagin), who paints this “canvas” and at the same time represents a kind of second “I” of the main character. Every now and then he comments on the action, “suggesting” certain actions, and at the same time sprinkles quotes borrowed from world sources of literary and philosophical thought. He also sets a clear emotional tone for each action: “red color is a symbol of passion”, “the main meaning of black is death.” In accordance with this attitude, the costumes of the characters are also modified: as the characters are consumed by passion, white flows into red, when death creeps up on them, red is steadily swallowed up by black. Such frank asceticism in the selection of external colors directly correlates with both the choice of themes and the choice of characters.

Of the entire palette of the multi-layered novel, the play's author and director, by and large, singles out only the love story of Julien Sorel and Madame Renal, which, of course, has both its pros and cons. All other plot and thematic layers are adapted as much as possible and turn out to be only auxiliary touches accompanying the main action. Even the episodes telling about the mutual infatuation of Julien and Mathilde de la Mole are solved primarily in a grotesque comedic manner. But the duet of the main characters is filled with true drama and depth of feelings. Exactly true love makes the energetically ambitious young man Julien Sorel - Denis Balandin (this role is also played by Pyotr Krasilov), initially striving with all his might for self-affirmation and painfully defending his human dignity, to realize that the main thing in his life is the all-consuming feeling that he experienced for Madame Renal . The restrainedly strict heroine Nelly Uvarova herself, throwing herself into this love like a whirlpool, experiences a painful struggle between feelings and reason, surrenders to passion and strives for repentance, bathes in boundless happiness and plunges into the abyss of despair. In the finale, the two figures freeze within the black square, as if in a solemn and tragic union of death and immortal love.

IN play "Red and Black" famous director Yuri Eremin used unexpected visual images, turning to the work of Kazimir Malevich. All the characters in the production, as interpreted by the director, are associated with two works by the famous artist - “Black Square” and “Red Square”.

However, the semantic load of these two colors is play "Red and Black" does not contradict Stendhal: red remains the color of passion, love and affirmation of life, black - the color of crime, sin and death.

Performance "Red and Black" plays out like a chess game with red and black pieces. Color accents are clearly expressed in Victoria Sevryukova’s costumes, which from colorless at the beginning of the performance first acquire more and more red details, and in the second part of the production they become predominantly black.

Yuri Eremin even introduced a special character named Male into the production. For the entire first half of the performance, he covers up the square window located in the middle of the stage with red paint. Then he applies a layer of black paint on top, while managing to recite Schopenhauer, Goethe and Byron, as well as talk about love and death, the properties of color, and voices the internal monologues of the main characters.

In the play "Red and Black" Male (Alexey Blokhin) turns out to be an important figure who connects the entire action and gives it the necessary dynamics and compositional completeness.

Ambitious and ambitious Julien Sorel (Denis Balandin) appears in the house of the mayor of a small town, Mr. de Renal (Victor Tsymbal)

As a tutor. A handsome young man with a good education and excellent manners attracts the attention of the mayor's wife, Louise de Renal (Nelly Uvarova).

She falls in love with Julien and they become lovers. But an anonymous letter forces Julien to flee from Renal’s house, and soon he becomes the secretary of the Marquis de La Mole (Alexei Maslov).

Julien wants with all his might to be closer to the world of the aristocracy, in which he could realize his ambitious intentions. And the best way turns out to be a wedding with the marquis’s daughter Matilda (Anna Kovaleva).

But everything collapses after an unexpected letter from Madame de Renal, in which the woman warns the Marquis and accuses Julien of hypocrisy and using Matilda for his own selfish purposes.

An angry Julien rushes to Renal's house and shoots his former lover with a pistol. Louise does not die from her wounds, but Sorel is arrested and sentenced to death penalty. In the final performance "Red and Black" Julien repents of his crime and receives Louise's forgiveness.

Original scenography, director's ideas and deep acting make play "Red and Black" one of the most interesting productions on the stage of the Youth Theater. Famous novel Stendhal appears in a new reading that will be of interest to the widest range of viewers.

Tickets for play "Red and Black" Theater fans can purchase tickets on the TicketService website at any time.