What are they bringing from Vietnam? What to bring from Vietnam - the best gifts and souvenirs

From any trip you want to bring something that would remind you of bright days trips. In this regard, Vietnam is a real paradise for lovers of shopping and exotic souvenirs. Tourists will be pleased not only with the abundance of souvenirs, but also with reasonable prices at her.

Like any other tourist country, Vietnam has a list of items that are officially prohibited from being exported from the country.

Of course, the temptation is very great to smuggle some souvenirs secretly. But you should know that for non-compliance with customs rules, tourists bear administrative penalties(and in some cases – criminal) liability.

The list of prohibited things includes:

  • Antiques. Even if you are exporting a copy of an ancient figurine, you must have with you sales receipt or a receipt from the store where the item was purchased. True, if a pseudo-antique item is made with high precision and quite skillfully, customs officers may doubt its authenticity and seize it.
  • Gold jewelry. When purchasing any gold product, you must be given a purchase certificate in addition to the receipt. But as practice shows, customs officers can ask to present such certificates only if the total weight of gold items exceeds 300 grams. In this case, you will need to obtain a permit to transport gold jewelry from the National Bank of Vietnam. Such restrictions do not apply to silver products.
  • Weapon. If you are interested in a skillfully made dagger in a souvenir shop, you can only admire its elegance and take a photo as a souvenir, because such souvenirs are strictly prohibited from being exported from the country. Even if it is a toy weapon made in a homemade way, it is also subject to seizure during customs inspection.
  • Exotic animals, especially endangered and rare ones. You cannot take dogs of the local Fukuoka breed out of the country.
  • Corals (raw). They are under state protection, so even the smallest coral shoot is prohibited from export. If it is discovered during inspection, tourists may be in serious trouble (the fine can reach $500).
  • Exotic fruits with strong smell. This is especially true for durian - they will not be allowed to take it out of the country under any pretext (or rather, the problem is not so much in taking it out of the country, but in the fact that durian is not allowed to be carried on board the plane). Watermelons are also not allowed.
  • National currency(VND or Vietnamese Dong). It is better to exchange the local currency for rubles or dollars before leaving the country.
  • Drugs, narcotic drugs. If you took such medications on a trip, you should have an accompanying document from a doctor confirming the need to take such a drug for medical reasons.

Gift ideas from Vietnam

When visiting such exotic countries, you want to bring unusual souvenirs, and not the standard set of magnets from the nearest souvenir kiosk. What can you bring from Vietnam?

Coffee. Almost every tourist brings fragrant packages of tea or coffee from their trip, since the country is famous for these drinks. The Vietnamese are well versed in coffee and are true connoisseurs of it. Hence the variety of varieties and tastes of this divine drink (about 30). Popular varieties are robusta ($25 per kilogram), arabica ($19/kg), green ($30/kg), Moka Bourbon ($26/kg). The rarest and most expensive varieties of coffee in Vietnam are chon and luwak with an aftertaste of chocolate (beans fermented in the stomachs of small animals). The price for a 150-gram package of coffee ranges from $25 to $30.

Tea. The variety of tea varieties will delight any gourmet. Green tea with jasmine or ginger, with ginseng or lotus, black tea with petals and pieces of fruit... The most popular varieties of tea are “Blao” and “Than Nguyen” (price - approximately 6-6.5 dollars per pack). Pure tea, i.e. without additives and additional flavors it costs $4 per package. The most expensive tea will cost $98-100 (made from small leaves growing on the ground), but it has a very specific taste, which not everyone is ready for.

Among tea connoisseurs, medicinal teas are valued, which should be purchased only in specialized stores (to avoid low-quality counterfeits). Medicinal tea reduces blood pressure, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and promotes its overall strengthening.

Brewing tea in Vietnam is a ritual. Therefore, connoisseurs of this drink can bring as a gift special sets for brewing tea - infusers and beautiful bowls, stylized tea sets or painted trays for the tea ceremony.

Medicines. The East is the secrets of alternative medicine. Desired gifts from Vietnam will be ointments and balms based on tiger and snake fat. The most purchased medicines are “Zvezdochka” balm, “White Tiger” balm, snake venom tinctures, and potency enhancing products.
Cosmetics. A separate category You can highlight medicinal cosmetics. Especially valued are medicinal cosmetics based on natural ingredients - pearls and snail mucus.

It’s better to go to Dalat province for it.

Natural freshwater pearls have an irregular shape, but products made from them are highly valued by tourists.

For those who want to pamper themselves and their relatives exotic fruits, care should be taken to properly transport such cargo. It is better to purchase them a few hours (maximum one day) before departure. Fruits can be packed in special plastic baskets (sold at fruit markets) and wrapped cling film or special tape. Such baskets are carried in hand luggage, not forgetting its maximum permissible weight. Prices for fruit abundance (indicated per kilogram): dragon fruit - 1.2-1.5 dollars, rambutan - 1.3 dollars, mangosteen - 0.9 dollars, lychee - 1.1 dollars. The photo shows only a small part of what you can buy in Vietnam:

The only thing you may have problems with is finding the right size. Even size 48 is difficult to find, not to mention plus size.

Products made from natural silk. This is not just clothing, it is a work of art. But when asking the price for silk products in tourist markets, you can run into a fake. Therefore, for the best natural silk, you should go to a factory in Dalat. Here you can buy silk by the meter (the cost of 1 meter of natural silk is $80) and products made from it: robes (will cost about $80-$130), bed linen, paintings and panels on silk canvas (from $15 to $160) , scarves and shawls ($15-45). If the issue of the percentage of silk in a product is not important, then you can buy similar things on the market, spending about 20-25 dollars per product. By the way, many people advise purchasing clothes a size larger, since the fabric may shrink when washed.

Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, Phan Thiet: shopping features

Phu Quoc Island is famous for its pepper plantations. Here you can also purchase a variety of spice sets, which will give the dishes a specific taste and will remind you of the days spent in Vietnam.

Nha Trang is a popular tourist area, so the issue of a gift for friends and colleagues can be resolved quite quickly by bringing them traditional Vietnamese souvenirs.

In various souvenir shops and tourist markets you can buy flip-flop slippers (1 dollar per pair), traditional Vietnamese non hats made from palm leaves ($1), belts ($5-7), bags and purses made of crocodile leather. or ostrich leather ($15-20). The best products leather in Nha Trang can be purchased at Anh Thu, Kchatoco or Tonphat stores.

Fashionistas will be delighted with hairpins and jewelry made of shells, corals, coconut shells. An excellent gift option would be carved mahogany boxes, bamboo products (photo frames, stands), incense burners, and stylized porcelain dishes. Prices for such products range from 1 to 15 dollars.

Children can purchase traditional masks or national dolls in colorfully embroidered costumes. They will also be interested in paintings made from multi-colored sand.

Phan Thiet is famous for its famous fish sauce, which has a very specific smell, but this sauce is prized among gourmets. You can buy it in the markets. You can also find in Phan Thiet products made from real crocodile leather - belts, wallets, handbags, shoes. The prices, of course, are rather high, but in any case they will be lower than for similar products in Russia.

The range of gifts and souvenirs that can be brought from this Asian country is incredibly wide. At the same time, many of the goods will cost the traveler truly ridiculous sums - you just need to be able to choose and “know the places”, since the same product in a shop in the center of the capital or a remote village can differ in price by 2-4 times.

4. Tea and coffee

Are you aware that Vietnam ranks first in the world in coffee exports? Now you know. It is of quite high quality and quite inexpensive - a kilogram of first-class Robusta coffee will cost $4. About 30 varieties of coffee are produced in the country, and Nguyen Trung coffee is considered the most popular. By the way, almost no local coffee is supplied to Russia; everything goes to the European Union countries.

Of course, the most interesting thing is to buy Vietnamese coffee directly at the plantations (for example, in the vicinity of Dalat): here they will not only sell you the variety you like, but will certainly give you a tour and introduce you to the intricacies of preparing the most delicious drink. However, you will find high-quality local coffee in shops and markets throughout the country.

Vietnamese tea is in constant demand all over the world. Green, black, white, artichoke, pu-erh, oolong, with ginger or jasmine - there is an incredible variety of it here. Cost: 5-8 $ per kilogram. The most popular premium tea is green Thai Nguyen from the province of the same name.

It is best to buy local tea in specialized stores in large cities (for example, Dalat or Phan Thiet). There they will offer you different varieties, tell you how to brew each one correctly, and will definitely let you try the selected tea before purchasing.

5. Exotic spirits

A separate item in the gifts is local alcohol: vodka, rum, wine and “snake” liqueurs. The wine here is not particularly high quality, but rice vodka and rum with various additives are worth trying - you will be pleasantly surprised.

As for bottles with alcohol-preserved bastards, they are often bought as an exotic souvenir to decorate a bar, rather than as a pleasant drink, although here it is believed that such a tincture relieves many ailments. Tourists still prefer to buy bottles with snakes, scorpions and salamanders inside just “as a souvenir.”

6. Local goodies

If you love edible souvenirs, then you cannot do without local sweets. Unusual fruits for Europeans (lychee, longan, mangosteen) are brought from here both fresh and in candied or dried form - such “chips” can be found in almost any store or market.

Also popular are Vietnamese candies made from coconut milk and unusual-tasting candies with lotus seeds.

7. Bamboo and mahogany products

In any shop or store you will see boxes, figurines, frames, trays, wall decorations made of bamboo and mahogany - Vietnamese artisans make and sell a lot of such souvenirs.

These trinkets cost about $10-15, and the largest selection is perhaps in the center of Hoi An, where several specialized shops are located.

8. National clothes and masks

If you are a lover of exotic things, pay attention to inexpensive local national clothing - bright and cheap. However, tourists rarely bring clothes from here: much more often they limit themselves to traditional conical hats made of palm leaves (check out the city of Hue) and pith “colonial” helmets (visit the Nha Trang market).

By the way, don’t be surprised that tourists bring souvenir masks not only from Venice - on the shelves of Vietnamese shops you will definitely find hand-painted masks made of coconut or bamboo. This is a very colorful souvenir with unforgettable emotions on your face.

Well, and flip-flop slippers, which you should definitely try on before buying, yes, where would you be without them?

Pleasant trifles

In addition to all of the above, you can easily find a lot of other nice little things and souvenirs in Vietnam. From here they bring:

  • national wooden dolls and musical instruments;
  • ointments and balms based on snake venom;
  • porcelain dishes with hieroglyphs;
  • bronze coins and Buddha figurines;
  • decorative silk or bamboo lanterns;
  • incense sticks and incense burners;
  • keychains made from crocodile legs;
  • patchwork animal toys...

Useful information about goods from Vietnam

Trade in the country is thriving: tourists can not bother with choice and spend the whole day walking around the huge specialized stores and shopping centers of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Vincom City Towers, Trang Tien plaza, Saigon Square) or look for unusual things in craft centers, local markets, and small souvenir shops or on the islands and suburbs. Just remember: bank cards accepted only in supermarkets; to pay in other places you need to have local cash (Vietnamese dong), which can be exchanged at any bank or exchange office.

Although the range of goods in the country is not very different, each city and province in Vietnam traditionally has its own “specialization”. Thus, green and artichoke tea, as well as coffee, are usually brought from Dalat. They buy porcelain in Bat Chang, and pearls in Phu Kok. Silk Village is famous for its natural fabrics, Phan Thiet for its incense sticks and incense burners, and Nha Trang for its crocodile skin products.

And the most important thing that you will definitely need after many hours of shopping is additional bags and suitcases to bring all these souvenirs from Vietnam back home. Happy shopping!

When traveling around the world, you always want to bring something to remember your trip. Therefore, it is not surprising that everyone abroad asks the question: “What should I bring as a souvenir?” And Vietnam is no exception. This Asian country has a lot of interesting and useful things: Vietnam is a paradise for shopaholics and lovers of exotic souvenirs. You will be surprised not only by the range of products, but also by the low prices.

Markets and shops

Prices in local markets and in stores are not very different, but they differ. Typically, stores sell branded clothing and shoes, equipment, jewelry and souvenirs. By the way, there are few such stores in Vietnam. In the markets you can buy all the same things, but handicrafts, plus an abundance of hand-made products. They are aimed at local buyers and those who want to save money on goods.

The only disadvantage of market products is their quality (not counting food products). With low prices and excellent bargains, tourists stuff their suitcases with whatever they can find. Usually, the choice of souvenirs depends entirely on what region of the country you are in. Then there is the question of the amount you have available. And one last thing. You must decide what it should be: a gift or souvenir.

Coffee and tea

Tourists usually bring tea or coffee from Vietnam. They sell it everywhere here green tea– pure and with various additives – lotus, ginger, oolong and others. In order not to make a mistake when choosing tea, we advise you to buy it in a store that lets you try it. Usually they buy teas from the Than Nguyen brand. A kilogram of tea will cost from $6.5 (with additives) and $4 (pure tea).

Vietnam has very high quality coffee (the second largest coffee exporting country in the world). However, there is one point: the Vietnamese know their secrets and secrets of brewing coffee. They have a whole ceremony here. Therefore, if you want the same coffee at home as in Vietnam, you need to buy a special cup for brewing coffee and watch the brewing process in a cafe. Popular coffee varieties are usually Nguyen Chung or Kopi Luwak. Typically, a kilogram of high-quality coffee will cost from $4 (it all depends on the grain size and variety).


As you know, Vietnam is famous for its natural silks. But it is best to buy silk not in the market from traders, but in shops at the factory. If you take a silk product, pay attention to the item completely - so that the pattern is uniform, so that there are no defects (hooks, knots). Usually they buy robes, dresses, stoles, shirts. So, a robe will cost about $11, pajamas – $6-8.

They also bring from Vietnam paintings embroidered on silk or handmade fans. But the cost of such products is high. For a painting embroidered on silk you can pay up to $100 (size 60x40), large canvases cost from $350, and handkerchiefs cost $2. Please note that the product “shrinks” after washing. Therefore, it is worth buying silk clothes one size larger.

Leather Products

Compared to other countries, reptile leather products are not that expensive. They are usually sewn from crocodile or snake skins. For example, a men's belt costs $6-10, wallets and small bags cost $10-15, and a women's small bag costs from $2.

Clothes and shoes

Branches of famous brand companies Nike and Adidas have been opened in Vietnam. Therefore, you can buy clothes and shoes from these brands at low prices(in Ukraine they cost four times more, and it’s not a fact that you will buy a branded item). For example, here you can buy sneakers for $50, and T-shirts for $6-10.

Jewelry and gemstones

As with other goods, prices for items made of silver, gold and pearls differ significantly in Vietnam from Ukrainian prices. And, naturally, you need to buy such products in specialized stores. Require certificates for all products! The cheapest pearl products are sold on the shores of the China Sea. It is there that he is caught (raised). In Saigon you pay twice as much for pearl products. Before making a purchase, consult with someone who understands pearls. Pearl products cost from $8 and above (depending on what you want to buy - a ring, beads or the pearls themselves). And pearls are sold in white, black and pink.

The country has the cheapest silver products. And they are very beautiful. A pair of silver earrings will cost from $2. Products made of silver with precious stones will be expensive, almost like ours, but you won’t find such a cut in Ukraine. Some are brought from Vietnam silver dishes and cutlery.

Exotic tinctures and alcoholic drinks

There is no excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam, so high-end foreign drinks are inexpensive. In addition, the country produces more than 100 types of alcoholic beverages. From local alcohol they prefer to bring rum, with different additives and tastes. As souvenirs they bring alcoholic tinctures with various reptiles - snakes, lizards, iguanas, scorpions and frogs. Usually such souvenirs are sold in markets and private shops. The price depends on the container and the animal that is preserved in the bottle - from $2 to $10.


This country has a huge selection of exotic fruits. There are also non-perishable items that you can bring home. For example, lychee, longan, mangosteen, rambutan and many others. Before buying, be sure to bargain, because prices for fruits are several times higher. In stores, the price for fruit is set (bargaining is inappropriate). We advise you to purchase phytosanitary documents from sellers. And find out at Ukrainian customs (before flying to Vietnam) which fruits are prohibited from being imported into our country. So that upon arrival they are not simply confiscated from you. As a gift, you can buy fruit chips from mango or ginger, or candies with fruit fillings in Vietnam.

National souvenirs

The abundance of souvenirs on the market stalls in Vietnam is eye-opening. Craftsmen are trying their best. Here you will find bamboo products, wooden plates, trays, figurines, painted vases, musical instruments, objects inlaid with mother-of-pearl, household utensils - spoons, forks, hairpins, chopsticks, paintings, masks, boxes, national dolls and more.

Traditional souvenirs in the country are flip-flops and panama hats made of banana (or palm) leaves. However, do not look at the size of the slippers - they do not correspond to our sizes (measure the length with a ruler). Flip flops are cheap and cost $1 a pair. The hat also comes at the same price (sometimes cheaper).

Traditional medicine

Many tourists bring from Vietnam as souvenirs medications traditional medicine. This includes the famous “Zvezdochka” balm (6 pieces for $1) and various rubs – cobra, python or tiger fats. Balms for rubbing against radiculitis here cost from $1.5, creams for dermatitis from $4, tinctures for “male strength” from $2, a lot of ointments, balms of natural origin, dietary supplements. And, of course, all of them need to be bought only in pharmacies, and not in markets.

Are you convinced that you can bring a suitcase of souvenirs from Vietnam as a gift to your family and friends? So, take care of extra luggage for everything you are going to buy in this exotic country. Good luck and have a nice time!

What gifts should I bring from Vietnam? We are considering best options: souvenirs, coffee, tea, cosmetics, medicines, jewelry, fruits, clothes and shoes. Our selection - ready-made solution for those who do not want to waste time on long thoughts and shopping trips.

Shopping in exotic countries is a pleasant experience, because it is always interesting to explore new products. However, sometimes choosing gifts for loved ones can significantly spoil your vacation - who wants to waste precious time endlessly shopping? Shopping in Vietnam is good (and the prices are good), and the abundance of goods on offer can make your eyes wide open, so we have written an article that will help you decide what to bring from Vietnam as a gift.

So, tourists from Vietnam bring not only souvenirs, but also jewelry, clothes, shoes, medicines, cosmetics, tea, coffee, and fruits. Exotic tinctures with snakes, spiders and other representatives of the local fauna preserved in alcohol are especially popular. Tinctures are rumored to have a number of miraculous properties. More details about all this below.

The first and most important thing you need to bring from Vietnam is. Here he is simply divine! We are big fans of his. Arabica, robusta, excelsa and coolie grow in Vietnam, the main variety being robusta. The Vietnamese do not brew coffee, but brew it using special metal filters, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. The coffee itself is inexpensive (from 30 thousand dong for 500 g) and is of high quality. The most popular coffee producers are Trung Nguyên and Me Trang. Coffee is often sold in blends - the taste depends on this.

The most expensive variety is elite Luwak coffee. The very high cost is due to a special production process: coffee beans undergo fermentation in the stomachs of musang animals (also civet cats), then the raw materials are collected and processed by hand on farms in the province of Dak Lak. Tourists go there on excursions and tastings. In supermarkets you can buy artificially fermented beans (Chon), such coffee in supermarkets costs from 200 thousand dong for 500 g.

Vietnamese tea is available in various varieties, there is pure tea from $4 per kg, and with additives - artichokes, lotus petals, jasmine, chrysanthemum, ginger, mountain herbs - from $6.5 per kg. The Vietnamese themselves prefer green tea, the most popular variety being Than Nguyen. For tea, you can buy Vietnamese sweets made from coconut milk or with lotus seeds, without dyes or chemical additives.

(Photo © Khánh Hmoong / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Clothes and shoes

In Vietnam you can buy good quality clothes. The clothing production of sports brands Nike, Adidas, Reebok is established here, and the prices for the products are lower than in Russia. To avoid counterfeits, it is better to purchase clothes from branded stores. Local Vietnamese clothing brands include Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx.

The goods sold in the markets are also of good quality. The problem may arise with the correct size. Our citizens are taller and denser than the Vietnamese, so finding a domestic size even 46-48 is quite difficult.

Tourists recommend that people who are overweight or have a non-standard figure search in Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi, where there are products in European sizes. If you need winter clothes, you won’t find them in the south of the country; it’s always warm there, and down jackets and sweaters are not in demand among local population. All clothing is sold strictly according to the season.

In Hoi An you can have custom-made clothes or shoes made; there are many workshops here. They sew quickly, within 24 hours, use expensive natural materials- satin, silk, suede and leather. A classic suit or dress will cost $50-150, a pair of leather shoes will cost from $15-20.

It is better to buy the famous Vietnamese silk in special stores; in the market they can sell artificial silk under the guise of natural.

(Photo © hughderr / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


The choice in Vietnam is rich, so tourists often bring them as treats for their relatives - these can be mangosteens, longan, lychees, rambutan, pineapples, durians, dragon fruit, etc. - those fruits that will withstand the journey well. You can also buy unripe fruits that will ripen on the road.

How to bring fruit from Vietnam? Tourists usually buy special plastic baskets, which can be seen, for example, at fruit stalls in Nha Trang. Sellers will arrange and package fruit upon request.

However, remember that theoretically problems may arise at customs - without special permitting documents seeds, fruits and vegetables are prohibited from import into the territory of the Russian Federation. However, many people carry fruit without problems in their luggage or carry-on luggage, but it also happens that officers find fault and take away the fruit.

Check out the list (description and names) to choose what to bring home.


Many people buy pearl and silver items in Vietnam, as well as precious stones - amethysts, sapphires, rubies, aquamarines, jade. Pearls are grown on farms in South Vietnam, so there is a lot of it here, and it is relatively inexpensive. At the same time, as tourists write, fake pearls or simply low quality ones can be sold at the market or beach. Concerning precious stones, it’s still not worth buying them without a certificate or consultation with a specialist.

We can advise you to buy pearls and other jewelry in Nha Trang - there are many shops here that will issue a quality certificate upon purchase or can check already purchased products. For example, Princess Jewelry and Treasures of Angkor stores are popular.

(Photo © Andrew and Annemarie / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Alcohol tinctures and medicines

Medicines that are usually brought from Vietnam are alcohol tinctures with herbal ingredients, ointments and balms. Very popular among tourists are the Vietnamese balm “Zvezdochka” (for coughs and colds), ointment with snake venom (helps with osteochondrosis and radiculitis), as well as balms based on tiger or python fat.

Bottles of live animals preserved in alcohol are sold in markets and stores in Vietnam, however, the quality of the alcohol and its origin leaves much to be desired. Cobra tincture with black scorpion is in high demand among men, as it is considered a strong aphrodisiac. Not everyone dares to drink this, so most often exotic drinks are bought not as medicine, but as an original souvenir from Vietnam.

Vietnamese cosmetics

Women love to buy Vietnamese natural masks with herbal ingredients, scrubs, soaps and natural coconut oil. Manufacturers add whitening ingredients to some cosmetic products, so you need to read the ingredients carefully. As for the quality of products, the opinions of tourists here are divided: some write that it is wonderful, they praise serums, masks and shampoos Lana Safra, Thorakao, others are more restrained in their reviews. Some girls complain about the limited range of decorative cosmetics.


The most popular souvenir from Vietnam is the pointed non hat. Women often purchase a silk national costume (Ao Dai), which consists of loose trousers with a long, tight-fitting blouse, or the famous Vietnamese slippers. Products made from python and crocodile leather are in great demand - belts, bags, purses.

You can also bring the following souvenirs from Vietnam: silk paintings, porcelain dishes, figurines and boxes made of bamboo or mahogany, fans, ivory items, dolls and masks, bronze items, tablecloths, napkins, silk lanterns, wickerwork, boxes made of natural stone Various musical instruments made of bamboo and brass are bought not only by musicians, but also by those who want to decorate their interior with original things.

Introductory image source: © huongmaicafe / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

In this article we will talk about what can be brought from Nha Trang and what tourists from Vietnam usually bring. In the article you will find useful information about the places in Nha Trang where an unforgettable shopping experience awaits you - shops, markets, shopping centers and supermarkets in Nha Trang. For your convenience, we have developed a map with the main shops in Nha Trang.

What to bring from Vietnam

Standard souvenirs of Vietnam

  • Hat " Non"- this is exactly the hat that everyone remembers when it comes to Vietnam. Typically, hats created from dried palm leaves. It can be bought absolutely everywhere from ordinary street vendors to large shopping centers. (Price from 35,000 VND - from 100 rub.)
  • Magnets and keychains- wooden keychains in the shape of a map of Nha Trang, with a girl in national costume. There are also keychains and magnets in the shape of the national currency - dong. (Price from 15,000 VND - from 45 rub.)
  • T-shirt with slogans“I pho you”, “Vietnam”, “Coffee Vietnam”, etc. (from 100,000 VND - 300 rub.)
  • Postcards - a regular postcard with an image famous landscapes or attractions (from 10,000 VND - 30 rubles), a postcard with a pattern made of fabric (from 15,000 VND - 45 rubles), voluminous postcards (from 40,000 VND - 120 rubles)

Medicines (creams, ointments, tinctures)

Vietnam is famous for its traditional balms and tinctures, which are made from herbs, with natural ingredients and with the participation of various living creatures (snakes, scorpions, various roots, etc.). Such Vietnamese medicines are valued for their high quality not only in the country, but also abroad.

Here is a small list of medicines, ointments and much more that you should pay attention to when Shopping in Nha Trang:

  • Cobra ointment is a warming agent that helps with bruises, back pain and joint pain. (approx. 20-25,000 VND - 60-75 rub.);
  • Ointment “Tiger” / “White Tiger”- helps with colds. (approx. 20-30,000 VND - 60-90 rub.);
  • Ointment "Star"- helps with headaches and colds. It also saves you from annoying insects. The product is actively sold in Russia. (approx. 8-10,000 VND - 24-30 rub.);
  • Preparations based on Ling zhi mushrooms- It is believed that mushrooms can rejuvenate the body. Improve memory, attention, hearing, vision, smell. (approx. 110,000 VND - 330 rubles);
  • Tinctures with scorpions, snakes, turtles and other living creatures are of a general tonic nature and strengthen potency. Consume no more than 30-50 grams per day. In general, it can be used as a souvenir, as it looks quite specific.
    • Tincture “Cobra and Scorpio”(0.5 liters) - a strong aphrodisiac that strengthens potency. The price of one bottle is about 1000 rubles, and you can export no more than two bottles. (from 600,000 VND - 1200 rub.);
  • Meringa capsules - improve immunity. (approx. 323,000 VND - 975 rub.);
  • Mulberry tincture (500 mg)- a remedy for insomnia (approx. 65,000 VND - 200 rubles).

You can buy it almost everywhere: in pharmacies, shopping centers, small shops.

Tea and coffee

Vietnam today is one of the largest coffee exporters in the world, so there is no doubt about the quality. It is quite logical to bring delicious coffee from Vietnam as a gift to friends or yourself.
In Vietnam you will find 3 main varieties of coffee: Arabica, Robusta and Luwak (obtained through a specific processing method).

The Vietnamese only recognize green tea in all its variations (lotus, jasmine, lemon balm, etc.). As we found out, black tea is considered dirty tea by the Vietnamese, which is why they don’t drink it, but black tea is sold.

Prices for tea and coffee largely depend on what type you buy and where you buy, the approximate price for 100 grams of tea is from 25,000 VND (75 rubles), coffee from 50,000 VND (150 rubles).

Where to buy coffee and tea th in Nha Trang: actually everywhere, as it is a very popular product in Vietnam. They are most often purchased in Nha Trang markets, since prices there are lower than in stores and supermarkets. You can read more about the main markets and supermarkets.


Vietnamese pearls are one of the popular souvenirs brought from Vietnam. In Vietnam, the price of pearls is 30-40% lower than in Russia and Europe. The most popular pearls are freshwater pearls; they are easily recognized by their imperfect shapes and minimal price.

Places, where can you buy pearls in Nha Trang: the most flattering reviews from tourists about the gemological center “Treasures of Angkor” (Opposite the Galina Hotel, at 24B Hung Vuong.) with Russian-speaking specialists, about “Princess Jewelry” (Addresses: 46 Nguyen Thien Thuat; 30B Nguyen Thien Thuat; 86 Tran Phu; 03 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai.)

ATTENTION! Be careful when buying pearls in Nha Trang - they like to sell fakes to tourists. There are various ways to test pearls, for example, rubbing two pearls and if it is fake, the enamel will wear off, leaving marks. If you decide to buy pearl beads separately, then throw them on the floor from a height of a meter and a half, natural pearls will bounce well, but artificial pearls will not be able to do this and will roll. For a full guarantee, large stores provide appropriate quality certificates.

Leather Products

Another worthwhile gift that you can bring from Vietnam for friends and family is leather goods (belts, wallets, shoes, bags, paw keychains and much more). The skins of crocodile, python and ostrich are mainly used.

Many stores can provide a long warranty (1-2 years). So, if you don’t want the item you bought, you can safely send it back by mail and demand a replacement for the defective item.

Price examples: leather wallets from 800-1000.000 VND (2400-3000 rubles), leather belts from 1000-1300.000 VND (3000-3900 rubles)…

Where to buy leather items in Nha Trang: We have selected the 3 most popular stores with positive reviews: Kchatoco (address: 70 Tran Phu, Nha Trang, Vietnam), “Tonphat” (address: 607A Le Hong Phong Street, Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City), Anh Thu ( Address: 96 Tran Phu, Nha Trang).

Useful video “How to distinguish fake crocodile skin”

Paintings (silk, sand, popular print and varnish)

Silk paintings can be called amazing works of art. Each painting may take not one month. Sometimes one painting takes several years.

Cost of silk paintings: from $40 - $20,000 (price mainly depends on the size of the canvas, pattern, and the number of threads used).

Where to buy silk paintings in Nha Trang: very flattering reviews from tourists about the Silk Factory - XQ Hand Embroidery (address: 64 Tran Phu, Nha Trang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam).

Paintings made of colorful sand- another talent of the Vietnamese people. The paintings are created from different shades of sand or from colored sand. The technology of creation is that sand of one color or another is poured into the gap between two small squares of glass.

Cost of a sand painting: from 150-250.000 VND (450–750 rub.)

Where to buy sand paintings in Nha Trang: often sold near various ones, for example, a large selection near.

You can also buy in Nha Trang Popular prints and Lacquer paintings. Lubok paintings are considered national works of art. Such paintings are painted with natural colors and usually depict a simple plot. To create varnish paintings, special paints are used that change their shade under the influence of varnish.

Silk clothes

You have the opportunity to bring silk clothes from Vietnam as a souvenir. The choice of products is huge: you can find traditional clothes of Vietnam (“Ao baba” - traditional Vietnamese pajamas, “Ao dai” - a silk tunic with slits on the sides), or you can find more modern options. Nha Trang has a large number of different sewing studios, so you can place an order for custom tailoring.

Where to buy silk clothes in Nha Trang: Silk Factory - XQ Hand Embroidery (address: 64 Tran Phu, Nha Trang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam), Silk & Silver (address: Tran Quang Khai, building 6),

Markets of Nha Trang

    Night market

Working hours: from 18:00 to 11:00.

As I already wrote in one of the articles, in Vietnam it gets dark quite early, already at six o’clock in the evening the sun hides behind the horizon. Actually, it is for this reason that this market is called a night market.

Here you can find clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry, various accessories and, of course, souvenirs. Prices here are initially high, since it is calculated that buyers will bargain. Personally, we don’t like to haggle, so we simply turned around immediately; the traders reacted to this behavior by reducing the price by 2 times.

As for edible shopping, here you can experience national cuisine. Local cafes offer a wide selection of seafood, snake and frog dishes, as well as many other exotic dishes.

    Cho Dam Market (Chợ Đầm)

It is considered a fairly large city market; it can even be found on excursion routes. Most often it appears on tourist maps as a local attraction.

At the market you can find clothes, shoes, dishes, household items, you can also buy a lot of bright fabrics, the choice here is very large. Among all this splendor, connoisseurs of exotic fruits and seafood will be able to successfully do edible shopping and leave the market with full bags of various goodies.

The prices here are low, but some are also a little high, so decide for yourself how much you are willing to spend.

    Cho Xom Moy (Chợ Xóm Mới)

Opening hours: from early morning to 20:00.

This market is popular primarily with local residents, tourists also come here, but there are much fewer of them here. Prices here are low, some of the lowest in the city, but not for all goods. You can mainly buy seafood, meat, fruits, vegetables, and herbs here. There are practically no shoes or clothes here.

Video about Nha Trang markets

Shopping centers and supermarkets in Nha Trang

    Nha Trang Center

Working hours: from 9:00 to 22:00

Nha Trang Center is the most famous shopping center in the city, it is located on the first line within walking distance from all hotels.

It is a large shopping center where you can buy clothes and shoes of famous brands, cosmetics of European brands, jewelry, various accessories, children's toys, books, furniture, in general, everything your heart desires.

Prices - mostly tall.

On the ground floor you can find ATMs of several banks, and there you will also find a small information corner. On the top floor there is an entertainment area with billiards, bowling, 4D cinema and slot machines, there you can also find a small corner with souvenirs for a reasonable price, we bought a T-shirt and a couple of souvenirs there, we wear them with pleasure, we were especially pleased with the quality.

On the third floor you will find a supermarket AEON Citymart. There is an extensive selection of products, both personal hygiene items and food products; we especially liked the section with fruits and drinks. We were quite regular customers here. The prices for the products are very good. You can also find inexpensive souvenirs here, from key chains and magnets to paintings, dishes and famous Vietnamese hats.

  • MaxiMark

Schedule: from 8:00 to 20:00.

A large supermarket that offers a large selection of food, household goods, and clothing at a relatively low price. There are also a couple of boutiques in the building with children's and adult clothing, bags and various accessories.


Opening hours: from 6:00 to 21:00.

This is a truly impressive hypermarket with a large selection of different goods; here you can shop to your heart’s content. First of all, here you will find clothes both locally produced and foreign, a large assortment of food products, in particular fresh seafood, household chemicals and much more.

The main disadvantage of the store is its distance from the city center; you have to drive a little to get to the store.

  • Big C

Working hours: from 8:00 to 22:00

Big C is a large shopping center with many shops, boutiques, here you can find souvenirs, equipment, clothes, cosmetics - in general, anything. The Big C supermarket has its own small bakery where you can buy a variety of goodies for a reasonable price. We also note that on the territory of the shopping center there is entertainment places, including bowling, which will cost amateurs a small amount, and for hungry customers there is an impressive food court on the territory, but the prices here are slightly higher than in street cafes.

The shopping center was opened in November 2014; the Big C brand itself is quite popular in Asia. More details about the Big C shopping center can be seen in the video below.

Video about Big C shopping center in Nha Trang